Exeter Advocate, 1915-5-20, Page 5ger 0 ilk ne S'S as 'r24 Gan. re - Ives nue ,cies Fri FLT will Has ed- od- 9'm.. sr's, ;tor �tn of On b's • , ,fat, lam to tel; n.. bay en D5?£ her .903 ake Cr- Al- the 8 'n- rnd )y; am Ian 916 ['T. t DENTAL. Dr, 0, r!'. ROULSTON, L.D..S„ DENTIST Member ot trite. R.C.D.S. of Ontario and; Honor Graduate of Toronto Unlversity. Office—Over Dickson & Carltng's lave attics. Closed Wednesday afternoons. DR. .A R. KINSMAN, L,D..4,., D.D.S., Honor 'Graduate or Toronto University DENTIST Teeth extracted without pain, or any bad .effects. Office over Gladwin & Stantturye, Orrice. Main Street, Exeter. DICKSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, Solicitors. Notaries. Conveyancers, Com- missioners. Solicitous for the Molsons Bank. etc. honey to Loan at lowest rates of interest Offices—Main-St., Exeter I. R. Carling. B.A. tell. Dickson We funds sibse MONEZ TO LOAN have a targe amount of private to loan on far= and village prop - at low rates od interest, GLADMAN A STANBt71i,'X Barristers. Solicitors, Ereter. STNQPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE sole head of a family, or any malc'over l8, years old, may htunestead a quarter -section, of available Domin- ion, land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta The applicant must appear in verso . at the Dominion Lands Ag- ency ot Sub -Agency for the Dis- trict. Entry may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency (but not Sub -Agency) on certain conditions. Ditties -Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader -nay live withlre nine miles of his, homesteadcn a faar� of at least 80 acres, on certain contZtlons A habitable .house is re - meted in every case, except when ie- elaetice is performed in the vicinity. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter sld'ctIgn alongside his homestead. Price $3 ,peracre. Duties—Six months resi- ein each of three years after ear >' homestead patent; also 50 acre extra cultivation. Pre-emption prate at may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, on certain condi- tions A settler who has exhausted his homestead eight may take a purchas- ed homestead in certain districts. Ptice $3 per acre, Ditties—Must re- side 6 ,months in each of 3 years, cu- Itiveto 50acres, an erect a house worth $301). The area ofcultLv cultivation n is subject to reduction in case of rough, scrub- by or stony land. Live stock may be substituted for cultivation under cer- taiai conditions. W. W. CORY, C.M.G. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior, N.B.—Unauthorized publica tion of this advertisement will not be paid tor. DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS Arena-, + ble Re- gulating Pin for *omen. $5 a box or threefor $10.. Sold, at all Drug Stores, or mailed to any address on receipt of price; Tire ScoBLLa Dime, Co., St, Catharines, °uterio. IHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. •S•estbres Vim and ;itauty;for Nerve and Drain; increases "grey matter" ;a'Tonie winbuiidyouup.$3 a box. or two for $5, at drug stores, or by mail on. receipt of price • The ScoBELL new Co., St. Catharines. Ontario. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Ontario's Best Practical Training School. We have thorough courses and experienced instructors in each of•ow- three departments —Commerc- ial Shorthand and Telegraphy. Our gsaduatea succeed and you should read our large, free catalogue. Write for it at, once. D. A. McLachlan, ' Principal MANY COLLEGES CLOSE 'FOR VACATION at midsummer. Our col- lege does not. ELLIOTT Yonge and Charles Sts., Toronto dee strictly first-class. NONE BETTER' IN CANADA. Enter now so as to - get a position in the early fall..;:: Catalogue flee. Western University, London Forward Movement GREATLY ENLARGED FAC- ULTES IN ARTS AND MEDICINE VASTLY IMPROVED EQUIPP - MEN1,—LIBRARY, LAB'ORATOR - IES ETC. SEVEN NEW. SCHOLARSHIPS. RECORD ENROLMENT. INQUIRIES SOLICITED. E. E BRAIITFiWAITE, M.A. Ph.D. President. RANDTUN SYs EM REDUCED FARES account VICTORIA DAY MAY. 24 SINGLE FARE -Good going and ie - turning May 24th only, EARL AND . ONE-THIRD — Good going May 22nd, 23rd and .24th,` Return 'limit ..• May 25th, 1915. Return tickets will be issued between all stations in Canada east of Port Arthur and to Detrait and Port Hfluron Mich., Buffalo, Black` Rock, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge,. N. Y Tickets and full particulars on application to ticket;agents, N', J. DORE, Exeter tree Lhp Dutch NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK trawler Scravenhaon. Offednesday, The' trawler wages flying the Dutch flag at the time. None of the bombs took effect.. Important Events Which Have Occurred During the Week. The Busy World's Happenings Care- fully Complied and Put Into Handy and Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper.: A Solid Hour's Enje yment. WEDNESDAY. News came to Quebec yesterday that Rev. Father Albert; pastor of Limoilou Parish, that city, was kill- ed in action at Ypres, April 22, The death is announced of Prof. Karl Lampreoht, Professor of His- tory in the. University of Leipsic. He was born in 1.856. The Japanese Foreign Office is drafting a treaty with China; based upon the acceptarce of the provi- sions in ;Tepee's ultimatum, mclud- ing the restoration of liiae-Chau. The plant and Pq'nipment of the Rodney Woodenware Co. at Rodney was totally destroyed by fire, causing a loss of $35,000, with only partial insurance. Reg. Burrows, a young farmer re- siding near Meaford, was round dead in one of his fields yesterday morn- ing, with a gun lying beside him. He probably tripped Poing over a fence. Sixty-five employes of a Or eel? leather company, busy on French war orders, have issued an ultima- tum to the management to discharge all German or Austrian employes by Saturday. Anthony F. Wile''ng of New Zea- land, termer lawn tenn's champion of Great Britain, and who several times h •s been a member of the Aus- tralian team in the Da vis Cup matches, has been k 'ed in the ti,i,i- ine in the Dardanelles, Cast of the war in flints hsbips, not including warships, thus far taus been 201• vess.-ls, 'The loss or life has .bee:i 1,556, Dr. T. J. Macna- mara, Parliamentary Se-reelry of the Admiralty, gave these figures in the House of Com-- ons yeeterdelee THUDAY. After fifteen years in power tee Roblin Government in Manitoba re- signed yesterday, and T. t Norris, leader of the Liberal party, is nosy Premier of. Manitoba. The feeling of hatred among tt.e Germans is now strai,ee- against tete Canadians than act list the reet of the British force', ino- sae: -it it had not b cn .ur the Canad•an rats we should have b' -en t.brcuah to Calais." That Robert D to ram, to h's death on April 29 last by a g:u 1iut fired by a person or persons un- known to the p -lice, was the verdict rendered by a jury last night 'at Car- low, Huron. County. The onlyi v ct m in the German airship raid on Southend, Eng., was AIri. Agnes Frances V, hitwell of b0 North road. While industricualy at work I- his field on his farm near Sialcoe, Chris- tie.. W. Shoup, termer and twill own- er, was shot to death by an unkn.,wn hand, and his money taken, A Shanghai die. patch says one of the leading Chit ese ne w:'papers is - sorts that China's cccep.anee or Japan's ultimatum a as due eutir+:7y tc British mediation, The Official Gazette an louue.e4 that by the King's cor�,.la: nil,oe.a- brations of the King's birthday atm .- versary on June 3, both at do ,r and abroad, with the exception oft ' 'wy_ Ing of the flag, will be abando:,,.0 this year, owing to the war. The boom in recruiting having. made further inroads upon the muul- cipal staffs in. England, a number of women yesterday in Newcastle took the places of street car conductors who have enlisted. At Ga.esh,'ad women have been put to work .,s scavengers. b RIDAY. Admiral von lirpits, German Min• later of Marine, is reported to firs resigned as a result of a di.a,.e- meat with other weathers of the German Government over the stett- ing of the Lusitania. The Emperor of Austria, the Em- peror of Germany, the King of 1V ur- temburg, the Crown Prince of Ler- many, the Grand Duke 'of Ilesee, Prince Henry of Prussia, the Duke of Saxe -Coburg and Go,ha, and the Duke of Cumberland have ` be n stricken off the list of Knights of the Garter. It is now generally believed teat There were >lye submarines toll aft to sink ,b',he' Lusitania i>i order, • u make +bso'lutely sure. German -American girls employed in a St. Catharines factory, became involved in a lively dispute ; over the Lusitania affair, in which they c me to The German girls were discharged. The French Minister of War, Alex- andre Millerand, yesterday sent a telegram to the French Commander - in -Chief, General Joffre, congratulat- in, him on the success of the opera- tions of the French troops in the.re- eio.. of Arras. The British submarine E14 has penetrated through the Dardanelles and into the Sea of Marmara, sink- in. two Turkish gunboats and a Turkish transport.- e i 'Ie British battleship Goliath, has been, torpedoed " in the Dardanelles.: It is feared 5,00 lives have been lost. Lambton Ccunty doctors have for- warded to the Government an- offer of a. hospitalunit of r 00, beds. SATURDA1t. A German submarine is reported to have been sunk to the North Sea by being run down by the ` ^learner Col lairnie. The British • Government an- nounces that no 'commercial travel. ers.:will pe:permited to visit the Ork-"` ,ney islands after May 24th. The Gres. Falls Co. saw mill, near Three Rivirs Que., was destroyed by fire last evening. The loss is esti- mated at about $1.00,000. The death occurred yest^rday morning of Judge Simeon Pagnueio;' at his residence on St, Denis Street, Montreal, at the age of seventy -bee.. A Taube dropped three bombs Twenty-eight additional bodies. of Lusitania victims were brought into. Queenstown, Ireland, last night. A torpedo boat landed,• the bodies of seven men, four women and one boy. The body of Joseph Edward, Mor- ris. of Orillia, was found on the G.T.R. track yesterday morn trig, about ave reties west of Orillia, He bad evidently been struck by a train Thursday night. The body of a man, supposed to be John Hilliard, was found on the Grand Trunk tracks at the easterly limits of Chatham yesterday morn- ing. The body was terribly mangl- ed, and positive identification is al- most impossible. MONDAY. G. N. Barnes, British member of Parliament, is on his way to Canada to engage men to work on munitions of wax. The Danish steamer Martha was torpedoed and sunk off Aberdeen Sunday morning by a German sub- marine. Her crew of eighteen were saved. Cable elessages announce the safe arrival of the vessel which carried the McGill General Hospital, the La- val Base Hospital and other units to England. An air raid occurred at Ramsgate, Eng., yesterday morning. About forty bombs were dropped, So far as has been ascertained, three per- sons were injured. Mrs. Louis Buser, Dallas; O, egon, is reported to have died of shock because her son, Louis rinser, jun., was made - prisoner of war in Feet Henry, at 'Kingston. Alexander Gorky, son of Maxim Gorky, the Russian writer, was wounded while serving with the French army, and as a result bas just had his right arm amputated: Struck by a fast eastbound Miehi- rn,n Central express near Comber, Saturday, John Kearns, aged forty- six, a seetionman, was hurled a con- siderable distance and instantly killed, A group of prominent Swedes have requested the press to distri- bute in. America a vigorous expres- sio.s of their sentiments er. ecerning. what they call "inhuman methods of 'warfare" in the sinking of the Lust - tan la. TUESDAY. A French column, commanded by Cal. Mayer, occupied on May 11, the post of Esoka in the German colony of Kamerun, Africa, The aerodrome established by the Germans at Ghistelles, to the north- east of Ostend, has been completely destroyed after successive attacks by the allied aviators. London is to be bombarded from the air with poisonous gas bombs, similar to those used by the Ger- mans at Ypres, according to word. brought to Geneva yesterday. The Kingof Greece has been -till. s for over a week, and a recent des- patch said his cold has turned into pleurisy. It is not expected that he attend state be able to a d to busi- ness for some time to come. The British Empire marriage act, designed to facilitate marriages of members of the overseas Dominions in the United Kingdom and of Brit- ish subjects in. the Dominions, pass- ed through the Lords. Dr. Bernhard Dernberg, the unof- ficial mouthpiece of the German Government in the U. S., desires to 'return to Europe armed with a Brit- ish safe-conduct for his voyage. It is very much of an. open question whether he will get it or not. PORTUGAL'S PRESIDENT SHOT. Joao Chagas Dies of Wounds Inflict- ed by a Senator. MADRID, May 18.—Joao Chagas, President of the Portuguese Cab- inet, who was shot on a train while traveling from Oporto to Lisbon, died of wounds, according to the latest reports reaching here from Lisbon. His assailant was' Senator Freitas, who also was shot and wounded by a. passenger of the train, and in a later fight was killed by gendarmes. Fighting in Lisbon has begun again, according to the latest news reaching Badajoz. The warships are bombarding the city. Over o ne hundred persons have been killed, including several Spaniards. The Spanish .;warships Espana and Rio' de la Plata and a Spanish tor- pedo boat have arrived in Lisbon.. Man Swept From Dredge. TORONTO, May 18.—One man was drowned, another seriously in- jured, and fourteen thousand dollars damage done, when the Canadian Stewart Company's dredge Cyclone, the world's biggest dredge, was caught in a southeast gale off Fish- erman's Island, Toronto, Sunday morning The deckhand who lost his life is supposed to be George Rice, aged forty-two, 93 Sydenuaui' steak. Be was swept from the dredge by a twelve -foot waver The injured man is Oscar Peterson, 21 Robinson. street. - Ten Submarines Built. BOSTON, May 18.—The ten ,sub marines which the Fore River Ship- building Corporation is constructing at Quincy for the British Govern- ment will be launched early next month, within five months of the', time, the keels were laid, it was learned yesterday. The trial trips will follow :on after and the boats could be ;'ready tor ':commission by July 1, although they are not to be delivered until after the ; war: The average time for . constructing sub- marines -in this country previously, has been"`more.than two years, • Not . the IKarlsrulae., WASHINGTON, May 18„—Reports that the German cruiser Karlsruhe- had arrived at Norfolk or was put- ting in through the capes was defin- itely denied in a telegram received here from Norfolk. at 11.38 a.m. yes- terday. Notice to Creditors. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES - tate of Johns Hawkins, late of the Township of Hay, .in the County of Huron, Yeoman, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby gives; that all perfon- having any claimsor demands against the late John Hawkins, who died on or abort the 59th day of March. A,D, 1915, at the Township of Hai in the County of Huron, 'Ind Province of Ontario, are hequired to send by post prepaid or to leliver. to the undersigned, Solicitors here - LI for Thomas Hawkins and Joseph Hawkin'.., executors and trustees an - del the will of the said! John llaw- kips their names and addresses and fol, particulars in writing of their claims and statements of their ac- counts and the nature of the recor- We; if any held by then: AND take notice ' that after the Seventh Day of June, 1915, the -aid Thomas Hawkins and Joisepli Haw- kins, will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among. the persona entitled thereto, .saving regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had :notice,, end that the said Thomas Hawkins tuc Joseph Hawkins will not be liable or the said assets or net part there- of tc any person of whosei claim they shalt not then have received notise. Dated at Exeter, Ont, the. 19th day of May, 1915. DICKSON & CARLING Solicitors for the above named executors, Notice to Debtors IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- tate of John Hawkins, late of the Township of Hay, in the, County of Huron, Yeoman, Deceased. All persons owing the above estate will kindly pay the amount of their indebtedness to the undersigned sol- icitor for Thomas Hawkins and Jos- eph Hawkins, lex t ntors of the bast will and testament of tile said John Hawkins deceased, on or before the Seventh Day of June, A.D. 1915. Dated at Exeter, Ont., the. 19th day ,of May, 1915. DICKSON & CARLING Solicitors for the above named executors. Free of Charge g I am prepared to vaccinate all colts against Rheumatism, Septic or Arth- ritis and Diseases following Septic in- section in foals, if notified withini 48 hours FREE OF CHARGE. Ilia Vaccine is not an experiment, but has been in use for four seasons, DR H. A. ECKERT, Crediton, • Phone (36.. USBORNE COUNCIL The Council met on. May 1st,,pur- suatlt to adjournment, all the mem- ber:. beingpresent. The: s the last eting were read ndd).. ap- proved. The Brock Creek Drain Report was again read and laid over until the next meleting The clerk was instructed to procure from' the engineer an estim- ate of the cost of an,, open drain on Branch "A” of the said drainage scheme The contract to build an 18 foot span bridge on Con. 6 and 7 was let to J. Hun'kin of Exeter. A Court of Revision of the assess- ment roll will be held on Saturday, June 5th at one o'clock. A few small accounts were passed and orders issued in payment. Council adjourned to meet on June 5th at one o'clock. F. Morley, Clerk SPECIAL NOTICE TO EXETER FOLKS We wish to announce we are( ex- clusive Exeter agents for the simple mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., known es Adler-i-ka. This rem- edy. used successfully for appendicit- its is the most THOROUGH bow!el cleanser we lever sold. It is so, pow- erful that ONE SPOONFUL relieves almost ANY CASE of constipation, 'sour or ,gassy stomach. Adler-i-kai is loaf to ' never gripes,nus ynd the ie ?S h INSTANT action is surprising. W. S. ' Cole, druggist. . n !ZION USBORNE Fifty years ago the church known as Zion on the klli.?nville Circuit, testas dedicated and has ever since';', bee used a. a. house of worship;',Mawr change, have taken place m;, those fifty, years. Several of the, faithful pastora of the circuit have been 'call- ed ed to their rewaed, Many of the pea plc who attended this little country church have died, and many more have removed to other parts, but they.are not forgotten, The people of Zion are nd,„str plan- ning jot celebrate the Jubileeand en- deavor to have a social re -union of Malty as possible of the absent, ones who were once connected more ar:ess intimately with this church. On Sunday, June 13th, we expect that the services will be conducted by two of the old pastors, Revs, Beer Quance, Veal, Newcombe and others have been invited. On Monday, the 14th, a great soc- ial reunion will be held. Tea exult a good program will be furnished and a profitable time is expected. Make a note of it. Don't forg',et it., MOUNT CARMEL T'ha holy bonds of marriage was announced here by Rev. Father Tier- ney of :Mr Simon Hoffman to '4ii'ss Lavine Rieger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Jacob Rieger of Zurich, the.mar- riage to take place at Zurich R. C. churck in the latter part of May.—Mrs Chap Glavin spent a fepv lays ast wee: at the home of hen gather, P. Sullivan.—Mr. John McIntyre lad with er of Ailsa Craig spent Thursday with Mrs :McIntyre's daughter, Mrs. Flem- ing .of the 12th Concession oft McG.l- livray,—Misr Josephine O'Rourke is quite ill at her home near Khivn.—Miss Trainer of Dashwood spent Sunday+ with friends in the neighborhood.— Mr P. Sullivan disposed of his fine mare last week to Henry efeeb of Zurich. for which he received a, hand- some price, --Messrs, Jerry ,ampbell and T Glavin spent Tursday evening with friends near Zurich. Some at- tractiot boys.—Miss Annie Hanover spew` Sunday with her parents near Dashwood, ST. JOSEPH Mr. Frank Bedour has sold his house and lot to Mn, N, A. Cantin. Mr. ,Can - tin has also recently acquired control of a large part of the original 'Ate of St Joseph and this coupled with other lands that he owns gives him control of nearly 400 acres along the lake shore.—St. Joseph is beginning to assume a busy appearance. Sew- ers are being placed and other re- »airin). being done..—A Buffalo .mil- lionaire Mr. Oliver Cabana, jre end Buchee also of Buffale, were visitors here recently. The former has con- tro or the brick yards here, and his visit may mean much for this glace, AILSA CRAIG—An aged and re- spected resident, in the person of Mrs Kennedy, passed away at the home of her son, William, on . Tues- day, after an illness of two. weeks. She hao been along and respected re - Ed ent and is survived by2 nuns, Dr J Kennedy and W, H. 'Xennedy, botl- of this place. GREENWAY Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McEaohen and Master Hugh have been visiting Mrs. McEachen's father, Mr, P. Gooding.— Mrs W. T.-Ulens, Gordon and, La - Han visited Mrs. A. Matthews in Den- field recently.—Mrs. H. Wickert and and Mrs C. V. Laughton visited friends here.—Mrs. Edwards returned last week, after spending the winter in Arkona with Mr. and Mrs. J. Wil- son.—Mrs. A. M, • Wilson and Mrs.,R. English are attending the Branch meet Ing.. 01 the. W. M. S. in London this week.—Baseball its the chief attrac- tion around the "corner" those even- ings. SCHOOL REPORT of S. S. No. 1. Usborne—Promotion Exams. held 1. pri: 28 29 and 30, 1915. (Postponed on account of chicken -pox.) Sr. IV. M rDt'ugall 514, E. Cann 504, 1. Mitch- ell 310 Sr. III. to Jr- IV,—G , Dew 542 .A . Strang 511, T. Dougall. 3.74, W. Selve; 226. Jr. III, to Sr. 111.—H, Wood 470 E. Cudmore 436, C. Lyde, 381 .1' . Harris 247. Sr. Moir 356 E.Mitc Mitchell 1 330. Jr. IT;, to Sr Ih—C. Down 406, Vt, Dunn 252, Ethel C. Case, Teacher. will clear up your urine—neutralize uric acid—,dissolve stone in the Mad- der or Kidneys—stop the pain in the back—and cure all. Kidney and B11,hler Trouble. 6'0c. a box, 6 for $2.60. Trial treatment free if you write National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Tomato. LUCAN John Coursey is preparing to ereet a new residence.—The streets have been cleaned and ailed throughout the business portion.—Mr. John Ab-bott i- visiting his brother Dr."Abbott of Albion, Mich -Mr. and Mrs. W D. Ferguson have returned (non Tor- onto to which place they werei :ailed owing to serious illness and death'. of the former's mother.—The marriage of Elena Bell McTurk and Reg -add Lyle Moorhouse B.S.A., was quietly col- emnized in Lucan on May 12th. Mr. and Mrs. Moorhouse left for Detroit and Washington. BRU wEFIELD )Intended for last wee:: Mrs. Rathwell of Clinton 's 'he guest of Mrs. W. H. Ratte:sbury.— Tha Sacrament of the Lord'.; ;up- per was held in the Method .. 71- ; rch on Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Samuel Whitemore sang a solo which .vas much enjoyed.—Mr. W. R. Stni lie rad and exceptional good sale en Friday of g noon cows selling for 5150 :nd 0 bull brought $136, horses $250 One of the largest cra;vds ,v- er seer at a sale were in attendsn e. LUMLBY Intended for last we ". Quite a number from thi : ocality attended the large sate of VG "R. Smil lie on Friday,—Miss Mossip .:nil Mrs. John Beatty, Varna, were Sunday v's- itor$ here.—John Glenn, sr., lnd fam- ilv are moving to Re(nsall th:i ,veek. —Little Mary Kerslake is tnproving nicely from her recent Mn az —Mrs, Wm Glenn+sr„ spent the first 'f ne week with her son George veer l3ru: e field, NOTHING REP iR FOR WEAK WOMEN 9 I Never Spent Any Money That Did Me So Much Good as That I Spent for Vinoh," Bellefontaine,Ohio,—"I wish every tired, weak, nervous woman Auld have Vinol for I never spent any money in my life that did me so much good as that I spent for Vinol. My nerves were in a very bad condition, makir, me very weak, tired, and worn out Lnd often drowsy headaches. I had tried cod liver oil, doctor's medicines, and other preparations without benefit. "One day a friend asked me to try Vinol. I did and soon my appetite in- creased, I slept better and now I am strong, vigorous and well and can do m housework with pleasure. "—Mrs. J. F. Lamle:um, Bellefontaine, Ohio. Nervous, weak, tired, worn-out wo- men should take Mrs. Lamborn's advice and try Vinol for there are literally thousands of men and women who were formerly run-down, weak and nervous, who owe their good health to Vinol. It is the medicinal, tissue building ele• ments of the cod's livers, aided by the blood making, strengthening influence of tonic iron contained m Vinol, which cli makes it so efficient in all such cses. W S Cole, Druggist, Exeter, Ont. to'` THE F THAL CHAMBER IT MUST BE DESTROYED Sir Robert takes a strangle grip on the blast of prey