The Exeter Advocate, 1918-3-14, Page 3It
Pepe icls Upon Good Red Blood
to Nourish the Body --'Weak
People Need a `sonic.
The tonic treatment through the
use of ; Dr, Williams' Piiile Pills for
tall,run down condition of the health, is
based on sound medical principles and
on common sense. More ancl more
filen and women are realizing that
pure, red blood means ;11•oaltb., and
that efficiency in the workshop, the
office, the home or in any of the
varied walks of life depends entirely'
upon the quality of the blood. There
are, however, thousands of people who
,, de not realize the truth of these state-
ments. They are without ambition or
strength to do their day's work; are
always tired out; have but little ap-
petite and a poor digestion; cannot
get a refreshing night's sleep and are
subject to headaches, backaches and
nervousness because their blood is
weak, watery and impure.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills give quick
relief and permanently cure such 'nen
and women, because of their direct
action en the blood, which they purify
and build --up to its normal strength,
As through .the use of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills the blood becomes rich and
red it strengthens the muscles, tones
Up the nerves, makes the stomach
capable of digesting the food and re-
pairs the waste caused by growth or
work. The need in every family of
a safe and effective tonic such as Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills is shown by the
following statement of Mrs. Julius
Tuck, Mull, Ont., who says: -"Before
I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills I was iii a most wretched and
run down condition. My blood was
thin and watery and niy nerves were
in such a condition that »tlze least
noise would make me start and trem-
ble, and what a burden niy housework
seemed. One of nay neighbors ad-
vised me to take Dr. Williams' Pink'
e. Pills and I have great reason to ,41t: glad that, I followed her advice, for
before I had used a half dozen boxes
all symptoms of my trouble had dis-
appeared, and I was as well as ever
I had been in my life. I have also
given the pills to my daughters with
m st beneficial results, and I shall
ever have a good word to say for
If y -on are feeling the least run
down, weak or depressed do not delay
-take these Pills at once and note
how speedily your 'old-time health
will return. You can get the pills
from any dealer in medicine or by
mail at 60 cents a box or sjx boxes
for $2.50. from The Dr. Williams' Medi-
' cine Co,, Brockville, Ont.
Faithful Till Death.
'Midst the battle's tumult driven
Whilst the heavens were thunder -
Calm, serene his soul midst all,
Met death at his country's call.
Bury him in Flanders' earth
Noble son of British birth,
Place a cross above his breast—
"His duty done," now Iet him rest.
Swing wide! ye Gates of Pearl—
swing wide,
Man for man has also died,
Christ in man a sacrifice,
Man for freedom paid the price.
"Welcome home," the angels sing
Till the vaults of heaven ring
Ye portals ape—ye gates swing wide!
For him who, like the martyrs, died,
A. M, FOX.
Flour, meal, sugar, salt and spices
should :be sifted before measuring.
" whom men pronounce divine
I find so much of sin and blot;
In hien .whom men' denounce as ill
I find so much of goodness still;
1 hesitate to'draw the line
Between the .:two, where God has not."
—Joaquin Millet•.
Petunias do well in dry situations
when once established, also verbenas,
gaillardias, antirrhinums, zinnias, por-
tulacas, marigolds -and mesembryanth-
mums. All these like sunshine and
grow well - in a deep, rich . soil and
rarely fail to succeed. By pegging
down the verbenas they can be made
to thickly cover a large_ space.
We Will ship, Express Prepaid,
within 200 miles of Toronto,
(Headless and Dressed)
25 -Pound Boxes; $5.00
(Neodless and Dressed)'
20 -Pound Pails,' $8.O0
(Headless and pressed)
60 Fish to a l :'a 1 $2:75
Quality and Satisfaction Guaranteed
Remit in advance( by Festal. Or
Money Order.
68 J A RVIS Says ' rr. QRO J.tO"
+10 r :the Girls
Of the Family
A dress of this type is very smart
for the girl, made of tub materials.
McCall Pattern No. 7658, Girl's Pleat-
ed Dress, in 6 sizes, 4 to 14 years.
Price, 15 cents.
A good dress for -the growing girl
is this one made of striped and plain
t rat
s. -McCallPattern 88
el No. 78
Girl's Simplicity Dress. In 6 sizes, 4
to 14 years. Price, 15 cents
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or
from the McCall Co., -70 Bond St., Tor-
onto, Dept..W.
Baby's Own Tablets are an excel
lent medicine for little ones. They
sweeten the stomach regulate the
bowels, break up colds and simple
fevers,, cure constipation and make
teething easy. Concerning then Mrs.
L. Quinn, Paranae, Que., writes: "Baby
was troubled with constipation and
nothing helped him till I began using
Baby's Own Tablets. They are an ex-
xcellent medicine for little ones." The
Tablets are sold by medicine dealers
or by mail at 25 cents a box from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
The Tallest Chimneys.
What is said to be the tallest chim-
ney in -the world has been erected re-
cently for a copper smelter at Sago-
noseki, Japan, It is built of concrete,
570 feel; high, 261/a feet inside dia-
meter at the top and 42 feet in dia-
meter at the base. The chimney was
carried to that great height in order
to convey the poisonous fumes from
the shelter: to an altitude where they
would not hurt vegetation. The next
tallest chimneys in the world, are the
506 -foot concrete chimney of the Bos
toil and Montana smelter at Great
Falls„ Montana; a 454 -foot chimney at
Glasgow, Scotland; a 400 -foot steel
thimney at Jerome, Arizona; the 366 -
foot chimney of the Eastman, Kodak
Company at Rochester, New York, and
the 865 -foot brick chimney of the Or-
ford Copper Company at Constable
Hook, New Jersey,
"When looking for faults that need
correcting, use a mirror, not a tele-
scope. ---];,isle de Vaux Mztttle:nan,
While it is essential that ; every
'tractor possible be manufactured dur-
ing the present year, it is just as
essential to keep every tractor . al-
ready acid in working condition,
ready for day and night service when-
ever needed.
Phosphates are found th abuiadanco
In whole grain, especia)ly in oatmeal,
cracked whoat, wheat flakes, graham
Bread and other whole -grain xin orepnra-`
tions. Wheat bran is, of course, very
rich se phosphates,. Mille also eon -
t h phosphates in'abundance,
here is a Message
In This Lady's Story
She 'Tells What fladd's Kidney
Pills Do .for Women.
She Was Troubled With Weakness.
and Her Dauyhtel• Had Nervous
Trouble, Dodd's Kidney Pills
Proved the Remedy They Both
Hamilton, Qat., March 411 (Special)
---Tile story: told by Mrs. Il;. Diekens,
01 70 Torn Street, this city,' carries a
mossage of hope to &every suffering:
woman in Canada,
"Atter my baby was born," M'ts.
;Dickens states, "fused to suffer with
my back and had no heart to do my
work around the home. But I react
about :Dodd's Kidney Pills and what
they have done fore others, so §, I
thoughts I would get a box and see
what they would do for me.
"I ani pleased to say that alter tak-
ing two boxes I found such great re-
lief I would not be without them in
the house.
"My daughter, too, had been very
side on and off for a long time. Her
nerves gat' so bad we were afraid we
would see her in the hospital, But
I am pleased to say she is better
through taking Dodd's Kidney Pills.
"I< never 'thought Dodd's Kidney
Pilin could have done such good work
and I am telling all my friends about
Women's troubles, of nearly all of
them, come from sick kidneys. The
cure for them is the old established
remedy for sick kidneys, Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills.
It may be of general interest to the
Canadian public to know some ex-
amples of the way in which their
railways, through the Canadian Paci-
fic Association for National Defence,
are exchanging traffic in the interests
of efficiency.
In one, ease the C.P.R. diverted by
way of the Soo Line one thousand
cars of freight so as to relieve the
main line of the company along the
north shore of Lake Superior. These
cars passed south from Winnipeg : to
Minneapolis and by way of Sault Ste.
Marie; into Ontario. They consisted.
chiefly of grain for domestic consump-
tion in Canada.
One'hundred cars of .freight per day
are being diverted from the C,P.R. at
Quebec and travelling by way of the.
National Transcontinental to Halifax.
While there is no saving in mileage,
this, in the interest- of. the country,
relieves- the C.P.R. main line to St,
John for.classes of export freight more
urgently required there,
In Torontonarrangement
a :was suc-
cessfully carried out whereby one
hundred and' twentycars of freight
eastbound for. Montreal were turned
over from the C.P.R. to the C.N.R.
every day.
The Grand,Trunk during the winter
season has been diverting one hundred
and fifty to two hundred cars of coal
per day to the C.P.R. and T,I3. & B.
in order to -lessen the congestion on
the Grand Trunk from the Niagara
frontier to. Toronto and other points.
The Grand Trunk has also diverted
fifty cars per day to the CNA. at To -
In Western Canada the Canadian
Northern ` has on several occasions
transferred surplus traffic to the sister
railways in:the West.
The following Is from a letter of Lieut.
Wingfield, a British: Plying Officer.,
wrho escaped in November, 1917:.
"The camp was a bad one, the rooms
over -crowded, there was insufficient
room for exercise, the sanitation was
very ,indifferent, the food almost im-
possible to eat. We were housed in
wooden barracks divided into rooms
by thin wooden partitions. There
were seven in a roam, so that it wets
extremely difficult to obtain the neces-
sary quiet for work. There were no
reading rooms. The food was ex-
tremely poor and insufficient and con-
sisted almost entirely of stewed..nian-
gel-wurzels, with occasional potatoes
of very poor quality. Tlie bread ration
was half a loaf a week of very bitter
black bread. Yon can imagine, then,
that prieoners are entirely dependent
on parcels, and are extremely .liana
gry during the first two months of
captivity before these begin to arrive.
The Roumanian officers get nothing,
and the. Russians very little."
flaw Potato for Burn.
An efficient and easily obtained
remedy for burns is grated raw pota-
to. If you have never tried this,
you will bs surprised at the immediate
relief resulting from the quick appli-
cation of the. potato, even in cases of
bad burns. In every home potatoes
are at hand,` and it takes but a 'mo-
ment to grate enough potato to
tlpread thickly over a burn, There
will be instant relief and no - blisters
later. Cover the binned area well
with the grated potato and then bind
of soft cloths. In case of a very
serious burn where a good: deal of
flesh has been destroyed, do not rely
on home treatment except';Lor tem-
porary relief, but rend for a physatian
Two Sides.
When you'te busy, busy working,
fn your tense, industrious way,
Docs it cheer you if a neighbor
Comes to interrupt yourlabor,
Just to pass the time away,
Just to pass the time of day?
Does it cheer you? Is he weleeme?;
Do you lave him fondly?
Then when he is busy working, J'
Ill bis tense,,industrious.way
Why should you stop short the labor
Of your brisk, industrious neighbor,
Jest to pass the time away,
Jost to pass the time of day?
Will he welcome your intrusion?
Will h?love you:. fondly?
Make this beauty lotionfor a few
cents and see for yourself.
W'liat girl or woman hasn't heard of
lemon juice to remove complexion
blemishes; to whiter! the ;skin and 10
bring out the roses, the freshness and
the hidden beauty? :But lemon juice
alone is acid, therefore irritating, and
should be Mixed with orchard white
Ulla way. Strain' through a Ane cloth
the juice of two fresh lemons into a
bottle containing about three ounces
of orchard white, then shake well and
you have a whole quarter pint of skin
and complexion lotion at about the*
cost one usually pays 'for a small jar:
of- ordinary cold cream, 13e sure to
strain the lemon juice so no pulp gets
into the bottle, then this lotion will!
remain pure and fresh for monthq.
When applied daily to the face, neck,
arms and hands it should help -to
bleach, clear, smoothen and .beautify
the skin,
Any druggist will supply three
ounces of orchard white at very little
cost and the grocer has the lemons.
Row to Clean Old Paraffin.
- Paraffin that has become unclean.
through usage in canning and preserv-
ing may be cleaned and reused.
Many times :it can he cleaned with a
brush in cold water. If this does not
remove all the dirt, says a specialist
of the United States Department of
Agriculture, heat the paraffin to boil-
ing and strain it through two or three
thicknesses of cheesecloth placed` over
a funnel. Or a thin layer of absorb-
ent cotton over one thickness of
cheese cloth may be used as a strain -
ea'. One straining should be suffici-
ent ordinarily, hut if the paraffin still
'is unclean heat and strain again. Any
paraffin lodging in the strainer may
be recovered by heating the cloth and
pouring off the hot liquid through
another strainer.
=lava's '1,iniment Cures 3utms, Btc.
Your Untapped Trees.
"If you had fifty cows and they -all
gave good' marketable, money -saving
milk," said H. J. Grim, addressing
the Pure Maple Sugar Association,
"you surely would not be content to
milk only twenty-five of them and let
the others go. to waste, would you?
And yet your untapped sugar maple
trees axe just like those imaginary uu
milked cows, There is molley in them
only waiting to be brought out and
put in your bank. Maple sugar is the
quickest money making harvest in all
your business of farming. It needs
no seeding. It is all harvest, and
what Is more the harvest is quickly
turned into real money,"
Minard's. Li.n:irhen,t Co., Limited.
Gentlemen, -My daughter, 13 ' yrs.
old, was thrown from a sleigh and in-
jured her elbow so badly it remained
stiff anen.very painful for three years:
Four bottles of MINARD'S LINI-
MENT completely cured her and she
has nest: been troubled for two years.
-Yours truly,
St. Joseph, P. 0., 18th Aug., 1900.
The: requisites of good cows are
first, good pure-bred stock, good care.
in breeding, feeding, and management.
There" are great ,possibilities in the
production of good cows but these are
seldom ever'._�seen, appreciated, or at-
tained except by an intelligent
thoughtful feeder. The earmarks
of a business farmer and intelligent
feeder may be seen in his herd.
d ' Graanilaied Eyelids,
d &ore I gs, zye _$all need by
1, mug nd n ulc iH
50 c'� l ti r em+5yeaand r ns q n
your yes an inBaby 8 .
u ; fl66Sr>atartlag„last thee° rt
Mien° 1Reniedy "�e r ¢ etas
Sy Paws, {e etches 26e. Dos eold'of Itu eras.
Ask land= Es'® Sotuedy Co., Cif (m47 i
Quite likely you have been too busy
poking the fine to think about the
raspberry act blackberry canes. Soine
nice flay put on a pair of .long -wrist-
ed leather gloves and go at the trim-
ming. Cut out all dead or unthrifty
caries entirely, and prune back the
other's (including. side branches)
about one-third. Bunt the trimmings
and thus get rid of pests.
Minarct'p Lleti'ntesst for aiitle everywhere.
Paper bulp 111 the Scandinavian
countries costs seven tinges more than
in 1014; it coats twenty tinges as much
to hiring it to France by sea, the in-
surance being :from: b to 10 per cent,
et the value of the catgo; the port
dues 'arc front 1 to 6 per cent ; labor
costa'' 60 per cent, more; and coal is
"seven tunes as dear 110 before the
HAS 11'400 EGdJAL i11
it not only softens the
water but doubles the Gleans
ing power of soap, and motors
everything sanitary anel
In Brief.
Eat less; breathe more.
Talk less; think more.
Ride less; walk more.
Clothe less; bathe more.
Worry Jess; work more.
Waste less; give more.
Preach less; practise more.
Whenordering goods by mail, send
a Dominion Iixpress Money Order.
Not One Quarter Produced.
Not twenty-five per cent. of the
available maple trees in Canada' are
being . tapped. Statistics .show that
out of 56,000 farmers in Eastern
Canada who produce maple sugar and
syrup at all, only very few tap more
than a quarter of the trees they have
available on their, farms. This 25
per cent. production is worth $1,500,-
000 -annually_ This amount might
easily be doubled. One man can take
care ofboiling the sap from 5000
trees as easily as from 500.
isdtinarcVs Linitueut Cures Dandruff.
IP arm implement orders must be
placed early this year. Otherwise,
everybody will be in trouble.
. Tt
How to loosen a tender corn
or callus so It lifts out G.
without pain.
o---O—D-0=0--O---D--O—^ O---U^O---O^O
Let folks step on your feet here-
after; wear shoes a size smaller if you
like, .for corns will never again send.
electric sparks of pain through you,
according to this Cincinnati authority.
The Mesopotamia .desert can frees
a man to the marrow, she can scorch
him to the bone; she can drown hint'
with her floods, she can kill hien with
thirst. She can box the compass of
human tribulation. --Captain Fru k
XViinard'e Liniment Relieves leetneragia.
'cog' Srx.E
LrlliL' Y N'I,:WSP a,Pie:R IN W1eST-
ern Ontario. Doing a good bust-`
nese. Death of owner places it on the
market. A. great chance for a man with
cash. .Apply :Fox 82, W,llson Publiehing
Ce , Limited, Toronto,
and job printing plant in Rasters
Ontario. Insurance carried 81„500, Will
Wo lsfooln P81u,b2l0i0shing (Co111„01LtsdleT, orBonotxo. 60.
b9tx S C>•r io L.@.29'E o'tr13
CC�"�tANCER, TUMORS,' Lt;1\ji S,
I internal and external, cured with-
out pain by our home treatment t t writ*
us before too late. Dr. Beliman it1 ediea3
Co.; Limited, Collingwood, Ont
When burying your Piano
insist on havingan
Aa MM ey Remedy
Kidney troubles are frequently
caused by badly digested food
which overtakes these organs to
eliminate the irritant acids
formed. Help your, stomach to
properly digest - the food by
taking 15lto 30 drops of Extract
of Roots, sold as Mother Seigel's
Cannier. Syrup, and your kidney
disorder will promptly dis-
appear. ear Get the genuine.
aMiman .®a 06.-0133300 .=
He says that a few drops of a drug
called freezoue, applied directly upon 1
a tender, aching corn, instantly re �Q,�+ �����
lieves soreness, and soon the entire OD1'+ ptohe a
corn, root and all, lifts right out.
This drug dries at once' and simply 3?h� sicians and eye specialists pre-
reribe Bon-Opto as a safe home remedy
shrivels ub the corn or callus without 9n the treatment of. e�+e troubles acct tQ
even irritating 111e:surrounding tissue. a.trengthen eyesight. Sold under money
Tefurid guaranty by all druggists.
A small bottle of freezone obtained
at any drug store mill cost very little �w e 'cbut will positively remove every hard
or soft or or callus from01i0 s foot,A UEAS
If your druggist hasn't stocked this,
new drug yet, tell him to geta small
bottle of freezone for you from his
wholesale drug house.
Wrfte to.da' for our bffg
allowing our fun lines of Tricycles for Men
and Women, Boys and Girls.
Tires, Coaster Brakes, Wheel$, Inner'pubeo,
tamps, Dells, Cyelometers, Saddles, Equip.
meutt and Parte of Bicycles. You tan buy
your supplies from us at wholesale prices.
27 Notre Dame Street West, Montreal.
Will reduce Inflamed, Strained,
Swollen Tendons, Ligaments,
orMuscles. Stops the lameness and
pain from a Splint, Side Bone of
Bone "Spavin, No blister, no Plait
gone and horse can be used, $2 a
Bottle at druggists` or delivered. 321e -
scribe your case for special instruc-
tions and interesting horse Book 2M Free.
d1BSN INE, )R.9 the antiseptic linimentfor
mankind, reduces Strained, 'Porn L."sa-
mente, Swollen Glands, Veins or blue( ee;
liioriig Cute, Sores, Ulcera. Atlg n psis. Prka
RAO et bottle et dctiers or delivered. Book '.Evldence" tree
f, F, YOUNid, P. D. F., 516 Lyrnans Bldg , Montreal, Can.
Abserbles dad Abnarblac, ,'r,; are static to Cana&.
Men in Training
Fighting isn't the only duty of a
soldier, and exposure to bullets is
not as serious as exposure to all
kinds of weather and dampness,
Rheumatic aches; sore and stiff;
muscles; strains and sprains; chil-
blains and nouralgre, all are enemies
of the soldier, and the relief for all.
these pains and aches ie Sloan's
liniment. Clean etnd convenient to
carry or use: doge not stairs; and.
penetrates without rubbing.
Generouririzotpbottles. et all etrug,liete;
250., 50o., e1.tt0e
On Face, Badl� D sfi'uredo
Used BoxesOintme t
and 3 Cakes Soaps
"I had a bad itchy lot of pimples on
my face which made it badly disfigured.
They were inflamed and came to a head,
and l could tear my skin as soon as a
little heat came near them. I could
hardly sleep.
"When I saw Cuticura Soap and
Ointment advertised I sent for a free
(ample which did so rnuclr good that 1
nought more, and I used two boxes of
Cuticura Ointment and three cakes of
Cuticura Soap when_1 was healed.'"
(Signed) Miss Bertha Nilsson, Stock-
holm, Sask.
If you have a good complexion keen
it so by using Cuticura Soap daily and
Cuticura Ointment occasionally;
For Free Sample Bach by Mail ad-
dress post card: "Cuticura, Dept. A,
Boston, U. S. A." Sold everywhere.
Miss Kelly Tells How Lydia.
E. Pinkhaara's . Vegetable
Compound Restored
Her Health,
Newark, N. J.—"For about threo
years I suffered from nervous break-
down and got so
weak I could hardly
stand, and hsdhead-
aclies every day. I
tried everything. I
1,�6. li,� could think of and
,-. was under a phyr-
.; sican's care for two
years. A girl friend
had used f"yclia L.
,Pinkham's Vega.'
table Compound and
she told me about
it. From the first
day I took itibegala
to feel better and
naw is am well and
able to do most anv
kind of work. '1
4.11 ul have been recorn
mending the Com-
pound ever since and give you nay laor-
imission to publish this , fetter," ---Mints
.Etc KELLY, '476 So. 14th St., Newark,
The reason this farnotnl root and herb `.
remedy, Lydia ll. Pinkhaln's Vegetable
Compoatnti, Was so successful an. Mise
Kelly's rase was because it went to the
root of her trouble . restored her to a
normal healthy contrition and as 'd% road t
her nervousness diwappoared.
BD. 7, " i; Su -'1s,