The Exeter Advocate, 1918-1-25, Page 6TS Y OVER TURKS A aNTRA C DA c :DAN: LL S le Between "Destroyers and Two Turkish Warships Results in One Sunk and the Other Beached. London, Jan. ` 0. -111 a naval action - between Britieh ctionbetweenBritish and Turkish forces .at the entrance to the Dardanelles, the Turkish cruiser Midullu, formerly the Gorman Breslau, was sunk, and the Spartan Yowas Selhn, formerly the Gorman Goeben was beached. This announcement was made by the Ad- miralty to -night. The official statement says: °" rl.e Goeben and Breslau -Turkish names Sultan Selinl and Midullu--- with destroyers, were in action with the British forces at the entrance to. the Dardanelles this (Sunday) morn- ing, The Goeben escaped, but has been beached, evidently badly damag- ed, at Nagarapoint, in the,narrowts of the straits. "The Goeben is now being attacked by naval air Graft. "Our losses repor,'ted are the. monitorRaglan and a small monitor, the M -2S." The German cruisers, Breslau and' Goeben we•e in the Mediterranean Sea at the outbreak of the war and fled into the Dardanelles, seeking safety from the British end French warships that sought their destruction. Since then their activities lir the Dardanelles, at the Black Sea entrance to the Bosphorus and in the:. Black Sea along the Turkish Asiatic, the Russian and the:Rumanian coasts have brought then fame for intrepidity second not even to the German sea wolves, like the Dresden; Seeadler and the Kar',ls riche. LEADING MARKETS 13 eadstni7s 6 er onto, Jan. 2 T1anitob , wheat— No, 1 Northern, 32,203; No 2, d0., 32.205; No. 3 00,. 3217$; No. 4 wheat, .32,105; in store s'oct William, including 250 tax, Manitoba oats -Na 2 0.R 300, No, 3 G lir S2lo; No. 1 extra feed, Stec; 4o, 1 fcodo ,730; in store JF`o't 1\ illiaiu. American corn--No.3 yellow, nomi- nal, w' Ontario oats --No, 2 white. 83 to 84c, nominal; No, 3, do S3 to 830, nominal, according to tx t41,1 , outsido, Ont llo wheat—,New; No. 2 'Whiter, 32:22 basis in store T'fontreal. 1 as—No, 2, 33.70 Lo $3'.80, acoord'i,,ng to t'ielahts outside. Barley—Malting, 31.43 to 31,45, au- o cording to freights outside. 11uckwheat 3i.55 to 31.58, according to freights outside, nye-No. 2, 31.78, according to freights oxltside. Slsnitoba flout•—First patents, in jute hags $11.50; do., seconds, $11; strong bakers', stn. $16.60, Toronto. Ontario flour—Winter, according to sample, $10.10, in bats, Montreal; $9.95, Toronto; 39.90, bulk, seaboard, prompt shipment. 58xllfeed—Car lots, delivered Montreal freights, bags included, --Bran . per ton, 335; shorts, do„ 340; middlings, do., 33345'25, to 346; good feed four, per bag, . 1 Hay—No, 1, new, per ton, 315.80 10 13,01.1611500.; mixed, do., 313 to $15, track To- Straw—Car lots, per ton, 35,50 to $9.00. Country Produce-'ivlxolesale INFANTRY RAIDS GERMANS DECLINE I�T i3uc; prints, s,tnxerysolids per lb, ,,443 !�J �i1tl� p 4lb. prints, Uer,:lb„ 45 to 15hc .daisy, per lb , 32 to .340, Eggs—Fresh gathered eggs, 50 to 52c. ON BRITIsll FRONT BOLon y �{p�gf OFFER to poultry—,Chickens, 4c to 26e, ®jl.d1CD, S�i81 We sjt�a fowl, 19 to 20e; ducks, E3 to 240; geese, 21 to 22c; turkeys, 2S to 30c. Potatoes — Wholesalers are paying. growers and country shippers, for first- class stock, f.o.b., outside points, $2,95 Not .Acceptable in Present Form to 32.35 for Delawares, ancl $2 to $2,10 Weather Becomes Milder—In- teresting Prisoners Taken by Haig's Troops. A despatch from British Army Headquarters in France says: Small infantry raids, with the customary amount of artillery and air activity by both sides, continue to be the order of the day along the British front. The much milder wehther, accom- panied by 'rain, has swept away the last of the snow, but the mud remains as the dictator of military affairs. The British lately have secured some interesting captives. One pris- oner, who had been thrice wounded, made a statement in substance as fol- lows: The scarcity of food at home is very serious. " There is little meat and fatty substances, and practically no bread. Potatoes are very expensive, although there is no serious shortage. The people are ir1 state of unrest, but are afraid to attempt organised disturbances. On Field Marshal von Hindenburg's birthday small busts. of the General were placed on the street corners in nearly all German towns. In most places the people hurled these to the ground before noon. In Cologne there are over 12,000 deserters' to vari- ous prisons. Another prisoner said that for: a PLAYING CARDS by Central Powers. A despatch •:from Berlin says' An for Ontarios, Latest picture or Lord and Lady. Residing, who will Wholesalers are ,selling: to the retail trade at the following prices:— nection with the British Embassy at Washington. Cheese—herr, large, 23i to 24c; twins, official statementissued here on ' , early cheese; ',g, to 260; �3 to 24$0 large twin �6 to 26�,c, Thursday, giving the reply by the'Butter- Fresh dairy, choice ss to 390'. Central Powers to the Russian pro- tcreamers-67prints; 4G to 470; solids, 46 1 $ 13d to `460-»: posals at Brest -Litovsk on Monday, 1lzargarine29 to 320. ti ,c�{ryq ggs oto rage laccl, xn o i.l tans, 65 to 700; Q� � }� S LIFE �q says the Russian proposals concerning Na, 1 'starar;e. 47 to 48c, 3,elecl. storage, ,, E S tlJ the regions occupied' by the.: Central 50 Powers d' the views of the` Central Powers that 24 to 26 c• e;. turkeys, 35 to 37duets ill their present form they are unae- Live: 'poultry—Turkeys, 28c; Soling ceptable. chickens, lb., 20 to -2'1c: hens, 20 to 24c: Dyec.s poultry-'--Springchickens, 27 lverge to such a degree from to ese; milk -fed chickens lb 30c• fowl Spring,. 27 to 30e;' geese, 25 to 27c. dupl.'s, Suring, 20 to 22c: geese. 200 to The official statement says 'the 21e. Russian proposals de not show a compromisingattitude and do not sx • consider the' opposite parties on a :Per T beans -74 h ind-pissed, bus•hc, t b 1` th 1 't adds, again are pre- nig ox - noun $6.30 to $7; Japan SS' rmas IG t 1 • Honey—Conlb---T6xtra fne, 16 os., 50 $ r i 12 oL $3: No. 2 2.40 to . 2 50. a ned—Tins 75's and 'S's, 1D to 1950: lb; lo's, 18i to 192,; 60's, 18 to 1850: Jus asTs. e'vel' a ess, 1 $8 to: 38.25; impored, hand-picked, lBur- the Central Powers $ o .7c. - ared to give a` clearly formulated — j p r tclog y .•Potatoes Del t��•ares. bag $_. 2,> to i expression of their opinions and to $2.35; Ontarios, hag, $2.10 to 32.25, try to find a basis for a compromise: Provisions—wholesale For the Central Powers, as dis- S 9S ngi:.ecT meata9 ns, medium. 31 to: tinct from the case with Russia the 3..c; ,los heave `?G to 27e. cooked 43 to Taco ;peace with Russia has no connection loss, 4to 46 ' 44e: irons; 28 to 300; bi:eal:fast l n, announcement adds• , a e0lreluffion of 4D to �2c' backs plaur 13 to •140 bone - roils, ; Cured merit0s—••:Gong clear bacon, 28 to with a general peace and the Central Powers are compelled to continue the war against their; other enemies. BARTER „GUNS FOR year the German soldiers and people had been promised' an early peace. Emperor William, in reviewing,a di- vision after the battle of Cambrai said: "Peace on the Russian•front is assured. It reinaiiis for us to force an early' peace on the western front." LENINE ORDEIS ARREST OF KING Rumanian Monarch to be Im- prisoned at Petrograd. A. despatch from Petrograd says: p g y Premier Lenine ori Thursday signed an order for the arrest of King Ferdin- and of Rumania, who is to be sent to Petrograd for, imprisonment in the fortress of St. Peter and ;rt. Paul. The order for the King's arrest de- scribes in detail the way it is to be carried out and in which the King is to be guarded. The Bolsheviki be- lieve they have sufficient forces on the Rumanian front to carry it out. The evening papers declare that the arrest by Rumanians of Aus- trian officers who sought togo through the Rumanian lines on their way to the Russianfront to fraternize with. the Russians, is one of the prin- cipal reasons :for the crisis between the Bolsheviki and Rumania. Ferdinand Under Allies' Protection: A despatch from London says: King Ferdinand of. Rumania, whose arrest has been ordered by the Bolshe- vik Government, is now under the pro- tection of the allies, according' 'to a Petrograd despatch to the Daily Ex- press. German Traders Have Erected I 400 Booths Along the Russian Front. A' despatch from London says: A telegram from Berne to the Morning Post says: News has reached here from Hol- land' that German traders have a1 - ready taken advantage of the " situa- tion in Russiaand have erected 400 booths at convenient spots along and' in closest proximity to the Russian:. front. It appears that the Russian soldiers are most anxious to obtain playing cards, and they readily barter a ma- chine gun for a pack of cards. TO REPUDIATE DIAT E FOREIGN DEBTS All State `Loans Made by Pre- vious Russian Government to be Invalid. A despatch from Petrograd says: The executive committee of the Work- men's and Soldiers' delegates have de- termined to put before the Constituent Assembly the decree passed by the Council of Commissioners calling for the, repudiation of foreign debts and the invalidating of all' State' loans made by the "Governments of Rus- sian land -owners and ,of the Russian Bourgeoisie." The decree is effective f:o Dec 1 " No matter how high, prices climb, writing paper. 'will always be station- ery. • RUSSIAN SITUATION GROWS .MORE ACUTE t' —CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY DISSOLVED British Ambassador Believes That the Bolsheviki Have the Real Power in Russia and. Will Maintain It By Force. Petrograd, ,Tan. 20. --The Constitu- ent.Assem.bly has' bean dissolved: by the Bolsheviki authorities, it was of- ficially announced yesterday. Sailor guards closed' the assembly at 4 o'clock yesterday morning. Jan. 2'0; ---Sir George Lannon, a 0' lauchanan, British'_ Arrabassador' . to ir;Iussia, who now is ip.London on sick a' eave, on asaturday stated' that white indicated r des a.:hes dl r6 Petrograd g � a the Social Revolutionaries had an 0„etual majority in the Gonstitiaent As- p,eonbly;,'that did not alter the fact that e Beleheviki have the real power ad wiU maintain it;lry force if neves- 1 e 'lei doctrines ��ry. The, .Bo sh 'vl , �spreading throe h, illou� doubt, are g' the L" .k P Q i';tx 9�tf1 �'Lx- Ueo. whole o s % t- wig � Ws , g x declared, and, they appeal specially to those who have nothing to lose. He added that white he was unable to forecast the future, he was convinced that Russia was not finished, because such. a 'vast country could not be de- stroyed. e- str. oyed . "I believe that' the innate honesty and common-sense of the people will. enable her' to pull through," Sir - George asserted, The food situation in Petrograd was very serious, he said, but the great majority,of the British colony had left Petrograd. "The general opinion there is that the food may ;rail ..al>so]- tttely thin month," Sir George conclud ed, "and if famine conies one may ex- iectanarcky, and with that everybody 1 .> y y would be in peril." 29c; clear. bellies, 27 to 98c. Laid—Pure lard, tierces, 285, to 29e; tubs, 28$ to 294o; pails, 29 to . 295c; compound, tierces, 24i• to 26c; Lubs, 242 to 255c; pails, 25 to 2550: Montreal Markets 'Monlieal. Tan. 22—Oats r7anad:ian western, No. 3•" 93' to 985c; extra No, 1 feed, 95 to 955e; iblo,-9 local white 92 to 925c; No. 3 local white, 91 to 915c: No. 4 local white, 898 to 90c, Flour— Manitoba ;Spring wheat patents, firsts. 311.60; seconds; 311.10; strong .'bakers', $10.90: straight rollers, bags $5.2,5- to-, 35.40. Rolled oats—Bags, 90 lbs,, 35,302 Bran, $25. Shorts, $40. Middlings, $4$ to 550. Tiouillie,' 356 to 353 Fray—No, per ton, car lots, 314.50 to 3155.50. Clieesc—Finest westerns, 215c; finest easterns, 215e. Butter, -Choicest cream- ery, $465 to $470;• seconds 443 to 46e Egags—Fresil 58e selected, 52c; No. 1 stock, 480;' ha. 2 stock, 4'6c. }-'otataes Per hag, car lots, 31,90 to '$2.98. Winnipeg' Grain '1 Winnipeg;, Jan. 22—Cash quotations: -Oats No, 2 C.W., 90e; No. 3 C.W. 82ie extra' No. 1 feed, 8140 No. 1 feed, 77. c No. 2 feed, 743c. Bailey,—Np 3 31.44; No. 4, $1.30; rejected: $1.20: feed 31.20. Flax—No. 1 N.W,C., $3.195; No2 4.\\"., 33.155. United States ?Markets Bolshevik Premier Shot at by - Members of Crowd in Petrograd. .A despatch from Petrograd says: An automobile carrying Nikolai Le - nine, the Bolshevik Premier, was fired upon Monday night, when he was driv- ing to a meeting of the Council of People's Commissaries. Four shots were fired. Lenine was not hurt, but the bullets shattered the windows of the automobile and a Swedish Socialist with the Premier was wounded in the hand. The attack was madejust out - side the hall iii which he had been ad- dressing 8,000 of the:Red Guard, who were going to the front. As !iris auto- mobile swung through, the crowd four Shots 'flashed in the darkness. One of the bullets missed its nark by only a few inches. Scores of arrests were nlade, -EW RUSS ARMY'. FOR THE ER • N �T First 5,000 Volunteers. of' New "Army of Democracy„ Leave Petrograd. A despatch from Petrograd says: The first5,000'volunteers new z o:f 'the n r Socialist army have left for, the front, sped by one of the most enthusiastic demonstrations the cit ha e n i a months.- Red flags lined the route of Minneapolis, Jan. 22---(1n --No 3 the parade and scores of:bands played Yellow. . $1.64 to $1.67. Oats --No. 3 revolutionary .music. white, to 79c.. Flour unchanged. Ten thousand Bran, $,,2 .50.t sand other volunteers for Duluth,' .Tan 22-Linsee,—On trach, the new "arxaly of democracy" are 83.53 So $8.68 ax rix c, $3.53 .snaggy now enrolling in the Petrograddistrict 33.53 bid; May.$3.50 bid; 1111y, $3,441 gra bili; 0ctobet, 3,,.30, laominal. alone. The volimteers are responding to a special appeal'to the people is- �ive r Stock oc Markets ' , is sued by h A the : ,olshevalciGovernment is - Toronto. San, 22--1.-'eti•a. choice heavy , ' . �` .. steels, $12 to 313: do., good heave, : and by the Russian Commander -in - $11,40 to $11.75; butchers' cattle, ehoice, chie.f,..Fnsign Iryleniko, $11.50 to $1.1.75; do goon $1050 to , 311.25; do.. medium, 310 to $10.50;' do., common, $9,25 to 39.50; hatchet's' bulls. choice 310,25 to 311; do., good bulls,. 39 I to 39 50; : do., medium bulls, $8.25 to 38.75; do., rough bulls. 37 to $7.4,0; butchers' cows, choice. 39.75 to 310.50: do., good, 38,75 to $0.25; do., meClium, 57.76 to 38: canners and cutters, 36 to 37.25; stockers, 37.25 to 38.75: feeders," 39.25 to 310; milkers, good to choice, $95 to $140;' do corn and'med $96 to $56. springers, $90; to $130; light ewes, TALIAN bEFEILIT S shortly take up the it social and diplomatic cll.ltie$ in con• - • GENERAL STRIKE BY AUSTRIANS 100,000 Men Reported to Have Quit Work in' Vienna and Neustadt. London, Jan. 20.—_A general strike is on throughout Austria, according to an Exchange Telegraph despatch from Paris to -day,: which reports 100,000 nien quitting work' in Vienna anti Neu- stadt, closing 'deft n all the war fac- tories. The strikers are described as, openly anti -German and the move- ment as both political and economic, and 'especially ` aimed at securing Public demonstrations, it is added, have been held in many places at which hostility towards Berlin for trying to force the Austrians to con- tinue the 'war was voiced, ALLIED WARSHIPS.3 A i! A r'V L aQ 1i l BY�: Bomb German Submarine Base on Belgian Coast. London, Jan. 20. ----On the : western front- in France and, Belgium the mili- tary operations apparently . are in- creasing all along the line, as com- pared with .those of the past few weeks, when little or no fighting, ex- cept artillery duels and minor raids, was'.: carried out.. Entente allied warships have bom- barded Germany's submarine base at Ostend, on the Northern` Belgian coa.st,` while around Ypres, between Lens and St:4 Quentin; on the Chemin. Des Dames, on the.. St. Mihiel sector and north of the Rhine -Marne Canal, there has been a. notable increase in theoperations the infantry. The rsby p probabilities are with the " return of good. weather the expected big battles may take' place. I IN :A RE SEIN i°�I�"d�r�lil SAI �g II iZdi' CIVIL A. GAINS IN RUSSIA Bitter Conflict Between Bolshe- viki _ and Ukrainians. A. despatch from London says: -The Stockholm Ukrainian Information Bureau announces that it is in posses Sion of information showing that the: Russian Bolshevilti troops are tearing up railroads, destroying stations and undermining bridges in order to cap- ture or disperse Ukrainian troops conn- ing .northward. The bureau says the Bolsheviki troops repeatedly have lured Ukrain iari.units into a trap near Minsk, disarmed them, committed various deeds of violence and• sent them north as prisoners. The announcement adds that great numbers of German prison ers are returning from Siberia and that the Ukrainians are taking their places, GERMANS NOT BUYING THIS YEAR'S WOOL CLIP. A despatch }song Buenos Aires, Ar- gentina, says: The 1917 wool crop is now 'nearly shorn,- and , , of quite so large as that of last year is, however, regarded here as highly sat- isfactory , in quantity, quality and. price. The largest buyers on the wool market to -day are the officials representing the Entente Allies, who are purchasing large quantities"de- stined to the armies. American buy- ers are' now familiar 'figures ur'es on the market .and do a business second only to the French and English re. presentatives. The German firms are not buyers to any great extent, but they are always on the spot and generally ready to do business i11 small lots at low prices. These German firms must, indeed, hold an enormous stock of wool in their warehouses; they were large buyers in 1914 and 1915 and middling last year, and while not haying bought h mac this season, due te,the high prices, they have not been telnptedto unload'" their' stocks on to the, market, which they could have done at great profit. A. arentl they pp y propose holding out • till the end of the war, and 56 he pre- -'. pared for the ensuing commercial con- flict, CANADA'S TRADE DXT VG BY SCORES FROM P:NFUMONIA. $13 to 51.4:; sheen, heavy, $8.00 to $7.75; Bloody 'Repulse For the Teutons yearlings, ':12.25 to $.13,25; lambs' $18 to $19,50; calves, good to ehoi c 314, to - on Sector Nearest Venice. $16,60; "hogs, fed and watered $Tri, do. weighed off cars, $19.25; 'do., f,o:b:, $18'. A despatch from Italian Headquar- e s eels, $1eset's good steers, $71 to $71 "5• d' � me ran, In Northern Italy, says:—The i steers, ,.$io to $1.0.50; lxut,her nulls, ,,enemy•has received another bloody re - Cl 3 $r0 t $Y0 j5' xo ce. o good balls, . $9;25 pulse on the Lower Piave in the sector to 39.75; butcher cows, choice $1.0 to 310.50: good cows,' 30.60 t4, 39.75; can- ,nearest Venice, Here his ,attack was Hers, $5.50 to $6 sheep, 312 to $13; thrown.., bads after four Hours of lambs, $11. to 316; grass calves $7 $8;i milk -fed 'calves, $1.4 to $:f 6; hogs, desperate lighting, The enemy suf- cho ce selects, 319.76. :feted heavyy losses the ground "being strewn with 'his dead. The Italians captured 150 prisoners and a large quantity of guns and war material". BRITISH:. AIRMEN RAID NEAR %LETZ A despatch from London says:— The following official communication dealing with aviation was issued Thursday evening: "In spite of very had weather Wed- nesday night, bombs were dropped 01) large sidings at BernsdorPf, thirty- miles southeast of Metz, and on the, railway south of Metz. "All our machines returned." -4 TWO BRITISH DESTROYERS WENT DOWN IN GALE A despatch from ' London s� ays.• --Pho British Admiralty announces' the lees of two tbrpedo-boat destr p avers in. a violent gale and a heavy snowstorm Wednesday night. The vessels ,:.-ran ashore on the Scotch coast and were totally wreck- ed and all 'hands on hoard lost, e ,xoept one malt,,.,, d ,BurSt waftl_plpe5 may be mended by wrapping dry.loather tightly over ,h_ 1' � 'The swelling , the 1 olc.s° 1 sl 111ng of the le:alli� er; when 'wet, stops the leaks, ITALIANS TAKE NEARLY 500 PRISONERS. A despatch from Rome.says: The following communication was issued ' by the War Office on Friday: "Along the whole of the frontH Aggregated $2,068,400,971 For Last Nine. Months of 1917. p A despatch from Ottawa, : Ont., says: —For the nine months of the 'fiscal year ending Dec. 31st, the total -trade of the Dominion aggregated $2,068,- 400,971, as compared with $1,700,3377,- 790 for the same period last year. For December Alone it was to the value -of 1213,305,644, as against $201,193,194 for December, 1916. Exports from the Dominionfor the nine months' period'` included domestic products to the value of $1,257,684,900. Domestic exports for the same period last year were to the value of $861,629,813. These figures are exclusive of coin and bullion, there have been brief artillery actions " BTI S GAIN and limited patrol activity. Our artil- lery made, concentrations of tire on the reverse of Col Caprile and Col Dela Berettal: The enemy's fire, which was more lively against the southeastern slopes o:f, Montelio, 8yas answered by Brittsh batteries, which shelled, mov- ing troops'between Mina and Canareg- gto: "On the southern slopes rof Sasso Roeso and on the northern slopes of Moate Soiarolo enemy ,patrols were driven basic with'hand grenades. "During the ,actions of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in the Aso - hone ,area and east of dapo Sile, a ,: total " of: thirteen ,4011 ofXlcet's and 478 imen nisi 1.8 nhichilies and two bomb -throwers were captured:" IN PALESTINE ST E Advance on a Four -Mile I+Tont Twelve Miles North of Jerusalem. London, Jan. ' 2d.—The War Office last night issued the :following state in.ent in regard Lo the operations in Palestine s ,'Yesterday our line was advanced - imum' depth th of a mile on,a'4- toamu,c p ,i r ' 7 f mile front in the neighborhood 11borhood o. 1 6 Dural, .twelve mikes north Jeru- salem. $mo prisoners were captut ed:' A despatch from Fengehen, Shansi Province, China, says: The hotbed of the, pneumonic -type plague 'prevalent here and in other parts of Shansi Pro- vince, is at present Paotech,ow, on the Hoang -Ho, west of Ningwufu, and the villages surrounding it. The na- tines are dying by scores in tha streets.",,Appeal;5 for help are• being sent broadcast by the American doc- tors, recently sent .into the Province to investigate the plague conditions. JAMAICA TO ISSUE WAR BREAD AND CAKES. A despatch from Kingston, Jamaica, . says: The Government has announced regulations for the issue of war bread; cakes and, buns. Only 50 per cent. of wheaten flour may be used. Further regulations are expected soon. RETURNING TROOPS DOCK. A.1' ST. JOHN, A despatch from St. John, N.B., says: A large transport docked hei'c on Thursday with some ninety 'pas, songer"s, thirty of them Crnadian;:ofti' cers homecoming from war, included' among them was Capt., C. B. Cock., bairn, of Hamilton, a graduate of the .. Royal Military College at Kingston. UKRAINE BECOMES • AUTONOMOUS REPUBLIC, A. despatch frolic "Stockholm sayst The proclamation of 'Turkestan as ail; autonomous republic, allied to the Fed. oral :republic of Russia, is annauncect by the Ukraine.