The Exeter Advocate, 1918-1-17, Page 5` It Cleans and Safeguards
Lifebuoy Soap is always on guard against dirt and
disease. In the home, at your work, for hands and
face, for shampoo and bath it will be found always
the watch h sg „ ainst germ and microbe. Withal,
the `rich, creamy Lifebuoy lather makes it a real
pleasure to use this "super soap."
The old proverb "prevention is betterthan cure"
is another way t' saying use Lifebuoy Soap• Start
using it to -day and see that the:
children use it;
The mild antiseptic
odor vanishes quickly
after use.
At All Grocers—
• 0
r •
Germans IVlust Accept Blame If
War Continues,
Vrotzky Consents to 4301ong Nego
tiations at 'rest—LitovskiJnt <I
February ,1" ---Russians Are
Working fo3.4 n J"tist Peace Based
on the ltinl is of the Peoples Af-
P:ETROGRAD, .Ian. 14} Accept-
ance by the Central Powers of T'or-
'eign Minister Trotzky's proposal to
continue the Russo -German armistice
Saturday for- an additional month,
was formally announced. The armis-
tice heretofore agreed upon expired.
The Russian account of the session
of the peace conference at Brest -
Litovsk shows a considerable vari-
ance from the German, version trans-
mitted by the Wolff.. Bureau Satur-
day; The Russian version pictures
the Russian delegates "as acting
throughout with more than a suspi-
cion rather than an actual convic-
tion, that the German delegates were
virtually agents of themilitary and.
annexationist groups w, :'One passage ;Loran ion 'thee. Bronson. •LLne to Phillip
of Trotzky's speech. hich the Wolff 'Masse star $9000, who bets possession
Bureau omits follows. o2 March 15th.
"The sincerity of our` aspirations
fol°. peace are sufficiently proved by
our attitude regarding the free.i•ight HENSALL
e ,
and•Ukrainia. The other side has •
only to show an analogous attitude Lieut Wesley Caldwell, whit was re -
regarding the regions occupied by ceatlp kissed sins France, aired home
oeo Tucsua} ot:last week, and aurpris-
Referring to an early part of 'ed hi= parents, Mr. and riVfrsl, Wm.
Trotzky's,speech, the German version,: tCai'dtv:eli, by ,dropping in an r'ilem
speaks of a certain telegram, .about s all:out nckt:ice• Ile was one of the
which it says. M Trotzky expressed •earliest volunteers ifrbm this district
regrets. The Russian version says no- :and has been in active service aver -
thing about regrets, but iultroduces•a sea., ,over tlli�ee years!. He Was in the
fiery passage asserting. that the Ger- , m.-tch�ine gun section. --Mrs. Alex. Bu -
man viewpoint regarding reoccupied ch,anar visited. in Toronto last week:
territories is merely that the will of -Mr.' Ivobt. Bullard and Mrs. Manns
the people should be replaced by the still continue very ill. -Mr. and Mrs.
will of a privileged group. Near the E Dignan visiting here from, the Wiest
close is a passage which the German -Mss 1 Ellis:, after her illness is
version, gives thus: 'The Russian , teaching again! -Mr', J. L 'I'ruemner
Government, however, wrote' at the at Saskatchewan is hese visiting his
head of its- programme a ` world' brother William. -A Splendid concert
peace The great sympathies of the will be given in. the Tiawn Hall Friday
Russian people tot the peoples of the eaveniing, Jan. 18, In nodi of the Pa"cri-
allies strengthen it in: its desire to f otic League. -The annual eongrega-
attain the speediest peace based on , tilonal meeting at Cairmiel 3.'resbyterian
understanding among the peoples." • Church was held last night
The Russian; account says: • "Our4 Death 0 Mrs. McEwen. -Th death
Government placed at the head of its occurred! at I3ensaIl on. Monday morn
in,,, January 14th, at 1.30 .of Mrs;
McEwen. at the; agle of 67 years. De-
ceased had been ailing fora. year or
more, but had beeii about the house
as. usual until a few days before she`
died. The late Mrs. McEwen was
hearts o born is Scotland and came to Canada
soldiers, • who stretch forth` their with her paienta, whten she was a girl
hands to the people on the other .a•f 8 or 9 years. The family settled;
side. •. ill=Uvbo,rne, and later'sh:e there mar-
Regarding the proposal to remove reed toe lite. hlr. ,McElt en who died
the negotiations to Stockholm'thetabaut I:aur Tears ago. After she was
Russian version says' in part: married they laved near hers,Deceas-
"The refusa.l,of, the Central Pow- ea was an estimable lady and 11i,ghly
ers to transfer the conference ,to a irespec bed by all who knew her. Mrs.
McEwen was a sorter of the late Ed
deli rel site is only explicable by the wart! Chri,ti'e,' postmaster cif Exeter
Ed -
desire " l their Govetnments and fir. iman} years. One brother, John
powerful i annexationist groups toChristie of 'Killarney, survives, as do
base their dealings not the gear- ap. also two +sons and tame daughters, Lion of peoples, but on war -map: Duncan. sat` Calgary, John at' home;
7Lrs. Bostic and Mrs, •Cotaley- of Win-
hipeg, Mrs. Fowler of ' ziti;a'alesley,
Sask. , Lily at home and "Edith, who
teaches, hear ,Torcin'xot, •
Ben Geiger of Bad Axe, lNli.Lh.,
utss i lg (feiatjives� diiere,=-i.Vlr. Henry
Gail/Ilan has ni�ove'cl into the'house.
owvncd by Mr, A, Foster, and :lately
+racatcct by Mr, E, Scrim, who has gong
to Nev- f-Limbur �r\Lss. Victoria Joh n-
stun leij for Toronto to take treat-
ment in, the hospital. Dr.• IUlca<kin1io,li
arconrpaniecl her to The city.- Sam
Oescl;, who 'has�'apent same, znontdls
iot the. west, has ,retur,ned hone, --
Mrs Mansion of Stanley Tp. mother
of Messrs Peter and ijohrn Ma.ns,o'n,
did at her home , ut that Township
on, Wednesday at last week. -A quiet
wedding took place at the Lutheran
parsonage Here an fan, 3rd orf Miss
Frieda Vincent of Dasdtwoiod to Mr,
Ferdinand Schroeder of the Babylon
Line, ,flay. -Sal':. 'i�,ipter who has
conducted a coin�fectionexy business
and barber shlop for some ,years, has
slid ,out 'tot 5. Caaschto & San;: The
death 'hook •place at Mather, 14aru.,,cin
Dec; 26th• of Roswell' O'Brien, Corm-
erly torr Hay Township, He was born
in Oxford County, carne to Hay fps
tvh'en t bay and moved west fourteen
years ago,Fifty years ago last July
be ;m,arriecl Cathargnte Regan, who
su• rvives together wtith five suns and
.tour daughters._ -Mr. J. f. Mernierphas
sold ,his residence property in Zurich
Pot Mr. Jahn J Smith of the Goshen
Line ,l''oi- $2300. Ploisses's.ioin April 1.
Mr, -Merrier has also ,sold the 150 -acre
of development of Finland A
programme a world peace, but It
promised the people to sign only a
democratic and`just peace.'' The sym
pathies of the Russian people are.
with the working classes of Germany.
and her allies. Years of war have not
hardened theh t of the Russian'
• off;/rr'
3, ' SAN ADP
.Pease report changes required to our
Local Once, to -day. Vis'
Auction Sale
On Lot 1, Con. 4, U•Sbprne,` orca•
At 1 !o'clock 'sharp, the $ollawina :
16 Craws -4 with call'; by side, 4'duc
in ,tidarch, ain,d `2 !due, in April.
;1 Steers -6 'freta `ear ld, 10 one-
It Ste -iY -fa
year -told.
5 'tonic-'yiear-old ' Heifers.
13 ,Calves. •
1 Choice 'Th)dliougdirbred Shorthorn
Bull, 12 •mrontli's old.
Terms, -9 months' credit with - 6
per cent' per annum added!.
C. W. Robinson- Sherwood! Hunter,
Auctidvneen Pr,oipriie,tlor
Frank Coates, Clerk.
Has made arrangements
With all : the leading
Newspaperspin Canada.
and the United States
to Club the Advocate
are flOW in ', a
and we
position to give you
your Reading at Re-
duced rates. `
eel .re
au,r figures
Tll�� 1r
ed S"
c . ,k l,(,
lame qualities transmuted by natures works from,
splendid Canadian barley — exulted by •
Labatt. Gives aii evcrl Tulse, clear eye,
good digestion wholesome Meath..
•�X0141 at' Groceries, Cafes and,l-lotels
: or direct fro''n the Brewer y.
Order a. bottle or a case "
It's worth something to get on s' kill mg
terms with a beverage that grows two
smiles where there was only a grouch before.
LONDON, ONT., and No. 4 St• 'blelen Street, MONTREAL
(inte:nded for last week.)
Mr, and Mrsi. Maurice Brenir>ter, w10
have been visiting the farmer's par-
ents during the holidays, returned to
Veda and
e n
London Tuesday. --Misses V a
Hazel Fritz:, pvbo have been: visiting
around here, returned to their home
in London. 'Tuesday;. -Fishermen and
tethers are laying in. 'their store of ice
for the •summer!, The quality is ex-
cellent'. -Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Oliver,
who have been visiting ,i;n. S. Marys,
holida s arrived Fame.- -Mrs.
We employ e,Ipenvenoed snstru!-tors
give thorough .courses, give - mdivid-
Tial attention to pupils nd lace
>io n Marti n
graduates in ,positions. This school is
.ane of the largest aind best Com-
me.rcial, 'acbools In Canada.
Write fiat free catalogue concern, -
lag our ,Commercial Shorthand . or
Telegraphy- ldlepartmeinits.
W.•'J. Elliott, D. A. McLachlan,
President Principal
and :rc.
ars' Service
But war=maps disappear while peo-
ples remain. We regarded. as idle the
assertions of the German press that
refusal to transfer the conference.
vacs in the nature of ultimatum. We
were wrong. , An• ultimatum was de -
1 vered---parleys at Brest -Litovsk or
'The German annexationists re-
gard th•e rupture of negotiations as.
preferable to a conciliatory settle-
ment of the future of Poland, Lithu-
ania, Courland, and Armenia. Semi-
official annexationist agitators in the countries are trying to per-
suade the German people that be- the commencement of the present war
hind: the open and frank policy of and $as since continued to be, a Brit -
Russia is a British, .or other, stage ish' subject or a subject of an allied
manager. Therefore; we decided to. or neutral country, may home
remain at Brest Litovsk so that the stead a quarter,sectioir of available
slightest possibility of peace may not Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatoh-
be lost, "so that it may be establish- ecvan or Alberta. Applicant must ap-
ed whether peace is possible with the pear in person at the Dominion Lands
Central Powers without violence to
Agency or Sub Agency for the Di -
the Poles, Letts, Armenians, and all cruet Ent,' by proxy may be made
other nation,alitieis to which the Rus on certain conditons. Duties- Six
sian revolution assures full, right 'of months residence upon and cultivation
development without reservation or o' lana in each of three years.
restriction." ` In certain districts a homesteader
may securean adjoining quarter -sec -
far the. y ,
`Pollock, who has been makin.q' l++cr
!:sone here the last few f' ars, 1iiC'v-
ed her household effects to�xtitr zg
ham fisc ether day. -Mr. "5a�ta r•-
rsere has rgoitte to Toronto resume
his studies. -Mr. H, Gill and Jerry
Gravelle vt^eart •ia :Thied,ford on Al
`e8 s
MITCHB.: L.=On. Dec. 31 �' << Ol-
ive R. Vivian, youngest daugl t ' of
Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Vivian
a lw ''heli
was married at Regina College ' e-
gina. to Dr; A. Crombie Nixon. of 'Bu-
chanan, Sask.
The sole head of a tamily, or any
male - over 18 years old, who was at
Sleeping cars t. night trains and
Parlor Cars on principal' day trains.,
I u1t . infnrinaiiion from any : Grand
Trunk 'ricketAgent, or C. 11 Horn-
orst ink.;, District Passenger Agent, Tor-
N. J. DORI , Af ot, Exeter
Many ,Belgians Executed.
LONDON, Jan. 14. --Word has
been received' here at the Belgian of-
ficial "quartet's of 58 more official,
executions in Belgium. This brings
the number . of 13elgians executed
since January, 1917, to 170, among
whom were at least two women, three
girls, from 14 to 16 years old, and
several youths under 20.
All the executed Belgians were as -
sullied by the Germans to be guilty
of spying, and in, many cases arrest,
condemnation, and execution tools
place within three or four days, and
therefore,; no serious enquiry could
have been made.
Under the rule
of the late Gov-
erner -General von Bissing 100 execu-
tions took place in one year, accord-
ing to the German official reports.
Governor-General von Falkenhausen
has increased this record three -fold,
and he ceased publishing the names
of the victims in order that they
eould not be identified as martyrs by
their compatriots. As a further pre-
caution, the executed persons have
been buried inside the prison walls.
Raiders Are 13usy,.
LONDON, Jan. 14.—The War Of -
ace communication issued!. Sunday
night says:
"An enemy raid attempted under
cover' of a heavy artillery barrage
east of Moncliy during the night was
repul-'Ed by rifle and machine-gun
fire. •
"The enemy's artillery was active
to-da3 east of Ypres and in the
neighborhood of ilessines and the
(aver Scarpe."
"Early Saturday' morning three
hostile raids against . our trenches
south of Lens wore repulsed. The
hostile ,artillery was active during
the day south-west of Gambrel" and
in the neighborhood of Lens and
Keeping Our Soldiers Strong
Early to the world Wvar experience proved the
extraordinary value .of cod liver oil for strengthening
soldiers against colds, pneumonia and lung ,troubles.
Thousands: of Our Soldiers are Taking
Because it Guarantees the Purest Norwegian Cod Liver Oil
high in food value and rich in blood -making properties.
Sooft's will strengthen you against winter sickness.
Beware of Alcoholic Substitutes.
scat &Bocvne,Toronto, Ont:
tion as pre-emption,. Price $3:00 per
acre, Duties -Reside six months in.
each of three years after' earning
homestead patent and cultivate, 50
acres'- extra. May obtain pre-emption
patent -as soon as homestead , paten;
on certain conditions.
A settler after obtaining homestead -
patent if he cannot secure a pre-
emption may take ' a purchas-
ed homestead in certain districts.
Price 13.00 per acre. Duties --gust re-
sid -six` months in each of the three
years, cultivate 50 " acres and erect a
hoose worth $300.
Holders ofentries may count time
of employment as farm labourers in
Canada during 1917, as residence dut-
ies under certain conditions.
When Dominion Lands axe advert-
isedor posted for entry, returned sol-
diers" who have served:, overseas and
have been honorably discharged, re-
ceive one day priority in applying for
entry •at local Agent's Offices (but
not .,Sub -Agency). Discharge papers
must be presented to agent.
,pity of the Minister of the lnterioa
1 13.-11naut'horizeI publication Of
this advertisement will not be paid fol'
arxistex, Solicitor= Notary' Pubb
Cccnrnissioner, Solicitor for The Nia1-
sonis Bank, Etc. Money to loan ,at
lowest rates of interest.
Office -Main Street, Exeter..
• : 4•+ iN • 1w N 4+ 4 �N 44 44 �II�N H�NM NSee °...H�h<e��oe���.�Ni". ..
,1011N II S. 3YcOtLLOUGH, M.D.,' D.P.H., CHIEF 'OFF1 U1✓3
- .4+ 4.-r:-- N• �N�H�N�N�H. �N NDN N H�1--N . i i i .N N M� iM y. -
0 SUMMARIZE: During the days just preceding meneruat- t.
woman should take a general warm tub bath. From the 01..t of
menstruation and during the entire course the woman siro'r d
take a bot Sitz bath several times a day. The greater tier b a , • :
ness, discomfort, or pain the more frequently she should bathe.
By reason of the close nervous connection between the lower 1 1
and the uterus, constipation is an important source of menstrt.-ii 1 r.:ble.
Probably it is ,the most important cause of :diseases of the uterus. ;
and ovaries. • An overfilled large intestine can cause a feeling of be ss
in the pelvic organs. When to this is added the heavy feelin_, due ' a
ecng"steel uterus, 'the sense of heaviness is liable to pass from +,he 1' r_,ds•
of dis^.omfort into the realm of painful or difficult menstruation.
Part of the preparation for menstruation consists in proper attc 'i -in
to the bowels. While the use of cathartics is not approved of, if it is 1
:a y a dose of rhubarb, cascara, or even oil sii.uld be taken. In .most Sag
of moderate constipation a warm water enema will suffice. Sc, ui w... ten
have an idea that purgatives and enemas sboaild not be given during.'
strut/lion. This idea is wholly erroneous. I: 's much more irnp,rtan, that
the bowels should b4 kept open, during nrri..truatian than •at ani, ' - her
time. If there is tiny reason' for its use ti.eer, should be no hcsitat' : i'1
caking a-warrn water.eneina and repeating it as often as desired. Ir. 1• :y
he eifeit. on the ciierus..:of, }+arm water i' t;,; lower intestine is to -Yr
•-rote 'l+at 1, 't t? allYt77.i1�• tiyYiieh Iilttlit'9 1`(„` 1':v9i3 anCi'eJn�fai't.
The drug which I use for a uterine tonic is ,n,u1.1ine. It is far anger` . to
ria or any other .icoliolc beverage as a regular for of the pains and d'” �'}�
' forts of_ menstr;rpt1on I use:; quinine as a part of the prep'.r�at`c r
menstruation all atients. I advise that two grain capsules h. 1z:pl. at
of patients.
random, according to the degree of
i'antl acid ttia.t they be fasten rather at ran `.'°
discomfort. Quinine answers all the purposes of alcohol, with, perhaps,
exception of rapidity of action. It is much more constant in itis e- ,
:nisch more lasting,' and gives 'a permanent t(.1e, n• •tie, I regard it almost ,, a
Emotions and all outside stimuli Play an important role in the,
'emotions ll: srd on sex affairs: Frig -ht. f- its
ri:r nstrial behavior,'especially .
for i•e nancy p'. i. n great part in irrer,u-la. a,
o[` pr�gnatic3 , and desire p g ,�.
gthe emotions, is moz:' responsible for d:Stti
Fatigue, when. through
than work long hours, or ,unsanitary surrotir , vs
rlltea and menorrhagia
of the h worker. 'Emotions have their value; especially vital emotions,
should not be annihilated, but, trained and checked. In fact, worst-- hard
ork and plenty of it, if the worker likes it or finds through it a means to
an end—is the paramount factor which will finally obtain for iv°otn.a,r the
unconscious control of her .physical forces and add to her energy for 1,11e
mentaland cultural side 'of • life—of which has no monopoly.
A correspondent, after reading the foregoing, writes to the paper as
"I was much interested in your series of'1 rticies regarding preparation
for menstruation and give my experience. For years I had stayed home
from business one or two days each month, stayed in bed and felt miser-
able. Not long ago I was given a cousideraele, increase in salary, but was
toll that° these -absences from the office were inconvenient, and it would! be
appreciated if I would. try not to absent myself.
Idecided that I would try ,to adjust .thyself so that; I need not be
--a h':0111. the office during these periods, 7 started in by taking a good
;.t ,v y
d'a s before the. menstrual :period. I forced ,myself to go to
t office
severalu active as,
the office and found that by keeping' on nay feet and being as a t ve
Possible I felt better. 1 and found to ray
"I: decided tot bathe once. a day during the Period, ,. M
made the feel better insi cad of injuring roes --- I
�iur rise; that the baths .. ,
p believe. It is now almost a year since I have been away:
n u ht to
_den to g
Cro1n the, office dluring.;these follow the above pian and it has
periods. I •a.
* . ane! I shall add: some of. the suggestions contained in your articles
oi l,. ,
and think 1 shall be helped even more.
"My -mind is `occupied with my work, and even if 1 do not work up fool
u iness earning my .selary, and fool
full effic3oncy; T am at my place of b s g ;�
better than when stay Borne in bed with the hot water bottle.
Latin Till for Vgorncn. $i n box or three for
tO.' sold, at: alt i,rng Stares, or marlod tawny
6�n y too. TR
(�yot9& Y4' .:tit's '1;' f r �
,St.,Ci�'tltarinee ontorioo.
rHUSP'i1QNOL F.Ui\ 117GL1a. Vi�m� ]�na
vitals ;tor N;erve'at1.'l Bra; intxegtion"lerey.
nntte ;a•Tonic--will butt you ftp. 8 a1ot, Or
rug s ores, or > ,iin.i on iiecYi�t
u Y'o St.
•wb for $5, nt cl t } v
if nrtno" Tier Seout•x,1 T e ci n. ,