The Exeter Advocate, 1917-9-27, Page 5The inducements offered with common soaps cannot hake up for the purity of Sunlight Soap. - It costs US more to make pure soap, But it costs YOU fess to use it, for Sunlight pays, for itself in the clothes. it saves. It does not wear and rub the fabrics as common soaps do, $5 060 guarantee of p:'r•*'ty r. Irti every cake 8 of Suh1..t Soap ONTARIO'S BEST COM4'IERCIAL SCHOOL $'i tATFORO. ONT. Courses are thorough, the instruct- ors are ,experienced, students get in- dividual attention, and graduates are placed in. posityon,s. During 3 months we turned down over 300 calls for brained help. This is the school for those svha want the practical training and the rrood: positions-Co"mrerclal; Shorthand and Telegraphy de:part- nients•, Get our free catalogue. It will interest yote. I D. A. McLachlan. Piiticipal m FALL FAIRS kiss Craig ..,...... ...Sept 26-27 . SIyth ... Oct. 2-3 Brusse-ls Oct 4-5 Forest ... .,.Sept 26-27 G o d e rich Sept 26-28 Kirkton Oct 4-5 Luzknow .....,... •. Sept 27-28 Goderic.h. Tp.—"Winward," the home of .lir, and Mrs. John Stewart, in Go d- erich Township, was the scene of a pretty wedding at high noon Sept.19 when their daughter Elva, was ua:ted in. marriage to Mr. Edwin Seh.oenhas of Clinton, Rev. llr. McFarlane, . cf Bayfield officiating. • Light Four Touring Sedan Open Car C * rnfort 1. se Car ''r Motif tet The Overland Light Four Touring Sedan was designed to meet the growing demand for a popular priced car of the convertible body type -one that would give to its owner all the comforts and advantages peculiar to this type of motor car, without pulling too hard on his purse strings. The top and window pillars arepermanent. The side windows are adjustable and can be dropped into special spaces provided in the body and doors. Open car comfort is yours in clear weather and closed car protection for stormy days. The Overland Light Foul—Sedan is suitable for all weather conditions and all occasions. BRIEF SPECIFICATIONS Five Passenger .Divided Front Seats Staggered Doors Cantilever Rear Springs Brewster. Green 'Eod'y—Black Top 41nch Tires 106 inch Wheelbase Ai/to-Lite Starting and Lighting Exeter Motor Sales .fit Willys- Overland,Limited t and Overland Motor Cars hod Light Commercial Wagons wilirHead Office arid Works, West Toronto, Ont; r�11t1W11�aiklHMnwu�ew�Ir,W.iVWrrr1AJ'wxMeuwn r.uiw.nti..rir'YaJ wwi.wru,.r�a�.•.,,*,wwe,,��{w,��», mom meg • tin ? ? Zurich Fair Continued from ,1'age 1, GARDEN VEGETABLES World's wonder Potatoes, 91 Krue- ger, W. G. Bess; red and w lite pliant; 11, Krueger, W sp./nattier and Son, John Gellman; floral New York, Wrn, Decher, Wendel a;tnit'h`, 11. Kruegcei • any variety, late, Louis Rader,` .1T, Kruege'r, Miss E, Snow- den; any variety, early;, C. Tlraemnle'r' 1+1. 11.ppel. *Miss E, Snowden 6 ears of yellow corn, J. A. Manson; J, -CEIab er,,r and Sons; Sweet corn, hiss E. Snowden Airs. A. Johnston; 13la,ok sweet corn. A,' -Foster, large' reid' ions, D, D. Koehler, John Gashco; large yellow onions,J A. Manson, C,eSehilb gallon dutchsets, Geo. Clausius, Con..•"Col. oC floivers, Mrs J. tarry, Mrs. :7, htlbe ; White 'field: carrotts, iVm. A. 'Johnson; Maple Leaf, Thos• John Rader, „P. :1frih're.r; red field carrots son; Jas. Green; bouquet of flowers, W. B. I3attler. and Son, Mrs,, G. Hess Mrs. J.. "Marry. Thos. Jo'hfnson,; col: red garden carrots. L. Prang, Wendel .geraniums. 3 var. Airs. Derry; cacti, aulith; Swedish Lurnips, A, Posher,' Dr•, E, W. Stoskopf, Airs, J', ,J3a'riry J. A, Manson; yellow globe ni,angolds Valli tittles, Mrs. J. �}3.arry„ pansies, T. M. Snowden. C; Trueinner; ion;+ Dr. A, `J. McKinnon, Airs, J'. +3a'rlry red Lna.ngolds,,1-1. C. Zapfc,' P. FTlaber- •fuchias, lies, J lBaary, International marigold, LI. C. Zaps judge—F. W. I-Ies-,. Zurich, f. . J. A. Manson; long yellow Aman- SCHOOL CHILDREN'S EXHIBIT golds, G. 1I, Pfile, A. Foster sugar beet mangolcls, G. ffl.` Pirtle, Louis Ra- der; Oxford cabbage, C. 'Fuss, W. L: Battler. Y1r•umheact cabbage, (A; Foster C IPI, ; blue cabbage, W. Liebold 1:1. I:f,PfileNeeb black Spanish caddish, inner . .K1opP Johnson; child's bonnet in wool cro- chet. 11, 11'F Neeb, Win, Rader. Juda•es—Mrs, ,C. A, 11IacDonnell, p,j.rs. 01. Welsh, Exeter. PINE ARTS 011, Painting portrait, J. G. 'L:or- rest;' bit or-rest;'bit painting J, cXnFtor.l rest. Irene Douglas, svate'r color, land- scape,, Margaret Lamont, G. +A', lla•w- l:ins,;: crayon work, portrait, 3. .G Forrest; oil or water color, Vowel's. �Chos, Jot.{Laxton, J. G. .Forrest; halal dresser's work; Con. Fuss, 7T!. 11, Neeb, penal drafting, j. G. For.rest, 11Ir�s� G.. Hess; open and ink sketch, J. .Ge Forrest, Thos, Johnston; penmanshilx Thos, Job;nson; J, G; Forrest; paint- ing on felt, J. G-, Forrest; painting on :silk, J. G.'Forrest, A, ,G•. Edighoifrf ter. Judge—F.W, Hess, Zurich. 'FLOWERS AND PLANTS Writing under 10 years, Francis Alittelholtz, Greta llierner, Art, under 10 • years, Mabel Pree•i ter. Veola Prang. Art. over 10 years, Whitney Trut:- W, B, Battler and Son, J. Decrier, S,r, Col. weed"seeds, Iri'es I'ungblut, Ev- white reddish, W. D... Rattler„ canal- eiyn Roward, flower, P. 'ilaberer, Wm. Liebold; Alounted steed seeds, Veola Prang, peck garden beans, Wendel Smith; E'alolne ed ss r, Smith, H. Well; pumpkin, yellow; L:- Collection crochet, Jean Campbell Rader, + A. Mittelhogtz; mamoth Judge—F. crochet, Ilr.sGu h squash, C. Truenaner, Louis Rader; blood beets, 11• F7,. Neeb; root beets, tIiABY SHOW Wm, Diebold, Wm. Rader; ts„atermel- Airs. Fred Corbett, 1st Mr., D. ons, Wendel Smith; red. tomatoes,, 3' Gascho, 22nd, Mrs. Theo, Rader, 3rd!; lIaberer, Wendel Smith yellow Tom- Judge,—Dr, Pock, Bernell; Miss D: aloes, Miss E. Snowden; -col. of gar Hagan, BINS; re,.11 den vegetables, H. B. Neeb, J. 'Decher, HORSE RACES Secietery's S•2ceiel col, ve e- Farmer's Trot, Freddie Gratton; T. tables'by school children. if. II, Neeb �earlc,3 Crediton, 1211; .Ilaxrys.Dars, J. Decher, Jr: J 'Uartleib, Dashwood, 2123; Mac ' T. Jildges J, W, Ort;wein,.. Bonsai) Kyle, f.Ippen, 3333; Free for All, F. J. Pre Zurich Gratton; T. 'Yearley, Crediton,' 11; AIAN'l FACTLRLS • Emperor McKinney, J. J. Merner, Set: buggy harness; R. :G, Slade; Zurich, 22.;: Darkey Mac, J. Hartlieb doable team hairless, R. F. ,stade ; Dashwood Starter- Wnr Elliott, Oen col, shoes, C. Fritz; col hardware, t alto; J. Fre.rter, Judges—R, Welsh; Exeter; Wm. Judges—W, F. Edwards end B. T. Goveniock ,Sl aforth, \Viirdel Alitchell: 4 DAIIBI PROD1;CE Russeldale—sliss Afartha Wiley of Bitter in tub. W. Smith; 5 pounds this village died in Stratford hospital b ttter, Bobt. 2IeLinohey, C. Fuss, oti the 18th after aliang illness. She fun - Miss E. Snowden; pound: prints, . W. was brain in Fullerton Tp. The fun - B Battler., F F~ce�an. Wendel Smith era1 took place an Thursday last, b home-mad!cheese, 'Wendel Smith; hotnemade..brea k. anon, d J 2J C hone I; Landsextracted `chi be•'5 o SY, p llaberer„ J. Iltaberer and Sons; col. honey, 3• :tlabexer .and Sons, E Hab- ern=r; honey in comb, J. Habere;r'and Sons; •E. Haberer; quart Maple sy- th. Weed :1 Smith, \-. 'B. J3attler. 9 It is a grave mistake for mothers.to neg. lett their aches and pains and sixFer in silence—this only leads to chronic sick- ness and often shortens lid: and Son, If your work is tiring; ifyotiruesvesare Zurich Grist Mill Special-Bestloaf excitable; if, you feel; languid, w` or bread 'from Family Flour. 'l:;T• Well: depressed, you should know that et Judges—J. W. Ortw cin, Hensall, J. Emulsion overcomes, just such condi ns. Pre..ter, Zurich, It possesses in concentrated far is the LADIES WORK ORNAMENTAL very elernents to invigorate the brood, Embroidered tea cloth, W. L. Sie strengthen the tissues, nourish the u!rves and build' strength. beet, W; Hey; special, G. Hawkins: Scott's is strengthening thousands of Ena oval tea cloth \V 'e ' d will h 1 . T '•t „.:Cry for Fetchers -The Rina on nave Always .Eoctght, and which has been in use for o�-cr v30 yeas,'s, has borne the signature of and has bean made under his per- //'_ soxntal;supervision, ante a s infancy. ~ d am' ✓ Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Countc � feits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but Experiments that trifle with, and endanger the health of infants and Children -Experience against Experiment. hat: i. Oastoria' is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothin Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age' is. its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For i'nore dean thirty years it t:i•n ',...:5x in eonstant use for the relief of Constipation, Fl:r,,.Laleticy, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles sad• Diarrhoea. It Yeguma,tes the Stomach and .Bow ls, assn latex the Food, giving healthy and natural sier;p. Tine Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE . r -..` !" 1. Y Bears the Signature of For Over Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THE CENTAUR COMP NY NEW YORK CITY C1ii•nton;—Two weddings an the 18, —Miss Gladys, ,youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ,Frederick Gook of tonin ited in .marriage to 3ir.''Gu y was un Everett Routley, G. sT.' R. agent at Bright. The ceremony was perform; ed by Rev. J. E Hogg1.—At the Knox church manse, Goderich, Rev. R. C. McDermi:d, united is marriage Miss Al ma M. Walters,' seoond daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walters, Gorier- icii, and Mr. pert T. Reid af Clinton, Hiblalert,-On Sept. 18th, the fine bank barn. .of J. Maloney of this town - Alp, south of Dublin one mile, was aompleteiy destroyed by • fire, along with all the seasons crops and some hugs; sir. Maloney was just prepar in, to thresh, and the 'separator had been hauled into the barn. The loss will run into thousands of dollars. The fire, it is Ili -ought, was caused by a spark from the engine. The amount n.ut1 rs—au wr e p you. Tr i . of insurance could not be definitely :Sirs. C. Heyrock; ,ern, centre 'piece, Scott & Bowne, Toronto; Ont ' W. L. Siebert. A, G. Edighoffert spec- learned, ial. J. •G. Forrest; ens. towels, l'ir, L Sieb,?rt. W. Hey; cm. (cushion, L. Prang. Thos. Johnston; Harndager. E. Appel, Dr. Er W. Stoskopf; ZV<all- achian. Mrs. G. Hess, W. Rey Mount llelick,,D. Rppel; Thos. Johnston; cornation center piece. E. Ap'pe1, Rev. G. 03. Meyer; Em dresser and stand. cover. ;C. Eilb.r J. Green; emb.:an colored linen. Hy. Rader, C. Eilber; pin cushion, in eye -let, C. Silber, W. Ladies fancy work bag, . Con. Schilbe. Mrs. G. Tiros: Battenburg lace G A. Hawkins, ,1 G. Forrest; Ten ri:''fe 3a^e Thos. - Johnston, E. Appel.;. draw.thr ad `Cork, Mrs, G. .EIcss. R ,v. F.13 Mayo..; 'ancyY apron, • '� Das 1 oehlcr• A. G. Edie'ho'ter ; linen la Lrdry bag, 11fro. G. Bess, Thos, John sten; emb. pillow cas:rs, C. Eilber, ?A, G. Edighoffer; tabl.• mats, 3. Gascho, T. Murdoch; 12' button hbles if Well E. Appel; pierced brass, J. G. For- rest, W, Hey: col. tatting, G., A. Haw- kins,,C. Eilber; els/lions for den, L. Prang. G. Hawkins; special, Mrs. C. Heyrock,; hemstitched pillow cases, E. Appel, Thos. Johnston; kitchen apron, Mrs, G. jHIess, E•, Appel s Cc sal, Mrs.9E. A Campbell; ,bed ,room. sii-pees, F. Keegan, E. Appel; braid- ed mat, Mrs. F l6_'arry, F, Keegan; E. Appel; braided mat, Mrs, J Larry, F. Keegan; dining room linen, Hey, C. Eilber; crochet towel; J,; Dec J er. Sr., A. G, Edighoffer; day s1i+p8 and sheet in •crochet, A. G. Brlig- hoffer.,0. Eilber; fancy table irttrnnelr C. Silber.,, J. G. Forrest, Roman •cats work, T. Murdoch, C. Eilber; handl Or fancy bag, C. Silber, 3. Decher, 'Sr,;. bestand newest •col, ladies work, G. A. fEiawkins, C. Filber;. col. ladies) un- derwear in crochet, C. EiIbe'r, 3'2hos;,; Johnston; Irish •oroe'het lace, F. Tele= ,gan, Mrs. C. Heyrock • infant's cFo- chet set. H. 1' Neeb, Wm, Rader. LADIES - WORK, USEFUL Quilt sewed on e`round work, H. Well; Hy, Rader; quilt woollen,' char - se. Thos. Johnston, J. Decher, fine, Con. Fuss, J. Decker, Sr.; coverlet woven wool, Con. Eucss, Thos. Johnston log cabin quilt cotton, don, Fuss, 'IH. TlF Neeb; patchwork quilt,i silk. C. Silber, `l1. Krueger; cotton, Thos. Johnston, W. 03. Battler and Son; counterpane, tufted, W, [B �Bat- tier, Ili'. Well; knitted, F. Kaega'n'..fi, Well; crochet, A. Mittelholtz, T, Mar, Ldoch; etching work, P. 'Ilaberer, T: 'Johnston; drawn, J. Decher, Sr',; Ladies call wool cape crochet, E. Ap.- pel, Airs. C. I:Tey rock; knitted, Thos. Johnston; b,bineintade carpet, wool, Airs. C. Heyrock; rags. Thos. Jo'hn.- son, 11.• Well; hearth rug, wool, F. Keegan., Mrs. W. J. [Barry; hearthrug JG. Keegan, Mrs. Jo lBarry five ya'r'd J'lanne'l1 all Wool, im1rs O. I1cyrock; cottoea>rvarp,y :W, Roder,11. Well ll tidy lcrtittc�clt't'oten,1 Joiim on, W. Rader, Afgan :o1, slutnber [nig in silk, Thos, Johnston. firs, G. -Bess; hand sewing Airs. 0.'11ess, .FL, Well; cotton stock rri s, Ei.Keegan, II, Well; woollen stockings knitted fine, 1t. Well, B. Well; coarse, Mrs. C Heyrock, IB. Battler and Son; !MIAs '''t nitted fine 1J. Wal, „Thos. J613418on; coarse, W, 13.• Battler and Son, II, Well; best darned stockings, Thos. Johnston, I>! Na -.b; !farmers blankets liotnenaatle, union, Wm, Rader, H. •I%. Neeb, :col, crochet in wool,, B. T.I. Neeb, Those HOMESEE'iCh,RS' EXCURSIONS Round trip tickets to certain points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Al- berta via North eBay, Cochrane and Transcontinental Route, or v'.a Chic- ago and St. Paul, on sale each Tues- day until Oct. 30, inclusio e, at low fares. Through Tourist Sleeping Cars to WINNIPEG on above dates, leaving Taranto 10.45 p. ni. NO change of cars via Trenton:;nen- tal Route. Return limit Two, Months, exclusive of date of sale. Berth resp' -rations and full particulars at all Grancl Trunk ticket offices, or write C. E. HORN - ENG, District Passenger Agent, r•anto, Ont. N. J. DORE, Agent, Exeter. 14f aha lue Get hinde � � 4 of a Ford RY it just once! Ask your friend to let you "pilot" his car on an T open stretch. You'll like it, and will be surprised how easily.the Ford is handled and driven. If you have never felt the thrill of driving your own car, there is some- thing good in store for you. It is vastly different from just riding—being a passenger. And especially so if you, drive a Ford. Young boys, girls, women and even grandfathers—thousands of them— are driving Ford cars and enjoying it. A Ford stops and starts in traffic with exceptional ease and smoothness, while on country roads and hills its strength and power show to advantage. Buy a Ford and you will want to be behind "the wheel" constantly. Runabout - $475 Touring ' . - $495 Coupelet m $695 THE UNIVERSAL CAR Sedan p $890 F..0, B. FORD, ONT. ELL Exec MILO SNfix" DEALER