The Exeter Advocate, 1918-4-18, Page 8atAIMETS Changed Each Wednesday Wheat a 2.1.4 acs 1,1h) , ,... .. arley 1,40 to 150. Family. Flour Middlings' Bran ,, Creamery Butter. Dairy Butter ..,.., Eggs..., Lard . ,.1.35te1,6.Q e�z Potatoes per bag •••. Sugar beet pulp, per tsack + 1.60 a„s 19,25 Hay, per ton .,.,,, ...... 10.00 to 12,00 5.70 40,00 35.00 53 40 to 42 35 250 Acres for Corn, Wanted The Exeter Canning Co. is prepared to contract with, farmfers to grow 250 acres Canning Corn for 1918. Prtiice. per Dost advanced to $10. Seed corn cost over 35 cts: per 3.b., will be s•cild to growers Dor 25c. •Oomve early and li,ecure your allotment. EXETER CANNING CO. A miscellaneious Musical preigrani will he given On Monday', May 5 in James St. Methodist Schoolroom. Par- ticulars later. MEN WANTED , To work' on. Munitioru(s, Steady job for good reliable maen,, The Robert Bell Engine & Thr�esihing. Co. L't'd,, Seaforth., Ont, PIANO TUNING. R. H. Stewart, Piano Tuner, is k town !for a few days, and orders left with S. Martin & Son wi11 be attended to promptly. MIDSUMMER MILLINERY OPEN- INGS. On and after Friday, April 26th we will have a display of Trimmed Sum- mer Hats; also complete stock of Sea- son's goods. G, MAY ARMSTRONG The Oddfeliaows are requested • to meet in their Loodige'Room at 6.30 p.m': Sunday, .April 28, to attend divine ser- vice in Main St, Church. HOUSE FOR. SALE. One Of the most desirable • resid- ences in Exeter. Occupied until re- cently by James Walters. Apply at Alf. Walter's Shoe Store. ' A. R. Graham, Edam ,Sask, TIRE FOUND: An. automobile tire. Owner can. have same by proving property and paying for this advertisement Apply at Advocate Office. NOTICE Owing to unsettled conditions on and after the .10th of April our busi- ness will be rem on al strtiictby cash basis C. L. WILSON, Grocer Try our War Flour. It is excellent ica quality and flavor, but is slightly darker is color. - Harvey Bros. SURREY FOR SALE; In excellent c.anditio:n, good as new -Apply to E. J. Christie, Exeter. NEW CARTAGE RATES Commencing April lst, 1918,— Single shipments 15c, each. Shipments under! 400 lbs; ,.. 15c. each Shipments over 400 lbs 3 M c per ever Pianos each .,...,50c, Diana s, private $1,00 Trunks, private ..::.. 25c, each Grips, private ...... .:...:., ,...15c. each Team by dray $5.50 Team by hour 60c, Signed by THOS. G. CREECH WM. T. GILLESPIE CREDITON• HOTEL FOR SALE. 14 bedrooms, splendid location ,for travelling public, good reason for sell $rng. Apply to .August H>ril., Crediton Feed Yes, we' have t— oats, at chop, rri:sen chop, oil cake, feed eel :tourdried pule and lathers. See • Harvey Bros, MODERN BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE,—Ir, Exeter, wired, convenient in every way, close to school and to church.—Apply td 1, R. CABLING, Exeter' FOR SALE. One 8-16 oil or gasoline tractor, tractor pro v and steering device guaranteed in first class working or- der. Only 'rum two suinn}era. Wm. Ward, agent, I. H. C., Exeter, FLAX LAND WANTED The Ontario Flax Go. require 300 acres of land for Exeter 'Flax Mill, Half Lardd Rental. paid when • flax is sown. Apply JOE DAVIS telephione 13. EXETER 'FLAX 'MILL, GRASS LAND FOR SALE. 75 acres of grass land far sale; and also Massey alIarris binder, „oori as new, 6-tfootCut -W. T. Sweet; Exeter HORSES WANTED I want an =limited number of bore in good condition Gelding's 5 years old up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. Mares from 4 years old, up, weighing from 1300 pounds up. Parries leaving the required stuff, write, or phone 83, Exeter, G. J. tiOW. HASTINGS Agent fof Canada Life Assurance Company ,Also Fire ;and a:ceide-it insurance. Money to Loan on Farm.Praperty • EXETER, ONT, EXErER AIITTOGATE, THUHSTJA Y LOCAL DOINGS• iS as d+,SrscGdM, The fine weather has beenwarming up the soil and seeding continues. Tbe Oddfellaaws will attend divine service in Main Street church. Sunday m rning, April 281iI. Pte. E E. aPerrall +orf ,St, Marys has returneci home from the battle front, having been .wounded. 11tr 1'lelta'ol�e, who moved here ,from the. west has rented,.lfr, F, Gill's res- idence on Elizabeth Street. Departmealtal examina.tlans of the Diepartnment. of Education begin Jane; 14 and continua until July 5. The street watering cart trade its appearance last week, drawn by the newly -purchased tepi with Coven- ciUar Snell holding the reins; Mr. and Mrs. Fred. t-Iunkin announce 'the marriage tae their daughter, Ethel to Mr, John Selves of Lumley, the marriage to take place May lst, 'The road commissioner during the week had men laying a new cement tile drain on a p;ortiton of Main street fnam the Ford Garage to Huron street' The nfiolsonis Bank in Clinton has distributed 30 pigs to school children' to feed until October, when they will be purchased by the Bank and prizes awarded. Those from this district who grad- uated last week from the St. Joseph Hospital nursing course are Miss Rhea Rouatt oif Brucefield;ai.d Miss Clar issa Hill so Clair torn. Service in James St, ohu:rch next Sunday ironing will be held at 11 o'clock and Sunday school at 3 p.m, F. Rnight of Hensaii as U preach in the morning and Rev. Cr W. Baker in the eve/lane Mr. Geo, Stanley o•f Lucan will oc- cupy the train Street pulpit on Sun- day preaching to the Junior- League in the morning 'and the Senior League in the evening. 'Miss Vera Muxwar- th'v and Miss Allston will assist the choir. The pastor Rev, aftrxtwarthy, as president 'of London Conference; will preach re-+opemling sermons at a Landon church,; BROKE .,HER WRIST... Miss Nancy Tom riot with a most unfortunate and, painful accident on Thursday last while about her house- hold duties at the noon houjr. In some manner she tiaapp•ed: and feilldown cel- lar, breaking both basest Ln her right wristand cutting her head quite <sev erely. Heir many +frien'ds are very sor- ry to hear of the accident, and hope hoer recovery may be speedy and per- manent. TRAINS T.O BE RESTORED Approximately 50t passenger trains t:aricellled on G. T. R4 lines west of Toronto in Ontario, will be .restored on Sunday, April 28. The new time- table now' being arranged will became effectivie.'at 12:01 1o'elock on .the date mentioned.' It meansthe placing on again .of practically all the Grand Trunk passeateri trains that were can- celled some months ago by orders of the Canadian Railway War Board, The Huron and Bruce trains are a- mong those to be restored, and the change will be a great •reflief to 'the travelling public. COST FIVE 1VIILLIONS. The dost in connection with ,float iia the :Victory' Loan was five eymil- lion dollars, made up as follows :-Or- ganization expenses, $376,000; public- ity,, campaign paid to Dominion Pub- licity Committee, $163,000; Canadian Press Association, $207,000; Remuner- ation to brokers $750,000; commissions, to canvassers, $1,140,000; remunera- tion for bankers $9$4,395. This toatals. $3,620,395, but the above expenses do not include printing and other ex- penditure which would probably bring, the total approximately to !$5,000,000, ar about i% per cent. of the;ktllotmerut.� DEATH OF THOMAS ELSTON. On Friday, last the death took place at i.is residence„' Huron, Street, Exeter of a respected and aged resident in the person of Thomas Elston, aged 7:3 yeasts Deceased had been aiItng for about three years, but until re- cently had been: around as ;usual. leer s.oml. weeks lute had been confined to tbae house. ' He!"suffered from heart J trouble and the end came =expect- edly lying . dry as, roe waslying ' � a couch. The late Mr. Elston came from England to'j Canada :~.;,hien quite young, and ,.during middle life .hie 'spent several years in thi' Southern States, returning 'o' Exeter about 15 years ago. Twelve years ago he married : Mrs. .,t iggi,ns. i she survives together with ane ran and two daughters by his first_ is i5e. The son and'daughters reside in. the States. The funeral was of a priry-ate nature and iantermen,t took place to Exeter cemetery on Monday afternoon. THE ' NEW TIME. On Sunday morning the clocks and watches in town were, . with one ac- cord in commn:oin ,with, those of all other parts of Canada, moved au' one hair- to comply- with the new Domin- iota law regarding the saving of day light during the skimmer months. The greater number'io.f churches retained the iold''time for last Sunday ,services but in. future will adopt the new, time, The railways ion Sunday started .in; on the new schiedule,. All one las to d,o is to (forget that, there was ever any change an,d `bra by the clock, as b'eitore To be sure there are those >tvliao.11rink the mover of n(o value, bat rather the reverse. Contrary opin,iaon k,as ahvays been 'i,r ev'idence, but the British Isles, Fratace and the United States are in ion the: plana, tad in some ca!,l 'a it has besn tried for years ,and ,fioitrid satisfactory, Coins'cci.aetatly„ there trust be some vrtlue in. the n.e, tial' schedule. l't continues until Oc- tober 3.lst PIENS ALL 'Dieatia tot Mts, Stacey,—This town wet shocked on Wednesday morning April ;170,, when it became known that Mrs. James Stacey had died ud- deal} She was a sister ,of gr. ` %rn,,' Chiapmen n+ 'r' 'Hay towtnship. Seo' the Canning Factory advertise- ment and note the advance in the price offered for corn. Mr, and Mrs, Charles Christie of town celebrated their Golden Wed- ding on. Sunday last, a number of the immediate relatives being p.rescnt, Large quantities sof ice are still on Lake Huron, and extends further out into the lake than the eye can see from the shore. We can scarcely sex pec t much warn w=eather till that cleared away) . ( leat Pte. Victor Sanders, who, went .aver - seas nearly two years ago, Nv„ws in Hal- ifax N. S., last week, having sailed from Liverpogli on the Landover -Cas - tie, a hospital ship, as dispenser. He has since returned to England, Mr. and' airs. Jahn Bawden of Ridge t'own, formerly of Exeter, announce the engagement 'of their daughter,. Hilda, to Gordan C. Leitch of Win- nipeg son" oif Mr. Daniel Leitch of Ridgetawn, the wecldin,g to take place the la.ttea• part of April. Itev, Knight of Het sa11 and Rev. Baker of Credi4toht will occupy James Street pulpit on Sunday next, ancon iung and eventing respectively, preach- ing on Social Serve ce and Evangel- ism. The pastor, Rev. Baird, preaches educational sermons, ;,n Ore cli'to,n. The adjourned vestry meeting ori the Trivtt Memorial Church was held ;in the Sclaooi Hall. an Monday evening, with the rector, Rev. A. A. Trurnper presiding The financial statement' was • presented by Warden Boyle which showed total receipts for the year., $2,032,33, and expenditures '$.i - 720.82, leaving a balance in the treas- ury ioif $311.21, Thae ,re:pert was ad- opted and ordered to be printed, SUDDEN DEATH OF AGED LADY, The death occurred" very suddenly on Monday morning of Eliza Bro\vn, relict of the late Alex. McFalls of Biddulph at the home of her son in Exeter dot the age of 82 years;. Mrs: McFalls carries up by motor fnam Ceti - train that morning to visa far a few days with .her son wlho recently moved to town from Sarepta. Shortly after reaching his home ,on Simacoe Street sire complained,: of illness and died al- most immediately, For some, months she had suffered from dropsy, but ;he was f.ee.i•ig La,irly as ell considering her age and .heart failure was the immed- iate cause iof death. Born in Antrim, Ireland deceased; came to this country with her parents when: a girl and the family settled; in Biddulph, where she has resided ever since, Her husband died some years ago. She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Poplestone. of Ek= eters Mrs: Carroll near Watford. Four sons and five ,daughters also survive, Alex, of Usborne, James of Exeter, William on the homestead in Biddulph Samuel in Saskatchewan, .Mrs, Wm. Dauncey of McGillivray, Mrs. Joseph Hodgins at Strathray, Mrs, Chas, Hod. gins of Biddable Mrs, Thos. Atkin- son of McGillivray and, Mrs:, Richard Atkinson of Lucan. She was a most. estimable lady, a kindly neighbor, and true friend. She was a member e1 Fraser Presbyterian church, Biddulph The remains were takento the home Stead, and Pram there the funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon to St. James cemetery, Clandebaye. ;\Ii Wm, Swneet was in London on, Saturday. Mr. Richard ` Bissett was up from London over Sunday. Mr. Luther Penhale was in 'Toronto; this week' ,an business. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Taman were in London. en Thursday. Mr, Wes Lamport of London visited relatives Mere on Sunday Mr. George, Hurdon of Part Franks visited with his fat'h'er: here on Mon- day. Mrs. Irwin +orf Norwich ' is visiting• Icer parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Bis- sett, • Misses Irerne and :Madeline Stewart 'returned Saturday to their home in London. Mr. Elijah 'Higgins of Toronto is here owning to the deathof has step- father, Mr, Thos. Elston. Mi, Wm, Higgins Iof Seaforth was here aver the week ,etnd attending the ,funeral of the late Mr. Elston, Mr.:'.and Mrs. R, G. Seldloiv and two children motored to 'Ingersoll Satur- day to attend the funeral of a near friend. Mr Harry Fuke spent Sunday with his parents, and left Monday morning for 'Tor -ante where het has joined the University Battery. Drevr 'Knight returned from Guelph on Saturd,aav,.,audghat, having to quit his dillies . with the Grand Trunk in that city tawling to ill health. Mr, and Mrs. Wm( ,Armstrong and Mrs. Gordon I -ley -wood were in Len- on Tuesday owing to the illness of Mr, Bedford 'who has since died. �VIr. Wm.. Abbott of Ciandebayelast week moved to town, and is occupying the:lioouse he, purchased from, 1+1r. J• • W. Taylor on Victoria Street. Mrs. George Lovell and children re- turniec] Saturday, to her home- in Lon - Saturday morning, after a visia. with and Mrs. "T arenas Mu Ir . Flynn,her p Y Mrs. James Swinerto:n who, has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. S. J. Hogarth in. Stephen, left for her home in 'I< slgavislle the •latter part of last' tt1eelc. Mr, Jos. Davis of the Molsona 13ark gist ward oar T,haursday. last to repert tsar service, but ,on going to London Friday he was sniflormed that has ex- emption was up on May 15th. Mrs. BalkwiliL and daughter, Gladys, who have been visiting at lvlr. Wm, Leavett's artd lather Ontariao fri,mrids, )tor the past year, returned lo theist' home : in, Winnipeg Tuesday ''m,00rn'og, Mfr.' and Mrs, Joseph Hawkins were pal'iecl to, Seaforth Friday night awing to the serious Illness of the latter's mother., Mrs, Hugh Oke, who tesrdes with her daughter, Mrs, Wm,Pligg- y 'tSr(s. Piper and seri John 'who, have been residing tear Smith, Falls for- ever a year with Mrs. Piper's young - •est eon, Edward, On a harm, returned home Monday eveninganal i:ntencl re - m 4 1 .Pio .,)Of 1°918_ NES & MAY PHONE 32 New Spring Suits and Coes ANOTHER NEW LOT OF SPRING SUITS AND COATS They are real beauties, Right up to the minute. Goods gorthGarzibcarce and hard to get, so conte early and get a choice. LADIES' SWELL DRESSES. 6 only Finn, All Woel Serge Dressier beautifully JUST IN are getting trimmed $20.00 each, House Furnishings Now for your Spring House .Cleaning. You will find us Headquarters for your, needy isutpplies. NEW RUGS FLOOR COVERING WINDOW DRAPE Wilton Brussiells Axm'in4ister- Velvets Tapestry Unison's Chintz Lin►aleum's Oilcloths Bath Oils Mattings C,ong teum Rugs Cong'obeum Specials for This Week FOR THE LADIES' WHITE WAISTS :$.1.25 10'Dooz. Dainty New White. Waists Rlegular $1.75 ;tior $1.25. LISLE HOSE 3 pairs ,of Regular 50c. Blrack Hose far $1.00 This is a 'Special Line. HOUSE DRESSES $1.50 :Dor some real House Dress- es that are worth- more money, ;BLAC4K. SILK $1.25 • 100 yards of 36 inch. Black Pau, ette Silk. Nice Quality, This wieek $1.25 a yd. Binngal(ow Nets! Fillet Nets Scrims Marquisettes Lace Curtains Side Curtains. Tapestry FOR THE MEN MEN'S SUITS A big assortment of Tweeds and Navy Blue: Good values -old prices BOYS' SUIT,S A good 'showing of Boys Bloomer • Suits. Extra good values, allcolors MEN'S RAIN COATS A nice' aliat of Tweed Rain, Coats at very ateasianable prices. The New Thinig. A big bunch of regular $15 Croats, All to clear at $10, MEN'S HATS . , The ,new Hats are all here. The New 'Shades. The New Schad s. A Hat to suit all. NEW WALL PAPER NEW WALL PAPER 5000 Rolls ;for you to pick from. Call and see our assortment. Eery kind: Every color. Every pattern JON MAY Headquarters .for the Celebrated Sa ndford Sr Lion Brands Clothing : Men • an d Boys, Mr. Latimer Grieve was home from London 5 or the week end. Miss Frances Davis aa:f Wingharn is visiting- ather home here. Mr. John. White of Port Franks was a visitor in, town this week. Mr, and Mrs. Jae Lutton of London were visitor's in town this week. Mr. C. W. Robinson spent Sundayat the home of his brother in Anderson .Mr, W," H. Levett of London spent a couple days with friends int town this siueek. • Mrs Amos ,has been called to Brant- ford aw hunt to thse serious illness of a relative, Mr. Vasistane, Mr. and Mrs. Lovelace of .Pt, Huron Mich. attended the funeral o.k the latter's father, Mr. Thos. Elston an Monday. . Revs. Baird and Muxwon-thy are in London this week assisting in the con- duct of the ldiavilrtilty examratiatilon,s of, the Londoni Comlfereil,ee; T E,T a wol au eaase of r suffering. I want a you to 'wr14er4 Yet me tell you - of mysim simple lzome.t tut t• p l, €� send you ten days' free trial, post- paid, and put you In touch with`+be women n Canada who trill. gladly tell what myreethod has done for t]s em . If you are troubled s e n s a with weak, ,tired ': : tions, bled - feelings, h e a d- der weakness, ache, b a c k- constipation, ca- ache,bear- o tarrhal conditions, Ing 'down pain in the sides, regu- larly or Irregularly, 10 bloating, sense of falling or misplacement of internal or- tens, nervousness, desire to try, palpitation, hot flashes, dark rings under the eyes,, or a loss et Interest. In life, write to me to -ear. Address: Mrs. M. Summers, Rox 840 Windsor, Ent. zY a. Wante THE ONTARIO FLAX COMPANY REQUIRE 300 ACRES OF LAND O FOR EXETER FLAX MILL, HALF' F RENTAL LAND PAID WHEN T:IIk FLAX IS SOWN. APPLY JOE DAVIS, 't'el'ephone 13. Exeter. FlaxMill LOOK WELL FOR* OUR SHOP AND YOU' WILL LOOK WELL WHEN YOU COME OUT, Your SpringSuit Be sure it fits yogi at the collar. Have the trousers made to lityou rand the waist. They wilt stay up much better when you wear a belt. Your Clothes: will have individuality if you let us Make them for you. Ladies' Suitings eIN BEAUTIFUL GREY, BROWN, AND ALSO 'A GOOD RANGE OF BLUES. COME EARLY AND GET ONE OF THESE. BEFORE THE OLD GOODS ARE ALL GONE. . Sheere LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR Stand, Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel Tea & Coffee Store For the choioeet ggo rie, fruiter, friths, teas, coffee and every, thing in the grocery line► Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas, Gould Furniture � �it and UndertakingR. N. :ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE' DEALER etera rgain tore A, 9 WE CAN GIVE YOU SOME EXTRA GOOD VALUES FROM 3 25 to $5,50 per pair, in Black or Tan,: with or without Toe Cap, p Our Stacic of SCIHOOL, SHOES was ,never more complete, and you will fled we can (i` your bey or girl with a nice strong n g shoe that. will give 'good service, from $2.35 to $3.50 per rair. LADIES HIGIiSHOES . ]3r,a i intwn Grey and Black, with. high or low heels ranging in price from, $5.00 to $10,00 per pair. • e have a mice New Stock' W S clti of trier s Shirts from 1..25to TRY US FOR A MADE -TO`- $ $2,00 each'.. 14II;ASURE SUIT, 1:,eavers<