The Exeter Advocate, 1919-1-30, Page 4The Exeter Advocate Ser & Creech, Proprietors Subscription Price -In advaivc'e $1,50 per year in Canada; $2,00 in •the United Stades, All subscriptions not in advance 50e. extra charged. THLURSDAY, JAN. .50, 1919 Centralia Cita! 1, e sting.- meeting of the Centra is Farmers' Club w31 ee; held, at Moffatt's Hotel on Friday eve irti4 asset fo:• general business. Everybody ter:ewe please ata M -td. - VF . J. lteu,zi..o i, Pre3. A Farmers' Club was organized here o t Friday eve-n;zag last, with the fo1- low'ne o:q'e'ere,-Pres . \V. J. R,o'vi~z- soa; \,--e Pres„ Murray Ellott;See.- Tse : I.toyd Hodgson; Directors, C'ta t. !elec. Herman; Mitchell, Andrew iii ,=, Andrew• Isaac, Jas. Glavian, Geo, ]-It-.,-s i large attenda.-ice wee lyres - e t.t: the mese::hag, and (et;te a large* nuni'.er became members. Rev= W. D Senders addressed the ineetieg re- gerdiee the a.;R.s and obje, is •••t the farmer. Flubs \\':^face Eenea of Lon h n has �. y 1 l sae .6 :t3 home the past taw days !.<da iii= to %nee an her father who has bee t su teniae from an :,flack of iii - flue et but s somewhat .mproved Mr. John Knee 45 at present ill; in Sttttf<nd with reur.:is. he :twid Mrs.. Kent h nsi sesta there on a v.sit. 1 e MiaSitYa Circle will scold a quilt - in; el the church on \Vediiesday ac- tOrtl-)G'.`, and will entertain ta.'r, the mean- b4e-:, of the Seeear and jttnaar Organ- ized Classes to tea and asocial even- ing afterwards. Mrs Thos. Boyer visited with her mother in London over Sunday.; The Advocate is in receipt . t a communisation unsigned. and post- Merlted at Centralie4 We must have the alartetur,: of the writer before a eotemeni• at on, is published. Brucefield Fete. Camerae: ties::;ing et the here o: Mr. and ;firs., Ch; s. Wasman Kittle Stewart Horton who Isis been land up for some time with tan attac% o; 1➢neuma^,it, is int;,rov'n.,.and w 11 soot, be well •a;,airs;-Mr.• Henry Monteith eisl, of Povass: •s visited. in this of ,nut:• during the past week. He is a brothe of ),Ir. Alex. 'Monteith -Mr. la Fotl.eringhatn returned • from For- est with s•x horses this week. - Mr. Fred Burdge deposed of his zit.: gree tetra to a Torente buyer" -Mrs. Desiiaon. of Hease . _, sisitine dauelner -Ndrs. G. A. G1er.;i. We era p Lam; sal t3 s": Mrs, t,.'.;,ksoa :trotted of:e- aa, 72 sen, .°.L'kess. CASTO R 1 A For T. -if -nets and Children In Use For Over 30Years Always bears the ,Signature of Hensall Mrs. Peck .has returned from her visit in her home in St. John, N. a, accanip:,nied by one of her sisters. - Mr. aid Mrs, D. A. Cantelcn ware in Clinton visit:ma ;Mr. Cantelons aged father, who had the misfortune late- ly to fall and break his hp. -Mr. Jas.. Carla., who has been qu'te seriously is reeov cri'ig nicely. -Mrs. F. Car- lin announces the engagement of her eldest daughter, Mary Cathertr>,e, (Marie), to Dr. H. C. Sway _zIagder, Oyrn, Alta„ the marriage to take place early in February,- Our 1' h.i: schools re -opened last week, ..fter t e ins closed oniaccount of the "`flu""- Mrs. Henry Cook alas in Guelph vis- iting her daughter, Mn. H. Jornes— Sergt Thos, Sherrie returned home from overseas, he having early in the war enlisted with the 161st Huron Battalion and received'. serious wounds -Miss Essler of Minneapolis, Mims., visited with her relatives, Rev. Mr. McConnell aasd fansvly,-A number of the friend; of Mrs. A. McPherson and 'daughter, wiles* Ella., met at the home of Mrs Harry Arnold and presented each with a lite' pure of money, the same 'tieing contributed by the Sunday School and Mission Band, as a token of their aprecnation sof the services of Miss Ella, who bad been a teacher and 'leader :;n each, and from the busi- ezess men. as a tangible expression of their esteem, as the widow and daurh-, ter of the late Mr. A.lexawsder Mc- Pherson, who had carried on business here for a long term of years. MODERN STRATEGY All life -time is a school of strategy—a game of war upon germs and tendencies which, unless thwarted, weaken the system and invite disease. Modern health -strategy dictates the use of SCOTT'S EMLJLSIOI as a reliable means of th wart i� the enemies of strenth Scott's is Nature's ally and its rich tonic and strength :supporting properties are known, with satisfaction,to millions. Buildup your srength with the rrdurishingqualities of Scott's.Enzulsion. cot & Bowie TOMS.. Ont., NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK. fttlportah;t Events Which Hay, Occurred Dut ing the Week. The Busy World's Happenings Care- fully Compiled and. Put Into Randy and Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper— A. Solid Hour's Enjoyment. TUESDAY. Eldon Westman has been appoint- ed deputy postmaster of Toronto. Gustave Ador, President of Swit- zerland, will arrive in Paris to -day. A recount has been ordered of the Woodstock mayoralty election bal- lots, White Russia has proclaimed its anion with the Russian Soviet Re- public,. A big seizure of liquor was made from a car on the Dufferin siding of the C.P.R. in Toronto. Several Hamilton churches Increas- ed their pastors' stipends and voted them bonuses in addition. Victory bonds sold in 1913 are now listed on the Toronto and Montreal Stock Exchanges din far open trading. The anti -loafing regulations of April last have been rescinded, aw- ing to altered industrial conditions. A movement is en foot among French Deputies to make Versailles the permanent seat of the League of Nations, Xing George a. K g eo ge yesterd y decorated Private Thomas Ricketts, Aret New- foundiand Regiment, with the Vic- toria Cross, Ex -President W, H. Taft declared in Toronto that if he were 'Britain he would not reduce the navy by one torpedo boat, The nuns of the Catholic Lyceum in Lindenstrasse, Berlin, marched to the polling bootie on Sunday in a group and voted, The Austrian Government has in- formed former Emperor Kari that unless Monarchist movements cease he must leave Vienna. Several group games in the On- tario Tankard were postponed yes- terday es-terday in various parts of the pro- vince because of lack of ice. Rev. John R. Cummings, pastor of the Walkerton Roman Catholic Church, died at Hamilton as a result of injuries received in a train wreck near Harrisburg ten days ago. W .EDNFSDAY. The German National Assembly is to meet at Weimar. The ex -Kaiser's birthday is to be celebrated at Amerongen Castle. Counter-revolutionary demonstra- tions are reported from Budapest. Burlington's new nominations for the eoraneil v'9l1 be lseld Monday. The rivet day of the Salvation Army drive in Toronto yielded over $33.000. The War Badger was launched at Welland by the British American Shipbuilding Co. There is now an ample supply of sugar available in. Canada and a con- siderable quantity for export. The Swedish military mission sent to Esthonia advises that troops be sent there against the Bolsheviki. Hon. George Graham says that. Sir Wilfrid Laurier is anxious to have a reunion of all Liberals in Canada. The University of Toronto Senate has cancelled military drill fur the students for the remainder of this session, Louis and Sainte Agnolezzi of Ap- pleby were fined in all some $800 for distilling liquor and their outfit was confiscated. The Lion Brewing Co. of Kitch- ener was fined $200 and costs at Guelph for selling beer over 24 ner cent. alcohol. Kitchener is to adopt the two - platoon system in its fire department on March 1. St. Thomas firemen are asking for it. Ottawa merchants registered a pro- test against the proposed absorption. of the Bank' of Ottawa by the Bank of Nova Scotia. The Central Ontario Liberal As- sociation was formed at a meeting in St. George's Hall, Toronto, with Mr. W. E. N. Sinclair of Oshawa as presi- dent. Leslie, son of Thomas West, whose barn on the Carmack farm, near Woodstock, was burned, was arrest- ed rrest ed and, it is alleged, confessed to setting fire to it, but could give no reason. THURSDAY. Hon. Dr. Cody addressed the To- ronto teachers. The Legislature has been called to meet February, 23: -The women of France are deman ing representation on the League At Nations. Lawn bowlers of the Tillsonburg club engaged in a game at that town on Monday. Miss Emily Withers was killed by a street car when she tried to cross in, front of it, in Hamilton. `: s. C. Fidler of London while stooping to stroke a pet dog had the lobe of her ear bitten off by it. Sunday, Feb.' 16, has been fixed by the Government as a day of national intercession for the Peace Confer- ence. The Empress of Britain docked at Halifax and seven trains carried its soldier passengers to their home dis- triets. A strike by the electrical workers in Berlin, Germany, has left the city in darkness -during the ' past two nights. The Berlin police have surrounded the hiding place of former Chief of Police Eichhorn and expect to cap- ture him. The body of an American military policeman rash has been found in Paris suburbs with wounds indicating that he had been murdered. Dight Sydney, N.S., housemaids have formed a maim, aiming to have their' wages g increased from $12 to a minimum of $20.a -month, Frank McCullough was found 'guilty of the 'Murder of Acting<De- tective Wiiliat? yin Toronto, and sen- tenced to be lutn'ged; on May 2. Ottawa business men propose to buy, up the sk; ocof the Bank of Ottawa to` prefent its being amalga- mated with the Bank,of Nova Scotia. The oublisher`•,„elc"t`lie. Denver Post offered. Jess Millard $101,000 for a match with Jack Dempsey. Willard declined an the ground that he might get hurt, FRIDAY, The Board of Trade held its annual tweeting. Bolshevik forces are evacuating ,Petrograd, The Niagara river bridge project has been revived. Thirty-four women have been elected to the National Assembly of Germany. The Anal report of the Victory Loan Committee places total sub- scriptions at 695 millions. Portuguese warships are reported to be bombarding Oporto, which is in the hands of the Monarchists.. The annual statement of the Dom- inion Bank shows considerable ex- pansion in both assets and deposits, The public burning of opium stooks in Shanghai has begun and on the first day $2,000,000 worth was de- stroyed. Mrs. C. D. Gilman, the noted so- ciologist, at a meeting last night in Toronto, derided the term "domestic econom Dr. G.y," E. Morrison, adviser to the Chinese Government, was in Toronto yesterday en route to the Peace Con- fer enGe. While an a brief visit to London to secure his discharge, Pte, Morris McAteer ., i f Detroit contracted p efl U.r and died. The New York Legislative Assem- bly has ratified the federal prohibi- tion amendment. The measure awaits action by the Senate. In a rough, fast game at Ottawa last night the Arenas of Toronto were defeated 3 to 2, the Senators tieing the score in the third period and winning toward the close. Dr. J. J. Bedard of North Bay was fined $200 and $80 costs for a, breach of the Ontario Temperance Act; he issued 390 liquor prescriptions in 21 days, in some eases ordering 16 ounces instead of 6, Miss Inez Honey of Port Hope, em- ployed In Toronto, while home on a week -end visit to her parents and her brother just arrived from over- seas, was taken ill with "flu" ou Sun- day and died yesterday. Rev,. Father Joseph Kennedy, rec- tor of St. Mary's. Roman Catholic Church in London, died from pneu- monia, of which the curate of the same church, Rev. Father Richards, was a victim a few weeks ago. SATURDAY. The resignation of Norway's Cabi- net is imminent, Two new railroads will shortly be built into Ungava Territory. The steamer Belita brought a num- ber of military and civilian passen- gers to St. John. The wholesale lumber trade ex- pects advances of from 20 to 30 per cent. in all kinds of lumber. Over 2,000 bottles of whiskey la- belled as window glass were seized by the police in a freight car. The army in Portugal -is on dile; side of the Monarchists, while the navy is loyal to the Government. President Wilson is likely to be offered. the Presidency of the Com- mission of the League of Nations. Fire of mysterious origin destroy- ed about $30,000 worth of property at the plant of A. Blair & Co., Wood- stock. An unsuccessful attempt was made Thursday night to blow up the Moun- tain street bridge of the C.P.R. at Montreal. British and Canadian authors will attend the celebration of the 100th. anniversary of the birth of James Russell Lowell. Thirty states of the American Union yesterday certified to the State Department ratification of the Fed- eral ederal prohibition amendment. The monthly bank statement shows an enormous expansion in deposits in December, the increase being $63,811,987 aver the previous month. Federation and co-ordination of charitable and social organizations were urged by Rev. Peter Bryce in an address to social service workers. A stormy mass meeting called by the Toronto carpenters condemned • orders -in -Council, and it was only with difficulty that Mr. Tom Moore got a hearing. Neil McDonald, a respected young farmer of Pricevilile, near Flesher- ton, was found dead, his throat cut with a razor, the only reason that can be assigned being despondency following influenza. MONDAY. Toronto machinists decided upon a 33 -hour week. Spring lambs arrived last week on a Kent.caunty farm. Milk igtaile price drops from 14c to 12c to -day in Chatham. s, E"x--Crown Princess Cecilia voted ate: Potsdam in the German elections: Judge William McKay Reade, sena tor judge of Waterloo county, is dead. Three gunmen in New York were sentenced on Saturday to the electric chair. Temiskaming Mining Company's annual statement shows assets of $870,114. SVayagamack Pulp & Paper Com- pany net earnings in 1918 showa big increase.. Augustus Thompson, fifteen years old, was drowned while skating on leingstpn, Bay. The Czechs have captured Oder berg city from the Poles after san- guinary fighting. Pte. M. P. Gerrold was run over and killed bya train at Exhibition Camp, Toronto. The bodies of Dr. Karl Liebknecht and 33 other Spartacans were buried at Berlin on Saturday. Ex -President Taft was an advocate for a League of Nations in an ad tress in Massey Hall, Toronto. Hon. Nicholas Kyriakldes of the, Greek Parliament put forth the claim .sf Greece for Dalmatia and Asia vfinor. . Ottawa surprised : Montrealers on Saturday night by beating Canadiens in; Montreal in an N. H. L. match by Lto 0. One French-Canadian wide--tia'tally Ind another.serlously` stabbed in an ,.ff r ay with Italians at Niagara Falls 7i dge. St. Thomas. Great War Veterans nsider the locational training'; 'our res' for returned ; soldierg too :sort to be adequate. Saintsbury The Fraser and Saintsbury Branch of the Red Cross Society field 'their] annual tneetinng at Saintsbury on Jan. 1,5th, when the ffllow.eng officers were f<•e-elected,-Pres., Mrs, Aaron Davis ; Vice-Prea., Mrs. N, B. Davis; Sec:, Mrs Andrew Isaac ;Treas., Mrs, Alex. Macdonald4 The following is a sum- mary of the work dance for the year ending Dec. 1918,-92 day shirts, 351. pairs of socks, 112 suits of pyjamas, 490 towels, 60 pillow slips, 9 property bags, 11 housewives, 29 ,sheets, 18 handkerchiefs, 4 face cloths, 40 pieces of old linen;) The officers wish to thank their many friends for their generous response to the 'var- Ious appeals made on behalf of the Society, and wish. to congratulate the members an the splendid results ac- complisated. The value of the work amounted to over $900.00. -Mrs. Aaron Davis, Pres., Mrs. Andrew 'Isaac, Sec, Greenway Mr, Roy Sherrie has returned from the West, having sold his land out there and also sold his 50 acre faun an the Zlst of Stephen;, to Mr. D, Oliphant for .$.6004, Roy has bought a farm six utiles from St. Marys, in BIanshard Township, and intends mov- m n a h' • new home `�thenear t euli m in fu- ture,. -Death ture.-Death has again been in our neighborhood and called Mr. Patrick Gooding, Sr., to his long home, De- ceased .had beim in failing health for a long time aprd .viery ill for the last six weeks pri;or to this death., He was one of the ,eanlilest settlers here and has always been known as one of the kindest and most obi;cgang of neigh - bore The funeral took place to Mt, Carmel Church, HOW TO SPANISII INFLUENZA ET DR, L. W. BOWERS. Avoid crowds, coughs and cowards, but fear neither germs nor Germans 1 Keep the system in good order, take plenty of exercise in the fresh air and practice cleanliness. Remember a clean mouth, a clean skin, and clean bowels are a protecting armour against disease. To keep the liver and bowels regular and to carry away the poisons within, it is best to take a vegetable pill every other day, made up of May -apple, aloes, jalap, and sugar-coated, to be had at most drug stores, known as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. If there is a sudden onset of what appears like a hard cold, one should go to bed, wrap warm, take a hot mustard foot -bath and drink copi- ously of hot lemonade. If pain develops in head or back, ask the druggist for Anuria (anti -uric) tablets. These will flush the bladder and kidneys and carry off poisonous germs. To control the pains and aches take one Anuric tablet every two hours, with frequent drinks of lemonade. The pneumonia appears in a most treacherous way, when the influ- enza victim is apparently recovering and anxious to leave his bed. In recovering from a bad attack of influenza or pneu- monia the system should be built up with a good herbal tonic, such as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,made without alcohol from the roote and barks of American forest trees, or his Irontic (iron tonic) tablets, which can be ob- tained at most drug stores, or send ick. to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for trial package. EXETER. BR., -A. 1:. Kuhn, Mgr. CREDITON-J. A. McDonakd, Mgr F. S. KENT, Mgr., at Dashwood. INCORPORATED 18155 • I3ankihg Service YOUR banking requirements may be entrusted to this Bank With every confidence that careful and efficient service will be rendered. Our facilities are entirely at your disposal, THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE IA 1 ill,_,.. EXETER. BR., -A. 1:. Kuhn, Mgr. CREDITON-J. A. McDonakd, Mgr F. S. KENT, Mgr., at Dashwood. t, Mount Carmel Mee Cory Regan, visited friends at Londa for a few days last week;, - Mr, Jos Guinan, assessor, is on the usual route. again this year, -Mr. Non, man Dillon of Dublin visited his sis- ter, Mrs Jerry Campbell, for a :civ days last week --Mr. P. Sullivan, Sr., i^ visitznr, friends at Chatham, Am- herstburg and Detroit. -Miss A. Mc - L aughiin was in. London lest week ea business, -Mr. Pat. Fleming of the 12th of McGillivray, is all smiles at the arrival of a baby girl, -Mr, Joseph McKeever was in London for a few days last week, taking treatmetnatfor his eye. -Mr. Andrew Keough, 16th concession of Stephen, is improving under the careful 'medical treatment of Dr Taylor, Das)havood.-Mr, John Guinean called on friends in Perkhill last week. -Miss Geraldine Harness of London is spending( a few days other home here. -A number from here at- tended the concert at Crediton on Friday evening, -Miss Mary Crowley left last wvleeild for her home near De- troit, after spending several w-eeks with friends Mere. -Missy M. O'Neil of Gederich is speniding a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Jahsos Rowland -Mr Wilbert Mawson was 11 Exeter on business monday. KIPPEN-Royal McClymant, who war taking the regular mail driver's place au R. R. 2, Stanley, was found unconscious Sn the. rig on Saturday,, He was darn erously ill for a time but is recovering, Over study is consid- ered to leave been the cause. Being Sorry Boinc sorrywon't relieve Solstice, Lumbago, wollen Joints, Stones in. the Bladder, Gravel, etc. Gia Pula will! LJeo them. 60c. a box. Sold svur►bers, elzag ;yr • Model 90 Twine. 11360; 144.110-4 Q'w,Mn{.17495 )Ldd at• 7'rurint, $2375 W'Wj, 51x, $242$ f. .. h. TY.mN. Overland cars always have been designed and built to meet the taste and needs of substantial people. The good things owners say cause the steadily increasing -:delnand for Model 90 cars. There robably not be enough,,to meet the: demand'', Phone; htewell, •Dealer' Exeter, -Ont. Willy., -Overland, Limited, Head Office and Works, West Toronto, Ontario Branches: Montreal, Winnipeg and Regina . vs:a••••• .1* miitiatt i • le .s.. • INCORPORATED 18155 • 1 ill,_,.. E► i, LSONS BANP . Capital & Reserve $8,800,000 97 Branches In Canada 1I* General Banking Business Transacted Circular Letters of Credit Bank Money Orders SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Intone allowed at Nem* srrteut rate 1=ASClid- W D. CLARKE, Macag - 0 w = = t, Mount Carmel Mee Cory Regan, visited friends at Londa for a few days last week;, - Mr, Jos Guinan, assessor, is on the usual route. again this year, -Mr. Non, man Dillon of Dublin visited his sis- ter, Mrs Jerry Campbell, for a :civ days last week --Mr. P. Sullivan, Sr., i^ visitznr, friends at Chatham, Am- herstburg and Detroit. -Miss A. Mc - L aughiin was in. London lest week ea business, -Mr. Pat. Fleming of the 12th of McGillivray, is all smiles at the arrival of a baby girl, -Mr, Joseph McKeever was in London for a few days last week, taking treatmetnatfor his eye. -Mr. Andrew Keough, 16th concession of Stephen, is improving under the careful 'medical treatment of Dr Taylor, Das)havood.-Mr, John Guinean called on friends in Perkhill last week. -Miss Geraldine Harness of London is spending( a few days other home here. -A number from here at- tended the concert at Crediton on Friday evening, -Miss Mary Crowley left last wvleeild for her home near De- troit, after spending several w-eeks with friends Mere. -Missy M. O'Neil of Gederich is speniding a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Jahsos Rowland -Mr Wilbert Mawson was 11 Exeter on business monday. KIPPEN-Royal McClymant, who war taking the regular mail driver's place au R. R. 2, Stanley, was found unconscious Sn the. rig on Saturday,, He was darn erously ill for a time but is recovering, Over study is consid- ered to leave been the cause. Being Sorry Boinc sorrywon't relieve Solstice, Lumbago, wollen Joints, Stones in. the Bladder, Gravel, etc. Gia Pula will! LJeo them. 60c. a box. Sold svur►bers, elzag ;yr • Model 90 Twine. 11360; 144.110-4 Q'w,Mn{.17495 )Ldd at• 7'rurint, $2375 W'Wj, 51x, $242$ f. .. h. TY.mN. Overland cars always have been designed and built to meet the taste and needs of substantial people. The good things owners say cause the steadily increasing -:delnand for Model 90 cars. There robably not be enough,,to meet the: demand'', Phone; htewell, •Dealer' Exeter, -Ont. Willy., -Overland, Limited, Head Office and Works, West Toronto, Ontario Branches: Montreal, Winnipeg and Regina . vs:a••••• .1* miitiatt i • le .s.. •