The Exeter Advocate, 1918-6-20, Page 8EXE FEB,ADTZ (GATE, THTSBHDAY,JUNE 30, 191 1: R MARKETS Ce.•t.gr ' Each Wednesday Wheat 1,10 Oat' to 72 Barley .1,25 to 1.30 Family Flour 5 T6 ![iddlings 40.00 Brae 35.00 Creamery, Butter 48 Lard ...,....„t 35 Dairy Butter ., {, .38 oto 40 Potato. s ...... 1,25 'to 1.50 He • 4...... ,.. 17.00 Hay, per ton 10,00 to 12,00 FOR SALE Evaporator and Equipment in the town of Exeter. For 'information cemmun.catr, with, James Somerville, 62, Sun Life Bldg;, Hamilton, TEACHER WANTED Second-class professional teacher for S, S, No, 4, Usbornlew Duties tin commeeace after holidays. State sal- ary qualifications and experience. Ap- ply to R, D. Hunter', Exeter. CARD OF THANKS. Mrs Thomas Willis of Centralia wishes to thank the friends and ,>;eigh bars for their many acts of kittd- neses during the illness and subsequent death of her mother Mrs. McFalis. The Thames Road Farmers' Club. wall hold their meat regular meeting at Elamvielee on June 24, instead of July 1st. STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL The Hurouvil'.e Patristic, Society will hold its Strawberry Festival at S. S. No Usbarne, Thursday, June 27th. Supper nerved from 6 to 8. elensall Band in attendance. Adsni;ss on. 50c. Mrs. Jolm Gill and family wish to express their sincere thanks for the many kindnesses and sympathy shown them during their. recent bereavement When ,ytoa need' flour see Harvey Bros.—they have thiel kit4 you want. LOST—Between Exeter and Strat fiord• a hone -shoe tie Diu set in diamonds and rubies. Finder please return to 402 Downie St. Sieetuord, and receive rewatrd. Three only new Buggies to clear out and otne good second-hand .tap. :buggy. Monarch Fencing, seven and eight wire. brace wire, etc, Also a few good rates. One wheel tongue trucks for binders and mower's now in and supply limited. Mowers, clump rakes, bay loaders, tedders and com biped side -delivery rakes and tedders. WM. WARD. Int, Har. Cos agent. GOOD GIRL WANTED at Central Hotel. Exeter. Duties to commence July 1s't, At the presetd high pieces of feed it pays to finish shags, artd there is plenty sof good feed. See Harvey Bros. HOUSE FOR SALE Two storey brick teniae with all modern conveniences -bath, furnace, waterworks hydro, etc. also small fruit, good gardeelnj and water. Apply an the premises to Mrs. Rowell, or W. W. Tamen, Exeiter. Don't sell your pigs light, we have plenty sof good feed. Harvey Bros. 'HOUSE TO RENT.—On Andrew Street. Exeter, one and, half storey frame house; goad stable, fruit trees... Possession July lst. APply to J. D. Atkinson, Clane:ea Auction Sale OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS AND AUTOMOiBILE At the home of the umdersign,ed, .Aneddrevv Street, Exeter, os,. SA'I URDAY, JUNE 29th, 1918 At 1.30 o'clock sharp, the following: Mason & Rich piano, 2 bedr•,notu suite, springs and mattresses, 1. iron bed spring and mattress, bureau, 2 toile: sets., 2 leather chairs, 3 par- lor toteees, 7 rocking .chairs, 6 dining room chairs, extension table, slide - board, kitchen table, 9 kitchen chairs hanging lamp, New Williams sewing macithe, dozen p c{twraes, 3 mirrors, carpet sweeper, clock, roller blinds, `^Kir-ben' Steel range, new; Good` - cheer baseburner, coe.7l or wood heat- er. catpetss, oilcloth; and tlimeoieam, tub, ' washboard and wringer, several quart and twos -quart sealers, 3 large crocks, 3 small crocks, garden rake, shovel, hoea, cider barrel, laniterru, band -saw, bucksaw, quantity summer wood, dishes and lamps and many other articles, Overland five -passenger touring car medal 85-4, in golotd auyn ring order, will be offeeieed 4f not sold' privately before day of salfe. TERMS CASH Wm Svveee't, C. W. Robins Proprietor Auctilane;er. NEW CARTAGE RATES Commencing April 1st, 1918,— Single shipments 15c. each. Shipments under!. 400 lbs, 1.5c, eacb Shipments over 400 tubs .-, 336c. per cue Pianos each .. 50c. Pianos, private .... ....... ......, $1,00 Trunks, private 25c, each Grips, private .,.. 15c. eaeCit Team by day ,. $5.50 Team by hour ,..60cby, THOS. CREECH WM T GILI.ESPIE COAL NOTICE We wish to notify the public that all coal, deliveries made this year must be nYn a strictly cash basis. R. G. SELDON HORSES S WANTED 1 want an aailimited ,/lumber of bonito in 'good cot 4ttteatrre. Geldings 5 gra told up, weighing from 1500 rtindA up, Menreea from 4 years old 1300 A t1 from p. weighingPound asp, 11`seilei having The required stuff write, or phone 83; Exeter, DOW. ` LOCAL DOINGS)a Ails; Caaug atnd McGillivray Farm- er;,' Associations Intend building a warehouse at Ailsa Craig. I4eut.-Col. Jahn N, Guinn, coin-inlaw of Rev and Mrs, Martin of Logsdon, formerly of Exeter, hall been aware - ed the D,` S. 0, by thet King - Rev. S. W. Muxworthry will preach farewell sermons in Main Street ?11th- adtist church on Sunday next. Rev. Mr.: eluxwarthy is an able, preacher, Ile goes to Forest, Mr. fag. Vance of Usborne, ,,�zvavhio sustained severe injuries by,.=' -`being kicked by•a horse recently, Mast a- nciently erecovered as to /leave the hospital and return to hiss orne. Mr. Curtis Harness were to Lon- don last week, and was ,operated on at Victoria Hdspeal on /Friday for on internal trouble. ' The operationwas a success and he is doing nicely. The Sunday eveniingtt',a.ervice in Jam- es Street -church was of a mnrslealmm'Ce'' Lure, and the usual ,sern%ix?~treve omit- ted. The°cboar gavel an excellent ren- dering of Pair, I sof the sacred cantata entitled; "A Day with Our Lord,". Part Il. will be given a few weeks hence. LONDON CONFERENCE„ The following changes were made, by the sttattion:ing committee in the final draft,— Exeter District -Parkhill, Thomas T Goad, superannuated; E1itmvillIe, Hen- ry B. Barnaby, Ph. B.; }Rasa'', Ar- thur E. Doan, KA., B.B. Ailaa Craig, Chatrle, H. Wells, B.A., B.D..; Thos: J, Snowdon, superannuated Granton, Robert A. Milleetr. District Chairman, Rev. J.W.Baird; Financial Secretary, Rev,, Mr E.Down; Sunday School Secretary, Rev. W. A. Finlay; Secretary of social service and evangelism, Rev. Medd, who comes to Main Street church, Exeter. MAJOR HEAMAN INVALIDED HOME. Major W. J. Heaman of Exeter, who went overseas as commander of the Exeter company of the 161st Huron Battalion an November 1916, bas been invalided home. and arrived i,n' Halifax on Friday last. Mrs. Beaman went to Taranto, to meet him Sunday and after a day or twa itn: Toronto and London, he will arrive in Exeter this We'dniesdayy afternoon,. After the re -organization of the 161st Battalion, in England the Major in order to get tato France accepted Ltieutenency its' tele Imperial army and for several months was Town . Major at Haplin.court, near Baupaum.e, France. Last faille was thrown from his horse and injured his leg. After a week or two tin rest' .he returned to duty but the injury was more severe than at first thought, and; he was sent to hospital in England, where he re- mained until inealneded home. We understand Major; Freeman, still uses a crutch or cane in walking. Exeter welcomes him; back and we trust he may scan be restored to health. Mrs. Hyndtnsaln. a,sf at present confine ed to hes' bed in a very low state c><f health. Revs Salton who visited his'laugh- tier Mrs, E. Colwill, in Centralia, oc- cupied James Street pulait Sunday morning • The barbers of town have raised the price of hair cuts and shaves, th,e former froth 25 to 35 cents and the latter from 10 to 15 cents. Toronto Huron Old Boy, will hold their annual Excursion and picnic to r2ueenston Heights on July 24th, a- beedaning their usual trip to Huron, because there are no special railway rates Mr. W. H. Armstrong al town re- ceiveci a severee gash in his foot .la,st week by ,one of his horses tramping on it. He was working in flee gravel pit in Usborne when the team took fright and attempted to get away, Mr. Arte strong :eteppeld in front of thein and in sodoirtng was knocked down and the. team ,passed over hint. The won;deir is that he escaped with solittle injury. The Soldiers' Aide acknowledge with thanks the following donatianis,-lyLrs. Yea $2.00; L. Wilson. and E. Harness $20.60; A friend $10,00; Mrs. Rollins $1.00; Tag Day $82.76, The tags were, donated by Mohs- Stella Gregory. Tow- els were edonated by Mrs. T. Creech and Miss Hysildmart,. May Collection's $54,86; Membership '75c. • 218 tow els and pillowslips and 50 pairs of socks were sent to Toronto for the Queen Mary Shower. The 13irtlyday• entertaciimentt brought in $129.54.. A five pound cake and a pair of socks were . mailed to Fred Brimacombe , an June 13th, .$,67.28 was received from the County Council. DEEATPH OF b1R, JOHN GILL. On Thtursday, June 13th, there passed away at` bis home on James Street, Exeter, an. aged and well- known resident oee Exeter in the per- son of Mr. Jahn ,Gill, who wast in his 89th year. Deceased had. been a re- mmrkably healthy and robust man all his idee, .until the last two or three years, when old age began to tell- an his strong constitutionv, He was about a; usual, however, until three or faux daiys` prior to his death. Born in Cornwall, England, he resided there until nearly thirty years of rage, when his and his family decided to come to Canada. They first settled at Columbus, Ont,, and a few years lat- er came to Exeter; ,where he resitdeed; the remainder of his life. Ise the early days he .was noted as one sof the best sheep shearers in Ontario. Later an he .became constable and balliff and he was fearless in the discharge of. his duties. He was constantly on the ob and he brought many an evil -doer to justice. In. late years he has liv- ed retired. Mr. Gill was esteemed and respected by; all. He was twice married, and hie second wife survives. Hee its also survived .by one soil John oef Buffalo and one 'daughter, Mary J. of Kingsville; also( two brothers, Jos- eph and Edward of Grand Bend. The funeral was of a preivatee nature and took place to the Exeter cemetery on Saturday afternoon. ST. THOMAS FAILED TO TAKE THE MINTEE TROPHY. - Twa strong rinks' from St,. Thomas challenged far the Mirtitee Trophy held by Exeter last week and came up on. Friday for .a game. Rinks skip- ped by Seldon and Creech both won out however, and the Cup remained in Exeter. Seldon was seven shots up and Creech was three up. Both Exeter rinks ,got,apr early lead and on the 10th end were 15 up. A landslide came for the next six end, a,n;d, on the. 16Th the -challengers were. seven up. The locals came back .into form dur- ing .the last five ends, and tallied 12 points, to the visitors' one, making the defenders on the filial score tent rt,p. The players andscore fallow,— St, Thomas Exeter Taman; . «' Stewart Clarke 19 Selden, skip 26 Marlatt Davey ,Maxwell Smith, skip Maxwell Kaiser Rivers Dore Judd Christie Trull, ./kip 16 Creech, skip 19 35 45 President R. N. skipped the winnart d' rink in . the local tournament on Monday ee°venin(g. Three games of eight endseach; were played and Mr,' Rowe's rink won all three • games with a plus scord of 20. 'Local tour- nament, are to be held each Monday evening aand open tournaments each Friday evenurtfg, to which bowlers from surroundpin)g tawni are invited. The R. G. Se1doem. ethnic pf bowlers, who went to Aylmee'r last week, did not' get•im,.the money. They lost the first two ,gains' and carne home early. The Women's Institute will hold a public meeting in the Library, on, Wednesday, June 26th at 3 o'clock, when Miss Graydon, a graduate nurse of Streetsville, will give an address Gil Health and Emergencies. All WO - men welcome.—Mrs. A. Hastings,' Sec, CARD OF THANKS -Me. John English wishes to thank the neigh - and frj:e'nicls for their /nary acts 01 kinidness during the illness and sub- seeuent death .af his wile. MARTiN-SENOUR M lO0% PURE PAINT VARNISHES & N S�iE in khi, iuua G. A. Hawkins Mr. W. Street• was up from London Ma Grigg of Grimsby is visiting fatieentdu in town. . Rev Little of Forest occupied Ca.v,• en pulpit Sunday. ,r. Miss Davidson'of London is visit- ing isit-ay. t Miss GladysMFerd of Sarnia is vis - her parents here. Mrs. Taman, was in London and in Woodstock this week, Miss Jessie Mansan,of Lort,don. ;,pent JONES&MK PHONE 32 CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO, 8. 1 nterest 'to June•Brides Special Values in Linen TABLE LINENS 3 pieces, 68 to 72 inches wide in geod duality bleached linen, very special value for June at .1.50 a yard. UNBLEACHED TABLE LINENS—Nearly all pure linens, good heavy weight; While they last at 75c. a yard. WE Also liars{ a epleJndid stock of pure liner, table nepkiias, fancy towels and toweliittgs, tray cloths, end pieces, ruattrers, sets of table cloths .with napkins to match, etc., etc; EMBROIDERY LINEN — 36 inch wide in all pure white linen, very fine threead. Our special sealing price, 75c. a yard. SPECIAL— 1 piece ' only spew -white bleached embroidery linen, 54 inches, wide, for table covers, etc., worth double the price we disk. Oen sale at only $11;00 a yard, Pure Linen. Crash Towelling, 30c. yd. 500 yards of pure Linen crash towelling in plain white, also with red border worth to -daffy 32c. a yard,: wholesale Our special June se(1iazg price 30c. a yard. Don't 'nisei this bargain. Bargain in Penman's Lisle Hosiery 7 Dagen pairi of Ladies' finite Lisle Hosiery in .:Peetrunatn,'el make, in black only. Slightly impeerfect in weave, A regular 75c. line, an said at 50c., Ladies' Raincoats at $4.95 10 only Ladies' Heavy Raincoats in grey, •fawn and black. Sizes to 44, to clear this month at only 54.95'each. Buy Your.' Gongoleum Rugs Now. 6 We' would strongly advise buying fsom. our preselnt stock of Congol- eum Rugs. Our large sizes are at least $6 lower than the new -adver- tised prices; and thie smaller sizes frons 53 to $5 lower. • LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S READY-TO-WEAR DRESSES AT EX- CEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES JONES & MAY Headquarters for tate Celebrated Sa ndla d & Lion Brands Clothing Men an d Boy/. Mrs,; J. L. Burwell has retureee.d front a yisit int Utisioln, Miss Lulu Hastirng�s, is visiting . at Guelph and Port Huron. • Mr. Maurice Wexler of Windsor Sunday with heir parents here. motone•d through' here Thursday .and Mr. H. Spackman visited in Owen 'spent a few hours' with` friends.. Sound and Guelph during the . week. ernes ' Pricitiatre teacher of Paris, on Mrs.. J C. Inwood and daughter, her wary home tate Goderiich,.;pent Sunday' and Monday; with "Mrs. W. G. Bissett. after a visit here, returned to Lon- don last week County Clerk Holman of Goderich was in town Friday last shaking hands with old efa ienids. Mr. J. M. Southcott attended the meeting of th,e Press Association in Taranto last week, Mrs. Irwin of near Ingersiall is vis- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Davis, and othier relatives here. Mrs. Lounesbery. oft Hamilton will ar /,tune in Exeter this Thursday evening and will be thje guest of her sister, M. Jas• S. Dignen. "Joseph Amy a Exeter, Ont., vis- ited a few ,days !durinng, the pais.t week with biz brothers!, Alvin and Elgin," -Thee Outlook, Outlook, Sask. Mrs. Jas. Wanless returned to Du- luth last week, aftter a visit with her NURSING THE WOUNDED parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Hardy. It takes strength and courage to mune Mrs. Chas. Dale of St. Thomas i9' the wounded. Every woman should make spending a few days at the Central herself fit for ,war'a call at home or Hotel with her sister, Mrs. Acheson. abroad. Health and strength are within Pte. Will Meson of London was the reach of every woman.`They ari home an. vee Wedinesday ening, las t and brought to you by Dr. Pierce's Favorite • took part an the Birthday entertain- Prescription. Take this medicine, and moment. there's a safe and certain remedy for the Mr. Thos. E. Handfeed of Tager- chronic weaknesses, 'derangements, sari SOIL wlio is now at his summer cot- tom es peeniiar to women. It will. build tage with his family at Grand Bend, up, strengthen, and invigorate every,. was in town Saturday.. "run-down". or delicate woman. It as - Mr. John Gii11, of .Buffalo, Miss Marysate the natural functions. Gill of 'Knnj_,,vaile, amici Mer nee 'Ler, At some period in her life,' a woman Harry Gould,of Windvor attended the reqq ea a specie tonic and neriine. funeral of_thus late John atte If you're a tired er afflicted woman, Mrs eA, Bis Taut of Brantford is turn to `•`Pavonte Prescription,"• you will find it never fails to benefit. Sold in returning to Exeter to reside.` we tablet or liquid forma Send Dr. Pierce, understand she will conduct a board- pre'. Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Instt- ing hounue lin: Mrs. Lane's residence. tute, Buffalo, N. Y., (or branch), Bridger Mrs and Mies uRichards and Miss burg, Ont.) 10e for trial pkg, tablets. s Siegler of Wfikidsar and Mr: Phil- Toronto, Ont. --FYI found 'Favorite ott Niagara Falls, N.Y., were ;nests ' Prescn tion' a s lea e � � a l P g P, P at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. N. J. did tonne for women, Dore, Some time ago 2 be - Mr. and Mrs. Georges Russell and came all run-down, little• daughter-, who have; been visit 'weak, nervous and ing with Mrs. Rualstell.'s parents, Mr,' could not eat or and Mrs, Thos. Sanders, left Friday nolo. $ad severe for their borne, in .Hanna, Alta.I mbsekyaclarightes, 'pBidaine. Is in Mr, and Mrs, D. Latvg,fard and spm took Favorite Pre. Albert of Vancouver spent Sunday et eeription and it coax - Dr and Mrs. • Reulston s. They -n- ( 1 tel t b 'lt LOOK WELL FOR OUR SHOP AND YOU N1WILLL LOOK WELL ME WHEN YOU-COOUT. Your g S rin Suit The aura it fits you at the collartrousersHare the trousers made to fit you /wand the waist. They will stay tip much better when yvu wear a belt. Your Clothes' wall have individuality if you let a make them for you.. Ladies' Suitings IN BEAUTIFUL GREY, BROWN, AND ALSO. A GOOD RANGE OF BLUES. COME EARLY AND GET ONE OF THESE .Bl,FORIE ;THE OLD GOODS ARE ALL GONE. N. Sheers LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel Tea Coffee Store For the choioeet groaeriee, omits, eOie®a boas, coffee and ever'p• thing hi the grocery lige." Cali and see us. A. ttial as to quality will cousin - 0e. _ Produce taken in exeha 1?Rb Jas. Gould Furniture and Undertaking taf u R. N. RO THE F,UNERAL DIRb.CTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER . tend remratI neirug 'east and may ynake , ,health and re - their home , int, Exeter or London 1 •lieved me of ail the Mr. Harold Swanru a former teacherr anno7r ng Iain e and *aim „ — ofEden three wlra has been overseas tot Tsoie.e&s Qe,ANerabat, 425 Front St. years, and was invalided home Niagara, I'aUs, Ont.—'tDuring middle owing to being gassed, also pleur- began isy and heaa•t trouble, was a visitor 'age ' gs to go conn r health. I I world become .dizzy, black e spotss would dtnnrng the week end with Eden and ,sltpear before' my. eyes. I also suffered Exeter friends I witthh severe pains in. the back of my head Mr, D, Mc'R etterick and two chid- j and my back would ache continually. I dren of Weetassriwvnt, Altar were vis- WWI moat Miserable when I began taking ,tors here aid' at Crediton for a few r'svdrite Prescription, but by its use I• .. , days last week. M2, McKettera,ck is came through this cntnesl period in a a brother of Mas, Marshals,. He was good healthy, condition. It is a splendid east as a delegate to the Presbyter- medicine for women at this time of life.'/ tan General. ASsennlbly, —Mas. W. P. Tv znn,'187 Bridge St. Hot Weather Footwear reexpensieve Sheetse, and you can get just what rou want occasxan. FLEET.FOOT foe Ow All.the Fashion; Fes' every Canadian Sport Far m rnti noon Or night; for City or Country; at topple or opt vacatiorG;" '.rises/, SHOES ARE THIS RAGE. They cos t the least; and are— COMFORTABLE, EASY, LIGHT, LONG WEARING,. SANITARY AND SEASONABLE, ' FLEET FOOT SHOES ARE, S0L`t3 BY B W. F eavers