The Exeter Advocate, 1915-9-2, Page 4it 0x:der , bUocaie, Sanders & Creech, Proprietors le advance $1.00 per year in Canada L5t in United States. If not paid in advance 50c. extra per year may. hr :'harged. TIFCRSDA.Y SEPT. 2, Crediton —o_ Ir vi . Fainter is visiting friends ;in Berlin this week. A number from here attended the specie" graduation exercises of the Teacher s Training Classes in Dash - woad and Zurich this week. We are pleased to state ghat the ' a ridge on. Mrs. Dura Lina: m the Genera:. Hospital, Toronto, op. .33it1r- y was riu:te 5u^cuss ul and -ser condition is very favorable -tt time of writing Mrs. John Firkbeiner and .laughter Leona left oa .Ionday ase to ,i..n their relatives in Isabella, Manitoba. zS E Oestrainher and :)r. ahem made a business trip per auto Lo teen int last Weztdesday€. Mrs W. H. Wenzel and "ri. ; E lber are in Detroit attending ma, ,uner =' of their niece Miss 2tti,l Cawley. ley. Feist Bros. are renovating !neer millinery zooms prepatory :or the fal' season. Our town fathers are having the band etand painted which will imp ilea its appearance. D61;'d or, t the special .upper t!A t .ervecl on Labor Day ;riga },v the lad:An, ;,f the village in 114 a *'Ica Red Cross. A ready respone e si,oeld be made, Mr and Mrs. Ben Bertrand ,:aline ed. tti4 • Detroit on Saturday .aster a few weeks visit with Mrs. • Sarah Bertrand. August Hill was in London 'last Saturday, Roy Feltner has returned to .Chat- ham after a. few holidays at nonce. The Misses Lily Fa bner and Martha Wind are Visiting their friend. Miss Clifton. is Streetsvilie this week. Mr and M -s. August Kuhn and Mr.. and Mrs Herb Eiiber are attending Toronto Exhibition this week. Dur the electrical storm on Sunday night •Gottfried Fahneis barn eves struck but no damage of any e.xten. was done. A number of telephone poles. were split north of the village. Our •arnners in this neighborhood are making good had way with' their harvests and seem to be in a better position. than people residing else - Where where them has been more rain School opened this week after the summer holidays. Rev Keihofer, the returned mis- s ionare from China, occupied the pulpie in the Evangelical Church last Sundae morning and evening. During Rev Jefferson's absence 'ast Sunday his work was taken in the Methodist Churcl by Rev, Powell of .Clinton. Mr and Mrs. John Young Insignia to Greenway on Sunday and e,pant the day with Mr. and (Mrs. Jobe Prance. itis., Tillie Bertrand returned iu Detroit on Monday after a few weeks visit with her mother. The Misses Orra and Lily Hoffman of Tavistock are visiting Mr. and Mrs Chris Palmer. Elton Ufnbach of Waterloo spen last Sunday at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Orme. Ottc Braun of Sebewaing, Mich. visitec his parents Mr. and Mrs. Gottlob Brown during the week -end. KIRKTON Mr Win Brown has sold his res- idence to Mr, Wm. Atkinson,, ;tit Brown and family intend moving to Toronto.—Labor Day is to be a great patriotic day in Kirkton. Come and. enjoy a splendid program. • `` .aanaman 1,i. National EXHIBITIONORONTO $150,000 lAiTRi;`rlo Sh $150,000 "PA. TRIO IC YEAR" Model Military Camp Destruction of Battleships Battles of'the Air ;; MA:4._ ., f:Tz'I Military f,s?!ay MARCH OF THE ALLIES Farm under Cultivation Millions in Livestock Government Exhibits THRILLING Naval Spectacle REVIEW OF THE FLEET. Belgian Art Treasures Creatore's'Famous, Band Biggest Cat and Dog Show WAR TROPIIIES Field Grain Competition Greater ,Poultry Show ,Acnes' of Manufactures ^One'T usaiifl and One New Things to Seg' REDUCED RAILWAY -RATES FROM ;:ALL POINTS OFFICIAL FRUIT BULLETIN Fruit Brand—Dept. of Agriculture Peaches . and Plums are both so good :his year that there is every ndu.:eniea' for the house .rze to put down a liberal supply. The Canadian Club' and Red Cross Societies are. ask lag for contrib- utions of canned or preserved— not lammed fruit, for our soldiers in France. People who wish to "de their bit" should communicate w itl the nearest Canadian Club or Red Cross branch. Much fruit it brine put down without sugar, by 5 erelizing process. The best plums for the purpose re Brad- shaw s Gages and Lombards, and foe Peaches the St. Johns, Craw- fords and Elbertas. Orders placed i.n advance with your grocer means uettet fruit for you. Dashwood Mr Claude L. Schnider, chauffeur, accompanied by Mr. and 'Mrs. Al. C. Kaibfieiseh and Mr. Chas. Kalbfleisch motored here from Detroit Saturday the utter visiting relatives in _ ur- Leh and the former his wife and ram- ily at the home of ;Sir. and Mrs. C. L. Walper, Mr D. Tiernan is attending ,Toronto Fair this week. Mr Wilber Gray-beii of Woodstock N. visiting at his tome ,here. While Miss Schroeder was tying her horse to a Post on Tue>tiay' :lie beast became frightened and orolce away dashing down the et Det, on the sidewalk, - a'td, sliupin„ ell, land- ig.on top of a small express wagrr which Eddie Hamacher and Harold Kellerman were playing .with. Ellie watt under the wagon and had his le hurt, but not seriously. It was a narrow 4'seape for the boys. , Mr Karl Grapner left this .week, :or Stratford to attend the Business Col- lege alis,. Hilda Rader, who has been working at Maple Grove, has returned home. School re-opeiifed on Wednesday with Mr. Shore as principal. The farmers have nearly all their grain in the barns now, and the crop is a good average. Miss Ada Grenzebach is home from Welland on a visit. Mr Henry Bossenbarry has moved to Hensall to reside. On Sunday morning the graduation exercises for the Teachers' Training Class were held in the Evangelical Church. Rev. Burger of Cleveland, and Rev Becher of Crediton_ assisted Rev. Grenzebach in awarding the dip- Iomas. On Monday evening the class assisted by the Zurich class held a successful banquet, when a pleasant time was spent. Mr and Mrs. C. L. Schnider and family accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. C L. Walper and two daughters mo- orect to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Willert Sunday. Centralia The Sunday school picnic to the Bend on Tuesday was a big success, Ben on Tuesday was a big success Although many were busy with the Harves. about 135 took a day off The day was ideal and a good time was spent by those who went. Ur, ana Mrs. E. Colwell are spend- ing a few days at Leamington. T he Misses Wilson spent a few days visiting relatives in London. Rev Findlay is expected to arrive home to --day from a four weeks out- ing, ii' the State of Maine. Mrs W. R. Elliott is .in Toronto attending the funeral of Mrs. Hos- kins MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED b3 C H Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness SHIPKA Mrs Nevilles of Detroit is visiting her grandaughter Mrs. John Gooding --Mrs Allan McEachen and family of Lando: are visiting at Mrs. R. Mc- Eachens= Miss Kathaleen Murphy of Detroit spent a f•,dw days last week with Miss Ethel Lynch.—Mrs. Brand and children who have been ,visiting her grandmother Mrs. McPhee return ed to their home in (Detroit an Sat- urday.—Mr. and Mrs. Simon Grebb of Zurich are renewing old acquaintances here an Friday.—School opened on Wednesday with Miss Mary Watson in charge.—Mr. Mathew Sweitzer of New Hamburg has purchased !1 r. `O'Rourke's (farm and Mr. O'Rourke has purchased the farm occupiied .by Mr Henry Eagleson.—.Mr. Earnest and Miss Pearl Keys.. spent ;Sunday at "Blake. -Miss Violet Sharp spent a few days at Mr. Thos. Keys. Constipation -- the bane of old age is not to be cured by harsh purga- tives.they rather a'g'gravate the trouble. For a gentle, but sure laxative, use ' Chamberlain's Stomach and. Liver Tablets. They stir up the liver, tone the nerves and freshen the -stomach and bowels just like an internal bath. C A[ ERLAI ■ Woman's best friend. From girlhood to old age, these little red, health re- •etorers are an unfailing; guide to an activefiver and a clean, healthy, normal • stomach. Take a Chamberlain's Stomach, Tablet at night and the sour stomach and fer- mentation, and the headache, have all gone by morning. All druggists,. 25c.,, or by mail'fiom Chaodleilide Medicine, emptily, Trrdhtein e.so.o.owow.o.o•o.o.oea.oeo.oaow.owto.oikoao.aeofoeo.o•csosaeo.oee:eosaewouan.. ,aUOQ.QtrQ.4.0aQ.4.0.4eQit4a0.Q.0.aeC• QeQ.tQf!Q9Q.Q.Q.Q.Q.Q.oe.')O.o.OsaeowQ.Q.o.mit a. O. r0. NADAARO I tI lt► l't DfV' fAhl «inter 18 w a .o S'og liEING RIMED TO COMETION Sn o. is OS o. D eb. � p• Next Year Will See Development of New Ter- :o' a• New Outlet For the ritory Will Then Be west. Possible. 00 o• °'o OSSOSO.oao.o.owea.oao.o.oeo.oao.o.o.o .00.0a4N0. • 00 EXT year will see a new outlet for the products of the Canadian West, for by that time the Hudson's Bay Railway will be completed, Port. Nelson harbor sufficiently dredged and equipment provided, and a huge transfer elevator built. Then the West will be brought vinces, and gives the Western farmer an additional choice of routes where- by to ship his produce. BALANCE OF TRADE IN CANADA'S FAVOR Large Increase in Domestic Exports --Statement, by Hoo. Dr. Reid. closer to Liverpool, the long railway j The balance of trade as shewp by haul dispensed with, or, in other I July returns still o+t ntinnea in words, the Back Door of Canada will aria's favor. Our peke are bus be opened, less abroad and selling mare, build - lag up a balance in our favor that Since the I st agricultural settle- must have a bene sl effect on the meat on the prairie there has been a financial and industr**4 stability of demaud for the construction ref this ,our country. railway, it,was repeatedlyThe total Canadiie ttcttci�e far the promised, month of July reaela#ad $7,09,400,000, and as often the promise remained according to the statew.eett issued by unfulhiled. When HQn, Frank Loch= the H. J. D. Reid. of Cats - personally inspected the $9 rune became Minister of Railways he taros, F00o or the corcep ikng month ,000 the total tread* amounted to proposed $93,004,. route, sailing through the Straits and Increase its ligpor!fs, across the Bay to Churchill and Nei - HON. FRANK COCHRAl1'E. Sketch by McConnell. son. He decided that if the road was built that Port Nelson was the best terminus, and his decision has since been unanimously approved. From Port Nelson he made the journey to Le . Pas, and from this inspection decided to immediately build the railway and equip the port on Hud- son's Bay. Almost Direct Line, From Le Pas to Port Nelson in a direct line is 400 miles, and the rail- way will be only 420 miles, about as direct a line for the distance as there is on this continent. This road will be graded into Port Nelson this year and steel laid on two-thirds of it. Next summer the steel will be carried $onward to Nelson in time to handle a part of the crop. While the con- istruction of the railway has been making rapid progress equal energy has been shown in the equipment of the port. All supplies for work at ,Port Nelson had to be taken from Halifax through the Straits, and yearly a dozen freighters have suc- cessfully mad., the trip and to a con- siderable degree settling the question Of the feasibility of navigating these waters. A huge dredge was towed from Toronto to Port Nelson and has been at work for two seasons straightening and deepening the channel. Docks, wharves, and ter- minal yards have been 'constructed, themselves of the invitation of the and plans secured for a transfer ele- Minister. With abundance of funds Valor to be built next season. In available for. the crop movement preparation for opening of tkis grain there will be less likelihood of its route wireless stations are now being being pressed forsale, at • least established along the Straits and against the desire of producers and lighthouses erected where required. dealers. So that on the completion of the rail- way there will be no delay in utiliz- ing this new route to market the Western crop. Development of Resources. In addition to providing a new route for Western trade, the railway will permit of the development of the valuable fish and mineral resources of Hudson's Bay, now practically un- touched. The fisheries are among the most valuable in the world, and there is plenty of evidence that the minerals of that district are equally valuable. Along the line from Le Pas to Port Nelson are great areas of good agricultural lands which in time will support a large population: The construction of' this railway and' port through a comparatively unknown country has been done in record time. To build a harbor on Hudson's Bay, only accessible for a' few months of the year, and then only by water, was a great task and without any precedents to guide the builders. It has been done at a small cost, without hardship or loss of life, 'and stands as a splendid exampleof the energy and foresight of the Min- Britain's Men. ister of Railways. It brings the West There are in Britain over six mil - closer to its European markets and lion men between the ages of eigh also to those :,Of the Maritime, Prg- teen and. forte:Ave. The feature of the statement is the large increase in the dotnestle and foreign exports. Deem the month of July domestics imports reached $45,600,000 and foz'eign, goods ex- ported from Canada $16,000,400, l compared with $41,0.0,000 domestic and $8,000,000 fords for the cor- responding mouth of 1014. Eleven million dollar= wor is ct aaimals and their produce was %ported during July, being a subskaattiai increase over the corresponding month last year. Manufactured goads also show a good increase; the exports being $12,500,000 against $6,800,000 for July, 1914. Imports Fell O. While the exports are booming there is a decrease is the merchan- dise entered for consumption. Dur- ing July $36,000,000 worth of goods were imported, made up of $20,000,- 400 20,000;¢00 dutiable and $18,000,000 free goods. This is a faiLiag oft for the corresponding month of 1914, when the imports amounted to $42,000,- 000, made up of $26,000,000 dutiable and $16,000,000 free goods. For the four months of the present fiscal year, ending July 31st last, the total Canadian trade was $371,000,- 000, 371,000;000, compared with $846.004,000 for the four months of the corresponding period last year. Last July *13,000,- 000 13,000;000 worth of coin and bullion was exported. ASSISTANCE PROVIDED FOR CROP MOVEMENT Minister of Finance Offers to Co- operate With Banks. The Minister of Finance has spe- cially drawn the attention of the Bankers' Association to the provisions of the Finance Act of 1914, under which advances may be obtained in Dominion notes upon approved col- lateral. The Minister thinks that the Canadian crop will this year be un- usually large and valuable, but that owin t g o war conditions and the state of the exchanges the movement will likely be slow. This means that the financial demands in connection with the crop movement will be heavier and more prolonged than previously. While the banks are in an unusually liquid condition and probably able without assistance to handle the situation, the Minister feels that the unusual demands of grain customers might result in cur- tailed banking accommodation to other sections of the community,` and he therefore urges the banks not to hesitate to avail themselves of the privileges of the Act. As Dominion notes issued against grain bills would be retired_ , from time to time as the ' - crop was,sold there is no reason to apprehend a redundancy of note cir- culation should the banks freely avail HE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Sege EDMUND WALKER, 0.v,0,1.1.. P., D.C,L,., President ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager JOHN AIRD. Ass't General Manager CAPITAL, 515,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500000 BANKING BY MAIL Accounts may be opened at every branch. of The Canadian Bank of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the same careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's business. Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this way as satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank. s24 EXETER BRANCH—H. j. WHITE ,Man. CREDITON-»4. E. KUHN, Matt, -INCORPORATED 118 BANK Capital & Reserve $8,000,000 96 Branches in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted Circular Letters off Credit .Bank Mone}i Orders SAVINGS Interest W BANK DEPARTMENT allowed at highest current rate EXETER BRANCH D. CLARKE, Manager. YMADE IN CANADA (TRAM MARK NGCISTCRCD "sirr'trty di tnaiiswWS, hri.(iribtsr I, infer rea.i'sd e'rs i4'" Mrr,./,wes' ss A humlexs rnbiaxtion of drags which remove meat' diNtfa' NIHeadache, TAG";hache, Muscular aid Nervous Pain. Stid'neu. Twitches;, Soreness or Ezbauiti*n due to im ure o is 1 p r th $ god, PRten 50c. A QOX !ROM ALL, DRUGGISTS 41Se. A sox FRAM GEORGIAN MFG. et., COLLINGWOOD, OW. TAKE AWAY ACHE' fiENSALL John Anthony Moore passed away at his home in Hensall at tithe age of 3) year. 7 months and 13 days. De- ceased was born in Stapleton and learned the trade of moulder :.rt the Clinton foundry. About nine years ago hu moved to Hensall .where with his brother Charles they went .into the hardware business. About two weeks ago he had a stroke .andi never recovered. He is survived by three sisters Mrs W. Johnson who iesides in Goderich Mrs. R. Sweet, .Clinton and Mist Moore, Hensall, and one brother air, Charles Moore of lien- sall. The funeral was held ,on, Tues- day to Clinton cemetery. Rev, Doherty ,of Hensall, had charge of the services, Mrs. Win. Henry has come ' to Hensall from St, Marys to a eside,— Nelsor; Blatchford and wife left last week fqr a visit, to , relatives and friends in North Dakota, and *he Canadian West.—W. Tremner has purchased the G. Case residence nn King Street West,—Wilber Millson of Vancouver,who formerly resided here with his uncle Harry Welsh, pas" been in town this week,—Rev. Mr. and Mrs. yicL Smith and daughter Janet have returned from visiting Rev. Mr. Smith's mother and other relatives in Hawksbury, near Montreal.—Miss F. Reynolds left last week to resume her duties on the teaching staff of Calgary schools: --W. McKay and his brother returned home from their trip to the West.—George Brooks Ind wife are moving into the residence which he recently purchased from Mrs. John McFarlane.—Garnet Case' of Toronto is home for holidays. ONE SPOONFUL GIVES ASTONISHING RESULTS Exeter residents are astonished a,t the QUICK results from the simple mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine etc, known as Adler-i-ka., This rem- edy acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel and is so THOROUGH a bowel cleanser that it is' used success- fully in appendicitis. ONE SPOON- FUI, of the After,-i-ka, relieve. nI•- most ANY CASE of constipation, sour or gassy stomach. ONE MIN- UTE after you take it, the gasses rumble and pass out. W. S. COLE, Druggist • GODERICH.—The marriage of Miss Katrina Payne Ford, of ,Goderich to Dr John Arthur Bean, of Ildertoit was celebrated on' Wednesday of this week at the home of the bride's par- ents. Rev J. E. and .Mrs. Ford Victoria Street Gocler-ich. • CANADA IS MAKING 50,000 SHELLS DAILY In the production of munitions of war in Canada 145 factories are now engaged on the $152,000,400 order placed here for the British Govern- ment by the Canadian Shell Commis- sion. In addition to this huge order there are at least $10,000,000 worth of munitions being produced for the Russian Government. Mr. D. A. Thomas, representative of the British Government in Canada, has inspected all our munition factories in Ontario, and the other Eastern provinces, and has stated that their capacity and effi- ciency have been, a revelation to him and further great orders are a cer- tainty. Already the Canadian pro- duction of shells amounts to'°30,000 perday, and soon will reach 50,000. The production of fixed ammunition„ has been greatly increased, sell will; soon overtake the; output f " emptyy shells. • r+, N+ 4a. De Proprietary or Patent Medic i neAct, AVegetablePr'eparation forAs-; simstatmg the Food andRegutae-. ling the Stomachsand Bowelsof Promotes DigestionCheerful ness and'Iiest.Contains neither. Opitm.Morphine norNuuer4th NOT NAR C 0 TIC. .nr eo/Olr1DrZMl lTC1112 ilonpkin .Sheol- AlxSerrne + IlochelIcSalfs- Apn� se8�eted +. 'd1l['erdonalerhila,r Wornr Seed- C/cth7rd Su�rr Wbterg •eeo7larvr. Aperfect Remedy. forConstipa•- lion, SourSlomach,Diarrhooa. Worms,Convulsions,Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. FacSimile Signafereof ME. CENTAUR COMPANY. MONTREAL&NEW YORK STORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of Th In Use For Over Exact Copy ot` Wrapper. 9i TNR CKNTAYR COMPANN. Nim yo RA CITY.