The Exeter Advocate, 1919-7-3, Page 5Noticeto Creditors In the matter of the Estate, of Xavier Ziler, late of the Township of Ste- phen, in the County of Huron, far- mer, dedeasecl. Pursuant to Sec. 56 of Chapter 121 of the Revised Statutes of - Ontario, 1914, notice is hereby given that all creditors and 'others having claims or demands against the, estate of the said Xavier Ziler, who died ea or about December 31st, 1918, are required on or before the 15th day of August, 1919, to send by post prepaid or de-- liver e-liver to H. Edger & Son, at Crediton, Ontario, thein Christ- ian names and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars o£ their chains, a statement of thei;rac- counts and the nature of the secur- ities if any, held by them, duly ver- ified by al:fidavit. •And take notice that after sail last mentioned date the said Execu- lora will proceed to distrebute the assets of the deceased among the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and that the said Exiecutors will not be liable for said :assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall trot have been received by them at the ;time of such d:istrib - uti'Ma Daniel Ziler and Cyrus `'iu+•rrnt E. eeutors Dashwood P.O. Dated June 30th, 1919. IS ICE-COLD WATER BAD FOR RHEUMATISM? P nniteNSII SEAMAN'S $XPE1*IENCE This story of Wm. Rogers, a seaman in the Mine Sweeping Branch of the Royal Navy, is absolutely true and can be readily verified. At Niagara Camp, ite1914, Rogers eon- tracted.Rlteumatism., Be was sent to the Toronto General Hospital,where for over 19 months he was a patient, finally being discharged as incurable. In. despair he took a friend's advice and tried Temple- ton's 'Rheumatic Capsules. The results were astounding—in a short time he was able to passthe stiff examination set by the Navy, and became an A.B. in the Mine Sweeping Branch. For 17% months he did service in the North Sea, On three occasions he was blown into the sea and remained in the ice-cold water as long as eleven hours at a stretch. Despite these hardships Rog- ers had no return of his previous trouble. Think about it. If T.R.C.'S did so much for Rogers—will they not :3o the same for you? T.R C:S BF.OWNING'S DRUG STORE Optical Rooms and Stationery Sole Age is for Exeter Hail 81.04 to this address or, to tem- p'seton's, 142 King W., TEoroato, and I'.B.i:'s. win be sent pastpaid, "SMOOTHER THAN VELVET" erHE reason Silverwood's tastes so good . 1 is that it is simply frozen cream, with none of its creamy smoothness or richness lost in the freezing process. It is sweetened with cane sugar and pure, dainty flavorings are added, of course. All your favorites are sold by SILVERWOOD'S LIMITED, LONDON, ONT. For Sale by Wilson & Simms • Making .Saving Attractive ,tis June Cost $4,05 BUT War Savings Stamps can be bought wher-: suer this sign is d:aplayed. Perhaps you have never been strong on saving., You COULD save a little, but If you knew you could get 41/2% on every $4.00 you saved, wouldn't that. tempt you?, - • Well, then—that is what War Savings Stamps will enable you to do. If you find it hard to save .$4.00 at a time because the quarters slip away un- awares, Thrift Stamps will help you. You can buy a Thrift Stamp for 25. cents, and when you have sixteen, you can exchange thein for a War Savings Stamp, for which you will be paid ; back $5,00 in 1924. By doing this you will have become an investor! And you can go on building ''' up that investment every time you save another 4,00. The odd cents pay p y the accrued interest. Invest' that "wasted five per cent." in War Savings Stamps.. You Will never regret it. NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK Important Events Which Have Occurred Dui ing the Week. The Busy World's Happenings Care.. fully ' Compiled and Put Into Handy and Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper A Solid Hour's Eujoyzuent. WEDNESDAY.. A Hamilton foreigner had his pocket picked of $504 while wateh- ing a are. Harry Matthews, a returned sol- dier of Hamilton, reported his wife missing since Saturday. Numerous food shops in the north - em quarter' of Berlin were stormed and pillaged yesterday, Predictions are made in Detroit that coal will soar at eat) per tont during the coming winter. Farmers in Niagara peninsula are crying for help and cannot obtain it, though offering high wages. Col, H. J, Lariibe, D.S,Q., was ap- pointed Dominion Government engi- neer for the Province of Ontario, Brig. -Gen. C. H. Mitchell address- ed the Canadian Club, telling of the a ork of the Intelligence Department. Qntario, Liberals meet in Toronto to -day and, to -morrow to formulate Policies and choose a permanent leader. Dr. Epitaeio P,essoa, President- elect of 13raz11, has intimated that he will visit Canada before returning home. The Ontario Railway ,Board made an order directing the Toronto Rail- way Co. to operate a service, com- mencing today. John White's seat on the Have- lock Council has been declared va- cant owing to his non-attendance for the past four months, Jack Dempsey knocked out '"Big Bill" Tate at Toledo yesterday. The arena there will be increasedin size to seat 75,000 spectators, Three United States tennis players beat three Britishers in the opening games of the world's championship grass court tournament in England yesterday. The Budget Committee of the French Cbannber of Deputies has de- cided to ask Premier Clentenceau for an explanation of the sinking of the German ships. Rev. Canon O'Meara, parish priest of St. Gabriel's Church, Montreal, was found dead in bed from heart failure, said to be caused by shock over his brother's drowning the day before. WEDNESDAY. James Orser, Toronto, died from injuries received when he was run over by an employes' truck. British Columbia farmers are tak- ing steps to organize a Council of Agriculture for the province. Sixty-three Villa rebels were kill- ed and many more wounded in a fight with Federal troops on Saturday. Henry Seidan, a Montreal commer- cial traveller, was arrested at Que- bec on a charge of seditious plotting. Airs. E. G. Sutherland, of Welland, dropped dead at the tea table while Visiting her nephew in St. Catharines. A basis of settlement in the 'To- ronto street car strike was reached late yesterday, following private con- ferences. The Medical Council will deal to- day with charges arising out of the administration of the Ontario Tem- perance Act. Joseph Gintounstos, sevenyears old,- was instantly killed by a train at Montreal, his head being severed front his body. It was announced at the annual meeting of the Houle Bank that the. dividend would be raised from five to six per cent. Herseovitz of the Q.E.F. was beat- en by Norton of th.. A,E.F., in the heavyweight boxing bout at Persh- ing Sradiuin in Paris yesterday. King Victor Emmanuel has re- quested Francesco Nitti, former Min- ister of the Treasury, to form a Cabi- net. Fortner Premier Tittoni will be Foreign Minister. British tennis playe.rs were again badly beaten by the United States representatives at Wimbledon, Eng., yesterday. Andre Gobert, of France, beat Lovibond, of New York, in the feature thatch. Ian Macpherson is hard at work on a scheme for the solution of the Irish question, which he will have ready to submit to the Cabinet when the question of the future 'govern- ment of Ireland arises. THURSDAY. The Board of Governors has given new names to the hospitals in Hamilton. Liberal woolen of Ontario de- nounced the action of the Senate on prohibition. Italy resents the inclusion of Jugo- Slav athletes in the Inter -allied games in France. Ten doctors were found not guilty by the Ontario Medical Council of violating the Ontario Temperance Act. - The colors' of the 98th Toronto Buffs have been re -deposited, with full military honors, in Canterbury Cathedral. In the Inter=allied-ge,mes at Paris Howard, the Winnipeg negro sprint- er, was second in his semi-final heat of the 100 -yard dash. Miss Rttrby Cavell of Owen. Sound, a cousin of the martyred Nurse Edith Cavell, was one of the nurses grad- uated Tuesday night from the Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie. Despatches state that former King Coinstaitine, who is living in Swit- zerland, is in financialdifficulties, and is seeking a reconciliation with the. Greek Government. Although : the late Amelia Barr was the ' author of more than . '15 'novels, she left an estate valued at Only $550. Her, will was filed for probate at Jamaica, N.Y. yesterday, A national Council of jabot-, with mandatory power to take concerted action, is advocated by . the Guelph Trades and Labor Council in,.a sug- gestion -to the Dominion Trades Con- gress. Pte. Arthur Lockhart, of York, Haldimand county, is likely to die as a result of injuries accidentally. received in a frtanaly tussle with; rte. Elijah Danford' 0: lltiocey In the C. G. R. odicers' mess at Carling. Heights, FRIDAY.. Many salaries were raised by the York County Council, Two old men were killed in To- ronto in the strike day traffic. The giant British dirigible, R-34, not quite ready for her trans- atlantic blight, The Undine eight -oared crew 'of Philadelphia will compete at the Canadian Henley. Cecil M. Day, of Bast Missouri,. aged 19, died as the result of a horse's kick a week: ago. Niagara Falls Council took the first steps toward borrowing $100,000 un- der the Ontario Housing Aet. The Swedish Government is insist- ing that the future of the Aland Is- lands shall be settled by a plebiscite,. Mrs, W Loveless, of Aunelias- burgh dropped dead while visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Cal- part, in Belleville. Seven. doctors, two for three months, were suspended by the On- tario Medical Council for breach of the Ontario Temperance Act, The new Finnislt, constitution adopted by the Diet provides that the first President shall be elected by the Diet and shall hav -. a six years" term, The House of Commons, by a, vote of 105 to 34, again expressed itself in favor of national prohibition for a e ear after the r'roelanaation of peace 13 altt'r Magee, tentployed at Talbot - vale. wu.t fatally trampled by a horse t.e was riding, when it was fright - t: us .l by e pas cing motor e r, and threw hint off. whish Government i ment has pro - '1 tE..e tlra Ir i'4 C'onferenee t, . net nets of the Germans in elite se ig. The lams are selling pro- ;.t't'ty t,e:tote:dug to' the state. Tee Ana.:taut e will send an eight - e +i Brew to the People's Victory +tta 1.e. held at Philadelphia Ex n July 1. -Bob" Dibble, the Cana.- dien :and .\.ta ekriean champion, hag uppli,e1 to the t<.A. A.O. for pernni* sion to row at the mine regatta. SATURDAY. Airs: John II. Clarke, mother of Lube Burdan, diad at Canning, N.S. Fare t fares iii 4tlbt=rta are report- ed to b.• the wore,. for year a, 1V. D. Black, 1I.P,1', for Addington, was renominated as Conservative rand idute, Metal trades strikers and mounted Pellet- clashed at the Willys-Overland plant in 'Toronto. Canaria'; soee•.•r team was beaten by IP—laden: by 5 to 1 at the Inter- allied gena' s at Paris. A. portrait if Primeval Scot t was unveiled at the closing exorcises of the Nvr earn Sehool, Toronto. Aeenr,,i t to n iorts from Berlin the Ukrainian forces have again oc- eupit-d tE c is and Itiherson, The weather changed from 90 de- grees in the shade Thursday to snow Hurries yesterday morning in North- ern Ontario: - Former Emperor Charles of Aus- tria is. reported to b' so ill that his friends are fearful as to the result of his malady. Tbe appointment cf 011ie Pocord of Toledo as referee of the Willard- i).'mpsey bout meets with the ap- peeval of both camps. alarshal Foch will not sign the Peace Treaty, but he will attend the ceremony connected with the attach- ing of th'e signatures, Charges for smelting imposed by the Consolidated Mining & Smelting', Co.. were found justified by a com- mittee of investigation. War service gratuities have been extended to all who served overseas and to all who served in Canada for one year or more before Nov. 11 last. The U. S. Senate and House con- ferees on • the Artny Appropriation 13111 have agreed to fix the average size of the le20 a:rniy at 325,000 offi- cers and nen. E. H. Johi sm, aL one-armed man, while paddling in a canoe on Mud. Lake, near Cobalt, with another one- armed man, a returned soldier, was drowned when it upset, MONDAY. Brandon's geueral strike has been called off. Galloper Light •.r -on the Grank Prix de Paris at Longchami5's on Sunday. Sinn Fei_:..i's burned a number of British Bags in Dublin on Saturday night. London btreet Railway Co.'s em- ployes voted 189 to 5 to strike on Wednesday. Loss in wages by the strike in Aus- tralia is estimated at a million pounds .sterling. Safeblowers operated with success at the Avenue ,road_,plant of the Can- ada Bread Company, Toronto. Thanksgiving sermons ..were preached in Toronto churches to mark the signing of the peace treaty. Harold Bounsail, Toronto cyclist, was beaten in the United States na- tional amateur championship at New- ark, N.J. Win. Kendall, jr., of Ayr, received fatal injuries by a fall into a culvert while walking home along. the rail- way track. Vancouver Street Railway em- ployes want to return to work, but the Metal Trades Council decided to remain . on strike. One woman and the driver of a motor' truck were injured in a. col- lision with a radial car on the King- ston road, Toronto, Serious disorders marked anti - Government demonstrations in Rome an•Saturday. The rioters were driven back from the Premier's residence by troops. Street fighting between' Canadian and British soldiers has taken place in , Woking, towns where previous disturbances occurred `having been deelared out of. bounds, Fred Oliver, employed at. the Mat- thews -Blackwell plant in Brantford, was fatally injured by' being struck on the head by an iron bar falling upon him while going up in an elevator. Gold signet rings, with the bat- talion crest' of each man, and the name of an engagement he fought in engraved, on each, was presented to seventeen returned soldiers from Chisholm township. — • • , . CAS For Infants and Chi' -'en. Mothers Know That Genuine` Casty is Always Bears the Signature of eree rmror Ahs xemedyfar Consti;sationami iatrhoea axil feverisittess and ;doss crF SI,EEP t1tin$thereffosu TacS -- u—n7li S re of ' i sttl THS CESTAIM ri For I' Thkty Ye:.. Exact Copy or Wra per, T,NR caNTAti11 COMPANY, NPC'W Yq„' a era Dominant Value The Gray Dort is the dominant value -car for 1919. There are other cars bigger and heavier. There are cars lower in price. You do not need the costly weight and size and yc- L will not sacs lice Gray Dort refinements tc save a few dollars. What you want ant need is the balanced Value of the Gra Dort. Sufficient power and speed from t wonderful motor ; ample room and su- preme i.:- preme comfort in. riding and driving standard equipment ; beauty of line and finish ; a real car, sturdy and long-lasting ; and all this at a low price. The touring car is $1245; the Gray Dort Special—the car with added refinements and extra equipment, is $135 extra; there are also a coupe, and a sedan. All prices f.o.b. Chatham and are subject to change without notice. GRAY DORT MOTORS, Limited Chatham, Oat. Ia the U.S. :— Dort Motor Car Co.. Flint, Alich. RAY Doter BLANSHARD—The Cedars, the. home orMr. and Mrs. Joseph Stone, Blelnshard, was the scene of a quiet. wedding on June 19th, at 4 'o'clock, when their eldest laughter, Ella Maud was united in the holy bonds of mat- rimony to David E. Murray, eldest son of i4Lr. and Mrst. Wm'. G. Murray, ]Brown City, Mich. CLINTON.—A very pretty wedding eotok place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John. Torrance, Albert street, at noon Jume 25, when their daughter, Miss Edythe, became the bridle of. Capt. A. Gladstone. Virtue, M. C., who faeri\led ; from ,ovefrseas on Thursday, and Who ,is still in. uniaf rfin',—Mr. J, B. Mulstard of Bnil iefaiela has bought out the goal bulsiness of Mr. A. Holloway and is arrow in •posse,stsiEon —On Monday last the little soon of Mr. and Mrs W. Ll. Johnston passed a- way at the early age of a year and e half. The little lad contracted the "BO last fall and had never been ite good health isi;nce. THE EXPLANATION Nature placed the growth -pro- moting `vitamins in the oil of the .cod -fish this explains why ff Scolt's minsE,. is so definite in its 'help to a child of any age. Latter-day science reveals that the "vitamins are needful for normal' growth. Scott's Emulsion will ;:lint» any child grow. Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont, 19-2 y. AILSA CRAIG—Carl Robinson, -the, 'tenet of the Standard Bank here, is atecovering from the injunwes received when his car was hit bythle treat. S'I' MARYS.—The three£ -near -old daughter of Richarad Moore' .aused a blaze in the home last week that for a time threatened to destroy it, matches_ being the cease, Considerable dam- age was done by the water in. putjting out the fire. A1LSA 'CRAIG—James McFarlatee of this place was arrested in London last week and charged with being in an intoxicated condition on. the street He pleaded guilty and iaaid $10 and costs, " R D TRUI'It SYS WAY 'T E.M THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTh Between, MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dating car serv,,: e Sleeping cars on night trniats and Parlor cars ° on principal day trains; Full imtf-ormation from any Grand Trunk Ticket A.ge,at, or C. E. Horn- ing District Passenger ,Agent, Tor0706 N. J. DORE Phone 46w, Agent, Exeter