The Exeter Advocate, 1915-7-29, Page 8,M1
Wheat ,,...4
Barley ... ., .....,...,,
Buckwheat^ .,.., .
Oal"tt3.• l , .. . • •
Peas. .., ,, ....,..
Pc�tatoee, per bag
My* er.toa..,...,
Flour, per cwt. family
FIour, low grade per ow
flutter . „ .44
Creamery Butter...., , ..,
Liv*e hogs, perewt«
Shorts per ton....,.,..,,
Bratz per tion , , _ . , 1
36 100 50
1400 100
4 00
22 24
18- 8890
30 00
"ROUGH AT" clears out
Rata Mice, etc, Don't die in the nouee
15c and 25e, at Drug and Country
ILES. Accessories, Etc., Local posi-
tions; Machine furnished; 5e. brings
the offer: also special easy payment'
terree.—General Motor Agencies, 703
C. P. R Bldg., Toronto, Ontario.
WANTED—To buy or rent, a first
class farm of about 100 acres. Good
buildings, fences and drainage. dandy
to station church and school, Write
1Y C Pearce, Fingal, Ontario.
t DOME THEATRE --"The Better
Mae' , the story of the tremendous
struggle between two Clergymen for
the world's two greatest prizes, by
Rev. Cyrus Townsend Brady, with
AA"iAian Ceurtlei;h. in Four Reels of
Motior Pictures will be the attract-
ion in the Dome Theatre on Wednes-
day and Thursday evenings of next
week, August 4th and 5th. The ad-
enissior is only 10e.
Previously acknowledged 1669.47
Miss Vosper 2.00
Robert Sanders 13,000
3. Pedlar 4 0
The Woman's Institute wishes to
thane those who so generously con-
tributed miscellaneous comforts for
the soldiers. Cash and comforts am-
ounted to $65, The Institute :also
sent a box of magazines to Captain
Smith A.M,C., Carling's Heights.
Donations of cream by farmers are
solicited for the "Festival of the
Nations" to be held in Dome Rink
on Friday August 6th. Those giv-
ing such are,,requested to send it to
either. Mr. Follicles or Mr. Statham's
on Thursday evening, Aug. 5th, or
pot later than Friday morning, Aug.
Mrs. Harrison Gambr ll, A. L. C. M.
will receive ' a limited number of pu-
pils for the voice, piano or organ.
These studies were acquired in Eng-
land improved and perfected abroad
:I:taly France, Germany. Method as
taught by Royal Academy of Music
Highest references. Terms on appli-
cation. Carling Street, Exeter.
VALUATOR for Counties of Huron
Perth. Middlesex and Oxford. Farm
Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at
Cockshutt Warerooms, next door to
Centre Hotel, Main Street, Exeter.
Charges moderate and satisfaction is
Stray Steer
There strayed from the farm of
John AfcMahon, Lot ,4, Con. 4, Hay
Township on or about June 20th, a
two -rear -old spotty steer. Reward
of $20 for information that will lead
to the recovery of the animal.
BYRON HICKS, Centralia P.O
Summer Half Holiday
We the undersigned businessmen
or the Village of Exeter agree to
close our places of business at Half
pas: Twelve o'clock on Thursday
afternoons during the months of July
and August.
J. A Stewart T.Hawkins & Son
S Martin & Son S. Fitton.
F. M. Boyle Times Co'y
Advocate. Co'y W. J. Heaman
W. J Beer B.W.F. Beavers
Lawson & Trick F. E. Willis
H Spackman P. Frayne
J Grigg Jos. Senior
E. A Follick W. W. Tainan
A E Moore Janes & May
'W J Statham Mrs. Yea.
J. A. Wambold Willis Powell
A. Walters
I desire to aiinounce that I have op-
enet: a Flour and Feed Store in F.
Wood's Old Stand, opposite Post
Office and will keep, a full supply of
the best grades of flours arid feeds.
I solicit youw patronage.
by C H Sanders at the Advocate Of-
fice Strictly confidential; : no witness
Mr Thos. Nefwell has purchased a
McLaughlin car.
Mr Jos Bawden lost a valuable cow
by death on Friday last.
There are just six Bruce Boys left
in the firing line out of 71 who
left Walkerton,
The band veil give an open air
concert at the North end of, the Vie-
lage to -morrow (Friday) night.
The choir of the Triyitt Memorial
church will commence practice for
the Harvest 'Thanksgiving Services
on Friday evening.
The Exeter baseball team drove to
Centralia Friday night played a game
with the team there, with the result
that they got trimmed.
Dr Will Knight in a card to a
friend here says he is still in Eng-
land. and it will be some time be-
fore he will get to France.
Air Sidney Sanders has disposed of
his dwelling on Gidley street, io Mr.
Richard Quince, fire who has been
occupying it for some time.
Another of those delightful Band
Concerts was held in Victoria Park
on Sunday afternoon, Many, people
frau' a distance came out to near the
"A Year of War" will be the
subject taken by Rev, D. W. Col-
lins at the Men's Service on Sunday
night next, in the Trivia Memorial
The Main Street Sunday School
held a very successful picnic at
Grand Bend on Thursday last, The
day was fine and a large crowd was
in attendance.
Three rinks of Granton bowlers
were here on Wednesday afternoon
and evening of last week, and played
three games each with the locals, the
visitors winning out by a margin of
twelve points.
We understand that Sandy Bawden.
of Edmonton has offered for enlist-
ment in an overseas contingent, If
there is any excitement in the. world
Sandy always likes to he ire the cen-
tre of it. A]! honor to him in this
case if the report be true.
The voters list for Exeter 'cars
been completed and contains the
eo',lowing information, The aggregate
number of voters is 643, of these
420 are entitled to ':vote at Political
and Municipal elections; 164 at 'Mun-
icipal elections only and 59 at Pol-
tical elections only There are 283
eligible to serve as jurors,
The Annual Communication mark-
ne, the Diamond Jubilee of the Mas-
onic Grand Lodge of Ontario, con -
eluded ,its deliberations at Hamilton
on Thursday. The Grand Master elect
was S. A. Luke of Ottawa, and the
District Deputy elect for South Huron
was H W, Baker, V.S„ of Stratford
The Grand Lodge will hold their next
Grand Lodge meeting in London,
AIr. Harry Trick ,and Herb Walters
had a bad toss on Thursday afternoon
when ati`t motor cycling. They were
both riding the same machine and the
front wheel getting in a rut both
were precipitated in the ditch, with
terrible force, Herb escaped without
a scratch but :Harry was not so for-
tunate he receiving a bad scar over
the left eye and sustained other bod-
ily bruises
Two rinks of bowlers consiting cf
w.r) Clarke, J.A. Stewart W. W.
Taman R. G. Seldon skip and' H. J.
White, L H. Dickson, R. N. Creech
W. J Hearnan; skip, took in the Strat-
ford Tournament on Thursday and
Friday of last week. The former i ink
met with hard luck and won but one
game and lost three. The latter rink
won five and lost three, getting in the
semi-finals in the consolation event.
Rev. D W. Collins closed the nin-
th year of his ministry in the Triv-
itt Memorial on Sunday last. As
preacher and church worker Mr. Col-
lins stands high in the estimation of
his congregation and it is the earn-
est wish of all that he and his worthy
family be long spared to continue the
gooct work among us. Mr, Collins at
the close of his sermon very briefly
•and fitting referred to h's minist-y
here in very kindly terms, rcit.:ratiag
what he has before stated that his
stay in Exeter has ben the happiest
year of his life.
Trivitt A emonial Church Sunday
School held their annual picnic at
Grand Bend. The day was all that
cowls' be desired, old sol was hidden
from view the greater part of the
day by a clouded sky, but this only
added to the. pleasure of the large
crowd "in attendance. numbering over
twa hundred men, women and children
The usual sports and past time were
enjoyed aid it was conceded bee all
to be the most enjoyable piicnic of
the long series held by the Sunday
Come in and help us unload our„
furniture as . we have a large stoels.
which must be sold.
We also have the best furniture,
polish ever made; and a polish for
ycitu* < cars and buggies equal to zone,
Seg' our display of KIRSCH aur -i
tali rods. the neatest and simplest
rod on the market. •:
Embalmer Etc.
Phone 20a.
—Willing workers did yeoman service
in Victoria Park on, Thursday and
Friday afternoon last. The place was
a scene of activity from one end to
to the other and as a result an excel-
lent work was performed. Stalwarts
who know what work is and know
how it should be performed, out who
have since laid aside the armour rf
daily toil, were on the job and did
nobly. The trees were all trimmed,
dead wood removed, a number of
dead ,or dying trees taken out, the
grounds all hand raked, stones, sticks
cones and much other rubbish remov-
ed until it has taken an an appear:
stoc,', of beautyand a joy for ever.
The Council Board ivas interviewed
on . Friday • night and to their com-
ommen able credit they donated the sum
of $50 for the erection ,of a new band
stand and make other necessary im-
provements. When completed Exeter
can boast of one of the nicest end
best little ° parks'' in Western Ontario
We believe the Lawn Tennis play-
ers have expressed a desire foe a
fennee .court in Victoria Panic.. -Mr,
•T. G. Creech has measured out a
spot for a court and of the players
'have a rear desire and will help, Mr.
Creed` will assist in preparing . the'
court on Thursday.
Raspberries, Niagara District
grown. are about done, and Black
Currants are also nearing an end.
The ever popular and delicious
Lawtonberry large., black Thimble
berry --arid Tomatoes are beginn-
ing to. make their appearance,
Mr. Philip Blake is off date ow-
ing to an attack of rheumatism.
Engineer Castor was here Monday
nigh; preparatory to getting a start
on the Hydro work in town.
See the large bills . for the Patriotic
Concert on August 6th, The event
will be a most worthyone and should
be patronized by everyone,
The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
per will be observed next Sunday at
James St. Methodist Church at the
close of public worship, morning and
The district north' of London far
a few miles experienced a very heavy
rain and hail storm on Monday, and
considerable grain wasthreshed out
and destroyed.
Mr. George Bedford this week
moved his warehouse from Che track-
rackof the store to the rear lot on Wil-
13.inr street, and he will convert it in-
to a double house,
Air. Baynham has received a letter
from his son who is a prisoner in
Germany. In the letter Maxwell
states that he is recovering nicely
from his wounds.
For the first time in several years
Exeter is not represented by one or
more rinks of bowlers at the W.O.B.
A.. London. 64 rinks are in the com-
petition. which is the smallest sipce
it was started. Many of the good rinks
have, already lost our:.
Of the 140,000 men who lave en-
listed in Canada Ontario has 'urnish-
ed 52,000 men; Manitoba and Sask-
atchewan 31,000; Alberta and . British
Columbia: about 32,000; Quebec 17,-
000; New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and
Prince Edward Island, 8,000,
Mise Cecelia Ferguson went to
Chatham en Wednesday,
Mr ,Goldie Cochrane of Seaforth
visited here over Sunday.
-Alis: Ple'wes of Sault Ste, Marie is
visiting Miss Mabel Walters,
Misr McArthur of London is the
guest of Miss Dolly Dickson.
Frei; A McAlister is visiting for a
few days at James St. parsonage.
Airs Sheere and son Frank 'ire, vis-
iting Air. and Mrs. Aquila Sheere in
Lansing. Mich„
Rev W.G. H. McAlister is enjay-
ing,e, visit from his mother 1irs. Rev.
McAlister and sisters, the Misses
McAlister, Galt,
Mr and Mrs. Theo. Sweet and son
of Hamilton and Miss May Gill arriv-
ed here Sunday by auto to visit ml-
ativer• for a few days.
Air and Airs. Thos. Acheson and
family visited in. St. Thomas ,with
relatives Sunday. Little Amelia, who
had been visiting her aunt, A1rs.Dale,
returned with them.
Airs 'E Christie returned Friday
front a visit in Toronto. Her sister
Mrs Carling, and grand -daughter
Margaret 'Rogers, returned with ',er
to spend some time.
Air and Mrs. Fred. J, Sanders, who
came here last week from foronto
to visit relatives, was called home
Tuesday owing to the serious illness
of Alrs. Sanders sister.
Aur and Mrs. j. R. Inksater and
daughter of Paris end Mrs. W.
Bissett left here Tuesday .morning
Mr. Intksater's new McLaughlin 6
for various points in Michigan.
Reeve Taylor, Councillor Rouston
and the Town Clerk, Jos Senior were
among the large number to attend
th•e Opening of the London and Port
Stanley Hydro Radial raiilway at
Londor Thursday last..
Private Wilbur Mitchell of the 61st
Battalion, Sewell, Man., is here spend-
ing a few days with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell of the Metro-
palitan Hotel. He will return to the
West M%onday for further training.
b3 C H Sanders at the Advocate Of-
fice. Strictly confidential; no ivitness
1 -Mfr John Farmer of London epeet
a day or two in town nn ousi i ess.
Mrs. Salkeld of Goderich visited .
with relatives and friends here Bast
:firs. Oxtaby spent the week end
with Miss Jennie Robin, n :t Citn-
11t W T. Wilson is Lpendin-
some weeks in Toronto Ind New
Mr, and Airs. George Anderson and
Mrs. Boor visited in St, Marys last
AIi Robt E, Pickard arrived home
front the West last week co •spend
a few days.
The little Misses Daly of Seaforth
are visiting their grandmother,, Mrs.
Wm. Cudm..
� re.
Airs, Geo, C. Clipson of Ingersoll
is here visiting with her parents, 'Air,
and Mrs, Dan, Davis,
Mrs. Wetz, who; was visiting with
Airs. Hanna, returned to her home in
Shelby. Ohio, Thursday.
Airs H, Griffith has returned to
London after a visit with her parents
Mr and Mrs. Richard Hunter.
Mr. Wm Smith of Hamilton visited
with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
Wan Kuntz, the latter part :),f List
Air, and Mrs. Thornton of Wood-
visited with Airs. Foweli. Sun.
day. Their daughter Miss Jean will
visit for a few week's,
Air. Garvey Acheson left on list-
urday morning for St, Thomas, where
he has accepted .a position in the of -
fico of the Pere Marquette Railway
Aliases Olive and Mildred Itnrie and
Master Ernest Ima;ie of Toronto are
visiting their grandmother, Mrs. V.
Mitchell and other relatives in IJs-
Airs Armstrong and daughter of
Brandon. Man„ Mrs. McKnight of
Port Perry, Miss Carrick of *oder-
ieb and :Airs. McCreath of Lucknow
are visitors with the latter's parents
Mr and Mrs. I. Armstrong, They
also had with them on Sunday, A1'r;
and .Airs. Hill, daughter and son of
Tea & Coffee
For the choicest
geroseries, fruits, spices,
teas, coffee and every-
thing in the grocery line.
Call and see us. A trial
as to quality will convin
'Produce taken in exchange
Jas. Gould
Opposite Electric light Plant
Scranton Coal
Utilizes every heat unit. Flues arranged so
heat is forced to travel over top of oven in
n a down behind it and twice un-
der the bottom before escap
ing to chimney. See the McClary dealer. '811'
Sold by T. Rawkins Sz Son
The Advocate subscriptiion mail- and it it does not read at least tip to
ing list has been corrected up to the date kindly attend to the matter and
Third of Jane, Look at your label oblige.
The 1916 Model
is now out and is a beauty
.Pig reduction in prices. Call and see the new Model
which is the most.up-to-date they ever built,
Wes. Snell
Dealer Exeter
Early Arrival of
Agents For
British Americ-
an Oil Co.
Keslle, Rowe, & Wood
Big Variety Store
The Home of the Edison Phonograph
Edison [ i;'rutnHnti are acknowledged to be the
best sound reproducing instruments yet invented.
They reproduce every SOUND WAVE and TONE
COLOR perfectly. There are no NEEDLES to
The Records do not break or warp.
They wear longer, they ost less.
We have Edisons in stock, at the following low prices :--
No. 10, with 12 Records $48.40
No• 8, with 12 Records 66,90
No. 6, with 12 Records 84.40
Na 5, with 12 Records 90.90
No B 60., with. 12 Records $ 86.25
No B 80, with 12 Records 118.25
No. A 200 with 12 Records 268.25
DISC ,RECORDS $1,35 ' ANE' $2,00• U',
500 Cylinder records and 200 Double Disc records
to choose from. , .
�i,' ver Edison wee sell we . uara ntee for 1 year
Y g'
I#you are thinking ;of buying', a home brightner, buy
an°Edison and buy' it ;from us , ; Gall any time you
wish:we will be glad to play them for "you.
Remember' Bargain.Sale Friday and Saturday
Powell's Bazaar
At Practically
Old Prices
In spite of the fact that nearly all lines of Merchandise have ad-
vanced considerably in the last few months, we were fortunate
in placing large orders early, so that with . a few exception's we
are able to offer nearly all goods at old prices.
Every Department in our- Store is rapidly filling with new, FALL
GOODS, sa we would advise reerle buying in order to obtain old
prices on many lines.
Clearing of Summer Goods'
In order to make room for New Fall Goods, we, are offering
many 'limes of Summer Goods at greatly reduced prices.
Summer Wash Goods clearing at 1214c. a yard
Two Hundred yards Fan cy Crepes, good paltt•erns, at clear
at only 12l c. a yard.
All Summer Wash Dresses at greatly redulced prices.
Ladies Hosiery. at 2 pairs for 25c
100 pairs Ladies Cotton Hosiery,good quality,, to clear at 123¢c
Extra Special Value in
Men's Navy Worsted
We havee just placed in St ocls sixty' Ments Navy Worsted Suits
in excellent quality of mater cal and workmanship, all siz es.
This will •pasitiyely be the last opportunity to secure one " of
these special. snits at .exact ly ald prices.
A good range of Men's an d Boys' : Bathing Suits in Stock.
Sieadquarters for the celebrated W.E. Sanford Clothing