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The Exeter Advocate, 1916-6-22, Page 5
LEGAL DICIfSON & CARLIVG, BARRISTR.RS, Seisehocs, Notaries Conveyancers, Com- mtssironers. Solicitors for the Mahlon'. Bank. etc. Honey to Loan at lowest rates of Interest Offices—Madn-St„ Exeter 1, R. Carling, B,A. L. H. Dickson MONEY TO LOAN Wa have a large amouiat of pt'lyate funds to loan on 'tarnn and village prop- erties at low rates or interest, GLAOMAN & STANBURT ©aaristers, Solicitors. Exeter. DENTAL. Or. G. Ir. ROULSTON. L.D.S„ D.D.S, DENTIST Member of the R.C.D.S. of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto Univeretty. Office—Over Dickson & Carling's law office. Closed Wedneaday afternoons. DENTIST OR. A If. KINSMAN. L.D.S., Honor Graduate of Toronto Universft7 eetr extracted without pain, or any oad affects. Qif:ce over Gladnran & Stanoury's Office, Main Street, Exeter. C W. ROBINSON LICENSAD AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR It for Counties of Huron Perth Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Warerooms, next door to Centra; Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Charges moderate and satisfaction is ,guaranteed WESTS LAND REGULATIONS.H The, sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may ilome- stead a quarter -section. of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatch- ewan or Alberta, Applicant must ap- pear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the Dis- trict, Entry by !proxy may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency (but not Sub -Agency), on certain condi- tions. Duties—Six months residence upon ands cultivation. of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live withixt nine miles of his homestead on a farm .of at least 80 acres, oni cer- tain conditions. A habitable house is required except where residence -is performed in the vicinity. Iii certain districts a homesteader in .gooc standing may pre-empt a quar- ter -section alongside his homestead. Pricer 53,00 an acre. Duties—Six rnontlls residence in .each of three years after earning home Itcad patent; also 50 acres extra cul- ,obtaitatd asr soonpasohomestcad aatent lso 5e. ,on ,aertaiat conditions. A ,settler who has exhausted his homestead tight may take a ,purchas- ed homestead irs certain districts. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties—Must re- side six months in each of the three years, cultivate 50 acres and erect, a house worth 5300. The. area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rough, scrub- by or stony land. Live stock may be .substituted for cultivation under cer- tain conditions. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the j.Vlinister of the lnterier N.B.-IUnauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid ;;or. -643S8. A Christian college -home, healthful situation. Forpmspectusandtermsmrite the Principal R. I. Warner.M.A.,D.D.,St.Thomas,O t. 63 CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. 'YOU CAN SECURE A. POSITION If you take a course with us. The ;demand upon us for trained help is ,many times the number graduating. Students are entering each week. You ,may enter at any time. Write at once for our free catalogue of Com- ,mercial, Shorthand or Telegraphy De- partments. D. A. McLachlan. Principal DR. DeVAN!: •NCH P1 reline ati4 Villier � g '� a$ a box Q� � Or $le eogid Iat a� A Wes m or e r .ILdc1rearo eeil} a..l.raa acoBliL1;WItuG GO $tttditi ibi:,0r1 .PHOSFIIOpL FOR MEN. Vim�and RestFores '14ttaltty;for ,erand. increases' grey 'matter a•Taiiie `tv.Ill bifid ou np •��. a box; or +two for $.i, at drug et. ,,, or bp'tnailt'on receipt of price.- Tse 11CORELL Data Co., St Catharine. -Ontario. Auction Sale OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS There will be sold by public auc- tion, on !Main Street, (behind Martins' Piano Store) Exeter, on SATURDAY JUNE 24th, 1916, at one o'clock sharp the following property, all in excel- lent condition. Being the •entire be- longings this will be. the sale of the season. Piano (if not previously sold) 2 settees; 2 small chairs belonging to settees ; arnl chair, walnut chair, 3 small tables, umbrella stand, carpet sweeper. parlor rug, dining room table china cabinet, 5 dining room chairs, arm chair, large bureau, 'base burner, 3 beadsteads, 3 spring mattresses, bed mattress, stretcher, bureau, 2 wash- stands, toilet set, sideboard, 2 com- modes 4 carpets, linoleum, oilcloth, a number mats, a number pictures, clock screen door, washing machine 2 kitchen tables, 4 kitchen chairs, 2 locking chairs, cook stove, coal or wood; basket and comb case, lamps, crockery, garden rake, shovels, step ladder basket grip, stair carpet, seal- ers and a lot of other useful articles, stair carpet, Terms Cash. R. Phillips B. S. Phillips, Proprietors Auctioneer The 151st Baud all got a holiday over Sunday and were hoarse to var- ious parts of :Huron County, RANIITRUNK RAM' Are ..You Going West? The Grand Trunk Railway System, will run tiOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS E "ach Tuesday, Mar. 7th to Oct. .31 :inclusive. Tickets valid to return within two months. inclusive of date ;of- WINNIPEG AND RETURN $35.00 EDMOlv`TON AND 'RETURN $43,00 Proportionate low rates to other` ;poitnts in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Full ,particulars and tickets on ap- :plication to agents. j. I)OR,lr, Exeter auRtar ,Mr. F. C; Kallifieiscli visited vela- tives in, Detroit for a, few dtyys' last week. --Mr. and Mrs,S. narrow and ,children of Beeton visited at the. home of the latter's parents, Mr. and tMr$. J. E. Ricbbeil.--Mr. and lVirsi.1r . Hess, Sr., !hiss Celia, Hess and M&. A. F. Hess motored to Owen Sound How They Cure 1'i,essis , Qua. "I suffered from Kidney ouble for several yeals, and fri'd an remedies and doctors.' presc�i'tions vitOU momentrelief, my Case bola cliAp9. seeing about Gin Pills, f t n 7ije l known fact that uhip#, tboyt 11 A e cceflent for the Kidntys, 5 decide, Gin Pills. gave One single put Temt of I have now taken four boxes of Gin is and find myself c`omplettly eared-, more bad humor--ip tc ei I ht.„ --c eyes—fresh color—ruAt4 : •. , This is what Gin Pals....a . irI •' : &1'. . Yotir druggists setts- . ' t or she oxer s.5o. Win Nara or POIL BERT. ic. a box Jample to 1 Co. to. CAST() R IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of to attend the Hess—Watson nuptials, —Examinations in the Entrance and higher classes are 'being held in the schools.—Mr. Frank Bossenberry re- turned to his home in Berlin, after spending some time in Zurich and vicinity.—Vera and Liela Sibert took in the Greyhound excursion from, Gaderich to Detroit. -=Mr. Troyer of Toronto visited his grandmother, Mrs. Ortweinwho is iquite ill, --Mrs. J. Schnell, Mrs, Casper Weber and Mrs. Demuth visited relatives in Michigan for a few weeks." -Misses Freda Kalb- fleisch and Olive O'Brien, who at- tended Stratford Normal Sch.00l dur- ing the ,past term, are home kfor the holidays. --The home of Mr. and Mrs fi..Ew eat was cast into deepest gloom on Monday, June 12th, when the tut, gel of death called the spirit of their eight year old daughter, Jean. The little one had been ailing for some time and although all things ,possible were done for filer it was of no lxsail and she passed peacefully away dur•. the right. New Issue of the 1111111111111111111 Telephone Book. 4 Copy for the next Telephone Directory closes on the above date! 4 Order your telephone now, so that rt your name will be in the new issue! y Report changes required to our Local Manager to -dal. The Bell, Telephone Co. of Canada. Impossiule To 1: So uch Motor Car Value For The Money E WE FIND this is the attitude of many people who come into our salesroom— before they know anything about the Maxwell. Not until the Maxwell is shown and demon- strated to them—until they sit in it and examine the finish—until they ride in it—or perhaps not until they drive it themselves, do they realize what a tremendous value is offered in the Maxwell car. It is not unusual that Maxwell value should not be known to everyone, because it ,is uncom- mon to find such a car for a good margin more than the Maxwell price. The Maxwell stands absolutely alone in a highly competitive field, for the amount of value it offers for the price. Appearance—The lines of the Maxwell are decidedly attractive. There is no break in the contour from the radiator to the back of the car. The fenders are gracefully shaped. All metal partsare enameled or nickel -plated. The uphol- stery its deep and well -finished. From any angle kis a car that the owner can be proud of. Motor—The engine in the Maxwell car is not equalled by any other four -cylinder engine of its. size. And we know of larger and more expensive cars that have less able power plants. The Max.._ well engine carries its load through mud and sand or over the steepest grades without a falter. Quality—The materials in the Maxwell car are the best that can be bought and the workman- ship that turns them into finished parts is no less excellent. It is only the large production of the Maxwell factories that makes it possible to put such quality of materials and workmanship into a car selling at the Maxwell price. Economy — With its other attractive features, the Maxwell is a most economical car to own, Owners get 22 to 25 miles per Imperial gallon of gasoline and 8,000 to 12,000 miles per set of tires. And the car is so durably built that repair expense is negligible. We are sure you want a car such as we have described the Maxwell to be. If you will give us a few minutes of your time we are sure we can convince you that the Maxwell Car is an excep- tional value. Come in today. Touring Car $850 Roadster $830 F. O. B. WINDSOR, ONT. Completely Equipped W. E. OESTR,ICKER Agent and Dealer • A. W. MORLO CK, Mechanic Crediton, Ontario. �.t