The Exeter Advocate, 1918-3-14, Page 5Auction Sale Margaret Bell Charlesworth off Blyth. is seeking a divorce from her husband QFFARiV1, FARM STOCK AND IM= Leopold Otto Charlesworth,,. also of Ely tdr. ,PLEMENTS AND f-IO;USEIIOLD EFFECTS Frank Taylor hits received instruc- tions to sell., by public auction, aril Lot 4, Gan. 'i1, McGiWvray ,Township on WEDNESDAY,' MAR. 20th, 1918 At 1 o'clock, the following property; Horses -1 general purpose mare ,,in foal; 1 Perchenorn mare, 1 a;ed{rnare Cattle -1 craw with calif ad foot, 1 cow. due time ,of sale; 1 pttre - bred `Jersey cow, due Mar. 28; 2 cows due May lst; 2 caws due in Sept; 1 ieii!fer due . in Sept.; 5 yearl'tgngs, Zp svilnter calves. Pigs -1 Chester white sow in pig, 2 ;stocker pigs, Sheep -5 ewes, with lamb Rees—A.few; hives of bees , Iinp]. ern elnts-1 Massey-l'Ia1 ris hin- der ; 1 M. -H, mower, 1. new fanning mill, 1 12. -I -I. ' cu1tivatar; hay rake, corn cultivator, lamber w\ragon, light wagon ;buggy, cutter, set sleighs bug- gy pole, set harrows, -..disc harrow, hay rack, grindstone, gravel. box, gang plough, 2 walking; ploughs, stonic boat, wheelbarrow, quantity of, hay. Household Furniture—].,,organ, incu- bator, heating stave, sideboard, quan- tity a,0 small .articles. Terms—$5' and under, cash; aver that amount 8 months credit will be given on (furnishing approved joint notes. 5 pen cent per annum toff for cash in lieu of notes. Charles Parker, Prop. Frank Taylor, Auct. Alonzo. .Hodgins, clerk,•' DENTIST Dr, G F. ROULSTON, L. D, S., D.D.S D 13NTIST Merrier' of the R. C. C. D.S. of On' Honor Graduate -Toronto Universtt) Ottice Oyes Carling's. law Office. Closed Wedn sday afternoons. DR A K' KINSMAN L;D.S,, D.D.S Honor a I,ia' c Toronto University Teeth •wrr j regi without pain •4- any bad ellectl,, 01 Tice over Madman S• Stanbury's'Of''i:•e; \lain. Stre't, Prete MON EY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village ptronerty at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter ISAAC R. CARLING. B.A. Barrister. Solicitor, . Notary Public Comrniasioneur, Solicitor for The Mai- sons Bank, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest, Office—'Main Street. Exeteer. FRANK TAYLOR• Licensed Auctioneer 'for Counties of Huron and Middlesex. Prig Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton Ontarte C W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cocksisutt' Wareroo•ms, next door to Centra.' Hotel, Main Street, Exeter Charges moderate and satisfaction._ it guaranteed YOU CAN 'SUCCEED CENTRAL hew STRATFORD. ONT'. Ontario's Leading Commercial Sctloal makes success easy. We have three departments, Commercial, Short- haul hort-haui and Telegraphy. We give cndiv ideal tinstructiioti;s and students may enter at any time} •-"Graduates are placed eta ,pas(vtirohvs`. Thugs is your op- portunity ,as •, there is .a great call upon us for t.raynred rhelp. Write at once, for partticulars." W. J. Elliott, D. A; McLachlan, President Pr•iitilcipal SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS. The sole head of a family, or any male over 18 ,years old, who was at the commencement of the preaeot war and has mince continued to be, a Brit- ish subject or a subject of an allied or neutral country, may home- stead a quarter -section • of available Dominion land in Ipnntoba, ,Sasl"Catoh- ewan or Alberta. Applicant must ap- pear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for tL'e' Dis- trict. Entry by proxy may be -made on certain conditRans. Duties— Six month.; residence upon and cultivation of land in each of three yearn. In certain ,districts a hameetead,er may secure an adjoining quarter -sec- tion as pre -eruption. Price $3.00 per acre Duties—Reside six months in each of three years after earning homestead patent and cultivate 50 acres extra. May obtain pre-ernptian patent as soon as "'homestead patent on certain conditions. A settler after obtaining homestead patent if be cannot, secure a pre- emption may take a purchas- ed homestead in certain districts, Price I3.00 per acre. Duties—Must re- side; stx months in each of the three years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a house worth j300, - Holders, of entries may count time of employment as farm labourers in Canada during 1917,.as residence Jut- --les under certain conditions. When Dotninian Lands are advert- ised or posted for entry, returned sol- diers who have served overseas and have been honorably discharged, re- ceive one day priority in applyiing, for entry at local Agent's Office ' (but not 'Sub -Agency). • Discharge papers must be presented to agent, W, VU, CORY, Deputy of the Mini§ter of the lnterio, MI—Unauthorized 'publication ol this advertisement will trot be paid t or MARRIAGE LICENSES ISS VED by C. II Scatters at the Ativor etc Oi rice, ;,li,ictly cosir ideanhni, in) lr,t3i e'tt' MARRIAGE, LICENSES, ISSUED by C. I -I, Sanders at the Advocate Of- Bice ' Strictly confi:den,tial,, no witness Auction Sale l' AI M ,.FARM STOCK AND IM- PIJEMENTS, on Lot 10, Con, 4, 'McGilllivray, ou 'Thursday, March 28th; 1918 at , one o'clock...the fallowing,— Fborsies—Aged mare; agricultural inane 10. yewrs; agricultural horse, 4 reams rola. Cattle..—Cow due April 17th, cow - due April 24; cow sup, to he in calif; fteil'er. ,supposed to b:el in,calf ,• l aged cow 1 heifer, 2 years old, 1 yearling i'eifer, 1 yearling steer, 2 c.alvos. Hogs -Sou clue pa, Titter Apr. 17; 2 ;stocker pigs: 25 Ile is, Imp1!emeat s :tV1c ,armick bind er,rtear ly ineww-; mower; ;hay rake; Massey - Harris hay roadie,, -disc harrow, set harrows • seed drill; hay rack; wagon; wYag1o111 bet, set s,,eig,io,s ; road 'cart a buggy. cutter ,.running mill; set' double 'harness ; hay Mork and slin;s, ropes, grindstone wvh,iffletrees, bags and bag - Molder:• other articles too numerous to menlion Grain}—Quantity oats, and barley, 1 small bray stack, Real Estate= -There w'kl also be of- fered on, day of sale 100 acre farm on which there lis a brick dwvelliung, bank bare, drive house, hog pen, herthou•se, 2 wwte,1ls on place; a creek running thru ons. field. Terms—All sulist cl'.'$10 and funder cash ; iovet that amount 8 months cre- dit on. furnishing approved joint notes 5 per cent, per arnlnum o,1 for cash in leu ` a` rlicte!s. IG;rairro to lbc. cash,. Real Estate made known cn day of sale Joseph 'Hod;gson, Prop, Frank Taylor,, Auc I. Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK & INIPLE,\1E:NTS \\Tro. E. Nairn has received ids -title: - ions from .Mr. Samuel W. Cann to seta b'y public aucts;on on Ldt 30, Con. 4, 1/shame, ion Tuetsday, March 26, 1918. at 1 o'clock, the 1°Bowing - Htorses—Pair of dark bay geldings, rising 6 years laid, weighing 3000 .lbs ; 1 Tilly -rising 3 years; 1 carriage marc rising 10 years, gt000d in all :harness: Cattle -1 Dunhiam cow, due in April; 2 Durham claws, dole in Ma,y; 2 farrow cows young; 4 steers ,rising two years old; 5 yearling steers„ 2 ear- li u^ be;ifers, Pigs—Pure bred. Yorkshire sow, due at time of .sale; Berkshire sew, with lift&- of 8. Grain -200 bushels' oats fit for seed Implements—Massey-Harris bander, 7 floot cut, sheaf carrier and truck; Eros &Wood' mower; 5sft.cut;;Cock s.hutt steel rake, i0ockshntt spring - tooth cultivator; land roger,. 3 sections Oockshuti disc .drill, set sleighs, Mag-' net cream separator—allthe above im- plements ins-plleme is a;e new- for nearly so—set i:io.i harrows, scuffles, wagon, gravel hex- : hay rack, cutter, 2 set double harness,, 2 doz. bags, scythe, logging chain, 2 set ;Atiriuttllertrees, crowbar, scoop shovel, forks, hoes, shovels .and other useful articles cn the farms Plasitiwe•ly no reserve as rhe pro• has scold the :farm. Terms—Grath and $10 and under, cash ; lover that amount: 12 months credit ,dei furnishing approved Io'..nt motes, or a discount- of 5 '.oe'r o ff for cash lin .lieu • ot. notes; \\Tat. E Nairn, Samuel W. flung Auctioneet". - Prcpl',etar Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK ,on Lot B., Con. 9, •Ulsboalve, 'l' ot• ar hie Cit 'TUESDAY, :AR.' 19, 191:8; a` one o'clock sharp the ,fallov.irt, r• -"petty. Horses -1 .f?l,y, `ri;sing 3 'years, 3 geldings, t ,sin;g 3 years. Cattle—S. registeredl COW with regis- tered .bull calf 9'mlonths old, due Apr, 21.st; 1 cow due April Zlst ; a caw due April 5th; 1 Jersey hietilfer, due at the tink lot' sale; ]. ih'eifer clue. April 5th; 1. cow. due 3n Aprtil; 6 chloice, fast cat- tle, 2 steers and 2 biei1" ers ; 2 two -yr. old steers; 9 y.en.r,ing a;tecrs, 1 year:- ling ea;-ling heifer 10 calves. Pigs -4 slaws due at Vane of .;ale ;: 1. pure bred Berkshire 1:46er, 7 moS old ; 211 steno hog.s. A RED CROSS QUILT, which has bleen..wwsorked by Mr. Louis johns and donated to. the ,Z'ioln: Red Crass Circle. of U'sbrrn,,. will be siotTd. Terms—Fat Cattle( Cason ; ion all the other stock 6 months' credit grtc i on furn,t ,ua:cng app•rotn d joint notes. 5 per- cent, erc•ertt per annum off for cash in lieu n' notes .. GEO. BROCI ,'Prop• C. W. ROBINSON, Auct. 1?RAiN1 ,COATES; Clerk. A u:ot.1 r, ` Sale HOUSE & •ROUSEUOLD'EFFECTS( Mr, C. W. Robinson has received in-: struction ',from Mr, Illy. Dining to sell . by public auction on Main St, Exeter, opposite the Main St. Meth- odist church on Saturday, March 16, at one o'clock sharp, the following. C17ATTELS—Parlor suit two bed. .room suits, extension table, glass cup- board, clock, pictures; 2 reeking'' chairs, 12 Cain bottom chairs, "6 kit- chen chairs, Brussels carpet, 2 rag carpets, 2 mattresses and springs,, 1 kitchen range as good as new, kitchen linoleum 12x10, sewing )3:Lachine, as •good ars new; lawn mower, kitchen utensils, 2 ;good axes, a quantity o1', dishes, toilet set, 1 buggy, cutter, sort single harness, Starnes and tugs, set ;garden tools, buck saw, large creamery can, cord, or hFardwood,eord of cedar wool, number: of doors, two boxes and a quantity or lumber. REAL '11.;5'.l'A:Ur--Gooi1 frame hoist wvitb kitchen and good cellar •coni P1f,t(3 • untlern,.nt,ii n11; :1.-5 acre of land with `roil trees, throe yellow 'pinto f1`,,cs. 3 barba,*ds,` 1 ipea.ch 1 applc a1nd. a nunilitr of cherry trees. ,Also a cgoc.cT imam ham on the prop- It 1' l ii 111 OE' SAl,I'I T%rms oC .chat~ ats, cash. 'T'erms of house and lot nerd.: known on day o'' .w;. 1 , lly, -C. A Robinson. I'rwort r.tor a1 .1' ''11. err', P'REMiEf ATTEKED Unionists Make Move to Oust Loyd George. Political Strife Gros Bitter In Eug land, and Opponeti.ts of the Gov - eminent Now , 'In Power ,are Striking itt • the Prime Minister; Carson Was Used In the Scheme. LONDON, March 11,—Tile attack on the Government for the dismissal of Lord Jellicoe from the position: of First Sea Lord, without consulting, ;;he War Cabinet, and impliedly in obedience to the demand of the Daily Mail and . the Times, has the appearance of being part of a con- certed Unionist move to drive Lloyd George out and form a new coalition Ministry, in which the Unionists. would have complete predominance. The Marquis of Salisbury summon- ed a conclave of ctiscontended Union- ists three weeks ago at Hatfield House, his Elizabethan Inansiori, Hertfordshire, at which time it was _agreed that, steps should he taken, to show Lloyd George that°the Unionists disapprove of the inclusion of Lord Beaverbrook and Lord Northcliffe in the Government, although both of these peers are Unionists. Salisbury, the head of the Cecil family, is con- spicuously deficient in the family ability, but is the fiercest of Tory. partisans, and it is well understood that he is simply being used for the purpose of this disruptive scheme. The second move was a request sent by 96 Unionist members of both Houses of Parliament to Premier Lloyd George to meet them to justify the appointment above mentioned. He did so on Monday privately, and it is significant that:after. a 45 min- utes' speech. i Bose present - at the meeting thanked him for seeing them, but saidnnth`ng about being satisfied with his explanat'on. The next step was the question a,hout Jellicoe's dismissal in the House of Commr.ns on Wednesday, giving Carson t.n opening for repu- diating any`responsib't'ty for the dis- missal, with the "sensational adden- dum that the War Cabinet was never consulted, It is remarkable that Carson suc- ceeded in repressing his boiling in- dignation over Jellicoe's treatment until he himself, had left the Govern- ment.. The question is asked "If he felt so strongly: about it, why didn't he resign on that question?" It is surmised that Carson thinks he is the man fitting the successor to Lloyd .George, but if so, he is almost, alone in that belief. COMMANDER WAS KILLED. Attack of'Gertnan Air Fleet on Paris Fruled. PARIS, March 11.—The con -na.nder of the German airplanes, which attempted to terrorize Paris, Capt. Fritz Eckstein, and three conn- ranions, one of whom was an officer of the Emperor's White Cuirassiers "r m Potsdam, were killed when t .er machine crashed in the Com•- piginon Forest. It is questionable whether the commander ever reached Paris. It is believed that most of tlia ',nnnbt ,the machine, carried were 1ronped' after it was hit during the ^^»rse of its trip, but several were still attached to the airplane when .he correspondent saw it lying . half hurled in the earth. Two of the aviators were underneath, the motor and the other two nearby, having thrown themselves out in an effort n".Cfi've their lives. +nachine was of the -"A':. built Flt Fried- ^1;cin' The *was bad a stretch -` sn feet, and it was supplied with n1rict mndnrn instruments, The -•^vas wings were painted black, vio dark blue. or twelve squadrons partici- til''^ l in the raid. proceeding towards tis by .three different routes in suc- cessive waves. The remarkably effec- tive co-operation of the anti' -aircraft guns, thedefence escad#illes and the Gearchlights prevented much damage and stopped many of the raiders from -caching the capital. DOUMANIA ,MAKES, PEACE.. "lie Teutonic Powers impose terns of Conquerors. TASSY, March 11.—Roumania has signed the German peace terms. Ger any served her final ultimatum on r'oumania on March 3, giving the lit - `ie kingdom only twenty-four hours. which to make a final decision. A ? flown- Council was held and it was ' r sided that Roumania, completely Isolated.and without outside support, ,"riitld have to bow to the force of ireu nistances and take a;course from -• hich there appeared to be no escape. harmer Premier Bratiano, who at - "'vied the meeting, ;declared that no tion' could accept terms so hums- 'sling.. King Ferdinand asked him,.if he would assume his`old position at h^ head of the Cabinet and accept 'he responsibility for refusing Ger- ^nv's terms. Bratiano .replied he "mid not undertake individually to such ,a burden. Under the peace terms, Roumania ^.} r,nly will have to give up Doh lja, lose control of the Danube and lure- other groat economic sacci- c -q, but she will be compelled to ^1d to. Germany large wheat, petro - tun and salt concessions. It is un- '. -'stood that Gerrtnany will have cot1- `17)t of the Roumanian railways for 't just cod of 15 years and will havo r'ossnssion of the four principal for'_; god passes through the Carpathians, All Gorman goods are to enter Rau- amnia free of duty, while all Roll- lnllnian goods will go into Germane' limier the old tariff with the excel) ion of certain.reductions, Sou to Atistria's ?tlttiparcir. T'.A.l;tIS March 11.--A son has been bnnl to Empress Zito or Austria al 13adrn-13aden. J. M. Goodall, Toronto foi'nier oil; forester, dies, rr -r 11y Ate_ - til sTirEKN"4b%1 5''i}` - because we've made the Comfort Soap abr bigger for the same gg. money. 0f course the new bar's wrapper is not good for premiums—during the war at least -but that makes war -time economypossible in the shape of the bigger bar. (1 is admitted • to have "enormously the largest sale in Canada," Why ? Sheer merit. Nothing else. It washes beautifully --it last a long time—and so of course its friends last. If YOU haven't used Comfort, try the new, bigger bar to- day, you'll be glad you did. Pugsley, Dingman & Co., Limited Toronto - ZURICH Mrs. jos. vlielickragea` and son, Rhi- tvoid Cook have :returned to their home in Congress, Sask., atter visiting rela- tives here,—IVIr•,' John F. Rickueil of town met with a very unfortunate ac- cident on Monday. While decending the back porch steps he slipped an the boards and Ten heavily on hrs hip which was fractured.—Mr. George Douglas has purchased a dweililing Su FEensall and wild move to that village in the Spring: -Mrs. H. Cann and lit- tle son'Jacoh, who spent some men the with. her parents, Mr, acid Mrs. J. Hie w ald, has neturnield to her home to Wille Fra'nciie, Sask.—A pretty wed- ding ;took place on Saturday, Marcl. 2nd,` at high 001, at the hone c' Mr. John A. Manson, Goshen Li -e Stanley when limn sister, :wits i\1:1,- garet Jane _Mansion, youngeit daughter of the late John Madiiso,n, wa; united in marriage to Mr. Donald MacLeod son of' Mr. Jahn MacLeod .f Ripley. _SCHOOI. REPORT FOR S. S. NO, 7 Stephen, 1.01 February,—Sr, 4th,, W. Schroeder . Sr. 3rd, E. Hnulah o-,. , Mclsaac, L. Glower, V. Gower, J tier ;H. Bays ham; Jr. 3rd, C, C..' Mcisaac, M, 'Dieter;irah, A• Ly itch • Sr 2nd, V Sharpie, F. WiPSams, n Schroeder, F. Jenkins; Sr. 1 T. :' terich, W' .Liochner, I. Bayin'iam ; J-. ' L. Baynhiam, C. Mclsaa ., L. Houiahan ; Primer B. Schroeder, E. Gallagher, L Diteterich, M. Lam.ph•r't; Avera -4c at- tendance 21; Nia. on. roll 28. —L W, Finkb.aer teacher. • SCHOOL REPORT; of S. S. No.. Siephe;n f'oi the month or February. Jr, 4 V.hIawhinniiey, H. Hartman, Sr 3—A .Neeb, E. Hartman, E. Wilds J.- Hartman, A. Hartman, 13. Wild.. Sr.. 2—F. Handover. Jr. 2—E. El.- Neeb A Regier, C. '3 iinny, W. Hanover E. Neeb, 'M'. Flynn. . P t. 2— H. Lippert D, Disjardine,' D. Smith, W. Wilds. Primer—A. Disjardine R. ?litetncmh, D. Disjatdufue, D. D•,etrch S. Diatrtich Best speller. far month 6 A. Regier Number can Roll 24; av- erage attendance 17.6.—Ada V. Willis, teacher AILSA CRAIG—There• passed away here on Feb 28, one sof the oldest and most respected citizens of that vi wgie in the persion of Mr. ''rh.sma,s Sc C oag His death was a shack to his n uiv friends as he hard been in ill '1en.1111 only for a few weeks .prior, to .-i, death. ,The CORRECT TREATMENT FOR C L 3 Colds are contracted When strength is lowered and the inflammation easily develops bronchitis- or lung trouble, while grippe and pneumonia frequerktly follow. Any cold should have immediate treatment with The National Strength -Builder which first builds up the forces by carrying rich nourishment to the blood streams and creates real body -warmth. Its cod liver oil is the favorite of physicians fe-s correcting bronchial disorders and chest troubles. • Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Out, 17-19 Truck for the Farmer ARM equipment which will effect a time and labor - r saving, and therefore a money-saving,gmust .` b, be care- fully artefully considered by every good farmer now -a -days. The farm wagon, which for 3rears was the most useful of all farm equipment, is now being replaced on the best farms by a ury, dependable motor puck. The truck will haul anyfarm P oduct---fruit, grain, vegetables, p stock, fertilizer, or wood—around the farm, or to the town or city many miles distant, in half the time, and at a much lower cost, The Ford One -Ton truck is a rapid, economical and very serviceable means of transport. One of these on your farm will saveouweeks y 4time .111 a single season eason and will enable you to pass through a crisis of labor short- age with less difficulty. The Ford truck is supplied as a chassis only. . This e inits you to select anyof the man bodystyles especially rY Y designed for the• Ford truck and already on the market. Thus you can mount the one which suits your individual requirements. Price $750 f.o.b. Ff.,rd, Ont. MILO .4ELL,