Exeter Advocate, 1914-10-29, Page 5DENTAL Dr. Q, it', ROMIASTpN, L.D. , DrD.S. DISINTIST ktember of tuts R.Q,»,S, of Ontario anti' Hiner Graduate of Toronto SJi Iyersity1 officer --Oyer Diou.soa & Carling's law, office. Closed Wednesday afternoons. DR. A. B. KINSMAN, L,D.S., D.D.14t., Honor Graduate or Toronto Universal' DENTIST • Teeth extracted without paint or any: bad effects. Office over Gladman 8tanbitiey's Office, Tartan Street, 'Ptxeteor, DICKSON & "CARLING, BARRISTERS,, Solicitors. Notaries, Conveyancers, Com•. naesionorta, Solicitors for the Molsons Bank. etc. money to Loan at lowest rates of interest Offices -Main -St., Exeter L R. Carling, H.A. L. H. Dickson MONET TO LOAN • We have a large 'amount of private funds to loan on farm and village prop- erties at tow rates of interest. • GLADMAN & S1'ANBURY Barristers, Solicitors. Ere ter. T. B. CARLING Lite, Fire, Accidont and Plate Glass Insurance, Collecting accounts, and cont ducting audtton sales. - P�xeter, Ont. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST' 'LAND REGULATIONS. THE sole head of a family, or ;r;.ay male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter -section of . available Domin- ion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta The applicant must appear in perso t at the. Dominion Lands Ag- ' ency df Stub -Agency for the Dis- trict. Entry may be made at •.ny' Dominion Lands Agency (but not Sub -Agency) ; :an certain conditions. Duties -Six months' residence • upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader •clay live within nine miles of his homestead cn. a fain of at least 80 acres, an certain conationsA habitable ,house is re- attired e-at iLred in. every case, except when .r e:-. silence is performed in. the vicinity. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter section•alongside his homestead. Price ;3 per acre. Duties -Six months resi- dence in each of three Years after earning homestead patent; also 50 acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption patent may be obtainedas soon as homestead patent, on certain condi- tions A settler who . hasexhausted his homestead right may take a purchas- ed homestead in certain districts. Price $3 per acre. Duties -Must re- side 6 months in each of 3 years, "en - Myatt 50 acres, and erect a house worth $300. The area of cultivation is •Subject to reduction in case of rough; scrub- by or stony land. Live stock , ,nay • be —substituted for cultivation under cer- tain. conditions. W. W. CORY, G.M.G. Deputy of the MinLater of the Interior N.B.-Unaukthorized publication of • thin advertisement will riot be paid tor. 11- DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS tint guiating Pi11 for women. '$5 a box or threefor' $10. Sold, at all Drug Store's, or, mailed to any address on receipt of prise.,, Tns ScoBELI, Dame Co., St. Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. vim; and Vitality ;for Nerve and Brain; increases "grey matter" ;a Tonic -will build you up. $S a box, or two for ;5, at drug stores, or by mail on receipt of prlee. TH14 SCOBELL Dave Co., St. Catharines. Ontario. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT: is a' school with a continental repu- tation, for high grade work and for the success of its graduates, a school with superior courses and instructors We give individual attention in Com- mercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy Departments. Why attend elsewhere whet there is room here? You niay enter at any time. Write for our large free catalogue D. A. McLachlan, Principal Attend the Best. It always, pays LLIOTT TORONTO has a National reputa- tion far superior Business and Short- hand Education. Catalogue free. • Commence now. W . J. ELLIOTT, Principal 734 Yonge St., Toronto.,,. EVERY WOMAN' Is interested and should know about the wonderful M81aQ/®� Whirlingray Ooucie. Ask your druggist for it. If he;canaot supply the Mi1RVEI:, accept no • other, but send stamp for Illus- trated book—sealed. I t gives fun particulars and directions invaluable to ladies. WINDSOR SUPPLY CO.,Windsor, Ont. General Agents for Canada. RANO TRUNtSYSEM Double" Track all the Way TORONTO - CHICAGO TORONTO - MONTREAL Canahe International Limited 's' Train of Superior Service Leaves Toronto 4.40 p•.m. daily; ,ar- rives Detroit 9.55 p.m. and Chicago 8.00 a.rn MORNING SERVICE Leave's Toronto 8 a. n., arrives De-- troit 11.45 pm. and Chicagor 8.40 1),in. LastiTrain out of -Toronto at , N,ight'. Letet11.35 p.m, arrives Detroit 8'� 5 a 'ca o•.3.; ..0 a•l- Detroit, r nx� h .zri daily`, a s r .n ,nCl g 1?:,: yi g. ihportar t. c ,tuieetlotis ; with- i rlr1'ciph1' tra a fol'Western, States and Canada a FOR MONTREAL Leave.. Toronto 9 a.m., 4.30 p.m. and. , 11 pent. cla�:lx,Berth reservations, etc. at G T R. ticket offices • N. J, DORE, Exeter A • BACKAC� E: with hurnhi highly colored uritle•-are sil •t i ns of we*• x inflammed Kiln ',sig Gin MS cure all, Kidney and. Bladder Troubles. 50c. a box, ;Q for $2.50. —at all dealers. us ZURICH Mr. Bert Brown from Western Can ads is visiting with hi' parents, Rev. anal Mrs , Brawn. -Mr. Wm. H. Smith of Detroit was'in town last week on business in connection with his fath- er's estate. -Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Rick hell has returned from a few, months' visit with their children •in North Dakota, -Mr. Morris Weber returned from the Canadian West, and will vis- it with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. Weber for a time. -Word was sent that 'Pearl McBride, who' wrote on th: Jayne Departmental examination, a ,del, Was • reported :unsuccessful, has pasted. This makes -aa excellent showing for our -school, four out of four for Entrance! and five, out of., six for graduation having succeeded in obtaining their certificates: -On Oct. 18th{<'_,.. a• young people's Lutheran, League was organized in the Evangel= Mat Lutheran St: Peter's congrega- tion It will meet every Friday even- i:'ng,'at' 7,30 o'clock. HENSALL Robert Carlisle sustained a severe shaking from a fall off his wagon. -. Mrs 'Miler. ,after spending some time. with her sister Mrs. Scott, returned toher home, in Da,wiaga, Mich. -Mrs. Humeston is in' St. Marys owing to the illness of a relative. -A public meeting,, of ratepayers was held in the Opera House on Tuesday evening to discuss what the council should do in the ,way of • a patriotic' fund. The reeve explained the situation and , it was unanimously recommended that the council grant $500. Mist C McEwen, nurse of New York,' is visiting her father, John Mc- Ewen. -Jas'. Jarratt ..has a broken leg the result of a horse's kick. -While at, wor1Cin the flour mill Bob Camer- on, in kicking a belt off a pulley, got his foot caught and his ankle badly sprained. -Mrs. Frank Wood of Bran- don ,Man., formerly. Almina Ramsay who resided here sometime, is ,lead. HURON LIBERALS ; ORGANIZE, At a meeting of .the Liberals of South Huron, held in ?3rucefield on Wednesday of last week', an associa- tion was organized with the following, officers : President, Henry Smith of Hay Township; vice-presidents, Dr. Shaw of Clinton, W. Findland, Hair lett and M. Muadie of 'McKillop; ;;sec- retary Alex. Mustard of Brucefield; treasurer Dr. Mayer of Henson,' Check Chronic Rheumatism Now — RHEUMA.. THOROUGHLY DRIVES OUT DEEP-SEATED URIC ACID POISON. There is only one way to be free 'ions Rheumatism -the accumulated impurities caused by an excess 'ofUr- ic Acid poison must be expelled rom the body. That is what RHEUMA w7,ll do and do it thoroughly. • If you suffer, from any form of rheumatism Sciatica. Inflammatory, Arthritis, Muscular Lumbago or Gout -get a bottfe of RHEUMA from W. S. Cole tor;: 50 cents -it is guaranteed. "Fqr years I suffered with Rheum- atism in my arms and, shoulders: My kidneys and bladder were affected, and .1 rapidly lost flesh. Afthr five weeks:- use of..RHEUMA.•I..was. a.w'ell man." -William. Fry, Fort Erie, Ont. W S. Cole will return your money if it fails • 50 cents a bottle. _A?;QSITIO:-:FOR FALL AND WINTER -We have a sound business propos- itiaJ' for- a reliable ' energetic sales- man for this district to sell fruit trees small fruits, flowering shrubs,etc. Pay weekly, outfit free, exclusive territory OVER 600 ACRES of frith and ornaiiaental stock •ander ct,lti'vatiotl =. We. sell - through . our sal- esmen direct to the consumer -• and guarantee delivery of fresh, high grade,. trees. , Our agencies are valu- able by' 'reason of the service we give an.' the volume ,of ' business done. Established 35 years. Write PEL HA al NURSERY Ca;Taronto,Ont P.S,-Handsome catalogue , on re- quest either to applicant or those wishing nursery stock. BUSINESS . AND, SHORTHAND BAND Subjects taught by,expert instructors at the ? At. C. A. BLDG:, LONDON. ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 1st. Catalogue: free. Enter any time. J. Ww Westervelt it W. Westervelt Jr. Pri a Chartered p;caountaut ' nc ip ! lit VietaPiinciPal IOO OF WEEK Want. Events Which Have 96iiiirred d flthis Week. 'Thq Busy Woz'Xd's iaPPen:ngs hare• l illy Con%piled and rut Into Handy- aid Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper -,-A Solid Hour's Enjoyment. WEDNESDAY. King George and Queen Mary, who left Landon last week for Sandring- ham, Volumed to the capital yester- day. , The American Ambassador at Ber- lin has succeeded in arranging for the' release oi• all Brftiah.ers in Germany over 55 years of age. The family of Venustiano Carran- za, Constitutionalist first chief, reached the 1Vi`exican'border yesterday to be ready -for a hasty exit Thos. Murphy, of Chafroy's Locks, died in the Hotel Dieu at Kingston as a result of a fall from the steamer Colonial on which be was employed as wheelsman. The Nova Scotia Steel & Coal Co. are at present turning out approxi- mately- •170 shells per day for 12 - pound field artillery guns for the Dominion Government, Wm. Carver, aged 35, died sudden- ly of heart disease last evening at a meeting °of the Baptist G.Y.P,U. in Port Hope, Mr. Carver was just pre- paring tb read an address when stricken. The Japanese Navy Department bas announced the occupation "for mili- tary purposes :of strategetically:.im portant'islarids•' in the Marianne (or Ladrone), Marshall, East Caroline and West Caroline Archipelagos. • In •a -despatch. from 'Rotterdam the correspondent of The London Even- ing News declares that the German marines are leaving Antwerp to re - Join. -the German fleet, and the.,Ger man ships are being extensively pro- visioned. • TN U I:SI)AY: The Belgian refugees are beginning` to return to their own country, espe- cially to the city of Antwerp. An effort is being made to organ- ize a corps of civil servants in Ottawa who do no: belong to any of the mili- tia re,,i_sents. ' Mrs. Tames 'Romain and• her broth- er, Tony Demarco. of North Bay. were arrested yesterday on a charge of ar- son, as a result of a fire at the Ro- main rt nidence,- Lt. -Col. W. S. Hughes will• bo ap-. pointed provisionally in command of the infantry battalion to be organized• from the infantry andrife units of the third division. It is officially announced that Maj, Liberte, Quebee, will have :charge of the machine gun section of the, French-Canadian regiment, while Maj. Rainvllle will. be quartermaster:. Italy has decided to remain out of the war, but she has.notified the pow- ers that she- may find it necessary ho, occupy Avlana, Albania, awing: to the chaotic conditions prevailing in that country. The German steamer Santa Cath- ariva, from New York for Rio Jan- eiro, etc., before reported seized as a war prize, is now reported sunk off Parcel dos Abrolhos, off' Rio Janeiro as a result of fire. —A -message 'from Athens states that two- submarines and a number of aeroplanes in parts are en route to Constantinople via Rustchuk, on the northern. border of Bulgaria. They are from soma German point. The :,.reamer Brussels reports -that she pawthe steamer Cormorant of Rork ;Sink in the North Sea. - -It is euppoaed sine struck a mine.. Her Ctite'itl'; probably were saved by a • tor- ,pedo.boat which was seen to leave Harwich. FRIDAY. A Germn}ataisualty list issued yes- terday . coi>n§ tha names of about 11,500 ki ; 'wounded and musing. ' About III6660 Hindus from Canada took passage yesterday on the liner"a Tenyo Meru and, Mongolia froin'San Francisco for the far east. Giving to tike ,;war all the social funggi 1ons at 4ueon'p„Yniiyersity will irobably ,lie cancelled. The matter will be dsc.. fed by tile senate. Magian )3- ,aha native -Chief of the Geriilan itis run, has been executed becalrui;e . he attelinpted to foment t tttoul the 3latives a rebellion againat Gei•tnany. The German gn governor of Jaluit • s- I IRA, which' hoe. been 6ccapied by the Japanese, has arrive at Yokohama Wit Japanesw e arship.• The United States consul ,will arrange for his fil- turn to Germany. is lea It rrte • d in metal circles c es that e steelier Troilus, which was •sunk the German cruiser Emden, Leat- ed rnoii,g other things in her cal'- go, Q tons of tin, valued at nearly g ha� illfon•dollars. A lave§ Agency despatch from Petrograd sayathat the ussfan.11fin- ster of Finance has bet#u ajlthdi'ized by imperiiaal decree to place short term treasfi y hekads, amounting to $60 - 000,000 o . "i,. English market. Th b gmanwas 4� taken fr g Y a0 the old Welland Canal at'Marra- below lock 15 ye•nterday afternoef . ,Beyond an old,empty purse, nothi:n` was: found in the pockets. No , pct son has been reported missing of late. SATURDAY. - Thomas Gilbert Cook was found not guilty yesterday at Edmonton o the murder of Wm. B. Crawford at :Waapwright on. litay 14. Mug George hag approved of the naval volunteer fepree of Galiada be- ing.lrnown as the. "Royal Naval Cana- dian Yolunteer.Reserve,” 'The • German authorities have sei;- ed:the English church at Wiesbadeft, requiring' Rey. Mr. Freeze to give them a list`bf the church property. Ebenezer Coffel, one of the' most. prosperous and wall -known farmers in the vicinity Merlin, was instant.:t.• iv c killed by being ran.. 1:tover bya• chin y g'.niachine The Vet ez'eln: ' ,n ,b .e a int hase- Ca r •ligitttd,"beeattso of an economic crisis' and 'a mew Ministry has been appoint- ' ' hien. iirnacio Andrade has been mat \linls`er of Foreign Affairs. The i:ritish torpedo gtinboat Dryad' latch went ashore recently at Kirks ry or to cos�it al' t1'trhdin', Pas b that 1 ref as ed. A ai Xialza cation "shows. as al1at ed u ,damage, Nexa. has been .ecefved,in fondon of t Ze° .death fn action oef Lord John' $pend +at'eu4ish, son Of the late X:SZrd , , dwarf Cavendfah, and young est brother of the Duke roll German made goods to the value of $1,443793 Managed to reach NOT Tort duriug.September, accordiug to a detailed review of last,raonth's ports and exports issued by, Collector Maloq, 9dor that he might brave e- nhance to fight the Germans, William ljp d, 0 thrQe�- e ; eoiivict in the pen eiltiary, ha petition sent tot 0 /blister el e asking that ho be allowed.rete On Marone. 11$ONDit.Y. Sir Wilfrid Laurier left Ottawa for Quebec to confer with 'some of the leading men in his constituency. He. w probably addressat least one meeting. - The heading mill of tire Suther- land -Innes factory of Chathann was completely destroyed by fire Saturday night, involving a loss of several thousand dollars. Thieves entered the Lyons Tailor- ing Co. establishment at Chatham on Saturday night -and stole a suit of. clothes, an overcoat, a sweater and other small article... The• death occurred Saturday of Elizabeth Sheldon Lyman, 81, :one of Kingston's oldest residents. She was. the relict of the late Theodore Ly- man and was born at Bennington, Vt. In sight of the marine observers at the mouth of Honolulu harbor, the Japanese battleships Hizen captured and sank the German steam schoon- er Ae'olius, .supposedl- from -the Mar- shall Is:ands::. The hotelmen of London ;.are or- ganizing to . wage a strong,fight against the campaign of the °London Social. Service Federation to reduce the number of licenses from 26 to 20 1n. January next. ' • Word is to hand thatta'brother`and a nephew of Lieut: Brook of the•.Lon- don detacLment f the •Royal- Cana- dian .-Regiment,. -have been killed in action in France. 'Both .were attached to British regiments. Anti -German rio..s occurred early yesterday in the Clapham district of Landon. A German baker's shop was wrecked, and police reserves were called, out and dispersed the rioters, who numbered several hundred. • TUIrSDAY. Forty-five Yukoners arrived in Vancouver.yesterday in charge of An- ,diiew" Hart to join the second war co-ltingent In='semi-official Liberal circles at Ottawa it is stated that there will be no opposition to th r election of Hon. T. 0., Casgrain in Quebec County. Sir Adam Beck has cabled an of- fer of "Sir James," the famous horse which won prizes at the Olympic Show, to Gen. Alderson, commander of the•Canadian army. Chief'NVew'ton of Belleville's police. for while engage!. in picking apples in "is garden, fell froin- a ladder, - breaking three ribs and sustaining other painful' injuries. Mrs. Florence Conklin Carman, who was on trial in Mineola, N. Y., all last week for the murder of Mrs. . Louise Bailey, was released on $25,- 000 bail by Justice Kelby in the King's Csunty Supreme Court in Brooklyn, yesterda--. The Belgian relief committee in Montreal have received in cash up" to date $145,066.53.. This does not in- clude a subscription of $15,000 from the Province of Ontario, and several other large amounts which have been promised but not yet received. The 'Chines) Foreign Minister has demanded the surrender of a Japan- ese torpedo boat with its crew, which entered Chinese waters and substi- tuted the Japanese flag for the. Chi- nese dragon and 'attempted to do away, with' the wrecked German tor- pedo boat, S90. CHECKED EVERYWHERE. Official •- i3ulletins Say Germans Ave Held All Along Line. PARIS, Oct. 27 —The• following of- ficial information ' vas given out by the French War Omce last night: "In Belgium, Nieuport has been, violently bombarded, and -the effort of the Ger- mans has boritinue 1 on- the front be- tween Nieuport and I)ixmtide,, with- out, according to'the latest advices, any result whatever having been reached., b it, , •. •• "All the• „.front. comprised,, between La Basses, and the- Somme 'has been equally ,tpe ,gbjeGt sol, violent attacks at nights. ail of whieh.-have • been. re- pulsed, OA P.Mainiter f. the :front there ia- aothingt ta,Feport." The_ filetaip ,colnrnunlque' of. :the French .,War Office, issued yesterday afternoon;. says: "During the day :of yesterday (Sunday) our front along the general line between Nieupport and Dismude was maintained. The German force which crossed the Yser between these two towns has not been able to progress "Our front -has held Mao in the region between Ypres and Routers; between Armentieres and'Liile,;to :the west of La Bassee and. Lena;' and to the east of Arras. Thin line; is, con- tinued to the south by the line,w•hich already has been 'Itdicatiil :in' these official communications. During., the fighting of recent days' the. ,enemy seems to have sustained' considerable losses._ 07 "In:Russia, to the west.ol the Vis tale and to the north of the Pilica river, the Germans have. been captur- ed at the point of. the bayonet by the Russians, "To the south of the Nice, in the direction of Radom, there has been a lively engagement between the ltus"siaus and the Austro -Germans, who.lost prisoners and"cannon ' •" "'To the • south of Soleo, ''t1lb' situs-' i si1Rtroo sC hesaa 'the 0' ' Ai ut l ari b>y main foree. drIVing back, On the RiverSan,-and othe >s south of y'rzernyst, there have occur- red stubborn combats , resulting fav- orably to the Russians. An Austrian column debouching from. the Carpath- ians on Dolina (in Galicia, 22 miles to the south of Stry) was routed."" � ► .,rieree: , Lite Preset' tiers ,ts i}., cert enenayitq,the pllys cal regular r dusted p ysle a .Qaretully allipted'teTyrork MBE chains' ay1Nei'critical and4cause" tints d Olerirlg a ex'lefe7les-TheiTod ern,*youn a rla of nerves � ,tl h3 h Orlin ri t fainting pe;leciao-noel' fre ue tly blue' and ,diasatha�ted, ritb:life,. "' Suet) girls' should be }lelped oirer�t,hie' d1iltressing stnga In life•••-bj a woman's, ,.tonic an nerivnei=that has proven sutcceasful.for over 40 years;i ices es. cf lvornan , A medici prepared by e etrI utile it tge$ingweam jta,'sdoiseaaeb•- � by l,ha ,host isn't• e�fe ' phis constitptioo, fit t now, • nabl. i' . Jquid,�,oq, • tablet fon t the ,d u '' for - end SQ o •e st s for'"'"t till box,to••Buiralo: jBvair.womsn maYr rte fuUY• and ci en Y"Co' s fW Dr. Plprce and hie stafr;ot. hysicians and'•Specctalistr, at, the 1pvslkteiilotel,and, sywiriest 1rastittlte,•8u$talo,: iNl Y . and may beggar that ber cos& will rgeetve care-, fun, conscientiona: a ental eonsid ati9n, asd that 'experienced medical vied wl 1 be sayers to /tee free.' DCPJERCE'S .E'ASANT.PELkETSi•e Fats aind,inti/gerafr'ePtom«eA+livor,antd•,i w,j1. Srtar sets tel.ttay grenade, saay to toheir4cveab rd MOUNT CAlt-HEL The holy hands of marriage ware announced in the ,R. Ca church here, an Sunday of :lir, James Ziier, Dash- wood and Miss Mae Miller, Zurich the marriage to take places at Zurich on Tuesday- morning,- Mr. Patrick Glavin arrived home from the west. oil Saturday evening. -Mrs. McI in' non of Shipkai who has, been visiting., friends here for some time, 1'eft `•on. Saturday for Detroit, where: she --in, tends to remain. -Quite a ' huinber' Qom this neighborhood attended -the Band Concert held at Parkhill Tires day evening. Clinton -After an illiness since:lait August Mrs Thos. Gibbings lied .on Tuesday of last week at the age of .59 years. She was a native 0.f 'this section. being a daughter of ,he:ate Jrhir Shipley and spent her entir. lifetime in 'this neighborhood. Tuckersmith-Another membe'rof worthy band of Huron pioneers has been gathered to his Fathers. Mr, John' Templeton, who for over half a century had been a resident of the 10th concession of Tuchersmith, died an Thursday of last week•, having rea cher? his good age of nearly 86 years Clinton -The horn of Mr, and Mrs: Gea Bauer Indiranapolis, Ind., :vasthe scene of a pretty wedding, when their, daughter, Miss Katharine Elizabeth; was married to Carleton Clarke All'ii, sou of Rev. and Mrs. S J. Alhn ; of Clinton. Blanchard -The death occurred' at . his residence, Con. 4, Blanshard 19, of Georgie Edward Spearin, in his 57th year. His health had been usidei mined by a paralytic stroke aver a year ago and although he partially re - coverer: he ha'd",not since been in good .health Seaforth-One of the oldest resia dents of this .part of, the county has pass'eci away inithe person of :vlr.John Beattie senior, who died at his , rzsi dente Wednesday last. He hast' been in poor health, for several months. lie was in his 82nd year, and is survived by a grown-up family of four sons and four daughters _ 1 ippen-Friday morning the ..rte Mrs Thrri Dinsdale departed ' ,his life c -p .the old homestead here. The lady 'was 87 years of age, and shef and.. her husband who died a few years' • ago, came here from Yorkshire, Frig.. aver sixty ,years ago. She leaves!' to mourn two sons John and Robert, and one daughter, Mrs G. C. Petty. ', Today he can eat three square ■teals and sometimes ono "eeztra" because Chamberlain's Tablets cured Stomach Troubles and gave him a good digestion. You try them. 25c. a bottle. All Druggists and Dealers or by Mail. 5 Ci ab risia■aiidseCe.Term. C 4AM BE RAINS S TABLETS The Advantages to the Estate of having a Trust Company administer its affairs ara many, yet the charges are no higher than those allowed a private individual acting in the same capacity. This strong, conservative Company, unlike an individual executor, will not fall ill, go abroad at a critical time, be- come adefaulter or pass out of existence, neither will it neglect your affairs for its own, because its very life de- pends upon its 'fidelity 'to your affairs and those 'of -others. Consult us regarding your will and the administration of your estate. The London & Western Trusts Co, Limited 382 Richmond St., London, Ont. Sir Geo. Gibbo, SC•President Jnsohn S...�2oere, Manager I LABATT'S STOUT Has Special Qualities M.ILDLY• S'TIMULATING, NOURISH-I'NG,SUSTAINING A Perfect.Tonic THIS IS THE TIME OF THE YEAR IT IS NEEDED If : not sold in your neighborhood, write JOHN LABATT,. LIMITED -- LONDON CANADA 51 +,r r SISTER : REAR MY FREE OFFER. I am,a woman. I know a woman's trials. - I know her need of sympathy and help.' If you, mysister, are unhappy betatise of ill- health, and feel unfit for household duties, social pleasures, or daily employment, write and tell ire just 'how you suffer, and ask for my free ten days' trial of a home treatment suited to your needs -With references to Canadian ladies who gladly tell how they have regained health, strength, and happiness by its use. I want to tell you all about this, successful method of home treatment for yourself, my reader, for your daughter, your sister, br your mother. I want to tell you how to erre yourselves at home at trifling cost, and without aid from anyone. filen cannot understand wonten's sufferings ; -what we women know from exper- ience, we know better than pity doctor; and thousands have proved there is hope even for the hopeless in my method of Ito tue treatment. If you suffer from pain in the had, back, or bowels, feeling of Weight and dragging down sensations, faking or displacement of internal organs, bladder irritation with frequent urination, obstinate constipation or piles, pain in the sides regularly or Irregularly, bloating or unnatural enlargtt" nts, catarrhal conditions, dyspepsia, Mamma nervousness, depressed spirits, melancholy,' desire to cry, fear of something exit about *0 happen, creeping feeling up the spine,,palliit*ltion, hot flashes, weariness, sallow cotnplexio',' with dark circles. under the eyes, path if•+,t'lee, leftbreast.or a general feeling that life is not worth living, I invite you to send to•da,y for'iu eempiete ten days' treatment,entlrely free and r+pDba paid,; to prove- ;. .tIpe,Kvn3e'l,l toyit.o yourself that theseatln..t. ,t can b. eeasily and sure asilyandsurelycontu ered at y our o w n •. 'ho tthe cpcns of bo5ptat ea :1 r , or the dangers of an operation. Women ests th stir eon'sdby knowing of my Simple method of 110 2310 *heti. ' a d�±d4 nskcata11oa#y as.Yoatogass the god word, along Adam/Igo eS �oPc,Ltdora11avnun brold. To mothers pnu fter ,cit laio 'sin! tTe oink #tspeedily and,ii.eftett fait curesor en• iktiess ' (chiR:OS-laint gtlaiitidsJt� �� f e4r atiein young' omen, and restores thewto phttpnesa aid health, elistalyeii arewd about pair dattghter, rcnctnber It costs you **think' tolr give my method of hottte treatl it'n . a eonipiete ten day'S trial, and if you w]slt to, ,, con thine, it costs only a feiv scuts a wtlkt eek to • .,a, And it floes not interfere with one's daily Worlr, Is health worth asking for ? ttiten accept my erous oiler,'write for thee free treatment suited to your needs, and luau send 1t In plain wrapperby return tuatl. Te save time you, can cttt riot this offer, mark the plaecs that tett yourteeli ntgs, and return to hue. Write and ask for tits fres treatmtnt to -day, as you may not sac this offer, again, .address MMS. M. SUMMERS. Obit 640 4 WINOS'*. ONTARIO; Ti •l