The Exeter Advocate, 1915-9-23, Page 8EXE FER ADVOCATE, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER n 1815
New Wheat,,,,......., 60 to 85
Harley 40. 45
Buckteheat. , . , 05
Peas 100
Potatoes, per bag 36 50
Hay, erton... I400 14 00
Flour. per cwt., family 3 00
Flour, low grade per ow 120
Butter,.... 24 _1
Creamery Butter .. .... 30
segs,,, , 21 22
Live hoes, Per cwt...... 0 00
Shorts pear ton 282 00
Bran per ton ............ 26 00
LOST -•A brown
white, hound known by the names, of
,Max Kindly leave information
with Will Snell, Exeter.
Persons wishing cider or apple butter
=do s required to come so .he
aZil aides: T.rurcday or Friday of
eael week.—A, COTTLE, Exeter.
There strayed from the premises of
the undersigned, Lot ,, Con. 1, Ste-
ten: a 2 -year-old heifer, red Finder
will be rewarded by rets; nirtg same
or eaving information that will lead
to her * recovery.
WALTER HAST hTT, Centralia
Feemsrs who are gre . : a 'etre for
the Canning Factory will kindly brave
sample cobs to the factory when
they will be advised when to make
ile :wanted when factory starts.
or phone him at Cred-
PIu ript attention given.
NOTICE is hereby given that a
Cour will be held, pursuant to Fhe
Onter:e Voters' Lists Act by His
Hones- the Judge of the County Court
of the County of Huron at Town
Hall Exeter. on Thursday, 23rd day
of September, 1Q15. at 9.30 o elock,
a.m. to hear and determine som-
plaint. of errors and omissions :n the
Voters Lists of the Municipality of
the l,iVlage of Exeter for 1Q15.
Dated Sept. 8th, 1913
.Aetine Clerk of Village of Exeter
The Village of Exeter offers or
Sale $24,eed Hydro Electric Leben
tures bearing interest at 5 per lent,
per annum, and re -payable with in-
terest in 25 annual instalments. These
debentures are offered at par ,in as
mounts o: $1000. and the Council
prefer; to sell the debentures local-
ly as they belive it is a good .nvest-
ment for the citizens, Persons wish-
ing tc purchase any of the same will
make application to the Clerk 'tp to
Wednesday Sept, 1st 1915.
Acting Clerk,
VALUATOR for Counties of Huron
Perth Middlesex and Oxford. Farm
Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at
Cockshutt Warerooms, next door to
Centiar Hotel, Main. Street,. Exeter.
Charges moderate and sats:action is
I desire to announce that I have op-
ene• a Flour and Feed. Store in F.
Wood's Old Stand, opposite Post
Office and will keep a full supply of
the best grades of flours and -eeds.
solicit your patronage.
be C H Sanders at the. Advocate Of-
fice Strictly confidential; no witness
Help! Help!!
Come in and help us unload our
furniture as we have a large stock
which must be sold.
We also have the best furniture
polish ever made; and a polish for
your cars and buggies equal to none.
See our display of KIRSCH cur -
tam rods the neatest and simplest
rod on the market.
Phone 20a.
Best Of
• Goderich has a tax rate of 32:mills
on the dollar this year.
The Exeter Canning Co. will start
the pack of corn to -day,
Mitchell has a patriotic campaign on
foot for Sept, 22 and 23. aiming at $3
Thornton Fear, son of Rev, EA A.
Fear, has enlisted for overseas , ser-
vice at London.
A lot of fellows crow about .their
patriotism but when put to .the test
they reveal a kind. of loyalty ,to, the
King that Lloyd George would ::all
gush. '
The Soldiers Aid Society had re-
ceipts of $81 on Fair Day, and they
desire to thank the patrons :and :h.
donors of the articles which .they bad
for sale
Mr \Vnt Robinson of Stephen hand-
ed us a very odd corn -freak the oth-
er day There was one large cob and
surrounding it were fourteen tightly
4rowr little ones.
11r \\rilliam Snell, drover of 'the
Township of Usborne last week pur-
chased the fine brick dwelling and
property of Mr. Wm. Fletcher, .Main
Street to take possession about a
year from now.
Mr Arnold Marchand, who, after
disposlne of his business, moved to
Waterloo and conducted a jewellry
business there, and later at , Berlin
lis: week moved with his !amily to
Waterford where be has purchased a
general store business. His many
friends her: will wish him every sue -
c ..: in the new venture.
.\irs Parfitt, who has for some
time beer a assistant matron at the
House of Refuge, was on Saturday
last at the village of Crediton mar-
ried to James Austin, a Hay town-
ship • farmer. Mrs. Austin is still
aartine as assistant matron.. Robert
Mutes superintendent at the House
o Refuge sustained a stroke of par-
alcie on the 16th, and is. in a serious
condition -
\\ m 1 Smith announces that he
ha, sold his repairing business . and
accepted a position as New York re-
presentative for the Menzies Shoe
Co oi' Detroit. Mr. Smith had the
Elbertas and Crawford Peaches
are perfect now—a good crop and
extra fine fruit for home canning
The Government is begging peo-
ple to do snore home fruit canning
—this is a good suggestion and
every housewife should demand
Niagara Grown Peaches
AZr G J. Danv .has taken the agency
fo• the Crow auto and 'is now rain-
ing' one
Lucan Biddulph and Parkhill are
the latest on the list -for local op-
tion campaigns,
Mrs. McAlister addressed James
Street Sunday School on Temperance
on Sunday afternoon.
Mr Albert Fordd was obliged to
kill one of his horses on, Sunday ow-
ing to its suffering from lockjaw,
Rev Mr Forney of Parkhill and
Rev. D. W. Collins exchanged ,pulpits
on Sunday the latter preaching anni-
versary sermons,
Mr David Gray, of Hibbert, j;illed
a porcupine last week. The .animal
had been prowling around his -farm
for some time. The quills would in-
dicate that it was several years, old.
Rev.. Jefferson of Crediton occupied
Mair Street pulpit Sunday morning
and James Street in theevening,
whil n Rev Redmond took the tservece
in Main Street in the evening, Rev.
eluxworthy was at Crediton for the
Gerald Fitton's horse made a break-
away while standing at the ,.stable on
Saturday and dashing out of .the lane
crossed Main Street and through the
block behind Heanran's Hardware land
ing up at 0. Hockey's yard in the next
block The horse TVas not enjurecl
but the buggy was considerably .clam--.
A quiet marriage took place it the
Main Street parsonage on Sept. .15th
of Clayton Frayne, son of ,Mr. John
Frayn of Usborne, to Mrs. abode
Snob of Exeter. The ceremony be-
ing performed by Rev. Muxworthy.
The young couple have the 'hest
wishes of their friends. They will
reside it Usborne.:
- DIEL` AT LONDONi — Claude
Evelyn Wood Bluets, son of Claude
K Bluett of the London ,Coll,egate
leetitute formerly of Crediton died
option of bringing the agency eor this sdddenly at the hoste at parents
sv ll -known concern to Exeter or ask- ,Si'k\\ ellington street, Saturday in his
in the road position, which +re 'ac -
epted and he wishes to thank the
many customers for their liberal
patrcin. ge during his stay in Exeter,
and gives assurance that Mr, Pfaff
his successor, is a very able shoe-
maker anti will give the same good
MUST PAY.—A certain corn grow-
er near here has reported ,tq us that
a number of the gentler ,sex made a
rain ott hit corn patch the other night
and purloined as many of lthe cobs
a; each could carry. The guilty par-
ties are known. and unless they at
oneones pay for the corn stolen an ec-
tion in law will at once, be instituted,
The oweet says he does pot mind
the loss of a mess of corn, but when
people harry away a couple weeks'
supply it is going altogether too !ar,
TtiresViu� Cual
Both. At
Exeter and
17th year. Claude had been ill for
some time although not seriously,
anc, his death Caine as a shock to his
parents. He was a student at the
Collegiate and' passed his matricula-
tion this year. Besides his parents
he is survived by two sisters, Phylis
and Gladys. The funeral, was held
from the family residence at 2,30 p.m.
on Monday. The parents have the
sympathy of their many friends in
Exete • and Crediton,
Mrs Piper has returned from ' a
two week's visit in London.
Miss Mathews of Toronto is a is-
itine, her sister Mrs. S. Fitton.
Mr Lorne Baskerville spent a few
days visiting friends in Sarnia,
Mr and Mrs. T. Handford of In-
gersor spent a few days here.
Mr Jackson of London visited tris
Mrs John Willis of afarlette,Mich,
is visitinc' with old friends in town.
Mr Wm. Stewart of 'Detroit . p; nt
Thursday last with his brother Alex
and ether relatives here.
Mr. Lorne Dotty of the St., 'efarys
Journal gave The Advocate a (rater- 1
nal cal' on Thursday last,
Mrs G W. Brown and daughter
Marion of Kingsville are visiting the
former's Mother, Mrs. John E,Dignan,
Mr. Reg Bissett left Saturday fox
Chatham where he has secured a pos-
ition as stenographer and book-keep-
Mrs Birk, who has been visiting at
Mancelona and other places in Mich-
igan, returned home Wednesday of
last week
"Goldre'• Cochrane, son-in-law a1
Mr. Wm. Leavitt of town, ..has enlist-
ed wit's the engineer corps and is
now in training.
Mr Geo Turnbull of Harmsworth,
Man„ who has been visiting among
Mende and relatives at Clinton, is now
spending a short time with relatives
and friends here. Mr. Turnbull form-
erle resided in Usborne bu,t has, been
absent front there for many years.
Crawfords and Elbertas, DIRECT
FROM ORCHARD to you. Fancy
No 1, Largest packed, 6 Large 11
quart baskets for ;2.70. No. 2, lit-
tle mallet fruit, same as usually sold
6 Large 11 quart baskets for $2.10,
About. the same price for these as
you pair others for one. All choice
FRESH picked and sound. Satisfac-
tioie guaranteed. This is peach year,
Ordee quickly. Send artier by P.O.
or Express Order, A. • W. Smith
Drawer 927. Woodstock, Fruit Grow-
er and Wholesaler. •
Nein Tailor Shop
N. Sheere desires to announce to
the public that he will on Sept. '1st,
1915. open up an up-to-date
Ladies and (lents Tailoring
linsiliess in Exeter.
He will put in a full line of Pash-
ionablc• Goods and will always 'nave
a large assortment of Samples to
choose from.
OUP. MOTTO will be to ,give the
Best possible Value at the least pos-
sible money.
Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central
N. Sheere
daughter Mrs. Percy Gillies .this week. eMr and Mrs. M. lI, Doyle of
H. Walton of London, sustained i a Londot' were in town for a few days.
broker lei, on Hamilton Road Gln, that Mrs S. C. Hanna and Miss Jessie
city on Thursday last, when ate, on a \Iansor left Saturday to visit in De—
bicycle bicycle came in contact with tan auto- trait .
mobile being driven by Mr. t R, H.
Elworthy of Exeter. The two were
approaching each other from oopos-
Prititee Harness and Lawson 'of
London. Camp were item'. over Sun -
it" directions and the auto ;turned to day.
the right to pass the ,wheelman, but Mr Samuel Sanders, Main Street,
he turned to the left in front of the spen the week' end with relatives in
car atm was knocked off ;and his leg
broken besides sustaining severe bru-
ises The first report that came out
in 'the city papers stated .that the car
driver did not stop and ,was altoget-
he- in the wrong; but a later report
contradictts this and says that ithe oic-
c e rider cut right in -front of the
car that the car was running at a
very slow speed, and that ,they r e-
mained for an hour on the scene
after the accident, doing all they
could for the injured man.
pretty home wedding took place in
East Zorrc on Thursday, -Sept. 16th,
at the home of 'Mrs. John Emmerson;
when her daughter, Mary Ann, was
united in marriage to Mr. William
Turnbull a prosperous farmer of Us -
borne township. The ceremony was
performed in the presence of about
twenty-five of the immediate relatives
and friend' of the contracting parties
by the Rev Jas. Wilson. The ,cere-
mony over a sumptuous wedding din-
ner was served, after which ,the newly
married couple left on their thoney-
trie to Clinton, Goderich and Wing -
ham. Or their return they will ,lake
up their residence on the groom's amine
farm in Usborne. The happy ;ouple
wil have the best wishes of a roost
o' friend for their future happiness
and welfare in which tae ' Advocate
also joins
Presbytery met in Seaforth on the
14th Rev. Alfred McFarlane of Bay-
field was elected moderator for the
next half year. The commissioners to,
the General Assembly gave interesting
reports. The funds were reported to
be en good condition in .Huron, and
the Presbytery agreed to pay ,half the
costs of the Social Service Survey of
$100. This survey proved illuminat-
ing of social, educational, religious
ano economic conditions of Huron,
The ballots .for the taking of the sin-
al cote on Church Union in the eon-
gregations of the Presbytery were dis-
tributed and arrangements planned tor
the taking'of the vote before Dec-
ember 1st of thiis year.. The next
meeting will fake place in ClintonDecember 14.
"ROUGH ON RATS" clears out
&at., .MVtice, etc. Don't die' in the so>sse
15c ands 25c. at Drug and Country
BkZ'OAC i' F(7UND.-A gold broach
round' rt Mairt'street, Exeter. Owner
can have same by calling atl this office
ague: paying for this notice.
S eldon be C H Sanders at the Advocate Of -
Tee, Strictly confidential; no witness
Mr and Mrs. Ed. Sanders deft here
this week to visit the latter's rela-
tive in Kincardine.
Mr and Mrs. C. Luker of St. Cath-
arines are guests of their ,daughter,
Mrs E. J. Christie. '
\Ir :-and Mrs. W. H. Aitken and
little sot Donald Woodrow of Tor-
onto are spending a few days visit-
ing at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs), S.
Smith London Road South. •
a & Coffee
For the choicest
groceries, fruits, spices,
teas, coffee and every-
thing in the grocery line.
(mall and see us. A trial
as to quality will convin-
Produce taken in exchange
Jas. Gould
Opposite Electric light Plant
HayeYour Nouse
or Store Wired'
We do wiring wl ich we
guarantee thI- H> dro power
will connect with when it
comes. Giv t, 1.1a to chance to
go. over your job and give
you an estimate on it; only
the•latett aiproN c d •wiret t c n-
duit, steel cu t- lit bares; bred
other electriciai suppliE,
D. L. & W.
Agents For
British Americ-
an Oil Co..
Beer & Davis Kestle, Rowe, & Wood
Tlie Wonderful diamondstylus
in the .New. Edison Diamond
Disc Phonograph does away
with the troublesome process
of changing the needles that
wear out and destroy valuable
records. NEW EDISON
Diamond Disc Phonograph
The triumph of Mr. Edison's
great inventive genus. Here, at
last is, a phonograph that re-
produces . the voice and in-
strumental music with absolute
fidelity, to the original—human,
life -like, natural.. What all
music lovers" have waited for,
J. Willis Powell Agent
On exhibition at Powell's Bazaar, 'Exeter, Ont,
The range with pure white enamelled steel
reservoir stamped from one piece. The
nde reservoir is seamless and clean
enough to use in cooky.
and preserving. See the4McCiary dealer. .
Sold by T. Hawkins & Son
The Advocate su.bscriptiion mail- and if it does not read at least up to
lag list has been corrected up to the date kindly attend to the matter and
20th of August, Look at your label o>,tlitxe,
The 1916 Model
is now out and is a beauty
J3ig reduction in prices. Call and see the new ModeIl
which is the most -up-to-date they ever built,
Wes. Snell
The Event of the Season
Our Flow rooms are just
brimming over with the
Newest creations from Hat-'
dom. All the latest shapes
from Paris, London and
New York are shown here,
See our Magnificent -Des-
: play.
You always get some-
thing new and differeht
from anything you buy
elsewhere We have the
well known Northway &`
Rodgers Coats.. The two
leading makers in Canada,.'
Come ,and see our 'coats;
and havea try on,.
headquarters for the celebrated W, Er Sanford Clothing