The Exeter Advocate, 1915-12-23, Page 4Oxtter ,buortAty, I WHALEN S an:ta,K .e c:>t ti, proprietor- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nilson e- In advance $1.00: per year in- Canada turned to their home at Lucknew on $l 5t in United States. If not paid Monday after a pleasant visit with rel ir. advance SOc. extra per year may anise° and friends around here.—Mrs, Ile charged George Jones of Kenton, 'Mane is tome ee a visit with her parents,` Mr. - T 1JRS:DA DEO, 23,191 and Mrs Phillip Brooks—GordM an r- ' r, lee of Stratford Normal is home for the holidays as is also Miss Mionie MilIsor: of the Collegiate.—Lorne Gun Hint; who enlisted same time ago, has had to undergo an operation, at Strat- hospitat and is doing nicely. --Several or our boys have enlisted lately,!lanr- elv Fred Hopkins at Exeter, Lorne Gunning at Stratford, Oliver McNaugh toe any Roy Hudson at Torontos— ii'L wish to state that our ladies are doing theist bit, having now shipped three males of clothing and a shipment of jan. last week, They sent 19 pairs of socks and 16 doz. shirts io the boys at the front, through the Red Cros: Society .--Mr. John Wright en-- tertained a number of their friends to fon supper an Tuesday evening of 'ase week.—An event of more than usual interest took place on :friday eventing, Dec. 17th, when Mr. and '.ers Gee Millson of the general store, cel- ebrated their Silver wedding. Besides their neighbors and friends around here guests from a distance were pres- ent numbering sixty in ell. A very i►mptuous supper was served, the t<: a menu being oysters. The even • ine, was very pleasantly spent in var- ied amusements and phonograph eel- . assns, The beautiful array of sil- Dashwoq Dor't forget the Christmas enter- tainment or Dee. i'i5 at the evangeli- cal •vang eli - :al church. Excellent program ex- pected, Mess E Crawford, Who has Been ,a?ndueting the milliner)• department for `h srs. Kellerman Sr Son, :eft loft for Beim:;are Monday morning. Mr. le Mates, who has been visiting at the home at D. Schram or some time, left [or his home in London St- • urday • Mr S Ireland of Stratford was a -visitor here Friday and Saturday. Mi. Elgin Schatz of Clinton is speeding the holidays with the rela- tives here • Miss Letta Guenther of Stratford is spending, the holidays at her .some here Centralia The yoer ; ptopie of the t'e eld ' 'd 'i and 1Mr4 efts-rsc surpr.s.- r. ..n Eilio , at their home the other uignt the hi.gl• esteem in which Mr. and Mrs. Melsor• are held. --Several o: the farm- ' ers around here are hauling home gra-'t vel 'tu erect new buildings aext, - summer i . HENSALL F W Smallacotnbe has been on the slice; list for two weeks but is improving.—Lloyd Hudson is recover- ing from the third fracture, of an arm —A flag donated by G., C. Petty now floate over the Town Hall.—Will Mc- Queen has returned from the west.— ' Chute.; Troyer and family have 4e - turned turned from a visit in the west.—Mr. 'and eIrs Keith of New York are guests at James eloore's.—John D. Stewart and wife are visiting in De- troit.—The hydra commission has rent their estimate for furnishing ,Mower to Hensel'. The amount asked is $10,- 000 spread over a period of 30 -years. The number of street lights; is placed at 65 of a hundred candle power each —On. December lath Mrs. Robert Dalrymple of this place passed away a: the home of her daughter, Mrs. W Houghton of Cromarty, where. she had been visiting for some weeks, during which time she had steadily been growing worse. Besides Mrs. Houghton she leaves another daughter Miss .Polly to mourn her demise. The funeral took place to eleTaggart's cemetery. Pete: Murray, a farmer of Hay Township entered an action against the village of Hensel' for damages rnd a perpetual injunction restraining the is vein! from using a half acre of Jrware given by the guests, bespeak' hr`nginx baaske''s, oysters, etc.. end :lurine the evening amuse l :he',,,,;1 ve' a' d fferent games, Atner vnper s 11411:1o.n: parlor lamp wa , �•esen:ed 'to the a ninny t couple. Mr. Gordon soar ret! n , address and 1tr, '.r-1 .;hie Rolr'nson making t1i: presentation; Mur iy math a suitable reply. F l lowine is 'the address.— Te Mr and Mrs. Murray . I•Il t — Pew Friends,—We are :gathered to- gether to -night at the beginning of a new epo:h in your life to wish you a haupc and prosperous married life. We could not consent to see y on start a new home in our midst with- ote some expression of our affection and sincerest wishes for alright fu- ture for you. A, a slight token of our esteem and good wishes we present to sou this lamp May its pleasant ,,,low serve to remind you o the friendly heart.- near you. Please accept our little present va tS, {nae earnest good wishes. ?our Friends and Neighbors. Crediton christmas without music is like June without roses. Will '. Sea rrs Ci, .tn es to all. '4.17,- e:1,7, ,l.tyt:1', s c t v. S.'e oa bring joy to •nany Eronn:: and we' ask you to especially remember the ones in need and dis- tress. The Xmas program of the Metho- dist Church will be held Thursday night tbi', weak. 1 splendid Program ks.e. been prepared and everybody -.hould go esti enjoy tr.: evening's .'n- -ta nsn�:: rat. On Xn:a : night the 'Sun- day ti.'hoo' of the Evnngeliical church will give their annual entertainment. The first part of the program will ;:oasis: of choruses, recitations, :.'rills etc..while the second part will be a "Bethlehem Xmas Pageant" which is something out of the ordinary and which.. promises to surpass `anything given in this village in the past. Re- membes these two entertainments and come A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles D Braun of Detroit last Friday. We extend congratulations. Clarence Eilber, who left here for Detroit some weeks ago to take a position with the Burroughs Adding Machine Co. was operate I on. ;or ap- pendicitis last week in ene of the city hospitals. We are pleased to learn that the operation was a suc- cess and he is ;making, rapid headway. Miss Ella Link left for Lhly,Mice., last week where she will visit lies uncles for sometime. Rev 3'. A. Schmitt of Berlin was fn the village on Saturday. Xmas parcels are beginning to ar- rive The mail man will be glad when this week has passed. Our -merchants have a special request to make .end that is to "Shop early". Mrs Teller and children of London are visiting their mother, Mts. Aug - us; Ewald who went through an 'per - atop last . Wednesday. We are pleas- ed 'to state that Mrs. Ewald's condi- tion is rapidly improving, and we hone to see her• well as ever in e. ,bort time.. The home .of Mr. and Mrs.. Fred Heist was the scene of a pretty sired - ding last Wednesday, Dec. 15th, when at 1.3e p. m. their eldest daughter, Miss Louise M., was united in - far- riage 'to Mr, Arthur J. Amy. " ; .ev. Becker performed the marriage cer- emony in the presence of about 200 , guests While Miss 'Losetta Hoist, sis'tes of the bride, played th'e wed- ding ed -ding march the bridal party took aieir places beneath a beautiful arch, trnn med with evergreens and flowers, and a white dove. The bride was •Iressed in white satin, trimmed with seed pearls wore a veil and carried a bou- quet of roses and Bullies. She was at- tendee by 'Miss Minnie Amy of ' Ham- ilton and the groom was supported' ba Mr Everettt Haist of Detroit. Miss Gertrude 1 -list, cousin of - "he bride. made a charming ring -bearer. The groom's gift to the bride was a . gold pearl set sunburst and chain; to to the bridesmaid a brooch et with pearls-, etc the groomsman a pair of 'gold cuff l'imks; to the ring -bearer, a lavalier and chain and to the pianist a, brooch set with pearls. The happy couple were the recipients 'of many beau't)fu' and handsome gifts, bespeak - int their popularity. After the wed- ding dinner had been served• the brid- al couple took the train at Exeter for Toronto ,Peterboro:..and Hamilton. On their return home they will reside on the grooan'sfarm on the 8th cones- sloe o; Stephen: We- -exeend our hearty congratulations and wish thein ei cry joy and happiness. SEAFORTH—Whivle decending a stairway in her hosi e, Mrs. Patrick Weise of this townmade a misstep and falling, fractured her left aril l e- j low the elbow, besides sustaining ',eel, II fut injuries .to her'back and head.:OPEN EVERY EVENING UP TO CI- RISTMAS. 44.44+44+4,4444444444.14+++44 here be a Piano in your home this Christmas? ;round next ,to his farm' as a dumping ,rouna, The judge decided in favor of the plaintiff for $20 damages :nd ordered the place cleaned up, defend- ants to pay costs on county eourt scale. Before Pope Magistrate Andrews, in Clinton on Thursday last W. Ache- son proprietor of the Commerclsi Hotel at Hensall, pleaded guilty to a violation of the Canada Temperance Act and was fined $100 and costs as a second offence, The magistrate warned Acheson that the next 'lime he appeased before hiss it would he a jail sentence. The Sherlock -Manning Organ �� Com - Pane has issued a writ against., W. Cooper of Kippen, Huron County, for $293.46- the amount of tWO 'promis- sory notes made by the defendant in favor of the company. Col, H B. Combe, Major Shaw and A H Mus grove, M. P. P., were in 1-Iensal Monday arranging far she formation ,of a local recruiting c.arn- mittee to assist here in getting men for the 161st. The following were .ap- pointed. --Chairman, the reeve; corn- mittee Rev Mr. Knight, Rev. Mr. Smith, Mr, A. Murdock, E. Rennie and I McDonell, with power to add to their numbers, . A. recruiting offi- ce will he appointed here under Lieut C. Hall, THE JOY BRINGING GIFT FOR ALL THE FAMILY, MAKES THE HOME BRIGHTER, 'I'IIE CHILDREN HAPPIER AND ENDURES A LIFE TIME. WE WILL GIVE YOU SPECIAL PRICES UP TO CHRISTMAS EVE. DON'T FAIL T'. SEI" OUR LEADER AT $185, DELIVERED COMPLET.e, WITH S 1 JOL MANUFACTURED BY THE LARGEST AND BEST COMPAN). IN CANADA, AND GUAR- ANTEEL FOR TEN YEARS. THE FOLLOWING PIANOS ARE CARRIED IN STOCK — GER - $ARD HEINTZMAN, NORDHE1MER NEW SCALE WILLIAMS KARN, MORRIS AND DOMINION. Sewing Machines CASTO IA For Infants ar i Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always beats the Signature of FARQUHAR The Bazarr Bazarr held in Thames Road Presbyterian church in aid of the 'reed Cross Society proved successful, the proceeds being .$170. --Mr. and -.Mrs, Thorne?. Hodgert have returned from Muskoka. --Mr. Foster Bray ;s .rnprov- ing an is expected home for .,hrist- Inas ST. MARYS—Robert Johnston, a married man while working in the cement quarry Friday was crushed by a cave-in .and his face so badly smash- ed that three large pieces of his jaw and cheek bones had; to be 'aken: out by the surgeon. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SINGERS AT $25,00, drop bead. NEW WILLIAMS $25 drop head. TWENTY-FIVE NEW. RAYMONDS JUST ARRIVED, NO REASON- ABLE OFFER REFUSED. COME PREPARED TO TAKE A VIACH- INI? HOME WITH YOU. SMALL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE—INCLUDING VIOLINS, MAN- DOLINS GUITARS, FLUTES :AND MOUTH ORGANS. ALL THE LATEST PATRIOTIC AND POPULAR SHEET 'MUSIC. CHRISTMAS STATIONERY, new designsand new prices 15c. to 51.50 CROKINOLE BOARDS $1.25 to $1.50 CHILDREN'S SLEIGHS, 25c. UP ROCkING HORSES;' 51.00 and $1.40, IRON CARTS X40 "cents. ,WE HAVE SOMETHING FOR EVERYBODY AND WE Yt>tf TO COME AND LOOK THROUGH OUR STOCK. actin & Son INVITE Phone 3 SIR EDMUND 'WALKER. C.V.q., LL.A:; A.C.L., i'resictent 301W AJRD, General Manager. H. V. P JONES. Ass't General Manager CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FIND, $13,000,000 FARMERS/ BUSINESS The Canadian Rank of Commerce extends to Fanners every facility for the transaction of them' banking business, including a the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes are supplied free of charge on application. ss4 EXETER BRANCH—H. J. WHITE Maar. CREDIT-ON—A, B, KUIHN, hfakr. INCORPORATED 18 MOJ3€NS BANK Capital & Reserve $8,800,000 se Branches In Canada• A DeaaraI Beaking Business Transacted Circular Letters of Credit Bank Money Orders SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT interest allowed at highest ourrent rats EXETER BRANCH -- W D. CLARICE, Afenages-. GEORGIAN MFG. 00„ - The Harmless but Ani- C cent rem edyter 3lis dacha Neuralglaa,Ansera is*Sleap- Nssnsss, Nervous EV+ haustion, arc. 00 AT Ai.L DRuant$t'i, or by Rett hi COWLWNGWOOD. ONT. Christmas Gifts for All Jewelery, Clocks, Silverware, and Cut Glass. :•. ea; Bracelet Watch for Ladies , Cut Glass for the Men's & Boys' Wrist Watch Housewife • Signet, Birthday and Emblem Rings Pendants and Lockets and Necklaces LAWSON &