The Exeter Advocate, 1917-11-1, Page 4Since 1332 the name Labatt has meant something t., Cie ,people .-- always Brews of mare than ordinary merit. To -day Labatt's eci , . > is Porter SpecwJ Lagc,r satisfy thenzost critical taste. They're ,non -intoxicat- ing, temperance brews, but possess the real flavor, quality: and appearance of the old lines, _Order a case from your, grocer or direct from the brewery. JOHN LABATT, LIMITED STABUsr-HED: ton so LONDON, ONT., and No, 4 St, Helen Street, IS ONTREAL Sanders & Creech;;Proprietors Subscription Pricy --In advance $1,,25 per year in Canada; $:L75 in the United States. A#1 subscriptions not pard in advance 50 cents extra will b� charged, .. TI2Ut2-•SDAY, 'NrOV. 'lst, i9i7. ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising Rates — Made knoll r on application Stray Animals—One t,nsertion 50c, three insertions $1.00 Farms or Real Estate for sale 5Oc. each insertion for one month of ;our insertions 25c. for each subsequent ins eat , otL 31•iisc:ellarieous Articles of3z^;n than five 1irres, for NiRent or Wanled 12r's'r, -Kound, etc., each in- , rti