The Exeter Advocate, 1916-4-27, Page 6ALONEI1AND;°fie.Capture of a Ger Tan Pirate IT ALWAYS BRINGS RELIEF Skin irritations of all sorts yield fo CHAPTER II.—ct"out'd). Nearly all that day he lay in his It'd- It id- It was nearly midnight when he un- ing-place, venturing out only for a folded his cramped limbs artd alr<w, brief reconnaissance to fix in his mind himself up to the edge of file wharf. certain information that he needed for }Ie had turned his s..itl' adrift. Tee fornutiatieg hiss plans. On one ins - Zang dock was deserted; meet of the portant pelnt he had had grave inis- lights had been turned off. His ears hiving, and he was relieved to find had told him that a single wv.itt gingen that they were groundless. He had meow Paced the deck of the ship, beet able to bring. only a little food regular rounds. This men had just with lion, and hallo to risk finding a passed down toward the stern; be sus.,"supply on board; so he was glad to dis-' appeared bellied the deckhouse. t'rane cover a plentiful supply of canned tossed his bag over the edge and hoist- moats and vegetables, nuts. ,lS,e.; and ed himself after it; then lie pitted it he also found a fresh water faucet in up and ran to the f+:rward hatch- one corner, and ton a much-needed • way, moving nuiselessl} in his rubleto drink. soled tennie shoes. One of the things en his tuentai list' luck was with him: the I ttch-cov- he managed to accomplish that day. er had riot been battened down. lie He wiggled to find a way to get a peep. dropped rustily through, bag and all, out on deck. While he was ponder ,. climbed de ee t, ti: ladder and v o ieh- ing this problem his eye fell on the ed be Bind at pile e1 frL•igllt, hearing: veutiiator-opening near him. He seline !rad! Mark �,, e PZttv►tttm $'04 girt tnlexcelled emollient for wound•, burns, sores and cuts. Sold in glass bottles and handy tin tubes at chemists and gen- eral stores everywhere. Refuse substitutes. Illustrated book- let on request. CIlESEBRQUGH MFG. CO. (Consolidated) 1880 Chabot Are. Montreal Onthc Farm t ._, wil,...„a.isobitIV4ereeeeeeseeteee Handling Manure on a Large Farm. Fresh ► fr the Gardens of the finest Tei, -producing country in the world. There are various methods of handl- ing manure in practice in ou locality. Calit y. Quite frequently we .see the manure drawn out and spread oil the sleigh on tap of a lot of snow, a _very 'poor way unless, perhaps, on a real level field of sod. If put on plowed ground 1 in this way it tends to leave the soil, if any way heavy, in a soggy con- dition. Another method followed by some, but gradually becoming less popular, is to team the manure out in winter in small piles really to spread in the early spring, but owing to the frost remaining in these heaps so long, they usually are not spread for, ' a long time, and lie exposed to sun rain and wind until very little but straw is left .to be thrown about, and; the spots where the piles lay can be? noticed in several succeeding crops,` net Sealed Packets Only. Try it—it's delicious. * LACK GREEN or MIXED. I3 74 The point is, to be able to pick out there is the particular scheme which calves which should remain in the' has laid hold of the imagination of the; herd, something must ba known about 1 people, the home for totally . disabled' the producing ability of their 'dams 1 soldiers which it is propo:,ed to estab- and this cannot be estimated by the t fish in one of the beauty spots of nfir-; ordinary guess -work method. The land, scales and the tests should be made In a few months the old Stair and just as important in determining the Garter Hotel at Richmond, rich in future individuals which shall tom memories of bygone festiv'ties, will be { writes Wm. J. Bald, in Farm and ready prise the herd as in determining which for the reception, of a number Dairy. € cow now milking shall remain in the of men who have given their health nod tomatoes, stretched his tired body; Then we come to those who are herd, and strength, their all, for their coon- tine measured tread of tie eatchman, soon found that he could thrust his on his bed of straw, and was shortly more up-to-date and own a spreader.,. It is important also that no faulty y - bass ter. Ole heat?. Then let draw a shoulders tI=.ra.uili it, and, laying hold sound asleep- 1 do not wish to give the impression individual as to conformation and All Londoners have made acquain Iowa., breath ilial /coned around Trim. ' of a pre ie.ting brace -bolt, he drew He awoke late in the afternoon, con that I condemn this machine. It is; type be kept in the herd. ft is not en. All ,with the beautiful scene which I3e ewae in the t.^t,ard bt'id, a Iar„a hire -elf top till he could peer out into, scious of voices in the forward part all right in its place, and can be used augh that the sire be from good milk- one obtains from the summit of Rich; none :ailing up nearly an the spate the tap _gin air. His view commanded , of the hold. There seemed to be a to great advantage, but for handling ing ancestry and the cow be a heavy mond Hill. The Star and Gartei; ahead e f the snginer eotn, €ro „i Welch the forty, and deck and the upper works; ' number of leen engaged in some sort a big built of manure successfully and milker herself, They must have such Hotel, an whose site wall riga the new; it west; > lar:t t•<i in" a sae,: t utlall rad the de klttiuse and bridge eut off sight; of drill, as the sound er short, crisp in the shortest pess`b10 time, unless conformation and prepotency that the hospital for totally disabled Fvldiers' t the ;,you can afford two readers weIhas been the scene of much and -eerie plerea:e: ny r;::ts of Or. T room did of sietn. Lana was already low,•; commands reached him, though hespreaders, calves show the desirable type of the not rata fere and tee a point in the prow, down on the horizon. Two officers ` could not distinguish the words. Also, prefer our own method. i niilkino breeds. w gayety. Marshall Soult, Louis Pril however, sleet was cut off square by .stood on the bridge, and some of the, there were sharp clangs of metal and' We leave the manure all in the yard' Faulty calves should be discardedlizps, Ring Victor Emmanuel and Nit - m moth,. r steel bulkhead wwle re the crew were busy at routine tasks on the shuffling of feet. This ca Mu- where it becomes tramped Clown tight, • even#hough Their ancestry be right. poleon were atriong the many digitin beim of the veesel narrowed to some deek. He risked only a brief glimpse,' ed for hall an -hour, while he strained freezes quite hard, and very little is This close selection will send thou- gulshed guests who have lived in 1; of f.: t Thi. bulkhead slum- for he lead no wish to test what might; leis ears to discover its meaning, Pre- wasted. Right after the other sprint; sands of calves to the block as veal the young guardsmen of the days ed ne dier. The hold was piled with happen should one of thein Iook up and: gently it ceased, the men filed out; and seeding is done, we engage another which would otherwise be kept in the Waterloo tools the air on its ample freight, g, ee•ratiF' to within a Yews see his faro staring out at them. the hatch -cover was slammed down. i extra man or two, and with two good herd at a loss. It 'may be after all terraces, and the beaux who ruffled there in the early days of Inti.. ecu- ;nehes oC the ceiling. erxe pt for a clear After the dog -watch had passed. After waiting for some minutes, and teams and low truck wagons, if far, that there are not too many calves space of acme twentyeve feet next to the however, and the ship had settled; hearing no sound, he slipped out and to haul, we take a third, we manage, slaughtered young, but that there is tory are said to have paid as much as forward wall, and two narrow eor- down for the night, he slid. from his' went forward to investigate. Tito to put a very heavy coat on all our' not enough system followed in deter -;$3 for the sight to look through its riders between the piles, running back perch, feeling he would be reasonably ; wooden porthole shutters had been feeling, ground, and probably some far mining which shall go and which shall ^ 'windows on the fair picture below. to the engine-rcone partition. The secure for some hours. The most opened, but otherwise he could see nohoe crop that hasn't been nlanureel be kept. Undoubtedly, many are, kepi Since then gay weddings and count - glace was lighted by several tncandes• pressing problem was to Sed some evidence of the recent activity. Stand- in the fall, in about three days. We which should go and equally true is in less merry excursions of humbler folk plaee where he would be safe from die- ing in the open space and peering.v then get the znen at spreading which that many go which should be. kept., have spread wide its name, but the cent bulbs, and was ventilated by aComing of the automobile spelled alis: row of circular openings through the emery and fairly eolufortable. Search around,. he suddenly dropped flat tin, is not a bad job when done while • The matter is in the hands of the"aster and ruin far the once It pros-; ceiling. each, some eighteen Indies iii the among isle piles of freight, he seen' the Dor and crawled rapidly behind fresh. If the field is one that has been dairyman, and the sooner he makes all eters hostel, Richmond was found diameter and protected en deet by the fennel a place that suited him perfect-� a pile of freight. A man's Tread had; plowed in the fall we give it a his selections on conformation and pto be usual metal funue s, which steed about ly, passed by outside, one of the port thorough cultivation before the nzan-,type, backed by production, will it be deatoo m e #h the metropolis tiupoorinr hait- righted.—Prairie F tin 'end Hoene h Th placeroom bellowed. rad, tics a place where the the outFide of the Inuli, He Climbed plows are being very careful FAMOUS OLD HQTEL glances at thesuperb view and sped tee •e with the c arae:oris ie odour irst six feet inheight was built, up et ; N on e r a, six feet ?zi>;h, with the; neper erd turn- la the wall of boxes that lined one of N holes.. Listening carefully*, he Beard„urn goes on. Now, while he manures � and I ing place, Motorists stopped an the eti inboard to I:Pep out rain and the the corridors, well toward the engine-; a slight bumping and scraping against' is being spread, two light twin ting pit of the hill, gave an admiring surf from cavy eons. p o m l .h . going, antes k d I b t+ f to his ventilator lookout station and not to turn the manure under and; th i w p But the new guests of copra, and he bareatited his heartfelt salad eases of kerosene -tine. On top peered out. Two painters were. at deeper than that it is covered, and in Permanent Home Near London for are among those to whom. speeding thanks that the pea:i.sholl Portion of ; of these was piled e. tier of the long • work an the tunnels, swinging in; course of a week ar less cur manure ti�ar Cripples. in any s ap g p 1 shape or form is Da loner pas; the va%ast'1'e cargr% with its pelnetrat-o boxes that bad Alen rxeltr'd his sus bo's'un's chairs, and the red•atid-black; is out and under ground. I think in. sty Bible. Their day for work or pleasure Ing ste•ncbi, had evidently been stored,pielon at C'aatsacoalcos. By prising at coats of these were rapidly ehanging'this way we have the least wa-ate, rnd' 48 ince the efabful day in known that is over, at least they can and must elsewhere. i t -, to a dingy blue -gray. He surmised the soil gets all that is in the geed, take life easily, wherefore it is fitting lone of the lid it ca3es he neon lea. c n that the red band around the vessel's old barnyard marure. Great Britain was involved in the that the nation should find for thorn These details t'rauE noted in his ed it and slid out. The next one I great war, the men and women of search for his most immediate needee ! came out easily. Carrying these cases hull was likewise merging into the pre-; V. hen all the plantin ; is alone we Enland—the]atter mora especially a place of perfect peace and restful - nese. temporary hiding-plaeo. He knew forward, he built them into an un- railing neutral tint, making her muck take the spreader, clean up all the }rave been sympathetically endeav- The old, old song the Lass of that as soon as the ship put to sea the' finisher tier of shiner ones, reckon- more difficult to distinguish at a' die -manure that may have been left about oring to alleviate the lot of the vie Richmond Hill”sang of the beauties hatch would be battened down, arid! ing that so slight a. change in the ar- trance or at night. All doubt as to the , the yard and put it on some nearby time of the great devastation. 1 of nature, beauties which can never be opened only occasionally, to take nut i rangement of freight would not be ship's nationality had now left his" field of grain or meadow. A light topCharities of every description have more appreciated than they will be by suppltes or to handle cargo. Now he ` noticed. Working in this manner, he mind. is She was surely a Get man i dressing an a field. of oats, when up a t been alerted, money has been poured • England's crippled heroes. 'searched the piles of freight, and finale' finally produced a chamber some eight craft, ,disguised as a Mitch trader, antifew inches, works wonderfully. out without stint in very direction. a �•---- ly found a placer where a narrow space feet long by four feet wide, in which he manned by a crew proficient in that ; I To prove that our plan works sue- The great families have vied one with' Little Willies Dad, give me five remained between the upper tier of could just stand erect. The last boxes language, carrying out her elaborate I cessfully, we have a silo 12 x36 which', another in turning their town and' cents, and -I'll be a good boy." His boxes and the ceiling. By shifting' taken out he used to rebuild the out- masquerade toe some purpose 'which,' we filled last fall with 'less than sit country houses into hotels and hospi-I, Pa: "No, my boy, I want you to under_ the boxes somewhat, he contrived a• side tier, holding them safely in place whatever it might be, boded no good; acres of corn, had four good men tats for the 'wounded and sick. But' stand that. a son of mine must be good eubby-hole in which -he could lie at full; with wedges. By pushing two of them to Britain. His task was to find out tramping continually, using the en -lin the welter of charitable endeavorlfar nothing." length, with his head on bis bag, safely aside he could crawl in and out. in - what she was doing and how she was! side pipes, and on account of rain hidden, unless some one should crawl He soon transferred his belongings to in to look for him. There was a cer-' these palatial quarters, and proceeded. fain risk, of course; but he had to take', to furnish and provision them. Bits it. and he took it, with his automatic' of sacking, straw, and shavings from pistol tying reads to his hand. • broken pacldng-cases made up a pass- One- of the ventilators opened above able bed. Several small boxes of tin.; his head, and the fresh air was very ` nod meats and vegetables, not readily welcome. lie dozed quite comfort-; missed from the large stock, were ably for the next few hours, waking, ` stared against the wall; and when a alert. at. times ,whets the tread of the, large empty oil -can had been cleaned watchman on deck passed within a' and filled with fresh water from the few inches of bis; face. He was glad faucet, he felt able to stand a. siege. he did not have the habit of snoring.l He now carried his bag into his new Presently there were sounds of the' Home, and closed his door of boxes; ship's bell and the awakened activity ; for his watch showed five o'clock a.m., of morning. Men came into the hold and he saw no reason for running un - and worked at shoring up the cargo necessary risks by working when the againet shifting in heavy seas. They. full crew were awake. By way of talked little among themselves, al- completing his furnishing, he hung his ways i11 Dutch, but only personalities electric push-button lamp on a peg in and comments on the work in hand.. the wall, then produced from the bag After what seemed an interminable a folded chart of the Pacific Ocean and time they wentt out, and the heavy a small compass. The compass was hatt-h-cover was dropped. Soon the placed on. a box, while the map was screws began to revolve, there were tacked on the wall opposite his bunk. loud commands, and a great scuffling Several times since he had been of feet on deck, and Crane knew that aboard he had counted the beat of the the ship was under way. The die was screws by his watch and made cal - cast, and somehow his clearest sense tion was as the loosening of a certain tension. There could be no turning back now; he was committed to this course to the end of the chapter; and he turned to the work ahead with a curious elation of spirit. Also, he per- mitted to himself the material comfort of producing some sandwiches from his bag and making his breakfast, for he was ravenously hungry. doing it, and give warning to some ves were stopped one day and one night, see of the Allies- which gave it a nice chance to settle. The funnels were not smoking now. They seemed to reserve that function for the benefit of curious eyes only. But above the edge of one of them l From time to time, says one farm - rase the head and' shoulders of a look -', paper, some exponent of more live - out, with a telescope, busily scanning rises to remark against the the horizon. He stood inside the big' slaughter of the calves andnot always steel cylinder, probably on a grill- is this without reason. We must — work floor a few feet below the top ' agree that very often calves which a. cleverly devised crow's-nest, trulyl i should be kept in the herd for breed - Crane's next task, when night had ing purposes are turned away for veal brought his chosen work -time, was to and their owner gets little profit from get connection with the s'hip's tele- 4 them, and they are not permitted. to phone system. He had marked the', do the good in the herd which they location of the wires along the bale; would have done if kept for breed- ing, coming in over the rear bull- ' ing purposes. However, there are head and passing out through the for-' large numbers of calves raised each ward one. Out of his bag he took a� year which should go to the veal coil of small insulated copper wire,! route, and many of those which are I brought for this very purpose. He killed while very young would be no made a correction with the main just . use if kept in the herd as breeders. beside a. stanchion, pushing the tiny! The good dairyman has a basis wires out of sight in a. Convenient upon which he works in selling or crack that led behind the freight,' keeping his calves as the case may thence between the cases and on to be,..He uses first of all, a pure-bred his chamber, This work he perform-{ sire willmilking propensities well ed with the greatest care, as a short i marked in the blood of his ancestors.' circuit on the line might lead to a! He keeps in his herd nothing but the search and the discovery es his tap, , !best individual animals and heaviest i milkers and he weighs the milk from with the -vires making a plain trail to; each cow or heifer regularly and sys- his lair. That bottoml,ase bag 02 leis 1 tematically, and, if necessary, has the , milk tested for fat, so he knows ex- I actly what each of his cows is doing and whether or not calves from that the head of his bunk. It had no bell, cow are likely to go on and make vel- of course, but any voice on the line cable animals to place in his herd. If would be audible several feet from it, the cow, mother of the calf, cannot, This work, involving much shifting of freight to get his wires out of sight consumed the night hours, and he ate his breakfast while 'waiting for the crew to come on duty, so that he might test his. installation. The first, call he 'heard was from the officer of the watch to the engine - room. The engineer . was informed that the log showed twenty-three knots, and that the captain had order- ed the speed to be, increased to twenty. Picking Out the Calves. eulations of the ship's speed, and also noted the compass bearing. He now proceeded to plot her course on the chart, and found that she .was bearing on a line about a hundred miles north and east of Honolulu, cutting the course of vessels bound from that popular port call to the west coast cities of the Melted States. . This matter settled, he made• a. hearty meal an American pork and beans and can - Let 111 CORNA T will do more than satisfy his ng for "somethingsweet"^itwillsuppiy the food elemenio build up Help Himself To s neededt his little body and help him to gain In health and strength. "Crown Brand!" is awholesome, nourish- ing food—as well as the most delicious of table syrups. The recipes in our new book, Desserts and .' Candles", will tell you lust how to use it; in many novel ways. Write for a'copy to our Montreal Office. Dealers everywhere have "Crown brand" in 2, 5, 'Cand 20 pound tins --and 3 pound gtass,lars. Ti-1E.CAN'ADA STARCH CO. LIMITED MONTREAL, i,ARDINAL, eRANTFORD, FORT WILLIAM. Make,'s. f` Li v While" Corr: Syru,, Benson's Cori: Starch and "Silver Gldss" Laundry Starch. hill 1111111111111 111111111111 11111111111111111M 11111(111111111111111 IIlII11II111111f111 1 likewise furnished a small field tele- phone instrument, aucb. as linemen carry, This was connected up with the wires and hung on a peg just above through milk production, justify her existence in the herd there is ' little reason why the calf from such a mother should be kept past veal age, and it'. is far better that such a calf should go to the butcher early in life than to prove a bill of expense, in fact, a robber, in the dairy herd. The Profitless Calf. There is little use of keeping an inferior dairy calf to the age of two or three years, because it will getter - six knots. Crane checked by his ally cost more, especially .when grain Watch, counting the poise of the screw- is high in price, as it is now, to vibrations•, and found that he had esti- put meat on the wedge-shaped dairy mated the screw factor rather low. carcass than it is worth. It vapid be Re oorrected his chart accordingly. A folly then to keep all calves without discrimination, Only the best should survive for breeding purposes, and the only man who knows w*iiih are the best is the man who is ' using a pro- per sire of a ,heavy minting strain and is weighing the milk regularly from the cows to which this sire is bred, and keeping the, calves from those cows which lead in milk "produc- "Deer.'>, me,' clear. nee," sighed the, tion and give enough to pay for all man, "`anal Ale world so hungry for feed, and labor and leave a handsome good cions " " " profit besides. trip to his lookout 'stationjust before dawn had shown him that the ship was driving ahead into the night with all lights blanketed. (To be Continued.,} The Neglected Vocation. e"eily ; datiighteti' writes beautiful poetry."... evt 0.--000D D 1 Q 1Gr ST 1 O N --• Mother f eigers Syrup corrects and atlmuiatea When i<cur digestion is Nulty, ',realness and the digestive ordain,roand banishes anish s the many pant aro certain sad disease is invited.arise -;FOR 4OYEARS TUE STAKDARD REMEDY FO R STOMACH AND LIVER T1OUBLE ?O'5 At all Diussi,ts,or direct on receipt ofprice, 50c. and 11.00. The large bottle contains three times as much ss tbo smaller. A. J. Svurra & Co. L.ttiiTmo. Craig Street West Montreal. Watch Your Colts i; or Coughs, Colds and Distemper. and at the first symp- toms of any such ailment give small' doses of that won- derful remedy. now the most used in existence. Aymara DISTEIPExt, COMPOUND. Por sale by any good druggist, harness dealer, or de- livered by - SeOttN 7IEDIOAT' CO.. Chemists and Easteriologieta;tt Goshen, Ind.., U.S.A.. MUSKRATS We are now paying for SPRING MtSIKRATS from Ontario, Quebec, and Eastern Canada the follorting guaranteed prices. Ex Large Large Medium Small Shot and Gut 40 .00 .46 .20 according to value. WO are .the largest handlers of this article in Canada and need 500,000 skins for .present demand. we Want your oolleotions. Our average price will positively exceed all others, Ship early and often Ship small par - gels of 20 skins or under by parcel post. We pay all eiarges. 1X. 13OB 2tNER WILDIAtSSON & CO., >zil other lines full 076 St. Paul Street Went market values. Montreal, le.a$, Dept. W. praummommerremozweraarnowavanweamw ereie 1,N130RATOPY TESTS make certain ( the quality of ,every taw material PAINTERS , TESTS .. prove the easy. working. ,quality, and enduring -Wear, Experiment and Experience Both point to Ramsay's Paint as your !Weil choice, In parity. wear and beaaty of color they are unsurpassed, In economy they are unmatched. Courteous service from local agent. Write for interesting paint_iaterature. . (4) • �11i► RAMSAYUE8&1WSONE8 CO. (:talaliehed )0 42) MTCovVECiNTREA•►:L. Niue. - .8AT_ • TONO N'To AND V E. FOR SALE. k 'd''. A L Ls' DEALER a