The Exeter Advocate, 1915-11-25, Page 519
Retains flavor and freshness
In breari and pastry
,110„01111,111101011 ......... 1113011...110i111.1.1 ....
is for you, Madam
' HAT is LUX? It is
a soap of unusual
purity made into the
thinnest of flakes that
]readily dissolve in hot
water, It makes a
creamy, foamy lather
that cannot injure the
daintiest fabric or the
LUX is a wonderful life
lengthener of all, woollen
and flannel garments. It
absolutely prevents them
from matting, thickening
or shrinking In the 'wash.
Wilt you i.s us seri
you • swoop's, free?
Address LUXDept.: Lever
Brothers Limited, Toronto.
All groom
LC. 11
Wont shrink
$100 REWARD, $100.
The readers of this paper *ill be
O1CI SOI"; & CARL/, $&RRISTERS, I pleased to learn that there is at least
solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, conn, aene dreaded disease that science has
bee able to cure i'n all its stages,and
that is catarrh 'Catarrh being greatly
influenced byconstitutional conditions
requires constitutional, treatment;,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and acts through the Blood on the
Mucous Surfaces of the System there-
by destroying the foundation of the
disease giving the patient strength•
by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work.
The proprietors have so much faith
in the curative powers of Hall's Cat-
tarnl' Cure that they offer One Hun-
dred Dollars for any case that it fails
to cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address—F. J. OHENEY & Co., To-
ledo Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c,
rniesioners. Solicitors for the Benisons
Bank. etc.
Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest
Offices—Main-St., Exeter
d, ft. Carling, B.A. L. H, Dickson
have a lame amount of private
to loan en farm and v'illage prop-
at low rakes or interest.
Baxrlstera. Solicltors, I+treter.
Dr. G. F. ROULSTON, L.D,S., D.D.S.
Member of the R.C.D.8. of Ontario and
Honor Oranuate of 'ioronto University.
Office --Over Dickson & Cariing'e raw
<n*.*: Closed Wednesday afternoons,
Illi, A R. KINSMAN. L.D,S„ D.D.S.,
Honor Graduate o" Toronto University
'este extracted without pain, or any
oad affects. Office over Q15dman *
11anourrs Qftlt e, MMri Street, Exeter,
i,". NO?SIS OF CA? ADIt1.N 1"ioRTB
THE sole head of a family, or any
enale'over 18 years old, may homestead
a quarter -section of available Domirq
ion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or
Alberta The applicant must appear
in perso . at the 'Dominion :;Lands e.g-
ency,�ot Sub -Agency for the Dis-
trict. Entry may be made at any
Dominion Lands Agency (hitt not
anti -Agency) on certain conditions.
Dirties—Six months' residence uponi
and euritivation of the land in each of
'three years. A laomgsteader may tine
]ala nine miles of hie,, homestead on
a fi�tI of at least 80 acres, on certain
Coirlsitiions. A habitable house is re-
enrited in every case, except when t e-
sidence is petfortned in the vicinity.
In certain districts a homesteader in
.goad standing may pre-empt a quarter
section alongside his homestead, Price
$3 per acre. Duties—Six months resi-
denice in, each of three years after
earpine homestead patent; also 50
acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption
,pathat may be obtained as soon as
'homestead patent, on certain condi-
A settler who has exhausted his
homestead rIgbt may take a purchas-
ed homestead in certain districts.
Trice $3 per acre. Duties --Must re
eidTe -6 months in each of 3 years, cu-
ltivate 50acres, anfi erect a house
•worth $300.
The area of cultivation is subject
to reduction in case of rough, scrub -
'by or stony land. Live stock may be
eubstit'ltted for cultivation under cer-
lain conditions.
W. W. CORY, C.M.Q.
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior
N.8.—Unauthorized publication of
'this advertisement will not be paid for.
L 07za(•� ea�C�
A Christian college -home,
healthful situation.
For prospectus andterms,write the Principal
R.I. Warner, M.A.,D.D., St. Thomas, On6t.
Our instructors are experienced.
Pupils get individual attention and
graduates. are placedin positions. We
are receiving applications we cannot
meet. Students may enter any time.
Send for our free catalogue and see
if it interests you.
D. A. McLachlan, Principal
gulating Pill for Women. $5 a box or three for
.$10., Sold at all Drug Stores, or mailed to any
address on receipt of price.. Trig Scossar, DREG
Co., St. Catharines, Ontario.
Nitality;for Nerve'and Brain; increases "grey
anatter";aTontc—willbuild you up. $3 a box, or
,'two for $5, at drug stores, or by mail on receipt
of price TEE SCOBELL DRAG Co., St. Catharines.
I)onple Track all the , Way.
For Chicag o -
Leeve Toronto 8 a.m: 6. p.m. and
11.45 p.m.: daily
The publishers of The Advocate
wish tc call attention of contributors,
correspondents, and others to the
necessity of sending in such matter
as the may have for publication as
early int the week as possible. Re-
member we go to press early Wed-
nesday afternoon, and it is necessary
that lengthy articles be in early ted
in .fact all articles should be in the.
office at the earliest possible mom-
ent after the occurrence. There is
always a large amount of matter
which unavoidably does not reach us
until the last day, and if other mat-
ter br delayed then there is a rush
and parts may be left out, or mis-
takes occur. causing dissatisfaction
and disappointment to contributors its
well as ourselves and the readers. Do
not forget to send in matter early.
Thi) applies to advertisers who der
sire changes of advertisements as
it is impossible to change advertise-
ment,. unless brought in by Monday
Tell:. REV. IRL. R. HICKS' ''1416
The Rev. lel R. Hicks' 1916 Alman-
ac is by far the finest, largest and
best ever printed, The Hicks storm
and weather tforecasts for 1915 again
have proven 'their truth and value,
and this splendid Almanac for 1916
should •fiat% its way into every home
and office in America. The Rev. Irl
R, Hicks Magazine, Word and Works,
and his unique Almanac should always
go together, both foe one dollar a
year. The Almanac alone is 35c *re-
paid Send 'to Word and Works Pub-
lishing Company, 3401 Franklin Ave.,.
St Louis, Mo.
FULLARTON— ,The engagements
are announced of Miss Amelia Matilda
daughter of Win. Harper, to Walter E
Cole of Carlingford; and Miss Ethel
Wtnni€red, daughter of Mr. tnd qrs.
Jolly: Woodley, to Albert Harper t+f
Fullerton; both to take place at an
early idp.te —_—
CLINTON—Mrs. John P. Toy of
Ontario• California, a former resident
of Clinton her husband having for
some time been connected with the
G. T R. here, died at Ontario last
week, after about a week's illness. She
wan in her 78th year and 'eaves a
family of three daughters and three
For Montreal
Leave; Toronto , 9 a,m., 8.30 p.m, and
11 p.m. daily
Enuipment the finest on all trains
Reduced Fares to
San Francisco, `Los Angeles and !pan
Full particulars dad birth reserve
lion' on application to Agents.
N. J. DORE. Exeter
For Tired, Weak, Nervous Women
Bellefontaine, Ohio.—"I wish every
tired, weak, nervous woman could have
Vinci, for I never spent any money in
my life that did me so much good. as.
that I spent for Vino]. I was weak,
tired, worn out and nervous, and Vinol
made me strong, well and vigorous after
everything else had failed to help me,
and I can now do my housework with
pleasure. "—Mrs. J. F. LAMBORN.
We guarantee Vinol, our delicious cod
liver and iron tonic, for all weak, run-
down, nervous, debilitated conditions.
W S. Cole, Druggist, Exeter, Ont_
Reliable salesman to act as agent
in Huron County.
Outfit free, exclusive territory and
money making specialties. Our
agencies are the best in the ausi-
•ness for .we sell the highest grade
of stock at most reasonable nrices
and guarantee deliveries in first
close condition. Nursery stock is
selline 'well this year and good
money. can be made in this dis-
district. For particulars write
Sales Manager.,
It has been said that every third
person has catarrh in some form.
Science has shown that nasal catarrh
often indicates a general weakness
of the body; and local treatments in
the form of snuffs and vapors do little,
if any good.
To correct catarrh you should treat its
cause by enriching. your -blood With; the
oil -food in Scott's Emulsion which 'is a
medicinal food and a buiidieg-tonic, free
from any harmful drugs. Try it.
Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Out.
Business and
Westervelt School
Y. M. C. A. Building 20
London, Ontario
College in Session Sept. 1st to July.
Catalogue Free. Enter any time.
J. W. West,', sett Piinr.ipal
Mrs Lewis Hope passed away sud- l
denly a 'cher bonnie, John street, eark-
hill, on Friday. The maiden name of
deceased was Rosanna Connors. De-
ceased was born in the Township of
Gwillimbury, County of York. With
her husband she moved to the 8th
concession of McGillivray, over 33
years agowhere they have, lived ex-
ceptin a couple of years at Clande-
boye About three weeks- ago 'they
moved to Parkhill, having sold their
Not a Case of Sympathy.
Teacher—Willie, did your fa her
whip you for what you did in school
Willie—No, ina'am; he said th
licking would hurt him more that,
Teacher—What nonsense! Your
father is too sympathetic.
Willie—No, ma'am; but lie's g
rheumatism in both arms'.
Not Tender All Over.
A beggar had been for a long time
besieging an old, gouty, testy, limp-
ing gentleman, who refused his mite
with great irritability, upon \ hich
the mendicant ia'd:
"Ah, please your honor's honor, 1
wish Providence had made your heart
half as tender as your feet!”
Russian Strong Drinks.
Vodka and guess are Russian
drinks. The first is a species of whis-
ky or brandy dis Wed generally from
rye, but so nett .les fro.n potatoes,
and the second is a beer derived from
rye instead of ba,"'y.
.In t 1.,.` '; 'a •
E'nploy e it Agent — You e'i'ae
from the country, yo -1 cannot cook
and you have learned to. do nothing
-ase. Well, sup post fdr the present
,oil try to get a position for general
Sons iwork.
"He certainly touched me with his
;fury of hard luck."
"For how much?”
Rev Mr Raebling of Linwood =on -
ducted the services in the Lutheran
church Sunday,—Mr. V. Gerber, Jr.,
and wife are visiting the former's
brother in Indiana for a few weeks,
—Mrs. John Geiger of Pigeon, Mich.,
is visiting at the home of Mr. John
Gascho, of town.—The home of Mr.
and Mrs David Gingerich, Goshen
Line south was cast into deepest
gloom on Thursday night, when their
only daughter, Lila 'passed away at
the age of 11 years and 8 months.
She was' ill for only,a few weeks And
hopes were entertained for her som-
plete recovery, but the summons came
suddenly. tubercular meningitis being
the immediate cause of death.—So.l-
mon Martin was born in Wilmot town-
ship, Waterloo County, Oat„ Dee. ith
1828 and died in Hay township lerov,
12th 1915 aged 86 yearn, U months
and 4 days. He was married to Leah
Schantz Oct. '14th, 1851, which un-
ion was blessed with eleven children.
His wife and six children already tire -
deceased him. In 1868 he moved to
Hay township and settled on a .-arm
on the Babylon Line, where he re-
sided until death called hint,
Miss Leta Kent of Toronto- is vis-
iting at her home here.—Mr. John Av-
ery has been, moved to a London hos-
pital for treatment,—Mrs. Geiger had
the .misfortune to fall down and se-
verely injured her arm. --Mrs, Wm.
Hawkshaw off Exeter has been visit-
ing her brothers and other relatives
around here.—Miiss Rebecca Martin:
ha : resumed her studies at the Strat-
ford HospitalMr. Chas, Hobbs left
las* week for the Southern States to
to spend a few weeks for the bene-
fit of his health.—The High School
will hold their annual concert on Dec.
3rd, -,The friends of Miss .Gertrude
Kent wil' be pleased to learn that she
is improving after the operation she
underwent for appendicitis in London
one day last week,—Word was receiv-
ed here last week of the death at
Granton of M'rs, Radcliffe. Deceased
wag' thio Mother of 'Mirs. Jas. Park,
Mrs. A-. C. Waring and' Mr. D. Rad-
cliffe of this place.
Mrs. Garnet Hutchinson of London
is visiting her father Mr. John Cornish
—Miss Wood of London spent Sun-
day sweat Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Balkwill.
The Red Cross Social in Elimville on
Friday last was a great success. Mr.
Knight's address on -Germany and, the
cause of the war was, -very much tip-
preciat;ed,-The Johns Bros. have had
to pull out agai4n with their threshing
outlit to help out Mr. Win. Pollen
Farquhar, who has more than he can
do before Christmas.—Three more of
the hired men of this, vicinity have
joined the colors, Ed. Wyggold, Len
Wilson, Robt.- Ray. The other throe
boys who enlisted have gohe to Eng-
'CLINTON-A fire was discovered
shed of NITS. Bawd -en's resid-
ence Rettenbury street, last week. It
'!s supposed to have originated from
fire creeping over from a pile of
burning leaves. Fortunately it was
' discovered in'tinie to be extinguished
James Bonthron, another aged pi-
oneer of Hay Township, passed away
ou Monday of last week, at his homt
in Hensall. He retired from his farm
on the 2nd concession about 10 years
ago. He had been rill for about a
year A. man of integrity and decided
convictions, he had the respect of all
who knew him, He took a deep in-
terest in Masonry and was secretary
of the Lodge here for 33 years. He
was assessor of Hay Township for
nanny years, also sanitary inspector.
The funeral was conducted by the
Masons on Saturday afternoon,
Mr. Won. Moir intends leaving in a
few day,' to reside with his daughters
in Toronto, -Mrs, C, A. McDonell
ha; returnee from a visit in Forest,--•
Jame; Simpson and wife. have return-•
ed from a visit of several weeks in
the West.—Mrs. W .Moore, Sr., is ser--
tously ill in London. Her daughter,
Mrs. T Simpson is at her bedside.
Walter Hobkirk returned on Friday
front Southern Manitoba.— Margaret
McDonald relict of the late Alexander
McEwen died at her home on the
Bayfield Road on Saturday in her )0th
year She. was one of the pioneers
of the district.
A. quiet wedding was solemnized at
the .home of Mr. and, Mrs: W. Prance
on Nov. 10th, when their iaugnter,
Edna was married 'to Major Baker of
near here, by Rev. Cooke. The bride
was prettily attired in pearl gray ilk
with trimmings of shadow :ace and
seed pearls and carried pink chrysan-
themums. Miss Sarah Prance, sister
of the bride, acted as bridesmaid and
was dressed in tan shirt. The groom
was supported by Mr. John Levin
The guests numbering about 25, en-
joyed a well served supper, titer
which the evening was spent in social
amusements. Mr, and Mrs. 3aker
wil. nettle on the groom's fine farm
in Stephen. Their many Friends loin
in wishing them many happy years
together _
• STAFFA—A pretty wedding took
place on Nov. 17th, at Staffa, when
Miss Lovina May, daughter of Mr. '.nd
Mrs Chas Tuffim, became. the wife
of Mr. George C. Suter of rliteleell.
The ceremony was performed ay Rev.
Mr. Darling in the preslencee of up-
wards oil fifty guests. The welding
took place at five o'clock in the
afternoon at the home of the bride's
parents, which was nicely decoratt.d
for the occasion.
roti TME
'referee nv_levar
Regulate Kidneys
Relieve Constipation
Gin Pills are acknowledged to have the
largest saleof- any proprietary. medicine in
Canada—an achieveinent solely due to 'their
remarkable virtue as a Kidney acid Bladder
Rut users of Gin Pills have discobered that
this invaluable remedy also acts as,,, a mild
cathartic. The evidence of hundreds, of -letters
we have received establishes the very logical
fact that in compoundilsg a medicine t& heat
and tune up the Kidneys and Bladder certain
of the ingredients have a stimulating effect
upon the other organs, especially the bbowel}.
It is important to know, in the wise of con-
stipated patients, that Gin Pills do, not act
harshly on the bowels; there is no griping,
but a gradual and gentle restoration of the
function. Try Gin Pills for constipation. In
thus relieving the bowels, you safeguard your-
self against possible Kidney trouble.
Gin Pills are 50c. a box,'or,6 boxes for $2.50
at your dealer's. A. trial treatment will be
sent upon request, to w i8
National Drug & Chemical Co..
of Canada,' Limited,' Toronto.:
11! -.
I eaciiidnso ea
A11reaetable Preparation fonts•
simllatling IheFoodandReguiat
Promotes Oigest'sottCllee
nes andliestContainsitiuxr'
Opivat.Morphtne norNineoi,
Ap erfectReanaiy lorCenslfa°
lion, Sot
Worms Convulswns,Feveri-e, 1
ness and LOSS OPSt."i..
roeSimde *pal=
�*s Cral .\tilt C4im'A1(Y.
yeti ft'RIAL&NEWY0111;
STORMEar Infants and Children.
Mothers Know that
Genuine Castoria
Beals the
For Over
Thirty Years
Exact Copy of Wrapper. •M4, aa, v ,ux e•MPAMX, 1Msv, Vpotibt •rry.
I ant a woman.
I know a woman's trials,
I know her need of sympathy and 1
If yan r,!y sister, are unhappy 11 : ill.
health, and feel uu,,t for household t .- . eiai
pleasures, ordain employment, write an I te.i ute
Just ]tow you sneer, and a'.k for my free :^n (IAN'S'
trial of a home treatment suited to c^ 1s;
with reference, to C•pnadtan ladies sth + y tell
how they have regained health, s u arta
happiness by its use. I want to tell y'r t 4hout
this successful method of home tr .. : fur
yourself, my r •aler,v,urdaughter,'. '' ,ter,
or your mother. I want to tell you It • . cure
yourselves at home at trifling cost, .twat r. ;.'tout
aid from anyone. Men cannot understand -WI' :en's
sufferings ; what we women know from t:.per-
lance, we know better than any d-,ator; and
thousands have ;,roved there is hope event 5. the
hopeless in mymetltodof hometreatment, if you
stiffer front pain in the stead, back, orb wets,
feeling of weight and dragging down sensael ins,
failing or displacement of internal organs, I ladder
irritation with frequent urination, obstinate
constipation or piles, pain In the sides regularly
or Irregularly, bloating or unnatural enlargements, catarrhal conditions, dyspepsia, extreme
nervousness, depressed spirits, melancholy, desire to cry, fear of something evil about to
happen, creeping feeling up the spine, palpitation, hot flashes, weariness, sallow complexion,
with dark circles under the eyes, pain in the left breast or a general feeling that life is not.
worth living, i -invite you to send to -day for my complete ten days' treatment entirely free and
postpaid, to prove to yourself that these ailments can be easily and surely conquered at your own
home, without the expense of hospital treatment, or the dangers of an operation. Women
everywhere are escaping the surgeon's knife by knowing of my simple method of home
treatment, and when you are cured, my sister, I shall only ask you to pass the good word along
to some other sufferer. My home treatment is for all,—young or cid. To Mothers of Daughters,
I will explain a simple hone treatrirent which speedily and effectually cures green -sickness
(chlorosis), irregularities, headaches, and lassitude in young women, and restores them to
plumpness and health. Tell me if you are 'worried about your daughter. Remember it costs you
nothing to give my method of home treptinent a complete ten day's trial, and if you wish to
continue, it costs only a few cents a week to do so, and it does not interfere with one's daily work.
Is health worth asking for? Then accept may generous offer, write for the freetreatmentsuited
to your needs, and I will send it in plain wrapper by return mail. To save time you can cut out
this offer, mark the places that tell your feelings, and return to me. Write and ask for the free
treatment to -day, as you may not see this offer again. Address : - WINDSOR, ONTARIO.
M. SUMMERS, Box 840. •
Ford Touring Car
Price $530
Ford Runabout
Price $480 #II
Ford Town Car
Price $780
The above prices f.o.b. Ford, Ont,
effectisle Aug. 2, 1915. No speedom-
eter - included in this year's equip-
ment otherwise cars fully equipped,
Cars on display and sale- at