Exeter Advocate, 1915-3-25, Page 5DENTAL Dr, G. R. ROULSTON, L.D.S.. D.D.S. DENTIST geta'ber of the R.C.D.S. of Ontario. and Honor Graduate of Toronto IleivereitYi O'fitce--Over Dickson & Cariing's law offtee. Closed Wednesday afternoons. DI. A R. KINSbMAN, L.D.S., D.D.S.;; Honor Graduate or Toronto U ieeraitty DENTIST Teeth extracted withput pain, or any` bad etfecte, Ott:ce over Madman & Stanbury'a Ottice, Mair, Street, Exeter.' LEGAL DICKSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, Soi eitors. Notarieb, 'Gsitveyatieera, Conn miesioners. Soilcitore for the Molaona Giant. etc. Money to Loan at lowest rates or interest Offices--stain-St., Exeter I', R. Carling, R.A. L, I• . Dickson MONEY TO LOAN T -� We ,have a large amount of private Cuticle to Loan on farm and village prop- erties at low rates of tamest. GLADMAN d~ STA141311 ,Y Barristers. Solicitors. Exeter.•. SYNOPSIS OFa CANADIAN NORTR WEST LAND REGULATIONS <.. THE sole, head of a family, -or n cnal�'over18 years old, may ho:mestead a quarter -section, of .available Dwaine UM laud in Manitoba; 'Saskatchewan or Alberta The applicant must appear in pejo t at the Dominion Lands Ag- ;-ency of Sub -Agency for the 'Dist: ency trice, Entry may be made at way DominionDerainion Lands Agency (but not Sob•-Ageney) on certain conditions. Duties -Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of hie. homestead cn a fego of at least 80 acres, on certain co ons, A habitable hove is re- ouivelin every caae, ,except when, re- sidence is performed in the vicinity. In eertasn districts a homesteader in good standingmay pre-empt a quarter" section alongside his homestead. Price $4 per acre. Durties--Six months resi- detaee in each of three yea after earning .homestead patent; also 50 adzes extra cultivation. Pre-emption patent may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, on certain condi- tions A settler who has exhausted his homestead right may take apurchas- ed homestead in certain districts. Price $3 per acre. Duties-lilust re- side 6 months in each of 3 years, cu•., Matte 50 acres, aa0 erect a house worth $300, The area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rough, scrub- ' by or stony Land. Live stock may be substituted for cultivation under cer- tain conditibns. W. W. CORY, C.M.G. Deputy of the elinistor of the Interior N.B.-tlnauthrorized pubtleatioe of this advertisement will not be peed for. DR. DeVAN'S,FRENCH PILLS s reRe- gulating ?ill for women. $S a box or threofor i $le. Sold at an Itrug stores, or mailed to any , address on receiptul priee,..T a scourer. Tinto Co , St. Catharines, Ontario. , PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN: Restores Vtseity;for Nerve and Drain; increases"grey j chatter' ; a Tonle-wltlbuild you up, se a box, or two for .$5. at drug stores, or by mall on receipt 1 DE price, This Scoua LL Dace Co.. St. Catharines. e Ontario. YEN 1♦1tAL ^ 1 1,kg ,k; 1 STRATFORD. ONT.r Ontario's Best Practical Training. SchooL We have thorough courses lad experienced instructors in each of au.- three departments -Commerc- ial Shorthand and Telegraphy. Our ;radiates succeed and you should i read our large, free catalogue. Write i For it at once. D. A. McLachlan, Principal a i ?ZANY COLLEGES CLOSE FOR' c, VACATION at midsummer. Our cii1-. E age does not. ELLIOTT .i l t Yonge and Charles Sts., Taranto is 1 strictly first-class. NONE BETTER r N CANADA. Enter now so as to ;et a position in the early ,fall, s Catalagua free. ,. e - c 'FARM. FOR SALE Lot :7; -Con." 1, Stephen, the .irop- c ;.sty of "the late Thomas Essery. ".,. I .Beiok Horase, • bank. barn. and frame . e earn. 3- good wells, windmill, good y orchard about 8 acres of .goad:hard- wood bush containing. about 500 • Su- 'ar maple trees. Soil clay loam, well rained and fenced. Farm iri.. good, ;tate of ciiltivation, one half mile 'rom Centralia. station: Possession .can'be..given , to, uitf ,. iurrchaser .. . For terms ,and particulars to 1 ,apply ' GEO. G. ESSERY, ;,, Cen Or GLADMAN & STA Y' Barrister`s; •Exeter. RANDTR,411.l+VAY. '. RUNS SYSTEM EASTER - EXCURSIONS f• SINGLE FARE. <` ' ;ood geinb. and returning April 2nd • FAR5 AND ONE THIRD 'raocl gcyirig;•Api-i1 lst, -2nd, ,3rd and 4th ':Return Limit April 6, 1915 • Return- Tickets will be isau "�be ween all stations in Canada;_coot of` ,or'- Arthu ; anal- to Detroit and Port Aaron, Mich., ;Thtffarlo':-Black . Rock iagarl. Falls, and..SuSiPensian. Bridge -_ Ttcx�ets and further:particulars • at Grand Trunk Ticket Offices. N. J. DORE, Exeter •.. .THAT.COLD YOU HAVE may bring sickness, doctors bilis and loss of work; you know that serious sickness usually starts with a coldand a. cold only exists where weakness exists. .Remember that:. Overcome the weakness and ..nature, cures the cold -that is the law of i easoz ,, Carefully avoid drugged pills, syrups or stimulants; they are only props and braces and whips. It is the pure medicinal nourishment ifs Scott's Emulsion that quickly en- riches the blood, strengthens the lungs and helps heal the air passages. And mark this well -Scott's Emul- sion generates bodyheat as protection against winter sickness. Get Scott's at your drug store to -day. It always strengthens and builds up. t4 -5L Scott & Bowae, Toronto, Ontario. HURON POPULATION ' There has been a big falling off in the population of Huron County in the last 23 years, Between the years 1891 and 1914 the decrease has peen 17,576 ,There has been a decrease in every municipality except Goderich and \Vingham. The following state- ment will be interesting,..-. Ashfiele Colborne Goderich Hallett Hay f�yc ck *Orris .'4 Killop Stance) Stephen Stephen Turnberry Tuckersmith Usborne WaLvanosh, East Waweneah, West Total Baytoeld Blyth Brussel% Clinton Exeter Goderich Hensel' Seaforth Wingharr Wroxeter 1891 4;010 2,21s 2,907 4,022 3,281 4,244 4,439 3,253 3,0$9 2,470 4,270 4,271 2,452 1,867 2,528 ,337 50,460 595 972 1,204 2,635 1,809 3,839 2,640 2+504 Total 17,125 1914 2,218 1,46$ 1,580 22,178 2,820 Q3 2,144 2,058 1,698 1,698 3,230 1,608 1,963 1,953 1,420 1,689 33,860 680 933 2,112 1,514 4,811 742 910 2,628 340 16,149 SECURE FARM HELP NOW, --W, D. Scott Superintendent tkf lmmigra- i;atr for the Domiinion Government, tvritin e t.o C. 11. Sanders, agent for this district says :-With the ape Ciroach of Spring and the busy season nr the farms, I wish to' draw your at- ention to the fact that immigration from the British. Isles this near will not likely amount to much, and 'fence, farmers who have been accustomed to merino* iminigrant help are now r:on- frontee with the necessity of securing telt• from some other source. There re a large number of idle *nen in Canada some of whom have eacl ex- erience as farm laborers and others quit,: inexperienced. This is the only ource of supply for the present y ear As .farmers everywhere are realms a strong effort to '.ncrease praxuction in view of war prices; and :he desirability of Canada raising as nucb as passible to meet the aeeds >E the Empire in this crisis I think t likely that farm help will be scarce Before long and therefore farriers should take immediate advantage of he present situation to secure help >eforc the rush begins and scarcity of abor is felt, If you. are in need of aeln leave your order with C. H enders Advocate Office. CLANDEBOYE --a-- The infant son of Horatio Simpson s seriously ill with pneumonia. -Mr. aflame, Bice is ill with inflammation f the lungs. --Mr. Atkinson, G: T. 'R agent, is on a business trip to ` Des tiioines. Relieving agent T, Hodgins f Denfield is taking his place. -Mrs. glary Smith of Oil Springs is visiting ver eon Thomas of this place. -Jos - }ph Mcllhargey Es confined to his Tome with a severe attack of '.um; aga-Robert 'Hlaritan and Wm. Boyle eft last week fos- the west. -Madeline he little daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Lewis, is recovering Tram , oneai noni�a.-Thee fannees of this vicinity ire bibs, tapping and making maple yrup.-Morning and eveniing servic- • win be held in St. James Church u Easter Sunday.. SEAFORTH.-Mrs, St.. •:Downey, n of the, oldest ipjoneers, in the/ Hur- t'. district, . died .Tues'day at ` the onic of her daughter;, Mrs. W. Dev- reux, Huron Road, at -the age of 79 ears. Seaforth-John Ross,. G.T.R. Engin- cer, pf Stratford; died : at' the Ciom mercial Hotel Tuesday from the of-' feces of the frightful scalding .received m the wreck near here on the .night ar, February '•1. ` He ' was ` forty-nine yeaers•,oef age, - a ,prominent Mason, and eaves a wife and two 'daughters. A..BACKACHE with burning; highly colored urine -are sure signs of weak or inflammed -Kidneys.' Gin Fills ` cure all Kidney' and Bladder ,Troaibles. `0c. a box, 13 for $2.60. -at all dealers. " NEWS TOPICS .OF,IN K Important Events Which Have occurred During the Week. The_ Bast' World's Happenings. Care-. fully Compiled and Put Into, Um', 47 and Attractive Shape for the Headers. of our Paper A Solid Hour's Enjoyment. 'WEDNESDAY. That the murderers of John B. Me - Manus in Mexico City have been pun- ished ie the belief of President Wil- son, callers Ileyesmterdadeay, this statement to his Pursuing a thief who had stolen his watch in New York yesterday, Robe, Brown ran, his automobile on to the sidewalk and .pinned his man against a building. One of the oldest btrsiness men in Kingston, Ont., and the founder of Mahood Bros.' jewelry and chinaware store, died yesterday, in the person of W. T.. Mahood, aged 81 years. It is stated oa excellent authority that a number of fishermen who were caught laying mines in Irish waters, were tried by court-martial and shot. They were in the pay of the German Government, Wzu. L. Breese, former secretary to V, Se Ambassador Page in London, was killed Sunday in the fighting on the French front, according to oabie advices received in New York from London yesterday. . Opposing his wife's suit. for separ- atiort and alimony, Julius Kraus, of New York, declared that for the last eget years of their married life he was compelled to eook :bis own food, and for.th:at length of time has suf., fered from indigestion as a result. rice .t. ,. Advices from. Salonika state that Bulgaria has began to mass, troops at Dedeagateb, near, the Turkish fron- tier. . Serbia is preparing to invade Al- bania and occupy Durazzo an the Ad- riatic littoral, it is reported in de- spatches froze. Ustcu'b, Hon. C. J. Doherty gives notice 9n the Commons for the appointment of an additional Bounty court judge for British Columbia and three addition- al district court judges or Sasisa.cee- wan, Lieut, P. 3, Bevan, King's Royal Rifles, wounded and missing. is a member of the Arm of Bevan Broth- ers, financial brokers, Vancouver. Be originally served with the Duke of Oounaught's Own Rises, Capt, J. W. Hatherly of the Allan liner Mongolian was killed yesterday When a hatch beam struck him, The Mongolian is undergoing repairs in drydock and Capt. Hatherly was in the hold inspecting the work. Fire, originating from some un- known cause, Tuesday night destroy- ed the big new T. & N. O. Railway trestle and bridge about a male south of Swastika, Ont. For the time being all throug:i +"all1e on the railway is suspended. Fire, threatening the destruction of a large section of the business dis- trict of Champagne, Ill., within an hour after its discovery yesterday, had destroyed the Morrison building in which it started, with a loss esti- mated at $300,000. FRIDAY. The advance guard of Gen. Villa's army has penetrated to within thirty miles of Tampico, says a report to the Villa Agency in Washington yes- terday. A message to the Balkan Agency from Bucharest says that the Rou- manian Government has seized a large quantity of shells in transit from Germany for Turkey. Inquiries at the Admiralty failed yesterday to secure confirmation of a report printed in the morning papers that the German cruiser Karlsruhe had been sunk by an explosion. Pte. Edward Gordon -Ede, Forty - Sixth Battalion, In training at Prance Albert, Sask., a veteran of the South African war, committed suicide at his farm, while on leave of absence. It is reported from Constantinople that U. S. Ambassador Mongenthau, with the permission - of the Turkish general staff, has gone to the Dardan- elles to visit the scene of hostilities. The members of the London Fire Brigade have made a demand for higher wages, failing which they will ask for arbitration or hand in,_nobice of their intention to stop work on March 24. The shipping trade paper-Syren states that the Admiralty has agreed to pay $1,000 to the crew of the steamer Thordis as a prize, this ship being the first merchantman to sink a German submarine. Navigation ` was opened yesterday at Three Rivers, Que., the ferry steamer Progress opening its season's work between Three Rivers, on the north shore, and Douceis Landing, Nicolet, on the tenth shore. • SATURDAY. The remains of an unidentified man were discovered early yesterday on the G.T.R. tracks near Guelph by the train crew which followed ; the early express train: The Saskatchewan 'hotel 'securities are at least 60 per cent. lower to -day than they were .yesterday is the esti- mate of a prominent official • of a Sas- katoon company: Boucherville, Que., by a unanimous vote, yesterday decided" to abolish the license'of'the one hotel in the muni- cipality... One •hundred and ten bal- lots were cast for:abolitloa. • M. Menadovitch, a member of the reigning family,ot Serbia, and at one time SerbianMinister to Turkey, has arrived in Rome.. It is presumed that he is on a diplomatic mission.. ?.After 65' years of continuous resi- dence in Cobourg, Mrs. George Whim - sift `; is._dead, at the. age of 85 years. Her husband died nine years ago. • Six sons anclefour daughters "survive: ;S h Africanaleatimates for th coming. year show a deficit of . $13,J 4,00,000;• w'hieh aal11 1%e'naet by an in- creii"se in the income tax and 'customs and a special war tax of $2,500;000 on gold mines. A bottle containing a piece of pa- per bearing the words "17-16 Deutsch- land" was washed ashore at Loen- cti up,, i'utlazld. Tt is Presumed that this is from 'the- German submarine U=16 and, that She has, been sunk. At Lloyds, wliee they are parts; cularly well informed as to the pro- gress of events in the. European, war zone, they are betting even money that the war will be over by June 30, and 2 to 1 that it will not last beyond SeptemMU111ber Dnex$Yt, , Gen. Carranza has begun extensive preparations to fortify Vera Cruz, Consul Steinman yesterday notified the U. S. State Department,. „It is reported that a Spanish ship laden with Iron ore and proceeding to Dovera German port has beers captured by a British cruiser in the Strait of . The cargo of oil on the Danish steamship Pryssel, which was recent- ly seized and taken. into Swineniun de, bas been confiscated. The ship was released yesterday. Since the beginning of the war the British army on the continent has Iost 1,543 officers killed, and 2,833 wounded, while 705 have been report- ed missing, This gives a total ofd- cers casualty list of 5,081 men., Removal of all wounded soldiers of the warring :European nations to neu- tral countries for treatment, is plan- ned by Dr. Alex, Carrel, formerly of the Rockefeller Institute, now in the employ of the French Government. The strike of eoal beavers at the Liverpool docks was renewed Satur- day. Two thousand men quit work, and in consequenee sailings 01 a num- ber of vessels, some of them in the Government•service, sere delisy l,. A' J i,c,tv:tl'. Charles les Herrman iloschen, director of the Bank of England, died last night in I.ondan;. Hie Was born in 1838.. An enemy aviator appeared Sunday above Mulheim, Germany, and drope ped three bombs on the city and the artillery barracks. Three soldiers were wounded. Rumors are rife around.'Ldp onton that the Alberta Government has un- der advisement the issuance 01 an order closing all bars throughout the province at 7 o'cloc,, each night. . A neuter's despatch from Pekin says that Japanese troops to the num- ber of 1,000 have arrived at Tainan, 500 at Fangtze, both in Shantung Province, and 3,000 each at hlukden and Dainy. Proposed Increases in lake and rail freight rates, both east and west- bound, were suspended yesterday by the V. S. Interstate Commerce Com- mission for investigation of their rea- sonableness. Robert alcCay, father of Windsor McCay, the cartoGuist, died at his home in Woodstock yesterday, in his 75th year. He was born at Harring- ton, Ont. The artist was with his father at the last. Samuel Ring was instantly killed at the level crossing just west of Milton yesterday by the C.P.R. Gode- rich to Toronto train. Fie lived in Hornby, was 57 years old, and leaves a wife and five children. A report that Major -Gen. Sam Steele has been given command of the second division of the Canadian. Expeditionary Force has been verified by Gen. Steele in a private wire re- ceived yesterday from Toronto. The Berlin Kreuz Zeitung, con- tains an obituary natile inserted by Count von Buelow's family, announc- ing the death of ten members of that family at the front. All of those kiIl- ed were officers and included Major - Gen. Carl von Buelow. CANNOT GET STEAMERS. War Has Depleted Lines Running to and From. Canada. OTTAWA, March 23. -The House spent practically all of yesterday's sit- ting in committee of supply. The steamship subsidies, amounting to nearly $4,000,000, were passed after a brief discussion, and the estimates for the Indian Department involving $2,000,000 were reported last even- ing. While the total steamship subsidy Vote _asked .was a trifle under $4,- 000,000, Sir George Foster stated that probably not over $2,500,000 would be actually expended. He said that the arrangement mode by the Government for improved mail ser- vice between Canada and the United Kingdom had been sadly demoralized as a result of the war. The Admiralty had requisitioned the Canadian Northern vessels, nearly all of the C. P. R. vessels and many vessels of the Allan Line. The steamship com- panies had, therefore, been unable to comply with the contract, and the payments, on account of subsidies, had been reduced accordingly. When. a vote was asked for the steamship service between eastern Canadian ports and Australia, A. K. MacLean asked . what progress had been made by the Minister efTrade and Commerce toward securing a re- ciprocal trade arrangement with Aus- tralia: ` Sir George" Foster said In re- ply that little had been accomplish- ed. The new Australian tariff increas- ed duties generally and gave a 10 per cent. preference to ineports from, the United Kingdom. elle preference, how- ever, had been given to imports from Canada. Shortly after the House convened yesterday' afternoon the Prince Minis- ter referred to the, death of Col. Far- quhar, commander of ',the,`Princess Pats, who had been killed in action at the. front. He sake the 'news would be received with sincere•,,regret by. the people of Canada. . Nobe'of the distinguished men Bolding the , posi- tion of military secretary to the Gov- ernor-General had been''more.efficient or more highly regarded. Sir Wilfrid Laurier spoke briefly, joining in the tribute to the late officers,, a • Canadian Aviator'• Bw ed:Fi FRESCOTT, ,t>nt Marc 2 Thai funergF; of tbe,,4ilate .L,ielrt t F, sharp, the Ganadlan. aviator ggeident-', ally killed, _some. weeks, ago ,,in' Brig ;land, took place, from -.the residence' of his uncle,.): W. Mills, here yester, i1ay afternoon; the'rrmains being ae- eorded full military honors by the ii`G'th Rifles. Weak Hear Many people suffer from :weak hearts. The may experience shortness of breath on exertions Pain over the heart, or dizzy feelings, oppressed breathing after meals or their eyes become blurred, the heart is not sufficiently strong to pump blood to the extremities, and they have coldbands and feet, or poor appetite because of Weakened' blood supply to the stomach. A heart; tonic and alterative should be takenwhichhas no lad after-effeeta Such is Dr. Pierce's Golden owasaaresoarasammapods which aontaias no dangerous nareotios or alcohol.. It helps the human system in the constant manufrct'_-”A• of rich, red blood. It helps the stomach to assimilate or tal:eupthepr-per elements from the food, thereby helping digestion and curing dyspepsia, heart -burn and many r oc ,.nfortabie symp- toms, stops excessive tissue waste in convalescence frern tzver,: for the run- down: an e, thus -blooded people, the 'Discovery" is re.: ei and vitaliri. Xrt liquid or tablet form at most drag stores or send SO one.cent stamps :or- trial box to Dr. Pierce. Involida' Hotel, Buil .0, N Y. Read Chapter VI1on Zarculatorr Limens Mthe"MedicaiAdviser"-.A;!`renchcloth. bound bopk of t0O$ pager seat on receipt of 31 one-cei}t Et . ;•las, ad, rees es above. ZURICH Mr ' and Mrs. C. Fritz and Mrs. M. Fritz attended the funeral of the late Wm Clarke at Hamilton on Sunday, -.It is reported that Mr. Peter KKropf will open' up a garage in Zurich in the near future. --;qtr, and :Lira. Henry Clausius have moved auto their ;arm on •thee Bronson Line which Mr. Claus- iu, recently purchased from Mr. Sam'! Dietz, -Mr. Henry Siemon, who spent a few months with relatives and friends here, 41e4 Monday for Sen>ans Sask,--Ward was received here-IL:hie death of Win, Clarke of Hamilton, a nephew of Mr. Charles Fritz of this village, --Deceased bad been ill for many years with' stomach tremble and his death Was not unexpected, Re Ras, well-known to many in this neigh borhood. }Laving conducted the mid- way during the summer months at Grand Bend. --John! Jacobe, a respect- ed resident of the Sauble Line, Hay, passed `away :at a London hospital, nn Fridae to his 54th year. Deceased had been taken ill some weeks age and was taken to the hospital at Lon- don and in a few days word was iee ceived that the patient was suffering from acute pneumonia in addition to his otliea' sick,neas, which resulted fa- tally. The.'geuaains, were brought to hie ]ate home, interment taking place in the Bronson- Line cemetery, • ' 1IENSALL William Bender, the new propriet- or of the commercial Hotel, plead- ed guilty to a charge of selling liquor without a license, before Magistrate Andrews at Clinton Friday. ide paid a fine of Si100 and costs. .Irs. F ,Manns sold her dwelling an Queen street to Mr, Alex, Murdoch who afterwards sold it to :tlessrs, Craig Brothers. --Mr, James donthron o' the firm of Bonthron :and Drys- dale btu: sold his fine lar,ie brick dwelling at the east part of 'he vil- lage. to lIr. John Glenn of Usborne who intends moving in here about the 1st of May. --On Wednesday afternoon last at the Methodist parsonage, ',lir. William Smith of Eastwood, Oxford County a nephew of Mr, Harry Smith near Exeter was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Darling of Brinaley,in McGillivray Township. The 7ere- mon was performed by Rev. :-licks ' They were attended by lir and Mies Scott of Usborne, and will reside en the groonas farm near Woodstock. - Miss :Margaret Sturgeon who .reps Seen very ill for some months, is 'onsid- erably improved, but is stili confined to her xootrealr, Geo. Petty our •41.1 establish neat merchant, nos said hi> business to 'William Johnston ahJ Andrew Middlehoilz of Zurich, --Mrs Darling of Denfield is spending a .lay or so at the parsonage with ltev. and Mrs. Hicks. -The Tableau "Rock of Ager' arid "The Homestead _Farm"' were Snteresting entertainments put on here recently, the latter by he young people of the boundary. -The ladiez at 1-Iensall met in the own ball T'U,esda) to pact: clothing for the soldiers a. WOMAN'S MESSAGE TO WOMEN. If you are troubled with weak, tired .eelings, headache, backache, bearing Iowa sensations, bladder weakness, coiis- iipation, catarrhal canditious, pain in the sides regularly or irregularly, I•loatiug or unnatural enlargements, .arse of tallingortnisplaceaaentofiuternai, rgans, nervousness, desire to cry, palpk.tuon, hot fiasiies, dark- rings under the ryes, or a loss of interest in life, F int ite you to write and ask for my simple method of home treatment, with ten days' mail entirely free and postpaid, also references to Canadian ladies who gladly WI bow they have regained health,. strep, h. and happiness by this method. Wrii t ..say, A.ddrrss ; Mrs, M. ,Summers, Box. , sea Windsor, Ont. THEY'RE FINE FO.R ar You should always keep a bottle of ChamberIain's Stomach and Liver Tablets on the shelf. The littlerolk so often need a mild and safe cathartie and they do appreciate Chamberlain's instead of nauseous elisand mixtures. For stomach troubles and cons tipation, giveonejuatbefore going to bed. AU druggists, 25e, or send to CHAMBERLAIN MEDICINE CO., TORONTO to CHAMBERLAIN'S: :G` -TABLETS': The Logical The individual ap- pointed to administer an estate is forced to give Administrator much time and attention to his trust. The anxiety is ceaseless, the danger of mistakes through inesx:-ienee is great. Why burden your friend with onerous duties that can be better performed by this Company? The feel are no greater and the management much more capable than cap a c::eeeted of any pri- vate executor, however willing. THE LONDON & WESTERN TRUSTS CO. LIMITED is the logical administrator to appoint. Its sole business is 'the careful, efficient fulfilment of every trust committed to its care. Call in and consult us. 382 RICHMOND STREET, LONDON, ONT. SIR GEO. GIBBONS. XC,. President 4 JOHN S. MOORS, Manager Ford Towing Car Price ,$590 PRICES ,OF ,CiTHEPi FORD CARS ARE -TWO -PASSENGER RUNA- BOUT $540; TWO -PASSENGER COUPELE7 `.$$850; PI'VE-PASSENG- Efi SEDAN $1150. 'ALL ARE FUL LY EQUIPPED, INCLUDING ELEC- TRIC HEADLIGHTS. • PRICES F. O. B.. FORD, ONT ,: • BUYERS OF ALL FORD CARS•WILL SHARE IN OUR PROFITS 'IF WE SELL 30,000 CARS BETWEEN AUGUST 1, 1914.AND AUGUST 1, 1915. ALL FORD CARS ARE ON EXHIBI- ' ITION AT EXETER; MILO 'SNELL' DEALIR4. THF UN! "'eSAL C