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The Exeter Advocate, 1916-1-20, Page 4
ter buorat sari , •> , 2ti ,"rrec•1t, Proprietor. 1rr advance $1.00 per year in Canada $1.51 in United States. If not paid ix a:ivance SDc. extra, par year may $e ' liar ,ed 1 L1 tzsD:r1Y, JAN, 20,1916 Dashwood Thi, week we must record the ;death ©4 William Brow which sad wens occurred' Saturday evening. H. u a;< taker ill about a week ago ,with ?Bright's :Disease, which caused Lis' death,, The deceased was 67 :•;:ars, months and n d1 18 days old: • He t ' i wed ,on the 14th con, for a number of years uatii about three years ego he• retired and came to Dashwood ,where a?c� ha ; since been a highly respected residesxt;. fie had made many warm friend: in his lifetime by his zheerfuT disposition and all regret his melden 1 demise. He is sautired tris .or -i• ,rowwin,a, widow and seven children, 3 sums and 4 datyghters,. who :n Have the sincere sympathy of the common - ay. latterntent was made in ;:,eines Line cemetery Tuesday attern•.sn. Mr and Mrs. R, Goetz visited with relatives at Sarnia last •week. �ifaltex Yassold has accepted ,z l,,o- sitior as clerk with Kellerman & a:oii: Mrs Ka1bXIeisrh of Zurich.. -'sited with relatives du:irta the ewe k. Misr Lena Wilhelm o: Cred:'o.i is visiting •here At preset t, M% -s; :Mary Englund lett for • Lon- store where she will take tr atinent tt ..St. Joseph's Hospital.. 4ir 4:11(1 \trs. F. Jenn'nms and :'am- i.:y of ThedJ•ord attended `he iu.neral Wn; P-ro,wit Tuesday. Sev,ra: ".rom here aided 'he •dance at Grand Bend Fr';lay evening. ELIMViLf ,B The Zion Red Cross League of the 1Mlimville•circuit will held a Patriotic Concert on Friday, Jan. 21, 1916, when the Rei D. W. Collins, o: Exeter will teeture Music and readings swill be gi,wen b , Misses iMedd and Penrice, Jack Jose W. Mills, C. Paula Refresh fresliments will be served after the program. Doors .open at 7, nrngram at 7.30 o'clock. Admission 25 and 15 cents God Save the King. :gr and airs Milton Clarke •>1 14a1- vacior, Sask., is visiting :with the lat- ter's brother, Wilbert Hunter. -Mr. Wat' Sleamon, ;who has been living with his son, Albert, of Saginaw,'aii.:h for three years, returned on Monday' for a visit among old acquaintances. -- Ger, Wright wears a broad ;;mile these days --another boy to buy a horst. and rig for. -Mrs. rhos. Hey- wood dell and dislocated her 'hoal- tle:• one d;,y last week, -Jackson "rood spew th. wcek in London. -Alden John: return:d home from the West last week to spend the winter wvitii Itis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Silas johns. ZION, The adult Bible class met at .he horn of Mr. E. Hern, the 'upei in- tend.an/ of Zion S. S., on Friday even- ing and enjoyed themselves to- ol•s- 'ters and a good iprogram of games .etc„ and the following address was read to the teacher, Mr, Morley :- To Mr ;Morley, - We the /members of the Zion ad- ult Bible Class :of which you have been the teacher for the past nwenty years haw, gathered together to. - night to express our gratitude for your faithful services these marry years We realize 'that you have often sacrificed pleasure to be with us tar you have very seldom disappointed us. Chimes you tnay .have been discour- aged, but your teach i.n; showed hat your whole heart wwt; n the •work. And sue}, Leers ces as those Cannot fail to have their in:flue, ce. Man: of our members have remov td io differ -J enta parts and cannot but fa'l to lar -`J iy with them, the influent: of your teaching "A little leaven I, aveneth the whole lump". Others again nave beard theit country's call and have • gone to fai off battle fields to .up - bolo their country's honor, , nd ;ne have been called from this • world ,to the great beyond. Heaven alone will reveal the great good done by your faithful work during these many years Though you' have g,,ven up your position as teacher of our .class still -we hope to have you with as it the class that we may still be benefited by your experience. We trust that you: nna3 long be spared; to meet with: Yis a'nd when we are called from lire thiug4 of this world we hope to .IwelJ together in the presence of our Lord. and Saviotu•. Signed or, he'ha1'f of the class. Ephraim Hera, Superintendent WINCHRLSB Mr and Mrs. Milton Clarke of al, -ador, Sask. are visiting • with rela- tive. in this vicinity, after three years absence, -Mr. Wm. Delbrindge, who, iia; been lard up with inf1amanation 'in his knee is able to be around a- gain. --Mrs Robt. Coward and children o,f Saskatchewan, are visiting - .at the borne df Mr, and ?Vasa Dainiel- Coward, -kir David Mille_ of RitSoinvilla, N. Y - is renewing acquaintances in whis ro'icinity.-We are sorry to report that Mr Chas. Coward is .' suffer$rz from. La Grippe. Cheer ab.- we:hoe ho will soon be better. -Muss. Culver' . ' was a week -end . visitor fis,. for with Vlrss _Agnes. Alexander. GREENWAT Messrs. Fred and Jim Pollock olf, Saskatchewan have been visiting here, My• and Mrs.. J. 'Gr. ene of Parkhill and Mr and .1VI.s. Prosser,, nee Bary' Gillen, of Saskatchewan, nude alliin Brous calls (a this neiglrhorhood last e k,. --_Will and Fred ,iicPherson 'tarn eat>a 'ted "in Parkhill"; "Wis'ii thein iateeL. t s4 =T.le young, people, have; enjoyed`- ',Several evening's skating un Ms; ,,ur'tf's,; -field.-Mr. and Mrs. J. Cliffe„ of, rhed.- `` :ford visited 'friends for a t2, Patrick and imeoe..: Lis E bel n , 'Yorktoni,. Sask., visited. ,lots :sister Vbtt;?. :Roy Sherritt "last week: Mr and ti1r + Raw Pollack and son'IVIervira of-` iter weed visited. friends over the v ck LUCA N. Holy Trinity Church held their an- niversary services on Sunday, with Rev T G. ;Wallace of Toroato .as the specie: preacher. The usual sup- per and concert followed Monday. ev- eniut; azad a good time was spent by alt -Hiss Lulu McFalts is on the sick ist -hfis5 nary Fox f s visiting in New York -.Miss Lena, Halliday 'awl Mr C Fox oisZ Boissevtin, Man., are Via. guests of air, Leonard Ou Tuesday evening of last week {Ira team of horses attached to the London and Lucan stage„ and owned byR tap Howard, ran away after�reach Mg ng ^illag and after hitting a hydrc pole attd detaching themselves 'rota ,the r, ran two rniaes into the country. ;finally stalling zn a swollen creek When. found one horse was and n d 'the. other �l l er s o exhausted t`t vas unable to Ove. Woop1I & 1 Mrs. Abenetti,e of Saskatchewan, sister of Mrs Fred Stephen is visit - a t relatives here, --Wesley Shier is; in I.ondoi. *ios,pital where he recently underwent an operation, -On Jan .5th at .Woodhatn,the home of Mr. .and: .lira Jas. Swallow was the scene of a quiet pvedding, it being the occasion of the ,marriage of their daughter, :Nettie. tz to Mr. Simon Blight of West Nzssouri The ;ceremony was per- formed a .'c 11 o'clock by the pastor, the Rev C. W. Baker, the wedding march being played by Miss; Adelaide Parkinson of Granton. The young couple were unattended. The bride was gowned 'in a modest shade of blue duchess satiir, and carried cream and pin.k roses. e . After congratulations all partook of a sumptuous supper. The brido'a. going away •suit was` oc`f dart( green. ladies cloth with green velvet toque .to ,Thatch, WHAT CATARRH IS It has been said that every third person has catarrh in some form. Science has shown that nasal catarrh often indicates a general weakness of the body; and local treatments in the form of snuffs and vapors do little, if any good. To correct catarrh yon should treat, its cause 11 enriching your, blood with the oil -food in Scotts ' nauiston which is a medicinal food anda building -tonic, free from any harmful drugs, Try it.. Scott do Bonne, rotoato, oat. wedding RC1 ELL: A g tiet and pretty g 'vers solemnized at the lama of 'Mrs; Dorothy Sanders, Mitchell, on Jan. 12th at noon, when her young- est daughter, Loge Maud, was ;tatted itt- Marriage to Mr, J. Henry 'Mulhol- land of Ellice. STANLEY -A quiet wedding was :solemnized at the parsonage of the ellington Street Methodist church, London,w • when A. Elliott and Miss Stella Rathwell were jonad In 'mar- riage by Rev:- Hazen. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.; Wm. Both- well of the Goshen Line. ST. MARYS-Word was received Thursday tnorning irf the death at Galt of a former well-known resident o f . St.Marys, ,iso tlie< person of Thos. Porter, Sen., lit the ago of 76 years, fits wife • ;predeceased him about two years A grown-up family survive, The remains will be brought here .for burial MRS. KERNS' ADVICE To Weak,.Nervous,Run,Down Worsen So. Cumberland, Md,-" For a 12n1g, time I suffered from a nervous bre down. I could not eat or sleep an so weakI couldhardly ll d walk. lG[� ilk y `b y� band heard about Vinol and got , try ry it, Now 1 have aood a gg Pe sleep. soundly and am well and strong: Every nervous, weak, run-down woman. should try Yinol.-Mrs. D. W. IC.Ews, Vinol is a delicious cod liver and con tonic, without of which we guars,ritee to create a heal appetite, aid digsa- tion and mike healthy lth blood. S Cole, Dntggist, Easter, Ont. �e Empire's Call to Ontario: "ECONOMIZE" - Lloyd G,aoawitne "We ere filth Oar - many, Austria. s and, so far as I ata the Yrestaat o! them deadly foes is drink." Lord Kirch, nae r centIy johe ined who ha c;tlibn are doing their 1ltmost to prepare them/selves for active service With the least possible delas. result can only be a ed 1f by hard work and strict sobriety they keep themselves thoroughly flt and healthy." Admiral Jelliico "In the navy there arc three qualities upon which efficiency mainly depends. They are dis- cipline, .straight 'shooting. and endurance; and Tem- perance' unquestionably tends greatly to the pro- motion of these qualities." Baron French "There Is no doubt' that, the Work which, the.Roynl Army rTernperance Asso- ciation carries (In makes men infiuitety> better:* diera, and better 'mon. if men;' want to 'see regi- ments, battalions. squad- cone,butteries, smart and .: 'efficient, .they must :prac- tise' these great . gvaIities• of self-control and self sa'erl$ee." The existence of the British Empire depends upon the outcome of the War.. All our resources must be thrown into the scale, The Empire's Ball is for men, munitions, food, clothing/ and, above all • " , '_ MONEY. We are being called upon to give our millions to carry on the war. r Geo. E. Foster has stated that the Dordi1iQx G•.averxizaeut might even ask for a Dumas& Loan of $300,000,000. It is only a few wee ago that Canadians sub- scribed over $100,000,000 to a War Loan. These facts hag night home to us that this is, as Premier ..Asquith stated, "A War of •.Money ,as well asMeal,• Sir.B,abert Borden, Ear Thoma fi White, Finance Minister, and other prominent ruenitaw :e ms. the necessity of econGrn3.. t umerve our wealth. Out down expenses. This is what we must do. to Think About Did you ever serionsly thin clout the ins of dollars expo an - =alb' far a1eohrale beverages in the Province of Ontas Az nearly as can be estfanated from. figures, bid 'on Dan± Qn Govern- ment returns, the Cation of alco- holic beverages in the Dorahlnnxn1.9.14 was $103,049,129. .Assuming that On- tario,, whose population, is one-third of to DominiozJ, coxrsumes one-third of the alcoholic beveragesher share amounts to $34349,709.66: Let us say $33,000,001 In otter words, Ontario's io''S Annual Consumption of .Alcoholic Beverages represents the cost, of -- 1st. Rifles, M ince Gnus and Field Giros for an army of 690,5273 men on active service for a period of 12 months. 2nd. Or.A.ccou.tremenis, Camp Equipment, Harness and Sad- dlery, ritranspert Vehicles, Sign 1 thug and Telephone Equipment, , Tools .and ee.11aneaus Requirements for 1,269,231 men at the front. 3rd. Or one year's Clothing andNecessariesfur330;000 men. 4th. Or Ratioust Subsistence or Money Allowances for 226,027 "boys" on active service for one year. 5th. Or the Canadian Giovernment's Separation .Allowance for 117,773 dependents for the entire year. of 1916. ,The foregoing figures are based on the war estimates of the Department of Militia and Defence for. 1916-17, as published. oia December 31st, 1915, in The Toronto Globe. Eliminate This Expenditure The Citizens' Committee of One Hundred believes that as a war -time measure, if for no other reason, this colossal ' expenditure for alcoholic beverages in Ontario should, be elim- inated. The Committee also has every confi- dence that the Provincial Government will move in this important /natter as rapidly . as public 'opinion will support them. The function of the Citizens' Committee of 'One Hundred is to organize;'crystalize and give. expression to the present state . of public opin- ion on the question of prohibition. The'' o - CIII mitten believes that it can demonstrate to : the. Governtneijt that Ontario is overwhelm:in 1 in• favor of prohibition. Theg ppeople:: wiii�'shortly, be given the opportunity of signing '• e i ..fors presentation to ,the Government.b 1; a p, t riots' The Citizens' Oominittee'of One "Hund red` the eaeclitive head of ig this . . b „ new gr-oli.bition movement. It represents the whole- Province. E P; CT'l+',''r;i T„ 'Berlin. Cliairrtlain. I to, ,i P1M1+75 H JEL14'3, Tor cvil.e brie •r4ftrl'., • It numbers men' of both political parties --..men • who welcome this chance to work for prohi- bition now that it has.been taken -out ofpoli- tics—earnest men who are working together for the common good. The public, and this includes those living in `. DRY municipalities; are urged to join hands with the Committeeand insure the success of the movement. Doing -so will show that you appreciate the - benefits of 'prohibition itt your _. own municipality and add great strength to the Committee's' campaign_ you Iive in a Local ..Option municipality your', signature to the• y petition ls,jtist`�a� urgent- ly wanted as its woul d be if you. were ,under license.. ` Province-widerohibition .-`a 1? would not onlv•confer - benefit on people living where Local . Option does not prevail hat; woo helpto "e ore , ld als• - •.,enforce the law in Local Option.munici panties. turtori, Chairmlan o P. R. Buildirng, Toronto.; Signs of the England �nat teras and on non per day. 2 France The vrencb Govern- ment has prohibited the Jnanufackure ox idle of :Absinthe, and Ilesheavy panel - es for any pe>;oa supplying ap7 no liquors ? to bole Russia. Thet�e ,moat optatitndi�tnr8 Watery of theeprchibl. tion of the 11ggqo'rr trat- Ile is Russia. One ally has enacted ebeolute prohibition with In - Calculable results- both economic and moral. vice end por- erty have glrven way to happier homes bud en- ortnOusly increased saw - Ings neeonnts, WHY? Germany On February 17th, 1815, the (iohera1 COM - mender issued tt pros. lematioh that an saloonkeeper serving alcoholic drinks to any soldier wbuid be sen- tenced to one year's Imprisonment, and alis business closed up, United States Seven more States vo "yes" on Decent,beg.th, for State -veldt pre loop Of title man. nflrslure find sate of ligtter.Wer ? Canada 1> nce Edward. Ishnd Nora Scotia js tu: deft prohibition cent' the city of i it! New Brunswick qti ha o tteea neo n tstie'ii aldi two of itli %ref Quebec ipaliti s'' a n d 'only 237'wat. Manitoba ,watt vote_ on prohibition this year. Saakatchetvan .- Flvery bar was bloAed.on Julie 30th Mat. Alberta -declared for prohibition On July 21st, last bZ'. momvotes, at against 57,509 British Columbia -Thi Government; is pledged to take a plebiscite, Ontario 578 municipahtleyaro now, dry and .there art licenses in only 274, This counts as dry the municipalities voted dry .on January 3rd, During the past tivt ` `years only a single mu, nicipality in Ontario has gone,: back from prohibition .,to itemise. L4 cU1 prohibition tills' proved an .lmmeust 'success. You are asked to, join with, the Cour mittee of One Ftuurlred, in the" demand for: a chance to pronounce. on Province -wide extinc- tion of the trairic- „ ecutive Coy eLep;- one sin '2246:;; 4N1(TPS ; a �„ Meafortl,s T4 t xsairer.:. NEArt()N !':1'V Secretary, „ .�'