The Exeter Advocate, 1919-2-20, Page 4The Exeter Advocate Sanders & Cretech, Proprietorc Subscription Price—In advanxe $1,5Q -Per year i.n. Canada,; $2.00 in the United States, All subscriptions not pajid in. advance 50c, extra charged. THURSDAY, FEB. 20, 1919 .�.�.., K1PPEN—A little sot of llr. Rich, Taylor` of 1,uckerenent just east of our ye:la le received a bad kick from ireabout a week awe A doctor wae eailed anal it required tett stitches to + .A lata the wound., It 1i 1 e Slatati li'-„ oue the c1,.ld was not killed. _.: it ton Sale OF FORD_ TRUCK. 'BUS, .DRAY !Nat OUTFIT, FARM IMPLEMENTS William Street. Exeter, an sATL'RD AY, MARCH I. 1919 A' 1 o•c res k tezeirp, tee A olio ti it • zei Tru t., =?. etttti,Fned; But; Pi • /Dent rack, Ice Plow and •oatei;• 1 wing plows, sp r::a g tooth c uIt eator sa' o' 'o4 sleigh set of tete ate:lea trit, a_ tc:.h "e)4 tai 1 n Bait, n-h_;,`.a iwago-t fay rack. grays; bow .t-a•;le wagoa w th peratform. pideesa. 2 cant hooks. 2 ties gh vel': ; �..ati i4 et w.a • Yet Y re forks stone hetet„ 2 stet ee bene y til L;1_ harness,. set team ter. tees,. 4 la,gale chants. horse •lip•P tg mai lei Le 4 set of bels, teat/'l en i Ye fl •hew g 2 dozen grail bage, fc: •.1 bie. 4 "-e. i double..re,es. 2 axes, 7 pi:.. e tj"at cease set tools, strc•lt p.. hummers n ai'ers end wre,°aches. ; end ?the eaten enteerelly used 'n a, fent ata- a.:� t I; l irss. Lark: :luau tete "u°n ler. (.teenan baby k„ut'er, 4 che.i":i, Terme Cash. NIRS T G. CREECH, Admin:, tretr t C. W. ROBINSON. Auct. Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEelENTS Lot lei. Con. 9, Stephen, Zee, Mile North-west of Crediton, on TUESDAY, MARCH 4th, 1919 Co-nntencs e at 12 oeeelerek p. n. sharp. the tollowin ,— liaarees-1 horse ria ne 6, weight .t - beet 1506 lbs,; horse rieirre It), Mout letten smut he wvy a fir e aatee geld ,. , tis 10; heavy draft filly, y, r,six* ; 3 ; drevere, colt, rising 3 ; pony, buggy and h:ar^eer t to;e•-5 fresh rows; 2 wows dui Ap-e' 1; eats due March 1; 2 l r :Lifer due 1farch 15; 3 two yea -- old heifere due latter part of Ma: ; 3 tweeyeer old ' teers, about 1000 tli.e ea. h : 2 ite.ifere rasing 2; steer risme 1 0 yet.ru i.gs, 5 calves; our,—tared ..h or,, -ale hull U07012) calved TI, 2 Vllu, The hove cattle are all 1,-.e stock, 2. brood sows with lit t<,• ea foot; 8 stockers,. about 5 dor„ lid cerie. dog, Irk ,r;esncnt,-7•foot Massey -Harris ;teazle measly new; 3 -horse Deering ',.a, i .'or nearly new; Massey -Harris 13 ii d .;1; Deering mower. 5-tt. cut , Oliver corn cultivator, Cockshutt redeete plow, single furrow; 2 walk'n'g plow;. 12 -.cot hav rake, Deering; land ro11e: 4 -section diamond. harrows. 1 Clover Leaf manure spreader, 2 lum- ber wagons, new wagon rack, large ara-,10, box. 2 psir bobseeighs, toga buggy, cutter, road cart, fanning natal with ba„ ger; 2000 lbs. scales, wheel - bar -ow, 32 -ft. extension ladder, 24 -ft. e'tentian ladder, work bench, Chat- ham incubator, and brooder, burl picker, 125 3 -inch tile, 50 foot 1 -inch pion , cross -cut said, hand -ore planter dehorner, large choa box, eapaeity '30 bush,, gasoline tank, grind stone feed. boiler, R. R. mail ares, 2 sets double harness. set driv'!ag harness_ Siegle harness, 150 bush. man - golds, 4 tons timothy hay, quantity wood. forks shovels, whiffletrees, neck yokes, chains hoes :n1 numerous other- articles. Household Furniture—Range c.eok stove nearly new; base burner, near- ly new ; wood or coal heater, woad heater, sideboard, glass cupboard, boo'.: case sick with flour bin, 2 bed- stea is, good leather couch, washing machine. parlor lama. Nc, reserve as the proornetar Las sold his farm, Term.—A11 sums of $10, and un,dar cash over that amount 9 months' cre'ai: on furnishing approved J:o nt note; , 4 per cent. off for cash r n credit amouaitai Hay, wood and ,root; cash. Fearez Taylor ALF. MELICK, E. Rossenberry, Proprietor Auctiosn,eere Aimee. Hodgins, Clerk, Auction .Sale INEWS TOPICS OF WEEK OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS• On Lot 21, Con. 16 STEPHEN, oe WEDNESDAY, MAR. 1$, 1919 • At I o'clock sharp, the following Stock -Heavy mare rising 8 yrs.; heavy horse rising 4; 5 cows supposed to. be in calf; e spring calves; 5 stocker pigs, 75 hens, 3 ducks. Implements -,-Binder, mower, hay loader seed dry, hay rake, cultivator, 'a-nd roller, disc, 2 riding plows, walk- lag. valk- la plow, set harrows, cutting box, t'anningmiil• and bagger, bobsleighs, grited'stone grinder and hopoer, scuf- iler, horse -power, jack, wood raci, hie rack, wheelbarrow, road • cart stuns boaa lumber wagon, buggy, bean n thrasier, gasoline.engine-se and saw, water tzough, cutter, set :scales, ropes so,v chaias, De Laval separator, but- ter tray, Daisy churn, meat barrel, tub ttbe-, bench, crocks, lantern, egg :rate, grain bags, pails, 10 rods fenee se:• double harness, set single harries, gravel box, ladders, sugar kettle, lost hale digger, hay •knife, forks, shovels hoes, wheffletrees and other articles toe nutnet-Sus to mention. Coal heat - e - with 01,7,:,,n, kitchen stove, cool or 'gated • bedstead, folding iron board, b ax - stove 200 bushels oats,. 25 bush- ees barley. Terzms-9 months ate approved joint cert oft for cash. Sim ',en Matlock., •Proprietor credit on furnish- agates. with 4 per Frank re lot, Auctioneer Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS HAY, GRAIN AND ROOTS an Lot 25. Coif. 1 L,R.S., Tuckersnti 1 1-4 metes south of Brucefieid 1"hureday, February 27th, 1919 ,at le::'. Abetter sharp, the following,-- Hor.es—Agric, team, 3 and 4 year, old ; a ric team 5 and 6 years old; t • i e gelding rising 3 years old. Pure Bred Cattle—.Sh ertiiorn met bull Village Favorite 97193 by Blaze nee' lar- ney Stone; Pana Grove Dain :7118, oy silo 's Peer, due at time of sale; roan ,,ow 5 -yr. old, Bonnie, Bees354- ool, by MacGregoz 71362; Pine Grove Daisy 2nd by Village Favorite. Grad, Cattle—Cow with calf at foot Cn; dues in Apra, 8 cows due later, lat r steers fat, ready to shit; 2lienf- e. a fat, ready to ship; 2 steers 2 -year tad; 3 heifers 2 year old, 3 heifers, 1- e e t. old; 3 steers 1 year old, 5 calves Hogs—Yorkshire boar, \Voodstock 4 4ptai;t 9th, No. 46011; imoroved York saw due is April; 5 store hogs. Fowl—Z geese and 2 ganders, a nuns- leer of hens and pullets. - .nipletnents—Bain wagon, truck wa- g a, tight wagon, top buggy, bob- , eighs. cutter, buggy and cutter pol- e, and whi.€tletrees, Massiey-Harris 7 foot binder, with sheaf carrier and truck; Massey -Harris mower, steel r4ke, 2 Cockshutt riding plows, single plow, 13 -hoe drill, 4 sec. harrows; 3 - horse cultivatir, land roller, scuffles, cutting box, 2 root pulpers, fanning mill, iced cart, platform scales, hay rack, stock rack, gravel box, set brass team mounted harness, set plow lzar- aess, set single harness, oak tan hand - stitched, and rubber mounted, single harness been used, set light team har- ness, stoneboat, wheelbarrow, ladders, horse blankets, whiffletrees, neckyokes fork.,, shovels, grain bags, saws, ropes an 1 slings, and other articles too num- erous to menitiont Also 1'% h, p, GA- , ea .- e:t eagine, newt; 20 ,ft. 1 inch shaft. - Ina cream separator, speed jack and belt, quantity hay 400 bus. mixed grain for seed, 50 bus. white oats for seed and a quantity spray.; wheat, a quan- tity clover and timotheaseed, sap taxis and sugar kettles, grindstone, num 'zee ceder posts, 2 14 -foot gates, some ,co-ru ated steel roofing and wit. e. The above implements are all nearly new and in first-class conditiont Positively no reserve as the prop- rietor has sold his falai. Teems—All sums 01 $10 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit on, furnishing approved joint notes. A discotit of 5 per cent. off for cash on credit amounts. G. A. GLENN, T. CAMERON, • Proprietor Auctioneer D F. McGregor, ,_Clerk, auction Sale OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS Os. Lor 7, Con. 3, McGiel vray, THURSDAY, FEB. 27, 1919 At 1 o'clock sharp, the fallowin Iiar.ees-1 gelding rising 6 yrs.; 2 ue]ciieg.. rising 3 years; 1 eeidn; risen.* 2 years; 1 filly, rising 1 year. Catt;e-1 new milsh cow, 2 eosv-s -due i,: Manch, 2 cows due in April, 'i, cow due in May, 2 farrow cows; 1 heifer rising 2 years; 11 steers. rising 2 years 4 heifer calves, 4 S teer calves. Hogs -1 sow, with litter 2 weeks'. old ; 1 sow with ten pigs 8 weeks' • old; 1 sow with pig, 2 pigs three months old. Imple.nents, Grain, Etc.— Massey Hari; hlatee. 6 -ft. cut. new Masecy 'Harries cultivator; McCormick mowe,-, new National twrn plow, hay rack , gravel box, set sleighs, set sling ropes ,and chaii, hay rape, 9 tons of mixed hay, 75 bushels barley-, 150 buah oats and barley mixed, a quantity seed oats 0. A. , 72• ,a quan:i.y of .feed oats. a quail t:y of cut straw, water tack,14 barre. coot . i:y ; Chatham incybatar<., nes; ^oe. stove, coal or wood; Oak. 'heifer, iron bed and spr'n , 5 chez cb .ira, dresser, centre tsbie,. 2:roc-:ii; chairs, and;ett'e-- a.rticles etoo ,name-,' is to meneion. Te m'; -G; . ,-a Ca :h ; 7 months' cre- dit L. approved eoeet netee ter 5 per er'arlmam off for cash.: p' it.siel , ,no reserve as the p opri• -'- ,-tong est. W: t M1LL.R ` FRANK TAYLOR Pron. Auct. 'CLEdRING Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK IM.PLEIMIENTS, HAY AND ROOTS Thos. Cameron bas received instruc- tions from. the undersigned to sell by tpub;io auction on Lot 13, S,T,R , tlsborne, on TUL+SDAY, FEBRCAR Y 25eh, at 12.30 sharp the. following., fnrtportant Events Which Have .(occurred Dui ing the Week, The Busy World's, Happenings Care- fully Compilted and Put Into Handy and Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our L'aper_ A Solid Hour's Enjoyment, TUESDAY. Estimates of unemployment in To- ronto run from 10,000 to 20,000. The Polish Commission has left Paris for Warsaw to begin its labors, The steamer Tunisian arrived at. St. John with $13 passengers, inelud- ing 269 soldiers. ,Tack Dempsey reached New York ' yesterday and signed the articles for ' the bout with Jess Willard. The general strike in Seattle, which lasted for five days, was ofil- ciaily declared off yesterday. Woman suffrage by Federal 'con- stitutional amendment was beaten again yesterday in the U. S. Senate. The Princess Juliana, with 1,120 soldiers on board, and the Metagama, with 458, are on their way to Canada. The war has made India more loyal than ever, Dr. Farquhar told his audience in Convocation Hall, Toronto, The 2'iplssing Mining Company shipped bullion during the month 01 January at an estimated value of 3'207,269, Col, Grassett and Col. Denison tes- tib '11 before the royal commission in- quiring into the • Toronto police g.•it'F ances. Janques, arrested on complaint of his wife, was found in the morn- * 1 `. :teeing hanged himself with a nez a,kcrehief. Penner Chief of Police Eiehhorn of Iteelin is a eportcd to be in cont- e:en>I of the Spartac ans now disturb - late 11.e German capital. Five Port Hope boys charged with t' t"glary and theft of liquor in Co- boarg were let go on suspended sen - tenet, but are forbidden from fre- quenting pool rooms ter a year. Earl Thomson, formerly of the Royal Air Force, Toronto, will meet Bob Simpson, world's champion hur- dler, in a set of games at Ne wY orlc, He will also enter the Pennsylvania Pentathlon. WEDNESDAY, Final Victory Loan figures place Toronto first in the Dominion, The Allies nave ordered the Poles and Germans to cease hostilities, The Dome Lake Mining Co. re- ports an output in 1918 of a value of $1155,000. Lt. -Col. Belcher, C.M,G„ D.S.M., former O. C., 138 Battalion, dropped dead at Calgary. The steamship Royal George is bound for Halifax with 1,316 Cana- dian soldiers aboard. All the strikers on the Clyde have been instructed by their leaders to return to work to -day. An order -in -Council has been pass- ed forbidding the sale or gift of li- quor to any soldier in uniform. The trial of the Turkish officials responsible for the Armenian mas- sacres has begun at Constantinople. A scheme to develop Ungava water powers and cable power across the ocean to England is mooted. in Quebec. More than 50 rinks are engaged in the annual bonspiel of the Peterboro Curling Club. Four trophies are. offered. A portrait of Mr. Justice J..1. Mac- laren was unveiled at the banquet of International Sunday School workers in Toronto. Ex-Ald. Archibald admitted to the Toronto Police Commissioners that he had got six bottles o1 whisky from No. 8 station. President Wilson plans to return from the United States to Paris by March, which involves a short stay at Washington. Mrs. Kitchen of St. Joseph's Island poisoned her three children, and after two frustrated attempts to drown herself ended her life by poison also. The Canadian Steamships' an- nouncement of a dividend disburse- ment of four per cent. results in the resignation of the president and one of the directors. Reeve Joseph Weber of Neustadt was committed at Owen Sound for trial at the Spring Assizes on four charges under an order -in -Council and the Military Service Act. THURSDAY. Of 14,789 Indians in Manitoba about 750 have died of "flu." Manitoba closed its year with a HORSES -1 brcod maim 7 years old substantial balance on. the right side. gric. ; 1 brood mare 6 years old, The Italian Parliament is speedily sa,gric_, witch pedigree; 1 patr geldings draught; 1 horst colt eligible for reg- i'sration, draught; 1 filly colt,. draught, C3TrLE-1 'pure-bred Hereford Bull years old; 1 pure -tared DurJiam B ill ri Sing 2 year.; old, 2 cows with calves at foot; 6 cows supposed to be with ,calf to 'Hereford: bull, 2 farrow cows; '4 steers rising three years old nearly fat; 12 steers •and -heifers ris- ing two years, 10 steers and heifers ri ing one year old ; 3 catvee. 11OGS-2 pure-bred hcrk eo*;s die in March; 18 store hogs. IMPLEMItNTS-1 Bean wagon, com- - plete ; 1 truck wagon ; 1 ton hu. ---e i 1 •cutter, pr. bobsleighs; bobsleigh and box, binder, mower, steel rake, tedder '4mgla rid,Ly ,plow 2 -furrow Mapte Leaf ,plow; 2 walking plowe, 1 set, Ietc len .harrows, disc, 3 -horse euttt- tetot, 13 .hos drill, manure spreader,' hay and sice& rack, corn cc1ti s rir l ..i ih bean attachment; gravel box, ,tone boat, root pulper; 1 set nickle mounted br *aching harness; 1 Connor 4 hcrs-a engi.ie • 8 in. grinder; 1 role' 'r, : sh r fan"i,y mill, scales 1 coal or wood rangy. forks, shovels, hoes.' ind other articles too numerous• to men tion. l -art is ,"tty of bey and roots. The above- + implements are ail in first-class Condit on and nearly new,' Pceitively no reserve as . tele pro- prietor hoe ;rented his farm. r' E1MS Ob' SA.LE A'll `gums'"of $10 ;and under cash; over that amount 10 month.' e-rrli n i. 1 'bi given on furo.dieing e,pproved Kat : Sottas, or • a. •discount of four per 'Caflt.off:for"-ossh'on "c -edit (Amounts: nts. • THOS CAMERON, A.uct. <liE, f.a9NTB I' a, ,.Prop, to be dissolved and a general election held. King Alfonso of Spain has definite- ly decided to visit South America, it is announced. Jack Caffrey, the famous Hamilton Marathoner, succumbed to the after- effects of influenza yesterday. The Commonwealth of Australia is to be presented by Britain with six destroyers and six modern type sub- marines. The Ontario Government have an- nounced that they will sgend twenty- five millions of dollars this year in reconstruction, •` Ralph de Palma broke the world's mile record in an ,automobile at Day- tona, 'Fla., traveling the distance in 24.02 seconds. John Jackson, aged 18, was in- stantly killed while working at the Lake Superior Paper Co.'s mill at Sault Ste. Marie. Dr. Forbes Godfrey's amendment to the Marriage Act was rejected by the committee of the Legislature call- ed to decide upon it. The Bolshe-„vik forces have renewed the offensive .in the region of Sred- makrenga, Archangel area. They suf- fered•a reverse on Monday. ,, A North American system of relig- ious elig ious education parallel ng -the public school system was adopted. by the International Sunday •School Associa- tion. • Reeve Joseph Weber of Neustadt was found guilty of seditious utter- ances and remanded' by Magistrate Crease:,; 'at Owen. Sotin ,Trot""' ' glit' days. Local Boards of Tribunals are tb be formed to decide what enemy aliens are undesirable or dangerous, with a view to their internment and ultimate deportation. Curlers at Stratford, Peterboro' and Brampton curled all Tuesday night and Wednesday morning until daylight, A Stratford rink wQn the ,nal of the Western'Ontario Tankard from Galt. FRIDAY.. The Military District Camp is to be moved to Exhibition Camp. V. R, Savie, a noted Serbian, ad- dressed the Toronto Empire Club, Work is commepced on tate provin- cial highway between Ingersoll and Woodtsock, Canadian bank clearances, with the exception of five western cities, show substantial gains. Bishop Fallon, in an address in Massey Hall, cennured those opposed to separate schools. A enovein ;tt is on foot to exclude the Central Powers from the Inter- national Red Cross. New meeical and engineering ben linos at the T riv:etty of To- ro-to oro to ere to be st t her' soon. 1 <ic;eg tion from the Aland Is- le t'e to Paris leas ta quested that the isle . 's be annexed to Sweden. Te a Builders' and Supply A$SOcia- lion fevers restoration 6af the appren- tice e, stem with One s -:f: -guards, A British Nervi: e uiaehine oil Wed- su s'l zy made a t, a lit from Paris to Loa 'on, in one hour • and 50 minutes. etvege Livingstone at Welland told the assessors of the county that dis. honesty is at the bottom of assess- mn,•ail troubles, Win l: or G.W.'4,A. announced that it would take no Part in strike -break- ing, when English-speaking employes are concerned. Th, eresh;fent of the Border Cities Real }state Board urges immediate aequieitlon of a suitable landing place for commercial airplanes, m l•Iac kr'tt, of Thorold, made a plc ky caplets, of an Italian who was. molesting women, careering hint in a pig pen in a barn and marching him with Isis hands up to the police, Three defaulters sent by a King- : ttin magi.=tratee to ill: penitentiary for one year each must spent their terra in the Central Prison, as one- year -term rs are not admitted to the penitentiary. 4A'1'L'RPAY, The next Imperial Press Confer- ence will be held in. Canada earn; in the autumn of 1920. The 19:3 Vietor: Bonds prssed the 102 mark in l s ererday's trading, on the :tock Exchange. Senator Robertson told labor men that the unemployment situation would be over in sixty days. Sir William Meredith at the police inquiry suggested a conference m the natter of trades union affiliation. The Dominion Government pr.:- poses r:- poses a vigorous policy of railway construction in the prairie provinces. Action is begun to recover money spent by Burford Township Council on a deputation of farmers to Ottawa to protest against conscription. President Ebert of Germany an- nounces that the Government is ar- ranging the details for complete dis- armament and demobilization. Chief Slemin of Brantford reports that the foreigners in that city, num- bering a tenth of the population, are responsible for a fourth of the crime. The British and Canadian Red Cross at Vladivostok have been amal- gamated and placed in charge of the Canadian commissioner, Col. J. S. Dennis, Lieut. Beverley Robinson, R.A.F., addressed a large audience in Deer .I Park Presbyterian Church, Toronto, on his experiences as a prisoner in Germany. Montreal Anglican Synod adopted a resolution sympathising with the Jews in Poland and protesting against the Polish Government's treatment of them. Premier Sir Lomer Gouin and his colleagues in the Quebec Government have been deluged this week with telegrams asking for beers and wines to be permitted. A young bank teller in Ottawa is missing, leaving his accounts $3,000 short, and the proprietor of a local club where he was said to have gam- bled and lost heavily was fined $5.00 after a raid. MONDAY. Sir Wilfrid Laurier was seized with a stroke of paralysis this morning. Hospital cases from the steamship Araguaya arrived in the city. The Supreme War Council has be- gun the examination of the Russian question. Police Magistrate G. E. Jackson of Egmondsville, postmaster there for 57 years, is dead. Plainclothesmen were met by a shower of alcohol in raiding a place inhabited by foreigners in Toronto. Gen. Mannerheim, the Finnish, Regent, has been taken i11 and has cancelled his visit to Copenhagen. The review of the New York mar- ket for the past week reveals a stronger tone in spite of conditions. C. A. Goodfellow, who had been prominent in numerous public activ- ities in Whitby for several years, is dead., One hundred thousand Canadian womenarerepresented in the Feder- ation of Women's Societies formed at Winnipeg. The Dardanelles were thrown open to American trade interests for the first time since the world war on Saturday. ' Jack Johnson, former heavyweight champion, is "broke" in' Spain, and boxing limited rolr,d bouts wit1.till- will - An Austrian Pole's body was found in an alleywaeTin Hamilton, and a compatrifet, and -his wife are held by the police . in connebtion with the murder: , . °., `r«u The `Royal Canadian-'Yacfit , h'ub will have" five Class P. yachts sailed f; by' i turned soldiers this season, and will rebuild their Centre lsiated}club- house -in Toronto in 1920.. Sir Arthur Pearson, blind publish 'r and philanthropist, who has been ,n a speaking tour of the United :itates and -Canada for several weeks behalf :o1 the blind, 'sailed for Liv- rl Saturday on' the stearar T1aitia .- EXETER BRANCH: CREDITON BRA: CH w -. DASHWOOD BRANCH ▪ • A. E. KUHN, Manager J. A. McDONALP, Manager F. S, KENT, Manager INCORPORATED 1855. THE MOLSONS BANK Capital & Reserve $8,800,000 S7 Branchees in Canada Ili General BankingRedness Trar saehhd Circular Letters of Credit Bank Money Orders SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Mowat allowed at Welton curtain raft IXETia, IIANCH— W 1]i. CLARKS,* Iira+i,vee 121 Full weight of tea in every package EDIIOSE TEA's good tea Sold only in sealed packages NATIONAL WAR SAVINGS COMMITTEE . OTTAWA SIR HERBERT B. AMES, Chairssm CAMPBELL SWEENEY, Vancouver SIR G5ORGE BUN, Ottawa JOHN BLUE, >rdmoaten s. W. M. BIRKS, Montreal H. A. ALLISON, Calgary RENE T. LECLERC, Montreal HON. GEO: A. BELL. Regina SIR J. DOUGLAS HAZEN St. John JOHN GALT. Winnipeg W. A. BLACK. Halibut GEO. M. REID. London HON. MURDOCKMcKINNON,Charlottetown For Information) REGARDING War - Savings Stamps ADDRESS NEAREST OFFICE BRITISH COLUMBIA . . . Rom 615 MetropolitaatEailiiag, Vancouver ALBERTA 218a lith Avenue Weat, Calgary; 742 Tegler ),tilling, Edmonton SrASIATCHEWAN MANITOBA 501 Electric Railway Chambers, Winnipeg THUNDER BAT Room 410 Grain Exchange, Fort Willia., Ont. WESTERN ONTARIO 361 Richmond Street, Leaden, Oat. CENTRAL ONTARIO w EASTERN ONTARIO QUEBEC NEW BRUNSWICK NOVA SCOTIA .. . Metropole Building, Hollis Street, Halifax PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. . . . . . Provincial Building, Charl.ttetowa O.n.lyl S Litten addressed to "Secretary, War -Savings Committee OP and marked on envelope -"O. H. M. S," require no postage. It of U3 McCallum -KM Building, Regina 34 Toronto Street, Toronto Victoria Mtne,e, Ottawa 160 St. Janes Street, Montreal 89 Prince William Street, St. John 37 MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. B. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice Strictly confidential; no witness CENTRAL 222 %=eC�E'J knRATFop..D.' ONT.. Is recognized as one Of the most re - Liable Commercial'' SSchoals in Can- ada. The instructors 'are experienc- ed and the Courses are up-to-date, Graduate; are' placed in nosition.;and they : meet with success. Student may enter, Atany 'time.. Write a tone for free catalogue: D. A. McLachlan, Pru:. THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE Between . MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO C GO Umex ce cid dining � � g car serv;~.e. Sleeping cars oa► night trauma and Parlor cabs eiz prine as day trains. Full- information from any Grand Trhtk,*Ticket.Ageri. ,t, , or C,i EF Horn- ing District Passeaker A$kzesit, T,o•onto 1v. J. DORE Phone 46w ,, Agent, Exeter Banking YOUR banking requirements may -` be entrusted to this Bank with every confidence that careful and efficient service will be rendered. Our facilities are entirely at your disposal. THE CANADIAN DIAN BANK. OF COMMERCE, IA EXETER BRANCH: CREDITON BRA: CH w -. DASHWOOD BRANCH ▪ • A. E. KUHN, Manager J. A. McDONALP, Manager F. S, KENT, Manager INCORPORATED 1855. THE MOLSONS BANK Capital & Reserve $8,800,000 S7 Branchees in Canada Ili General BankingRedness Trar saehhd Circular Letters of Credit Bank Money Orders SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Mowat allowed at Welton curtain raft IXETia, IIANCH— W 1]i. CLARKS,* Iira+i,vee 121 Full weight of tea in every package EDIIOSE TEA's good tea Sold only in sealed packages NATIONAL WAR SAVINGS COMMITTEE . OTTAWA SIR HERBERT B. AMES, Chairssm CAMPBELL SWEENEY, Vancouver SIR G5ORGE BUN, Ottawa JOHN BLUE, >rdmoaten s. W. M. BIRKS, Montreal H. A. ALLISON, Calgary RENE T. LECLERC, Montreal HON. GEO: A. BELL. Regina SIR J. DOUGLAS HAZEN St. John JOHN GALT. Winnipeg W. A. BLACK. Halibut GEO. M. REID. London HON. MURDOCKMcKINNON,Charlottetown For Information) REGARDING War - Savings Stamps ADDRESS NEAREST OFFICE BRITISH COLUMBIA . . . Rom 615 MetropolitaatEailiiag, Vancouver ALBERTA 218a lith Avenue Weat, Calgary; 742 Tegler ),tilling, Edmonton SrASIATCHEWAN MANITOBA 501 Electric Railway Chambers, Winnipeg THUNDER BAT Room 410 Grain Exchange, Fort Willia., Ont. WESTERN ONTARIO 361 Richmond Street, Leaden, Oat. CENTRAL ONTARIO w EASTERN ONTARIO QUEBEC NEW BRUNSWICK NOVA SCOTIA .. . Metropole Building, Hollis Street, Halifax PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. . . . . . Provincial Building, Charl.ttetowa O.n.lyl S Litten addressed to "Secretary, War -Savings Committee OP and marked on envelope -"O. H. M. S," require no postage. It of U3 McCallum -KM Building, Regina 34 Toronto Street, Toronto Victoria Mtne,e, Ottawa 160 St. Janes Street, Montreal 89 Prince William Street, St. John 37 MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. B. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice Strictly confidential; no witness CENTRAL 222 %=eC�E'J knRATFop..D.' ONT.. Is recognized as one Of the most re - Liable Commercial'' SSchoals in Can- ada. The instructors 'are experienc- ed and the Courses are up-to-date, Graduate; are' placed in nosition.;and they : meet with success. Student may enter, Atany 'time.. Write a tone for free catalogue: D. A. McLachlan, Pru:. THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE Between . MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO C GO Umex ce cid dining � � g car serv;~.e. Sleeping cars oa► night trauma and Parlor cabs eiz prine as day trains. Full- information from any Grand Trhtk,*Ticket.Ageri. ,t, , or C,i EF Horn- ing District Passeaker A$kzesit, T,o•onto 1v. J. DORE Phone 46w ,, Agent, Exeter