Exeter Advocate, 1915-3-25, Page 8EXE rER. A113TOGATEI THURSDAY MARCH 25 1515 EXETER MARKETS. O$ANGBD EAOII 'WEDNE DAY Wheat R l ,.Rn R SW RFIMR* 13(0 a IeY RR. Y..... ..... <k., IRuok,Wheat . , ..1{, .. 75 ee Oat ;, ...... Pea8.1410 *4 4444<•01O.,,... 150 Potettoes, per bag 40 50 RAY, er t on, ........... 1400 Flour, per awl,,, family Flour, low grade per cw Butter,,....... ...... 20 Creamery Butter........ Eggs ...., 401.1{111♦ Live hove per cwt. Shorts penton Brant per ton Sug sr Beet Pulp 111' 142 00 00 28 18 7 85 2800 00 27 00 Horatio Reynolds Seed Dealer Rt. Clover, Atsike., Tttneti }, get te. ; a see beans bought. I:npe::e.i Red Clover and Timothy See , sale; also Choice home grew- leetektv:teat end reletire Wee he .. !seem to take to eeed seers T es.l y, \\ e!' esa»y, Thursday are Seturday. Hae ` prizes ,..;'d. addrees it esenrattresetesns to a 'ri'E'i':0:2s, u Iil•• ^ , .Ke YOUR I-IOIIE BEAUTIFUL Tie; the t ..,,e of the ear when yea .a ,.. tl OttnAYrie o: "e a uti Sying . e r tai :CCM: . hpre. It t - ill z t „ c i tt Q time and :toner to elo se tSyet: Beene to ria, Our veli ;tepees are the keel that decorate— they mage t? home ,oar. •Pctassy." .41;16: ne well 'paper like .he "Em-. p,.e .ilial ere beve; sorsa: novel ideas wn de e e e.ting Q. home that iteels ghat rete: and individuality worth Having. Let me figztre on your job slid -when it is ;lens you will be well pleased. BFR iCLARK, Agent for :he lrm- 171K Well Paters. DONE; TJ ATRE—Sgtet:iel pr:°c ties,tt- for Wednesday, Thursday L Saturday, of tide week, --Two hend- sat113. S.Q.Ze $ of china will be awarded the ladies holding the lucky ticket; to be dr :yen Saturday r ghr i e 'sill Lev. .saectel attractions an 'Motion P ,t: s, and are anxious to perese our patrons. We are dealing with .he teat exchange in Canada, end with the best machine on the: market we guarantee: perfect satisfaction. Our ;Pletures are of a high standard, rd.. teretrone: as well as entertaining, and etre en jozed by young :incl: old t v- t.y ist+d; come. General tdmission 10 cents FEKiN DUCK EGGS FOR SALE Apple to MRS. HARNESS, .>R., pexin Street Exeter. NEW FLOUR & FEED STORE. - 1 desire to announce that I have op- enec: a Flour and Feed Store In - F. Wood's OId Stand, opposite east Office and will keep a full supply of the best grades of flours and Zeeds. I snit it your patronage. SIDNEY D AVIS HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT I will sell or rent either of inn Losse. in Exeter. For terms enol _particulars retply to JOHN PEDLAR F. W. HODGSON CARPENTER AND BUILDER leans trn.shz . ; estimates :;lien free ee nii classes o, buildings PERRY F. DOUPE t„ L - :need Auctioneer. Live Stock Sale; a Specialty, Terms moderate. Ordere heft at The Advocate Office p,omotly attended to, Phone 116 K rktort • - Address. Kirkton P. O. "A Men's Abetter is his s?asspart• Frank Weaver PROFESSOR OF MUSIC LONDON, ONT. Teacher of Organ and all eremites of Tient Playing; Voice Culture and Artistic. Singing a Specialty. i6 Fears practice., experience. Fos Terms apply to S. Martin St Son's Music Store IN EXETER EVERY FRIDAY ;LOCAL DOINGS. 4 - • .•—•c ik4al cai C eic katsca44 Mr. Sandy Purdou is en the Pick list. :Ar Frank Case last week :novel to Elensalt to.. reside. Mr. lento Snell has sold a Ford auto to Mr. Frank Delbridge, The Misses Carling entertained a number , of lady friends on Friday evening Mr Cecil Skinner last week pur- chase i the farm of his late father, Mr. S. Skinner Mr Samuel Parsons last week pur- heseci the farm of Mr. Francis Blatchford of Usborne, Writs. fewer letters but say more trill doubtless be the motto when the increased postage rates become effee- etre. We beg your pardon if the question is no` meant for you, but have vou renewee your subscription to this taxmen The hamsthe , for men is a good th rig There are lots of iem:nine in this country who should be -hie them. On Thursday night the Exeter En - armament I. Q. O. F. is taking a wetter o` sandidetee to London to ee the degrees, Marian' playing has been resumed rule', may be taken as a never fail - n„ term of spring. • It will soon be b re feet and then for the stvilnmin' hole. 1 ; 1 1 Mary t ooh v Ann 1 11 n .znl suet -is -lug sister of Rev. Dr. William McDonagh formerly pastor of :Main Street Church, died on March 1.4th, a: the Hospital for Incurables, To- rc>nto She was over 80 years ,at age ani: had lived in Toronto for more than 50 years. - When driving down street Friday •member the reach of a buggy occup- •d b1 Messrs. Peter and Fred 13aw- dea broke, and the front wheels cam lee loose they were thrown vio- lently to the ground, and received a •aw bruises. injury and damage was seethe however. Mr Daniel Hartleib, falsely charged web setting ,fire to the plant of ,the Cle:reland-yarnia eawnr lis Company at Sarni.'; last August, was acquitted o.t Friday without any evidence being ta',•ett in the defence. The evidence Ore tht. .prosecution was entirely bro- ken down .L. 11. Dickson was ..solic- :tot for the defence. It is apity fir. Hartleib has no redress for the false arrest, as there was not the least ev- leper against hien. "1:D: vid grown vs. Moses Vexler, a quarre: over a deal for the sale of some scrap rubber, was before the P. • 11 Vexier thought Brown was not doing the square thing, and in the hear of some wards hit the latter, who lair a charge of assault, out when the case was called Brown 'ailed to a:snear telephoning that he did not feel well enough to attend. The P.M, • Navin , warned Brown the day before that he must be on hand, would not acetals: the excuse and dismissed the ;Berge• with costs of .4.50 :,gainst Brown,"—Goderich Star. We wonder if 'this is our own "Morris." Huron County Temperance Alli- ance in annual session met in Clinton Thursday. and passed a resolution Sa- orine the appointment of one license inspector in Huron, instead of three as at present. They also approved of the plan of the Dominion Alliance to ; for Dominion prohibition, and zees: t on all temperance people to bele enforce the license laws. Offi - cr were elected as follows, Pres.,. A, T Cooper, Clinton; secretary, J, A Irk; in. Clinton; treasurer, R. Mc- Millan of Seaforth; field ,secretary, Rex E G. Powell of Clinton; vice- presidents, D. Buchanan of Iii ingham for North Huron; J. H. Colborne of Goderich for Centre Huron; J. H. Scott of Exeter for South Huron. Th • field secretary reported that during the seven months no ,license con': ctions have been regi stered a- gaiest at least twelve hotels formerly under license, 1 drug store, 1 dray - man 1 restaurant, 1 livery stable and 60 o- more persons were fined for being intoxicated on the public street. Rev E G. Powell was granted - a month's leave of absence to go to Albertrrto help them in their cam- paign The principle of a Field Day for the country was adopted and July 18th was the day selected. It is ex ' pectecl to fill all the pupils in the country that day, as far as possible with lay workers and ministers in the interest of the count y work, •1,0;,111,1'u. 1+'1...4•0F .; • Price $1425 f. o. b. Hamilton am d Overland:, Model .8-1 Price $1135 € o b `Hamilton pea'These two five passenger touring cars are fully equip , demountable rims, electric starting and lighting, left hand drive, electric horn, beautiful finish—everything, in fact, that is needed on a touring car for convenience or com- fort. See these cars and.have,a demonstration of their excel. lent points.. Now in the show room. Wes. Snell Dealer Exeter April 2nd is Goon Friday. . ' Mise Lily Davis is visiting` tier I'frs James :1lfurray is visiting in. parents in Exeter North Tgxmtto. Mrs Pollen of StMarrys is visiting gr. Thos. Sweet is confined,` tohis bed with, grip and bronchitis. The young people of Exeter held e dance in the McDonell Hall on the evening of St, Patrick's Day, • Mrs Jennie Lindsay, house keeper for Mr NT, D. Huidon, iS seriously ill at the hoane of Miss Campbell, nurse, Mr,;, Thornton Baker underwent a successful operation last week for a growtl. in the breast. She to •ioing nicely :since. Mr, Bert Gillies, who has seen ill bas been transferred from the Bank of Commerce at Lindsay to the Exeter branch. John Chittick lakes his place Lindsay, leaving to -day. Mr. I Armstrong has purchased Oro Isabel, a standard bred trotting mare 4 years old, from Dr. W. T. Ranting oP Lucan. This• is a fine brood mare and has an excellent ped- igree \Vinghan has a floating debt of $12,001 and a drainage claim of $1200. Ther are asking the Legislature for power to issue thirty year deben- tures Their total debenture debt is $149,666.60 In a rough and tunable game on heavy ice Monday night Exeter de- feated Themes Road hockey teatnbz a scene of about a dozen to a couple tai goals It was a ease o: hard xncavy worle all the way through. "The people of Hensall appear to tale; but little interest in the ' ro-. poser: spring .show. The reason we • ow would 5 l.n w ul at be hard to n .ind.. eIt\ respect is not altogether dead among the people of this, the finest sand most progressive village in Ontario," --Hensall Observer. - Dr. T. A. Amos, who has seen ill for the past week, was taken n-tuch worn: op Monday, his cold naving de- veloped into pneumonia.. On Tuesda.v his condition became very tow and Di. Eccles of London was railed in consultation with Dr. :McGillicuddy, th 4 attending ,physician. Little hope . is held out for his recovery. Using insulting, blasphemous ar in- decent language over the telephone, either from customer to customer or from customer to operator, will he I an unprofitable amusement in the fu- ture as an act to be passed this ses- sion will pat a stop to such language. The act will provide for a fine of $2.• or 30 days where the offence is proved Pow ers to enlarge their scope of operations in accordance with their growing sphere' of work are given be Sister of St Joseph in an Act to amen i the Act of Incorporation of the Sisterhood, proposed by Henry Silber M.P.P. of South Huron, and considered by the Private Bills Com- mittee The bill provides ail the usual powers of such a corporation, and wax approved by the committee, but n limit of --100,000 annual value was placed on the holdings of the sisterhood. The sisterhood es locat- ed in the Diocese of London, and its peculiar purposes are the `are rnd instruction of orphans, relief of the poor and the. like. REV. M DONAGH,—On Saturday one week alter, the death of his ter Ree «'iliianr McDonagh bled at the home of Mrs. e-cDonagh's, sister, Mrs Fox Toronto. He was 88 yearn of age He came to Canada from Ire-. land itt 1844;was ordained in 1860; oc- cupies many pulpits, among them be- ing ttin Street Methodist Church, Exeter and was superannuated in .1897 owing to failing Ie health. He was twice ice married his second wife surviving him Two sons and, one daughter also sur- vive. - John A. of Regina, Mrs. Ding men of Stratford and . W..C. ,of ,New.. York He was a very able Minister. Ward has just been received that the grant to Western University from the Ontario Government has increas- ed this year by $5,000, in recognition of the splendid work accomplished during the academic year now dragte ing to a Selose, Five, thousand dollars additional will also be given to the Institute of Public Health, making the total grant to all the departments un- der •the control of the University Board of •Qavernors .$35,000. This will enable -the Wes -tern: to take another long step in advancing it: "forward movement." Last year A new president was appointed and the faculty considerably. milarged The library, equipment and he lab- oratory apparatus were also greatly strengthened so that these now, com- peer, favorably with those to be found elsewhere as far as the essental- re-. queeements of students are Concern- ed. • As a result of the "foreward move- ment' the University has had a record attendance this year, and confidently look: for a still larger number of t,tud ents from all parts of Western Ont- ario for next year. , CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE Apply to F. H. Brock, Exeter DRESSMAKIeTG Mies 'Mary Tom has returned from Toronto and re -opened her shop, and will be pleased •ta ,meet her termer patront and all new ones who will favor het With their patronage. Pat- terns cult to individual measures a: specietty. An a;pprentice wanted. WEDDING INVITATIONS AND VISITING CARDS The Advocate is making a specialty. of wedding invitations—complete sets with nota: paper, inside envelope, and outside or mailing envelope, all to match. We carry all the popular.. lines of paper,; and we print ', them witli either the ever standard .script. type or the Old English type. Girls, if you are thinking of getting married. sec our samples -they will ::lake you glad you said `ryes" when,'he_ popped the 'question. If you ' are married, they will make you feel like getting melded all over again. Our visiting cards and type styles are right up TO the. minute and as tasty as the finest. and mast expensive engraved cards "you ever looked at her sister Mrs. Thorn Baker, Mr, Ed. Sanders', left for his home itt Rainy Riven Monday morning. Herb Dearing returned to els horn in Stettler Alta„ Tuesday •horning,, Mr, and Mrs. Tuskey of Lucan V148 - Mr. ,s - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowden this week, Messrs Caleb Heywood and Wilbur .Martin went to; Hamilton Monday on business errs Gilding of St. Thomas visited her grandmother, Mrs. James Bissett on Friday. - Mr; Club ine of Walkerville is vis- iting her mother, Mrs. Wm. ;'arsons, who i,s ill. - lodge Doyle of Goderich ;eft last week for the south to spent three or, Lour months. efr . Wes Snell was in Hamilton on Tuesday and brought home at. new Overland auto. efr, and Mrs. J. A.. Stewart return- ed ort Tuesday from a three 'veeke vett itt New York. Mrs. Nelson Sheere and eaugheer and Mrs McLellan are visiting in Toronto and Stouffville. Mr Wm Davis of London lies -.a- ttuned . -turned to London after working et the flee mill for sometime. eller Campbell, who has been tis iting her brother Dr. Campbell, ere - turned e -turned to Toronto Monday. Private Anderson of Goderich, a brother of Bruce Anderson, spent Monday :n town with friends. en ds. Mr and n Ins, fame; Sweet eisiit.d in London with their 'daughter, Mrs. McCalluru and other relatives. Mrs Bedford and Mrs.' Lamport of Loatioa are visiting at the home o' Mr Curt Harness, who is M. Trueman Elliott -left. Tuesday even- ing for Blyth, where he has sccepted a. position. with: Mr. S. Gidley, tailor. Mrs M Salter returned to London Monday to pack her household goods. preparatory to coming to Exeter to reside. Mis : Pridham, who has been in God - creel owing to the death of ^ser is - ter. resumed her teaching duties, here on Monday. Mrs. Jas Taylor has returned from a visit in London and Ingersoll, bring- ing her granddaughter Geraldine Burk-: with her. Elmore Harness left Monday morn - lag for London, where he has enlist- ed in the ;Mounted Rifles, of the 33rd Battalion third contingent. - Misr Emily Cornish of Button, Ontario is - visiting at the home of her uncle and; aunt, Mr. and :firs. T. Houldenand other relatives in and around Exeter, elessrs Richard, John and James Bissett o4 London were here 'ast weel: owing to the illness of their mother. Ctrs. James Bissett, who has improved much since. -Mr. W. R. Pollock and family re- tuurneu from Guelph on Friday, Mr. Pollock had been taking a course in the dairy ,department of the O,A,C, for time months and has resumed his work in J. H. Scott's creamery. House Cleaning Time Make house cleaning easy by buy- ing a Domestic Vac. Gleaner from us. It will clean your rugs and carpet bet- ter than beating them and with much - less labor.nget he a Tbottle of Sun- ny Polish to clean our furniture; and if you see you need any new furniture we have a good stock to choose from. R. N. ROWE Enbalmer Etc. Phone 20a. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery -line. Call and see us, A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce ,taken in exchange Jas. Gould Opposite Eleetricligbt Plant Exeter North Gc cral Stare Fresh Pork, Sausage . and Head Cheese always on hand PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. PUTTER, EGGS , DRIED APPLES ; D, DRESSED POULTRY. AT MARKET PRICES H. Bierling MERCHANT, HAY P.O. PHONE 44 W. JONES & MAY PHONE NO, 82 EASTER MILLINERY All the New Shapes are here Visit Our Show Room and see the stunning display of Easter Hats New Spring Goods Our counters are loaded down with then • NEW SUITS In Black, Navy, Copen, 13zown anti Tan. Every Suit tailored right up to the minute, end the very best silk trimmings. NEW COATS l•`ox Ladies or Girls. We have a nice range of styles and pat- terns in different cloths. The very newest coats are shown hare. WI.1ITE WAISTS We can show you the ',est range of White Wash Waists this season we have ever had. Nice dainty ;waists beautifully trim- mest with high or low neck from 1 to $3 each. - WASE I DRESSES In pkain colors, fancy or white Dresses for Ladies, Misses pr Children. They are certainly a shell bunch of garments. See them and be convinced, - RAIN COATS 50 New Rain Coats just opened up, New Cloths, Colors, end Styles at $5 to $15, WASH GOODS Plaits Crepes Repps Colored Crepes Ducks Fancv.Crepes Linens Plait+ Voiles Lace Cloths Fancy Voiles Galateas ouse Furnishings for Spring DOV'T FORGET THE (HOUSECLEANING THAT IS AL MOST HERE. WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ANYTHING YOU efAY REQUIRE— NEW RUGS NEW CARPETS LINOLEUM'S 150 to • choose from All kind's to see 20 piecee 2, 3; & 4 yds LACE CURTAINS CURTAIN NETS TAPESTRY CURT. - 75c to $6 per pair 90 different patterns Green, Red & 'Ian. Men's Clothing OUR BIG PURCHASE OF MIEN'S SPRING SUITS has arrived including a large assortment of Fine Worsteds in all the latest weaves and colorings. Come in now, while these is a choice~ selection, as these Worsteds are hard to duplicate at the Pres- - ent time. All Shades,—Navys , Blacks Browns, Greys, and Fancy Stripes at money saving prices. BOYS' CLOTHING The famous Sanford or Lion Brand far Boys; Norfolk „or straight Pants. Any quantity to choose from at moderate prices, $800 Worth Men's RAINCOATS The famous 'Arthur'sBroad, direct from Glasgow: -The kind that keeps the water out. Prices $6,00 to $15.00 New Spring Shoes •LADIES' AND MISSES NEW EMPRESS AND CLASSIC Shoes Many new features this season.- New Heels, Plein Vamps, Colored Telles such as Grey, Sand, Black SLATER AND INVICTUS SHOES FOR MEN, ' Tee' nein English 'Last in Patent, Tan. Eniiish Last in Patent, Tan and Gunmetal. Button or • We sell the CLASSIC Shoe for children 'Train cesidle to College' Wall Papers ASK TO SEE OUR WALL PAPERS Beautiful Parlor, Den, Bedroom or Kitchen . designs nor JONES & MAY Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing 1