The Exeter Advocate, 1916-6-22, Page 8EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat ,.. 95 Barley • 55 Buckwheat 85 to 90 Oats Peas .. ,95 to 1 00 Potatoes per bag . , 2.00 tolus 8 00 My, too ... Flour +per cwt, farily Flour, low grade, ;per cwt, Shorts per ton ............... . Bram aper ton ., .... Eggs ....., Butter Creamery Butter Hoge. %per cwt. 3 1 7`5 20.00' 26 oe 23 25 32 10 00 1 ne C-e.liton Milling Co. has 1pur- ehaseJ the ergine owned by ",fr, Chrii. Zuefle, which has been doing service in the ,power house here. This is an i:xceilent +engine. FARMERS' PROSPECTS.—In many 1.yistricts are not good, with excess- ive rains preventing seeding, etc, You corn +earn good wages in various man- ufacturina trades—all branches — for young men and men. Help out fin- eaces at home. Help supply our sol- diers with necessary clothing, war munitions, etc.Employment for whole families workers over 14 years old. Write Secretary Board of Trade Hespeler Ont --a-- STRAWBERRY —n---STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL. — A Strawberry Festival will be held un- der the auspices of the Ladies Guild ot Trivitt Memorial Church oa the church lawn. Friday evening, June 30t11. Exeter orchestra will furnish music. Admission 25c. BRACELET FOUND—In Exeter a Fri.tidshap Bracelet, Owner can have same by ,calling at this office end spaying for this notice. DECORATION DAY DAY The Oddfellows of Exeter Lodge No. 67, are requested to meet at the. Exeter 'Cemetery on Sunday, June 2S, at 3 o'clock p.m. for the purpose o£ ;decorating the graves of departed lieetbreas, R. N. Creech, Sec, Exeter members will meet at Lodge Room at 2 o'clock, PONY OUTFIT FOR SALE.— hi - 'eluding +pony, buggy and harness, for sale cheap. Apply at this office SWAT THE FLY Swatters 5c. and 1Oc. Wire, Fly Traps 15c. 'Paaglefoot 5 for 10c. Get YQPOWELL See , The Home of Edison Phonographs FRAME BARN FOR SALE. --40:s 60-20 ft, siding; in . first-class condi- tiost. Good bargain. for quick sale. Situated •1% miles from Exeter. Apply to Nelson Stanlake, Exeter. FLOWERS FOR SALE,—All kinds of Flowers, such as Geraniums, Fol- iage Canna etc., etc, also hanging bas gets and stands furnished and filled. Call or phone your orders, JOHN FORD, Exeter Cemetery. FOR SALE.—A cement tile plant complete art every part. Unlimited supply of gravel. Close to river. Ar - ply on premises, Lot 30, Con. 5,13s - borne. Mrs., S. Cudmore, Hensall, Ont. TIRE AND RIM LOST.—Between Hi lsgreen and Exeter, by way of Kippen and •Chiselhurst, a 32x33; inch automobile Dominion tire. Finder will ba suitably rewardedwarded by phoning or communicating with G. T. DOW Exeter. --o-- WAN rED—Girl about 14 or 15, to hells with young children; references and s eep at home; apply between 9 and 1 a. me, to tiirs. Trumper, rectory, Exeter, H. Bierliages, Exeter North, is the sight place for fresh gro. eries. Try phony 1n7. Goods delivered, BXRrER ADVUE5ATE, TUURKM" 'TINE 2Z .1.MB. 'lit LLOCAIi DQTNfxQ 1' owookaltkonexacaetazaraekefileilkseal Save money by reading the adver- tisements. ts. Send your news to The Advocat,e and send 6t early Highest cash price for Eggs at H. Beiriing's, Exeter North. Mr. T. Newell delivered a Saxon Six to Mr. Chas. Reid of Brucefield this week. Marjory, the little daughter of hir, and Mrs. Bert 'Clark, is now recov- ering nicely, Mr W. G. Medd of Winchelsea has purchased a •C1iizton auto truck fox arawing ,cream. The salary of the keeper ;of . the House of Refuge, Mr. Brown;was rai- sed from $400 to 1600, and, the Matron Mrs. Brown, from $300 to .400 Tbe High School Entrance Examin- ations commenced on. Wednesday of this week, finishing on Friday after - awn. Nineteen scholars from „'hiss Vosper's loomare writing. \1r, N. D..1-1 ,rdon, had a sale of his household etfects on Saturday and intends spending the summer at Port Freaks with his son George< He will return to Exeter for the winter. The Huron Old Boys of Toronto have very kindly forwarded to the colonel of the 161st $175, which is very much appreciated by the offic ers and the men of the battalion.. The news was received with pleas- ure, last week tiwhen it became known that Private Maxwell Baynham of Cen- tralia, mho 'has been a prisoner in Germany for many months, is one of the 600 'to be exchanged, He is now ha Su itaerland, Hear the great Lecture and see 200 Views in the Opera House ' On Friday night "On the Firing Line with the French, British and Caned - inn armies" by \fans. G. 14farcel Andre of Parcel, under auspices of Ladies' Patriotic League. Rev.W.. G, ,ii. McAlister's sermon on Sunday evening, oa "Be a, afOod soldier of Jesus Christ" ,was a alas. terly. effort, his comparison of the great Kitchener, a soldier of Kin;,,' George. to a good soldier of Christ was well and pleasingly done. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Verity, Brant- ford announce the engagement of their eldest daughter. Edna Pickard, to Lieut. Wilton Wallace Hitchon, the eldest son. of Mr, and Mrs, C. B. l'Iitchon, Brantford, Ont. The marriage will take place early in July. 400 THOtSAND PLANTS for SALE —Geranium, Fuchsia, Ferns, Asters. Stocks Verbena, Double and Single Petunx Salvia, Ageratum, Pans y Vince f)racena, Dusty Miller, Double and Sing e Gobelia, Canna, Foliage, Silve- Leaf, six kinds of Tomatoes, Celery Cabbage; Hanging Baskets. L. DAY, Florist. WOMAN WANTED,—At the Cen- tral Hotel. Exeter, a woman to work two days a week. BUGGIES AT COST.—A whole car oad of McLaughlin. and Brock- ville bu rgies to be sold at cost price. Every buggy must go sure. I handl(. all kinds of McCormick Farm Mach ,n?.ry and repairs foe same; also will have in stock a large number of other mikes of second-hand machin- ery for sale. Repairin on all kinds of farm machinery promptly attended to, espe.:ially Massey -Harris machin- ery. SAMUEL BEAVER, Exeter. —x—o—x- NEW DISTRICT DEPUTY. — At" the District Meeting of the I. O. O. F. •held in Brucefield on Wednesday: last Past Grand Thomas Boyle of Ex- eter Lodge was elected District De- puty Grand Master of this District. Tom is the ;eight mon for the work and will do the positioa credit. JUNE WEDDING.—Caven G.—Caven Presby- terian Church, Exeter, was the scene of a pretty wedding of interest on Tuesday June 20th, at high noon, when 'Miss Vela Ada Etheline 'Camp- bell was united in marriage to Dr, George Edward Jurben Lannin, of Hamilton, Ontario,. The church was artistically decorated with snow balls, margerites and ferns, and the cere- mony was conducted by the Rev. Samuel F. Sbasp B. A., pastor of the, church, assisted by Ker. C. Flet- cher. Mr. Phillips played the t, ed - ding music throughout the service and while the register was being signed a solo waseffectively rendered by Miss Kinsman. The bride looked charming in a gown en -train of soft white. faille, with embroidery of srl- ver lace and earls. Her veil of tulle was arranged with a coronet caught up with orange blossoms and she car- ried a 'bouquet ot white roses and as- paragus fern. Her cousin, Miss Irene Roblin, of Hamilton, as bridesmaid, looked very pretty ta a hand embroi- dered gown of blue crepe de chene, over tpiak with a picture hat to match and her bouquet was of pink roses. Little Vera Ramsay,niece of the bride was flower -girl in a pretty frock of white silk, The ushers were two girl friends of the bride, Miss Dow and Miss Gillies. Mr. Frank O. Har- rison of the Standard Bank of To- ronto, anold friend of the groom, was hest man. Fotjotving the cere- mony a reception was held at the res- idence of the bride's mother, who was wearing black charmeuse with a cor- sage of mauve Sweet Peas. The, bride's table was decorated with pink and white carnations and roses, and lilies of the valley, and a dainty lun- cheon was served. After the usual speeches and toasts Dr. and hir's. tannin left for their hosieymooa trip of about three weeks through the west. The bride travelled in a smart tailored blue suit with a hat toinatch. On. their return Dr. and Mrs, .Lannin will take up their residence at 150 James Street South, Hamilton. The young couple have ,the best wishes of their friends in Exeter and vicinity. Guests were present from Hamilton, Clinton and many places in the vicin- ity oaf Exeter. HICKS' FORECAST FOR JUNE. -- A regular storm period is central on the 27th, reaching from the •25th to the 30th. Expect fallingbarometer anti increasing cloudiness as early as tire 25th especially in western parts of •the country. During the succeed- ing days these ,conditions, added to a most decided increase of tempera- ture, will move ;pragres"sively eastward resulting iii storms of rain, wind and thunder. •On and touching_ Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the .27th to the 30th, the storrms 'of this period Will reach, a crisis; a day or two earlier or later, in proportion as localities and sections lie east or west of each other. The cessation of, storms and threatening conditions -the barometer will snot rise, •and winds wil not -shift to westerly and the teniper•- atuse not fall decidedly until the Moon passes its conjunction with the sun and earth on the 30th. The mer- curd • influence will extend up to a -- bout; hie 10th of July, increasing the te,n:lei-tcy to prolong 'clo•udiness and PURE essence of fine soap in flakes --,and most economical of all washing preparations -- dissolves readily in hot ora -ter, forming a smooth, erp -like lather that can-. net p�ttrretbetiimiest fabrics or the daintjesthands. LUX Preserves the original sof t- ness and fleeciness of all ovoollengarments. TryLUX. At all grocers 10c 16 It 1 if Made in Caniitda by Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto Clifford Mallett tivas in London this week: Mrs. F. :1wlay ss visiting in Mitchell this week„ £r, Harry Puke of Parkhill was home -aver Sunday. Mr. T. E Handford of Ingersoll was here this week, Mr. +George Willis of London was in town over Sunday, Pte. Rus. Southcott was home from Toronto over Sunday. Mrs. Piper ,visited her Baugh ter, Mrs. Gale during the week. Oliver 'Davis of the Molsons Bank, Zurich, was home over Sunday. Miss Stella Gregory of Chatham Collegiate is home for the vacation. Dr. and Mrs. Ramsay and children of Hamilton are, visiting with relat- ives here, .After a holiday Afr. J. A. McDon- ald has returned to his duties in the Bank of Commerce„ Rev. G, W. Sanders of Brantford paid a short visit with relatives here the :latter part of last week. Mrs. ,Fred, Rickbeil and two chil- dren of Clando, N. Di„ are visiting at the. home .of the former's parents, Mr and Mrs. 'S Hardy. 11r, and Mrs. +Chas Livingstone and daughter of Stratford spent Sunday with Mrs. Livingstone's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hawkshaw. Mrs. Wm. Wilson and little daugh- ter returned to their home in Petrolea Thursday, after a visit here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C TL Harney. His manyold friends in Exeter were pleased to shake hands with Rev. ;D. W. Collins of Windsor, who spent rriday in town, after attending the Synod meeting in London. 40(, "1—)NS SALT -400 tons of line Land an '. .Cattle Salt for sale. All. grade, $1.50 per ton; 50c. per bag. LAE rER SALT WORKS Co., Ltd j Sutton, Manager., x—o—x— SALT FOR SALE.—An excellent quart; of Sarnia made salt for sale at Old Temperance House, at the G T R station. Sold in any quant- ity. Your patronage is solicited" and• satisfaction is guaranteed. — ED. MAGUIRE Exeter. SOUTH HURON • FARMERS' IN- STITUTE The final annual meeting of the Farmers' Institute of South Huron will be held in the Town Hail, Exeter on Thursday, June. 22nd, at 2 p,nn„ for receiving reports, and transferring the ;,' o',_s to the Board of Agr-i;cult-• ii,e nd other business; alter which the cr•raniiation of the Board of: Ag riculture far South Huron will be held and p-•':aniratioan completed. Alex, Euc hainan A. H. Daupe 1 'promise of.adea_uate rainfalls genet•• i i igtonieforce. Free from harmful drugs, Pres: Sec. ally. fcott a basolre, Toronto. Ont. It is how strawberry time. It will be gratifying news to many that Dr. Rollins, assistant superinten- dent of the .Mimics. Hospital for the Insane, Who who some weeks ago un- derwent a critical operation thatt threatened his life, has sufficienty im- proved as to look after the office du- ties of that institution, From nearly 20;3 ,pounds his weight was reduced to that of 120, 'but he is nota*. about 140. Under the auspices of the Ladies Patriotic League Mons. G. Marcel Andre of Paris, France, will give his wonderful Lecture "On the Firing Line with .the French, British and Canadian Armies" in the Opera House Exeter on Friday evening, June 23rd. 200 actual war scenes will be shown including ith;e Canadian Troops in ac- tion. Also Exeter Orchestra and local soloists; Admission. 50c. and. 25c,. BOWLING MATCH.—Six rinks of bowlers enjoyed a President vs. Past President game on Monday evening, the farmer side winning by five shots. The result,— Past President President F. lily F.. Delbridge 3. L Burwell R. N. Rowe W.D.Clarke, sk. 22 R.G.Seldony sk..14 N, Sheere W Rivers T. Bayle J. A McDonald W. Taman, skip 12 R. N. Creech,.sk20 'Sal%. Puke ,. a N. 3. Dore T. WhlliMatyt J. A ..Stewart, sk. 12 C., B. Snell, sk.17 46 51 The President' and Vice President will play their match on Friday night owing to therain making it imposs- ible to play last Friday evening. Some: of the Exeter Bowlers are im Landon (playing in, the. Thistle Scotch 'Doubles,. Two of our pairs got in the, money in these events last year, but they :hardly. expect to re- peat, as the best Seatch Double bowl- ers in Canada ;take apart. WHY YOU ARE NERVOUS JONE.S.& :MAY PHONE NO, 32 Clearing Sale of SUMMER MILLINERY We. commence this week a Special Clearing Sale of Summer Millinery WE HAVE AN EXCEPTIONrALLY FINE STOCK OF TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED .HATS, MANY OF THESE WE DFER AT i X- ACTLY,KALF - PRICE. New Sport Sweater Coats for Ladies WE i•IAVE JUST .ECEIVIsD A SHIPMENT OF NEW OUTING SWEATER COATS FOR. THE HOLIDAY TRADE, IN THE NEWEST SPORT STYLES, 'COMPRISING CHECKS, PLAIN COLORS, ° ETC. ItJT THE THING FOR 'VUR VACATION, New Summer press Goods Our Stock of Wash Dress Fabrics far the coming season is by far thefinest we have ever offered. We are handling the celebrated Burtou fabrics, direct from New 'York, includi1ig Holly Batistes, ReceLption, les, Etc. The desigins and colorings are .very daI't'kt), and the prices mod- arate. We have a complete stock of Ladies' and Misses }louse and Street Dresses; separate skirts, undergarments, summer 'hosiery, etc. Men's Suits at $12, $18, $15 Never did Fe have a finer selection and at net one cent in price higher than 'they ever ward, Fine Brown, and Grey Worsteds or Tweeds -.every one a Sovereign Brand Suit. We 'bought early and can sell you a fine. all -wool suit at less than present wholesale prices, We have an extra fine selection of Navy Blue Suits, .Also a fisi range of Young Men's at its, least sizes S33, 34, 35 with long pants to 'sell at $10. Everyone Boys' :lathing Please atzote that if you have 10 gay a long pride, for your Boy's Fall Suits it will not be: our faulty a s we have a great Big Selection now at old prices -$5.00 ro $8.50. These will not last long at thea rate they are going, so 'come while the prices are LOW,. OUR. ($) DOLLAR SALE OF MEN'S FINE STRAW RATS STILL CONTINUES. VIEWS OVERALLS AND SMOCKS AT .THE OLD PRICE $1 .25 WHICH IS LESS THAN THE PRESENT WHOLESALE PRICi. Men's Fancy Bummer Vests 2 Doz, 1 ets's Fancy Summer Vests to clear at from 75 Cents up JONES & MAY Headquarters for the celebrated W.E. Sanfolia Clothing j Rev,' Nichol occupied the Cavan pulpit on Sunday, in the, absence of Rev. Sharp, who preached inSeal orth.s ni A boy of 13 years of age was kial- led climbing a hydro poke at Niagara Falls He was leloctrocuted. Boys be-. ty re. a ■ 4 Nes, Sunday evening Rev, W. G. H. ;McAlister will preach his farewell sermon in Panes Street Methodist j1• church after four years in Exeter. He l !1 � , tyith, Mrs, McAlister, goes to Ridge- . - Upon the recommendation of the Minister of Public Works and High- ways, an order -in -council has been passed prohibiting the hunting, taking or killing of quail, Hungarian partridge and pheasants of arty kindwhatever for a period of two years from rom Oct- ober ..4th, 1916 .--- FARM FOR SALE A choice farm .+>f 100 acres, excel- lent for pasture, for sale; possession next spring. Apn19 at this office. Seri REMOVING THE CAUSE. Chiropractors have remarkable suc- oess in removing the cause of Appen- dicitis, Deafness, +Asthma, Rheuinat- isni. Lumbago, Lame Back, Constipa- tion Piles Female Diseases, Stomach and Kidney Troubles, Nervous Pros- tration arid Goiter. See Dr. S. M. Jones,'vioridays, Wednesdays and Fri- days ; Office Mrs. S. A. Harness' Ex- eter. fours 10 to 4. Examination Free, The nervous system is the alarm system of the human body. In perfect health we hardly realize that we have a network of, nerves, but when health is ebbing, when strength is declin- ing, the same nervous system Ives the alarm in headaches, tiredness, reaniful sleep, irritability and unless eortetted•, leads straight to a breakdown. To correct nervousness, Stotts I mul sion is exactly what you should take;' its rich nutriment gets into the blood and rich blood feeds the tiny ±verve -cells while the whole system responds to its refresh - PLAIN TAILORED AND FITTED MODELS SHOWING NEW FEA TURES IN SLEEVES WITH FINE RIPPLE SKIRTS Spring Fashions are arriving and. combine in Fabric and Style a unique and interesting collection, meeting the requirements for street wear and travel. It is unusual to present so early in the season so great a variety, but styles were. determined early, and the most favored shown, The present time is most advantag- eous for buying as all indications point tor higher prices in the future. N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS' TAILOR MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED C H Sanders at the Advocate Of - Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central b• fice Strictly confidential; no witness t . • Hotel. lb% MARRIAGE LIOENSES ISSUED C H Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice Strictly confidential; no witness. xeter Bargain Store Summer Goods Ladies' Black Catton'), Ivo§e— 10c.aoak; 2 psirs for 25e. Children's Tan. 'Hose — 2 pairs tot 25c Ladies' Summer Vests - 10c. to 25c. each. Ivlen,',s Balbriggan Underwear — 40c, a ga.rmett. We have just passed into stock a good buy of. Hosiery, Gloves, Sox, 'rowels, Underwear, Collars, sell at Wholesale cost. Come .early and get yyoue SHOES -All' the leading shapes and our prices` 15c a air travellers' samples of Etc„ which we will choice, are right. B. W. F. Beavers Choice Furniture B. N. ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER Phone 20a. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- t3 ang in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality, will cotivin- C8. Produce taken . in exchange Jas. Gould Opposite Electric light Plant Fresh Meats Cured Meats Always on Hand. Fred Robinson Butches' Phone 103