The Exeter Advocate, 1916-5-11, Page 51 -..._ _-• -_ Children Cry for Fletcher's The Hind You Have Always ou ht, a'1 which has been. in use for over 30 years, has bort.o the signature of and has been made under his per. sonal supervision since its infancy, , Allow no ane to deceive you in this,, A11 Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good " are but Experiments that trifle with and exulanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare. goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance.. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it bas been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diaarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep, The Children's panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS In ise For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought .THR cgterAt"R =OM PAH.Y.HEW YOHK G"TV. LEGAL DIO ISRp it CARLING. BARRISTERS, Notaries. Conveyancers, Cotte nx! 111ers. Sollcitora For ti,4 maroons Bank. etc. Kotler toLoan at ioweat ratee or interest Offices—Main-St. EXP ter I, R. Carling, B.A. L. H. Dickson blONSIX TO LOAN We have a large emu* at p y hunch to loan on tar arta v�#1}ase ertteh2 at law rates c)`1 ii`'tt ea+t GLADMAkI &` STALating Itaarlreters, Solicitors. mreter. DFINTAL Dr. 0. F. ROULSTON, L.D,S,1 'D.D.S. DEINTIST itember of the R.C.D.S. o,i Ontario and Honor Oracuate of Toronto University. Ortice—Oyer Dickson & Carling's Isar office. Closed Wednesday afternoons. DENTIST OR. A R. KINSMAN, L.D.S.. D.D.B., Honor Graduate of Toronto University eeth extracted without pain, or any cad erects, Ottice over 41ttdman & Stanbury's Office, Madan Street. Exeter. ..`1, C ristian college -home, healthful situation. For prospectusand terms,write the Principal R.I. Warner, M.A..D.D., St. Thomas, OnCt. CENTRAL STRATFORD. oNT. YOU CAN SECURE A POSITION If you take a course with us. The demand upon us for trained help is meaty times the number graduating, Students are entering each week. You may enter at any time. Write at once for aur free catalogue of Com- mercial, Shorthand or Telegraphy De- partments. D. A. McLachlan, Principal DR. DeVAN'SFRENCH PILLStirkt gnlatin iiil'for V{romen, $5 a box or threpgor $1O.. Sold.pt all Drug Stores, or mailed to -any address a Zeiptof price_..THU ScoiiEu. Dais Co',, St. Cattkbarihes, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. tem and xitality;for Nerve"'and Brain; increases "grey matter ;a Tonic—willbuild you up. $s a box, or two for $5 at drug stores, or by mail on receipt of price,- THE ScoeStx. Daus Co., St, Catharines. Ontario. Are You Going West? STAFFA—Mrs. Jos. Spears is "do - tag nicely following her operation in Toronto Hospital, SYNOPSIS Oi' 0,e3.1;1ADI,AN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE sole head of a family, qr any =leaves 18 years old, may homestead a quarter -section of available Domin- ion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta The applicant must •appear in perso at the Dominion Lands Ag -1 ency of Sub -Agency for the Dis- trict Entry may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency (but not Sub -Agency) on certain conditions. Duties—Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader -nay live within nine miles of his homestead cn a faun of at least 80 acres, on certain conditions A habitable house is re- aui. ed in every, case, except when re_ sideace is performed in the vicinity. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Duties—Six months resi- dence in each of three Years after earning homestead patent; also 50 acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption patent may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, on certain condi- tions A settler who has exhausted his homestead right may take a purchas- ed homestead in certain districts. Price $3 per acre. Duties—Must re- side 6 months in each of 3 years, cu- itivate 50 acres, and erect a house arorth $300. The area of cultivation is ouhiect ro reduction in case of rough. scrub- by or stony land, Live stock may nr substitnrea For cultivation under cer- tain conditions. W. W. CORY, C.M.G. Deputy of the Minister at the tnterlo' N.B.—Unauthorized publics Von of hie advertisement will not be mid for, The Grand Trunk Railway System will run EIOMESEEKERS' .N,XCU1 SIONS E ach Tuesday, Mar, 7th to Oct. 31 inclusive:. Tickets valid to return within two months inclusive of date of sale W.•ilV•Iv'IPEG. AND RETURN $35.00 EDMONTON AND RETURN $43 00' Proportionate low rates to other 1 points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, Bull particulars 'and 'tickets on ap-: plication;,t7 agent N. J, DORE, Exeter (. USBORNE COUNCIL Councilmet at the Township Ha11,. May 6th. All the members were pres- ent. The minutes of the last meet- ing were read and approved. The Council was organized as a Court of Revisionto consider the appeal of S. lltilis; ,against assessments for Brock Creek Drain, on Lots 15 and ;16, south-east Boundary. Pauling to agree the court was adjourned to Monday, ,11av 8th at 4 o'clock,, at site of the drain, The Municipal Court of Rev- ision will be held at Elimville, on June 3rd, at 1 o'clock. The Clerk w instructed .as niter neve to advertise for tenders fort construction o he con ructr n of the Brock Creek Drain. Said tenders to be opened and if satisfactory the con- tract ,let on June 3rd, at 3 o'clock. A. few accounts were passed and or- ders issued in ,payment. Courtd1 ad.. lour/led "to meet June 3rd, at 1 o'clock. F. Morley, Clerk. HIBN€ALL --n---e.- Mrs, Smith attended the W, M S,.' Convention in London last week, --The Oddfeliows recently presented ten of their brethren, who had enlisted, with handsome signet rings.—..Three of ore business amen bought autos from Cook Bros. last week.—J. Warrenen of Sarnia visited his brother, N. It./ here last week.—Mrs. Eve of Montreal is visiting her ,parents, Mr, and Mrs. Geo Brooks,—Dr, and Mrs, Murdock and daughter of Rainy River are vis- iting at Wn Murdock's.—Mrs. John Shephard continues 'Very ill.--Mr.and Mrs Nesbitt, former residents, have returned ,hare from Toronto to re- side.—Private Geo: Jackson and Ross Dick bave 'been presented with wrist e atehes by ,their friends of the Lou- don Road, ZURICH A quiet wedding took place on Ap- ril Nth at Stratford, when Margaret C. only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vogt, was united in marriage to Mr. Herbert H, He wald, son of AI •, and Mrs. Jacob Howald of Zurich. The yourt4 couple were attended, -by Miss Olga Howald, sister of the groom and Mr. Albert E. Stralo.— Rev. G. F. Brown, who has been trans tarred to Elmira, held his fazewell� Secvices Sunday.—Rev. Mr. Rembe toe's charge of .the services in 'the,, Lutheran Church Sunday. It is ex- pected that he will 1:5e ordained next Sunday.—Misses Susan Smith and. Pearl tin :Co:rrack have returned from a! two weeks' visit with relatives in De- troit,--'tr. ;Fred Krauskepf of the Goshen line, south, has moved into the house he recently purchased from. Mr, Alex. Foster, who has moved int'n one of the houses in St, Joseph.— Mrs, D. Forsythe of 'London and M.i,ss. Laurie, of Toledo, Ohio, were the guests of their sister, Mrs. H. Gallman for a Few days last week.—A pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of ,Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Wilhelm, Mil- verton. Qn Tuesday, May 2nd, when their youngest daughter, Mabel E.., be- came the bride of Mr. Chester L, Smith of Zurich. After a trip toTo- ronta they will reside in Zurich. Auction Sale OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Mr, C. W. Robinson, Auot,, leas rer ceived instructions from the under- signed. to sellby public) auction an Andrew street, Exeter, on Saturday May 20th at one o'clock sharp the following valuable property:, 1 tennis outfit, complete; 3 veran!- dais shades; 1 verandah seat and chairs; dining table; 6 chairs, side board. curtains, 1 coal heater, rrock- ing chairs, linoleum, pictures; new washing machine and wringer; 6 kit- chen chairs, sofa, music cabinet, 'car- pet, largo wardrobe, watnot, small tables; drop lever weigh scales, 2000 lbs.; buggy,. light wagon, 1 cart, fan, ning mill;; straw cutter, set harrows, pulper, gasoline engine, :circular saw cement lawn roller, horse rake, irubl• ber belting; boat with oars, shovels and garden tools, 500 cedar posts and fence stakes, a quantity of lumber, and other, articles 'too numerous to mention. TERMS, CASH . i J. N, HOWARD, Proprietor, !C. 'W. IROBINSON, Auctioneer. "MADE IN CANADA" Ford Touring Car Price $530' TAKE A LITTLE COMFORT AS YOU GO—ESPECIALLY IF YOU CAN COMBINE IT WITH PROFIT. THE MAN WHO OWNS A FORD HIAS PROVIDED HEALTHFUL ENJOYMENT FOR HIS ENTIRE FAMILY AND EQUIPPED HIM- SELF WITH AN ECONOMICAL SERVANT AS, WELL. The Ford Runabout is $480; the Coe- pelet $730 the Sedan $890; the Town car $780. All prices arc. f.o.b. Ford, Ontario All cars completely equip- ped, including electric headlights, Cars oat, sale at MILO SNEI L'S, EXETER. \\„ •r.c� • 3. 1 � r;, 1.� .rr �C Tentage Sikook Guelph. &totem/ with"Neu-Tope. Ilvmc is Montreal. deeoxaied with "Nea•Tvoe"" Church in Nova Soda; deeorrted with "'Nen.Torhe"". "Neu -Tone" for the Wails It is so easy and so economical tp have a beaautitufly decorated home, with "NEU-TONE" Flat Finish. The soft, restful "Neu -Tone" tints will delight t &woll> ti and man who appreciate refinement and delicacy in the home, when you "Neu -Tone" the walls, you save all fuss and bother of washing and scraping the plaster to re.decorate. Simply apply another coat of "NEU.TONE" in any shade or tint desired. "NEU-TONE" is cheaper than wall paper. It is truly economical --absolutely sanitary --can't fade, scale oreah otS AND IS WASHABLE. Soap and water cleans a 'NM TONE" wall and takes away dust, stains and toter Priotsi Marble-jte. Floor Finish wilt withstand all the wear and abuse to which a floor varnish h subjected ; it can be used on hard or soft wood floors ; every can carries with it a money* back guarantee. "MADE IN CANADA" Write direct to the Merlin•Segour Co.. I.imi .d, Moet, for their 1916 Booklet, "Town and•Co.ntryiiennes", showing -noway new color schemes nod giving valuable phot ioformtttion. T. JIAWKINS & SON, EXETER, Ont. &1R ,88..01.... SEAFORT1i—The death occurred widowtwo sorts and four daughters. by C 1 Sanders at the Advo, ate Of- Friday night of John McElroy, um the MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED lice cortfidential; no witness homestead, McI;•.illop Township, near here at the agle of 98. Mr. McElory settled in the Maitland district here inn the early days, when the first set- tlers were beginning to take no land, ST 11TARYS.—A very ,pretty wed- ding took place in the church of the Holy Name an, Wednesday when Miss Elizabeth Smith became the bride of Jas. McDermott, ir., of Mitchell. They will reside in l\fitchell. SEAFORTH—The funeral of the late Darnel McMillan, who died at his home on the 10th Con, of Tuck- ersmith, on Sunday, was held Tues- day morning and was largely attend- ed. The date Mr. McMillan was 59 years of age, ,and is survived by a PAIN direct from factory saving dealer's profit Ready Mixed and Fire Resistant—Barn, Roof, Iron, Priming $1.25 a gallon House Paint, inside or outside, Flat or Oil Finish, Quarts 45c $1.50 Gallons ......... Why pay regular retail prices far paint when you can get what you 10 gallons for want at less than wholesale? Our Paints are guaranteed to give satisfaction. MINERAL PAINT COMPANY, LONDON, ONT. i roduction aridlhrift CANADA'S CALL FOR SERVICE AT HOME Produce More and Save More The Empire needs food. If you are not in thefight- ing line you may be in the producing line. Labour is limited—all the more reason to do more than ever before. Grow food for the men who are fighting for you. The Allies need all the food that you can produce. Every little helps. You are responsible for your own work. If you cannot produce as much as you would like, produce all you can. Work with the right spirit. Put fighting energy into your effort and produce now when it counts. The more you produce the more you can save. Producing and saving are war -service. Make Your Labour Efficient In war -time do not waste time and energy on unim- portant and unprofitable work. Economize labour. Put off unproductive work till after the war, and, if possible, help in producing something needed now. Let us not waste labour. Canada needs it all. If possible help to feed the Allies. Make your backyard a productive garden. Cultivate it with a will. Make your labour count for as much as possible. Do Not Waste Materials There should be no waste in war -time. Canada could pay the annual interest on her war expenditure out of what we waste on our farms, in our factories, in our homes. Every pound of food saved from waste is as good as a pound of increased production. The way for a nation to save is for every individual to save. France is strong to -day because of thrift in time of peace. The men and women of Great Britain are not only " doing " but are learning to " do without." Spend Your Money Wisely Practise ecoindmy•;in the home by eliminating luxur- ies. Wasting our dollars here weakens our strength at the Front. :Your savings will help Canada to finance .the -war. Save your money for the next Dominion War issue. There can be no better :investment; :; • THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA 5 THE . DEPARTMENT- OF AGRICULTURE, ,•1,,,',:7110-E 'DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 1K... ,.k,'