The Exeter Advocate, 1918-5-30, Page 4." e .--The 're Cleaner Fresher-®®
when washed with Sunlight Soap. I find it
cleans the clothes more thoroughly and with less
work than ordinary soaps. It doesn't hurt the
.clothes and I must say my hands never feel the
'worse for it either. I really do not find it hard
to " look after the wash myself, because Sunlight
Soap does so much of the work for me."
eladann-there's nothing but truthin this lady's remarks.
:Sunlight Soap is made so well and so honestly that our
,guarantee of $5,000 that it containsno impurity: has
never been challenged.
All grocers sell Sunlight Soap.
.,;• ss`.` ado
%meter vocate,
Sanders & Creeelas Proprietors
Subscription Price -In advance $1.25
neer year in Canada; 51.75 in tho
Waited States. All subscriptions not
,naradd in aitivance 50 cents extra, will
one charged.
THURSDAY, MAY 30th, 1918
Horsemen. Get your route cards in
shape and have tltern printed at The
Advocate Office. Do not forget to
Piave the animal enrolled.
The Canada Rood Board has issued
a waznine ,to public ,eating places that
it will be illegal fear them to continue business after .June lst, unless they
a license fresth FoodBoard
This applies t'o restaurants, cafes,
tbeaardinv houses, etc. Retail grocers
a,re ansa warned that they menet have
_Tr.cense.< by June lst.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffman and
" Ties Ora rot Tavistock visited in town
=mover the holiday.
Mise E, Gwenth:e; spent ae few days
at her home here last week.
Mr. Herb Rinker is ;visiting with
friend; in Port Hurcen and Detrroilt.
1Ir. and Mrs. John Weia, Mr. and
Mrs C. Finkbelimer and \ties Cath-
arine spent the'<v ek end with relate
eves. int Sarnia.
Gunner Jack Routledge a: :London
visited at his home over Sen lay.
Mrs. Irelande, Mrs.. G. Wambold and
Miss Ti'emen tof Stratford visited at
the home el Mr. E. Tiernan over the.
Mr. J W: Ortwei,n gave a sheet ad-
zirese le the Evar ge?tical .Steieday
ethical Sunday.
Miss Olive Held of Clinton spent
the holiday at her *home Here,
Mrs. Ed. 'E.raft,, and Mrs. FI. Preetes
visited in London a, few dare last
Miss \Lima E.hlersf of Stratfordspent
the 24th at her home here.
Mrs. Daniel Hnrtleiib, who has pus-
chtased the estate of the late Fred.
Glassman, has massed! to toirn.
Mr. Chas. Stire of Bracket, Alta,,
ys visitant with hits parents here.
Miss Lizzie,' zzJe Clark of Toronto v+s-
lead' her parents Over the 'io day. --r
parr. Simeon Sttieatzer' aE Win(d((or spent
:a. few days last' week with his br+otth-
- vers :here. -Mr. Chast Lochner and
scan H.irry anent Saturday in London.
bLi and Mrs. Dan. Mc'Rellar and
'.L'aught'er Gladys of Aitsa, Craig visit-
at Mr; Wm eic'eeeeliari's Suruday;
-Mrs. John I ynch('and two dans!, left
son. Monday Pari Detroit eitere sh,e wilt
reside in future.
They e Brought Relief
To Thousands
50 Cents per 'box.
She lioxeid for $2.50 1.36
Mrs Sam. Hedden has returned
home after visiting in, Detroit, Lon-
don and Exeter.
A. number of boys came from Kit-
sheene - on their bicycles gen. Friday
and spent the w-e.e1c-end here with
friends. On account of the wet
weather they retunived; by train. They
were a holly bunch and appeared to,
have enjoyed their outing very much.
Viceoria Day passed off quietly in
WWII. Quite: a number went to Mit-
chell to attend the races. A few went
fishing Christian Trick gat his num-
ber a., :trio a$tvae s ,does.
Pte. Sam. Sims of London was home
for tee: erd
leave,aaso Pte. W.H.
Brion and Gunner Merner EiTh -r,
Mr and Mrs,. Bridgett and daughter
V:'ictor. icestae• 04 Chatham and Arthur
Sambrook of .Blenhleemspent the
.leo ,days in town.
We are pleased to learn that Mrs
u English's
condition is improving
Mr. and Mrs Webb :of London vis-
ited Mr; and :firs. John: Weise; Sunday
Jos S -,'Amy left for Outlook, Sask.
this week on busyness.
Mian Clara Hoist .has been engag-
ed as clerk in. Foist Betas.' .store.
The Red Cease Society has ar-
ranged with Rev. (Dr.) elacIlonald of
Ki -tore to g:ve(a lecture in the Town
Hall next Fridae evening, June 7th at
8 p. lin. The .reverend gentleman has
recently returned from overseas,
where he has been acting as Chap-
lain for some time. He comes highly
recommended, and all those who at-
tend are assured an intellectual treat.
Have you bought your ticket foe.
the contest, arrarseecif .for by the Red
Cnoss Society ? The grew consists of
a 'beau liful set iof da,shees, which ;nay
be seen in Dr.:lOrnesee drug store
Last Friday Chess. Wolf had the
mislftortwne to lose a valuable driver
which had both legs broken by an
aut+omobil'e. The unfortunate aminal
wandered quite a edlistance before he
was found, and later was shot to re-
lieve ,its sultfearirg.
'Milton Harris c4 London is , visiting
friieads in town for a flew days. '
Ezra 'Ivrein of Peace Raver, Alta.,
accompanied by .has little son, Harold,
is visiting his sister, ltrs. H. Motz.
Dr Rollins. of Detroit spent a few
days last week with Mr. and Frank
I -licks.
Ott Thursday evening the members
o? the Se^ri^.r Orga,n;zed Class gath-
ered at the home at` ldrs, A. Brooks
and spent a social time tc,getber.
Dwine the even,..., -lir. W. 13akerand
:Mervin. Elston were each :presented`
witle neocket Tehameents. Each tnad,e
a-sui'�able reply. They both leave this
week fee Landon to engage in milit-
ary service.
efie:.srs. Jas. Gods,ave and Leonard
Abbot of London spent the holiday
Miss Winlreae Essery oaf 'L'ondon
spent a .fear days, eisiting at the home
foe` trier parents, Mr. nand Mrs, George
Oit Friday ,even:eng at succesefel
Fine Apple: S(oceal was held ` In the
„church here, under the auspices ref
the Ladies' Aid. They realized a
g4oaed sum ea' money tar their pant.
A goodly number' from these parts
twere in. Mttchieil eon,,24th to see the
Mrs 'i7, I-Itodgson arid Miss A. An-
derson went to St, 'Marys Tuesday
a; delegates to the annual Cone n
lint at the W. 'sl. S,. held there this
1 t
Mrs. Clairmont cis( wisuiting Mrs,
Germans Can Renew Attack
Any Time Now,
Able French 'Unitary Critic Says, the
Counter-Oi1enss' a Has Alread]
Commenced and That Aviators
Will Play Important Part In the
Operations ---Teuton Lines of
Connnunication Are Bombarded.
PARIS, May 27. -Gen. Cherfils,
one of the ablest French military cri-
tics, writing in the Echo de Paris on
the next big offensive against the
Fz'anco,British lines,` reckons that the.
attack will be as dangerous as the
first one, but he points out that the
Germans have not got the advantages
they had in March. Gen. Cherfils says
the only advantage the Germans have
is that there is going to be an. attack
against new defensive positions on
which the allies have not, of course
noohie}, of Ailsa4
spent last week with relatives here.
J Foster of (Bayfield nis:iteci.
mlothea' here over Swndayi Mdiss
Ethel Olivespelnt the week end at
Grand Beed,-\liss Ada'h, McPherson
rtncl Mr and Mrs. R. Pollock visited
at MI E. McPlierslan's aver Sunday
Mesh; nLeelusisa Bulllack spent a few
clays with her s,uster; Mrs, J. Prance.
Miss Ruby Pollack of L(os-don
Normal was h1orne far the holiday,
Miss Violet 5'ha;rpel yLSueed Miss Laura
Harlon .over Suindayl \'Ir. Ed. 13u1 -
Hock has raised huffs, house and is put-
ting a doutnicUaltiotn .under it, -Mr. and
Mrs Robt. Murray visited friends here
over Sunday,. -Mrs. Geol. Belt is on
the sick list. -The clonciert under the
auspices iof the D. G. B. Club last
Thursday night was a grand success.
The music. by the Parkhill Orchestra
along: by ibis's Elliott and address by
Rev Lree, and the play put by
the mentbiers tdf the club, ware .most
heartily enjoyed by all. Mr. John
accumulated the same hue quantity f a'c'e\ o acfi,ed ars cha,irmtin ,very ac
of material in a few weeks' as they centably. The prioceeds amounted to
did in a whole year on the line as It $57.75-7.--L—est_5aetrtn day' Messrs. Folin'
was on March 21. and Witl Pra(nae, jas. Young, Viriltl.iam
He believes that the offensive will Smith and A.. M. •Waslan motored to
break out on the same front; that is, C;anbon -to vee Mr, (John Brown, a''
between the River Oise and. the sea,' brotheer \'faccabele,
In the nest :battle French reserves
will not have to be rushed 'up.,to the
battlefront as was the case in March,
for all the available reserves are now
behind the lines awaiting the bloc*.
"Of four indispensable elements of
superiority for complete success the
enemy on March 21 had but one—
Mr. Herbert 'I'jlopp of Toronto vis-
ited his 'home here for a fete days. -
Mr. Philp Bedard' and bride of '1'i1 -
the number of his 'battalions," says bury viseited, rejatives, here and at St,
Gen. Cherfils. "This superiority has , Jloseril dwi;ng; ;the( past week. -.Mr., L.
diminished. The fourth element— j. Kraft has treated himself to a new
superiority in aviation, which the Gray-t-'Dlorttouring car.. - Ferdinand
Germans alreadylacked in March, Howaid, wha has taught school in S.
passes every day more into the allies' S, No. 12, Hay; since New Years, re -
camp. irorted for military duty at London.
"Aviation is really cavalry, infa.n- -Among those from a distance tvhor
try and artillery combined. It is the attended the lunerall,,af the late Nlis.
eye of the army. Without having 5, Sippel were Messrs. Louis and
forestalled the cavalry, it is daily john Stapel of Detroit, Phillip Si,peel
a Pigeon, Steinbach, Bad
Miele, H. Stevnb
tah>u on its duties before and due- 'of Pr eon 1Lral.
ing at'battle. With its machine guns 1 Ase, Mich,, Mr., and Mrs. G. Baldwin
its works side by side with and for and Daniel Steinbach) +of St. Thomas,
the infantry. It carries the infantry Mrs. Fitzgerald of London, Mr. and
on wings. Its bombing torpedoes rea- Mrs. Iiorman of Tavistock, Mr, and �
lite the .most destructive, most terri- \irs. P. Sippel and Mr and Mrs. C.
fying of artilleries,' reaching points Sippel of New Hamburg.
out oL range of long-range guns.
'In this final .phase of the war,
brought about by the launching of
our counter -offensive, aviation will
play the first role. Signs are not
lacking that in the second German
\liss Emma Johnesttan is spendtnga
offensive our aviation will play a role ceounle weeks Isere beeeare going on
of capital importance: I don't: know to Detroit to join :leer father and s;s-
whether our high command means ter. -Mr. F. WG B. Dejean. accau.nt-
to proceed to launch our offensive ant lot' the Maisons Bank, has been
more or less immediate y, but this
counter -offensive, indefinite in its
aims and form, for me has started:
It is our aviation which has nom- ed a spacial ,ernvon to the Masonic
menced it. , Our bombardments • of Lodge on Sunday ,evening, May 76.
the enemy's rear position depots, re- Brethren were present tram Exete-
serves and lines of communication and Clinton. -\Ir D. B. McDonald:
continue and must no doubt hamper who sold •anrt hie neat builiness
vs ego
to Air. 1
the enemy preparations. This. work dome mondJ. ,
of destruction is perhaps the cause Zienel , has re -exec
for delay in starting the Germanp,an- , and will take charge on the 1st
fantry attack: Our aviation has tak- Of j`u'te---f\elrs- C. A,. ,\'IcDonell re -
en the initiative and conducts the turrued last week fziom, F• tche
prelude." see had been liar eamie weeks win
her father, Dr. Hue.tonl-Lieut. Wes.
Caldwell has been granted a discharge
frton the war, having done three years
of faithieul sendi active service in Eng-
land and France, and ,putting in a
mood share (of trench work. -Mr. R.abt.
Carlisle receaeved a telegram advising
ben tor the death ..of htls :daughter.
Nellie, (Mrs. G. Halliday), who had
been here. t^ru'y* last summer on a vis-
it The ddeceas'eld wsus very well and
'favorably :known here, hay=ing resided
Within a little levee a. stele orf Hensel]
until she sites married. -Sapper Roy
Geiger. wino has been invalided home
front overseas :addressed; a, p(atri;ote
meeting in Hens+all Town Hall : en
Fiound Dead. -John Follock, aged 70
years was &nasi' dead Friday last at:
the float (oi Mr. Jas. Green's barn, on
which he had been engaged shingling.
It was art- first thought that he had
fallen toff the barn, but three 'dogters
examined helm anidi they could find no
injuries. The belief is held that after
reaching the ground from the top of
the barn the a.gecl ansa" was stricken
with heart failure. Hef was buried on
Saturday afternoon_
confined to his room for a week dr
so on account of 1rsess•.-Rev^. 3. A.
elcOonnell of Cannel Church preach -
Canadian Troops Take Prisoners and
Destroy Outposts.
LONDON, May 27.—Fourteen pris-
oners and a machine-gun were cap-
tured, numerous enemy posts de-
stroyed, and many dugouts bombed
in Canadian raids .Friday morning:
The enemy was on the alert and I
showed better morale than the troops
encountered during recent weeks. In
many places he offered a vigorous ire-
sistance; otherwise our captures
would have been larger.
The major raid of the morning
was carried ant by troops from. Al-
berta, who attacked the enemy lines
in three places. Although familiar
with the ground our men were hendi-
capped by the bright moonlight and
the enemy's machine-gun activity
added further difficulties to our ad-
vance over naturally difficult ground::
The operation, however, was in.
every way successful: An observation
post and a deep dugout in front of
the village were the chief objectives:.
The strongly -wired enemy trench was
first subjected to a destructive fire
from our howitzers. This was highly
successful in. cutting the barbed wire
defences and at 12.45, while the en
envy bombed our covering patrols,
raiders advanced in three parties
against the village.
On the right only was there any
serious opposition from a machine-
gun post on the flank: A. special party
was detailed to put, this gun out of
action, :encountered some very strong
wire,; and was held up for some min-
ates in direct view of the garrison.,
Our party, however, advanced`` un-
der protection of heavy rifle and gre-
nade fire. This was successful and
the German" crew' working the gun
could he seen striving desperately to
repair and get it into action. Before
they could succeed our men -had brok-
en through the wire and the garrison
then ran, leaving the gun in our
In the vicinity of the main road of
the village the raiding party;succeed-
ed in reaching their main objective;
after shooting and bayoneting five
Bosches and taking the same num-
ber of prisoners. The enemy's d"ug-
out, which was found to be used
mainly as a bomb store, was deserted,
Huns Control Finland.
COPENHAGEN, May 27. — Ger-
many is empowered to take economic
control over Finland for twenty
years' under the commercial agree-
ment between the two countries, ac-
cording to the Bergen. Aftonhladt;
which publishes the report as coming
yiear•from "a good source." German money
l will be placed in a number of Fin -
The suegar sittlaCion, has iiytprcivecl
considerably by .reaeone oil the success
nt the Canada Fond boer.1 in secur-
ing shim:, tea coney raw sager co Can-
ada. As tsae;Ci es the effect 04 the iav-
;ng .new in force. The statement
given. ,e,1 ?-,'tseever, does net 'silt,. ;te
that restrictions are; nO, 1cnger neC08-
ssry end care tvt'rl have to be exer.-
deed `tcs aevoetd a shortage.
nista factories, particularly such as
are able to produce articles for ex
port'. Finland will also make a de-
fensive alliance with Germany and
will raise an army of 100,000 Yuen
which will be at the disposal of Ger-
many, should Russia renew her nt-
tack during the war German offi-
cers will act as instructors in military
schools. Geri; Mannerbeim has pro.
tested sharply against the agreeni,ent.
y eople - sured.
in and kidneyCanada 4 'ableffeand
have found Anuricto be the meet- suc-
cessful remedy to overcall:44m painful
and dangerous ailments.
The lucky people are f 440 have
heeded. Nature's warning alapal in time
to correct their trouble with Set new dis-
covery of Dr. Pierce's callei! "Anuric."
You should promptly heed Ansa warnings,
some of which are dizzy apse backache,
irregularity, of the urine or lie painful
twinges of rheumatism, Mirhee or .lum-
bago. To delay may male pp �osible the
( dangerous forms of kidney Eieoase, such
as diabetes or stone in the bladder.
To overcome these distressing condi-
tions you should take plenty of exercise
in the open air, avoid a hearty meat diet,
drink freely of water and et each meal
take Dr. Pierce's Anuric Tablets (double
strength). You will, in a short time, find
that you are one of the ern: indorsers of
.ern-u-ric, asare nanny of your neighbors;
Send Dr. V. M. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.,
or I3ridgeburg, Ont., 10e for trial pkg.
St. Catharines, Ont: --For several
years I suffered
with gravel and
with uric a e i d,
causing rheumatic
pain a. Nothing
ever helped me
until, I commenced
to take
I((( Y" tt) IIII and tho first thing 'Anuric,'
1 noticed was that
the gravel bad dia-
appeared and has
never made a reappearance. My general
health has improved and I have a better
nervo condition and my eyesight seems
better, too. 1' used to have such dizzy spells
nt times I thought I would faint, but thee°
no longer trouble me. My only regret is
that I slid not know of Anuric before."
-Mas, I. MAnsoti;tsr 124 Albert St,
Cawed Wednesday afternoons.
It is a matter of the greatest importance
that Canada should increase her produc-
tion of BACON HOGS and ;.tiler live stock
as there is at present a world-wide short-
age of mea, Good markets for some time
to come are assured.
will gladly make loans to assist farmers in
good < ,mm to acquire live stock. 361
EXETER 1 .-.A h Kuhn, Mgr CR Fat)ITO21...-J. A. McDonald Kip,
Capital & Reserve $8,800,000
98 Htakatt.c s in °Mafia
A General Banking Business Transact d.
Circular Letters of Credit
Bank Moneg Orders
eetl'aterost allowed at highest currant rats
W D. CI .A.11 KE. Manager
The Redemptorest, Fathers Barry
and Millett of London, are giving a
\lissito't here this week'. --A numbier
fnom Here attended the funeral at St.
Patrick's .Church, Lucarn, on Satur-
daylast rof Cyril McIlhargey of the
Royal Air Faroe, who meet death at
Camp B+ordten on Wednesday of last
week, -Mrs. D. O'Connell' is 'spend-
inc a flew •dhays' with friends at Lien -
don. -Miss Mary 1G2cDonr.uld is ser-
inusly ill at her home on `the 14th
concession of. McGhilivray.-A number
fnont this neighborhood attended tate
cess at " Mitchell ton 24th. -Messrs..
Phglib Doyle of the Royal Air Force
of Toronto, and brother, 'Bert,
spending this vveekl aft their
hom- on
the 12th clancesis•ian of JadcGreleera:y.
P.bil, looks ,Eine in his uniform. -Mis-
ses Annie and Maggie Ryan of Lan-
donare visiting freends here.—Messes.
Bert Ryan, Vin Gunman ' and F. Hall
of Sandwich College are home this
week. -Mrs A. 7.; Caughlin of 'Toran-
tG i- vlisitiny her sister, Miss Aiirt e
Doyle. -Mr. P. Reardon :nad the mis-.
Borten, in some way to sprain his
Mr Harry Staintialke, whio has .o
been well of late, was taken. to Lon- ,d
don Monday for treatment. -Cyrus
Green. and. Mrs. P. Baker visited Jonah
Green near Hensail.-Mrs, Gece nesee
fell last week and broke her arm. --Mr:
and Mrs Walter. England and Etliel'
Oliver oaf Gree 'way visited at Phillip
Baker's Friday. -C. H. Sanders and
R N. Creech were here ton busk -sees'
last Twee day.
waist; to help you if you are suff,_�- �ng
aom bleedin, itching, blind o'
tiling Piles. i can,tell you how, ip
own home and without anyyj '�q
'stance, you can "apply the ,est%
• treatments.
rotnise to send you a FREE trial
new absorption treatment, a. d,f
from amYour own
localitt try
but write and ask. ass49:qqsdlimmediate•relief. Sd no &dai
" at, tell' others _of this offer.
Windse , 'Out.
Thousands of thoughtless people neglect colds every winter.
A cough follows; they get rundown—then stubborn sickness
sets in. This can be prevented easier than it can be cured.
II you will give your system the benefit of a few bottles of
_COTTS you will find your whole system strengthened. It will
fortify your lungs and throat and enrich your blood
against rheumatism. Scott's is powerful concentrated
nourishment without drugs or opiates.
Don't neglect taking Scott's—come hence today. -
Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont. 1747
We have a largeamlount of private r ? a
.._ r.
funds. to loan on farm .and village- � -
property at low rates of interest. A SUGGESTION FOR YOUR
Barristers,, Solicitors, Exeter
Barrister SSolicitor, -Notary Public:,
Commissisoner, , Solicetor for the Mal -
sons Bank, Etc. Money to loan at
lowest, rates of interest.
011i:be-Maden Street, Exeter.
Licensed Auctioneer far Counties of
Huron andMiddlesex
Prices Reas+on,able aurid Satisfaction
Crediton, Ontario.
✓ \LIJAFOR for Counties of 'luren
• th Middlesex and Oxford. Farm
tece Sales e Specialty. Office at
,>c&shwa Wareroonas, next door to
entry Hotel, Main Street, Nxetet
Honor Graduate Toronto University
i'eeeth extracted without pain or any
bad effects, Office over Gladman fie,
'aanbury's-Office, Main Street, Exeter
D. G F. RAULSTON, L, D. S., D.D.S.
We:tabor of the R. C. C..D.S, of Oat.
+loner Graduate - Toronto University
Office over Carling's law Office,
An ideal spot for your Summer Va-
cation midst wild and delightful scen-
Excellent hotel service at the
Full information froth any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. ' Horn-
ing, District .Passenger Agent, Tor-
N. J. Dore, Agent, Exeter. ?t
Cominet'c.ial life affess the great op-
portuniteles. Recent lady graduates of
this c'll,croit are earnhig as High as
$1000 per arn,num. The last application
we receives; trans an offiecc man with
some experience offered salary
of $1800 pea annum: Students may
enter our classed any time, Gradustes
Placed in. p0s%texes. Commercial, Short
hand and 'Telegraphy departments. Get
our free catalogue.,
W, J, E1lk>ft, D, A. McLachlan,
Threseident Prrincipetl