Exeter Advocate, 1915-5-27, Page 34
4 41r
A choice between starvation .or
merciless torture ie the: dismal pros-
peat before all victipis of •inda,gee-
ta,on, for aa:litllough they are in need
of food to nouri3h thebed
are afraid to eat because of the
long Periods of pain and discom-
fort that follow even the lightest
of meals.
The urgent need of all who• suffer
from indigestion is to gain
strength so that the stomach can
extract nourishment from the food
taken. Pain after • eating is the
way the stomach signifies its protest
that it is too weak to do naturte'.s
work. To take purgative,% is only
to aggravate the trouble. Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills give new strength •
to weak stomachs because they en-
rich and purify the blood supply,
thus enabling the stomach to di-
gest food naturally, Almost from
the first the appetite revives: then:
food can -be taken without pain and
the burden of indigestion disap-
pears. The following case proves
the truth of these statements. Mr,
W. B. Silver, a well-known fanner
living in the vicinity of Hereford,
N. S„ says: "Pur upwards of seven
years I was tortured with indiges-
iaean ; sometimes I was so bad that I
would not taste a bit of hearty
food, but would have to content
myself with a bit of stale bread,
At times I suffered excruciating
pains in my stomach, and Gould
hardly sleep at. night. I tried va•rie
ens preseiiptions, but got no bene-
fit from them and naturally I was
in a very reduced state of health.
I had come to believe that I was
doomed for the balance of my life
to this most constant torture, when
I read of a ease similar to my own
mad through the use of Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills. This gave Me
new courage, and I decided to try
them. To make a lying storn short,
the use of the Pills for a couple of
months completely cured me. This
is some two years ago. and I have
heed no return of the trouble, and
am able to eat as hearty a meal as
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills t}trougl% y ur medicine dealer
(t•r by 'mail at SS) cents a box or six
boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil -
Name' Medicine Co. Brockville,
('ailed For a Rope.
'An Irishman applied at the wharf
for work as a stevedore. He was
only four and a half feet in height,
and the boss was dubious, "We're
loading 300-1h. anvils into that
steamer," said he, "and a. little
chap like yourself couldn't handle
'em." "Try me," said Pat. And
the boss pute him to work. Pat
handled the anvils aboard all right.
The cargo was nearly all stowed in
the laold when the boss heard a
splash. He ran to the rail, and,
looking over, saw Pat struggling
in the water. "Throw me a rope I"
he yelled, as lie went under, He
came up, called for a nope and
went under again. Again he rose
to the surface,. "If you don't
throw me a rope," he sputtered an -
gaily, "I'm going to drop this an-
Colicky children can be promptly
cured by Baby's Own Tablets be-
cause these Tablets act directly on
the stomach .and bowels and cleanse
them of all impurities. Concerning
them Mrs. Jtas: C: Slater, Sum-
mereille, N.S., writes: "I have
used Baby's "-Own Tablets and am
glad to say I have found them an
excellent medicine for colic and loss
of sleep." The Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers. or. bymail at 25
cents-,a•.boZfrom The Dr.' Williams'
Medicine Co., ..Brockville, Ont.
"Arts Course's only.
• S13MMEA.
„S C' H O O
I±JI li •.r 41/134 and All'Of ST
n_I_ ,
GEC. '3'. CHOWN, I:egietrar
Ford owners write for
-our catalogue,
Speedometer. Station.
179 Queen Street West,
Happenings In the I±merald Isle
of Interest to Irish-
As the result of a mysterious ex-
plosion in a Dublin whiskey distil-
lery 4 vat containing 3,000 gallons
was blown up last week,
Mr. Win. Colhoun, proprietor of
I(andonder ry Sentinel, an
of the beet known Irish journalists,
has died at his Derry. residence,
The roll of honor of Queen's Uni-
versity, Belfast, now numbers 374
graduates, undergraduates and
members of the O.T.C. of the uni-
Acting on fresh instructions is-
sued recently, the Royal Irish Con-
stabulary are about to enter op a,
general recruiting campaign all:
over Ireland.
The death of Mr, Loftus L.
Nuyum, J,P., head of the firm of
Messrs. Nue um, coal importers,
Dublin, occurred at his residence,
Brunswick Street,
Mrs. Rose Murphy, Newcastle,
County Down, who died recently in
her 91st year, left five sons, three
daughters, 45 grandchildren and 52
A gigantic scheme is on foot that
will light the whole of Ireland by
electricity to he developed at Bel -
leek by the water of Lough Erne,
and at Limerick by the Shannon.
It is proposed to make a, complete
list of the names of those Old Boys
of Mountjoy School, Dublin, who
have come forward in the defence
of King and country.
Dublin, Belfast, and Limerick
railway workers have passed reso-
lutions pressing for a grant to Irish
railwaymen of asimi'ar war bonus
to that secured for those in Eng-
land and Scotland.
A number of residents of Castle-
wellan are eonsideringithe feasibil-
ity of a. public electric lighting in-
stallation, the gas works being
mentioned as a possible site for a
generating station.
The Standing Council of the Irish
Technical Instruction Association
have decided, owing to the war,
not to convene the 1915 Technical
Instruction Congress which was to
have been held at Larne..
The diversion line of the Dublin
and South -Eastern Railway Com-
pany is now almost completed, and
passenger trains are now running
over the Woodbroke and Shawga-
nagh ,section in the Harcourt Street
Never known tot
fall; acts without
pain in 24 hours. Is
seething, healing;'
'Corns takes. the sting right
tett. No remedy so
quick, safe: and"sure as Putnam's Palni
less Corn Extractor. Sold every=
vthere-25e. Der bottle,
HOW the World Sleeps.
Most people sleep on their sides,
with their knees drawn up. Ele-
phants always, and horses common-
ly, sleep standing up. Birds, with
the .exception of owls and' the hang-
ing parrots of India, sleep with
their heads turned tailward over
the back, and the beak thrust
among the feathers between the
wing and they body. Stork's, .gulls,,
and other long-legged birds, sleep
standing on one leg. Ducks sleep
on open water. To avoid drifting
shoreward they keep paddling with
one foot, thus making them move
in a circle. Sloths sleep hanging
by their four feet, the head tucked
in between their forelegs.. Foxes
and wolves. sleep curled up, their
noses and the '+soles of the+ir feat
close together, and blanketed ` by
their bushy tails.. Hares, snakes,
arid' fish sleep with their eyes wide
:Laws of the Mere] World.
The...moral worlds like the mater-
' a9, jis held in ,a state of stable equi-
librium by the combined action of
two laws. As the planets are kept
ie their. `orbits by the ' balanced
.. Call ate r.a,dtion 'of the centripetal'
and centrifugal forces, so the moral
universe ismaintained in: harmony
and settled -now .!by' the compie-
inentary ,action.of the ttivo .great.
lairs of vicarious love and person-
al responsibility, stated by Paul in.
,these simple. terms --"Bear ye one
another's burdens," that, being
the law of. love; "Ilea • every man'
prove` his own work," that (being"
the law of individual resp.onsibal-,
What Is Its „
A eollegt professor"wbp.was a1
ways ready for a joke was asked:
by a atuden+t'osis day if ht would
like a good recipe for catching rab-
bits. • "'Why, ,yes,"".replied the pro -
lesser. "What is it?" "Well, you'
crouch down 'behind a`,thick stone
Wall and make .a noise like a tur-
nip." "That may be," said the
professor, with a ibivinkle in his
eyes, "but :a better way "than that
wouldbe for you to go and sit
quietly in a bed of cabbige heads
and look natural."
Wellington's men and officers of-
ten fought through .a whole cam
paign without receiving a letter
from home.
lle►sage of dupe
Fol' All Yo1udu
Computing the Weight of Cattle.
There are many rules for esti-
mating the weight of cattle by
measurement, but one of the au-
thoriti.es on the subject says that.
HOW Slii[+l"1�Ok'N1) itgo` I.
,',Ince Suffered for ihxcas Years and Could
Find No Lasting Relief Till She
Used Dodd's Ki,tlne3' Pills.
Thurso, Que., May 24th (Special).
Tired, run-down women can read a
message of hope in the statement of
Miss jury Sabourili, an estimable
lady living here. In a statement to
. Miss labour n says
"I was a sufferer for three years.
I was always tired and nervoun.
My sleep was broken and Imre-
freshing, I was troubled with head-
aches and pains in my back. I had
heart fiutterings. to add to my anx-
"I was treated by a doctor and a
specialist, but nothing seemed to
do me any lasting good till I
started to use Dodd's Kidney Pill ,
andj, took just three boxes of
Nine -tenths of women's troubles
come from sick Kidneys. Sick kid-
neys fail in their duty of straining
the impurities out of the blood.
That means tliat,poison and disease
is carried to all parts of the body.
The remedy is to cure the kidneys
with Dodd's Kidney Pills. If you
haven't used them ask your neigh-
bor about them. Nearly every
family in Canada is using or has
used Dodd'+s Kidney Pills.
Heir of Marquis of Northampton
Dead; Others Wounded.
Official stud unofficial casualty
lists published include the names
of more than 200 officers, many of
them members of the aristocracy.
Among the Killed are :
Lieutenant W. F. Rodney, of the
flying corps, son of the late Lord
Rodney; Lord Spencer Douglas
Compton, a. lieutenant in the Horse
Guards, son of the late Marquis of
Northampton and brother and heir
of the present Marquis; Lieuten-
ant:l'eith Anthony 'Stewart, of the
BIack Watch, son of the Earl of
Gallaway ; Captain Eric Upton, of
the Royal Rifles, son of Viscount
Lieutenant-Colonel Lord R. F.
Cavendish, of the Royal Lan'cas-
ters, is listed as wounded. He is a
brother of the Duke of Devonshire.
Among the wounded also are Lieu-
tenant Charles Huntington and
Lieutenant G. Bruce, son of Lord
Snddeely Increased in Size.
A Scottish farmer was one • day
selling some wool to a carrier, and
after weighing it in the yard he
went into the booze to make out an
invoice. Coming back he missed
a cheese which had been standing
on a, shelf, behind the outer door,
and glancing at the bag of wool he
observed that it had suddenly in-
creased in size, "Man," he said
to the carrier, "I hoe clean forgot-
ten the weight o' that bag. Let's
pit it on the scales again." The
carrier could not refuse. Being
duly weighed the, bag was found to
be heavier by the weight of the
cheese inside. A new invoice was
made out, and the eresifatllein car-
oler went away. The farmer's wife
aft once missed the cheese, and,
rushing to the yard, told her hus-
band that some thief had stolen the
cheese. "Na, na, Meg," replied
the farmer,. quietly; "I hoe just
spelt the cheese for two shillin's the
One Ought to Have a Good Appe-
A good'appetite is -*hest, sauce.
It goes a. long way toward helping
in the digestive process. and that
.is absolutely' essential to health and
Many persons have found that
Grape -Nuts food is not only nour-
ishing but is .a great appetizer, and
children like the taste of it and
grow strong and rosy from. its fuse.
It is especially the food to make
a weak stomach strong and create
an, .appetite for dinner.
:"I am 57 years old," writes a
grandmother," and have shad a
weak stomach from cbildlhood. By
great care as to my. diet I enjoyed a
reasonable degree of heaalth, but
never found' anything to • equal
Grape -Nuts as a standby.
"When I have no appetite for
breakfast and jtiits+t cath to keep up
my strength" ' I take 4 teiaspoenfialis
of GrapeNuts with,,good icih, milk,
and when dinner comes 'I am hun-
gry. While, if • I go Without any
breakfast I never feel like eating
• dinner, Grape -Nuts for :breakfast
'Seems to make a healthy appetite
for dinner.
"My little grandson was ,sick with
stomach. 'trouble during, ,the past
summer, and fin+all'y, we..put him on
Grape -Nuts. Now he. is growing
plump, and well. When asked if he
wants his nurse os Grape: Nuts, he
brighttens up and poinits'to• the ciup-
board, He was DO trouble to wean
at all—thanks 'to Grape -Nuts."
Name given by Canadian Position
Co., Windsor, Ont... Read; "The
Road'' to Weillvalle," in pkgs.
"There's a Reason,"
Ever read the above letter? A new
ono appears. from "tune to time. They
are genuine. true. and full of human
interest. •
:There is no rule that comes near-
er than good guessing," and that
"no two animals will weigh alike
slag '
to measurement.'
The same authority further re-
marks that a rule, as good as any,
is to find the superficial feet by
multiplying the girth, •-just behind
the shoulder blades, ;by the length
from the fore part• of the eehoulder
blade to the root of .the tail.
Thus an ox girdling 7 feet 9
inches, .and measuring 6 feet in
length, would contain seven and
three-quarters times six, or forty-
six and a ;half superficial feet. For
cattle, grass fed, the following is
given as the weight per superficial
Girth less than three feet ---11
pounds; girth three to five feet -
16 pounds; girth five to seven feet
—23 pounds; girth seven to nine
feet -31 pounds.
Thus the steer, as per above
measure+menis, should weigh 46.50
by 31, or 1,441 pounds, gross. This
der this rule it is usual to deduct
one pound in twenty on half -fatted
cattle, from fifteen to twenty
pounds on a cow having two calves,
and if .not fatted an equal amount.
The author of this rule suggests its
use only when the scale is wanting,
as the scale is the only true stand-
Rale Releegious.
An-nerson--"A'm hear'au that
than Gairman Emperor preten's
toe the rale releegious. in as wey a'
his sin." Murdoch—``Ay, releeg-
ions like 'is gran-fa.ither, D'ya min"
the au]d sang o' he seventies—
"'Ten thousand Frenchmen laid
Praise God from whom all bless-
ings flow.' "
Tams'n—"A've heard tit. An' whin.
this yin sen's ower a. dizzen or two
o' his Zeppelins tae drop boanbson
Glesea he'll be singing --`All good
things come from above.' "
A Nova Scotia Gan Of
Interest to All loom
Halifax Sends Out a Message of Help
to Many People.
Halifax, N.S., Dec,, 15.—When inter-
viewed at her home at 194 Argylg. St.,
Mrs. Haverstock was quite willing to
talk of her peculiarly unfortunate case.
"I was always 'blue' and depressed,
felt weak, languid and utterly unfit
for any work. My stomach was so i
disordered that I had no appetite. i
What I did eat disagreed. I suffered!
greatly from dizziness and sick head-
ache and feared a nervous breakdown.
Upon my druggist's recommendation
I used Dr. Hamilton's Pills.
"I felt better at once. Every day I
improved, In six weeks I was a well.
woman, cured completely after differ-
ent' physicians had failed to help me.
It is for this reason that I strongly
urge sufferers with stomach or d'ges-
tive troubles to use Dr. Hamilton's
Dr. Hamilton's Pills strengthen .the
stomach, improve digestion, strength-
en the nerves and restore debilitated
systems to health. • By cleansing the
blood of long-standing impurities, by
bringing the system to a high point
of vigor, they effectually chase away
weariness, depression and disease.
Good for young or old, for men, for
women, for children. All dealers sell
Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and.
Father's Oanniseent.
Willie Paw, what is an optim-
ist? •
Paw : A man who regards a
license to hunt as= lit -good invest•
Minard's Liniment used by Physicians.
Yankee : "Ifrsome one were so.
ill-advised as to call you a liar,
colonel, in what ""light would you
regard the act`l'?
Kentucky. Colonel: "I would re-
gard it simply as a form of suicide,
Had ship's anchor fall on my knee and
leg, and knee swelled up- and for six days
I could not move it or get help. I then
started to use --m MINARD'S LINIMENT
and two bottles cured. me. •
When, Sultan of Turkey, Abdul
Hamid possessed about two thou-
sand " wai�stcoa+ts., Three of these
ww ere b ulleb proof.
=eep Minard's Liniment in the house,.
One Brings On Another.
°I don't see how these ever came
to be so •meant' words.in the w•orkld ff
exclaimed ,a girl who was studying
her spelling iletsisons. '
(`why, ,sic," said her brother,.
"they come through folk quarrel-
ling.. Then, you know, 'one word
always 'brings • on another."
Ask for Minard's and take no other.
ISSUE 22—'].5.
How to Kill Trouble.
Many people seek trouble, court
worry. Some of you are not happy
unless you are fretting over some-
thing, It is an unhealthy state of
mind—almost a wicked state of be-
ing; for your Creator did not in-
tend you to fret your life away, and
in doing so deal unhappiness to
others. Consider God's good gifts
to you, and thank Him every day
for the many 'blessings yon' enjoy.
'Yeu have but to look at your neigh -
box' to food someone who in worse
off than you yourself are ---some un-
fortunate whose trouble makes
'yours appear like a pebble beside
a boulder, Go, give your neighbor
a. cheery word, a little lift on -life's
weary road, and see how quickly
your own trouble will -sink into no-
thiagne,ss. Don't worry ---and,
again, don't worry.
Granulated .Eyelids,
Eyes ir,dJareed by expo-
sure taSna, Dust aud Wind
qquicklyrclieved by Murine
E eRemed , No Smartie ,
Y Y g
just Rye Comfort, At
Your Druggist's Sec per Bottle« MudueEye
RalveinTubes25e. For Beokollhe yefreeask
Druggists or Muffle Eye Remedy Co., ChIcaga
Ev +----44----
f R
t.Ii- As I
Ru Or I.
"Every main"' said Uncle Eben,
"thinks he's right mos' of +'e time.
An' de res' of de time he thinks his
mistakes is puffeckly excusable."
Many a woman who thinks she is
a good mother is only a gave to the
tyranny of a child.
The quickest way to do' things is
to do one thing at time.
You will find relief in Zarn-Suk I
It eases the burning, singing
pain, stops bleeding and brings
ease. Perseverance, with zam-
Buk, meanscure; 'Why not prove
this ? iii Druppists and 15fores.•
a m_
'::. k
LE' .0
Shoes fa eve Sp. - '
and Recreations.
Sold by,;11 G. d
`'e1c:2lt} is what a fellow Iets ga
of a bomb with.
STinard'a: Liniment Luameberman's Zriend.
One salmon has been known to
produce ten million eggs.
specially selected and Government
lnspecied for seed. Only limited quantity.
Price, One Dollar per bushel f.o.b. Brawn.
ton. Also Connoisseur's Pride and New
Snow. two excellent new potatoes, Price.
Two rollers perbaahel. Special pr'cee
for large quantity, Cash must secant'
pon.any all orders. E. IV, Dawson, Brame.
Dees for sale in good. Ontario towns.
The most useful and interesting of ail
businesses. Full information on appliea.
tion to Wilson Publishing Company. 7i
West Adela:do 'fit., Toronto.
internal DAG external, cured with-
out pain by our home treatment. Write
us before too late. Dr. Reitman htedtca.
Co.. I4talted. Collingwood. Out.
'•America a Suedar4 4 Cycle Manns Mess,"
4 C'eh 455Dd4er'q as ii is ti 5, 4,14;44•41,0441.,
9tg S. e.topenl.C�r N ,.h*.;'�. Ce Ni[
:'Haps dress )tutut('ar0 441. 4r se5
asesmisi enl5 , i:4e4541451454Q
m e5bpY over 40 par ends suits. RCr 9.
150554 o010cli;dera. Cd 44141p e.7ue41.'
naero55du P4e)l,,i,sa,,tar r.•t
XEXsimit wFe, CO. Do 41. ROW. Ai:c)..
Canoes, Skiffs, Motor Boats
If any canoe can give you satisfaction, it is a "PETERBOROUGH,"
Always and ever the acme of service, model, strength and fin-
ish.. Over fifty styles and sizes. Write for catalogue. The latest canoe
is the Peterborough canvas covered, Ask for illustrated folder. Skiffs
for the popular Outboard Motors. Power Launches, all sizes and pow-
ers. Get holders telling all about these.
"Overstern" V Bottom $550D
Motor Boat
Freight Prepaid to- any .Railway Station in
Ontario. Length 15 Ft., Beam 3 Ft. 9 In.,
Depth 1 Ft. 6 In. INT MOTOR FITS.
•Specification No. 2B giving engine prices on request Get our quotations
'on—"The Penetang Line" Commercial and Pleasure Launches, Row
boats and Canoes..
04, Rolle s”
Perfect Heat For AnyKind of Cooking
STRIKE a match—in leas than a minute the NEW
PERFECTION Oil Cookstove is giving full, easily
regulated heat for any kind of cooking,
The NEW PERFECTION gives you, too, a cool, comfortable
kitchen, No smoke, no odor, no coal, ashes or kindling,. Let
your hardware dealer show you the. NEW PERFECTION' today,
in the 1, 2, 3 and 4 burner sizes. If he can't supply you, write
us,direct, '
011a tOO S a ES
a'.ar•- .,a,