Exeter Advocate, 1915-5-20, Page 3WOMEN'S WEAKNESS AND HEALTH PERILS Anaemia,. Comes so Gratefully That the Victim Scarcely Re- alizes the Hold the Trouble Has Upon. Her Until Almost in a Decline., Woman's work is more wearing than man's because it lasts almost every waking hour. There is no eight or nine hour day for the breadwinner's wife, and often ;she toils under the greatest difficulty because her strength is below what it should be. The woman who is indoors all day is very often care- less about 'what she eats nd does not keep her blocd up .a to the mark. - It becomes thin and pow', which makes her weak, 'headachy, tired, breathless and liable to • pains in the back and l ides, the scourge of her sex. New blood will do':,:won- ders for the woman who is tired out, who aches all over when she rises in the morningand feels un- accountably depressed. She can gain new blood now. and drive away the pains and aches ' and tiredness if she Will take Dr. 1� i1 - Hams' Pink Pills. They have work- ed marvels for other women and will de the flame for you if you are weak, tired, depressed or suffering front backacllcs or sicleaaehes, Mrs, Elmer C. Taylor, Calgary, Alta., • say s ; "1 was so run down with anaemia that I could scarcely walk; without aid. I• was not • able to leave the house. I had no color, no appetite, • and was constantly troubled with headaches, dizzy spells and a general disinclination to move about or do anything. My friends did not think I would tet better, and even. the doctor was apprehensive. I was constantly taking medicine, but it did not do me a particle eof good, One day. a friend asked me if I bad tried Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I decided. to do so almost as a, forlorn hope. After 1 had used a few boxes there was a decided change for the bet- ter, and people began to ask what I was taking, the change was so noticeable, As Iontinu d the c l e Pills my chlor carne back, I could at my sneak regularly, the head- aches and dizzy spells ceased, I gained in weight and took a• new Interest in life, my cure being complete. I have ta'ld many sickly • women and girls 'what 1)r. ''1'il- tiams' Pink Pills did for me and urged them to take - them. and shall continue to do so, knowing - what a splendid medicine they are." Every weak and ailing woman who will follow Mrs. Taylor's ex- ample and give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a, fair trial will find new health and strength through their, use. Sold by all medicine dealers or sent by mail at 50 cents a. box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- n'iilte, Ont. The Far -1 lul1g Battle -Lisle. Alexander the Great' s cam- paigns, Caesar's wars and Napol- son's three -fold battle front seem limited and almost trivial when viewed in the light of one day's mews' of the present war. Russians, Austrians and Slays struggle in Po- land, Galicia and on the slopes of the Carpatthian Mountains; West, Centrad eand Eastern France, in- cluding Alsace, send reports of armies locked in a fierce struggle; Flanders gives the story of surging masses; the Caucasus witnesses fierce fighting; Persia sends word of ( a Moslems reserve; Turkish troops are routed on the sands of Arabia.; • fndian mutineers are ,suppressedon the Malay Peninsula; German colo- nial 'soldiers are driven from Kam- erun, in Western Equatorial Afri- ca; German East Africa chronicles an engagement; Smyrna, in Asia Minor, is shelled; British and • French troops land near Enos, in European Turkey; Mesopotamia sees a route of Arab tribes in Turk- ish • pay; the northern border of Italy is, swarming with Italian regiments; an aerial. engagement is fought over the .beautiful Rhine; a submarine • is sunk off. Heligoland ,• Servia is .reinva:ded by Austrians; London - awaits the Zeppelins ; even our own peaceful Newport News is agitated about the Kronprinrc Wil-. helm. This is ars. near to. Armaged• - don as earth has ever known.— Phaladelpihia Ledger. .z. . KEEP YOUR BABY WELL Mothers can keep their little ones happy and 'healthy by, the occa- sional use of Baby's Own Tablets. There is no minor ailment of little ones that the. Tablets will not cure, and above all they are absolutely safe and positively no injury can result from their use. Concerning them Mrs. Henri Huard, Kingston, Ont., writes : "There is no medioine I know of iso good foi little ones as is Baby's Own Tablets. They, have eerbainly been of great service to me." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out Vinegar comes from the French "yin entre —spur wine: roust OWN DRUGGIST WILL TELL YOU Try Murine Fye Remedy for Red, Weak, Watery eyes and Granulated Ryelide; No Sm.rting— ast Bye Comfort, Write for Book of Oe Eye by mailS'ree. 1Uiurlue Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, MONEY IN LIVE STOCK. The Canadian Farmer 'Will Benefit By the War. Mr. Randolph Bruce, a well- known rancher in Western Catnada, has just returned from. Europe with many interesting opinions as to the effect that the war will have on the Canadian farmer. The immense slaughter of cattle for the armies in the field will, he thinks, vary shortly cause a great increase in the price of beef, and those -farm- ers who are raising cattle will make more money even than those who are raising wheat at a dollar -fifty per bushel, Every effort should be made to raise cattle for the market en as large quantities and as quick- ly as possible. Mr. Bruce is &great believer in alfalfa as the most satis- factory food for the rapid raising of cattle for beef, In this connection it is interest- ing to note that fattening young stock is becoming very popular in the United States where the mar- ket for beef is increasing so rapid- ly that more study has been paid to methods of increasing produc- rico. Irl the early days cattle were kept on the ranges from three to five years. Experience, however, has shown that the use of thor- ough -bred bulls and the consequent improvement in the quality and maturing ability of market cattle, together with heavier grain feed- ing, has made it possible to put just as much beef on the market at from 13 to 20 months old. e Ex- perts are of the opinion that with the continued improvement of breed stock it will be possible to''. market at an even earlier date. Among the advantages of earlier finishing of cattle, the following are mentioned by some of the leading!, cattle men: Firstly, younger cattle make heavier !alas of beef on a similar amount eof feed than .old';, cattle ; Secondly, the money invest- ed is turned faster, being turned over in eighteen months, where formerly it took from three to five years; Thirdly, heifers under two years old sell as readily as steers and finish snore rapidly. As the census statistics prove without shadow of doubt, the value of beef cattle in. Canada, is steadily increasing. In 1901 there were 3,167,744, valued at $154.197.341., or an average of $17,12, taking the good with the bad. In 1911 there were 3,039,257, valued at $86,278,- 490, or, an average of $21.90, an increase of $.1.78 per head. Mr. H. S. Arkell, Assistant Live Stock Commissioner for the Dominion Government, says that never in our statistical history have prices at- tained so high a figure, either for cattle on the hoof or for meat in the butcher shop, as to -day. What it will be next year, when the full effect of the war is felt, no one can tell. - Wit and Wisdom. A woman snuffs every time she thinks of her daughter-in-law's method of rearing babies. "He offers sue a platonic affec- tion." "Well, take it. -A Platonic affection often leads to the real thing." Doctor—"Do you talk in your sleep'1" Patient ---"No; I talk in other people's. I'm a clergyman." Manya woman's mind is merely something she uses to guess with. If a man's silt's don't find him out his wife will. The secret of health lies in a care- ful selection of food and thorough mastication, says an expert. A ease of pick aped. chews. The source of true living is not in possessions, but in disburse- ments. The mould . of a, man's for- tune is in his own- hands. Madge—''You shouldn't say he'•s a confirmed bachelor unless you know." Marjorie — "But I do know; I confirmed him." - "Is the 'man your sister's - going tomarry rich?" "Naw ; every time the marriage is mentioned pa says, `Poor man!' The average man chooses a wife as he would•& buttonhole bouquet —just beeause She looms pretty and nestled gracefully on his coat lapteil. Oliment---"You ought to- have gone into the axmy,- n•ot, the law." Soli- citor —"Why ?", - Client ---"By the 'way you charge there' would be little left of the enemy." A Board School teacher, putting his hand on the shoulder of a boy of -doubtful ehtasacter•, esraid, "I bee Neve Satan has got hold of you." `tI believe so, too," was the r'eply., Tom—"But do - you. think, my dear; that I'm good enough for you ?" Bessie (with a commanding look : in her eyes)—"Good -enough for me! You'vie got to ;be." "Talk about your long hours. I know a couple of''han•ds in a fac- tory that never stop; day .or night, all the year rotund." 'Impossible!. Where I" "On the factory clock." The men are on earth chiefly to attract the women;: but they don't know it. The women :are on earth chiefly to attract the men, sad they know it, though' some pretend otherwise Newricih—"So she looks forward to a pei'fectmly, !hiappy life?". Mrs. New•rich—``Yes.` She ha,, omnitbbed the last of the old friends who knew her in heir early days when she was: poor," Daughter : "What does old- fashioned mean I" Mother : "Any- thing that I think is right, and you don't, dear." Says They are The Very Best MR. J..A,. KILL' TELLS WIIA.T DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS DID FOR MIL Re Suffered for Fear Months Froin Kidney Trouble but roma quick Relief When He Used Dodd's Kidney Pills. Sixty -Nine Corners, 'Out—, May 17th (Special), — "I know than Dodd's Kidney Pills are the very beist of medicines." Such is the statement made by Mr. . A. Hill, a well-known resident of this place. `I was sick for six months,'" Mr. Hill continues. "My troubles started from a cold that seemed • to, settle in my back. My joints were stiff and I had cramps in my mus- ties, myappetite was fitful and I was heavy ,and sleepy after meals. I hada bitter taste in my mouth and I was always tired and ner- TOGS. "I used four boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills, and the great benefit they did me is what makes me say, 'They are the best of medicine's.'" Dodd's Kidney Pills cure sick Kidneys, and Mr, Hill's symptoms are the symptoms of Kidney ens - ase, consequently he found quick relief in Boddie Kidney Pills. They always cure Kidney disease. St N SPOTS GET STRONGER. Can Now Be Seen on Clear Days With Binoculars. Eleven years have elapsed since the last pronounced appearance of sun spots, this is now the period for their recurrence, and photo- graphs of the sun indicate that the spots have appeared, Any one with smoked glasses or even a pair of binoculars can see the great dark spots on the sun any clear day. The modern theory advanced by scientists isthat these spots affect the earth's weather, cause thunder and lightning storms, greatly re- duaee the temperature and cause increased precipitation. From photographs first taken on April 3, it is apparent, according to scientists, that the regular recur- rence of sun spots appeared at about that time ,and ,since then they have been increasing. So much cloudy weather .followed that per- fect pictures could not be taken un- til May 2, and these plates show that the sun spots have increased in ar•ea.and have acted just as astro- nomers said they would. That is, the large spots become larger, then split up into sections with one large spot leading a lot of smaller ones •across the fate of the sun, as a mother h -en leads her chicks. Previous observations that a lower temperature, rain and cyclo- nic disturbances result from the appearance of the sun spots every 11.1 years has been borne out by the weather recently. The sun revolves an its axis every twenty-five days and the sun spots are there hidden to the earth, By the time the surface of the sun again appears exposed to the earth it is considered probable that the spots will have been dissipated on the flaming surface of the great orb. INSOMNIA Leads to Madness, If Not Reme- died. "Experiments - satisfied ' me, 'some 5 years ago," writes a Western wo- man, "that coffee was the direct cause of the insomnia from which I suffered terribly, as well as ek- tremme nervousness and acute dys- pepsia." (Tea is just as injurious as_ coffee, becauise , it, too, csantains the health -destroying drug, caf- feine). "I had been a coffee drinker since ehiidhood, and didnot like to think that the beverage was doing me all this harm. - But it wars, and the time came when I had to face the fact, and protect myself. I t'hierefore gave up coffee abruptly wad absolutely, and adopted Pos- tum for my hot drink at meals.. • "I began to note improvement in my condition very soon after I -took on. Pastum. The change proceeded gradwal:ly,' but surely, and it was a matter of only a few weeks before I found myself entirely relieved- the nervousness passed away, my digestive apparatus was restored to normal efficiency, and I began to sleep restfully and peacefully. "These happy . conditions have continued during all of the 5 years, and I" aim safe in slaying that I owe them entirely to Postum, for when. I began to drink it I ceased to use medicines." Name given by Canadian Postttim. Co.; Windsor, Ont. Read "The Road: to Welhtilile;", `in pkgs. Postum comes in two forms': Postuui Cereal--tthe original form --mu:st'be well boiled: . 15c and 25c packages. Instalnt Postum-a soluble pow- der-di,zsolveS ' quickly in a cup of hot water, and, with cream and sugar, makes a delicious beverage instantly. 300' and 60c tins: Both kind's are equally deliciouis and cost about the same per cap. "Theire's a Reason" fon Posture. —sold by Grocers. SOLD BY ALL GOOD SLOE »EilLERS WORN RV EVERY ei—Erensta oieTHE ilMl+t]lr1T uststssarsomagesarnmeammajommummin London Without Water. Of late the Thames has been a deal too full of water for the com- fort or convenience of the inhabit- ants of the Thames Valley. Yet there are on record several in- stances where the contrary was the ease, and the people of Londonsaw the river bed practically dry. In Stash's Annals is an account of an earthquake, which shook down many churches and houses while the River Thames "was dryed uppe, that all London might walke over the same dry shod." This was 'n the year 1158. In 1501 came an amazing ebb tide, when the river was again so low that a man might ride over it on horseback at Landau Bridge. In 1687 a tremendous gale blew for thirty-six hours. The great storm blew straight down the valley of the Thames, and kept the water flack, so that the bed was dry. On Sep. tember 14, 17W, the same thing hap- pened, and, according to the "Weekly Packet," a paper of that date, people crossed the river afoot both below and above the bridge, while the sands lay so clear to view that a silver tankard, a, silver but -'- ted sword, agold ring, a guinea, and other long -lost articles of value were picked up. .z. When a Woman Suffers With Chronic. Batkael&e There is Trouble Ahead. Constantly on their feet, attending to the wants of a large and: exacting family, women often break down with nervous exhaustion, In the stores, factories, and on a fungi are weak, ailing women, dragged down with torturing backache and bearing down pains, Such suffering isn't natural, but it's dangerous, because due to diseased kidneys. The dizziness, insomnia, deranged menses and other symptoms of kidney complaint can't cure themselves, they require the assistance of Dr, Hamii. ton's Pills which go direct to the seat of the trouble. To give vitality and power to the kidneys, to lend aid to the bladder and liver, to free the bloodof poinsons. probably there is no remedy so suc- cessful as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. For all womanly irregularities their merit is well known. Because of their mild, soothing, and healing effect, Dr. Hamilton's Pills are safe, and are recommended for girls and women of all ages. 25 cents per box at all dealers. Refuse any sub- stitute for Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Man- • drake and Butternut. Things You Should Know. The swallow has a larger mouth in proportion to its size than any other bird. In all the world there are a -bout 580 millions of white people, and more than two-thirds of these form the population of Europe. The invention of bells is attri- buted to the Egyptians, who are credited with having made use of percussion instruments to- announce the sacred fetes of Osiris. The first partition of Poland was actively commenced 142 years ago, under terms of a contract between Frederick the: Great of Prussia and Catherine of. Russifa,, in which Aus- tria was invited to take part. About one-third of Poland was seized on this occasion. - 4' Seep rainard's Liniment in the house. Sure Proof. Mother Are_ you quite sure that yrm have ceased to love him? Daughter—Absolutely ! I don't even care if he has a -`pretty esteno- graapber in his :office! ' Had ship's anchor fall on -my knee and leg,;and. knee swelled up and for six clays I could not move it or get helpI thenstarted to 'use MINARD'S LINIMENT and rtwo, bottles cured ane. PROSPER FERGUSON. Iie 'Could Prove -It. Mother—+Son, I don't 'believe e-ou washed .your face at all. Small Son—If you don't •believe, me, •look art the towel. Newfoundland is• the oldest Bri- tish colony. ED. 6. 1SSUE 21—'15. {se,e..0 lad •;;•tisii t -- Rifle -Firing in the Dark.. The activity of the sniper under cover of darkness has been respon- exhle for muoh inv e tive ingenuity with a view to facilitating.riile-fir ing at night. Two ingen.iou s de- vices have been perfected, one by a Glasgow sta,f£-sergeant and the other by an Australian explorer. At night there is difficulty in direct- ing the muzzle of the rifle upon the enemy, owing to the invisibility of the ordinary foresight. To meet this, the Scottish musketry in- structor has fitted the ordinary ser- vice rifle with aluminous sight, Igo alteration in the service arm is ne- cessary, and the night sight does not interfere with the ordinary front -sight for daylight ehocting. The new sight has been subjected to exacting tests, and has proved:' efficient, only four misses being re- corded out of fifty-four rounds in a trial under difficult conditions; and it has been applied to machine- guns with equal success. The Aus- tralian invention consistsof a. quick sight electric flashlight, which is fitted close to the muzzle by a. sire. pie contrivance, the current being supplied from a small battery ear - lied in the butt, to which the eight is connected. The light throws a. T-shaped mark which provides an almost automatic aim, because the bullet strikes at the intersection of the two lines. The sight can be fitted to any firearm, and the flash- light can also be used for signal- ling. Method in Ins Reform. "He is one of those near -vege- tarians," "What is a near -vegetarian?" "He never eats meat, except when he is invited out." Corns Instant Relief Drop Paint on Putnam'& Corn Extractor to- night, and corns feel better in the morn- ing. Magical t h e way "Putile m':t' eases the pain, destroys the roots, kills a cora for all time. No pain, Cure guaranteed. Oet a 2bc. bottle of !'Putnam's" Extractor today. Staggering. I want to trust my fellow -men; I like to think their morals sound. And yet the column headed "Lost Is thrice the size of that called "Found." ut Ask for Minerd's and take no other. Shaving was introduced among the &maw, about B.C. 300. The first shave was deemed the en- trance to manhood amid celebrated with great festivities. Minaret's Liniment timed by Physicians. A pan of freshly -sliced onions placed in aroom where there is in- fectious disease will take up the poison. An ounce of isinglass added to a pint of beef -tea. will make the lat- ter jelly more readily. An infant does not hear until the thirdor fourth day after birth. "America's Standard 4 Cycle Marine Motor' (Cycle. ( Cylinder ix to eo 14 Y. ❑!chert Coal. lay. Silent operation. No vIbratlon. Controls Mettle finest Motor Car engine. Enremelr economies' on fuel. Used as atsndard equip. men! byy over a0 per cent. at the world's leadingbo,, louden. Catalogo,. slap to Mr dapendtng on equipment. KERMATN SEA. CO. hot ' Beltoit. Mich. IZ53 CUNA'AS'; TARO T0; - F0RAL.0 H9t What a Million. Mothers Avoid More than a milkion careful -, have isnow the mothers of poon jus fly destroyers. They have known that such preparations contain arsenic in deadly mien titles. They have realized the peril to little children that ac. companlestiniuse offlypoisons. But for those who have not learned of these dangers, we Quote from a recent issue of the Child Betterment Magagine. which u esfcdrselen being poioned last year; The danger to children is great, andthe dangerto adytlts isbyno means incousiderabie.'e In the December issue of the Michigan State Medical Journal. an editorial on the same subject cites 47 cases and gees onto state; "Arsenical fly poisons are as dangerous as the phosphorus match. They should he abol- ished. There are as efficient and more sanitary ways o ' catching or killing Gies. An, dy poisons, if used at al. - should not be used in homes where there are children,, or where children visit." TANGLEFOOT hcSssitarrlrfyilettroyer' Non-robeeeua Cables the Gerrit With the Ply Mode le Canada by Tti.e U. & W. TFHUM CO.. Dept.= Walkervifle, Ont. American Addrem Grand Rapids, Mich. CM) A woman's brain on an average neighs five ounces less than a man's in proportion to her weight. Mltiserd's Zinintant Znmberinar;'>4 T'rien . Martial men, good fighters and of choleric temper, have red and spotted finger -nails. - SEED POTATOES. r ABLY IRISH COBBLER POTATOES. ,c s epreia,lly selected and Government inspected for coed. Only limited quantity. Price, One Dollar per bushel f.o.b. Bramp- ton. Also Connoif sseur's Pride and NOW Snow, two ezcelient new potatoes. Pr,ce.. Two Dollars per bunbel. Special pr'cce ' for largo quantity. Cath must «ccom. parry all orders, if. W. Dawson, Brantp• ton. X' OBI'u WEi+'PERN GPOWN v'OiD J,N Potatoes. Extra Early Seas., - '1. New Ealy Short Necroson. Manitoba Won. der -' 'l - der or White Elephants, Five pounds ono ' Dollar postpaid. T. E. I:awman. syde, Alta. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. PROFIT-3IASING NEWS A:ND JOB OF - flees for sale in good Ontario towns. The most useful and inter. ting of Ill businesses. Full Information on apni,ea• tion to Wilson Publishing Comitany, (S West Adels:do St.. Toronto. MISG"ELZAiVEOus, CANCBR, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC... lJ internal and external, cured with- , out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Belli -nazi Medical Co.. Limited, Collingwood. Ort. CUTTEI'N & FOSTER AUTO AN y BOATTOS Ford owners write for our catalogue. SEARS -CROSS Speedometer Station. 179 Queen Street rest, TORONTO, - ONT. Canoes, Skiffs, ! of ; r Boats THE PETERBOROUGH LINE, If any canoe can give you satisfaction, it is a "PETERBOROUGH." Always and ever -the acme of service, model, - strength and #<n- tsh. Over fifty styles and sizes. Write for catalogue. The latest canoe is the Peterborough canvas covered. Ask for illustrated folder. Skiffs for the popular Outboard Motors. Power Launches, all sizes and pow-- ers. Get folders telling all about these. - THE PETERBOROUGH CiI$OE COMPANY, LIMITEP, - PETERBOROUGH, ONT. "Overstern" V Bottom ,55 0� Motor Bout 40 OFreight Prepaid: to imp Railway Station in ntario. Length 15 Ft, team 8 Ft.: 9 In., Depth 1 'Ft. 6 In. ANY MOTOlt FITS. •eSpecifleartion No. 2B having engine prices on request Get - our quotations 16 on --"The Penetang Line' Commercial and Pleasure Launtches, Row boats and Canoes. ' THE GIDLEY BOAT CO.. LIMITED, PENETANG, CAN. .L>