The Exeter Advocate, 1919-1-23, Page 6uyin
not a gamble, but a sure thing that
you are getting the greatest posFAble
Quality and Value to the limit oi your
expenditure. TRY rra a e4o
Industrial Life is Extinct and Ftavaged
Ceuntry Will Have Hord Struogie
to Start Again.
Poland wee stripped of all materials.
Every Ph aee Gena,clais War Activity
Feorn Stalt to Finish
is Depicted,
Dealing with the exhibition of Calla-
couyegrut ererteeten miscue compauy by opeciat aeraneeneetat wen tieleote *BO
CHAIrl'ER XXXV1,---(Corit'd,) ! "Vat certainly iuelty to come in on
ex &we went 3ioe to try; wail:. atiisstcaery eke eaid Bridewele.
ead znacineery during the German oc.- diem War pictures which opened, at Um Yeti thought at about the bubbie out of you, as it eneei
'money thatis 'to change heads?"
clusation whiela feuded on November en Royal Academy •of Arts, London:eon (lid: "Not particularly Why?"
"lt will, ft will, rn be a regular owousdipt e- le; 't '
e a good idea for
On that day a few thousand Soldiers JanuarY 4, a contributor to the Pall
O f the Polish Legion, aided by the :Veil Cazette eays it was a unique CI%
id Faithful and spout regulaalY-" - the Standard te farneeh the woman
population of Warsaw, disarmed more spectecle of a natienis supreme ere Fflofwi Jerry, don't call youreelf 014 -with the 1/T0114y-every bill marked so
arranged a relielt ageieSt their otm hut during ete aticomplisinnent, by lier
soldiers wig) had dearer .portrayetl, uot in reteosPect, vsa.elnyte tioi;felte'r tthca dIeePure;asairrrigy;ieg thati "Exceleent," agreed Finlay.
n If I am." "Tell
than 20,000 German I don't', that you end I earl identify it?"
officers. artists. Tale 70 leading painters ot "It's the name of the'eseried's great, i .1tir'f Mir. Danclillia' that *Iv&Iii saP1717
,e,r und,se he's net to eatee, aliy money
All food and all telephone wires Canada, including some famous British est gee -e'er, slily," Jerry remirided l
were removed by the Germans. All ire ones, have risen gloriously to the taelt, her. "Its quaiity a bubbling ratili-'1N1713Lnlat hyr t (un -1.1*. Bdre'lli
dustrial Wants were robbed and dis. set by their (lovernment when it took er than of wee h I
• what -!have to be pretty •oe-retykroes. „it oue
mantled, with the result teat Poland them out to the trenches in France Iliad, in mind to emulate," ling anti leeNne that -11‘on;er•cie:ueclon14
tW that'.3 the -way I like to have' want es have Denen eet, st'eiite ef your
S have a hard Sob to start in again and Flanders. From tide landieg a the 1 y talk, •Jerryidne." Site reward.- !, rdans and illea.ppolt;' you ."
even if fintineia and poutiese condi, first 33,000 men at Plymoutet. to the :et- creme ise Bev:h.:mi. on le, knee eine
tions were of the beet, ebserteeirs say, capture a Aions on the last day of the ' ' . ii - 1- -vie- - 1, TA. i "He! petty luettY selt-c'e2ifid' t----ncyl;
putters; an, 41711 rounr. i.e. necei "-e, reikey eo take nege than oeainar -
Washing' Without Worrying,. ' sei.h ritis'eng water arid lines tgdet
Next to high prices as a tool:: fo ready. You will not sit down whale
eonversation, the seareity f label the washing is en" eke Awirie"geir iltlier
e- --- ' clothes •wind aroend
taires rank. Cempetent faun labor, you re 0
always hard to secure, Lae about- t • t put too thick A garment
reacbed the vanishing point so far as' ityitrteouPit-p1Nitie'liter nialieeTeohtteneiseelalthe:
the fiehis are coneerned and the • e you ire wait for eetneone
housekeeper no longer - iP
of getting her washieg edNe"enllei titroeutma; who understands its internal work -
nothing securing other help. ii Inge to set it going, Care in feed -
I", ing the wringer makes this uenteces-
Nireeerk is ali 'al) le tile hellliitrIe'ler' eery howeeer. And, to hell or not
Ie mT2st4 • ;, n, , ,, ,„ ,,,
'"' ...' %'''' ''''''''' '''' . ta boil, is another question. Most
swim eurvive or perish," taresided hi: agente
human sends. say it is not nec,essary-that
The situation in the ciriee: is the 2.1C;(1:.gaPalfaylLtlern,eescas.lding water and
sante. Employment bureaus tong prefer wiling, egristPeearusd7a14.andI
ago hung out the
Heir Agin. There tite"nNoe t;it'peis°nsleeitilf soilee' spots do not eeed th be rubbed
ing demestic employment, with filch ', Eatphe board if you use sufficient care.
tories offering three times the waggee lee thealellottrZee:apiettsoveer.uefiglitItY, and
Houeekeepers in the towns have for'
some time been faeing the tittttition, the epets ehow when they eorne out
11113. a''iju.4:11g thelt. lives to tile acletcleleol'fillIbtii:17.130tnilleyno11411graairlie aontiaertMsnbe
change. Their selution elf the, clues-,
ten is tete which mare farm women- NI° eet; Intel to rub thent.
eet1 adopt -power applianeee to do:
rauch of the wore: forneeely done by - Thrift Recipes.
bane. Motor power waething mile.: , .,
chines have forever supplanted the i'''':'lvever n""'" -a eeP beans'
e.„treienei : fl 1, i d r • . - eap stewed tomato. Salt and 'pep-
They are always en the' job, neve";•Per and a teaspooti of grathd onion.
late, quiet. efficient, eotieze,w,. le' Heat thoroughly. The onion and
temato should be cooked for ten nil'
treated well, never demand a ten
oielocle lunch, and din't . the - nutes before the beans are added.
eiothes. 1 Vegeteble Hash, -Mix toge,ther and
The tele:Ariz nue:Mee !s perhape" lien in a frYirq Pau, with a little =-
mast ce,nvenient if lieu have eleetrie ter or Inire and a emelt quantity of
Power, but it is by no nteans the fat arca reasouings-2 eups diced
ere:: thing. There InT water power: eotriied potatoes, 1 cup diced cooked
inachinee. dog power machines, a ' turrets, 1 cup died coked turnips,
working oat of the old f,similiar ! !e• eon grated elleeee.
treadmill, where your household pet: Eteelloped Carrots. -2, cup:7. grat-
fernieliee the power which cities your: ea carrots, 1 cop bread eritrabs, le cup
weithir.g, and raaehines whiell are run? milk, 1-3 cup grated cheese, I table-
oy the gas ergitte. As te types of. spoon fat, 3a, teaspoon ealt, pepper
reagithies. they are legion. The best" to taste. Cook • the pelted carrots
knee e ere the en:leder maehiees i in a Ciuzth:e boiler until tender. Add
iteetre eieiees ate pet rn a eyender • erille, pouter. anti milk and cook for
wheel retie:nee throegh a tide of hot thee minutes. Place in a baking dish,
hails. I! epriekle with grated Cheese, cover
Wiestever the type oi wheats -0e the with the v.:unfits to which has been
resew empieyed, the pewee maelline lialdssi the meitea fut. Brown in the
•ii rs'YZ,21,4a5ng WICCil every wientin who °vein
• an rated it should nuygThe wring,er Corn and (heese.--2 slips -cern, 1
le ateie teerated hy the earn', power , eel) celery, 1 (lip buttered trumbs., 1
whieh waihee the teethes. ee that the tette-peon salt, ei tablesp,00ns fat, le
hardest part of washing is ewe -sing t ep hot, milk. Arrange corn and
site we: Canines get ee dry. Nut .eery ia layers teeth salt. Adel hot
"illY do Yeti save musele, • but you ' milk and melted fat. Cover with
etere time. Couie yea Tor instaneeg buttered erumbe and bake 20 minutes.
watei nineteen 1itinkets in the old! Warmed Over Beane With Cheese,
errs i'oregeen lirid go to a pie- --Make, a cup of white sauce and add
!lie le: the afternoon? This is Ntbat. taeo tablespoone of grated eheeee.
One farm wenten did. Another on Add the settee to the bean e ape( heat
the- slime day did a two weeks' wash-Ithoroughly. This is a good sub -
;',14i,' for a famity sii: X. and threw in; otitute for meat.
two hiardiets. are/ the curtains, for l Cod en Casserole. -To prepare this
twenty die:lows, then baked and nut" tilth take a one and a half pound slice
- i -
teak:it. penie lea+, and was as freeli, of cod and remove the skin. Place
tie a daisy fri the ace:it:loon. • it in a ceseeeole of ample eize and
The machine eernos perform raira., pour in half a pint of boning stock.
,tiee. howeser, Do not think for a! Cover and bring to a boil again. Then
mintate thet they are going to do the! cook quite gently for about an hour
waeleiee wink you sit upstairs and and thirty minutes. Steam off the
read a book, as the advertisements / stock. Add a quarter of a pint of
pieture the. pretty' lady. They are,: stewed Spanish onion and tomato
like any netchine-they inuet be op-imixed, salt, pepper, a pinch of sugar
crated. Stareh must be made I and a dust of cayenne. Heat, stir
elothcs fed tie the. wringer, tubs fillesi I well, pour over the fish and serve..
Shosiires the Immortal Spirit af the
British Navy.
The Navy begins to render up its
secrets to the turioue eyes of the
civilian, says the London Times. The
"Q" boat Suffolk Coast has reached
St. Katherine's Dock, and the public
will be allowed to go over her, at the
price of a small fee for the benefit
• of naval charities,
Here contrivances for deception
allied with deadliness will surely
interest and instruct crowds so long
as she is in the Thames. But she
has a deeper fascination than that,
for withia her lurks the newest in-
carnation of the immortal spirit of
the Navy. In the spring of 12:17
when, the U-boats began to sink ton-
nage at a deadly rate, the Navy turn.-
ed to devise defenees •agatrist the
new clanger. The "Q" hues vsere an
important part of them, embodiments
of the adaptability and ing•entity -of
the Sea Service. Bet the heart of
w, 91, their impene,,
trabIe clitguise.s. Men clamored to be
allowed to go to scan them, To go
to sEq.i them ineant the hieing 0
the U-boat hy all. elaborate pretence
el' defencelessness; endurance of shell
fire', and even of being torpedoed; long
waiting mobio-aless, in a sinking ship,
till the ij-boat comMander should at
last be Certain that his victim had
ke sting and should expose his c.raft
to certain destruction. For this the
officers and men of the Navy scrambl-
ed in hot rivalry. Through this they
went; and, having gone, went eagerly
again. Their ships were sunk -under
them, but they eared not at all, so
the the U-boats were destroyed.
The Suffolk Coast herself is a ship
newly converted to this service, but
most of her crew have served with
their commander three of these
"special service" ships. The inInedi-
ate predecessor of the Suffolk Coast
-the Stock Force -sank under her
crew when they had waited fifty mie-
utes, alter being torpedoed for the
chanee of sinking the U-boat that
rewarded them at lest. The story
has been told. The men of other "Q"
boats were not so fortunate. They
disappeared and left no trac.e. The
sed that robbed them of their reward
holds immortal their. unavailing valor.
These are the chances of Sea Service,
The epirit of the inen Who took them
with delight -that epivit haswrought
erifety fOr the world of modern eneih
' •
The women of Iceland recently
celebrated, the third year 01 Uiehi
A wave oC popularity for things
western is sweeping over the whore
of China, and with the cessation of
war there may be e.iqp.cted to be
huge demands ft -..+1.7 all sorts of for--
eign, machinery, building materials
and equipments generally.
Discussing the eeo ran e situation ear, u piase 0Canada's aaractivity ,I can be so sweet to you when3•outrtee preeautioine Jerry•
"But we'1
Poland, Stanielau Larlowsiti, director has been ueglected, inice, and so horrid when you'le be mreful "
of the Commercia/ Batik, of Wareaw, There are nearly 100 paintiugs Mug--; glare!" 1 Late thet afternoon Jerry, Shee-
said to the correspondent; tratiPg- the Gareer of the Canedian / That orataelfe en JerrY wise olionti W.11111, 11111. Beideweil met et tire helm
'It will tale itearle• $2.000.000,000 to Corps in France, including the maple
q the landing of the
eeletur his bailee, a Wonean 02210 uPgei anti rcheareed the pares teat they
; him and seesi, retithr timidly, "V - were to perform the next da Under
repair the damage tione in the German ficent paintings
occupation and to pat us on our Toot 3rd Canadian Brigade at St. Nazaire 1, ea
i eer Dentelme? Is this Offecer Delle-', the. ,StairS in the frent hail st-7111 eppoe
Properly and to develop our great by Edgar Bundy, A.R,A., awl the giaPt I "Yes." I eite the doer o the pgreee evaa se-
* i Ale .
t *'' • -" . I elezet in which .1trry awl Sheehan.
canvas by Major Richard Jock, A.R.A.,1 "Ceara Arrasteeng—illees a yeung were to conceal theniselvea; leaving
The Second Battle of litres, MaSor , friend of pene-eite teel me I 0 bet-. the clezet door riser, they celled beer
Jock has also a fine painting of "The ' ter teee You." The Terneal Was agi" lArt11011t seeing or being etten, The
Battle of Virny Ridge." In the same tated• and kept geeneing up and down woman nee 'to get the caller into the
way the historic Canadiau battles are • the strieet "Ilreilell3lvei3% She was par.or before erageng the money to
e oi products
return 500,000,000 marks annually and
we are tea in coal and salt mines, pot -
aide forests and agricultural produets,
'At the present time the economic
situation is eonfueed heertuse Russien dealt with each In their turn, Reglea rat 4 Y41111° welt/ell; i/e' vlligili have him' In th3t; 1\ -lam a III:gll'h":11
rubies, Austrian crowns and German Trench, the taking of Courcelette and been preety once. Clara Armetreine edit set across a dark come would
and a few other young Otis lived with furnish n hngi-eltiee for Behiewen,
markt; are in circulation, The marks so on, and then the Arras"Cartibral , her, it wee a very q ilet, respeet-
if he got down behind it on his hande
are a heritage of the German °coupe- road is shown, along which the Caua- I able sort of house, bur, the eXtortion arid kneee. The Ne-ornan was siZ1 alone
thin, In April, 1917, the Germans is" diens are Seen, streaming after three was too nitieh for her. Chief Dclen in the house; she expireeed that she
sued 2,000,000,000 marks which they months of incessant brittle to the bit. kept comipg down en her every lit- had gide rid of the othecupants
called Polish rnarlis. The issue was ter fight for Cambria whence tlae •
, I
wileile anti eow, rathe,r than meet by desigers them Clod, the roliee had
announeement that after two years culminetecl in the triumphal entry into i riteg Sl • e9 eira'S VC4ag to not fied hex to expecs a ride wi tin
Pclish marks should be redeemed by liloles. .- quit. But she evau I like to sea that the nege, tee, slays,
puniehede he wait such a nasty A -t fur o'clock the next. afternoon
Gerraan inarits. ley this :scheme the Many Beautiful Portraits. ' brute; ehe was mail enough so that Jerry And Sheehan arilved; a few
German Reichsbault was not compel- ahe was wiliing te tuke some punish- minutes later came Brideweil. He
Apart from the actual fighting, boss. -
e a h ment hereelf if she had tee eo long gave the woman five hunered doilars
led to lesue extra money and, there- ever, the ainti s iv
fore. did not injure its own credit. a.e she could get him pumished too. in five eeckets of tenetieleer bills* be
fused to accept the ruble as legal ten -
"At the same time the Germans re -
Forestry Corps, whtelt has provided
Canadian war activity overseas, the.
-11214 lib* i OM er Donohue and the Department "le" written m a fine bend on the
se ee Clara Armstrong had told her that how Jerry. and 'Sheehan the le‘tter
shit) eleve a every
timber for the armies of four nations; hadenot been 'Sul geed Jenne, and so in:titre of the temetist bliiee of .the
she was confiding in him. She had packets.
der. Tbe Austrians accepted, the ruble
so n ro- the famous Itallway troops, which °Z.', deed dollars en
i been 'ordered to bend over five lulu- said Bridewe'l
"It's writeen on teeny
"Me Fleilee put_ _its
1 R I ,
of complications arose, -with no one currency to Dolan day an and stands rea ee ta ideneifY hi
duced the crown. Thereafter all sorts ten worked desperately under a de- 'after to -morrow. He was to call_ let writeng."t la.$4:, th:i ,,,,„ iiibei.4 rang, the
knowing the precise exchange value vastating fire, have contributed so her house for the' money. Couldatrettt il Whenni4en esoieite fis tools their
Tins batik simPlY has which has charge of three million ster- °Meer Doneltue be
theviier itlt?ar s i pruecce,s.
much to victory; the Veterinary Corps.
of any money, i
ling worth of animals; the hospitals Inside the e.1.;et 'Terry stead.
tablish a new money standard. Prole the Chie cif whst,TIonel:1 rgeetc• for a long uearest the doer; Sheehan was be -
ceased to pay dividends until we es -
ably the franc, for the three Palencia. ti jeerry liellefinelly promised to go to hinci him leaning itesee his elrovider.
Must Win World's Confidence. rnannea exclusively by Canadian beTehouSe at five oh.e,ock the next day; They Ithard the woman eay, "Well,
and even the patrol boats in the Eng-
lish Channel, some of which were
-First we must establish a eound crews. There is a splendid collection
government which Neill have the con- of portraits, interesting Personalities
made through. a special bault with the passed to their last eugagement which. best demand'
he would then tell her what to do.
I've gat it for you. Chteft but .I don't
knew 'how We're an IN -Ing th ive frem
now till election."
She led him iuto tile parlor while:
fidence of the outside world. Any g-ov. suelt as Sir Robert Borden, Sir .George Jerry's expectation of getting ad- -she talked.
Crament must have 11101103' te 11111 It. • Perien Princess Patricia of Connaught vice frinn Roger Truk was disap- The Chief evm in a good-humored
half, but it -cannot get moue/ without ana Lady Drummond., who labored so -pointed. Trask, he found, was out meed; hie celleetions had been eros -
confidence. When sueli a governmentunceasingly for the Canadian Red of .town for two days.. He Neould paring. "Oh," he ertiel, "you'il jest
is established we will put out .foreign Cross. There are also portraits of liege to determine for himseif what i3.41,4 to get on weth a few lase eilk
et , aro
: loans for the purpose of buying ma- manyementhers of the Cottrell= high . le . . . s
• d - petticoats• et _, es-
a He got Sheehan on the telephone at too luxurious in your ltilbitei"
; teriais and startieg up factories. It is command and a whole • gallery of steeien lir and made an appointment "I wonder what Y1111 110 With n1 the
i even neeessary for us to obtain limes Canatliaus who have won the erictoria-
: In order to buy clothes; also meddln. Cross.
hery and locomotives. Everything in c
the count*" =gibe rebuilt alone neW
Cd*. , daughter and sue -
ported home all
the mathinery from .the industrial eity There Are Many Instanees of Royalty might do," Jerry answered, "I supe "I eeetemly wish you Sllt:COFS In
- -
Their Thrones,
Who Quit i pose the meet obvious would be to that.--iHere it is eThlefe-one, two,
of Kalicz and thenset fire to the city.
was one of their great crimes in History affords Xing Ferdinand take the woman to the Police Com- three, four, five Metered, ell ea ton-
TMsnelonee -and let him deal with the bar bills, Is that right?"
11214. They did this although there of Bulgaria many precedents in the ease when heed heard all the fade." "That's right"
was no battle fought there, They t,-irt of abdication, but few have ever "If Toil -did that, meet lik-ely nn- juet a Moment lenceir jerry and
drove out the people by bombing the resigned their thrones encorne of it. The cept 'under thing would • Com- Sheehan waited, in pear to give ldm
eity and then robbed it methodically. compulsion.
-The Germans also requisitioned all The most remarkable voluntary Abe' rnis.-seoner wants to keep his job and time to button the 22101403' hells% his
he'll do it 'only ef the Maxwell -Dolan epee. Then Jerry flung the closet
the factories and inachinerY in Lodz, dication on record is that of Chris- tat win the election. • He'd prob- , door open and sprane out, fee:owed -
alally tip the Chief off, and then it. beaSheehen. The Cldel, a powerfal
which is the Polish Manchester, with ; tina of Swedenwould elle en your being framed 211). and ateiveeman, leaped at Jerry; be .
its vast cotton and woollen mills. In eeseor of the great Gpstavus Adel- To get results, eosteneed the backing two went down ie. a furious ?envie;
their entire occupation they continued phuS. Growing tired, at the age of of those thnt 'are hoStieh
le to Dolan, leehan fell upon the Ch ef anti
to loot Lodz. Even last September • 28, of the restraints imposednot friendly with him." &
on her ' - othed* him until he ziurrendered.
and floorings from the factories. Jester sn
they carried away •alt the Iron pates by her high "Yes; I wanted to have Mr. Trask's apeed handcuffs A hie: weest
of her4and wt Ire
office . she resigned in
favor cOusn. enthain, but he's away, Now what do' (To lee continued.)
elhe Germans trans
to meet him. during their lunch hour. money you ra:se the way, saul the
Sheehan named .attentieely while. woman, in the. catioline =meg of
Jerry repeated the wornants story. r Which •she INT3 past mistress.
"Were Sheehan said, "what did "Well, we've got to nee a lot it
you think -of doing?" to elect a mayor who'll be good to
"There are two or thee.e things I. you folks," repiied 1he Chief.
fruits. They took by requisition every- yell thuds of thee
They stole our vegetables and our4.1
Rome, avhieh city she entered in the
thing they wanted. Itheiele to Dolan and Maxwell. eal
• Yukon Fish Statistic.
costume of an Amazon. Latter she right. , How 'about the Standard's
settled hi Paris.
he desire to resign b of it en there when Dolan is
9 The Standards
"While they did not rob our banks, T
getting in on it •and having witneseee The Yukon Territory (hiring the
year 1916-17 produced alb valued at
$60,210, principally sahnon, whitefish
and trout, according to the report of
the Fisheries Branch, Department of
Naval Service, covering that period.
Boats and gear valued • at $12,437
were used: and 243 men were employed
in the Yukon fishery.
on the third day of the occultist' f seems o aye s ereturned in later t
to recover her own kingdom and made ht?. Th ''' be no chance then
years, she tried
Warsaw in 1915, the director 01 the
Deutsche Bank of Berlin came to me of huaortng the., thing up." elle
and demanded my cash balance ni a bid for the throne of Poland. "Now you nave pre ie near
bubles, the surrender el which, he con- .ideatipiLaidySolerhyr ewssitelas,entahu-
But 'even kings- who abdicate by ,llegr
tended, would regulate our debts to 113.eir own choice are not always al -
his bank. The Germans did the same
lowed to enjoy freedom from the thilahtli'selle Ptelinti. 1:411 iitt .cafatenrbwealnicias-n-
thing in Roumania after the Treaty of burdens of eoveiranent. Philip V., aged.
Be4htawreislit take $200,000,000 to recon- in Spain, was a nervous and gloomy Wiill you back me up -help me to
the founder of the Bourbon dynasty
man, inuell tormented by religious make the arreetee
struet us industrially without counting "You talk yeah the Stant:Teed first,
the other sums we must spend gradual- scruples, and he 'found life As XMg 1 I'll tell a t I'll do."
ly for improving the railways and the et was not difficult to get smogs
of Spain intolerable. At the age of
elates and rebuilding houses ruined in 40, and in the 24th year of his reign, the° tigbpliarroiloffthicoe sotaf 711,:dt..d.Finlapre,
the eteurse of the war." in order to look after "the affairs of was a man with sandy beard, large capable ac -
Seale reel the Indies in favor of his -aline nose, and keen blue eyes; he
Sid his hands nervous -
his soul," he resigned the crown of
eldest son, Don Luis, who was at that l'Ir back and forth along the arms of
time only 16 years of age. his chair while Jerry talked. -
• Philip -91.neci when Jerry had fineshied,
we can Pullithis theng off," he
But the peace that Xing exelan
had hoped for lasted haely seven "it wiel be the greatest istrolee f
months.' 'The oung king was at- goodoe
itig deed place-
eacked by smallpox, and died at the vehy, t
end of that period. Befole his death Young Ttult crawd till
isengot !Iphoenfit
however, he bad made an act of re-' the city machine. Well beat 'ente ale,
yoeession of *the crown to his father, ,from Maxwell down. Now vve don't
false moves. "What
Who for another 22 years bore unwil: twin": iteeenietolakeeenal:leyet for handing over
lingly the heavy load of kingship eele . PI
..• :
which he had so unsuc•cessfully at- "He's to be there for it between
tempted to throw aff. • five and six to -morrow. I'm going
. round at five dies, it/term:ion to make
The Berlin Ghost. the pielernmary aenangernents. , • It
And Who shall say they do me hover Is the "White, Lady" walking these me or send eome Man you. can de,
near-- Mcr.le11;:rxr, • night in .the Palace of peed on who wiel be there to-neon:ow
• A Prench Peasant.
Each week, in rain or shine, she trud-
ges out e •
To that green little graveyard by the
sea, '
Where tests her Jean. She tidies ten-
derly „
His wooden cross, repeats a prayer de-
. vout,
Then, cheerily, she chats to him about
The simple interests of every •day:
The new-born calf, the apple crop,
the hay,
Since of his presence there she holds
no doubt.
might be well for you to erene with
Tbe wistful sbuls of those who died Berlin? )s#.1ays, says traditiOn, when ais Witness."
for France--- - leeeelieellern is to die tie some i Fiel-4 rang and tx''I'd the boy Nvh°
1•CeePing tit i semen ire. e through 'catastrophe is ovekshadowing the• , r t--1°2-41 it9 "5''-tnci 6n M. il de ell'
eii • e 1 v a ' i • ' d '13 ed ' B 11 1 w I
"1-1e's thewant and fear, eieemieneehe "Weine Dame" is to be il.It):,,,stjerrerTriter,,Avilbvesiohakiviz'ty
Transcending death to bring deliver teneeentered- in the corritioes, of the le`mil•aY sapid
all'e ' Royal -Palace, and more ellen ore she ''stalBer'tdaesitieind 11cseepashs
eep;;;arledl'el7d.: tee:an-out,
To lives Es•r whom theleacided strength beer'in wn to peak dnd anIeeeie-1;:airyo e man, witha paealean
shall he „
The power that wins a holy victory. nounce the coming doom. One can smile. • As leniay outleried thot
e pl
imagine the White Lady's satisfae- to him, a glint al eagerneos end ex -
tion in her task, for in real life -so olte,omffeliecteroanmnedoiagehitilheinaksyes.that you
"There is no beautifier of cone_ the, etory goes -s • he was the Countess he d better , down tholre this
evish to scatter joy around u$ «. Hohenzollern had
plc 051 ot form, or' behavior like the -A-iinee of Orlamen.bdie.ic•iccelidonl.*Ipaaiiioivremehei ptilioteeittneocilieitiigsning_mtitotrrothwtt,,s,tivagiaetaf:reotior;_e
1 v. vault. "
1 Emerson.
British leoys' Showing.
As shown by the reporr of the
Chief Inspector of the., British Immi-
grant Children and Receiving Home,
the total enlietment of immigrant
boys in the Canadian forces equals*
nearly 25 per cent. e.E all tho boys
who came to Canada.
The pendulum in New Zealand
sheep breeding is eepoeted to be
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This method provides an atm -
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Members Montreal S'toel Exchange
105-106 Transportation Building