The Exeter Advocate, 1917-4-12, Page 2• '" " " • "
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Conducted by Professor Henry G. Ben.
' The object of this department Is to place at the‘
service of our farm readers the advice of an acknowl.
edged authority on all subjects pertaining to soils and
Address all questions to Professor Henry G, Bell, In
care of The Wilson Publishing Company, Limited, To-
ronto, and answers will appear in thia column In the
order In which they are received. As. space Is limited
t Is advisable where Immediate reply Is necessary that
a stamped and addressed envelope be enclosed with the
question, when the answer will be malted direct. Henry G. 13elL
Question—F. P.:—(a) What fertil-
izer would you suggest for corn in
medium soil, and how much? Have
no manure. (b) What is the best
kind of soil for buckwheat, and when
is the best time to sow, and how thick-
Answer;—(a). For corn on medium
soil I would advise from 300 to 500
pounds per acre of fertilizer carrying
1 to 2% ammonia and 8 to 12% avail-
able phosphoric acid. If it is pos-
sible be obtain 1% potash, the addi-
tion will be of advantage to the crop.
A satisfactory method of applying this
fertilizer to the corn is to drill it in
through the fertilize]. dropping at-
tachment of the wheat drill. Such a
method of application puts the plant -
food into the soil where the material
can dissolve. The available plantfood
acts on the young crop somewhat the
same as whole milk fed to the young
calf. It gives it a strong, healthy,
vigorous start.
In using fertilizers do not neglect
tc grow clover or rye on this ground
inside the next two years and then
turn under a second crop of
clover or a fair growth of rye or some
other green manure. In using
fertilizers you are adding plantfood
but yot. are not adding organic
ter or 1.umus. Humus is essential
to the producing capacity of the soil,
hence must not be neglected.
(b) Buckwheat will do well on most
ar.y type of soil with the exception of
muck. It is successful sown later
than the average farm crops,—even
sown as late as early June. Prob-
ably late in May is he bes time to
seed it, using from 3 to 5 pecks of
good seed per aere.
Question — T. L. What is the
best fertilizer for strawberries, and
when should it be used, on the vines
that are bearing this year or the vines
to be set out thie year?
Ansv er:—In fertilizing strawber-
ries, good results are ,•obtetirini by us-
ing from 400 to 600 pounds per acre
of fertilizer analyzing from 2 to 8%
ammonia and 8 to 12% available
phosphoric acid, and possibly 2 to a%
potash. This is best applied when
preparing the bed for the planting of
the young vines. When the ground
ha. been thoroughly disked this avail-
able plantfood should be drilled in
through the fertilizer dropping at-
tachment of the wheat drill, or it
should be broadcasted over the pro-
posed strawberry bed and thoroughly
disked and harrowed in. When the
young vines are set they will profit
greatly by the added vigor obtained
from this available plantfood. As
a rule, top -dressing growing straw-
berries has not been the most profit-
able way to apply.
Question—M. C.:—What is the best
way to get rid of wild mustard?
Answer:—A practicable way to get
rid of mustard is to spray the young
plants before they come into flower.
For this purpose a spray machine .such
as is used for spraying potatoes might
be used. Empty, a 100 -pound sack
of sulphate of iron into a kerosene or'
vinegar barrel. Fill it up to the chine
with water and stir until the sulphate
of iron is dissolved. Strain the solu-
tion through several thicknesses of
cheese -cloth when pouring it into the
tank of the spray machine. To be
most effective, it is well to apply 52
gallons of this material to the acre.
The more powerful the spraying ma-
chine the better, since the mist is
most effective when divided into finest
particles. A pressure of 80 to 100
eourids at the nozzle should be main-
tained. A two -horse spraying ma-
chine will spray from 20 to 100 acres
of grain in a 10 -hour day. In actual
testswhich have been carried out, this
method of treatment has proven very
efficient in killing out this troublesome
weed. It does not hurt the grain crop.
Sheep will turn to profitable account
more waste products than will any
other class of farm animals.
A sheep has a low nervous organ-
ization, and once neglected gives up
with little effort. But kept in thrift
with good care it will be as hardy as
any other animal.
This is the season of the year when
sheep need most care and labor. Rea-
sonable attention in the lambing sea-
son will save a heavy mortality. A
good shepherd will raise a 125% lamb
Don't forget the spring clipping.
Although other work may demand at-
tention, yet this is the one phase of
sheep husbandry that should never be
Shear fairly early, at least before
the very warm spring days arrive, and
thus save the ewe discomfort and loss
in weight. With wool as valuable
per pound as butter, the greatest care
should be taken to produce the
cleanest, best fleece and properly to
care for the same after shearing. Co-
operative marketing will add from two
to eight cents per pound revenue from
your wool.
Give the lambs an extra good start
on grass. A lamb creep in the corner
of the pasture and light grain feeding
will usually be found most profitable.
Willie Only Resting.
He had yelled steadily for twenty
mitutes. Then he stopped, and all
was quiet.
"I am glad to see you have stopped
crying, Willie," said his mother.
"I ain't stopped," exclaimed Wil -
He, indignantly. "I was only restin'!
Great Wisdom is Needed That the Brilliant Child May Be Well -
Balanced and Win Success in Later Life.
Whenever we meet an unusual-
ly bright or precocious child,
there is sure to be some fond
and admiring friend or re-
lative hovering near, anxious to "show
it off." As a matter of fact, the child
of average ability is in much less
danger than the backward or pre-
cocious one.
The backward child may not be un-
derstood or it may not have the most
intelligent methods used in its
management. For this reason, such
a child may fail to achieve as much
as he might under favorable circum-
stances. However, no one expects
very much ofga deficient youngeter,
and if he is giver. healthful surround-
ings, good care and sympathetic un-
derstanding, his handicap may in time
be partly overcome.
Very often the child who is exceed-
ingly bright in certain respects, is
ble and was obliged eventually to give
up both school and music.
It is frequently remarked that the
Ipupil who is unusually brilliant in
school, winning much favor and many
honors, is not always a success in later
;life. There are reasons why this is
; often so. If book knowledge comes
too early through an extra good mem-
ory or the ability to see through a
problem quickly, little mental train-
ing is given, and when that individual
goes out into the world, superficial
methods and the expectation of get-
ting much and giving little, do not
make for success.
The precocious child is in danger of
'becoming over -confident, egotistical,
lacking in thoroughness, and patroniz-
ing in manner. Too 'often such chil.
dren do not develop the mental and
moral fibre which effort and dis-
couragement, more determined effort
decidedly average otherwise If you and final victory bring aut. One
press a hall in at one point, it will star pupil was recently heard to boast
bulge out or the Opposite side. The, that he could stay out of school three
bulging or noticeable characteristis is days, attend one day, and still keep
pretty Stree' td be balanced by a tient I up with his class, It may be the old
souiewhete. ' This may be the rea- story of the hare and, the tortoise.
son that many people who are really He is gaining a contempt for educe
brilliant in some directions are not ;.advantage e and is likely to be
well-balanced or evenly developed all handicapped for life with the idea that
around, persistende and conscientious effort
There is also grave danger that pre- are not necessary for him. -
cocione children may have too much Teachers often remark that they
•expeeted of them and be urged be are the beet instructors le. the .sub-
yond their normal eapacity. A lit- jects which were harrl for them ' to
tie boy who vas fond of mutic and learn a tipi1. They 'Icnciw svhdre
who realty did exceptionally well svith the difficulties lie and how diecourag-
hie violin leseons was erged to long ing they are,
periods of praeticie end encouraged to Great wisdom is needed in:handling
take part in many pUblic entetteins the precocious child se That it may
meets. Theo tl.iege were aecones wellsbaltinced and kiectly, and
plished a the cost of play and sleep. realize the neeessity ef achieving .its
The child developed a nerVoUS trout owri hest.
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Lar Red Wethersfield Onion, black seed, .oz. 26c, lb. $2.00, 6 lbs. $9.26
Market Maker Golden Globe Onlon......oz. 25c, Ib. $2.10, 5 lin• S5•25
Early Yellow Danvers Onion, biRk seed..oz. 200, Ib. $1.90, 5 lbs. $8.25
Southport White Globe Onion, black seed, ., , .., ...oz. 40c, lb, $4.00
Red Globe Prizewinner Onion, black seed. osz. 28c, Ib. $2.10, 6 lbs. $0.25
Select Yellow Dutch Onion Setta Ib. 350, 5 lbs. $1.70
XXX Guernsey Parsnip, fine smooth roots ..Pkg, 10c, oz. 20c, 4 oz. 500.
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Lesson III. Jesus The Good Shep-
herd—John 10. 1-18. Golden
Text—John 10. 11.
Verse 7. In studying the other par-
ables of the fourth Gospel, it must be
noticed that the Evangelist reports
parables in a way of his own, fusing
parable and interpretation. Here,
however, he has given a parable
(verses 1-5) in the original forme -and
these verses are the interpretation.
But the parable suggests two wholly
independent applications, which are
given successively without any atten-
tion to their incongruity, a thing that
matters less to Oriental than to West-
ern modes of speech. In verses 7-9
Jesus is the door: true shepherds and
false are distinguished according as
they enter through the Door, oe "climb
up some other way." Recall Milton's
use of it, describing Satan's entry into
"So clomb his first grand theif into
God's fold;
So since into his church lewd eirelings
8. All that came are thieves (mar-
gin —The addition before me may well
have been an attempt to explain a
hard phrase. He that cometh was a
special name of the Christ: see John
11. 27; Matt. 11. 3, etc. So this means
false Christs, who tried to coax the
sheep away. But they did not hear
thein (verse 5). Robbers—Or high-
waymen, sheep stealers who will use
9. This- will refer to shepherds, not
sheep. The true undershepherd (1
Peter 5. 2-4) makes it his business to
find pasture for the sheep. He can
go in and go out freely, for he goes
through the Door (verse 3 ). To such
is promised salvation, for we can be
saved only by trying to save others.
Compare Phil. 1. 19; 1 Tim, 4. 16.
There is a vast multitude of true
"pastors"—the word is only the 'Latin
for "shepherd"—who were never
ordained by human hands.
10. Corneth—The special sense still
lingers about it from verse 8. Have
abundance (margin)—Christ never
gives just enough: there are always
basketfuls left over.
11. Here begins what is really a
nek parable, starting out of the other.
A good shepherd, owning the sheep,
will risk his life for those sheep when
the wolf comes. The hireling has no
motive for doing so: his life is worth
more to him than his pay! Before,
as well as after, this brief parable,
Jesus tells us that such a shepherd
illustrates what he is to his own.
Layeth down—The tense shows that
readiness to face death to rescue the
sheep is intended: offers or risks
comes nearer to the Greek. It is, of
course, in the application of the par-
able that Layeth down becomes true.
12,. Whose ea n— 11 turns on this.
Hence it is that Peter bids the Lord's
undershepherds to "shepherd the flock
of God . not for base love of gain,
but of free will" (1 Peter 5. 2).
14. This takes up verse 3, Com-
pare 'the "seal" upon God's "firm
foundation" (2 Tim. 2, 19). Mine owe
knew me—Verse 5 is the converse.
One recalls the "true Israelite" d
John 1, 47 who Instinctively recogni-ze
"the Ring of I8rael,"
15. This is the note ,so often steuck
in John 17: the Lord applies to us a
standard actually cleawri from is own
relations with the F ther. It 18 es-
serltially like'Matt. 6.48 and Eph, 5.
1. For the sheep—In this context
the suggestion is that he rescues his
sheep at the risk of his own
'Title" we may still say for in Gethse-
mane' he showed that he dotild conceivd
of God's fielding at the last moment
some other way, of accomplishing his
purpose, But here that, possibility is
barely in sight: He is sure the offer-
ed life will be taken, as he is 'sure that
having lost his life he will find it
16. This fold—The Chosen People,
who thought themselves monopolists
of God's mercy. They shall hear, and
so prove that they are truly his sheep.
They shall become one flock—The
margin there shall be is not impos-
sible as a translation of the reading
implied in the text: the difference
made is slight. One flock—Jerome's
extraordinary blunder, one Told, is per-
haps the most disastrous translation
mistake ever made in history. It was
largely responsible for the un -Christ-
ian idea that unity consists in exter-
nal organization instead of the bond
of love. In Greek the word flock is
derived from the word shepherd: the
vital unity of Christendom is in the
universal dependence on the One
17. Perfect sacrifice is the condi-
tion of perfect love. It was by carry-
ing his obedience "as far as death"
(Phil. 2. 8) that the Son won his ex-
ataltion. That I may—An addition,
like that in Rom. 8. 34. There is an
mentionunwngness even to the
' •
-Death alone, list men should think—
as Art has so often persersely taught
them—of a Dead Christ as the object
of our worship.
18. Took it away (margin)—If this
reading is right, it is another link
with Jonh 17, in which the Lord looks
back on his earthly career as closed
and lying in the past. Power—Rath-
er authority, derived from God. For
without a clear call from God no man
has the right to give or even risk the
life God gave for his own purpose.
Lay it down—A different tense now is
need, which justifies this rendering.
This commandment—To sacrifice and
to resume life alike. Careful study
of the Synoptic record of the Passion
will show that the Lord was no pas-
sive vittim. He chase the time of
his death (see Matt. 26. 5) and the
charge on which he woulde lead (Mark
14. 61), when his enemies tried their
best to escape both-=-Ehe former be-
cause of the people, the latter because
such a charge would not appeal to
Pilate, the Roman procurator,
The symptoms of spasmodic colic
are: Uneasiness, stamping, pawing,
throwing himself down, rolling, get-
ting up, etc. The attacks are spas-
modic, and during the intervals patient
is normal, may appear to want to uri-
Drench with 11,4 oz. each of lauda-
num. sweet spirits of nitre and tinc-
ture of belladonna In a pint of water.
Repeat in 2 hours if necessary.
The general indifference to horse -
°reeding at present in some farm
sections offers all the more encourage-
ment to those who follow the less
popular course and raise horses before
they are actually at a premium en
the markets.
Brood mares must be properly ex-
ercised, preferably with light work
but not where there is danger of
straining. or falling or being crowded
between shafts. Watch the mare
carefully at foaling. A clean, thor-
oughly disinfected bright cheerful oox
stall is the best place to foal a marc,
unless the Weather is warm and a
clean comfortable grass 'paddock is
available. Yearlings and 'foals well
fed ,and free front vermin Will make
the greatest and most profitable gains
on sernmele pasture' but if the pasture
is short, a grain supelement i8 a most
profitable investment, The. geeret of
successful tante rearing is to keep the
animals deal), healthy arid constantly
gaining in siee and weight until ma-
turity: •
An automobile with five persons
takes doors gasoline than When (511d
person ie riding, but the increase is
very stnell.
Canductedk, Pho ,.71.efeen „Caw
answer as a means of identification, but full name and address must be
Mothers and daughters of all ages are corolally Invited to Ite to
department. Initials only will be published with each question and il:
given in each letter. Write on one side of Paper only. Answers 'Wilt b8
mailed direct if stamped and addressed envelope is enclosed. '
nailoacd,Toronto,orrespondence for thls department to Mrs, Helen Law' 75
M. E. Sn—A child four or five years whichto enjoy them and love them.
old should drink at least a glassful of As a repult, the dullness and drudgery
water between five o'clock supper and of existence are all they tomo to ex -
seven o'clock bedtime. Children perience.
should get the habit of drinking water "One mother of five children for
both lemming and evening. This will years took at least one hour a clay for
prevent a good deal of sluggish action rest and quiet reading alone by her -
of the liver, kidneys and bowels, and self. Nothing but absolute neces-
will obviate the need of laxatives, sity could induce her to break into
which are used altogether too freely. this hour.
F. It is misconception to be- "The result of this is not only that
lieve a kitchen should be laege. It she had kept her own superb health,
should be small, compact, cheerfully but she is a constant joy and inspire -
and sanitarily finished, with cross tion to her children, her husband, and
ventilation, and an abundance of il- her friends.
lumination. It should not, of course, "It is true that she might, have
be so small as to be cramped or con- done more dusting or mending stock-
gested. A long, narrow pantry should ings than she has actually accom.
be studiously avoided. Built-in cup- plished, but it would have been at the
boards in the kitchen might take the sacrifice of that whole part of her life
place of a pantry and save steps. 2. which meant the most to herself and
Any worker desiring to eliminate others."
waste motion and increase her effici- W. E. K :—Probably you will find
ency 50 per cent., can ask herself these all the good recitations you need in
questions: 1. Is my table, stool, board, "JessieAlexander's.
or working surface the right Sketches." ThepricePlatformthe
height? 2. Are my utensils and ma- $1.00. As for drills, there are three
terials needed for this task all before little volumes you would find useful:
me when I begin? 3. Do I have to "Ideal Drills," "Wilson's Drills and
stoop unnecessarily? Do I take use- Marches," and "Twenty-five Drills and
less steps? 4. Are my utensils ar- Several Motion Songs." They are 25
ranged with proper regard to each cents each.
other, and to other tasks? 5. Is my R. W.:—How April Fool Day came
position comfortable? 6. Am I us- to be no one really knows. Probably
ing the best and right tool for the per- the best guess is that which credits
pose? 7. Is the tool properly ad- the day to France, the first nation of
justed and in good condition before I all Christendom to begin the year on
begin work? 8. Ani I making any January 1 instead of March 25. Be -
awkward motions, or ones I could fore the change was made the octave
omit? of the festival, April 1, was the day
L. N. T.:—Here is an extract from on which the celebration culminated,
a book entitled "The Efficient Life," when visits were made and gifts ex -
which may suit your case. It is a changed. With the adoption of the
plan that is decidedly worth trying. A reformed calendar in 1564, New Year's
tired and nervous mother will often Day was celebrated on January leand
find fault unnecessarily, and cause only pretended gifts and mock
friction in the home. Give mind and ceremonial visits were made on April*
body a real ,rest every day, as this 1, with the idea of malting fools of
message advises:— - those who had forgottea the change of
"Many mothers slave for their chil- date. The custom once started was
dren so many hours a day that they kept up after its origin was no longer
have but little energy left with remembered.
For specific information regarding,
breeding, feeding, and general care
and management of livestock, apply
to your nearest experimental farm.
Feed is high, but it is not so high
that one can afford to ruin a good
pasture by turning stock on it too
Labor on the dairy farms this year
is going to be hard to get, and un-
doubtedly will cost all it is worth. It
is a condition that will start many
dairy farmers thinking about me-
chanical milkers.
A few years ago it was considered
a norrm..1 thing for cows to give 2,500....,ne
to 3,000 pounds of milk in a year. To.
day yields of twenty to twenty-five
thousand pounds pass almost un-
noticed. Animal husbandry has be-
come one of the most important and
progressive vocations.
Oats should be treated for smut be-
fore planting.
What Does God Require of Thee But to Do Justly, and to Love
Mercy, And to Walk Humbly With Thy God ?
The greatest things in life escape
definition, and religion is no excep-
tion. Accuracy does not always
mean actuality. Statistics may only
serve as a mathematical freezer.. It
is noteworthy that Jesus associated
himself with the classic avowals of the
past, while He colored them with the
rich blood of His own experience. No
great heights can be attained or
depths fathomed that fail to do justice
to the heritage of the past.
Yet the essential value of Christianity
lies in its power of expansion to
changing conditions and present
"To serve God." What is it? Time
was when religion and morality had
no dealings with each other." How
could they? The
were not maral. Zeus was an adult..
erer. Bacchus was glorified' drunk-
enness. The Roman went to the
priest for religion, but to the philoso-
pher for morality. The service of
God was in contrast to the service pf •
Even the streams of early Christian
teaching became foul and muddy by
the later deposits of zealous ecclesi-
asts. While religion and morality
were made to he co -existent, "serving
God" came to mean something over
and above the great human obliga-
tions. Now b system of
ritual now a correct expression of be
- • , -
lief with the Almighty ,either as a
"fussytcourt chamberlain" or as a
theological examiner.
Religion and Mor lity
Even to -day this dualism is plainly
observable, Religion is eessociated
by many all to closely with thurchgo-
ing, Bible reading, some special church
activity or the acceptance of some
creed, "'hese means of grace are
made to be works of additional merit
in another sphere. Consider the
divorce of religious eclacation from
sehoole. Here is a tacit confession
that the service of God is something
unnecessary for education in morals.
‘,"Thou. shalt leve the Lord thy Ged
* * AND thy neighbor as
self." The "and" is not that, or Addl.
tion but of inelueion, We have out-
grown the conception of an immoral
god, or even of a god who seeks over-
time in service, and, through the
teachings of Jesus, have come to know
One who is Himself the great Servant,
whose service •is coincident with all
our human efforts.
We are nearly all ready to concede
that the roots of our moral life are
found in the natural endowments of
sympathy, sociability and in the more
recently acquired sense of justice.
The very apil al of religion is condi-
tioned by the' common thrill and re-
sponse which enables us to project
ourselves into the feelings of others.
No gulf is fixed between love.—human
and divine.
Need Fellowship With God.
Sympathy without religion, how,
ever, is restricted to kith and kind. It
flows freely only around most of our
own habitation, and divides as well as
protects. To fully translate the
moral into the conditions of our com-
munity life we need the infinite expan-
sionNllih God.
thatcomes through fellowship
Sociability is another basic instinct
through which our morality flows,
Yet our modern life is largely 0110 Of
impersonal relations. Evil is not
clearly visualized, One navy he a
good husband and father and still be
guilty of grave wrongdoing When that
vague mass "the pebic." is concerned,
Thiless our range of Interests is en-
larged by the coneeiit of a social God
the gregarious tendency may breed
on y sno sly an pa lonaee.'
Again, a sense oF justice, 'a re-
sult of thef Action Of minds, is that
to which religion appeals, "Judge ye
of your own eelves that which IS
right." We ask for a "square deal,"
which, some one hag eaid, means often
three sides Tor ourselves, Or else only
tile conventional rulte of the game.
The frown and smile of society are no
assurance of the will of a just pod and
a Saviour, To make lastice effective
Wo need the reinforcement of the
gospil, "What does Ood ,require of
the but to do justly, and to love
mercy, and to walk humbly with thy
God ?".--Bev. W. P, Lemon.