The Exeter Advocate, 1917-10-11, Page 3Join the Home Defence
Movernent for the conserira,
tion of food. Help to pre-
vent waste by demanding the•
whole wheat grain in break-
fast foods and bread stuffs.
Substitute whole wheat for
meat, eggs and potatoes.
The whole wheat grain is the
most perfect food given
to man. In Shredded
Wheat Biscuit you have
the whole wheat grain made
"digestible by steam -cooking,
Shredding and baking.
Every Particle of the whole
wheat grain is itsed including
the outer bran coat which is
so useful in keeping the bow-
els healthy and active. For
any meal with milk, and fresh
fruits. ,
Made in Canada.
Wonderful Natural Fortress Remark-
able For Its Curious History.
• Among the many relies of ancient.
eivilization now to be seen in Ceylon
none is more interesting' than Sigiri,
a wonderfhl naturarfortress remark-
able not Only for.its singular appear-
ance, but also for its curious history.
About 475 A.D. a parricide prince,
Cdanittunilty Canning, Marks a Ne) RIZED BY MOTHERS
poch Aural Life.
Ontario is making rapid strides to- Mrs, Henry Vanreader, Rodney, Ont,
wards food saving, In these war writes: "1 have used Baby'a Own Tab,
days, we are doing many new things lets for the pas•t five years anti prize
which we VOuldamt have thought out them very immix, They have proved
in„peace times. Almostathe very fteW- of such value to: me that I always keep
est exPerinient is that ot,colninunitY „them in the house," Once a mother
canning. Parkhill Women' S Institute has used 13aby's Own Tablets she
is , making a succea'aful trial. The would use nothihg salSea They are
canning plant had a capacity of five thorough but mild in action and never
hundred. cans a day. The machinery fail to make the sickly baby well.
is simple—a'5 h.p. boiler, two vats, a They' are,sold by medicine dealera or
sink, a copper kettle, pans, Spoons, by Mail at 25 cents- a box from The
meagures; etc. The vats Were heated Dr, Williams Medidine Co., Brockville,
with steam coils), and can be brought Ont.
A Hay Building.
Farmers in the, vicinity of Sunny-
side, Yakima County, Wash., did a dis-
linctive thing when they erected a
"palace of hay" in which to hold their
annual county fair. Some 600 tons
.of alfalfa were used in building the
helpers for convalescent homes and st ucture, whose Walla were twenty -
hospitals" Everyone in•radius of fi-Vb. feet ,high a It not onlYsholised
ten miles, who keep a \chickensa. has all the exhibits but a restroom, in -
been asked to .contribute one chicken ; foi:ination bureau and a grand stand'in
I'mu RoAD or" nfq.82rji.
Who shall say the road of Death
Falleth 'sheer tir 'harrowenl? "
See how, glad they march along,
All our inanheod full of song
Chasing, as they lia$s awaY)
Fears and phantoms of or day,
Sure ia victory or defeat
Their inheritance to meet.
Ile who made them let them set
Far above their agony,
To' the light that aeYer diea
Ronnd the ret of Paradise,
Gladly do they march along,
Full of laughter and of aong,
Finding none tliat•sorroweth
Past the glorious road of Death,
—E. E. Speight. '‘
to boiling in/ thaee minutes. Fifty
quarts of „fruit can be cooked at once.,
The smaller vat is used for blanching
and r
steriliaing and the copper kettle
forinaking syruris, jams, jellies, etc.
The aim is to conserve perishable
fruits and yegeta.bles, and to store
Material contributed by interested,
The safe way to send money by mail,
Is , by Donainien Express Money Order,
One's Ancestors. ,
Willie—Pop, wha., are ancestors?"
• Father—Wella .one of your—
and your grand --dad is another.
Willie—•011, but whyis it that folk
brag about;atherita
and each woman who canned her own front -of which a vaudeville program' minara's zdaimeng' Relieves faCuraigia.
fruit contributed to •this store. It was given daily. The hay was loaned
looks as if this might be the beginning by the farmers and at the end.'of the
of a good work tat' shhuld not end fair was /auctioned off at a. very good
when the war needis over; - 'price.
minarws Liniment cures Dandruff.
Hearts Easy to Break.
The nerve 'sysilern is the governing In the simpler, forms of life the
System of the whole body,,coritrolitrig1 heart is a mass of pulsating cells,
the heart, lungs, digestion and braitil which, as the.'creature grows tria ma -
so it is not surprising, that nervous turity, lengthen out into a tub -e. In
Kasyapa by name, who had also at- di
sturbances should cause acute dis- many insects and ,flies the heart takes
tempted to murder his' a brother, fled tress. The first stages of nervous de- a pencil form, running 4omathe fore
from his honae ihto the wilderness, bility are notee-by -irritability and head to the -tip of the 'body. In ani -
Where he founded a new capital city restlessness, in which the victims Mal .and bird life the heart becomes
round a rocky mesa:. • seem to be. oppressed byheir nerves. more nearly round ana proportionate -
Four hundred feet above the level of The matter requires im ediate atten-
the surrounding country 07,1 the three- tion, for nothing but suitable treat -
acre top of the mesa, Kasyapa built meal will prevent a complete breai-
dhwn. The viCtim, however, need not
(clesaair, for even severe nervous dis.
orders May be curedoby iinproving the„
his palace,—a monastery, for heavaat-
ed to' -make retribution for y his sins,—
and many other btick and stone build-
ings. Heacarved out cisterns, a bath- condifTon of the blood. It is because
ing stank -a -rid asnatural-,garnet-studded Dr. Williams' Pink 'Pills actually make
: throne from which he could survey new, . rich4 blood that this, naedicifie has
-the city and Ake Wonderful expanse of cured -extreme nerveus disorders after
luxuriant tropical country near by.. all otheratreatment had failed. The
Per many years.,Ifedived,there in se- nerves thrive on' the new btodd made
curity, and then his ,tengeful brother by these Pills; ,the appetite improves,
came. Kasyapa foolishly descended digestion is. better; , sleeplesstfaSs no
from his rock to give battle, and his longer troubles the formpa nerve sliat-
war elephant, turning aside to avoid teren victini, and life generally takes
a mar-sh, caused his followers tO think on a cheerful aspect _Every sufferer
that he 'wished to retreat; soa-etreat from. nerve troubles, no matter' how
they did, andKasysipa's brothe
slight, should loie no dine' in giving
' - h
his revenge. After' the ' prince's de. .it DE' Williams' Pink Pilla fair trial;
the monk's maintained •the citadel for thus regaining their old-time health
' - a long 'time, but the Walled city that and c,omfort. N
surrounded the mesa gradually decay- You canget Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
ed, and so in time did the edifices on through any dealer in medicine, oichy
the summit. Six-, centuries ago they-, mail at 50 cents a box..or six boxes
were abandoned. ' ' for $‘2:50 trete The Dia:William's' Medi -
To -day the mesa, on which the cine Co., Brock_ville, Ont.
arehmologists are working', is stained a N
bricis of the citadel, aid- when the
sun strikes it at the right angle it he MostaAncient of Fishes and
looms up in a sort of bloody splenaor, , - ,,
a a Strange Creature; -
forming a fitting monument to its
red by the action of the rain on the
One of
former villainous'ruler. If mermaids .were no bigger than
Facing a -terrace at the base of the, some fairiesathey might have . horses
rockls a guardhouse. On the front of, to ride. The sea horses are creatures
familiar enough, _though „most people
and on this same -terrace are its have never seen one alive. 'Summer
. claws, between which a staircase as-
cended, so, that it is -thus • apparent
why the mesa is called "lion rock," a
, translation of Sinha-girl—or, as it is
contracted, Sigiri. The Staircase was
a remarkable work, for Kasyapl had
to build it round walls that bulgeafor-
waad at base and summit.- It was a
Welled gallery a'of stone, spiralling
the. rock is "carved the head of a Ilona
visitors at the seashore find them for
sale—very dead, and dried—at shops,
that specialize in marine curios, -
The sea horse (naturaligts ay)
one of the most, ancient fishes. It, is
one ot nature's oddest, imitations --a
"camouflage," so to speak.
It has -a horse -like head, and its
body is so shaped as to -resemble the
round the rock to its .Summit, and was, neck of that quadruped. But really,
covered with cement and adecorated j when one comes to examine it, the
frescoes, sonie of which are preseria. thing it counterfeits is/the "knight"
ed even now in their oriiinal- brilliant piece of the chessboarc1,7\One Might
colors. As only a small„ part of the even imagine that the chess knight
gallery remains 4o -day, the ascent (which has a horse's head) ,was,rnod-
must be made -on an iron stairway eled after it. '
constructed by the iCrchmologica The seaahors,e has a tube-like snout,'
Commission—a climb that is sufficient at the end of which are the mouth andl
to test the nerves, for -where you go jaws. Its head i topped by a sort of
up over the side, neeTrlY four hundred cornet. Clad in a comPlate suit '-ef
feet abok,e ground -and far out beyond armor plates, it cannot flex its body
Can't Fail.
If you'd suceed
This adage mind:
First find- your;
Then ,work your find.
FiNtie.,' Granulated .Eyelids,
Sore Eyes, EYesInflirnetrhy
Sun, Dust and Wind quickly
.YE Eyesand nd inBab Eiyeisn
re le ed Murine.byTry t
No Shp:Ain, Juit EyeComfrat.
llittitine Eye Remedy AtaiA'7DsFg,cgrilt,i'°,;.'„1),Z
Eye Sabre, in Tubes 25e. For -Thaw. oiltha Eye – Free.
Ask Muerte Eye Remedy Co., Clammed
"He had a' sore, unequal battle all
ly stronger. : An insect,' owing to its iris days. But he stood to it valiant-,
peculiar structure, does not have tP be ly, a/wise, faithful, unconquerable
crossed in love to die of a broken nifin; swallowing down many sore suf-
he&t. , A -thumb .on, the_ back will do
The?. last hundred pounds 161, finish
on a beef steer is the most economical
gain and makes a steer grade prime
and get the tap of the market.„Buyers
come from all parts of the •couritry
and ,pay highest prices for the -good,
well -finished aniinals at the Auetiori
Sale of the Toronto Fat Steck Show.
Fire 'From a Slab of Ice.
the base ef the cliff, the downward
view is not ,cut off, as it was in Kas-
yaoa.'s time.
' Stimulate crysanthemums ' with
liquid manure.
• as-
the table,
in triria'ny a
,hoine be-
,flavor and
like other fishes, and it firiless tail is
of no use -for locomotion. But -the tail
is a prehensible organ, by which it
clings to water plants
It feeds on small shrimps and other
cruseaceans. Occasionally, uncoiling
its tail froin-the supporting plant, it
sivims slowly, not like other fialtes, but
always in a vertical position, its back
fin vibrating rapidly.
a,Like other fishes, the sea horse pos-
sesses an air -bladder, which is always
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
distended by a quantity of gas so ex-
actly adjusted for equilibrium that, if • ' Compound,
a single bubble no larger than ,the
headof a "small„bin be extracted, the
Take a smooth, clear, curving piece
otice, one not. too thick, and hold it
in the rays of tbe sun so that it will
bring the light to a sharp focus just
as will a lens in a -reading glass. The
ice will not last long enough to burn
a piece of paper, but if the focus restS
on a speck of gun cotton it will cause
combustion and a flame will result.
Arctic explorers have built fires often
with this expedient when matches
were absent and flint and rock not
Minard's Liniment Co.,. Limited.
Dear Sirs,—I q.n recommend MI-
NARD'S LINIMENT for Rheumatism
and SPrains,.as I have used it fai: both
with excellent results..
Yours truly, ,
T. B. IaAVERS, _
St. John.
Needed a Sample. •
,•Fair, CIient-I wish to sue a young
man for taking two kisses. At what
amount-, shall I place damages?"
Lawyer—"Kisses, my dear lady, are
v'atiously • quoted. • I---er—I could
judge better their value if you gave
me a sample." -
Minard,s Linlineat for sale everywhere,
The -tops of young carrots and tur-
nips are as good as beet tops to cepk
Restored to Health by Lydia A Free Prescription You "Can Eave
4exings daily into silence; fighting like.
an, unseen hero—nobody publishing
newspaper paragraphs • about his
noblen,ss. However, he was not lost
-,-nothing is lest."—Herdes and Hero
from a Bone Spavin, Ring' Bone,
Splint, CurbtSide Bone, os,imilar.
trouble and gets horse going sound.
It acts mildly but quickly anci good re -
are lasting. Does not blister
or remove the hair and horse can
be worked. Page 17 in pamphlet with
each bottle tells how. $2.00 a bottle
delivered. Horse Book 9 M free.
ABSORBINE, JR., the antiseptic liniment
for mankind, reduces PairPainfulSwellinge, En-
larged Glands, Wens, Bruises,Varicose Veins;
heals Sores. A.11ays Pain. Will tell you
more if you write. $1." and $2 a bottle at
drilere or delivered. Liberal trial bottle for 10e stamp,.
lig, F. YOUNG, P. D. F., 516 Lymans Bldg., Montreal, Can,
ilbsorbinc te4 Absorbine. ,Tr.. are made la Cleat%
,t not only softens_ the
uter4aut,doubies,the cleans-
ing power of soap, and makes
everything sanitary and
If porcelain baking dishes become
discolored on the inside, fill thenrwith-
blattermilk and let stand for a day or
so. The acid in the milk will remove
the stains,.
.11L) catalogeshowing latest styles Per-
sian Lamb, :Mink. etc, Wholesale niticea.
rare 'Values, Satisfaction guaranteed.
Spirit of :Inquiry.
"May. 1 wake the baby, mamma?'
asked 5 -year-old Johnny.
"Why, -what dq you want to wake
Iher for?'" asked the mother.
"I want to see if she can crY loud
lenough to drown the noise of my new
"drama" Ikeplied the small investigator.
Milord's Liniment Cures Earns, Etc,
McComber's Limited, lqnufaeturers, 420
D St. Paul West, Montreal.
in a qulet neighborhood, a family of
three adults would like a girl or young
-woman, Presbyterian, ethodisLer 134 -P -
(1st preferred, to make • her home wlth
them and assumd part of the,, domestic
responsiBtlities, We, should be glad to
have you write 'ftilly Concerning Mir
experience, ft any, and the terms you
consider fair, in your -first letter, which
will be treated confldentiallY, We can
then furnish you with further particu-
lars. Referenced exchal5ged. Box 16,
Wilson Publishing Clo..,Limited, Toronto.
Offices efor sale in good Ontario
towns. The most useful and interesting
.all businesses, Pull information on
application to Wilson Publishing Com-
pany. 73 Adelaide St.. Toronto.
'kJ Internal, and external, cured with-
out pain by Our home treatment. Write
us befere too late. Dr. Bellman Medical
Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont.
[ T.
When buying . your \ Piano
insist on having an
Sore corns, -hard carnssoft coras or
any kind of a corn can shortly be lift-'
ed right out, with the fingers if you
will apply on the corn a few drops of
faeezone, says a Oineinnati authority.
At little cost one can get a small
bottle of freezone at any drug store,
which will positively rid one's feet of
every corn or callus without pain or
soreness or the danger of infection.
This.. new drug is an ether corn.
poupcl, anti drierthe moment it is ap-
plied‘and does not inflame or even ir-
ritate the surrounding, tissue. Just
think 1 You can lift off your corns and
calluses- now without a bit of pain or
soreness. If your druggist hasn't
freezone he can easily get a small bot-
tle for you from his wholesale drug
house. '
Doctor Says Nencated Iron Will
Inc r ase Strength Ar 'Delicate
PeOpl 100% In? Ten bays
In many instances—Persons ha'p
suffered untold agony for years doctor-
ing for nervous weakness, stomach,
liver or kidney disease or some 'other
aliment when ‘their real trouble was I
Il of iron in the blood—I-low to tell.
,ITcHING.BillNr ,_,„,..,,,,, York, N.Y.—In a recent discourse I
BURNING In -. E. Sauer, a Boston physician who has ;
studied widely both In this country and i
, ,1 in great European medical Institutions, ;
, .said: "If you were te make an actual i
Plash On This Little, Bab' blood test on all people Who are ill
would probably be greatly astonished at
.Over Face and Head. . the exceedingly large-rftimber.who
Iron and who are ili for no other reason 1
, Quite Disfigured. t is supplied all their multitude Of danger- ;
than the lack of iron. The moment iron I
, ous symptoms disappear. Without iron I
the blood at -once loses the power to „
i change food into living tissue and there- i
i fore nothing you eat does you any good; '
, you don't get the Strength out of it.
iyour food merely 'passes through your,
1 8Ysteni like corn through' a inill with the
tellers so wide apart that the mill can't
grind. .AE, a result of this continuous
blood. and 'nerve starvation, people be-
come generally weakened, nervous and
all run down and frequently develop all:
sorts of cohditions. Inc is too thin; an-
other is burdened with unhealthy fat;
some are so weak they can hardly walk;
some think they have dyspepsia kidney
or livor troub]e, some cant sleep at
night, others are sieepy and tired all day;
some fussy mnnd iir a e, some skinny
and bloodless, but all lack physical
power and endurance. In such eases it
is worse than foolishness- to take, stimu-
lating : medicines . or naraeotic ,drugs.
which only whip up your fagging vital
powers for.the m,oment, maybe at the ex-
pense of your .1ife later :on Nomatter
strong and well you owe it to 't -ourself.
to make the following. htest. f , See how
long you ar you eau
you can work br
"Wien my baby was four months 6Id
she had, a rash all civet- her face and
head, and was quite dis-
figured. Her skin was in-
flamed andsore, and itched
and bumeclaand the rash
e later -developed into large
red eruptions, making her
cross and fretful. The ba -
`by could not get anv sleep.
e) "My husband bought a
_box of Cuficura Ointment and a cake of
Soap and Itiscd two tinaef Ointment with
two cak-y.,s Of Soap and sne was healed.'
(SignedrMrs. A. Down, 1040 Gertrude
St., Verdin, Montreal, Que., March 2.
Cuticura Soap 'and Ointment, often
prevent piniples or other eruptions.
For Free SamDle Each by Mail ad-
dress post -card: "Cuticura, Dept. A,
Boston, S, A.P– Sold everywhere.
what any one tells you, you are o
walk witlieut becoming tired. -Next take
two five -grain tablets ' of ordinary
inmated iron three' times per day after
meals for two weeks.' Then test your
strength again and see or yourself how
imich you have gained. I have seen
dozens et nervous, tun -down people who
were ailing all' the time double. and even
triple their strength and endurance and
entirely get rid of their symptoms of
dyspepsia, liver and other troubles in
from ten to fourteen da.Y.s' time simply
by -taking iron in the prober form, end
this. after they had in some cases been
doctoring for months without obtaining
any benefit. You can ta,1k as you please
about the wonders wrought by new
remedies, but when you `come down to
hard facts there is nothing like good_ old
Iron to put color in your cheeks and good
sound, healthy flesh on your bones. is
also a great nerve and stomach strength-
ener and the best blood builder in the
world. The only trouble was that the
old forms of inorganic iron like tirieture
of iron, iron acetate, etc., often ruined
people's teeth. upset their stoma.chs and
were not assimilated anfor tbese
reasons they_frequently did, more harm
than good But with ,the discovery of
the newetforms of organic iron all this
has been overcome. Nux-ated iron-ifor
example, is 'PI -easel -a to take, does not
injure the teeth and is almost im-
mediately beneficial,
NOTE: The manufacturers of Is:to:uteri
Tr011 have such unbounded confidence in irs
potency that they authorize the announce-
ment th'at they will forfeit 5100.00 any
t‘baritable institution if they cannot 'take
ttny#in an or woman under sixty who lacks
iron and inerense their strength 100L Pnt-
cent. or over in four weeks' lime, provided
they, have no serious organic trouble. 2I'
they willny se
' refund your moneY It ara
in wbich Nuxated Iron does not at least
double your strength in ten anyti 1.11-1s. It
is disgensod by alt good dritgy,ists,
ye ecgalists Tell How To
StrengthenEyesight 50 In a
eek's Tri In in ny 1 st ces
creature falls tO the bottom dind must
craWl.about until the wound is healed Fulton, N. Y. --."Why will women
and a faesh supply of gas has been pay out their money for treatment and
receiye no lbenefit,
secreted. - wha-o so many have
proved that Lydia
about the sea hoe is that the maie Fa Pinkham's V ege-,
provided with an external* stolnacha iable Compound
pouch, in which, at the mating season, Win make them
theifernale deposits,,her eggs. The lin-
well? For Over a
ing myear-I suffered SO
of ,the pouch secretes a from female weak -
nutritious fluid on which the young,f4jl.ness I could hardly
when hatched, „are led. When they are stand and was:,
.big enough, to take, care of themselves, afRicl to go on the
the father "sea, horse rubs his Stomach street alone.a.,Doc-.
against -a winkle Shell or some' other
conveinent object, and by this means
forces them out inte the iVater'. ,
13at the most rernarkable point „
. How About the Rice?
Each year the Canadians throw
tons of rice at uncomfoatable brides
and bridegreoms, Some of it lands hi
ears and"eyes, some in the bride'hait"
and some under the bridegt:oom'iS wilt-
ed collar, but most of it literally litJ
ters thesidewalk ana gutters. All ox
it is dead waste. There are, thouqands in Franc Who Would be grate -
tors said medicines
were useless and only, an operation
weuldhelp rne, but,Lydia. . Pinkham's
, Vegetable Compound has proved
otherwise. I am now p,erfectly well
and can do any kind of work," -Mrs.
NE“Dic PHELPs, care of R. A. Rider,
R.F.D. No. 6, Fulton, N. Y.
We Wish 'every woman whe suffers
• from female troubles nervousness,
backaehe or the blues could see the let-
ters written by women made well by Ly-
dia E. Pinkhatn's 'Vegetable Coinpound.
If you have bad symptoms and do not
understand the rause, write to the
Lydia E. Pinkharn Medicine Co, Lynn,
fad for the rice that is used to torture *ass-ttferhiPlui advIce give,11'free,
Canad an w 5 g par e .
Filled and Use ,M alome.
Boston,' Mass.—Victims of eye strain
and other eye weaknesses, and those
who wear glasse.s, will be glad to know
that 'Doctors and Eye Specialists notv
agree, there is real hope ancl help for
them. Many' whose, eyes were failing
say they have had their eyes restored
and many who once wore glasses saY
they .1rave thrown thent away. One
man 'says, after using it; "I was al-,
most blind, Could nbt see to read' at
all. Now I can. read everything With-
out my glasses, and my eyes do not
hurt any mere. At night they would
Pain, dreadfully. Now they feel ilne aU
the time. It was like, a miracle to'ine,"
ilLelady who -used it says: "Tlael'atmos-
'there seemed hazy- with or withent
glasses, but after using this preserip-
tier; for 'fifteen days everything Seems
Clear. I can read even fine print with-
out glasses." Another who -used. it
pays; "I was bothered ,with eye strain
caus.ed by. overworked, tired eyes Which
induced fierce headaches:" have worn
gla.esos for several years, both for diS-
tance and work, anti without them .1
could not read my own nanigeori ibfl
enVerlope or the tyrieVeritIng on the
'machine before 31113. can do bath now,
and hat ie discarded my long distance
glasSes altogether. I ' can cou,nt the;
fluttering leaves on 'the trees a.cross the
street now, which several-eyears
have .looked it dirri green, blur to
me. 1 cannot exprobs my joy at What
jt ha,S done for '
It IS believed that thousandth who
Wean glasses can now d searoitherri itt
C. reasonable thne„ and multitudes ma e
Will be, able to strengthen their eyed
rellasse too(beevi si,l)agreetelirtilles,tlraul,?sle and, ?x -
e' Beek, an eye s'itedia1717s't 'Of nearly
tWentSr ycarS Practice, HA patient
came to , Who Wale 'Stiffering, frOM
ailephari'tia 4arginalla with nil, tale
ooneomitant :Symptoins, ''as Morning
aggilitinatiOdi 9t the lidq•' eltratile
junotiyitis and ephiphora. Her eyes
when`not congested had the dull, suf-
fused expressibn common to sueli cases.
Having 4un out of her medicine a
friend stiggested 'Bon-Opto. She used
this treatment and not only overcame
her distressing, condition, but strange
and amazing as it may seem, s0.
strengthened her eyesight that She was
able to dispense with her distance
glasses and her headache and. neuralgia
left her.- In thiS instance I Should say
her eyesight -was- improved x
have since yerified the efficacy of this
treatinent" in is number of cases and
have seen the eyesight improve frem
25 to '15 per cent in a l'emarka,bly short
thne. 1 can say it worke mere quickly
than any 'other remedy I have pre -
Scribed for the eyeS."
Dr. Smith, an oculist of wide experi-
ence, says: have,treated in private
practice is number of serious opthannic
diseases with Bon-Optp'and•airi able to
'report lint:nate recoyelay in rboth acute
adtnildeeelirnnio cases, Mr. ' nB'ii?afeneltet° n
Tho conditiott was so serious that an
cperation for enucleation seemed im-
perative. Before' tesorting to the
operative treatment 1 'proscribed Bon-
Opto andfin 24 hohrs tho secretion had
leaSenod, Inflammatory symptoms 'be-
gan to subside' and` in seven days the
eye was curedand r,etairted its nor
Mal vision. Another coe' of extreme
convergent strabismus (cross eyes)
escaned the surgeon's knife by the
timely use of your eollyrium. The
tightened' eXterhal rnuselea 'Yielded to
the soothing and anodyne effects of
130n-Opto. 3 altva.ys instil Bon-Opto
after remtval -of foreign bodies and
apply it locally to all 'burns, iticerls
and spots on the ,oytball Or the ilds
for its therapeutic effect, By oleams-
Mg the lids of secretlotin arid acting'
as a tonic for tho eyeball itself the
vision -in rendered„...More acUre, hertee
,piietsseitgnhabeer .01: catierl 01' tiseil-rdcd
Dr, Conner Says; "My eye 111•
bad, caintiltion owing to the Lovere
strain arising from protracted inierci.;
scopical research work. Bon-Opto used
according to directions rendered a sur-
prising ,service. I found my eyes re-
Inarkably strengthened, so much so
have put aside my glasses without dis-
comfort. Several of my colleagues have
alSo,used it and we are agreed as to
its results:' In a few days, under my
observation, the eyes of an astiginatle
ease Were so Unproved that gla.sses
have been dIsearded by the patient,"
Eye troubles of many descriptions
may be wonderfully benefited by tolls
use of Bon-Opto and if you want to
strengthen your eyes, go to any drug
store and get a hettle of Bien-Opto
tablets. Drop one Bon-Oilito tablet in
fOurth of a glass of water and let it /
dissolve. With thi lipull bathe the
eyes tWo to four times daily, You
should notice your eyes clear' tip per-
ceptibly right from the start, h.nti in-
flammation and redness will quloltly
disappear. If „ your., eyes bother you
even a little it is your duty to take
steps to save them now before it is
too late. 'Many hopelessly blind might
have sared their sight If they had cared.
for their eyes In tinie.
Note: A city physician to whom the above
article, was submitted, Saki: "Yes, tiii•Orito 10
renlarkirble eYe remedy. Its ctinstitirvt itb•
gredlestaaare well known is eminent eye su0.
bialists and widely preSeribed them. I nave
used it Very' sitecessfully n my own Prnetice itt
patient -a WhoSe eyes were, strained through tWer-
'Work :or misilt glasses. I 101 highly recommend.
it in ease of weak, watery, aching, Smarting-,
Itching, braning eyes, rod iids; aturrca visson. ot
.for eyes inentried from, exposure to Smoko, Sun„
&St or 'wind, It 18 one ot the very ,few Preram-
dons I feel shotad'be kept on hand l'or regular
use in almost every family." non.Opto In it
potent medmine er' sedret remedy. 12 is um
(Milord preparation, the formula being printed on:
hoe Paelrage. The manufacturets guarantee ,t tor
strengthen eyesight 50 per cent In one week's time
11 itianY ingtMc,'.sl, Or refund the -money. Itie Ass,
;tensed tv all good druggists, Including
general etere.S; also by CI'. Tamblem and
T. Eaten & Co, 'l'oronto.