The Exeter Advocate, 1916-1-20, Page 8EXETER MARKETS' CHANGED BAOH WilpeTZSDAY 'Meat, ««.. 4. 4Y .:«'4 4444.4,41 q4. tO 1 05', Barlear..... ... ,. ..,.. 6 65 agirriteaett 44,4 4«.«441 61 72 Oats « .. ,,, ...44,.. Se ,b'ag .:.;..«..;,.4,,,.y... 1 00. t '1 Pots. oea,ptercbag ..,,«: 1���. 1 Hay. Penton,..,j4.00 15 00 Monte Pet' cwt,, f'amiiy 8 30 lo ur , low grade per cw 1755r ('itpceryamerx DR#et@r . 4 «..,' a 36 Live hop, per cwt. « .. . 298 0 Shorts Dere en ,:., «..... ea reranper tors ,4«,1 ,.«:.rt.*«.. `500. A Public :Meeting of the Woman's Institute will areheld in the Library ori Friday, Jan. 21, (to -morrow) ,at ;.30 o'clock, when. Dr. Mary MacKenzie Smith of Grave.nhurst will speak on the Home Care of the Sick. All wo- rnen and girls of town; red surround- ing eountry Pre cordially invited. Alt Oddfelllows are requested to meet inn the Lodge Room,, Exeter. on Tuesday night next, Jan. 25th, at S o'cioce. sharp. First Degree ;will he conferred. --Lee Wilson, Nob1e'Oran& SITUATION WANTED.— for a strong girl, aged 16. Town preferred. Apple at Advocate Office. NOTICE, Library Books are to be e - turned to the Library by the 15th of January 1916. By order of the Board. W. D. WEEKES Cbaii,tnin 401i JTONS :SALT ..400 tons of line Land and Cattle Salt for sale. All grade; $5.50 per ton; SOc. per bag. EXETER SALT WORKS Co., Ltd J ,Sutton, I'1auager. SALT FOR SALE.—An excellent quality of Sarnia made salt Ion ale at Seldon's Second Warehouse, at the G T R. station. Sold in any: quant- ity. You: patronage is solicited and satisfaction: is guaranteed. — ED, MAGT.'IRE, Exeter. BOY WANTED,—Good smart boy .wanted at once to learn printing. Ap- ply at this. office, MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED hw C H Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice Strictly* confidential; no witness GRAIN BAGS FOR SALE.— Sev- eral hundred 'Vain bags used only on- ce. Good as new at 20e. each. At the Canning Factory. The Soldier who lives over again in nightmare, the awful Battle Scenes as welt as the harassed business 'nap, the tiredsociety woman, 'andbusy " ouscwcrte, whose nerves are gradu- ally wearing to shreds with heir never ,ending, duties, will get quick awl permanent relief from TAKATCE. Get a box for fifty cents at vour druggist's or by mail from the Geo- egiaa Mfg. Co., Collingwood, Ontario. AUCTION SALE OF CHOICE FARM To close up the estate of the late James Couch, Thos. Cameron will offer at Perkin's Hotel, Hensall, en SATURDAY, FEB. 5th, 1916 At 3 o'clock sharp, that choice farm composed of Lot 23, Con. 13, 31ib' bete County of Perth, 100 acres on which there is a first-class brick :lwel ling, large nearly newv bank barn and driv'. house. This farm is well fen: - ed and has a good ,hard -wood bush. Positively no reserve. Possession 10th Melee. 1916. Terms and particulars made known on day of sale, or on application to Thos. Cameron, auc- •tioneerR R. No. 1, Kirkton, or phone by way of Exeter.% SOUTH HURON FARMERS IN- STITUTE MEETINGS. The Regular Meetingsof the South Huron Farmers Institute will be held. at BRUCEFIELD, Jazt. 20, 2 p.m. VARNA, Jan. 20, at 7.30 p.m:, EXETER, Jan 21', at 2 and 7.30 p.m, To be p:ddressed by J. O. Duke, Ruthven; Robt. 'Murphy, Allison; and Dr Mar e *Kenzie. Smith, Graven - burst Tut STJ$tECTS to be .discussed are "Maintaining the Fertility of the Soil'' "Dunt' Purpose : Cattle"; "The Choice of Occupation."; `Business End of Farming"; "Some of the Needs of Ontaric Agriculture"; Etc. At afternoon meetings Dr. Mary McKenzie ,Smith will address the lad- ies only. Subject selected. ALEX. BUCHANAN, Pres. A, K DOUPE, Secretary ANNUAL MEETING' gXETER , AGRICULTURAL SOC'Y The. Annual Meeting pf the Feeeter Agricultural Society will be teeld in the Town Hall,: Exeter, on Thursdays January ZOth, 1916, at one o'clock o.m for the purpose of electing Presi- dent, Vice -President and Directors for the ensuing' year and transacting othee important busyness. Ali members and interested partied should attend the meeting. The Directors are particularly se- questee' to meet just before Anal meeting at 1 o'clock sharp... E CHRISTIE R. G. SELD ON Presideft S c'y 'BIB FBS All U la AT t'. LOCAL DOINGS 4 i;�a!lc�8r s�at,alica!#c.¢ca�.•�alkadc�ll L. Grippe Itis many people in its grasp ells.; Eveleute Bedford is ill at her home Mrs. Rook is ill of pneumonia at her home on Elizabeth street. The east report front the eedsele or Mr Chug Ha -adman of Buttalq state; that he is improving nicely. Thursday night, Jan. 20th, there will Bane /skating Sr att ndance.he mAdmis ion 15c. We had a little zero weather here during the week end, and some storm as well, although pro great iuentity of anon fell. People are beginning to rind out that calendars are not a success .:as advertisirne mediums, and that is the reason they are scarce: this year. Tom Marks coming to Exe ter Op- era House on. January 2e, and e9, with a clever company and iC1tie Band, "The Mari from Canada" and 'Jerry from Kerry." 1' H Race of Mitchell has tccept- ed the position of lecturer and gen- era! field secretary for the Free Hos- pital for Consuinptivves at Toronto, Muskoka. and Gravenhurst Sunday was Ladies' Aid Day in Main Street Church and the ladies took uta the duties of the choir :and took up collection, Mrs. Heamatt sang a pleasing solo at the, evening service. W R. Harding one of the best 'mown residents of Middlesex County and father of ,Mrs. Robert Pickard of Vancouver, B.C., formerly a£ Ex- eter died in London last week, egad 82 years, :Messrs Straffon Brothers of elicit - igen, brothers of Mrs. Wm. Fletcher, whe were here attending the funeral of 'the late lir, Fletcher, sang very acceptably in James Street church or_ Sunday evening. The funeral of the late William' Fletcher on Thursday last was very largely attended and« largely ,the doral trib- ute: were very beautiful. Four bro- thers o; Mrs. Fletcher. Messrs, Strafe fon of ellchigan werepresent end sang very 'touchingly during the. ser - rice. at the house, The service was conducted by Rev. CicAlister and Rev eluxworthy. SAMWET L ESTATE SJLD — The three stores of the am '' 1t ts- tate er Main street, Exeter, were put up by public auction, on Tuesday of-, ternoor and were purchased by ;lir. J 0 Jones for the. sung of 56,800.011. The property comprises the two starts occupied by Messrs. Jones Sc May ands the hardware store occupied by dr, H Spackman. Mr. T. Cameron a•on- ductec' the sale. MEETINGEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. The council of the Corpoiatioli bf County of Huron will meet in the council chamber, in : the Town of Goderich. on Tuesday, the 25th itisti at 3 o'clock. All accounts against the county must be placed with the Clerk before this date, Dated January 10th, 191.6. , W. Lane, CleiIti DOME THEATRE.—The movies will be the proper thing TO -NIGHT, Jan 19th which will afford the peo- ple of town the opportunity of see- ing a set of the most interesting nice tures eves exhibited in Exeter. Can- ada's prosperity product on way to the world's rrnarkets, as it is passing through Port Arthur, as winter sets is There ,will also be a foot ball match and Prof. Seezitall and his mar- vellou. Telescope. Admission 19:;. FATHER DEAD The death took place on January 14th at Grundy Cen- tre Iowa of a former well-known residen' o:1 Usborne Tp., in the per- son, of William Dow, at, the age of 86 years, Deceased was born, in England and came to Canada when quite young, residing on the 4th :on. of Usborne until 34 years ago, when ha moved to Iowa. He is survived by hien wife, lour daughters and three sons ,Mrs John ,Hunter of Exeter, who left for his bedside on Thursday last, Mrs. 'Murray of Saskatchewan, Mfrs Armstrong end :qrs. McQuarry of Gilmore City, Iowa; George of Reinbach, Iowa, John of Grundy, Cen- tre and .Ben of Brutish: Columbia. The remain:, were interred at Grundy Centre Deceased was an estimable gentleman and respected by all. MILITARY EUCHRE.—The best thing' yet is the- opinion of all those who attended the military euchre, giv- en in ;the Town ida:ll on Friday even- ing The held was nicely decorated with bunting and flags and over one hundred men surd women spent a raw hours aft the game Which was an entertainine one, The tables were divided into three sets and, small pric- es were. given to tleeewinning table in each set. The playing over .a delight- ful lunch was served. At this point Prof R.eithdorf end Major Reaman, who had been, speaking at the recruit- ing meeting in Crediton, dropped in and Prof; Reithdorf' gave a very in- teresting address .on "The One-man Power in Germany" making it ;cleat to all that the Emperor is "it' in that countryand the, not the is the cause of the great warn. Mr. J. A. Stewart, who waschairman, got, a un- animous "yes" when he asked if the affair should be repeated each 1n:arith during the winter.' Misunderstanding caused many to he absent on thins first occasiot who will not ,fail to be on hand next time,. The riet ,iroceeds, which, were ri,e:asly • $50 were handed over tc the Soldiers' . Aid Society. HICKS' JANUARY FOI2ECAST.— A rc'r.,t'lonary_ starlit period will be central on' aid touching the 23rd Toth and 25th After. three os ;lour :lays of fir.cold :'weather, following' storms of the preceding period as we ap etetch this reactionary pe+riodee winds wil shift to southerly, ethe tempera- ture will change -to warmer, the ,bar- ometer will; Fall, cloudiness will gath- er in western sections, and storms of wind and rain -will start on their east- ward march. The moon moving to south declination will cross the . el- estiral equator on the 24th. Electrical storms are likely at this time, espec•i tally to the south. Rain with prob- able lightning and thunder will be reported from many sections on and about the e4th. By this .date ..winds in,wester: Sections will shift' towes- terly the barometer will rise, rains will tura t� Brie , and sharp return of Cold Will wvrrld up, the petiole, with faircold .weather spreading to the eeieern sic:es by .the 26th to 28th. ThtJ �, Y 1TAN `AR. 21:1) 191B Mr and Mrs, John Bell are confin- ed to the house through illness, Two rinks of , Hensel' curlers were here on Tuesday and not defeat ct the hands of local players by a +'ear shots. Magistrate Sanders tried an Us - borne resident on a charge pf being drunk on Saturday and 'reserved de- cision .for a week. Mr F Begg has purchased the frame davellit� on 1-Zuron street, east side of Main street; front Mrs '~. Cot- tle, formerly owned by Mr. William Befkwiil The South Huron Agricultural Sec- lete met et Hensel' on 'rueselay and re-elected ;most of the old officers,. Wan. Berry elecomenee president, IL Soldor 1st vice, and, Robt. McLaren Zeti yiee. A Need show will be held on Marc l: 7th, and a stock show on April 18th both at Hensel'. A quiet wedding was solemnized at the bride's home, Huron street, on 'Wednesdaa evening, Any 12th[, when Mr. Cicero Mdworth was united in marriage to Mrs. Jennie eleakins, site ceremony being performed by Rev.1 5 W. Muxworthy, in the presence of anis - a few of the esnmediate rel- atives Air /Campbell of Chesley, 4>rganiz- er lot the Canadian Order of For- esters. lavas here last week and suc- ceeded in securing 13 new members for the local Court. They were in- itiated on Wednesday night of last week After which all partook of an, oyster supper at tele. E. A. Follicle's restaurant. NO1 KILLED. --Sonne Mew .veeks ago an item appeared in the daily papers, stating that Harold Swan had been: killed in battle et the front, hut gave his home somewhere in,. British Columbia. It was thought, however, by .tiara' of his friends that the name of the place given was a mistake, end that it was Harold Swan, who form- erly taught school in. Usborne and well known to etanv in this community. His many.friends here will be 'leased to learn that it was not the 1I'arold Swart they know, and that he is [live. and well `r Alf Coates or lis ors e having received evord from him on Monday, He °s. however,at the (rout fightinf Itis country's battles. The Hamlet Swan killed was a cousin of the Mr Swan so well and taworably kuowu here —x—o—x— The Soldiers' Aid Society shipped to the Daughters of the Empire Dec 14 the follow' ng articles 7-89 com- presses- 13 'wash cloths; 18 night shirts. 6 pair socks; 5 pair wristlets; 11 scarfs. Donation from Mr, _Begg, $13.62, donation sham Military Such-, re entertainment $50.75. WANTED—Old white cotton or linea, suitable for wrapping surgical supplies. Persons having such to give' will kindly leave at the Library Read - Room Miss 011ic Quance left Tuesday for a visit in. Detroit. Mrs. Westlake sof Stratford is vis- iting relatives here Mr and Mrs. Geo. Hawkins were in, London Tuesday. Mr Robinson, butcher, visited in Goderich over Sunday. Mist Lottie Iyndman of „Toronto is visitinn relatives here. The Misses Bovey returned Tues- day from a visit mPort Huron. Miss Emma Cunningham of Elderton 5s visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Yager, Private Reg.Reg. Knight of Hamilton arrived home on Saturday on nick leave. Afisc Down of Exeter is visiting her sister, Mrs jos. Hooper, -7at. Mary; Journal. Miiss Louise Sweet went to Hamil- ton on Monday to visit at the home of her brother. .Messrs. Thos, H, Newell and Will Ha vkshae are in Detroit attending the motor show. 1Q;sa: Turnbull [vas a visitor with 'ler aunt ,Mrs. Beavers, for a few days dur.ne, 'the week. Mr and _Mrs. We A,. Turnbull and. Miss Isabelle of Farquhar left Tues- dayfor Dundas to attend the marc - huge of 'their son Reg. to Miss Maude Ralph oe Dundas.Mr and Mrs. Thos. Dunsford, after a visit of some weeks here, returned to Marlette Mich.,. on Tuesday. They were accompanied by Mrs. Thos. Bis- sett, sr,. who will visit there. ilis FOR THE KIDNEYS Why They're Bought "I- can certainly say the Gin Pills have done a lot of good for me. Some four years ago I could not walk up. stairs, -iuy feet and ankles were so swollen, but 1 took three boxes of Gin Pills and the trouble has neverreturned. My mother, 82 years of age, is taking. them and feels fine. MRS. J: B. SALSBTTRY; Carnden i♦ast." GIN PILLS are 5oe. a box, or 6 boxes for.ez.5o at all druggists. Sample sent freeif requested. 20 National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. Happy New Year WE WISH ALL OUR CUST- OMERS •A' -PROSPEROUS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR, Mfiss Laura Elliott left Friday for London The l iisses .Ivluxworthy were in London Tuesday.. Mi W. T. Wilson, who has been on a few weeks' visit with his sonin New York. City, returned home on SaMtturrsdaAyb. eBagsituw.aldhtt e daugh- ter, of Morriss, Alta,., are visiting rel- atives here 10e a few weeks, as guests of Mr tine Mrs. A. E. Fuke. Mr Frank Sarowell of Kingston was here this week attending the sale of the briickstores belonging to the late George Sauter -ell estate WEAK, NERVOUS OHIO WOMAN Nada Wen By Delicious Vino]. Bellefontaine, Ohio. —" My blood was very poor—I was in a weak, [nervous, run. -down condition. I tried different remedies without benefit and one days my druggist told me about vino.. I tried it and it built me up in every way —blood, strength and nerves, and I tell my friends it is the best medicine on earth."— Mrs. Emu, Bnw Gorr 'Vivol, our delicious cod liver and Iron tonic without oil, sharpens the appetite aids digestion, enriches the blood ancd in this natural mannerereates strength. W S. Cole, Druggist', Exeter, Oat, LADIES�rAND GENTS TAILORING 14,4400.4444 A Ful* Line of Ladies' Suitings Gaberdines, Broadcloths, Vicunas Poplins African Ba'own, Russian, and Lame' Green, Etc. PRICES $23 to $35. 00 /ITS Coat Season is lore, and with it some of the most becoming end at- tractive modelsof the day, Every garmentthe newest l itsClass Tweeds Plushes, Beavers, Persia - tex Ghitac2nillas, Etc. PRICES $1? to, $30 R. N. ROE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR ., AND FURNITURE URE t EAI.E . Phone 20a A FINE ASSORTMENT of MEN'S SUITINGS Fe OVERCOAT - INGS at reasonable prices, GIVE US A CALL N. Sheere THE HIGH CLASS TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel. eter Bargain Store. g Clothing Sale Duririg the 'Ajotitli of January we wilt give a discount of 20 PER CENT OFF ANY OVERCOAT OR SUIT. in Stock, le PER CENT OFF arty pair 01 OM TWEED or WoRSTED1'ants. SICIOGI(S and OVERALLS, Reg. $1.00 eat 90 cents MEN'S WOOL UNDERWEAR at less than present wholesale price, 5 dozen 50c. .TIES to go at half price A SLIGHTLY USED I'1EINTZ 4AN PIANO FOR SALE. B. W.F. Beavers MONEY TO LOAN Choicest Meats ,�� Money #o loan on farm and village property at 1ERNESTeELLIOT Conveyancer &c„ Exeter. Always on Hand. Fd Begg Butcher Phone 103 440.444.141444.444144 Genuine D.L. & W. Salim Coal Agents For British. Arerick an Oil Co. H. Rowe 1 C W. ROBINSON LICE/14ED. AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Pertb Middlesex and Oxford, Farm Stock Sales a Specialty, Office at Cockshutt Waxerootms, next door to' Centra.{ Hotel, Main Street, Exeter., Charges moderate and satisfaction is guaranteed. Tea 8G Coffee Store choicest For the hoicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line.. Oa1l and see us, ,A1 trial. as to quality will convin- ce. onvince. Produce taken in exchange" Jas. Gould Opposite Electric light Plant JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 82 NEW SPRING GOODS OUR NEW SPRING GOODS ARE ARRIVING EVERY DAY —NEW CRESS GOODS, NEW SILKS PRINTS, GALATEAS, WASH GOODS; NEW RUGS, LINOLEUMS, LACE CURTAINS AND CURTAIN NETS. All our Goods were bought early at the old prices and our Cus- tomers -will get the benefit of this, New Goods are from ,0 per cent." to nearly double in price if not bought away back last rear. NEW DRESS GOODS Notwithstanding the scarc- ity and high price of New Dress Goods we can show you a complete range of all the Nem Material at almost old - prices. NEW SILKS tar Black or any color you wish, ` Our silks are must tli•e same price as last year as we have a conn tract' ahead for. them NEW PRINTS At 10c, and •123 c. a yard. The old standard prints , st. the old prices. A big range.. LINENS We bought all our linens early last year and carried them over, 'and willsell them all at ?the same price as last season,. RUGS LAND LINOLEUMS' A big )choice. Over - 100 rugs and 20 pieces of ii,noleuin•.. No advunce We have, just finished Stock Taking and find a few Winter:. Goods to clear out, All tet "131G BARGAINS. A BIG TABLE OF BARGAIN REMNANTS $1,50 Men's, Wool TJnderw+ea'i ;to clear for $1.00 35c. All Wool Sox for Z5c 315.00 Ladies Coats for $3.00. , $15.00 Ladies' Furs ,for 310.00 $18.00 Fur ',Collet. Copts for $12.00. 1 only 42 in,^ Astrachan $75.00 for ,5x35.00. • � MA. ; Headgu iter:, fo the celebrated W. E. Sanfeud Clothing