Exeter Advocate, 1915-3-25, Page 1Przem.ysl surrendered, with 120,000 men. Three Allied Cruisers sunk. RENEW /OUR SUBSCRIPTION Now is •the time to renew your subscriptioa to The Advocate Help the editor by reneai eig early Help yourself by getting alive pa- per. Help the community by giv- ing us all the News. TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR Victory k n spring, says Gen. French EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MARCH 251915 TAMAN'S The WarSummary news BY .w QRONTO New' Suits Like these in the ready to , wear speak for themselves. at $ 10, $12 & $15 `' toMeasure Made Clothing The new spring goods are very fine in colors..in black, blue grays, brown; tan, green, and olives, in Worrteeis, Ser. ges Cheviots, Vicunas and Tweeds made .in the very newest spring styles, and workmanship of the best. Prices $18 to $28 Raincoats $6,- $8, $10 Overcoats $10, $15. $18 W.W. TAM TAILOR .& •FURNISHER THURSDAY Th;; main German army has - been ariver over the Russian border in the north The British casualties in the drive Iast week are estimated at nearly 10,000 against Germany's 18000. The internedGerman liner Mace- donia Which escaped from Canary Is- land, has been recaptured by the British. Th; German cruiser Karlsruhe is said to have been destroyed by en explosion. The allies captured a large consign- mens of auto wagons on the way from United States to Germany, Austria will not agree to give Italy twc, provinces. The Dominion government have giv- en orders to recruit a fourth ontin- gent. • FRIDAY The Russians have again evaded Prussia at two points: German soldiers are said to be de- serting, cin large numbers, North Poland is now almost clear of Germans. Germany report,S a revolt against the English in the Soudan. Germans are tzying to start a re- volt in India. A zeppelin dropped bombs on Cal- ais. killing seven railway employes. Britain bas seized a Swedish steam- er bound for Germany with provisions Austria is setting up defense works against an Italian invasion which they consider certain« A submarine sank a British steamer with 8000 tons of Tice. �. A sudden severe frost in the east and 'south of Germany has destroyed the crop says a Copenhagen despatch, SATURDAY The British Cruisers Irresistible and . Ocean, . and the French Cruise;. Bouvet were sunk' in the . Dardenelles by floating mines. The crews of the British boate were saved, and most of the French. They were old ,,hips but useful for work in the Dardanelles. The casualty list shows eight West- ern Ontario men fell in France. pea 'rwrkceey is paid, to be negotiating for The French, English and .Belgians are holding the ground, Canada has 95, 000 men under arms Fxance. England, West Indies and Canada. A large atumber from this section visited London Friday to witness the manoeuvers of the 18th Battalion. MONDAY Britains .big .problem in .to supply" 72 ratio!, shells a month foe heraelf a,' like number for Russia and half as, mama for France. 9000 soldiers marched through the street:: of Toronto. A Ziptaelin Raid on Paris did little damage Cat Farquhar, commander of ,the Princess Pats has been killed , in ac iot- n. ... Botha .has captured Z00 prisoners in Gelman southeast Africa. Italy's declaration of wear is • ex- pectecx at any time. Russians captured 6, 000 Austrians: Russia has forced ' the Germans bac e 20 miles in two days 'from the Nieman river. • Nero e Chappells was the most ter- rible battle of the war. 300 Germans are spiel to have gone • insane at this battle: United States sentiment is -eine- tenths in favor, of the Allies. TUESDAY Przemysl the Austriian stronghold, In Galicia, surrendered Monday to -he. Rwssiens after six months . defense. 9 generals, 300 officers, and 50,000 men were taken; ;prisoners. Italy is node at the crieie and her declaration of war is epxected in a day oar two. GASOLINE and We have been fortunate in securing the agency for the British American Oil Co. and -will handle theirhigh- ade Peerless Gasoline and Imported Coal Oil. Our tank gr P wagon will be on the road in the course of a few daysw when we 'will be able to supply all the old customers -of W. H Levett, and as many new ones as care to give us a trial. Prompt Service and Satisfaction is our motto When buying your oil or gasoline ask for British American • Government tEsted Clover, .Timothy & `a ' Alsike seeds for Sale K t1 Bow. es. $i � and d W"OOCl Successors to W. H. Levett Sole agents_for the D L & W Scranton Coal. Germans have destroyed , 95 towns and 5,500 villages in. Belgium.. WEDNESDAY The Indian Government has oaken over all the stocks of wheat, A 'Flying column of 1000 Turks at- tempted to .make an attacks on the Suez Canal but were defeated. Later information shows that .:when Przemys' surrendered the garrison numbered nine generals, 93 officers of the general, stall, 2,500 officers, and 117,00e men, far more than it was thought were in the stronghold. EXETER COUNCIL BAZAAR & ENTERTAINMENT The Logic Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church Will give a Bazaa; and Entertainment in the Opera. House, Exeter, on Friday, March 26th At 3 p.m. there will be ()tiered.... -for sale home-made articles, cookingand candy. Admission, in- cluding* lunch, 10 cents, In the ev- en.,ne the entertainment will 'onsist of a play entitled, "Valley Farm," gi'o n be the young people of Hensel]. o'clock. They will be assisted by the Town Orchestra, under the seed- der'hip of Mr. Hanna. Tickets, adults a 23 ,cents: Children. 15 cents. A special meeting was called March 22 for the pur'tose of taking alto _on- sideretion a communication addressed to the reeve, J. W Taylor, Owing to that absence of the Reeve through ill- ness B W F, Beavers was eppoint- ed to the chair on oration of ;lind and Harlon. The communication 2 ead as follows,— MI j W Taylor, Exeter, Deal Sira--,A small deputation of :he officer of the Hydro Radial. Associ- ation of Ontario waited upon The Do- rninor Government Wednesday last, and presented the resolutions passed at the: annual convention. The deputa- tion' wa.: well received and the associ- ation now with to have a monster de- putatio wait upon the Provincial Government at Toronto. ?render Hurst has agreed to receive auch a deputation at 11 a.m. Friday, March 26 Thi.-. deputation will ask the Provin- cial government to grant a subsidy of $3,200 per mite for Hydro -Radial cines Wc can show the government by our number flat we are sincere in this matter and it i the hope of the as- sociation that a very large depute- tior. will be on hand. As a repres- entative of the Hydro -Radial Union of Western Ontario we trust that you will give us your earnest co-operation and use your efforts to stir dp• in- terest in your vicinity. See to it that the town of Exeter is well i epresent- ed Le' me know how many you think Exeter will send. Yours truly, D A. McLachlan, Sec, Harton—,Hind—That Reeve Taylor and Councillor Beavers be appointed to tom the Ontario deputation o • he Hydro Radial Association to wait an the Provincial Government at Toronto :March, 26th. asking the Government for a subsidy of $3,200 per mile for .Hydro Radial liners. W e also • instruct the committee to wait upon he Hy- dro -Electric Commission while in Toeonto..and urges the commission to give sus figures, for power delivered Jn to ri Exeter and se their utmost in - 11 uencr. to have, than give their best service;: in this: connection. T. B. Carling, Clerk AIERCHANTS WHO HARM THEIR TOWN« A recent address an advertising by a recognized authority in one of the Southwestern States contained a statement which is reproducing ,here, as well as elsewhere. This is the paragraph "There are •.tea kind of merchants echo holds back- the development .of a town One does not advertise'at all, an 1 the other advertises intrudes' fully. The merchant who advertises judiciously takes no more chance :ban he takes when he walks down to 'his store ui . the morning. Advertising is not a chance, it is an essential part. of business "Marshall Field & Ca., of Chicago doe; air annual business of $10,000,000. Three ,per cent, of this amount is spent' in advertising. Some of the de- partment stores in New York City seen] 6 pee cent. of their total sales in advertising. The Proctor & Gam- ble Co buys more then $200,000 worth of advertising a year in the Satin -clay: Evening Post to sell 5 cent cakes of soap. Other advertisers ad- vertise according to similar methods anJ to equal extent. This advertising is not an ,exprense,.:.but is a means of increasing business. • "Aavertising with anhonest line of ggpJs and .courteous treatment is the remedy for preventing the encroach- ment of the large chain of :cores ma mail order houses on the small _. ttrade..ever cit} an awn Make. - y thin about a business" •- up -to -(date, make the advertising campaign Jong, earnest and honest .and there is no douar as to the success of ,.he 'gush RUPTURE EXPERT HERE Seeley Who Fitted Czar of Russia, Called to .London. F H Seeley of Chicago and Phila- delphia, the noted truss, expert, will be at the Tecumseh Hotel and will. remain in London Friday and Satur- day only Alexia 2nd .and 31-d, - ivlr. Seeley says,—"The Spermatic -Shield as now used and approved by the. United States Government will not only, retain any case of a pture perfectly, affording immediate and complete relief, but closes the open- ing in 10 days on the ,average case. This instrument received the only award in England and Spain, produc- ing ._results without surgery, izarmiful injections ' t edical treatments pr prescriptions. Mr. 'Seeley has docu a ments, foxy. the United States Gov- ernment„Washington, D.C.; for in- spection. All charity cases without charge or if any interested- call he will 'be= glad to show same without charge dr 'fit thein if desired. Anyone ruptured should remember the date. and take advantage of .this , oppor- tunity CLUBBING When renewing your Advocate remenpher that we club with all the CI*v Daily, Weekly, and the Monthly papers and periedieale, Get the benefit of these clubl7ing rates. Call is and eee .us, SANDERS & CREEC1 BIRTHS Marshall—In Hensall, Mar. 17th, to :fr. and Mrs. F. Marshall, a son- Eagleson—Conn. 20, McGillivray, March is to NIT'. and Mrs. W. W. Eagleson twir boys. Winer—In Stephen, con. 5, on, March 22 to Mr. and Mrs., Wm, Winer, a daughter. MARRIAGES ,oomis-..Schram-.. arch 17th Mr. W. Loomis son of Mrs. Oscar Loomis to 'Miss Janet, daughter oa Mr. and firs Walter Schranr, Concession 7 o 1lcGiilit ray. DEATHS Tam -1r• Fullerton, on March 14, Wile • lien. Tier,. aged 76 Fears W INCiIBLSEA, George Delbridge is all smiles, its a daughter. --The members of the W. ane, E Tennis club treated themselves to as, oyster supper Monday evening. The first part of the evening was spent is progressive games. Lunch was served at the home of Mr. :mei Mrs. W G e1edd, Everyone• enjoyed a pleasant evening—Mrs. Eli rieywood has returned home after visiting her daughters its, London,—Edward Wy- gold has engaged with 'Phos. 'tier - riot on the Base Line for the sum- mer --firs , Chas. Monteith visited ov- er Sunday at the home of Mr, and MIrs tilet:h —piss Sarah TJpshall has re- turned home from Toronto,—alr, Wm Turnbull is suffering from a se- vere attack: of the gout,—Mr. end "'airs, latus Brock entertained a few .a1 their fr•nde on Friday evening. --The 'some oa lir and Mrs. Thos, Bell was on T ' sday last the scene oz a -perry meeting ,of the young people of this vicinity, Shortly after noon aa goodly number. of young men, with a :'ew of the: bachelors thrown in, armed ,with axes and saws, for ballast attacked the tali timber on the farm, and oefore 'they could be, stopped or any legal Proceedings taken reduced a large part into stove wood. The attacking tome were guided and directed by Sher- wood Brocic and John' Coward. "They. came they saw(ed), they conquered" The .axes fang, the saws sang, and everything went with a hurl". It was a bee' by gum, a wood. -bee, an old time sawine bee—and they made wood to burn, Ten lance -tooth saws were c; -steel by 200 nran power„ quite the egiidi of any Hydro Electric .appliance After the battle in the basil the bays retreated. tee the farm house aeebtere then were re-inforeed by the young ladies. and all, received a hearty wel- come come from Mrs. Bali ad niece 'Hiss. Olive Meters, who performed rhe du- ties of hostesses; in the most pleasing • mannei Welt served, welt laden tables were there and much apprecia- ted. There was music- in the air, the violin by Edgar Hankin. "Flopr space" way: in demand. The call was 'Let e, go Edgar" and Edgar, he let go. Se- lection,• on the organ and vocal 'nel- odies added. much to the enjoyment or the program With music sweet.and flying feet The ' hours sped fast away; With all in tune, morn came .00 soon, 3nci ushered in the new-born .lay. Guests- from a distance were. present and participated , in the en joyment of the evening. It was a real pfd -time prrty and will be a pleasant memory to many. If there, were more such socia; gatherings it "wood" law goad and "wood" do much to relieve the alleged monotony of country life, and "wood -bee a mainstay in keeping .he unt, farm. \Vheyon youpeople don'ont know what to 10 Saw a lo;, and saw it through; Saw wood; be sure you split it- Adam ate bud Eve just bit it —Saw Wood. Crediton Ree, J.A SCh.tiiitt of Berlin 'spend in a few days in town. Hodgin.s and Trevethick bot in a shipment of new bug gie, the past weed- They handle the best and :an boast of having a lot of satisfied Bust tomens Chris Either of Zurich wast in'town on Tuesday driving a traveller round the horn. The. revival: meetings are Being very well attended in the Evan- gelical Clruxch. Rev. Becker iasis been preaching several inspiring sermons. Th' autres air ernaking their appear- ance Drag -scrapers have been used a roe roads west of the village. A splendid ,lob has been made and it is a credit to the overseer in charge. ale, and Mrs. J.G.. Younger visited in Greenway. for a week. Our merchants are having Their Mil- liner” openings this week, The styles are 'quite becoming and sh.ould;. satisfy the most particular. The anneal business meeting of the Evangelical church will be leeld next Wednesday evening. A good attend- ance is requested. Albert Wolf i5s getting t'he ma- terial together for his new veranda. Rev Blatchford of Centralia and Rev. Jefferson 'of the Methodist church exchanged pulpits last Sunday :Ver, and Mrs, , Harry Mills of Cen tralia were in town o4 Tuesday. Word was receivedhere on lases- day of the sudden deatheof eer. sot t reid Mistele of Detroit, son -in -easy of Ma and Mrs. Jolin,Wind: The de- ceased leas well-known .here end, his death came as a great ,.surprise. The syerpatha of the community is( ex tended to his bereaved family. Esbelby-In Mitchell, March 15, 'vers. Richard. Eshelby, aged 67 years. Jacobe—At At London Hospital. „Vara) 13 John Jacobe of Hay, .er1 ;; years rmonths, 1 day L' p hall .:'ear Iiippen, Mareh 12, Mrs..' Joseph Lnshall, aged 73 yeare, 11 i Rance -2n Clinton, bZarch 16, Mrs. S. It Rance, aged 77 years, 9 months. IN MEMORIAM Ewald.—In loving memory of my dear husband, August Ewald, who de- parted this life March 24, 1913. Dear is the grave where father is ;aid Sweet is the memory that never will lade. Flat erg may wither, leaves lade and otdhers forget hare, gayer w' 1 t —Wife and =azn ic, dartrner--In lov sig memory of Percy Harmer who died in Earlton, :w,. Ontadto. ;March 29, 1914. One precious from our hearts nag ,one voce we loved is stilled; Thi place made vacant in our 'some Can never more be lilted. Ott- Father in His wisdom aaped The boon his love had given; :anal, though in earth his body Gies, -,r4v soul is safe in Ileaven. loving =riends. Exeter Bargain Store Your Spring Suit Shoulc be chosen now, while the es sortment is unbroken. We have an excellent range of ready-to-wear suits for men and boys, all priced at the very lowest prices. The ,patterns argil styles are the newest and the workmanship the best. . We have an excellent range of sample for Made -to -Measure Suits & Overcoats They comprise this season's :Ioths in all the newest patterns. We will 'have your new suit made in Che very latest style and GUARANTEE .'' FIT of every garment. See our range before buying. SHOES—Our stock is now Complete and our range is larger elan' ever For MEN we have the Astoria ane' the Ever Right. For WOMEN we have the Easywalk;e'r, Albany and Ever Right—•alI standard makes. For BOYS AND GIRLS we have the shoes that give the style and the wear, We Specialize in Boots, Shoes, and Rubbers. B. = W. F. Beavers (76E ARN'T You CI<LEt RESOLVE, WHEli NE IN OUR, LINE COME1S To TOWN' WE5p. P2.11\r6. IT. WE CHET .ALL 0r TI -IE NEW THINGS. Yotr ARE NV/TED TOLOOK AT OUR_ CLOTHING les SPRtte t r :650' COME TO US FOR THAT S UIT OF CLOTHES & SPRING OVERCOAT YOU NEED. WE WILL NOT SPRING OLD SHOPWORN GOODS ON YOU : WE WILL SHOW YOU FRESH, NEW, BRIGHT, UP -TO -THE MINUTE STYLES AND PATTERNS. OUR CLOTHING IS ARTISTICALLY DESIGNED AND PUT 'TOGETHER BY HIGH GRADE TAILORS WORKING UNDER SANITARY CONDITIONS YOU WILL LIKE THE LOOKS OP OUR CLO3'IdES'WHEN YOU SEE THEM. WHEN Y OU PRICE THEM YOU WILL BTJY. YOU WILL LIKE OUR MERCHANDISE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT IN OUR STORE ,& OUR PRICES, T00, Blue SERGE SUITS For Men. A ,splendid range of Young Men's and glen's Blue Serge Shies. Every Garment carefully tailored in singlet breasted ;tyle All sizes, specially prices $18. Natty Boys' NORFOLK Sults With fancy pleats and belts All with fail cut bloomers Strongly made from dark grey & brown tweeds. Big • ange of blue serges—$4.50 to $9,00 MILLINERY Leave your order early so es to give our trimmers time to get it ready for Easter. New . Models are being ;placed in our Show Roans every day. Come in and see them. HOUSE DRESSES - Made from New 'Prints and • Ginghana,s• Several good, styles .for morning wear. . Priced at $1,00 and $1.25 : WALL PAPERS A great assortment of new and attractive wall. papers suit able for any, room in yosvr home at per roll 5c. 10e. 15c. Z5c. BIAS FILLED CORSETS We have a style fos- 'every figure. 'ibose who have worn Bias 'Corsets can a,ppr'eciate the luxury of real comfort. LACECURTAINS We Aare : elbowing many nex crurtaija nets, bee the yard. All have a neat lace edge. Also `a great variety of 23e yd length Cha -tains at 50c. Better at $1 PLIDO i•TE 16 J A. STEWART PRONE 16