The Exeter Advocate, 1917-3-8, Page 4Fm, suismiumalmemossugsso msgensons Children Cyt for FletcherPs °„Che hand You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 yeaks, has borne the signature of and hasbeen anado under his per- sona'1 supervision since its infancy. G'fa Allow nt) one to deceive you. in this. AU Counterfeits, Imitations and dust -as -good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What Is CAST'*'IA 'Castoria, is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare. .gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It •contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Wornis .eni ,. lis Feverishness. For more than thirty years it haat ween in constant use for the relief of Constipation, ')r'1atetlency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles. and Di t rriona. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, ,as radiates the Fotd, giving Healthy and natural sleep. TiIe Children's Panacea—Tho alother's Friend. GENUME CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature o in Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THE C.ENTAU R COM PAN Y. NEW YORK GIT., trrxrter Abuorate, Sanders & Creech, Proprietors Subscription Pricer -In advance 1$1.25 per year in Canada; $L75 in the United State::. All subscriptions not fidin advance 50 cents extra will tie: char ged THURSDAY, MARCH Sth, 1917 LUMLEY A sieigb. load of the young people cvn this locality drove to the home of Mr Jesse. Jaques, near Sunshine, and :spent a most enjoyable time on. Wed- zuesdav =evening last.—Mr, and Mrs.; Fran -k Horton spent the. week -.end; -lith relatives at Seaforth and Bruce EEield.—John Bolton and wife eattend giving up farming fora time :tad will :take an extended trip for the bene - 1t a_`' his health. They will have a .sale on the ZOth of this month as the bane rented their farm. We Ihope they 'Fill enjoy a well-earned rest Quite a few of our young people at- tended 'she "New Minister" concert on Friday evening, which was repeated HensalL-We are pleased to learn that Pte Fred Simmons, who is in Franceis well, as .letters have been received from Mm by his relatives of :ate.,—Mx. Armstrong, Sr, has re- turned Trona London, where he spent rte ,greater part of the winker.—Quite a, fevv from this line attended the play entitled "The Country Doctor,' act. Tuesday evening, in No. 1 School, LUCAN Reevc Ross made a business .rip to Toronto last week.—Miss Lena C oI- llir s spent a. few days in London last week. Mr Wes: Cole of Exeter was else guest of this mother a couple days fast week—Mr. Wm: Ward attended the Flax Growers' Convention, at Lon - doe last week.—Mn Wilson Armitage of Toronto visited at the home of his father sir. L. Fox, last weak.— Mr Johr. Abbott was in Toronto last week.—Mr. E. H. Seaman has moved tee Or; -en Sound—Mrs. W. A. Gail - Coyle of Sarnia was in town a few days last week.—Mrs. John Hoover al Guelpiswas the guest of her sister, Mrs Alex McFalls, last week, Mrs, Wm Matheson has decided to retire =frond business and will sell her stock, WHALEN WEEKLY Auction Sale The undersigned will well by Public Auction, at DOW's FARM, East of lafettopolitan Hotel, each and every Saturday atternoon, at 2.30 o'clock. Oa Saturday .. next the following will be,.offeredr^ '4_ 3 -year-old fillies 2 4 -year-old Fillies. J 4 year old gelding Pair matched geldings, 5 grey. weighing 2600 2 Farmers' drivers. A number caws due to freshen March and April 10 calve. and some young cattle. Terns, -6 months' credit with 6 per 'cent added, on furnishing ap- proved joint notes. Frank Taylor, Auctioneer Mr. John Dann of Wesley, London Tp, visited over • Sunday with Ids data ester Mrs. Wm. hforley.—Mr. and. Mrs Wesley Freeman at Grantor), were presented with a baby boy last week, Mrs Freeman is a daughter of Phil- lip Brooks.—Mr, and Mrs. Hector Milt soli visited over Sunday with the lat "per's parents at De:vizea-Mrs, Wil- bert Batten of Zion visited here, the guest of Hilda Gunni:tag on Saturday, ---Don't forget the Patriotic Concert given next Tuesday, 13th, in adds church by the young people. A splen did ;anagram, including talent from Woodham, .Winchelsea and Centralia also a play secured from Toronto by the young' folks. Come and enjoy a good time and help to cheer aur brave bo so soldier s.—Thor Lingard's I y g .sale brought ham good returns, rand he has engaged avi'_h his former em- 'player, Bert Crosier for a year,—Sev- eral ear. Sev- eral relatives attended thhe •Juneral of John Tales in London Friday. Sin- cere ncere sympathy is felt for the he- reavcd widow and three young . child- ren Mrs. Tales is a daughter of Mrs Sutherby,—Mr, and Mrs. Jon frock al' Lttcats s;,cnt the past week tviti :friend: around here,—Fred Ogden son lop Tilos Ogden, has returned, to the twest.—Bessie Morley spent the week cend With friends in St. Marysl—,Mr... 'Freeman Atksey is preparing 'o put a cement foundation, under his barn, Rev and 2drs. Finlay entertained the. .youn, ,people of this place at. the par senigc' in Centralia on Wednesday' .ev et ing.—Mrs, Thomas' . Morley is nnaitu',' on her mother Mrs, Batter*at 1lmvilte, she beng very sick.— years old un G. J. Dow, Proprietor MOUNT CARMEL The funeral took place here on Fri day afternoon of the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Breen of Mo -- ray- aged two .months. Death was due, to pneumonia. —We -are pleased ao state that Mr. Ed. Hall is improv - in•; from an illness of six weeks dur- afion .,caused by hardening of the ar- teries throughout the system.—Mrs. Patrick Glavin of 'Detroit formerly of ibis neighborhood, is visiting friends here -Mrs Jos. Doyle is on the sick list thi week—Ma. and Mrs. Parr ck" Hall of Detroit is spending a few days at the home of the former's parents Mr. anti Mrs. Ed. Halt. -Mr;. and Mrs. John Barry is spending a few days at London this week •on Uussness--'r. and L'Mrs. Joseph Ziler of Zurich ::ailed oa friends here last week.—.Mr. Jos. Mahoney was in London Friday on business Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS 1'S AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS an Lot 10, S. 13 Stephen, as Wed- nesday March 2lst, 1917, at 1o'clock Horses—Matched .team of mares S and 5 years, in foal; Horse risilag 3 Albion; fifty, rising 2, trainer; 2 :ear- 1hig colts, matched. Cattie-4 cows due in May, 3 cows vt-ith calf at foot; heifer rising two; 2 steers rising 2; 4 spring calves, Pigs and Poultry. -1 brood saw du:, in, May, 50 liens; also 1 collie dog. Implements—Massey Harris binder; mower seed drill, snow drill, sprung tooth cultivator, disc, Frost & Wood scuffler; two furrow plow-, 2 walking plows land roller, sulky rake, set diamond harrows, pulper, 2 lumber wagons wagon box, buggy, cutter, hay ,rack, gravel box, set scales, fan - Mag still, bag truck, sling ropes, chains and pulleys, 15 grain bags, Li cow chains grindstone, crosscut saw 2 sets double harness, set of single harness., set britchen wheelbarrow, pair bob sleighs, cream separator, I;le- lott nearly new, ice tongs, shovels, forks hoes, neckyokes, whiffletfees and pther articles too numerous to mention Household Furniture.— Cradle, ex- tension table glass cupboard, , abinet 6 kitchen chairs, sofa, 2 oak bedsteads Favorite churn, washing machine few pictures, sewing machine, 2 wash stands, stove pipes, 2 doz. sealers; mail box, coal ail stave, Terms—$.10 and under cash, ever that amount 7 months credit an ap- p:rov d joint notes, or 4 per ceatper an,ium ort fox cash ier lieu of notes; Posi:,vtiy no reserve as the Propri- etor 1 quatrag farming. ED. SHORT, Proprietor . FRANK TAYLOR, ;duct. ALONZO HODGINS, Clerk GRAND BEND The Grand Bend Red Cross Ci.cle shipped their February bale to Hyman Hall, London. on March 3rd t -S0 day shirts; 14 sheets; 24 pillow slips; 9S towels; 45 pairs socks. In The Spring Auction Sale OF FARM, FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS There will be sold by Public Auc- tion, on Lot 19, Can. 1, Stephen, ;f mile Soutb of Exeter, on TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1917 At 12 o'clock sharp, the fathering property, viz:— Horses—Team ;good working mares, 7 years old; ,General Purpose mare 9 yearn old; snatched team of fillies rising 2 years old, seed by Storm King; gelding risible 1 Aar. Cattle—Cow 'due in May; 2 rows supposed to be in calf; 3 choice milk- ing cows; 7 choice 2-year-oldsteers ranging from 1000 to 1100 lbs.; 15 calves 1 year old. Pigs -7 store pigs; 140 lbs. 35 young hens. Implements—Massey-Ffarris binder 6 ft cut, new; ,McCormick mower, 5 ft. cut, new; manure spreader in good working order •; seed drill, 12 hoes; land roller. set diamond harrows, hay rake, Cockshutt two -furrow .riding. plow. nearly new; walking plow, scuf- fler 2 wagons, Wagon box, `'- gravel box bay rake, pig rack, Chatham Fannin.: rniir, 600 lbs. weigh scales, grindstone. cutter, buggy, McCormick cultivator. 2 laders, 1 extension, pump trough, 3 doz. grain bags, De Laval creart separator, No. 15, new;, two logging chains, sleighs and bunks, 2 lagging :chains; 2 set doulsletrees, pair neckyokes 100 feet aopte, car and slings, hay foal 2 •set double harness ser single harness, horse blanket and rob a 2 wheelbarrows, 2 scoop shovels 2 an iag,e forks, barley fork and oth- er a- i.le. too numerous to mention,. A =o a quantity of chocce pine and bees ood lumber; some choiceoedar en .or post rails and a number of pos_s , a cuantity of hay, roots and ;ee:d oats; a number of pieces of household furniture, and a Studebaker five -passenger ear in. good running order. There will also be offered or sale a'. the sande time and place the above named lot containing 96 acres, more or less, There is on the premises a good brick house, 3 ,bank barns, with all modern •equippment; drive shed silo, good orchard, 3 wells, 2 wind mills The land is all well drained andfenced, and is positively '>ne of the best farms in the County of Huron Terms -Real estate—made known en day of sale; Chattels -All sums of $10 and under cash; over that amount 10 months' credit by furnishing approved joint notes. 4 per cent, off for cash. Positively everything will be sold without reserve. SWEET BROS. C. W. ROBINSON Proprietors Auctioneer, Now is the time to bring to your aid Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery (in tablet or liquid form). This won- derful remedy helps to restore stomach to its natural health and. strength and to secure proper flow of the digestive. juices, a good appetite •and full diges- tion of the food you eat. It invigor- ates the liver, regulates the bowels and purifies and enriches the blood. Dr. Pierce's. Golden Medical Dia- covery is absolutely free from alcohol. and injurious drugs. Its ingredients, printed on wrapper. •You can be eer- tain it is a true blood -maker, tissue - builder,' and a restorative nerve tonic and that it will produce no evil after- effect. Thousands—probably many of your neighbors—are willing to 'recom- mend the "Discovery" because it has made them stronger in body, brain, nerve. Buy it hs liquid�or tablets; or send Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., ten cents for trial package. A MOTHER'S ADVICE. Prince Rupert, B. C.—"I take•. great pleasure in announcing to you my heart- felt thanks forEthe benefit our boy Ar- thur, aged seven, has derived: from your medicine 'Golden Medical Discovery.' He is a different boy al- together after tak ing five bottles. His' tongue used to be coated and his stomach and bowels ` '. a vf1\ ', always out of order, but Dr. Pierce's Golden d.V4edical Discovery baa cured him, We will recommend your medicine to when:lever". we Can tie we think there is none better," ---Man Orro NELSON, 836 2d Ave.,. __ 1 Auction Sale Farm Stock, Implements, Grain, Clo- ver aricl 'Timothy Seed and 1 -lay, on Lot 21, N,E,B Usborne, an Tuesday, March 20th at one o'clock slurp,-. Horses 1 mare, 6 -year-old, sired by Golden Ley, agrie. ; 1 gelding, 4 -year- old, sired by Ting Thomas, agtic,;. 1 agric., gelding; 1 driving horse, quiet and ;reliable. .Cattle—Z caws with calves at loot; 3 cows cluo time of sale; 3 cows due in April; 2 cobs=s due in May; 5 heat- ers and steers 2 -yr -old; 6 heifers and steers :l, -yr -old,; 1 calf 4 -mos. -old; 1. pure bred Polled Angus Bull Hogs and Paultryi-1, saw riue in May, 100 pullets, Implements—Binder, mower, steel. rake. 13 disc drill, Cultivator, disc, cern planter, corn• cultivator, 4 sec; harrows, stoneboat, scuffler, 3 drum steel roller 2 -furrow Maple Leaf plow, 2 walking plows, top buggy, open buggy, cutter, 3-4 new Baiii wngen, truck wagon, high wagon, 2000 lb, scales,'Crinton fanning mill, pulper, sleighs, wagon. box, hay rack, wheel- barrows, new set double harness, work harness i set 'single harness, one new; hayeloader, hay fork, gravel box, ex- tension ladder, manure spreader, road cart Meta w�agan, Daisy churn, round g a a water tank water trough, 30 ar in bag �u s sling ropes, forks, shovels, chains, tc. A quantity of oak plank, 30 corner cedar posts, quantity hem- lock lumber, 50 bushels seed wheat 40 bus. old oats, fit' for seed; 100 bus seed oats, seed barley, clover seed,'timothy seed, quantity of mix- ed hay some ensilage, new r)eLsval cream separator, etc. Terms ,510 and under cash, -over that amount 12 months' coedit on fur- nishing approved joint notes. 4 per cent. off for •cashon credit amounts No outside stock allowed at • this sale, Positcvely no •reservq as the pro- prietor has rented his farm: and is going to the coast for his health. John Boltoa, T. Camel -an, Proprietor Auctioneer D. Woods, Clerk. For Prices and terms of sale of the following brands apply:— MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT Natrona] Breweries limited Room 74 36 Chaboillez Square. MONTREAL. INDIA PALE ALE CROWN STOUT PALE BITTER ALE DOUBLE STOUT MALT EXTRACT awes EXTRA INDIA PALE ALE LACK HORSE ALE EXTRA STOUT BLACK HORSE PORTER Lalli* r—KINGSBEERCLUB SPECIAL HOMEBREW INDIA PALE ALE PORTER BOHEAVAN LAGER The above goods are all full strength and are supplied to coesumers direct from the Brewery ONLY in localities where no licensed traders taaide.- Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTSm will l b.e sold by Public Auc- tion on Lot 10, Concession 6, Bla.n- shard, on TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 1917 At 12 o'clock sharp, the following :- Horses—Matched s-oan'team (Carbiu- eers) (Mare in foal, nine years ol:'i gelding 8 years; gelding rising 3 years Agricultural; <gelding rising 2 years, Agricultural; driving, mare- 7 years old Quiet and reliable; gelding rising 3 sired by Eel; colt, sired, by Red Mc- Kenny J Thompson, driver. Durham Cattle -4 cows, freshened; 5 cows due in April; 2 cows, due in May: 3 two-year-old heifers; 3 two- year-old steers; 9 calves, one a Dur- ban) .bull calf, 5 months old. Sheep -2 Shearling ewes in lamb. Hogs -Yorkshire sow, thoroughbred due to farrow at time of sale; young Yorkshire sow,. thoroughbred, due in June; Tamworth sow, due ,in May; 4 sows 5 months sold, ' Yorkshire. Collie Dog. Poultry -5 ducks; 90 Barred Rock pullets_ Implements Massey -Harris binder Deering mower, Maxwell hay rake; tedder Bissel disc harrow, Peter Hamilton 13 -hoe drill, new; Maxwell scuffler 2 Fleury plows, No. 21; Wil- kinson ,plow, No. 7; two -furrow gang Frost & Wood; four -section iron har- row. set bobsleighs, wagon with box and spring seat, set farm trucka,with box hay Tack, pig rack,.2 sets double harness set single 'harness, new; top buggy, Campbell; McCarty cutter, De Laval cream separator, 2 root pulpers THKcFCO1\4MERCE' SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V,O,,, LL.D., D,C.L„ President CAPITAL PAID LIP, $15,000,000 JOHN AIRD, General Manager H. V, F. JONES, Ass't, Gen'1, Manager RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 It is IMPERATIVE that EVERY PERSON IN CANADA should WORK HARD WASTE E NOS. ING Iry SPEND LITTLE SAVE MUCH 3 Interest allowed at 3% per annum on Savings Deposits of $1 and upwards at any branch of the Bank. EXETER BRANCH -A, E. Kuhn, Mgr. CREDITON—S,',M. Johnston Mgr INCORPORATED 1855 NS BANK Capital St Reserve $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted cular Letters of Credit Bank Money Orders SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed at highest current rats EXETER BRANCH— W D. CLAB E, Manager. 1 siM.it06N11711110/1114 hay fork and slings, 17 5ft, hay fork rope, new; robe, rug, 34 ft. extension ladder cross-eut saw-, 400 lbs. but- ter salt. 700 tile, 3, 4 and; 5 inch; 1,2- 00 lbs. scales; 2 00 lb. scales, fanning mill, and bagger, 2 logging chains, wheelbarrow, 2 oak barrels, brace and bits, 40 gallon coal all tank, forks, shovels, hoes and other articles too numerous to mention, Hay and Grain -30 tons timothy and clover hay, 50 bushels seed oats, A- bundance; 50 bushels seed oats, Lib- erty; 100 bushels seed barley, O. A. C., No. 21; 25 bags potatoes, Dele wase. Household Furniture—Parlor suite, 5 pieces; parlor table, 'parlor stove, 2 pair lace curtains and poles, parlor lamp wool carpet, .bedroom carpet, bedroom suite, springs and mattress, 3 beds with springsand mattresses, toilet set Japanese matting, sewing machine sideboard, 9 kitchen chairs, 2 rockers. hanging lamp, 2 extension tables, Happy Thought -range, wash- ing machine with wringers, cream can and other dairy 1st -mails, churn, but- ter ,bowl and ladle, Grand Jewell cook stove, 20 jars fruit, 50 quart gems, dozen, plates, dozen cups and saucers. Terms-Alisums of $5, and under, cash; over that amount 11 months credit on furnishing approved joint notes, of a discount of 5 per cent. for cash, BROWN & DOUPE, Auctioneers BENJAMIN ALLEN, Proprietor. C W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth. Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty: Office at Cockshutt Warerooms, next door to Centra; Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Charges moderate and satisfaction is guaranteed. DR. DeVAN''S,FRENCH PILLS R insisting Pill'for Women. $5 a' box or tbreefor or mailed to af2y $10. Sold rcteil tef grlce.,,Txs SCOaELL Daua Co., St. Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. Restates Vim and, ' ttality;for Nerve 'and Brain; increases "grey matter" ; a Tonic -will build you up. $3 a box, or two for $5 at drug stores, or by,.mats on receipt of price; -Tas ScoBELr, Dano Co., St. Catharines. Ontario. COLLEGE ONTARIO'S' BEST BUSINESS GENITAL•: 2�/J n.�/9•r t'/1 STRATFORD. ONT.r,--/ Students may enter our classes at any time. Commence your course now and be qualified for a position by Heide r. D,igJuly and Aug- ust of last year we jng received t a11s €og over 200 office assistants we could not supply. Owr graduates are in demand. Write at once for free cat- alogue. D. A. McLachlan,Principal She's a Winner $910 The new Gray. Dort has swept the counts'y. After a winter in, the hands of some ,of the most experienced of Canadian motorists, she ]las an enthusiastic army of followers. She's THERE -there with the speed the power, the comfort. She's e,canomical 'too. She goes over •hills ' like a bird—she pulls through sand and mud like a 'bull. She's as easy to ride in as Is forgas and tires: are. easyonyour mind. a palace steamer. And her ail vn . "The Quality Goes Clear Through" She's a winner from the drop of the ba[, , Every Requirement Met Arc3 ou in a hurry? Right under your foot in the Gray, -Dort is more speed than you'll care to use. Are you touri ne 'T a thousand miles?, he extra long springs and deep -cushioned upholstery will bring you through Fresh as a daisy -without fatigue. And p -o -vv -c -r. Etienne Planche built the Pugoot, Then he built the Gray Dort, And PIanche says the Gray -Dort is the jgreatest motor he ever saw; We might mentions in passing that there is an infinitesimal amount of looking after with the, Gray -Dort. She's trouble -proof. And she is complete, Nor: her equipment— everything from Westinghouse starting and light 414 system ta. the tools. SEE IHE CAR NOW AT PHONE 7 Huron Garage, Exeter T. H NEWELL, EXETER, DISTRIBUTOR. p,' CALL FOR DEMONSTRATIOl+r THE GRAY-DORT MOTORS, 1.1MIITTE1), cHATI-IAM, ONTARIO,