The Exeter Advocate, 1919-1-16, Page 2By .Agronontist,
That Department le for the use of our farm readers who want the advice
of en expert on arty question regarding soli, seed, crops, etc, If your qUeStiOrl
cf sufficient general interest, It will be answered through this column. If
eta -twee and addresNed envelope is enclosed with your letter, a cerePI,etes
n214%er will be mailed to you. Address Agronomist, care of Wilson Publishing
• Ltd., 73 Ade:aide St. W. Toronto.
heaP Hewing and Latter Saying in amount of woald seem to be
Th.? Winter Fattening of Swine. , reslamsible.
Oet- of slie retts: amnion toeses tiela'ell.;5; caPital
in winter swine feeding guar -
need, then, be
oeeetttiee with nintor gain° manage- ters„ A tow sleeping berth made of
insta eve IQ sq.:primg or rheuma-' eat boards anti covered with straw
The sheep sheering maehine
practical, I don't think a man can
shear any or sheep in a da st than
he Can With a eonunon pair of eheep
shears if he is an expert, but the
Sheol) ehearing machine tillows a
novice to shear she without cut-
ting them all to pies and, too, if he
is careful he can get aloog -without
cutting the fibre of twice Ae is donel
in many instances with a common}
pair of sheep shears.
It would be very difficult to tell a
man bow to use A sheep shearing ma-
chine withoet being there atel giving
personal instructions. If yea can
run a horse dipping inueltine there
team Tint this analney eaey to coat; within or near a shed for feeding per- is no -reason why you eau t rim a,
Votes. and &nein to :etre, muy he; poiFe.s. is ttece4sary. While a straw sheep shear:mg maebine. is-
etre-O.:AV eliminated. or rather, Pre" stack is frequently used for :dieter, more in getting the knack of holding
aaalte44i breeihat ataek. wiuter''a the &save arrangement s better. Ac- the sbeep in a proper poaition than
▪ ca-eators with epen ebeiters, has es to „ pae of aorse manure in the: there is in operatiug the machine it -
;teem eft:no-nitrated 1,eyond doubt.: shed or yard will provide a certain self. Of conrse, one man meet tutu
th effect be- eaePPed UP ti) oftat amount of food and exercise and a the crank in operating this methne
thlt tlf.doatage. W:th aeaeral very considerable amount or recrea- and the other man must hold the
,b.adaea, tian for the hogs. Such au arrange- sheep. It works very izieely h you
teeda, t'here aPPlcellt 40.14'.'ari,1"' meat, as aiscassed, provides a dry, know haw to holdthe !sheep.
fo:t bz? ev,ni itar:ng tae eoinfortalle bed, a diffienit acquisation There is a great kneel: in eheariag
tateot a:eerie-Le aemathe e: the Caaa-i'ain' in the fairly expensive buihig. the eheep. It. ien't everabody that
t.raer. The use of the aelf-feeder durtng ean do it successfully. The prineipali
Toe atttenatet %eta Leanly feta, re-; winter Itae as proven a success. The thin to do is to use the atat /matt
t',0 melte ma anetra gehet in feeder er reeder$ louse be protecte3 beet; iie the shears ea putting, the
tlaa:nia'a t,:ate, weethl teem IQ re-• bY a Lhed, as eagge.sted. There ie no skin of the sheep emooth and t:gbt,
tie:re wenn qeeeters. The :mew trouble from frozen troughs and the, then operate the machine with the
etainirtai to offset ee'd levaulS thereby atteneral inconvenienc'e and waste et right hand and you will push it- al,
la, atiiiiated .4'.ieea-caveth aral rat proclue-'al0P-goelling in winter- .M3eli diE.- ways on a smooth surae.. If yen
, - 4,
By Andrew F` ti!errter, stem
att, Currier wIll answer all Niguel letters pretaining to flealth. fl3' Mt
Itleition is or general interest it win be answered through these columns;
1 aot, it:will be answered personally if stamped, addressed envelope is or,.
elesed, Dr, Currier will not prescribe for iadivicuai e,aaem or Make MA81101114-
address Dr, Andrew Currier, c.sot Wlisela Publishing Go. 78 Adolaitte
It. West. Toronto,
Aee_buiatiaahuleyea_Badjiaeltemedenjeulstime without starving and et;rever good water, we cauld live
on it a
A long
fit'tosPearltlidnenstinOrerparsteaildts,.cerboltyaratos., work.
It would not be a pleasant, diet, aid
et,lib' o*t
The protein substances
a great many people get nothing else
eats,egge, fish, and a include
and perhape tire glad to get that.
mportion ef
the constituents of cereali,
- The carbo -hydrates are tarch and
sugar, the first or these being -Con-
verted into the eecond, both in pia:ay.-1
and animals, before it is finally used
as nutriment.
The co.rhohydrates therefore in -
Butter at present prices is prole.-
hibtive to many, oleomargarine accom-
plishes the same end at a third of tit:
cost, or fat may be supplied by rati-
ons OW, Cotton—seeds olive, peanut.
Meat, at present prices, is also pro-
hibitive in large families with small ,
elude all vegetables, for the produce Where the inaome is „sufficient the
of every form of platit life is starch tendency with us es almost inveriably
The fats may be animal, vegetable or to eat much more than is necessare
-mineral. Animal fat aitaers in or desirable.
qualitity and. consieteuey in different Except for those whose work is se -
animals, vegetable fat bite olive oil vere, meat once a day slitneld sutliae.
and peanut oil is a product of nuts The albumen, the pw
rotein e need
and seeds; minertal fat like petro- for the blood and tissuewe may get
leant, is something for 'which the from cheese, roilla. Rah and cereals at
chemistry of' the body has no great lese cost. than from Leef, mutton, veal
affinitaa it passes through the body and chicken, and usually with great-
with very little elmage and nets main- or benefit,
Is- as a lubricant and perhaps as stint. Frequent use of wia"te beans la
Want to the intestinal treacle. most desirable.
The tt".terai salts have to food Of the easeatitd elemeuta they cot -
value, but are very essential to the tain about 50 per tent. of sterele 20
Precc''ses ard 4i.,swes of the body of albumen, and 3 of fat.
agreeable laher in the cold is avoided; don't poll the skin smooth atd tight, •
lahtle the latter premise peeves true,lin fact, the rum wha has used the however, 70o vat always Taave verge:. to do m to eel. a tat stem, )1.
of sedium we glee require the min- oa stereh and 3 a albumen, while -Ow
'We require common salt or cbloride Potatoes eoptien only 10 per cent.
the) Less fetel, woelel regairea.l
the fast ef the metrer is that the!seli-reeder for winter work Suds 'Idea feout or the knife which -will
swine feeder is confronted the' oven more of a come:Het:lee than it prever4 you from , aoingu. good job,
cheice el two epparent proves ha summer. Aa to gains, and There ia no danger of getting the
conparativela cold bows'. that he. ocal,t-ato-Produee. tests have proven% aheep alietired too close with a sheep
attaae taF natare, M like:usually sure -nor to the hand-rea intc, ahearing machine. What you waat
ent-deora therefare dry, or a method. Whole, craelted, or ground
enyee tightly -attain warm.; corn, ground barley or barley and
eatetetare. ;het, even if. ventilated, oats may be fed. Shorts, brain re-
saaIly reerwee more or leen datta.!eleaned aareeniugs, etc.. may be mix-
hoga will appear M a ed with the above, or following the
ca lease: tlegree under bad or Araezitem plan. fed eeparately in cm-.
avea retasegteneet, Ihtrap treerters pavements. Where cern esters
-0 tz It, Add heavily ;eta the :attest, tankage should v...1•31 otteasional be fea in a eta:apartment by iteelf.
yon tete,
Sheep are sheared only °nee a
year. The ataple oil sheep is none
to long ar. that. The longer the
staple the better.
• •
Have You Provided a Safe Medielne.Chest for Emergencies?
Oral salts which are in the busies olt rest is mostly water,
grain whith ore eo often aoolislay Rice, on the other hand, which
&strayed, far cheaper than potetees, and is the
Proteins are the tissue buiblers, our entitle article of diet a the majority
bodice are om lased tar el of pro- f the people in the world, contains
0 e P g i
tele material and as this ie constant- nearly 89 per cent.- of starch end a
ly being wasted, and sweet out, we re- of albumen.
new it from the proteicls we take in Surely there are no healthier nce
and. absorb. finer people than the Scotch ale
The carbohydrates and fete supply live largely on oateme e 1 witb Re 61
us with heat and energSr, enabling per cent, of atairch and about 24 04
the belly In heeltit to •xnahttain an alhamet and other nitrageneoas nta.
a even temperatu3.•e, and fat is stored terial.
over-taesteege ere tee teettat le fre. ehartave,„ wood:lel-tee, ,f',' 4. e . nue. . By Ilelen johnsen Keyes up under the skin in varying quant- i Spaghetti or neven-trent nhen eooli-
aetenta4e-7k-rat rtiotv or ieso, :mit, etc.. ot. n tataturc of elteee should Tile earn•gn fo • honest (2) 'aranv if not moet tlruge act very ties as a reeerye for the euppat of ; ea with cheese i$ one oft the moat, nu
-1417.tti 1.41.gtz,. i'!, ...clioie, or partial be avaiial,:o. If tatitlng better,ling. lute done more than anything elee (Lift:Yantis on children from what they heat. I tritioas and evtorannieea of fooae.
•ss tasern vaaell ear eerloesly af- eapply plelate of ashes. both eoal and, ever dal to put out al Wetness the do en grown-111re Some which are In sieknese for example, it is call- The fruits are ansuries, they are
;;;;;-+;,?r,'.4 rdr;24lif4. On the Ova. t-attai. Veliere dairy by -produets are. base dealers in drugs othicli elaini to in eonetaut anti valuable use for ad- ed upon and used up and We beoome agreeable to the taste peel in mane
eten pretty re., rot aviatkaale. tater. p.e ra ,
t v aar a' aaae;a1 'cals in the Ex- alie-lit.y warmad, must. be .upped . eilloe have been analyzed ami found
has :-...a. lat se aza ,tem that such Solna rorm of v;atevIng device iiielud- to contain little more than flavored
-ea .7'aaai ea.: ta..a-‘4.taned Loiaa it at a lark healer, liorne-made, or water, though. selling at a high price.
s steel ee tt - . eaellae ana that tht parch:it:ea, wia preve ueeful where . To eell these is dielioueet, becattee
• :mei sttaality re- malty bogs are Itept. A rough rack they give no equivalent for the
at at':!, aver-Wan:ea along one aide of Vac Flied near the; money peal. Far more alarming,
* oat tom. feedieg. trough or feeder thould. be kept filled, however, are those eel-1101es which
. ' • I • •o'n
' - - b re -alas Men • of these meth- Was would mite!. be prescribed for thin in consequence. .tusee help digestion, though in many
a child by a v. ell-edueated doztor. The mineral salts go to the Mood others their Reid, u:tenot be tolerated.
They do not cure the ailment as it and the testes and are indiapensable Milk Is the perfect food find c'ven ai
manifeats itself in chililhood and they to their normal condition. preeent prieee is the most, 4--t4iiiornic.11
may produce symptoms of real den- The simplest form of diet for an that can be placed 1,c7ore a:hilt,: ta.
ger„ oven if given in greatly reduced adult hi good health, worldng in the
tiacese t
tlose=. Is'ever taive to a child pre- open air, would be approximately 14
-at* teet etascriptious 'written for an adult, exeepa ounees lean meat, 17 ouneee bread, 3
e. ..1,4„ ttsetf have no vate with v.'ell-eured clover or alralfa hay. tot ni o p , the doctor's pertnission. aunees of btater, and 3 pints ef
" the CiPer.-aiet nough Of it mill be eaten to lielp eaealne and high pereentagee of aloe- There is a safe medicine -chest that ter per day.
trad -------- itan halanee the yhol. These quietiag drug), appease ;should he et, up in every farm house This gives the proper proport;ow
ithout MI width will meet most of tbe aaily of protein, starch, fat, and mineral.
r .. ;PT tiunrtens, necessaey Alia palatable roughage, --------------------------- ev
ta..- -larthe eere eis in ,ti certain Inatoriall:: reduce vets, touthing the causes; consequently th needs of the family, except when seri- salts.
. patient believes aimseif cured and ous illnesses occur. When these The water and the bread we may
keeps on taking the medicine to avoid descend upon us, doetort; must be had, leave as constants, there fit nothing
In the epring the adelee Of rt veter-t the return of those dietressing paine even though it seems imposeible.
. ee „ which is cheaper, nothing vainelt ui in this roped you may la Tare at
' learian wait sought and it Was found! from which he sought relief. Thee elate medieine chest should coutaht more essential, and we ean live on will make a money behave in net a '
that the horse haii two long grinders: the dieease is concealed arid may pro- eeveral elaeses of remedies, eaeh out: bread anti water; if it is gooa bread very long time, whieli ean be I 'ani he actually couldn't bring his' gress. to a dangerous extent while thu carefully labeled and well eorked. 'of' whole wheat, rye or oats and ;thle- toted ;Mr other purposee.
teeth tees:tiler. But even when their; unconscious victim pnits his misery to Medieinee ehotild not be kept so long .....,r71 ---__r-_, „ , _. _ , _ _ — .
t-' 7,eit . tViiir.i..4a isefete they i nuesch coneutes. e tat they are $ist k , they shouldnem,
teem are in reratat amid:emu, there, sleep and believes
either -at „ htualie ; will sometimes be Ireiividutds M a ' cenn Moreover,these quieting, be put in unlabeled bodice -or, what
hat„ . An eagrani at a ' bunch that nail not tat well on corn, &age are habit-torming. More anti' ie worse still, in bottles with the
wrong label. Alwaye they should
ea an. tawatte itrinv, a „; reset move of them is required to produce
and clover liay. They have
. tee. eratieh aliqlear 41 petted,- as it were, and there are, a given effect .and to do svithowt them be shaken before use, for their ingre-
e. . . _ .. - d. : , . el' different wave of doing this. If one beeomee distressing, even an 'agony. dients frequently separate end if not
well as children.
Never throw away anything ilea
can be eaten, that bee in any
a food value, ineluding many a the
things which now te the stataage
pail for the benefit of .the eas ana
Unlese these. things bad
value the animals would • net paat
them out and if you ere
ot-te mere time le, repaid fer the, can get a horse ef thie kind to eat 'a Finally, in the WOrat eases., they shaken the close xnae be too neat: .a.
.,f: aneiret tee aremen in warm bran mash two or thvee tinier. a ereate a drug fiend, a man in- woman the top and the et:incites of the bottom
....tia::.: sea oate tei lie eirtre. week this will often bring him into with shattered. nervee, approaching dangerously strong.
may IANUARY 19
r t
Vallee a i, tee eleeitet to matte large Condition, and especially if you will ineanits-, a elae mlis
vto orphine, Ci . The followieg t be help u .
ateet ite t. heavy arein reeeina wipe give ban a taalespoodta of sulphur or cocaine. Laxatives: Castooil; rhubarb and
(for ehronie constipation).
• --. e et; .. ; erd this meant, onee a week. A ration of •molasses aletlicine containing these deage or "<allae a c : ,. . g„ .. .thc esson III. The Paesover—Exoelas
the setoma down of the hay one a d
tamely; cay also frequently gives good batgh
percentages of alcohol when
laxative); Sweet spirits of nitre. 11: 1-12: 36. Golden Teet.
Tweet; -yr afteen reetted4 et: It:1y daily; reettits when thetanimale are not oth- given ta children may Lam in them
Given to adelas., and infected one after cleaning);
ana after that be (stein to have just manY a g1 13-43vte gets bia aiges"" hi ruinous babits. 11. * T
Antiteptics: bailie (for bad wounds,. e. Gan a: 7.
veal ae eane-.0 foe ttte average horse. erwise doing well. a desire which will eatisfy itself later
Lan every beueehol.l. or if the num-
bent were small two houtalieltie
might eombine. The lamb. Outsell on
the teuth day of the mantle wee 111
be killed on the evening of tbe four,
teenth and eaten 011 the eame night.
The blood was to be sprinkled on tht.
door posite end lintel, and all was to
be done as a fit mereerial of the yeast
ethich preceded the lino:maw f- me
With tile Paesover eao assot .0 t j4I
the feast of In:leavened breed. in
Itlazzotb, mid the sacriaee of the
firstborn of the flock and the hot'. te,
Jehovab. This was proaably an
. ancient spring Testiest %slava oz•eur.
tile_ peroxide of hydrogen (for surface as
tred at this same time, and Hat may
ti7r•It. all 'zia.. gist...,:r. Iv.. will c".ean up i live setstern out of condit-ion, but he • homs1-olf0.Egyphte -Ills.: Plague The
be the feast whieh Moses asked
. cent children, they may entente. elt
- e wounde and eleansine) - boracic ace] permisition for the people
thee tarets a .lay. Ie a heese eyelet; ean be put back in shape and be worth addicts and draikers almost at once. a ' -- i ' ' • a raalignant epidemic. Little was Pharaoh's
hay, them hes digeanee eettem muse: m the right way, and that is \thy it
. Beware, then, mothers; of "mall-
shov.--s," traveling salesmen of Iva"; :--r known in those days of sanitation to celebrate in the wilt/erne:et (5: 1-3),
or borax, ( ee teaepoonful in glass of
fatter: statert fed etne orate and (-layer, a geoa deal of money if he is started
to cleansing surfaces and nothing of the preve A reason is given, however, for the
eoaking sterilized inetruments, ; ntion of disease'
be out of eenelltion. Of courte, there! is advisable to .go to a little extra el"
eemedies claiming to cure all the ills 114;1 by isolating infectious cases. Plague custom of eating. unleavened bread
• '
• . Plea, and so forth). was always regarded as the "stroke hi 12. 39. See also 12. 1;$-20 and
are that are naturally; troable ante mg those ti iti ua
Us maii.kind; an medicines adver-
.tzlow on additional flesh and; that do not respond to the ordinary
tisert in publications whim do not
they lie *raven vidual attend ration. It may also be added tha-t
"stand behind" their advertising.
time The first thing to do with one i one _can. someTeds get greater fiii;;e,
of ths land is to have his teeth ex.abY feedieg soade graltlMagazines and newspapers of stand-
ing now guarantee their readers tbat sores); easelme (foe greasing the end -.
ie. For was nett' Israel Jehovah's was
great national' deliverance and oa the
-a solemn annual memamal of a
a,m'oined and put in shape if they an made by feeeltng. it dry.Soakingtof syringes, clinIcal thermometers, and sPon, His firstborn emong the nations,
where from twen y- if any goods advertised' by them are so forth); glycerine mei rose water . and therefore were not the firstborn birth of national independence; the
out of order. We have in mind one! may be done any paschal lamb was a se-mbol of unity.
proven to contain aalse statements
ease where a horse was "fattened" all; Lour to thirty-six hours. This ap- (for chapped hands); a preparation of of Egypt to pay the penalty of the
winter and ite never gained a pound, I plies especially to those cases where a about themselves, the publication will
the money balsam (for chillblaine); compound wrong that was done them? See the unity of tbe the 115 -
horse is *lined to have the colic tut- refund to the purchaser tincture of beneoin and a centers hair , Exod: 4: 22, 23, And the plague did tion, and of Goa -with lei: people:
t This means,that the peblica-
s.pen .
; der high pressure feeding.
Ointmenta and Lotions: Anti-phlo- of God," and it was useless to resist
Whatever its. -origin may have been,
gistine (for museular stiffness, sprains it. Thea devout Israelite looked
and so forth); boric ointment (Lan upon it in this case as a visitation the Passover "came to be a great na-
tional institution 6f, the Israentee; it
fG df • the e done to His eo-
The HiFhast Price
13XCIP ., ,
. IO us, no matter -what quantity. We
Ipay the highest price, also express
Try once and yon are assured of
310 St. Paul W. Montreal, P.Q.
Reference: Bank o/ lidchgaga. St.
in business Tor 50 years.
Send your
St. Pe tri St.
"teinglneaufacturers aral rbst buyirtg to re.
sell we always assure the fairest grading and
the highest rnarket prices. Quick returns
Ilo price list issued hut we guarantee to
holcl your skins aeparate until you accept
or reject our offer. 00
while details corresponded to incida
brush for 'application (for sore nip- not invade the houses of Israel—in
not ents of the Exodus, as told byetradi-
tion employs agents to examine every
article advertised. by them and will
not accept at any price a dishonest pies during nursing); Sellers' tablets' Popular phrase, against Isreal
(for a gargle and nose douche); 10 even a dog whet his tongue (or tion,
barked). tmen annually of the covenant -reit: -
vent -tilt. osvcenlisealouft
the rite as a whole reminde•I
statement in regard to it. 12: 1-14. The Passover. The his Itisornaelsubasnidstiincegp tbeatlwi
Because in the -country, doctors are torian, writin long afterward puts g f I•
tie con inuance o fts favor towavds
. , difficult to get, there is great tempta-
I is not a food, and may tion to use patent medicines which
not be a panacea for all poultry ills,
can be bought through the man or
but it is a. valuable aid to digestion,
which are delivered at the door. And,
and a corrective of digestive trou- of course, there are well-established
remedies of this kind to which there
is no objection and which are pee -
scribed by doctors at times, such, as
the birds may help themselves. 'I preparations of iron or of cod-liver.
find it is especially valuable in fat -
. all but these never claim . arvelous
tening or forced feeding. R
--nPena cures for deadly diseases; they are
ments with fattening fowls and tur- frankly tonics, meeting certain con-
bles. It is good for poultry of any
age. It may lse.mixed with the mash,
wet or dry, or fed in hoppers. so that
keys have shown that those having
chare)aI Matle much greater gains
than those not receiving it..te-Finely
granulated is the most convenient and
desirable form for feeding it. Al-
though supply houses usually charge
a pretty good price for it in small
quantities, it is comparatively inex-
pensive tvheri 'bought' by the bag or,
Bones or corn are sometinies char-
red for poultry, but this is inexpedit
era except on a sm. all scale.
Many mean men are men oa moans.
Vitaaiines cedst in their ,best and
pures' form in milk, and in a less
degree in green vegetables and in
whole grains. The fatasoluble is M
the fee globules of the milk that form
cream, and the water-soluble is
the skim milk. Both are Unharmed
by cooking.
ditions of &Wily, with their ingre-
dients printed on their label's.
The remoteness of medical service
leads to another dangerous practice,
the exchange of doctors' prescriptions
between neighbors. This ;is perilous
fax two reason's. (1) Mrs. Smith'e
child may be tired and without up -
petite because her heart is not acting
right and the physician prescribes ac-
cordingly; your child may be tired
andwithout appetite because she is
coming down with typhoid fever. If
she takes the heart -medicine, which
has made a new child of Mrs. Smith's
daughter, the results are likely to be
seeiously had, e A doctor's prescrip-
tion is Written 'to aneet an individual
case, with the action of all the organs
In view and understood by him, and
the use of this prescription by other
than the patient, is consequerttly
fraught with elargerove possibilities.
per cent. solution of argyrol .(for in-
fected or tired eyes); cenaphor ice
(for chapped lips); flexible collo-
the story of that them, And 'so the paschal lamb be -
diem (a sort of fluid court -plaster, to' bar 814e eTe
!dreadful na !ght in Egypt, when the comes type of Christ L:nd the pas -
close cuts; it is very inflammable);people of Israel remained awake and chal meal of the Christian Eitcheriet
powdered rice powder or talcum pow-
Dressings: One package oa gauze;
adhesive tape (a sticky tape to fasten
on dressings); a pound of cotton
waste; a white flannel cloth about half
dressedfulilellnycpatdayfberreatihte, vijobueraneytbtayo coamte- car. 5: 7) who gathered up
Christ was the true Pasohal Lamb (1
the flesh of the sacrificed larnb or kid Himeelf, and realed ,in a higher,
and hastily prepared cakes of un- move spiritual sense, the associations
leavened bread, and sprinkled the side of redemption and doliverance_no
posts and lintel of their doors with longer, however, from the 'bondage
a yard long (rto wring out in hot the sacrificial blood, and the law or of Egypt, but from the thraldom of
governing the celebration of the sin --of whic.h the Passover, for
parts). Half a yard of rubber elieet-
solutions and apply to congested 1-wPanssva
Passover memorial feast t ich must many centuries, had been the expees-
have been made at some rater time. sime."—Driver's Commeetary 011ing' (to protect beds); half a yard ol It is well therefore fin eeacline -to Ttae les
tain the heat); a package of clean, to read each by dtself. The story'
the story- from the law and
I — cjc - ea
oil sillaCto lay over ha dressings to ta- separate
old, soft clotas which have been boil, of chatiter 11 is continued in 12: 21
ed, then sewed up in clobh and baked 36; the priestly law providing
. for They may De had at arty bank; post
' Cost $4.00.
in the oven (to use in dressing t4h3e-.51P.aseopver feast is in la: 1-20 and office atia the pri nc ipe 1 ra ilwa t
V' Cons, Y s a"
tents and 'Tn. plements: A "This month" is the Hebrew montn
Abib, afterward called. by the Bab- •
te.00 vol be paid by the Govern -
fountain _syringe, with extra rubber
tubing or -a soft catheter; a clinical ylonian name iNi,sallh- It a cofiveerts part
meTuitieyforartehemoacikned19b2ya. the credit of.
latter airt
1 .„Mo IV, an ell.; year,. Canada. n ' .
thermometer; lot water bag; rnedis of . Ap;.., .
cin.veindergaaPrileirs• .an excellent anti -septic. bwehginclni ssteilniteopnsbee7ed lai,YorthexeatTinepeires: THRIFT STAWITS.
Salt, half a teaspoonful to a, gl'ass Neve Year's Day of the yeae 6679 svas 25 cents each.
,of avaterais a good gargle'. Rran is September 7tha.1918. 'Ile Christian 'rhea area '111°01s C
01a-Ith'inelYiiiinga ste'War
Passover. .This- month plan.
eezemae Ti ihould be eeWed into time as the'
best substitute for soa/3 in eases of festival of Easter comes at the sarne Savings,- Stamp
bags and anew d thickentthe bath_ was the first of the old Babylonian. Sixteen of them teatt be exchangt
. ekiar, eaand it Is here:made the begione eel for a War Savings StallIP.
1,vater. ng soda, a' t- yeai,
ing o.f a saclea, and hence, after
spoonful in a glass of warm waver, the inaking of -this law th.e Jews haat They may -be had -wherever Wax
'halt an hour 'before eating, Koine:teeSavings Stamps are sold. ,
two cal'endats, acc:ording to one of
digeetiore Olive ofl, warated, relieves -which the ..e-eaet began in September
cox ache. a- Vinegar ea SlAgar etireZ gild according to the other in Y.f.oreli, Over 24 per cenf. of th'e employes
hICCOugha. ' ' PA lainbet -or lade was to ee chosoe of'tin bet ka Engleed are weaftem-
f, "