Exeter Advocate, 1915-5-27, Page 8EXEFER .AAIIUEIArE�: THURBIlAY 'MAY 27 1B15 EXETER MARKETS. UPIANGED EACH WEDNESDAY wheat .64444004..,.. Barley Buckwheat Oats, Peas, . Potatoes. per bag fay, erton .. . . Flour, per ewt., family Flour,, low grade per ow Creamery Butter... , 4.. Eggs. Live b,oga, per cwt Shorts per t on......... .Ban per. non .., Sugar Beet Pulp....... . r • 145 65 70 513 150. 36 45 14: 00 200 1400 LOCAL DOINGS. 4 111 iE�Sr�dc.�kaAc �ca�lcasc�8c arise ai�c>� Friday night saw the first band Parade of the season, The Scott Act vote in Perth ,w!fl( take place on June Z4th, Tiivitt Memorial Church Garden Party will be held this year on Fri- day night, June 25th, ' 24 Messrs Heywood and Mellott as - 83 slated the Crediton Band in their e on - cert on the evening of the :4th. The; Oddfellows from here will ga ;tea Seaforth on Thursday night to putt on the 2nd, degree there, 20 0 25 30 00 28 00 27 00 alis J. J. Allan, Eye Sight Spec- ialist will be at the Central Hotel, Exeter an Saturday, May 29th. One day only Mr Milo Snell wishes to announce that he has discontinuled his 'ausi- nes; partnership with Mr. Wes. Snell and wet' handle alone all business as to Ford Cars and Service, CORN GROWERS—Contrary to some remora heard The Exeter Cana nine, and Preserving Co. is prepared to take all she acreage of corn they have contracted for. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. The council of the Corporation of County of Huron will meet in the �the Tow of councilh•nmber, in n Goderich, on Tuesday, June ;.st next, at 3 o'clock. All accounts against the county must be placed with the .ilerk before this date. Dated at Goderich, May 176, 1915 W. Lane. Clerk SUMMER COTTAGE FOR SALE A Summer Cottage at Grand Bend —one and half storeys, 3 bedrooms sostt..rs dining room, kitchen and sitting room—all furnished—on a lot try feet by 132 feet. Everything in bast -class shape. Rents tar $10 a weer: For sale at reasonable teams, Apple to A. HASTINGS, 'Agent, Ex- eter :ells; J J. Allan, Eye :right Spec- ialist will be at the Central Hotel, Exeter of Saturday May 29th. One da' only . NEW FLOUR & FEED STORE.— I desire to announce that I have op- ener: a Flour and Feed Store in F. m'ood's Old Stand, opposite Post, Office and will keep: a full supply of the bast grades of flours and seeds. I solicit your patronage. SIDNEY DAVIS F. W. HODGSON' CARPENTER AND BUILDER Plan: furnished; estimates given free ort ali classes of buildings PERRY F. DOUPE Licensed Auctioneer. Live Stock Sale. a Specialty. Terms moderate, Orders left at The Advocate Office promntly attended to. Phone 116 Kirkton Address, Kirkton. P. O. NOTICE.—Have your colts vaccin- ated against joint ill, rheumatism aed screful, within forty-eight hours after, birth Free of charge. Drs. Sweet. & Reid Veterinary Surgeons, Exeter, Ontarion. Phone 8. Auto For Hire FAMILY OR PLEASURE PARTIES A SPECIALTY • PHONE NO. 80. GOVERNMENT CHAUFFECIa' NO. 2724. Court of Revision TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Usborne; w ill hold its first meeting at the rown- shir. Hall ElimviIle, an Saturday, the 5th day of June, 1915, at ane o'clock in the afternoon. Francis Marley, Tp, Clerk. R R Na 1, Granton, May 10, 19151 Deer Lodge Park BAYFIELD, LAKE HURON a Summer Cottages furnished. Wide verandas Splendid Beach, l3owling Tennis Ice and Baat free. Apply GEORGE ROWNTREE Landon. Free of Charge Clare J, Wood is to be congratul- ated on having successfully passed his dentistry examinations in the Fresh - =an class. Our soldiers in the firing line are nob -sc eager to save themselves from at home are to save paying, the war tae: The Ladies Aid of the Methodist church are arranging for a strawberry and ice cream garden party for Thurs day June 17th, Wm. Finkbeiner raised an addition to his barn on Sat. A ,good crowd was in attendance and everything passed along without a mishap. _Mis' Vera Ogden of Whalen, form- erly employed in the millinery de- partment of I. A. Stewart has accept- ed a position with 3. B. Armitage of Lucen Mrs Joe McTavish, nee • 'w14 s i Jen- nie Taylor, daughter of Reeve! Tay- lor. is in the Stratford hospital re- covering from a rather .,erious oper- atio • r n . Mt George Windsor left .Tuesday morning for St. Joseph's Hospital, London where he will undergo a critical operation for the removal sf an internal trouble. Messrs. Wilbur Martin, Wes, Snell Gorden Taylor and Tom Nelson went to Hamilton Thursday. night, -Ind drove four new 1916 model Overland cars home Friday. They expect to go again shortly for four more. Mr 0 Johnson, who for a. few Years has been License Inspector for Cen- tre Huron has received a better pos- iton than that of Inspector oft Public - works under the Dominion ',lovern- mens and has entered upon his new duties.—Clinton News Recond, herMrs dwelliing anHuronstreet t lhas improved nev metallic roof. The house will be occ.upiefi by Mr, and 'Ilrst, A. H. Gambia' al Usborne.. Mrs, Gambrel i; a music teacher of exceptional mer- its and will give lessons to nu.piis here Whether you make money or lose it, never sell your divine heritage, your good name, for a naess of pot- tage Whatever you do, be larges} then your vocation; never let it he said of you that you succeleded in your vocation but failed as a man, Mr John McCullough of Usborne while driving out of the Central Hotel sheds on Friday had rather an itn- pleasent and exciting experience for a few minutes, One of the tugs .of the harness happened to unhook and one of the shafts dropping, the horse made a jump and swerving upset the buggy and occupant and in that mix- up it looted as though tier. McCul lougl would be seriously injured. He escaped however, with a few slight bruises The shafts on the rig were broken and the buggy was otherwise damaged T1'e great difference between those Who succeed and those who fail does not consist in the amount of work clone by each, but in the, amount of intelligent work, Many of those who Lail most ignominiously do enough to acbieve.grand success; but they lab- or at haphazard, building up with nne hand,anly to tear down with the nth- er, They da not grasp circum- stances and turn them into opportun- ities They have na faculty for turn ii1 honest defeats into telling victor- ies' With ability enough and time in (abundance—the warp and woof of suc ;,cess—the- are forever throwing 'pack and forth an empty shuttle and the real web of life is never woven. WIRE WORM PEST.—The wire worn_a is. working havoc to the oats in sonic districts and causing the' {fa�rnfer;-Considerable worry. Many little' ' bare patches are noticeable in the -'fields where the worms have beer at work. I ani prepared to vaccinate all colts agains' Rheumatism, Septic or Arth- ritis and Diseases fallowing Septicire- section in foals, if notified withini 48 hours FREE OF CHARGE. rhi Vaccine is not an experiment, but has been isi use for four seasons. DR H A. ECKERT, Crediton, Phone '3 Revi o.. Court of Sl VILLAGE OF EXETER NOTICE is hereby given that =t Cour of Revision of - the Assessmei Roll of the 'Village of ureter wyi l hald ita first meleting in the Council Chambers Exeter,• an Friday, June 11; 191a , at 7 o'clock- p, m.. ray ' T. B . CAI2LI�3tr Exeter,May 25, 1915 Clerk MUST ALL BEAR WAR STAMPS —Lates6 advices frau'. Ottawa are te the. effect thatt all cheques, cash- ed' in Canada must bear a war ,tamp. Far. a time cheques drawn on Am- erican banks and presented at Wind- sor .were -accepted without stamps. _Now the ruling is the other way. PATRIOTIC ENT ERTAINMENT— Patrietii r_for the cause found';a re- sponsive . cord in the hearts of many citizens of. Exeter and the surrounding country on Monday night, when the concert it behalf of the Patriotic Fund the "benefits and comforts of. our Canadian 'soldiers, was largely patro- naaaq 'the hall being filled to/ its urt- maa'capacity ;has demonstrating a loyalty and patriotism that old Exet- ei heve"r falls short. Apart from the Wattlines of the object the enter- tainment was a creastable one. Mr. ii. a6 ;,F Beavers had clsargel of the pro - grasp,; The hall was tastily decarat- e l ,.;aith •flags etc, The Exeter Or- chetre dispersed music between aum- bert. , rid-. their music was delighting tr, ala The appropriate selection by ,Mi" lliatt "We must fight for our k itiea ata Country," was admirably rettdera'd' as was also a solo by, NP,SS. Iack The monologue taken by Cake Howard and several young lad- e, the instrumental by` Miss Mux- it'ertliy the little girls' chorus, , ;he "Slate,- Masons" and the boys' drill welP all highly interesting. The ..1f - fait, broke up by a1l"srngung 'God Save •the King.," Thee proceeds 1t,- `tr.awatea to about 8125 d0. �4" AN'T b'.�'C4ir1 br ;middle-aged, m n fox 1 jt , cooking amd itfr�,�telp 1 e era iio�in�se oak Na tlfiside g n 1 w Geee home: Apply. welt td jt iVl. l os's &'Co Lucan, When we used to go out walking during our courtship days any ,'nus - bank used to say that tae Beason I' could nut keep up with his long stride .% wvaa, because my "little: f eeties" wer : so small, Three weeks after our marriage when I lagged behind a, little one afternoon he exclaimed im patiently "0, hurry up; You walk like an old cow," The buggy which Mrs. John Mc- Donald was driving when returning home was struck by ate auto: driven by Rev, Johnston of Varna, on, Tues- day ,night, south of the bridgee, Rev, Johnston was going north and coming slowly down the hill he tried' to get out of the rut alias the, car hit the buggy. The occupants of the hug- gy ntisaenously iescaed injury, as the horse in running broke the shafts and crossbar. The lines winding on the wheel and axle 'fortunately brought the horse to a standstill'. Mrs, Mc- Donald's hand was considerably breis - ed from trying to hold the horse. The condition of the road was responsible for the accident, AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT.—Dr, Heileman, wife, littele daugbt i and a ser- ocencountered accident f here o . mringif Victoria Day, when the car they were driting turned over on them. While coming. down Main street the Doctor pa' on a little extra speed to pass a buggy standing south of Mala and Gidley streets, and a car approacfing, In passing the buggy he turned too shore with the result that :TO, car slewed and turned turtle. The shit„ dren miracuously escaped uninjured, Mrs, Hellmann was cut about the race and brusised about the body, while til Doctor was not so fortunate, be-. ing seriously hurt internally. He is now under a physician's care at the Centra. Hotel, The car was but slightly damaged, the wind -shield be- ing broken and mud -guards Hent. Or, ( Heilemann is an Osteopathic physic- ia of Goderich: '0413010 J, sol ah` Miss May Wood spent the 24th in London , Miss Morlock visited in London ov- er the holiday, Miss Anna Dow spent the holiday. at Ays visiting friends. Mr and 11rs. Dan, Davis were in Ingersoll for, the 24th. \Irs Leadman is visiting with her daughter Mrs, Ed, Treble., airs. wager has returned from a vis- it with her brother in London, arise Shearer and. Mrs. Wickwire were in Detroit over the holiday_, Eno. Windsor has been successful in passing his exams at thi* S. P,a S. I'he Misses Hamilton and Pridham spent the holidays in London and, St. "\fart's. Miss afurte1 Evans of Ailsa Craig is w isiting friends and relatives in town, Miss Vera Box after spending a month in London returned home Mon- day night. Mr. A, Marchand of Waterloo spent Sunday and Monday with his daugh- ters here. Miss Tiplady has returned ta her home in Clinton, after a visit with Miss Prior. Miss Olive Wood of London spent the holiday with her parents Mr. Ind Mrs Dan. Woods. Mr. Robert Sanders returned Tues- day night from Wingham, where he spent a few days fishing. \lr W R. Garner and wife of Lon- don visited at the home of \Ir, Ed. Treble over the holiday. Mr and Mrs. 'Wm:- Creech attend- ed the funeral of their .son Norman 'ri Brantford on Monday. \Ii .Earl Spackman accompan',ed by his niece hiss Jean Spackman, spent the holiday at his home here. • Mss Match has returned to herr home in Auburn after spending the millinery season with Miss Morlock' Messrs W. J. Heaman and Harald Bissett officiated as umpires at the ball game at Crediton on Victoria Day. Mr Harold Snell of London and ens: Ruth Russell of Kincardine vis- aed at the home of Mr,; Albert Ford. Mr. Newton McMurray of the Mol - son s Bank visited in London and St. Mary's over the week -end and holi- day Mrs. R Redden, after • visiting with her sister, Hiss Celia Clark or Steph- en, returned to her home. on Wednes day. Tea & Coffee Miss Matthews of Toronto accomp- arried by her nephew, Master H.; Dee visite(' with Ms -s. Fitton over the. holiday. • Mrs Jas. Sweet spent the holiday yn Clinton:. 'Elands 1-1111 of Chatham; was home' for the 24th, Miss DeYell of St, Tl onus spent the holiday here, Mr W McAlister was a visitor over the holiday, Mrs. Simmons of London was a vis- itor over the 42th. Mrs Billings visited in London and St. „Thomas this week, Mr Frani, 'Mellott and wife visited in London over the holiday, Mr and Mrs. Wm., Lewis of London visited in town for the holiday. Mr Herman Elliott and wife ware visitors here over the holiday. 'airs Geo, Crawley is visiting :her sister Mrs Webb, in Arval. Dr Campbell and Mr. Grafton, Btu- detr spent the holiday in Detroit: Harry Fake of Parkhill visited at ha home here over Victoria .Jay. Mr. L H. Dickson •was in Lucan on Tuesday conducting a court case. Miss Ruth Hooper of London was home for the week endtand holi- day Quite a number from Exeter attend- ed the ball game at Crediton( on the 24th. Mr Wm, May and James Walters are in Hamilton this week on busi- ness. P C Laurie of the Banki of Com- merce staff spent the holiday in itt Sarnia Messrs. Earl Browning and Harold Hambridge af Aylmer motored 'fere on the holiday, Percy Browning returned to Toron- to Tuesday after visiting his parents herr over the holiday. \lessre Roy and Wallace '3hosen- burg al London. y ted at Thos, Newell's over the holiday. Miss Ethel Bissett of Seaforth and 1rnercl Miss Bawden of Clinton, vis- ited here aver the holiday, Rev* E. G. Powell of Clinton was in town last week, he having a few daye earlier returned from. Alberta, Mr and Mrs. J, C(. Inwood end daugl'tet of London visited with Mr, and \Irs, Semi Sanders over the holi- day Mrs Rich, Bissett and little grand- sar of London visited several lays during the week with friends and rel- ative•, and friends here, Ma and Mrs. Fred. Redmond; and little daughter and Mr. Win. Tapson of Marlette Mich„ are visiting 'with Mr and Mrs, Thos. Elliott, They made the trip in their auto. FIELD Sees for Sale We have a carefully :,elected Stock a FIELD SEEDS far Sale at VERY CLOSE PRICES. Our stock of Corn is of the best known varieties and Germination is Guaranteed. We have the . following kinds:— IMPROVED EARLY BUTLER IMPROVED BAILEY WHITE CAP EARLY LEEMING MaallalOUTH EARLY CUBAN WISCONSIN No. 7 LONGF,ELLOW FLINT KING PHILLIP FLINT In soot seeds we ;have a large col- lection of MANGOLDS, • TURNIPS, CARROTS SUGAR BEETS ETC.. Also Seed Beans, Millet, Sarghum, Timothy and Clover A CALL SOLICITED. C. Zwicker GENERAL MERCHANT -CREDITON, ONT. Leonard Bolton of Stratford end Earl Brickwood of Niagara Falls vtsi_° ed at the latter's home herd over -he n oliday Messrs Laurie Watson and C,. Pl.• McAvoy .returned Saturday from To- ronto where they were writing their degree exams. alias Tillie Yager of St. Marys; Mrs. Cunningham and Miss E. J. Cun- ningham Of Clandeboye were visitors Arith Mrs. Yager on the 24th. Messrs Thos. Creech, A1ex.,Ste),v ars ano Mrs. R. N„'Creech attended .I Produce taken in exchange Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, `teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. th funeral of the late N, W. Creech in Brantford on Monday, the latter remaining for ,a. ferw days with her husbano who ,w,as called • to Brantford Friday last .•,-,, , tee , Mr. and Mese Ed. Hunt tea Seaforth. and Mr, and Mss. Frank 'Hunt of Lon_ dost were visitors at the home of Mr. Irwin Armstrong Victoria Day. 'r' Mr, and ¥is :F. J. Delbridge motor+'.; ed to Hamilton on Friday last where Mrs. Delbrtage spent the week -end btr Delbridgea went an to Toronto an business and during his stay! there saw the 'a;aces. He says the King's Plat wvas"`Well worth seeing. • rhey returned 'On Tuesday. Ainabe •those visiting here over the holidaj from a distance' were, Messrs. Y V tv Amos .Garnet Craig, Joseph Craig Dt. S Thomas• and wife;. tsar i'g3t; 1 Eheson, Staisiley F,isiver,. Wm. S. ,Thompson a,rid„Privater, Elmore arena ries.:. alt .tri° cl�nndon-. ;:.>•'f.b ,..^1 rsrank., Bawden ;Foreeae refits, r,1ixanito:;rolnns' and, Misses Vera: ttlatd.an1;)Lk Treble 01 Toronto. Jas. Gould Opposite Electric light Plant House Cleaning • , Time Make house cleaning easy by buy- ing a! Domestic Vac. Cleaner from tis. It will clean, you r.rngs and carpet bet- -ter than beating them and with much less labor. Then get a bottle of Sun. ny.Polish to clean your furniture: and if you see you.leed'any new furniture, we lava good stock to choose from: RO c ,.,.a In balmer Etc. Phone -20a. The 1916 Model VERLAN.]Y` will be out on the 15th of May Rig reduction in prices, Wait and see the new Model which is the most-up.to-date they ever built, Wes. Snell Dealer Exeter Genuine D. L. & W. Serailtoli Coal Agents For British Americ an Oil Co. Keeile, Rowe, & Wood Horse Cards The Advocate is again pre- pared to give you entire sat. isfaction in Horse Route Cards. Order early so that you may have them on time. THE ADVOCATE EXETER JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 32 Ladies Wash Dresses All, Kinds and Colors to Choose from.. Sizes 32 to 44 Prices $1.00, $1.25, :$1:50', $2,00 each Children's Wash Dresses All'dainty colors are made up in a. variety of very pretty styles, • Age 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, Prices 75c., 85c., '$1.00, $1.25, $1.50. DRESS SKIRTS Ladies Dress Skirts in all colors. Your choice of any skirt for $3.75. WASH CREPES A fine selection of plain, stripesor fancy in all the seasons shades 12ic,, 15e. and 25c, a yard. BOYS WASH SUITS Some real nifty little suits in fancy colors and makes 75c. $1, $1.50, $2.00` each. WASH VOILES Figured voiles are goods in the new summer shades also plain voiles 15, 25 and 50c; a yard. Men's and Boy's Suits Just cornmg in this week a big shipment of mens and, boys Spring and Summer suits, These suits are are right up to the minute, just fresh from the factory and you are sure to find something here to your fancy. MEN'S UITS' All' kinds to choose from $10, $12, $15 pack.- MEN'S STRAW HATS The nifty, hats are here all styles for$1 to $3 each. • BOYS •SUITS' 2 or 3 piece suits $4, $5, $6, $7. MEN'S. FURNISHING New shirts, collars, Ties sox, suspenders,lovesun- derwear, g v " eadquart rs for the • elebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing