Exeter Advocate, 1915-5-6, Page 5DENTAL Dr. G. F. ROULSTON, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTIST Member ot the R,C,D,S, of Ontario and Honor. Graduate of. Toronto University. t7Ikice--Orer Dickson & Carling'e saw office. Clasen Wednesday afternoons. OR. A R. KINSMAN, L.D.S., Honor Graduate of Toronto. Univeraity DENTIST Teeth extracted without pain, or any had effects*. Office over Giadtnan B: Stanbury'e Orrice. Aiain Street, Exeter, LEGAL DICKSON do CARLING, BARRISTERS, Solicitors. Notaries. Conveyancers, Com: missumere. Solicitors for the Moistens Bank. etc. money to Loan at lowest rates of interest Offices—Main-St.. Exeter 1. R. Carling. B.A. L. H. Dickson We [ands 'ertles MONEY TO LOAN have a large amount of private to town on farm anti village prop at tow rates of interest. GLADMAN STANBURY Rarristers. Solicitors. Ereter. SYNOPSIS OP CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE sole head of a family, or any male over l8 years old, may homestead a quarter -section of available Domin- ion, land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta The applicant must appear in perso at the Dominion Lands Ag- tacy ot Sub -Agency for the Dis- trict. Entry may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency (taut not Sale -Agency) on certain. conditions. Duties --Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of Cheat years. A homesteader 'nay live within nine miles of his, homestead en a fan of at least 80 acres, on certain ca tions. A habitable house is re - puked in every case, except when se- sldence is performed in the vicinity. In certain districts a homesteaderin good standing may pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Duties—Six months resi- dence in each of three Years after =pine homestead patent; also 50 acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption patent may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, on certain condi- tions A settler who has exhausted his homestead eight may take a purchas- ed homestead in certain districts. Price $3 per acre. Duties—Must re- side 6 months in each, of 3 years, cu- ltivate 50 acres, and erect a house worth $300. The area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rough,scrub- by or stony land. Live stock may be substituted for cultivation under cer- tain conditions. W. W. CORY, C.M.G. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N.B.—Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. DR. DeVAN'S,FRENCH PILLS Arena - . fellating Pill for omen. $5 a box or threoior $10. iled to any addr sslon receipt d o f p ce., Tu a .Sat all Irug Stores. or conELL Dave Co., St. Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. Restores j;itaiity; for Nerve and Brain; increases "grog matter" ; a Tonic—will build you up. $8 a box, or two for $5, at drug stores, or by mail on receipt of price, me Sweat Dace Co., St. Catharines, Ontario. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT.`L/ Ontario's Best Practical Training School. We have thorough courses and experienced instructors in each of our three departments —Commerc- ial Shorthand and Telegraphy. Oux graduates succeed and you should read' our large, free catalogue. Write for it at once. D. A. McLachlan, Principal MANY COLLEGES CLOSE FOR VACATION at midsummer. Our col- lege does not. ELLIOTT_ Le Yonge and Charles Sts., Taranto is strictly first-class. NONE BETTER IN CANADA, Enter now so as to get a position in the early tall. Catalogue. free. Western University, London Forward Movement GREATLY ENLARGED FAC- ULTIES IN ARTS AND MEDICINE VASTLY IMPROVED EQUIP - MENT,-LIBRARY, LABORATOR- IES ABORATOR- IES ETC. SEVEN NEW SCHOLARSHIPS. RECORD ENROLMENT, INQUIRIES SOLICITED. E. E BRAIITHWAITE, M.A. Ph.D. President. RAND TRUNKS SYS EM DOUPLE TRACK ALL THE WAY TORONTO --C WCAdO TORONTO --MONTREAL FOR CHICAGO Leave Toronto 8.00a. m., 4.40 p. m t arid' I1.00 p. m. daily FOR MONTREAL Leave Toronto 9410, -a m , 8.30 p. nl. and 11.0 pin.'.daily Smooth Roadbed `'" '- Highest Class of Equipment. For particulars and berth reserva- tions at, Grand Trunk ticket offices. N. J. DORE,`Eeetar NOT ENOUGH CHILDREN NEWS TOPICS OF �/ reported 'Thursday night ta.ilsave been C Z v A N---111 o dish or flying ashes. Ash WEEK sunk by a German submarne off the Isle of Lewis, North Scotland, was h ' d all h " ever receive the proper balance of food to sufficiently.nourish both body and brain during the growing period when nature's demands are greater than in mature life, This, is shown in so many pale faces, lean bodies, frequent colds, and lack of ambition. For all such children we: say with unmistakable earnestness: They need Scott's Emulsion, and need it now, It possesses in concentrated form the very food elements to enrich their blood. It changes weakness to strength; it makes them sturdy and strong and active, Scott & Bow ne, Toronto, Oat, see Gradually rung Our "Went Ad.'" columns are steadily growing as people ap- preciate their value. They help one over many of life's difficulties, Nave yen 'got sornethina you do not need, or need something you have not fret? Do you want to lend, borrow, buy or sett? A Want Ad will do the worn, ORDER FROM US.—Now is the. time to consider your reading matter foe 1915. No matter what papers or magazines you require—Canadian oe foreign -"The Advocate .;an supply then- :at lower prices than you :an get them Hensall Odd Fellow; attend church at St Pauls Sunday when Rev. Mr. Doherty will preach. --- Mrs. White- si d•' be sold her house on Oxford Street to Mrs. Holly Little,—M las Mary Godfrey of Mildmay, is vis- it in€• MISS Shrink.—Wm. Murdock disposed of it is residence in ::gmond vi Ile to William Sinelar and has pur- chased H. Ingrtm'; residence and 'ots on Oxford St. —Milton. Ortwe in has purchased a Ford car, — Recently a happy event took place in St, Mark's Church Minneapol is, Minn. when Miss Maud M Petty, fourth daughter of George C. Petty of Hensall, was un- ited in marriage with Peter F. Ken- nedy of Winnipeg. The Second Degree Team of the Exeter Lodge of Oddfellows came up on Friday evening last and eonfar red tht' work of the degree .an :our candidates in a very creditable man- ner „The work being done and a -ew addresses being made the visitors en- ioyee a light lunch before returning to their homes. WEDDING INVITATIONS :IND VISITING CARDS The Advocate is making a specialty of wedding invitations—complete sets with note paper, inside envelope, and outside or mailing envelope, all to match We carry all the popular lines of paper, and we print them with either the ever standard script type o' the Old English, type. Girls, if you are thinking of getting married see our samples—they will make you glad you said "yes" when he popped the question. If you are married, thea will make you feel like getting married all over again. Our visiting cards and type styles are right up to the minute and as tasty as the finest ani most expensive engraved cards you ever looked at. ZURICH W. C. Callfas has purchased an entire draught horse from Mr. W.. McKay. Farquhar.—Mr. H. Smith and familv,.are moving to Grand Bend where Mr Smith will conduct the midway in ,the park during the sum- mer months. Mr. Smiith has our - chased the various attractiions from the estate of the late W. Clark. Mi ss Pearl Buchanan, of "Toronto is visiting relatives here.—Miss Mary Brown,- who has been. at Berl in for the pas' three months returned ,home., —Mr. George McBride son of S. Mc Bride. Sr. of thi s village has :tur- cha,ser the flour and feed business from Isaac Hudson, and took posses- sion Monday.—Mr. Loons Durand has purchased the farm occup led by C Bedard north of here, from Mr. jos. Melo of Goderich.—Mrs. Jas Green received a telegram that her nephew John A Curry of Moosejaw, _iiie,d. Monday evening, of progressive par - My -sills, He had 'been poorly so nee last fall. He was about 40 years of age ane; the eldest son of the late Wm Curr of Parr line Hay. He wen; west about 15 years ago. Besides his sorrowing wife, he leaves' three daughters. YOUR BACK is a Barometer. When it hurts, it means that the Kidneys need help. Take Gin Pills—Canada's own remedy for all Kidney and . Bladder Troubles. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50. "Made in Canada", 271 AAAAAAAAA Important Events Which' Have Occurred During the Week, The Busy World's Happenings Gare- frilly Compiled and Put Into Randy and Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper : A Solid Hour's Enjoys 'at. WEDNESDAY. A state of siegs is reported in a despatch from Copenhagen to have been declared at Budapest, the capi- tal of Hungary, Sub -Lieut. Medlicott and a me- chanic were killed yesterday in an accident to a naval seaplane at the Caishot air station in ,England. German agents are reported to be collecting all the copper coins avail- able throughout the Balkan States and forwarding them to Germany. Advices from Plebiaond say that the average number of deaths daily at Erzerum from; typhus and small - is 1,000. Massacre ad famine have been the lo". of the inhabitants of various villages. Seven Italian workmen were killed and eleven in.lured yesterday when there was a premature explosion of dynamite in the eeat-off trench at. the new Konsico dam, near White Plains, N.Y., throwing out forty tons of nosh. liy special order of Maj. -Oen, Hughes, three prominent military hand leaders have beer appointed as a special eommittet. to arrun;ir a code of martial and patriotic airs te. he officially adoptee for parades auc reviews. Twenty of the erection of the 36th Battalion at l ,ssuilton refused vae- ctnation and a' some of t+,e, oWeers were doubtful whether such a mea- sure could be strictly euroreed fret seers of objectors ear,, allowed to go about their duties until word is re- ceived from bea,.quarturs, telt ,. ,s**, It has became huown that a direct cable has been 'elf between Engirn'i and Russia, for t,overninental pur- poses, Starting at Peterhead, It runs to lexandrov sir, Taking a quantity= of nitrate of sii- ve'r in mistake tot ,ne.iieine, it .; thought, Mr. Finn Sills. o. Toronto, died at his bon, last night before medical aid souad reach hits. In a heavy o.c a. lea storm which passed over t. l;..',,anee district, the barns of Wu.. C'Eara Forest Mills, and Mr. Lit'.renet Ernestown, were destroyed, witl, their contents. The presence o ,`,u,go bodies of cavalry horses fat' made all London hoarse. Doctors attrii.tite the unus- ual number . , acids and catarrbal affections to ti. prevalence of influ- enza among tbi- cavalry horses. A despatch fro, Geneve says the value of the German mark continues to fall and that tut Swiss postal au- thorities have axLnouncee that after- May 1 German pcstal orders are to be cashed at 2 pr cent. discount. King Victo: E..manuel yesterday cancelled all engagements to devote his time solely to the International situation. He has withdrawn his ac- ceptance of an. I vitation to'attend the Garibaldi eel' oration at Quarto on May 6. Edward K_ng .t convict in the penitentiary at Kingston, has hanged himself in his cell•while temporarily insane. King was sentenced at Bran- don, Manitoba, Ir. 1907, for murder and was transferred from the Stony Mountain Peniteniar;,' to Kingston in 1908. FRIDAY. The British official weather bureau will cease to issue forecasts on May 1 lest they might assist the enemy's air craft. The so-called war press in. Ger- many is now publishing monthly nearly 3,000 different books, pamph- lets and circulars dealing with the war. Gen. von Kluck, the German com- mander who was wounded last month, is now on the road to recov- ery, according to The Hamburg Nich- richten. At the annual meeting of the Queen's University'Board, of Trustees held Wednesday night it was decid- ed to pay members of the staff going overseas on military duty one-half their salary. Fruitmen without exception speak of the present season as a marvellous one. It has been a good many years since anything like the present out- look has been remembered in the Niagara fruit district. Eleven persons lost their lives when the two -masted schooner Em- ma was wrecked off San Jose de Gabe, Mexico, according to the crew of the schooner Bernardo Reyes which arrived at San Diego, Cal., yes- terday. Determined to rid their section of the city of billboards, the women of Firwood, Pa., have started a move- ment to place under a ban every store, theatre and other business that uses the billboard as an advertising medium. The Dutch freight steamer Woud- richem, from Rotterdam March 7, lost her funnel in a' gale in mid -ocean, was delayed twenty-one days, and reached New York yesterday with a makeshift funnel of wood, lined with &]Leet iron. SATURDAY. The McLaughlin Carriage Co.; Osh- awa, have presented the Red Cross Society with a motor ambulance to be sent to Shorncliffe Hospital, Eng. Attempting to board a quickly - moving Chambly electric car in .114ontreal yesterday morning, Malcolm Scott, St. Lambert, fell under its wheels and was killed. U. S. , Ambassador . Walter Hines Page has. followed the King's 'exam- ple _i Now and' hencefortb no; liquor rs;,,heink' served in his household on ti`s renor square, London. The four McCutcheon brothers. were committee ` for aria: on four charges of. theft: it the Toronto po- lice ' eon rt yesterday. The, crown withdrew one of the' theft charges .aid against them, The British steamship ,which was: identified yesterday as the British steamer Mobile, carrying a cargo of coal.. There was a neck and neck race between the Zeppelin which Thurs- daY night visited Suffolk and a train, the crew of the aircraft trying to drop bombs on the train. Fine were thrown, but all went wide. The only victim of the German visit was a, collie dog. MONDAY, Jan Bauzek, an Austrian prisoner, was shot and mortally wounded In Montreal while trying to escape, James Fahey, of Dundas wass elec- trocuted Saturday morning at the Keret Hydro station, at Chatham, and Leslie Gerow of Chatham was badly burned, Alex. Joyce, a Toronto carpenter, about 20 years of age, fell from a scaffold in Oriilia on Saturday after- noon and sustained fatal injuries. Winston Churchill yesterday visit- ed Duchess of Connaught's Canadian Hospital at Cliveden. Waldorf As- tor's estate, and talked to many of the patients. More than half the city of Colon was swept by a disastrous fere Friday night. Ten persons are known to be dead and several hundred persona have been injured. The loss is $3.- 000,000, 3-0 000,000, Every sailor of the French fleet is to be'provided with a life-saving collar. Five thousand of these al- ready bare been delivered following the sinking of the Leon Gambetta. Dr, Chas, Goodman at the Beth Israel Hospital, in New York,. Satur- day, sewed three stitches in the line ing of a man's heart and one i" the heart itself, and saved the patient's life, Immediately Italy declares war Germany will invade Switzerland with two army corps, occupying Zurich and the country around it, This assertion is made positively In La Liberte of Paris . 1.3)1e..s 1 Y, A German. aeroplane, coming from the direction of Ostend, scouted over Dover and Folkstone at noon yes- terday, It was driven off by gun Area Eighteen thousand dollars is the estimated loss sustained by the Bea- ver Board Co„ of Thorold, when four houses were destroyed yester- day. A Perograd despatch to The Lon- don Times says that another internal loan of $600,000,000 will be issued within. a fortnight. Its succe�� is assured,. Two tbou:,and laborers engaged in constructing houses for the workers at \Voolwich Arsenal, the largest in Great Britain, went on strike yes- terday for more money. The quarantine because of hoof - and -mouth disease in the United States, which has been in force ale'sg the Canadian border since early last October, was lifted yesterday. Miss Roxy Milligan, a. Sarnia autos tnobilist and saleswoman, has offered her services to the Militia Depart- ment as a chauffeur with the Cana- dian ambulance corps, and has been promised a place, The proposal of Holland to open a legation accredited to the Holy See has been accepted by Cardinal Gas- parri, Papal Secretary of State, af- ter several interviews with the Dutch Government. Squire William Patrick, one of the pioneers of the London district, and for many years one of the most prominent men. of Ilderton, Ont., died yesterday aged 93 years. He was an Orrangeman for 70 years. BOTHA VICTORIOUS. Retreating Germans Captured by African Mounted Force. CAPE TOWN, May 4.—The fol- lowing official statement regarding the operations in South Africa was issued Sunday: "General McKenzie's mounted force, which was designated to cut off the Germans who after the evac- uation of Keetmanshop retreated northward along the railway, inflict- ed a serious defeat on them in the vicinity of Gibson, captured a whole railway train, a number of transport wagons, a great quantity of live stock, two field guns, several maxims and 200 prisoners. "The remnant ' of the German force, which was 800 strong, escaped owing to the rough ground obstruct- ing the movements of the cavalry." Liquor Reforms Opposed. LONDON, May 4.—The Allied Brewery Trades' Association, com- posed of those trades which supply machinery and other materials and supplies for brewers adopted resolu- tions at a meeting here bitterly con- demning the plan ,of David Lloyd George, Chancellor of the Exche- quer, for restricting the liquor trade. The resolutions say that Mr. Lloyd George's plan is designed to satisfy only the extreme prohibition faction, and "has none but political objects, against- which we will protest with every means in our power:" Toronto Soldiers 1111 Insured. TORONTO, May 4.—The civic of- ficials who have been in New York negotiating with the insurance com- panies regarding • the insurance of the second overseas; contingent` met with highly satisfactory results, but 3,700 additional"policies have been secured, sufficient to cover all of the Toronto men in the first, second and third contingents remaining uninsur- ed. The report of the deputation, which. consisted of Mayor tChtirch, Controller Spence and Cit 'Solicitor. Johnston, will be made to council. Sir ,Charles Tupper's Seer 'bead. LONDON; May 4.—James 'Stewart Tepper, ,eldest son of Sir Charles :Tupper, has died in a hospital at Ox- ford, after several weeks' illness, site: was in his'64th year. The Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's have arranged to hold mem- orial services for fallen Canadadial , probably this week. chutes vial a as es into convenient pan. °CI 1.54* nstinite No' ash shovelling ruse necessary. See the McClary dealer or write for booklet. Sold by T. Hawkins & Son LUMLRY Mrs. =ilary Ryckixan, who has been ill is improving nicely.—We We regret tee report the death of Mrs. Craig of Hensall. She was a former resident of this locality, having lived on the John Ryckman fares for five years before going to the West. Last June she and her sons and daughter visited the Old Land and stood the journey well for one advanced in years.—Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Broad£oot were in Seaforth the first of the week.—We are pleased to report Mr. Brosdfoot is keeping better since the fine days have came, --Word was re- ceived here of the birth of a daugh- ter Norma Rae, to Mr, and firs. J. T. Bonthron of Assinabaie, Sask., on April 23rd. (Nee Miss Nan Horton) --Messrs. John Glenn and Jas. 1-Ior- ton have been in Forest the past week, where the former got a road- sten— A young son was born to `fr. and Mrs Noah Horton the past week --Miss Maude and Mr. George Glenn —of Brucefield and Norris Sellery of Exeter were visitors here on Sunday. —Fred Simmons sports a fine new buggy.—Miss Freda Vincent spent Sunday with her parents in Dashwood LUCAN—Mr Rich DeCoursey of London purchased the Queen's Iia._1 and is at present getting it i 1 eIla ue to- reopening.—The Luean driving association will hold a race meeting on Monday. June 10th when liberal awards toil' • be given the. winners. SEAFORTH—There died at her hon c here on April 28 Annie Rcein- son widots of the late Angus Ken- nedy ir, her 86th year. `SERF;ORTTH—A pretty wlr4diing was solemnized in First Presbyterian Church here April 28th,when M isa Gertrude daughter of firs. Wi iii am Cnrnochano of Tuckersmith, became the briide of Mr, James Lillie, Mayor of Sturgeon Falls. McKILLOP—A pioneer passed a- was in the person of Rachel T'r Itch' ars widow of the late Moses Hanna who died at her home on :he nth concession of McKillop on Tuesd ty She had reached the age of i 6 years, STANLEY—On Sunday :.z:min , there passed away' at his home, rhos. Johnston Jr. at the age o> 42 rears After a brave fight • aga Inst the dreaded tuberculosis, last leg for many ,months, he passed away •ii stated • BETTER THAN SPANKING. Spanking does not cure children o« bedwetting. There is a conttitutiunel cause for this trouble. Mrs. \1.Sum- ters Box W., 840, Windsor, )n:., will send free to any mother tier a•}.'- cessful home treatment with full in- structions. Send no ,Money het •:-rate her to -day if your children 'resort: you in this way. Don't blame pile child the chances are it can't aeip it. This treatment also cures adults • nd aged people troubled with urine dif- ficulties by day or night. Constipation, the belle of eld .ale is not to be cured by harsh purga- tives; they rather aggravate the trouble. For a gentle, but sure laxative, use +. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They stir up the liver, tone the nerves and freshen the stomach end bowels just like an internal bath, a 4? CHAMBERLAI • TABLET 'M . Woman's best friend. From girlhood to old age, these little red healtl', re- storers are an unfailing guidetoanaettve iverand a clean, healthy. r. 'r.nal stomach. Tait* a Chamberlains F.ac,ach Tablet at n4 -..t a•. ' the sour stomach and fer- mentation: and the headache. h . „ all e' *1 gone by in . All tiro j',, .c., R4 orby=al Ifr • Cbambtt'aia t = :int Compass. Pr -1:12 The Logical Administrator The individual ..ir- pointed to administer an estate is forced 'to give much time and attentirn to his trust. The anxiety is ceaseless, the danger of mistakes through inexperience is great. Why burden your friend with onerous duties that can be better performed by this Company? The fees are no greater and the management much more capable than can be expected of any pri- vate executor, however willing. THE LONDON & WESTERN TRUSTS CO. LIMITED is the logical administrator to appoint. Its sole 'business is the careful, efficient fulfilment of every trust committed to its care. Call in and consult us. 382 RICHMOND STREET, LONDON, ONT. SIR GEO. GIBBONS, K C.. President 4 JOHN S. MOORS, Manager "MADE IN CANADA" Ford Touring Car Price $590 YOUR NEIGHBOR DRIVES A FORD—WHY DON'T YOU? WE ARE SELLING MORE FORDS IN CANADA THIS YEAR THAN EV- ER BEFORE—BECAUSE CANADI- ANS DEMAND THE BEST IN MO- TOR CAR SERVICE AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE COST, THE "MADE IN CANADA"' FORD IS A NECESSITY—NOT A LUXURY. Runabout $540; 'Town Car price( on application. All Ford cars are fully equipped including electric nead- lights Na cars ; sold unequipPed. Buyers of Ford cars will share _n^our profit if we sell 30,00a cars between August 1, 1914; and August 1, 1915. MILO SNELL DEALER