The Exeter Advocate, 1916-1-20, Page 6bout the
tilnts and
General. Informs
*ion for the Busy
Dainty Dishes, I Bake for about two hours in a ;trod -
Orange Salad. -- Peel large, juicy crate oven;
oranges and slice round. Half Pili Nut Spice Loafr-Cream half a
and tine shallow bowl with lettuce and cupful of butter with two cupfuls of
lay the orange in bowl. Xis.' Well with sugar, add the yolks of four eggs weal
French. dressing: beaten and half a cupful ori molasses.
Banana. Trffte. —Put thin slices of Sift two and a half cupfuls of dour
bread and butter into a glass dish; (sifted once before measuring) with
then cut three or four bananas into a teaspoonful of cinnamon, half
round slices end place these on top spoonful of cloves and a quart
of the bread and butter; make' a pint teaspoonful of nutmeg. Dr
of 'custard, and pour over. Beat half cupful of raisins chopped, half
a pint of cream to a stiff froth and fol of cleaned currants and half
pour over the trine when cold. ful of English walnut meats in the
Cranberry Sherbet. One quart flour and add to the liquid ingredients,
fruit, one pint sugar, one and ane- Then add a teaspoonful of soda and a
half pints water. Boil fruit in waters teaspoonful and a half of bakh
until soft, strain, add the sugar and ;powder and bake, These ingredientigs
boil three or four minutes, Freeze i make two loaves, but half the amount
fairly hard and remove dasher, Beat !can be made satisfactorily.
white of egg to stiff froth, add table -1 Coffee Cake, --Cream a cupful of
spoon. Powdered sugar and bat until ibutter with two of sugar and ad
ed four
it Will stand alone, Stir thie into the beaten eggs, two tablespoonfuls of
molasses and a cupful of cold boiled
coffee and three and threequarters
pfuls of flour sifted with five tea -
Russian models, the smart flared coats
and skirt, and for the strictly correct
sport suit along the Norfolk lines
combined with an.equelly.severe skirt.
The New Cape Appears.
Among the newer 'features which, of
course, are bet a revival of the old, is
the cape. This appears upon all types
of frocks and suits in the form of the
shoulder "Gie, sleeve cape, and cape1
collar.. The full -skirted, simple-
bodiced frock of taffeta, worn at an jf
afternoon teafr
the skating rink, or the,(.
concert, displays its cape, collar, or
series of collars, when it isnot featur-
ing a 'Puritan -like shoulder drapery,
crossing surplice -fashion in front, and
held in piece in back by a girdle;,
a tea- frons below wbieh: tiny coat tails .or
el, of a I tabs appear. There is ,some indica:
edge a tion too, of the nape returning as a
a coli- separate wrap; in fact peterines of•.
cup- quaintly quilled taffeta, are .bein
sherbet, beat well, cover and set away
to riven.
Scalloped Cabbage. ---One small headt
"''t"nee, three cups bread crumbs, I spoonfuls of baking powder, a tea -
one tablespoon butter, one and one- j spoonful of cinnamon, half a tea-
half teaspoons salt, one-eighth tea- j spoonful of claves, half a teaspoon of
spoon cayenne, milk to cover, put 1nlaeo, half a teaspoonful of allspice,
crumbs and shredded cabbage alter -1 ledge three-fourths of a cupful
name in layers in buttered baking ;seeded raisins, a quarter of a e
dish until dish is two-thirds full.'of shredded citron and three-fourths
Sprinkle top with crumbs, dot with sof a cupful of dried currants in some
milk. Bake in moderate oven until : of the flour before miring with the
cabbage is tender. spices and add the fruit last with two
Tapioca Cream Soup,—.Soak one- tablespoonfuls of brandy, which may
third cup pearl tapioca in a little cold be omitted without injury to the cake.
water. Md to it one quart white . Bake slowly and carefully in one or
stock and simmer gently, until tapioca ; two loaves. The recipe may be divid-
becomes transparent, Cook together , ed for a smaller amount.
cine pint water, ane onion, two stalks Molasses Pound Cake,--Cream-t�vo-
ceiere% a little maee and seasoning. thirds of a cupful of butter with three -
Strain, add to stock and just before quarters of a cupful of sugar. Add
sending to table add one cup cream . two eggs, two-thirds of a cupful each
and generous piece of butter, of molasses and milk and two and an
Il1utton Pot Roast,—Wipe, roll and eighth cupfuls of flour, sifted with a
kewer forequarter of mutton from :teaspoonful of cinnamon, a quarter of
which bones have been removed, , a teaspoonful each of mace and cloves
Brown in small amount of fat in hot and half a teaspoonful of allspice. Mix
pan. Prrbail four potatoes and drain. a third of a cupful of citron, 'cut in
Put layer of potatoes in casserole or thin shreds, and half a cupful of rais-
deep pudding; dish, cover with layer of ins which have been put through the
sliced onions, sprinkle with flour, salt . coarse part of the meat chopper with
and pepper. Lay meat on vegetables, some of the flour, and add with three -
add one cup water or stock, cover and fourths of a teaspoonful of soda.
coati in slow oven three hours. Add
mare liquid if necessary. If oven is '
right no more should be needed. j 'n
shown to wear over light ssumm r
frocks and are now being- worn, hi' the
south, Many of these display the un-
fitted, rather bunchy -looking collar
which aecentuates the slope of "the
shoulders thereby living up to one of
the chief requirements of the present
nodes. Many eheular and Directaire
capes matching the hat are among
the season's attractive fancies,
Alarming Width of Sidrts.
Paris is reported as pxiaetically los-
ing her head aver the width of t
skirt. She gave out the pleasing dic-
tum of—"a trifle more .length," just
a while ago, and proceeded straight-
way to offset it by adding to their
of breadth, Many of the new skirts an
upful Paris models, it is said, are gathering
material in about the waist with no
Apple Compote With Rice.,—Two
ups rice; six apples, four slices gem -
i, three and one-half cups sugar, two
d one-half cups water. Cook sugar
d water together ten minutes, Pare, N.:
`he Fashions
eo'ra sed• cut apples in thick, round
Forecasts, for Spring -
ices. Add Iemon slices to syrup and
ok apples, a' few at a time, Arrange , Comfort and eonvertience--these are
e in bottom of serving dish. On the two qualifications attributed to
to of rice arrange slices of apple, 'sport clothes aa skt since •t first
enough erlapping each other. Boil syrup's g it -
tntil thick and pour over apples. Cool cover the tip on her boot, Would
d serve. Pears, peaches or oranges } these same sport clothes be quite so
well with this dish. 'generally favored, think you, if these
Cheese Cake.—One cup sweet milk, l were the only words with which to
e cup well -soured milk, one cup su- commend them ? If there were not
r, four egg yolks, one-fourth cup !something particularly' youthful and
shed almonds, juice and rind of becoming in the ehie severity of these
lection, one-fourth teaspoon salt 1 same sport togs, their sale would be
pastry. Scald sweet and sour quite limited I am sure.
k together and strain through Wool Jerseys for Suits and Frocks.
cheesecloth. Keep one tablespoon al-
monds and put rest, together with
other ingredients, into curd and pour suits and dresses is
into six patte pans lined with pas- berng used h' cloth tis
One of the most attractive of th
new materials for
the Iatest Abase of Terse I th, I
try. Sprinkle to for the dressier frocks
P with chopped . an the semi-tailieurs, for afternoon we
mends and bake in moderate oven un- indoor skating, tea, dancing, callin
til firm to touch about twenty-five and like purposes, as well, as for th
minutes. Three tablespoons cottage regulation sport suit. It conies in
cheese may be used instead of milk. the new shades, blue, green, brow
Peanut Soup. -One cup peanut but-
ter, one cup chopped celery, three
cups rich milk, one tablespoon chop -
pen onion, one tablespoon each of
butter and flour, , three tablespoons
chopped red or green sweet peppers,
one teaspoon salt, one-eighth teaspoon
pepper, one and .one-half cups boiling
water. • Cook celery and onion in wa-
ter until tender, adding water to
keep amount one and one-half cups.
Add one cup milk to peanut butter and
blend. Heat remainder of ° milk in.
double boiler, thicken with flour and
butter creamed together, add celery
stock and peanut butter mixture; sea.-
son and serve garnished with pepper.
Cakes That Keep.
There is always demand . for cakes
that keep -that can be kept in the
cake box for a week or two, ready to
furnish savory slices 'for afternoon
tea or the glass of lemonade ' offered
to a guest an a warm day or to add
to the luncheon dessert if need be.
Here are the recipes for some very
good cakes that can be relied on for
freshness for a good many days.
Pork Cake. -.-This is an old recipe
for a very good cake and itis rather tt
odd that it is not made often nowa-!:
days,for it is '.. 1
not very difficult to
prepare; It will keep for a year, and
there are stories of old-time house
keepers who used to make next year's
pork cakes on the day when they be-
gan to eat those made last year. The
recipe for this cake calls for a pound
of salt pork chopped fine. Pour a
pint of boiling water over this and
add two cupfuls of molasses and two
of sugar, sifted with a teaspoonful of -
cinnamon and half a teaspoonful aJ 1
of cloves and nutmeg.
ee add
eight capfuls of g Then addd
pastry flour` and a
pound of seeded raisins tl e
ire uaxter The Ca e r
of ' a pound of currants 9 s P D Drees.
and a ax
qu tar,' and
of a pound of citron, shredded, all the ! , the various other tunes now mod-
fruit dredged Isla., Often on the more trimmed of
ped with some of the hour>, these Jerseycoati
At the last add a heaping teaspoonful zit there is a touch
of soda dissolved in boiling �ick of taffeta ora bit of braid.'These
water. 1 suits are fashioned after the belted
regard 'whatever to the figure, beneath,
in fact a woman wearing such a skirt
or frock has mueh the ,appearance of
an animated barrel or something
equally ungraceful. The: medium
skirts with just a bit of fulness about
the waist, combined with the simple
quaint bodices now smart, are dainty
and becoming, suggestive of the greet
of the figure beneath, as they are.
The new models so reminiscent of the
this that: Japan or some other
'Zouave Faille Suit.'ng
clays of 1830 and 1850, - are full o
charm if extremes are not indulge
Batiste Collars on Tailored Suits.
Collar and cuff sets of organdy, b
tiste, linen,; and other like fabrics, ar
to be worn for spring with dark tai
ored suits and Egresses. They sere
to brighten the costume and add
fresh touch which` is dainty and grate-
ful to the wearer. Colored sets, in
Russian embroidery, are particular)
pretty. Neckwear in general is sim-
ple arid plain.
Coinbination of Sheer end Heavy
- Fabrics. '•
The popularity of using• a sheer
fabric and one somewhat 'heavier.: in
This happy looking misfit is a detachment of Canadian Scot tlsheen the
wUS' from the base in France to the trenches.
Duration of War is Subject of Disagreement, But Majority Pre-
dict the End Will Coxae on May 22,
The war will end on or before the
22nd of May, 1916, Zadkiel says Ireland will get home
In their forecast of what ti ' _Mule in August, and that Poland and
viii hap p
pen during 1816 the seersprophetss ersia will realize their national as- '
and astrologers differ � h ira ions about the same tune. �U.
Seer's Gloomy View, itie
Kaiser May tele.
Tho chief, points of Gabriel Neith's
Iforecast are as follows;, �-
War probably will continue until
1918, although March, 1916, may
bring strong hopes of peace.
As the sub -cycle of Mars continues
until 1944, this will not be the last
conflict of the nations of the world.
March and June will be memorable
months in the United States because
of internal troubles as well as arta-
pal dangers,
Germany may suffer adverse condi-
tions. in January aid March. Death of
a person of rank, possibly a. member
of the royal family, is indicated,
Air Raids en England.
England should expect peril from
sir raids from February 3 to Febru-
ary 7. Personal danger for the King
or one of his sons in Marek.
Italy has a foreeast of alternate vic-
tories and reverses. Trouble for a
member of the cabinet in May.
Belgium has little hope of escaping
from its overshadowing aloud of cal.,
amities until 1918 or 1919,
France may suffer reverses 'in
March and April, followed by heavy
losses in duly and August;. President
Poiucare should safeguard his life.
Russia will uncover a long train of
treachery. Personal injury to the.
Czar is probable. April will be un-
luck, with n(herse direction until
Invasion of Holland..
Holland has the forecast of much
trouble and possible invasion,
The United States may expect many
surprising events that will affect both
business and' political conditions.
Strikes and riots, with great loss
of property, are prognosticated.
There will be sharp rises and de-
clines in the money market.
Death will remove two financiers at
times of critical crises, one in Janu-
ary and one in July.
Great naval activity is predicted for
the autumn.
A. stormy national election in the
S. is prophesied. Bitter personal-
s, unexpected political eompliea-
ns, and a party split of far -reach -
effect are foretold.
President Wilson has the augury
t 1916 will be the most active year
his life. New international prob-
s will multiply, political treachery
ay be revealed.
Hailey's Comet Mauled,
The astrologers paint cat that ever
since the return of Halite F Comet in
1910 wars and disasters have fallen
upon Europe. This is what their "sci-
ence" would lead us to expect, as the
appearance of the great cornet in
Aries was said by ancient astrologers
to presignify "evil and detriment to
the Eastern part; sorrows to the peo-
pies under Aries; the: clash of arms
and bloodshed; death or dethronement
of same king," Since the comet 'tip -
peered two local wars have occurred
in the Balkans, Italy has been at war
with Turkey, King Edward VIT., the
leading monarch of Europe, has died,
and now the greatest war of all time
is raging.
The astrologers assert that they
gain their foreknowledge of coming
events by studying theheavensfrom
many different paints of view. The
position of the sun with regard eo the
planets and stars is the most import-
ant heavenly influence on human ac-
tions and earthly occurrences. The
position of the moon, awing to its
nearness to us, and the important
gravitational influence it exerts • upon
our minds and bodies, is next in im-
p t b
widely overt e
duration a the world war, although
the majority profess to see an early 1 In January, we are told, there will t
ending with the allies victorious. De- i be a great disaster to English ship- ing
thronement of the Kaiser is also pre- ! ping. A great strike will nearly j
dieted. cripple England,We tha
may expect 1 of
serious reverses and a t • 'bI
mong the almanacs compiled by terrible blow,
leading prophets and astrologers are An attempt on the life of the King
those of Prof. Zadkiel, Prof. Raphael of England is foretold. To make up
and "Old Moore" of Landon. The for the misfortunes of E
I h l
usual annual published1 f renelr arm England, the
by Madame de y will win a great vic-
Thebes of Paris is delayed. 1Vlcne, de 1 tory.
Thebes, however, is uttering pro- Upset for British Government.
phecies concerning the future in her Other predictions of the astrologers
usual picturesque and impressive are:
manner. Sensational divorce case in British
Remarkable Prediction. aristocracy.
Perhaps the most remarkable and Serious financial panic in New
definite prediction regarding the war York, London and other financial
is that it will come to an end on
Ifay 22. Prof. Raphael says that "the British Government to be upset in
passage of Jupiter to Aries and his October,
trine aspect to the planet Mars is a' Revolutions in Spain and Hungary
strong indication of success to the in November. Hungary to gain inde-
arms of the allies in April." pendence.
One prophet finds that the heavens Austrian empire will be completely
foreshadow either 111 -health, accident wrecked,
or trouble for General Joffre from Attempt will be made to assassin -
May to July. This is apparently the ate Alphonso of Spain.
astrologer's way of predicting that Pirates to commit many outrages
the victorious general will pass away 011 coast of China.
riot later than July. Serious rioting in Rome during
Sue for -Peace, the winter.
Widespread epidemic of disease • in
Venus and Jupiter enter Aries, ' •
England's ruling sign, on February Prussia.
13, and Jupiter remains in this` sign Famine in Two Lands.
until the middle of the year. A. not., Famines in Holland and Switzer -
able oonfirniation of the indications land.
of peace is found by studying this Serious dispute between Britain
diagram of the winter solstice at and United States.
Berlin, `which rules the first three Plague of locusts in India.
months hs
n of
1916. Prof. ZadkielUnited divides ,e States will go to war - with
from country during
"The .last decanate of Virgo as- the sizmrner.
sends and the moon., and Saturn are Failure of wheat crop and Earn
f in the tenth mansion and Jupiter is ' in Australia in July.
d • setting. This seems to presignify that Trouble for U. S.
j'the terrible losses of the German and Trouble betwe ri'
1 Austrian armies and the sufferings of ' and Canada leading
United St
a- the civilians will compel their rulers i a leading- to the verge
e ' to sue for peace." ;I war. ': _.
1e - A furbher_eace." for an earlyNew race to be discovered in
peace unexplored part of the Arctic regio
e is to. be -found in the horoscope of 1 Woman leader will ',appear•'
the• King of Belgium., whose forty- Mexico.'
first solar revolution (birthday) on Earthquake in Southern:. Unit
'April 8, 1916,shows Venus, the planet States.
• and tare , sun emnearl e ippec meridian, ,Nen, York sky. scraper to colla
y onlunetion + :i ritish battleship to be blown P
with Jupiter and in trine with Mars. off the southern coast.
A good direction of 'the' ascendant to Gold strike. in'Montana.:
the, major'benefic is due very shortly .
after. The Czar also has an es- Montreal's Portion.
p a y favorabke aspect for .peace I
Meteor to fall in 1Vlontre
ai a
(sun in con;junetion with Venus), do great damage.
coarsing up with the summer months. Grand Opera prima donna to
Germany Doomed. Voeariic eruption in Canada.
9 or G is
going to he a very bad'year Sea serpent to appear in
mans, according'to nearly all fie -Forest
Pp the Pao
I the astrologers, and the climax will Forest fires in Canada
come in September, a disaster even
more serious than defeat. inI Island to appear in.the Arctic Se
« war. Flight' Across Pacific.
"On the 18th of September," says Aeroplane
one noted 'astrologer, " Saturn reaches will make flights acros
the opposition of the place of the sin the Paese scientist
at the 'foundation of the` German: ens- Chinese scientist is to get mess
Hire will
in 187, and this transit . age from Mars.
Dreadful plague to'break out i
Household Hints.
An empty baking powder caninakes
an excellent nut chopper,
ine Medicine stains can be removed
from linen with strong ammonia.
Ginger cookies are improved if
ates mixed with coffee instead of water.
of A piece of cheese grated over a
simple salad is a . great improvement.
the Red currants added to the rasp -
ns. berries give raspberry jam a delicious
in flavor.
'Flour the cake pair after you have
ed greased it, .' to keep , the 'cake,from
se. Tooth brushes. should be dried in
upthe, open air and the sun should
shine on them.
Nutmegs' will grate more satisfac-
torily if started frog the bottom end.
fidVinegar and honey mixed in equal
; parts is a great relief for a cough.
To make perfect tea, remember_r-
good tea, boiling' water and a hot tea -
the same frock or blouse, is a Notion
'that is attractive and economical.
Crepe { Georgette combines bines well with
crepe de„ Chine, taffeta, or faille in
blouse and frock. Serge and satip or
taffeta, broadcloth and satin or taf-
feta, are favored combinations for the
street dress, the touch of silk or satin
.in the same, or a contrasting shade,
adding much to the beauty and the be-
comingness. ofthe model, A simple
serge frock,. gains much by the addi-
tion of a tiny turnover cuffl
or a small
collar• of satin Often the entire uplier
section of the skirt or bodice in the
more dressy gown is entirely, of taffeta
or satin, while the lower section is ;elf
serge, broadcloth, or • gabardine.
Among the new materials for these
simple dresses and suits, even for the
more dressy models, one sees weol
poplin and similar lightweight weaves.
Patterns can he obtained at your
ocal McCall dealer, `or from The
McCall Co., Department "W," 70 Bond
Street, Toronto, Ontario.
Whalebone is often used in Green-
land for making boats and sledges.
Frogs have the power of changing
their color very much as chameleons.
Carbolic acid; is a good disinfectant;
i- but useless unless diluted ' with at
least 20 times its bulk in cold water.,
A bit of vase_lin.e will remove mil
a• clew or stains from any kind of
complete the disruption of the : em-
Kaiser to Lose Throne.
. The heavens in January are partieu-,
Iarly ,ominous for the Emperors of
Germany and Austria. The dethrone-
ment of the ,Kaiser is scheduled by
Japan to have women suffrage.
Y into a closely covered vessel not the
Rich American woman to marc
Great steamship to be sunk.
,Great Naval Victory,
one .prophet for the beginning of England to win great` naval and
air victory.
February. Prof. Zadkiel • says' theQueen it
Kaiser's career Will be: ended in JulyW heImi�za of Holland to
• die.
Earthquakes are -promised 'forr Mex-
ico, Constantinople and China '. in
March. In July Italy is to have an
earthquake • lasting five days.
' "Old Moore" predicts a terrible epi-
demic of plague in France, brought
about by the war. This will continue
in various countries, including Ger-
s Always start the rice pudding on
top of the stove, allow it to boil, stir:
- ging it frequently, until the rice i
done, then set it in the oven to brown,
n When fish conies into the house a
few 'hours before it is cooked, il '.
should be cleaned, wiped dry and pul
King ' of Sweden divorces the
Convicts to revolt in Siberia.
Shah of Persia to be driven from
his throne.
Old Arabian Kingdom restored,
King of Siam will dismiss his
many,' even after the war. Holland Human sacrifice in_China and devil
will suffer from floods in May. l worship in` India,
and -put as near the ice as'possible. F=
e, —se_
His One Triumph.
Trouble never catches the chronic
grouch off his guard. He was
Quite Evident.
Old Lady •Customer --Doo
antee these ni y u ght„awns .?
Sly I oung Clerk— can't.
Clerk—They be
Worn oety.'. madame.
Eider down is one of the worst eon,
ductoi s. of heat, hence its use as a bed