The Exeter Advocate, 1918-3-28, Page 7DISEASE CONIES " THROUGH THE BLOOD To Cure CommonAilments the Blood Must be Made Rich and Red. Nearly all the eammon dieeaseas that afflia mankind are Cau,sed ,•by bad blocal—weak, watery blood poisoned by impurities, ; Bad blood is the eauseak headaches, mid backaches, hunbago and elteumaitasin, debility and indigese tIon, nem:Le-We sciatica , and -other nerve troubles, It is bad blood' that uses disfiguring skin diseases like er shaft in our house. He said there' was a bat in the shaft . -.1 hastened to the top, and there, sure enough, was some dark object ilutterang about in the dim light. r seized ,a broom . and struck it. It still 'flattered. I streick it again and again. It seemed invul- nerable. At last I used the handle of the broorn on it, but without effect. By that time I had become ange.‘ty with the thing, and I was determined to kill it. I assaulted it with the -bamom until I was almost exhausted,' and my mother put a step to the Pro- ceedings. Investigation therishowed that the "bat" was a black bow, sur- reptitiously removed from my mo: tiler's best hat by mye father and strung upon an iecM wire in such a way that a slight vibration made the bow flejtter. °My father enjoyed the joke hugely—metch more than my mo- ther and I did, He spent a whole, day working out that scheme. me dawn in health, suffered from free He was the ost intensman ever knew. He left no stone unturn- qUentespells of indigeation, billions - ed on' he decidedlo. do anything. I- e tees, and sick headache. I had an al - went hoene one day and told him that most constant pain in ray head, and'my a man in a drugestore had offered te housework was a' source of dread, In El act I felt so miserable that life held give me ' white poodle in exchange but little enjoyment. I was advised for a penny with two heads on it. ,11 was too 'young to khow that one head„ to try Dr. Williamia Pink Pills, which I did, and the result was simply mar- only is allotted to ,every penny in this venous world. But father listened very grave - by saying and can best be summed g that they'made me feel like anc1act that he had no doubt that •a new woman, and fully restored we cou14,,.prdcluce the two -headed pen - health. I would advise every my , ny without trouble. Then- he filed woman and girl who has poor blood, or is run 'down the "tail" ,side of 'two pennies down in health to give these wonder - until he had worn away exactly half of each. ' The next step was to solder the fal pfils a trial, I amenever without them hi the house." At the first sign that the blood- is out of order take Dr. 'Williams' Pink penty with two heads.: The drug - pale, and, note the speedy i,mproae. store man was dumfounded when I . ment they make iu. the appetite, health produced it—but didnet get the and spirits. You can get these pills white poodle. • through any medicine,. dealer or by mail 'a*.t 50 eents. a box or six boxes for a2.50. from The ]Jr. Williams' Medicine Co., Broekville, Ont. AN INEfusTItious JoHEit, Reminiscences of the Celebrated Sir `Hiram Maxim. Although a predilection for, practical joking may well be considered as a weakness of character, the weaknesses of great men are often interesting, and there is nothing reprehensible in most of the pranks that, according to the l-lartford Times, are attributed to Sir liiram. Maxim by his son, Mr. 1-Iiram, Percy Maxim. At one time in my boyhood, says the distinguished son of a more distin- guished father, 1 was very curious about bats, One day my father called to me from the top of the dumb -wait - ceezema„ and salt rheum, pimples and eruptions. The severity of the trouble indicates how impure the blood is, and it goes always from bade to worse un- less stefis are promptly taken to en- rich. and purify the blood. There is no use trying a different medielne for each disease, for they all come through the one trouble ---bad bleod. To cure any of these' troubles you must get right down to the root of the trouble in the blood. That is just what Dr. Williams Pink Pills do. They make new, rich, red blood. They simply purify and enrich the blood, and, elle • disease disappears, That is why Dr, Williams Pink Pills' have cured thou- sands of caees after other medicines had" l'airedalere is proof of the powere of Dr., Williamaa Pink Pills to e • cure Mrs. M. Stills, who resides near the town of Napanee, says: "I cannotliraise Dr. Williaras' Pink Pills too highly. I was very much run two halves together so skilfully that they Made What seemed to be a whole OLD QUESTION REVIVED. How Long Would it Take -a 'Stone to Fall to Centre of Earth? Studying the velocity of shells and bullets fired in the war led Maurice Sauger, aFrench geometer, to turn to the ,old question of the time it would take a stone to fall to the centre of the earth. His conclusion was . that it wotild take about 20 minutes 34 sec - ons. Gassendi, who gave :ths subject much thought in the last centurY, . made fate time 20 minutes even„ Ater - serine on..the other hand contended that 6 hours would be required. -Sauger says that as the stone -ap- proached thee centre of the earth it -would be drawn downward by the core of the earth and upward by the shell which it had already penetrated. The rate at which the density of the earth varies or increases as we pen-etrate to greater depths is unknown. Sau- ger's formula is based upon consider- ations of the moment of inertia, of Hie earth, as calculated from the'pre- cession of the equinoxes, which agree with observations On the density of the earth conducted in mine shafts. - If a shaft were driven right through . the- earth the stone would appear at the Antipodes -after 38 minutes 30 seconds' and then return to its start- ing point, at which it would make its reappearance at the end of 1 hour 17 It should be illdgaI to cut dowff any sugar -maple tree. Our forefathers know no other sugar, and we may well .go back tethis beet kind now. Food That - Cohserves The- recognized value of ts as a "saving'," food, fbr these serious times, rests upon real _merit, 'Unlike the ordinary cereal Grape -Nuts re- quires no sugar, little ni1k. or crearn,/ and re- ' quires no coli. t h e I.- preparation in Serving., A trial is. well worth while for those who yinc, erely desire to Nave. ‘‘Tilere's, a Reasop" 7-so1d by Gtxx.ers. Our great recreation was -going to a hookstore. Fatherand 1 would visit, a certain store et- certain times, buy - from one to thirty books andorder them aent home. Then he would con- duct me to the middle of the street and say, "Now let's run home." Imagine a man in a frock coat, with a silk hat jammed ;down over his ears, tearing at a great* rate through the streets of Brooklyn with a small boy at his heels. But that was always the conclusion Of our book -buying excursions., CONSTIPATED C,HILD.REN Nothing aall so quirokly reinove childhood constipation a6: will Baby's Own Tab1ets.6 They are a mild but thorough laxative; are pleasant to take; do not griPe and never fail to regulate , the stomach, and bowels. Concerning them Mrs. Adolphe Noel, -Petite Lameque, Que., says; ---"Baby's Own Tablets are the best remedy for constipation I kmytv of and I- ateould strongly reconunend them to all mothers of little ones." The' Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by meal at 25 cents a box from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Try Maple Sugar. : Not many years ago cane sugar soared to, a price of fifteen cents a pound and relief was obtained by the manufactureof maple sugar. Your grandniother used at to sweeten - her tea and to make her pies -and cookies. Try it now, when can sugar is so scarce and is needed so '-badly :by France and Italy and Great Britain. , 12finard,s Zinlanent Relieves Neuralgia. Fighting,Basement Fires. Fires Originating in the basements of business buildings constitute, one of the most potent causes of fire loss in Canadian cities. It is difficult to believe that the owners of such build- ings are entirely ignorant of m:fail to appreciate the value of dry sprink- ler systems for basements. The fact thaVrto expense for the installation of special water suppliee is involved makes the cost reasonable. A dry sp,rinkler equipment for • basements consists of dietribnting pipes with sprinkler heads as. in the ordinary system but with the supply main car- ried to the outsieleawall of the build- ing where it endsein'an ordinary hose connection: When ' NASAL CATARRH" sprinkler heads are opened by 'the ' • This fOrm of Catari'h 18, to Say' the heat, the liven -len attach their hose to least, sickening and disgusting beside the external auxuyiy connection and being most common arid highly' daniers- Speak Of Them In The Highest Ternis Why Mr. and Mrs. West Recom- mend Dodd's ,ICidney They CUred Mr, West's Lumbago and Made Mrs. West Feel Like a New Person. They.Are the Best „Tonle, St James, Man., itlarch 18alt— '(SPecial)---That Dodd' e ,aidiley Pills are Jiving up to their great reputation in the West ia- twice proved, by Mr. and Mrs. • C. West, well, known ,and highlY- respected residents this place. Let Mrs. West tell tho story of what the -great Caaadian kidney fieeTsiteedy. b , has done for her asbam1 and "My thusband suffered frorn attacks of lumbago," he states, "and the doe - tor l did him no good, lid I can truth- fully say thiil since using 'Docld's Kid- ney Pilfs he is entirely free from lumbago. • ' "1 myeelf took six boxes of Docld's Kidney Pills and am just Mee a'new person. I have gained 10 lbs. since using them -and, my friends compli- ment me on hew well I look. "I have recommended Docia's ,Kid- ney Pills to eome af my lady friends who Were eomplaining of not feeling well, and they, like myself, speak bighlysof -them." , Dodd's Kidney Pine cure the kid- neys. Cured kidneys" make Pure blood. That is wlay Dodd'e Kidney Pills are the best tonic.- , ANY CORN LIFTS GUT, DOESN'T HURT' A SAT! No foollebnessi Lift,your corns / and callusei off wlth fingers --It's like magic! Sore corns, hard cores, son corns or any kind of e, corn, van harnele,ssay be lifted right out with til,(3'fingers'if you apply alien the cora a few drops of freezone, eaare a Cincinnati aUttfority. • For little cot one me get a small bottle of freezone at any drug store, which will positively rid one's feet of every Corn or callus without pain. This simple drug dries the moment It is applied and does not even irra tate the surrounding skin Wthle ap- ly1ng it ,61' afterward. This announcement will interest many of our readers. If you' drug- gist hasn't any freezone -tell him to surely get a small bottle for you from bis wholesale drug house. • • Seeds of pansy, verbena, salvia, pe- tunia, stock, sweet alyesum, minulus, maurandia, sensitive plant, nium, authirrhinum and dianthus may be sown in pots or boxes for summer flowering. iffilit0 Granulated Eyelids., What Women Work At, Miss Helen, Fraser of Lention is in New York now belpiag WoMen to arrange their tasks eystematically. At a largely attended meeting she gave facts and figUre-S lo hOW how woaderful was the working p6Wer of the British I.VOMen. We quote a few ot her facts and figures, Eight hundred thousend women are in munitions plant. Two hundred -end fifty-eight thou - ,and women are on 'the land. Eighty-three thousand women in Government offices: Forty -thousand women are "some- where in France" at Military bases. Sixty thOuSand women are YO1U11.- 'Lary,: hospital WOr).CerS. A thousand Worn6n are patrols. This is but a part of it. There are also aegreat number of home women Who give much of their time to war activities. re IVIinardts X.Intauent Cures Dandruff. NeVe/' subject plants'in the house or eonseryatory to strong drafts of air. Before putting a garment wit* snap fasteners on it through a weir:4', er snap the fasteners ehut. rort SALE Men buying you Plano insist on having an 1°C)TTO HIGEL."' PIANO AOTI()N 112irne.53gi549ATIViii THiCii SWOLLEN 6:.5555S relieved by Marine. Tryd• t "trOUR SN0SmarlirmAsit Eyeeerafort Roar, have Thick Wind yoin EYesand In Baby 'Yea. that make a horse Wheeze' marine Eye Re IneiRy At YOur Druggist's or ba, or Cliblee-dovaa, can be EYo Sztvo, In Tubes 26e. or hook)(ePrihi) y. r re Cluee d with sOl. bottle main Ask Uterine Ey ie liasniesay Co.; Cliticazo d The rat carries.bubonie plague and As the season ad nces plants in many ,other'diseases.httal to inan 'and the house or under glass require mere" has no doubt been responsible for water- - rrio're- untimely deaths among harnan . . . 'Doctors Recommend beings than all. wars of history. .., _ - Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Have used' MINARD'S LINIMENT for Croup; found nothing equal te it; sure cure. • - •a. CI-IASe E., SHARP. Hawkshaw, N.B.: Sept, lit, 1905'. A hardwood wedge in an ax -helve will not -stay half.,so long as one 'nide of pine. The softer wood when -well driven in grips the hardwood and sticks like a dog 'to a root. lVfinard's Liniment for sale everywhere. •pou-.Opto for the Eyes Physicians 'And eye specialists pre- scribe Bon-Opto as a safe home remedy In the treatment of eye troubles and to strengthen eyesight, seta under money refund guaranty by all druggists. , Th e Cause of Heart Trouble Paultr digestion causes the genefatiort of gases in the stontadowhich Inflate and press down on the heart and intenere with its regntar actionrcausing faintness ancrpain. 16 to 30 drops of Mother Seigel's, Curative Syrup tater ateals tia eta `digestion right,wbich allows the heart to beat full and regular. Peg l'ATEIDE.I.,Y NEWSPAPER IN WEST - V ern Ontario. Doing a good busi- nese, Death of owner places it on .the market. A great chalice Inc a man with 'cash. • Apply 13ox 82, Wilson Publishing Co., Limited, Toronto. '- NVEL as'icl. lob printlngtpiant 10 lOactero Ontario. Insurance carried $1,500. Will .go for $1,200 cm quick sale. Box SO, Wilson Publishing Co„ Ltd.. Toronto. ivascELLaBraiotrs also other Bunches or Swellings. No blister; no hair gone, andhorse afat at work. Eco- tornical—only a few drops required at an ap, plieation. -$2 per bottle delivered. Book 3 M free, ABSORBINE, IR,, the -antiseptic liniment fot mankind, reduces Cysts, WellS, Painful, Swollen Veins and Ulcers.$1 and $2 a bottle at dealers or delivered. Book "Evidence" free. 'W, F, YOUNG, P, D. F., 516 Lymans Blt„ Montreal, Can ilsorbine and,Absorbine, Jr., are nude In Canada. r moroR STYLE "Write tesi.610.7 0‘11,r FREE CATALOGUE *herring our full lines of Bicycles for Men and Women, Boys and Girls. MOTOR 'CYCLES MOTOR ATTAOHNIENTS Tires, coaster Brakes, Wheels', Inner Tubes, Latnps, EellM, Cyclometers, iSaddles, Equip. merit and Parts of Bicycles. You cnn, buy your suppilis froni us at wholesale prices. T. W. BOYD & SON, 27 Notre Dante Street West, Montreal. AND prnqp3... —IF YOU SUFFER PROM— ., e* 'Catarrh, 34 hal Deafness, tiead Noises;' Catarrh of the Stomach., (which 18 ofted.`-mi\Stakqn for Indigestion), Catarrh of the BOWeiS,, Asthma, Bronchitis, _Loss of Sniefl,,Phiegtn dropping in the kack part of the Throat, or if you have a Cough YOU, SHOULD NOT FAIL TO READ EMERY WORD 0 FTSARTICLE What parmint, the. Wonderful English Formula, Has 'Done for Others It Will Do For You CATARRH, OATHOM AND That nasal catarA Is a nauseating INSIDIOUS rilSgAsE •-••ease any .one knows who has had to sit - close to or talk face ta face with a per - Catarrh is a very comet -ma iiame'for son ‘reekingewith purulent catarrh. Have you ever had to, endure in sickening a very common disease, -so common that e a most people do not realize hew fearful, silenc'the hawking and gagging' of catarrh victimor had to Sit close to dangerous and disgusting it is. A. cold in the head, hawking, spittingblowing such a person and experience a.disgust- of the nose , phlegm dropping in the ing, ,appetite -losing, foul odor, which you , could not explain, and did not know throat bad brcah, dullness of mind, bad humour --this Is, the way It startswhat it was? That is catarrh, and there , And wheradoes It end? Frequently in klut'leowniainty people who "have Lt and don't Catarrh of, the Stomach, Catarrh of the Bowels, Broridhitis, and often slight or • _total deafness results.' CATARRH OF THE STOMACH HOW CATARRH STARTS .(„Often mistaken for DyOpepsia,Or In - Catarrh usually begins .with a ColCin el igestion) the head.litiny, oases. of indigestion' and cleseee- The catarrh germs breathed in throngh sia are simply the result of catarrh of; the mouth or -nostrils have settled upon the throat and stomach. At night' ad; you lie asleep, the mucus drops down from .the throat and head ,and Is swell. lowed Into the stomach. In the morn - the inflamed and delicate mucous mem- brane that lines the nose and throat. These 'germs are harmless to healthy tis- sues; when they lodge,tinon an irritated surfa.ce it means a more and .more dis- eased condition of the membranes. They thus produce further inflammatory irri- tation, and in .thne even ulceration, The sufferer from catarrh often finds his sight and- hearing failing. He suffers Erdrn an almost constant dull ache over the eyes and across the, forehead. The mind becomes dull when the membranes of the rideal cavities are In a disc,harging condition. vs. • It is the pus and decaying matter ooz- ing from. these sores that crises he t.rr ,1r)a• lair not notice it your- ectItt i V ? larvtli so dommen o lotusvo sel ou y do not. But your friends do, though they are too careful n outbreak of of your feelings to tell you so, fire occurs in the .basement'the neareetr the sides of the thr:os,t. The germs are quick, to take ,advantage of the oppor- tunity. They invade , the Eustachian Tubes. Their presence and irritation it causes produce 'more and more mucus, t,,m.. , , Gradually this Ells up' the ear "'tube so difficulty. The patient finds his hearing that sounds can only pass through with slowly going. When the tubes are corn- ...., - TlletelY filled total deafness rhay. result aioaea‘e prices not increasedL25c 50c $1 ICI ANCER, TUAI/5ES. LUMPS, ETC., Internal arid external. cured, With- out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. I3ellma.n Medical rsa. Limited, Collinstworvi. (mt. CUTIOURA H ITCHY PIMPL On ''ace. Badly Disfigured, Used 2 Boxes Ointment and 3 Cakes Soap, had a bad itchy lot of pimples on my face which made it badly discigured. They were inflamed and came to a head, ' and I could tear my skin as soon as little heat came near them. I could. hardly sleep. "When I saw Cuticula Soap and Ointment advertised I sent for a tree sample which did so much godd that I bought marc, 'and I used two boxes of Cuticura Ointment and three cakes of Cuticura Soap when I was healed." „ (Sivgned) Miss Bertha Nilsson, Stock- holm,' Sask. _ , If you have a goo complexion keep it so by using Cuticura Soap daily and Cuticura Ointment occasionally. For Free Sample Each by Alai! ad- dress post -card: ‘Cutieura, D'ept. A, Boston, U. S. A." Sold. everywhere, IEI iosr, ax\ tone Ah Thal,t's the Spol Sloan's Liniment goes right to it. Have you a rheumatic ache or a dull throbbing neuralgic pain? You can find a quick and effective relief in Sloan's Liniment. Thousands of homes have thierernedy handy for all external pains because time and time again it has proven the quielrest relief. 2o clean end emy to apply, too. No rub- bing, no stain, rio inconvenience as is the case with,plasters or ointments. If you once nee Sloan sLininecia?,youw:11 never be with- out it, Generous sized bottles, at ell druggists, , In deafness from nasal catarrh, which affects the middle ear, it oEten happens that orackling• sounds are present which distress and confuse the patient. These are lue to the fact that the mucus which Ella, the upper part and. back of the throat is covering the opening of the Eustachian Tubes and the bursting 'of I bubbles or :the movement of mucus causes the sbuncls 'which come from the ; altered. resonan,eg of the ear. At ter a ,crackling report the, head may seem clearer and the hearing better for a time Later on in the case there may be crackling sounds when swallowing, , which come from the gefforts of a stif- /rig you awake feeling heavy and tired; there Is a bad taste in your:mouth7You famed muscle to open' the tubes vvhich are in a bad humour; you worader• what 'yield. with a jerk. ; age! YOU, You have catarrh; catarrh of The above explanation of a most coin- poison,ed how absurd and`bmon cause of and Is reeking with the (118'- deafness should make it , ar seless It Is to at- ; the stomach, and, your whole syStem is cle Caere. 'Your stomach has bedome clogged tempt to overcome seek' deafness by ear- drums or de'viCes of a Strollar sort. OW RAISES 600 CHICKENS After Being Relieved of Or. garlic Trouble by Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound. Oregon, 1l1.—'I took Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound for an or - and the delicate membrane is Coated with a vile sticky substance. The catarrh Bet it be understood, however, that , mucus reuses to be digested and only Parmlnt is not for ear, troubles other ganic trouble which passes out .of the stomach with great trthoaillItehiessecacuasuesdedbybsycattentsrfriea%erlfaryaonuyr pulled me down un - difficulty. i,,Ittle by little, the mucus til I COUld not put my ried, settles peirrnanentIy on the mucous disease apart from catarrh. or If caused •foot to the floor and with the catarrh germs which it has car- ‘.: membra,ne.which lines the stoniach. , iPlyy : ir: y si iiic.1111:::::::: nn: :7ml: 0 eta,sf: you,„ and you should commit your own fain- e01.11.dscarcelyelo my - • work, and as i live Real dyspepsia: ancl 'indigestion are , s Catised," by a' lack of digestive Deices. • on a small farm and h aaut here we have a condition were the DON'T NEGLECT A COUGH t... . raise six hundred membrane is able and read - y to do its If you have a cold amcIt has left yon Work, but it is prevented by fdreign mat- 'with a cough, ,no matter 'how slight --- ter which has dropped dlitvn from the you ought not to neglect iti head 'and coated it. nowethem can the A ctiugh IS tretiet'ally an indiea,tion usual treatment for indigestion be of that there is Intianiniationin a danger - use? Since catarrh is the cause of the ous place, and proper treatment Omuta trouble it Is the cat•trrh that nal s t be be secured at once. Delaying treatment the water is hnniediatel d' d ous- The changes f weather render the I, Irecte delicate' mucoue merni)raties In the nos If, you have catarrh of the may mean that the "cough. may settle upcon tile seat of tile fire. The„.eaaele. and throat very susceptibie to trateemme, .s.setallililla.14,01,11,11:1':,:v"et-Ithebiti,eliti'et that la taken ',faith- develop rineu stay Even th g too.j. LiOn, and thus encoura,ge the' birth my] T, 01 a. reasonable length of time rough ti t .c1 e ell , . fount 0.f losive Prom" t a.ttentioa" s y • a y '' nice es a, anger and shou d re- - plete saturation. ef..t.hetontent f tl s o.. le growth Of catarrhal g'erins, • you an n ,t 4... chickens every ,year it made it very hard for me. '1 Saw the Com- pound advertised in Our paper, and tried be called the .highwaY of liee. • 1. and .ti me expended. we, believe that you will 'end a eh it 1.• /tie. s out mY health so can do 11 m ork .nd o my „rum s —Mrs D M men can effeetively . operate I 't (Ir tespi e aaahe throat itself te d'y'i t EA FNESS hUs hoc ' ' 't t' f d " basement is tlnis, avoided, the fire, Fe ear :the eee , a you cough ha,s become extremely tiee 's ' • , P en. ed am so gratef al ti et I am recommend- ieee no„,te.‘ told. thi,ocie are wliat; mi tel ef t 'vill fully compensat ag of o you loi a long tiMe agus or 11 Parmint. R. R. '4, Oregon, all basement fires a d gl'"" losS by both fi t ng to the relief froin troilble ttte ,use 4.1;TMRS, e se- snio which IS CoMnion to m',1,1,1„',,Passitstes: on'e the Oestatill ' stomach, the Other A cause- which is responsible for CAUSE OF D .fife water 1, ..; . 1- leap tEL,O1Y ttadt, or 'J'rachea • t Onlywomenwhohave suffered 'dieter - d . gou g eat nlanY Cases ol' deafnoss 1,4 ce aerli aige y minim:tee O the bronchial tubes anti lungs. The whole trour • " • WHAT IS PARMINT? tures of such troubles and have dragged • • and the length of th ' in pueea and If nese, throa,t and Iting:A i'llhairga'03 0i w"leh tells °I' ?-"' It is eete'bi"aden et Ingredlen'te n ient ing into.. the post- laving values in the treatment of ca- aelonegdfroTm:drItY,z:,topt.lay, C1),,n realize the 1,),egms in ,• rirrougll the lungs tile blood prtsses with a ,eimpie 'cold tri,, the Prarali‘in.ing such arrnitit is. an English i'oriettilit mit on To measure eat. core in a ern), contact With tile :3,ir. If the air bres.thett i t fooling ' 1 CI- °r1 3) nen reot and herb , , ' every heart beat,. and there comes JD a cold almost eVery ),.'s ex e oes the mailret in England about 10 Years , e crib by the are' son'ud; the -dark , blood ia at onee ilq9e1 Compound, brought to `Mrs. Alters. itikham's Ve,getrible ply tile ntlinber cul51-c 1'64 hY faur the afr ere:tatted in 'is bed; et- 06 110:40. it is difficult to blo ' t' r (-e )61' 'write Lydia:.'E. Pinkham'S" ; °tee in ,00.,s,tv,„.tilai,soalti,tospoaee,bowlilioesree oinolnnete,nisrapl_leita (vie mefnelia,tion and if there are any corn , e "'s be ebtsin'i a't.' '1.118-11- Tile -result of thifee 40 yearo experience • 18 11,1 alo lay WI( an this by‘1,110. hogi14 sehieh plata, ed „Otatees. out' ott leitige etathPilitene"a\tsiblees eilet'elemeerteteettl'inffielii:34:tel'ihtichlet et.after,I,heelein.eiei'ottitdic'efds4tib'ornalnetli'lliaa. hest e r.14C:ade eeon Wnditie/11 eeliveiii;d1';')brko'lf*6t inbyiresi:* k;ielateorsr- the corn will.level efe, Then Inetet a- 11141114 red t.re'a.ma otutia7lag life 47,6 10 accompanied by. catarrhal' seei e onR,. o niatei Jai uo in it is possible 10 obtoine °1:11!' 6e , m eteeneth all the body if bOwever•t s . throat or lungs are cliscase.c1 in any wa.y, liftwle it ,up. `s:Vben such conditions' "Par,ntint---Dolible Strength.' '1.'hese one- iledicina :1 Mas and cut off the rignt-Mtnel iigure., '11 tl h 11( od (in9teld 'beim, purified Ivcve becOMe ehronie ae •eetearil the ounce b tat. 'glees the btuiliele of shelled' corn, by Its passage throegh the Mngs) , , st, or lib VICO,. 1, , 0(4 C ..1,1U;thr.` " OOSt anda the (tne-ointee Is eieffielant _ t atilt f irtl er aol'oned ant , iratous ' ‘earryins thr germ tualo half -Tint r)f Ilarrafst is,ssis- IS' nu YOU!: serVlue4 goes on Its wa4. carr'Sring the, clieceee itt ileope 'Into 1 hvotxt. ,The, glue -Mite to talttit when rnIXed as • Oil:eel:0 10 ea.021 .„„j nausea 11»g nines etiette. ler eat time 10 ' EI). 7. ;maitre 'Liniment cures Buries, Etc. ` a . pti o• % cOr/i 4:7 ,a ., the water is hnniediatel d' d ous- The changes f weather render the I, Irecte delicate' mucoue merni)raties In the nos If, you have catarrh of the may mean that the "cough. may settle upcon tile seat of tile fire. The„.eaaele. and throat very susceptibie to trateemme, .s.setallililla.14,01,11,11:1':,:v"et-Ithebiti,eliti'et that la taken ',faith- develop rineu stay Even th g too.j. LiOn, and thus encoura,ge the' birth my] T, 01 a. reasonable length of time rough ti t .c1 e ell , . fount 0.f losive Prom" t a.ttentioa" s y • a y '' nice es a, anger and shou d re- - plete saturation. ef..t.hetontent f tl s o.. le growth Of catarrhal g'erins, • you an n ,t 4... chickens every ,year it made it very hard for me. '1 Saw the Com- pound advertised in Our paper, and tried be called the .highwaY of liee. • 1. and .ti me expended. we, believe that you will 'end a eh it 1.• /tie. s out mY health so can do 11 m ork .nd o my „rum s —Mrs D M men can effeetively . operate I 't (Ir tespi e aaahe throat itself te d'y'i t EA FNESS hUs hoc ' ' 't t' f d " basement is tlnis, avoided, the fire, Fe ear :the eee , a you cough ha,s become extremely tiee 's ' • , P en. ed am so gratef al ti et I am recommend- ieee no„,te.‘ told. thi,ocie are wliat; mi tel ef t 'vill fully compensat ag of o you loi a long tiMe agus or 11 Parmint. R. R. '4, Oregon, all basement fires a d gl'"" losS by both fi t ng to the relief froin troilble ttte ,use 4.1;TMRS, e se- snio which IS CoMnion to m',1,1,1„',,Passitstes: on'e the Oestatill ' stomach, the Other A cause- which is responsible for CAUSE OF D .fife water 1, ..; . 1- leap tEL,O1Y ttadt, or 'J'rachea • t Onlywomenwhohave suffered 'dieter - d . gou g eat nlanY Cases ol' deafnoss 1,4 ce aerli aige y minim:tee O the bronchial tubes anti lungs. The whole trour • " • WHAT IS PARMINT? tures of such troubles and have dragged • • and the length of th ' in pueea and If nese, throa,t and Iting:A i'llhairga'03 0i w"leh tells °I' ?-"' It is eete'bi"aden et Ingredlen'te n ient ing into.. the post- laving values in the treatment of ca- aelonegdfroTm:drItY,z:,topt.lay, C1),,n realize the 1,),egms in ,• rirrougll the lungs tile blood prtsses with a ,eimpie 'cold tri,, the Prarali‘in.ing such arrnitit is. an English i'oriettilit mit on To measure eat. core in a ern), contact With tile :3,ir. If the air bres.thett i t fooling ' 1 CI- °r1 3) nen reot and herb , , ' every heart beat,. and there comes JD a cold almost eVery ),.'s ex e oes the mailret in England about 10 Years , e crib by the are' son'ud; the -dark , blood ia at onee ilq9e1 Compound, brought to `Mrs. Alters. itikham's Ve,getrible ply tile ntlinber cul51-c 1'64 hY faur the afr ere:tatted in 'is bed; et- 06 110:40. it is difficult to blo ' t' r (-e )61' 'write Lydia:.'E. Pinkham'S" ; °tee in ,00.,s,tv,„.tilai,soalti,tospoaee,bowlilioesree oinolnnete,nisrapl_leita (vie mefnelia,tion and if there are any corn , e "'s be ebtsin'i a't.' '1.118-11- Tile -result of thifee 40 yearo experience • 18 11,1 alo lay WI( an this by‘1,110. hogi14 sehieh plata, ed „Otatees. out' ott leitige etathPilitene"a\tsiblees eilet'elemeerteteettl'inffielii:34:tel'ihtichlet et.after,I,heelein.eiei'ottitdic'efds4tib'ornalnetli'lliaa. hest e r.14C:ade eeon Wnditie/11 eeliveiii;d1';')brko'lf*6t inbyiresi:* k;ielateorsr- the corn will.level efe, Then Inetet a- 11141114 red t.re'a.ma otutia7lag life 47,6 10 accompanied by. catarrhal' seei e onR,. o niatei Jai uo in it is possible 10 obtoine °1:11!' 6e , m eteeneth all the body if bOwever•t s . throat or lungs are cliscase.c1 in any wa.y, liftwle it ,up. `s:Vben such conditions' "Par,ntint---Dolible Strength.' '1.'hese one- iledicina :1 Mas and cut off the rignt-Mtnel iigure., '11 tl h 11( od (in9teld 'beim, purified Ivcve becOMe ehronie ae •eetearil the ounce b tat. 'glees the btuiliele of shelled' corn, by Its passage throegh the Mngs) , , st, or lib VICO,. 1, , 0(4 C ..1,1U;thr.` " OOSt anda the (tne-ointee Is eieffielant _ t atilt f irtl er aol'oned ant , iratous ' ‘earryins thr germ tualo half -Tint r)f Ilarrafst is,ssis- IS' nu YOU!: serVlue4 goes on Its wa4. carr'Sring the, clieceee itt ileope 'Into 1 hvotxt. ,The, glue -Mite to talttit when rnIXed as • Oil:eel:0 10 ea.021 .„„j nausea 11»g nines etiette. ler eat time 10 ' EI). 7. ;maitre 'Liniment cures Buries, Etc. ` a . pti o•