The Exeter Advocate, 1916-1-20, Page 31.
Papers Admit That the People There e Are
Hungry All Day Long
"Ikea espatch from London: says: De- .though all, the bells are ringing and
spite the assertions made in the, fhags wave. The children are under-
fed, pale and wan, looking like faded
flowers, The extent to whichthe fa'll.
in the birth rate occupies the atten-
tion of the Government was shown at
the meeting of the People's Welfare
Reichstag that food is ample and
st ervatioai. in Germany la . impossible,
the German press continues to print
denials of the authoritiesclaims and
to give indications of the "ever ' Association at Berlin, On that Dees-
increasing pinch" caused by the Bri- sion a representative of the Prussian
-fish blockade. The Berliner Zeitung Ministry of the interior stated that
"It is diffieuit to imagine that things
could grow worse just now without
some crowning disaster. The masses
of the people are hungry all day long,
many articles of food having reached
the Government was fully aware o£
the importance of the question in its
bearing on the future of the German
nation, especially in view of the fact
that hundreds of'thousends of young
men are being cut off in the flower of
thetime r
r i • youth. I the mean we
a price wholly beyond the each oftheir y i h, n GENERAL dot=FBt=
families of the working class. Hun informed that the military authorities .& winter scene in ttze Vosges Moil
ger renders the people sullen and de- have forbidden meetings convened to to -Chien on a round of the trenches,
prives them of an joy in victories, discuss the dearness of living."
Farmers Saved
��))the Coountry Triumph
o4 the ''O. A. C. No. 72"
Two cases illustrating the unusual
startling statistics regardi+,g the
enormous losses to potatoes caused by
rot. "Despite the last year's increase
in the acreage of the potato crop," he
stated, "there was a shortage of more Nemv crop Na. 1 Northern,
than five minion bushels, or on the' ^ Toronto, Jan. 18, -The quotations
average of forty bushels per acre." 31 No th�eNo, $1.13 trh iernn sto a l� Foilo were:• so t good, $7.2ca 5'to $7.5O;$7c1o0
While this loss might be partly attri- . Willim. medium, $G to $6.75; do., ,common, c'lnlfeS)tO Declares German Meals 'lave Been
buted to climatic conditions, he point- : Manitoba oats -No. 2 C.W., 411%4'
3 , $5.40 to $5.75; obutchars bulls,
ed out, the main cause was the dam- No. 3 C.W., 41%; .extra. No. 1 feed,
choice, $G.50 to $7..5, do., gaol bulls,
age dare by tin epidcrrzie of late 4134e2 No, 1 feed, 403'xc, $5.75 to $6.25, do„ g ,
mains, wigs the French Commander -
f) -operate Attacks Against the Teuton P
Renewed at Various Points
despatch from London says: On, Office reverted on Wednesday after -
the Russian front,' the Austrian ofl'i noon that the Russian attacks failed,
cial communication reeords renewed ; with heavy losses to the 'attackers.
desperate attacks'by the Russians on l , The Petrograd eon•espondent of the
the 13essarabian: frontier,, but claims London Daily Mail telegraphs: It is
that the attacks everywhere were re- ° reported that the Roesian_s are ener-.
pulsed. The Petrograd comnrunica- geticaly pushing towards Czerno-
tion is silent on the subject, but the witz. They'have occupied 'Sadagora.
Russians usually withhold mention of It is reported that 10,000 Austrian
their ,movements: until they are well on prisoners have been taken in the re -
the road to completion. cent battles in the Bukowina and on
For the first time in several weeks the Stripa. Besides a great number
the Russians displayed activity on the of killed were abandoned on the bast -
north -western
north-western part of the battle line, , tlefield.
launching an attack on Field Mar- "Austrian and German wounded and:
shat von 13indenburg's forces around; prisoners say the Russian artillery is
Dvinsk, south-east of Illuxt, which is devastating and caused losses aggre-
in German hands. Illuxt is only eight gating 70,000 to the armies o£ Gener-
g g
i3 h
and Count von
e t ra'lroad • von Pflanzer a
"1west the a is
i es from e � a
t city of Vwinsk, The German War beer,"
Iar ets of the World $1.22%
No. 2 Montana hard, $1,221h;
$2.40; duly, $2.39.
DIaY, $7'.2Gi42 duly, 2x..253.'; Lin- 2200090 BEHIND MOVEMENT
seed ---Cash, $,..3G to $, .SGS, May,
Tronto, Jan. `.8.--M nitoba wheat I Live Stack Marlgets. �V PUBLIC GERMANY
in store, rough bulls $4.75
blight and rot. Both these diseases Fort William. to $5.25; butchers cows, choice, $6,25
may be controlled by selecting the' American corn No, 3 yellow, new, to $7; •do`„t good, 36 to $6.26; do.,me-
be disease -resisting varieties of tu- 81%c, on track, Toronto, Ilium, $5.25 to $5.75, do„ comon, A despatch from Landon says: It is i However strong or weak may be the
best Canadian corn --No. 2 yellow, old, reported from Zurich and corrobor ; feeling in support of a change in the
bets, of good quality and heavy yield- $�k t $4 50' feeders goad $G 25 to P g
e ,
nominal n track, Toronto.0• t ekers 700 to 900 lbs. $6 to aced from- Berne n G
can -
Trampled Under Foot by Present Rulers
it is
a r a
e va that f rm of Ge
rs and b spraying ' the plants
o a , $6.a , stockers, oand Geneva o
y Ontario oats --No, 3 white, 40 to $6.50; canners and, cutters, $3 to German Republican ;aanifesto will be' said that there is no question but that
scantly, from the time they appear 41c; commercial oats, 39 to 40e, ac $4,,50; milkers, choice, each: $75 to issued in the near future at Zurich.' the reported Republican manifesto
profits that may be made from the above the ground till the tops die cording to freights outside, $X00; do., common and medium, each,
It is said that behindthe movement , will be issued, Among its contents, as
sectP it iii of bees wore cited by Mr. 'down, with the Bordeaux mixture, Ontario wheat -Ito. 2 Winter, Per $35 to $60: Springers, $50 to $100; ;