The Exeter Advocate, 1918-5-30, Page 8PHONE 32
Prepare for Hot Weather
Summer Stock is Complete
Men's and Boys' Straw Hats
New Panama); Sailors, Dip Fronts, in plain, and cloloned bands, are bene
shiowat in a'!greait variety of styles, anti at moderate prices. See our Spec
sal Panama Hats at $3,00
Men's Furnishings -
We are ready for the hot weather with an. exceptionally fine stock. of
Men's and Brays' Lounge and Outing Shirts, Wash Ties, ,Belts, Stocks, in-
visible Braces, Summer ,Caps, Outing Sluaes, Sall Collars, Etc.
Anticipate your summer requirements early; as many lines cannot be re-
placed to sell at present prices.
New Ginghams at 20c. yd
New Gingham iin. good washing co,ors, in plain, check and striped of
sects.' 'Wonderfully good value at 20c, a yard,
Ladies' Hosiery
Ladies' and Children's Hosiery in the season's most popular colors, also
black and white im Cotton, Lisle and Cashmere fabrics, bought from,. our
present stock will mean a great money saving 'opportunity for you. '
HOSIERY SPECIAL. -8 Dozen only Ladies' ,;,Bile Lisle 1lasplea•y in the
new.nuaboga,niy shade; sizes 8% to 10, to, clear at 50c. a pair.
White Wash Skirts
The new wash skirts for ladies are Mere in, piques, reams, etc, $1.50 up
Another Shipment of $1.25 Blouses
We have received another shipnient ,of Ladies' White Voile Blouses,
to sell at 11.25 each, Pretty patterns and good quality. Sizes 34 to 46
House Furnishings
COngoleurm Rugs—all popular sizes at one-third less than to -day's list
New Curtain Nets, Liln.ieusns, Rugs, Japan. Mats, Oilcloths,'Window
Blinds, Curtain, Pules, Etc:
Wash Dress Goods—See our large stock of - Staple loud novelty wash
Headquarters for the Celebrated Sandford & Lion Brands Clothing
Men and Bays. •
r.1�., R' a.-was,.a•.....,sr� +w.a,.o-,:,�...,n.„c.....A. ss.0 ....
MAY SO, 181111
Changed Each Wednesday,
Oats 7Q,ta 72
Barley , ,1125 ,to 1.30
Family Flour 5,-70
ltif iddTttig's 40,00
Creamery Butter 48
Dairy Batter , .,,, 40 to 42.
Lad o-,,,., l 35
P,o•tatoes' 1,25 'ta 1.50
Sugar beet pulp, per ieack ' 1.60
Hay, per ton 10.0.0 to 12.00
Steady -ei;uble: men to work on Gin.
H., E Shells. Experience not neces-
nary. Rhone orraiePlY personally to
The Riobt, Be)). Engine & Thresher
Co., Limited,
3t Sea'forth, Ont.
That diesitalblea one; and half storey
frame due ing tot Janes Street, Exe-
ter, the reside,nc Of the late John
Wash. Apply at theresidence or at
,Adv Kate Office,.
TWINE LOST -1' 50-11b, bale Gold
Medal Binder Twines between,Hensall
station and :E'eaman's ,oHardwarejrdEx-
eter, n May 20th. Finder rewarded
on leaving informatiran or twine at
Heaman's Hardware,
bas a large stock of Gerani,usns and
other bedding 'Plants; also Tomato,
Clel1ery etc„ at the old prices.
A few bushels of V4'itscoutsin No. 7
Seed Goin on cob' far sale. Over 00
Per cent, greranlnlatdon guaranteed. The
Price is $4.25 Apply at Advocate
--wawa.. i.
P.h'onic your 'order for pineapples to
C. L. Wilson at osice. This and next
week are the leading weeks.
Ono dray last week, thea -e were two
ilen in the mill who; had' been, using
our Standard Model Flour and without
being asked expressed themrsl-1' es thus
."tbpt war flour is alright, we like
the. flavour better even than ;the white.
flour and it zalisedfinite, lust a little
deeper," Harvty B;rios,
Sealed Tenders - will be received by
the undersigned up to Monday, June
10th 1%18, at 8 o'clock p.m. for the
construction of cement culverts in
the Township of Stephen having a
span ;from 8 to 16 feet. These cul-
verts are commonly known as Ire-
land's ; Ziler's Bolllan:le and Hay-
ter's. Plans and specifications far
the Work may be sale' at the clerk's
office on and after the 3rd of June
The lowest_ or any tender not nec-
essarily ,accepted.
Crediton;, Ont.
Auction Sale
On James Street, Exeter, on
SATURDAY, . JUNE Sth, 1918.
At 1.30 o'clock p. m, the fallowing
Real Estate—If not previously sold,
that 134 storey frame house, the resi-
dence Of the late John Welslh.
Effects -Doherty organ, glass cup-
board 2 stoves, 2 tables, safe, bur-
eau, 2 dressers, 2 bedsteads, springs
and mattresses; stretchier, washstand
2 suckers, 6 kitchen chairs, largerug
bedroom ruig, bed•rtoolm carpet, stair
carpet, oil cloth, blinds, curtains, pic-
tures, dishier, lawn mower, gra den
tools, and numerous other articles.
Terms—Real estate made known on
day of sale; Chattels, cash.
C. W. Robinson, Mrs. John. Welsh,
A'uc.ianieer, Psloipr5retress
The Council of - the corporation of
Huron wii; meet in the Council Cham-
ber, in. th Town of Goderich, on
Tuesday, the 4th day of June, 1918,
at 3.00 o'clock.
Godericli, May 17, 1918
Sealed Tenders( wit be received by
the undersigned until noon, June 17,
1918 for the con&trutctionn of what is
known as the Anderson Drain in the
Townships of Fullartan, Blanshardarnd
Unborn. A ,marked cheque repres-
enting 10 per cent. of the contract
price must accompany each tender.
Plans profile's and specifications may
be seen at the Engineer's Offa
or at the Clerk's Offiic,e, Fullar-
ton, The lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted.
4t. R, H. POMEROY,
Township Clerk
Those having articles lap storage be- 4
longing• `ta this estate of the, late Rabt.
Sanders, will kindly report same tc ""
The, . dance given in : Mel Dash s I•;all
on Wednesday night was ,largely at-
Rev. Reid Of Lrcknow preached in
Caveu Presbyterian. Church on Sun -
clay last.'
Rev, Baker of Crediton and Rev,
Mttx iorthy exchanged pulpits on Sun, -
clay morning last,
The splenldirdl rains tar Saturday and
Sunday \\rere,nee,decl, and have been a
great beene,fiit to the crops.
A. number of Exeter Masonic breth-
ren attended' church service with the
Hensall brethren, on Sunday evening,
Mr,. Brace '.&ossenberry of Grand
Bend had the misrortune to break
his arm when cranking his car by the
engine back -,`firing. •
Outride of a few, firecrackers and
the opening of the bowiimg s:eauon, the
24th of May was a quiet one in town.
Manny visitors were luorne for a brief
Quite a number sof. Exeter people
were in Mitchell dor the hial.iday and
witnessed the Ford car defeat Hal 33.
the Ilan -tour trotter, by a length in a
half Mile race,,,
Silas Reid went to London Monday
to enlist, He as 111;ot 19 years yet, but
wants to get in the game. He was
sent home, h,owev;er; until he becomes
of military age.
The fine brick residence owned by
Mr James Walters ;on Albert Street
nvas solid on Monday last to Mr. W.
W Tamra(n, of town, who takes pos-
session immediately.
Ed Sims of Stephen, while in town
Wednesday evening off last week, at-
tempted to pick, a bunch of lilacs, but
in some manner fell to the sidewalk
and brolke his arm at the wrist.
Mr Lindens C. Harvey has taken
first class. Third ye!ar honors in, Phil-
_ 11q at T+aran,,ta University and .has.
gone to Wfd Ros,e;;
Sask., to take
chargee iii a Mission for the summer.
Mrs. W. W estcott of Seaforth, form-
erly. iaf Exeter, has received word
iron. France, stating that her son
Arnold, vvthia• was wounded in his left
arm, is :recovering nicely and ,tell
Vain be well•
Rev. A H. Glonlg `i5f. Lindsay, for-
merly of Exeter, leaves Linddsay on
June 12th and ,after a visiit at his
home in Winids(or, groes to Edmonton
170 take a city charge. His friends
here will wish ;hour; every nieces in
the west,
Mrs. M. Fletcher some months ago
pinned a noted to a :pair of socks sent
overseas 'and last week she got a let-
ter from the young soldier who re-
ceived diem, 'stating that the boys
overseas could certainly apprecia:te
sock's • and the makers would be glad
to know they had been received.
Pte. Clinton Hogarth,, son of Mr.
and. lairs S. J. Hogarth of Stephen
was ,killed at the Battle of Ypres about'
a year ago. He enlisted at Chatham.
Word has only recently been receiv-
ed of his deiath. Thos is the second
son 'killed 'in. battle, and one other
son d, on the battle line itt France,
"Mrs McConn(b and Mrs. John Par-
sons are this week in receipt of short
Letters fnom soldiers who received
shirts made by them and to vv-Fr"
they attached natiesi to the boys who
got them. The boys; were very thank-
ful for the shirts:, confident of win-
ning the war, and anxious to finish it
un and get back' to "Good Old
If you are 'renewing or subyc,rib -
drug for any of the Canadfian daily or
w-eekiy papers,, you ,may, da so at this
lattice. We have; always looked after
this for scorers of our subscribers and
arc- still doing 'so. We, can give it to
you cheaper at well as save all expen-
ses in connection, and nowadays ' it
costs•. at least eight cents in cash be-
side.; stationery, to order a paper
singly. :
The Hollowing. soldiers returned last
week from overseas' --
Norman lorry; of Exeter,.
Cast, CJ E. Dowding of Clinton.
A. Snietb'uirst rolE St Marys,.
A. Traylor tar Wiinighty n
W. Oram blf Gioderichl,
The 'Annual. Convention orf Church
Warkieirs.of' this Anglicans, communr.,onr,
in. Hn1Moh County was held an Thurs-
day last in the Trivitt Memorial!
Church, Exeter. The weather was
ideal amid a large nu/Tiber of motor
parties.. totalling abbot 75 delegates
came sfrtolm all ;parts of the county;
as well. as visiting speaker's from %Lon'•-
don, and Rev. Mr. Trivitt, a:miss) on -
airy tan •6ualough from, the Horan Di-
ocese in China. The seasilonis were all
deeply interesting and the various
speakers brrouigthtbefore the gather-
ing some, vital preblems which are he-
ing faced -by the church to -day.; Mr.
Trivitt gavel a very 'interesting
si nary address in the evening, illus-
trated by lantern, slides made from
his town phatograplhi4;. He; stated that
he Wats ' the only missionary of any
church itt a dSistrict containing
6,000,000 people, .and that as a result
of his labors,' he raid been privileged
to baptize 80 adult ' ChiinieEse during
hip two. y,ear3, work,
the Advocalte Office,
We wish, to notify the public fat PURE
all c,oa1 deliveries made this YC''a1•"rtUat, VARNISHES.
bo on a strictly cash balls.
R. .
. G, �.t,DON
t OP.5ES \VAl
's`ant t eialitnite:l ,f't+uw'ber of
dn,ga,ad carrditiett• Geld;urgi 5
Pears old tip, . wei (ing fr'am 3300
piOands up. Mares :palm 4 smart old
d Yr 5 iveiglirng 4 1300 P sound§ £?
it idea having tic required tttet,
lte. 'or P,bore 49, 'er:
G. tr, DOW.
ViVich i, a 4' � A in trail
iev.►it„ed' r ' ' elan
Are soid;.lbir
G. WklIiS
A quiet ''deicing 'took' plaice art May
21st at thie Main Street Methodist par -
soilage, Exeter, when leer. Muxworthy
tunitetd iMnf aia'e 111'.B!ehc
scan of .r. johnnarrg%Vetchesr, ofert F1 ' 4.Tsbortcn�er
bo.•?vfiss 'Nellie Stone, (laughter of Mr.
"Ed. Stone 'of the sante township, The
young people will reside on thein, farm
near Sunshine" and, wall have the best
wishes of their many friends,
Mr. Ed. Triebnier lof Stephen was
taken, ha Victoria Hospital, London,
on Tuesday oiliest ,week. and was lat-
er operated on by Dr. Mobire :,for
some trouble in the hip, The opera-
tion was a campaie'tn,success the .pa-
tient is now ,getting along very nicely,
Ed. 'hta's been the; .victim of