Exeter Advocate, 1914-9-3, Page 8ESB P' l A11 ?tiUAT"l , TI-1U1.11AY S. PT; , BE•R , 1; t
Wheat , .,.«.•. 113 122
Barley555 00
Buckwheat. ........ . . . .
Oats. ,50 50
60 00
90 90
Potts, toes, pm. bag • ... 76 100
Ray, ext; ort.. , ..... , 14 00 14 00
Flour, per cwt., fainly 3 25 3 50
$;lour,. low gradeper ow 1 70 ;174
Butter.,,,.. , •.. 2223
23 24
Lave huger per Gwt 9 85
Shorts per ton , . « We 00
Bran pexebon .., 20 00
desire to announce that 1 have op-
enec: a Flour and Feed Store in F.
Wood's Old Stand, opposite Post
Office and will keep a full supply of
the best grades of flatus and feeds,
1 solicit yaws patronage,
PURSE FOUND—Containing: a sum
of money Owner may have same by
proving property and paying expenses
W. J Bissett or this office,
A second -.hand wood furnace with-
out crack or flaw, cheap, Apply at
this office
25 CENTS will pay for The Advo-
cate to new subscribers in Canada
from stow until the end, of the year.
If you are already a subscriber tc-
cept the chance to send The Advo-
cate for the balance of the year to
your distant son, daughter or friend
Who wiP appreciate reading the home
Spell desires to return her sincere
,tllealks tc the Canadian Order For-
esters far the pronfpt settlement of
the insurance claim of her son Frank.
Farmers growing corn for the, Can-
ning Factory will kindly bring sam-
ple cabs to the factory, when they
will be advised when to deliver same,
At the request of a number of
the citizens of Exeter Reeve John W
Taylor has proclaimed TUESDAY.
SEPT.: 15th which is Huron Day at
London Fair as Civic Holiday for
Exeter acid all citizens are requested
to observe the same. •
T. B. Carling, Clerk.
Notice is hereby given that a Court
will be held pursuant to the Ontario
Voter's List Act, by His Honour, the
Judge of the County Court of Huron
at the Town Hall, Exeter, on Wed-
riesday 23re day of August, 1914, at
9 o'clock a.m, to hears and determine
complaints of errors and omissions in
the Voters List of the municipality
of Exeter for 1914.
Clerk of the Municipality of
the Village of Exeter
Dated, Sept, 3rd, 1914.
Lot 7, Con, 1, Stephen, the arop-
erty of the late Thomas. Essery.
Brick Haase, bank barn and frame
barn. 3 good wells, windmill, good
orchard about 8 acres of good hard-
wood bush containing about 500 su-
gar maple trees. Soil clay loam, well
drained .and fenced. Farm in good
state of cultivation, one-half mile
from Centralia station.
Possession can be given to suit
Far terms and particulars apply to
Barristers, Exeter
We offer for sale on reasonable
teams the residence of the 'ate Win.
Drew, on the corner of Huron and
Elizabeth streets. The property is
nlost conveniently located in one of
the finest residential sections of .Ex-
eter. The house is substantially built
of 'white brick and is in first-class
coneition. All the materials used in
the construction of the house were
especialy selected by the late Mr.
Drew and are the very best. The
room • are spacious and the floors, are
ac hart' wood, and in many respects
the house is superior to other houses
of recent construction. Good cellar -
age. gated, water, and all other condi-
tions favorable. There is a good
stable erected on the property. In-
spection is invited. For terms ap-
ply to Mrs. Robert Knight on the
premises; to Mr, A, Hastings, .or to
Dic?'soat & Carling.
A year ago
he couldn'teat
Today he Can eat three square
meals and sometimes one
"elute° because Chamberlain's
Tablets cured Stomach 1 roubles
anti gave him a good digestion.
You .try them. 25c. a. bottle.
All tttuggists end Dealcts or by
/Raft, 9
C1ua•5nbta Malaise ea., Toads
leflreVri!"41r0"0"0"01WAP"Pre4r Mr Geo, Waldr.,n has returrned front
,ales , eseees es • ,r a etee„lesclic .
1icnday a text will be Labor Day.
Mr Laurie Watson occupied the
!lair Street pulpit an Sunday evening
About 20 more horses were pur-
chased here on Thursday by Major
Cole foe ,the army,
Usborne has a volunteer at Vttlear-
tier,Loftus Hera, who went west a
year or two ago, and enlisted there.
Thursdaylast was the last half -hal
ictay ,foil the, stores and shops in town.
end all will again settle; down to a
full week's business
Word has bee,Q, received here that
)Jr. Tom Carling, who was severely
injured by a. kick from a, horse last
May: is naw well agajr ,.
]Tarried men, according to an auth-
orityority live longer than single nen.
Some unkind person will probably rise
and remark that the time; only seems
Ren' and Mrs, Richard Hobbs, 35
Bowden. Avenue, Toronto, announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Laura Mae to Mr T. Orville South-
cott Exeter, The marriage is to take
Place the middle of September.
:15r E Christie, one of the Ontario
Government fall fair judges, received
wore or Monday that all engagements
to judge at fairs in the Province had
been cancelled, simply with a.viewe to
curta=' unnecessary expenditure,
Many places are contributing to
the Patriotic Fuai,cl• toward the Hos-
pital ship or otherwise the, .sums rang-
ing fron $10.00 to $1,00Q, Several
Exeter people are ready to aid any
plan that might be set an foot in
town to promote the same object..
What do • you say? Will you lend a
Rev D. W. Collins, rector of the
Trivitt Memorial Church, in conclude
inj: an able,discourse on the war sit-
uation` Sunday night made an earnest
appeal to the young mem" of his con-
gregation and also all other young
mean of town and vicinity, asking them
to organize and fit themselves for
service should necessity demand. He
stated that the situation might have
a more serious outcome than- we an-
ticipate and to be prepared would on-
ly be doing our duty, and even though
there would be no necessityto take
a-• arms the training would' be most
profitable and beneficial
Canada will do everything that is
needed of hes in sending men to the
front, That goes without saying, but
Canada can do a great deal more by
keeping a level head in her domestic
affairs We always need prudence
ant, discretion, and never more than
nowbut these •virtues must not be
allowed to degenerate into any vicious
panic There is no weed to hord up
flour in a damp cellar, and there is
sugar enough to burn. This genera -
Qat' has never seen a big emergency
and was loath to believe that there
could be one, but now that it has ar-
rived we have no need for run behind
a hedge about it. The more n.early
we can go on doing our ordinary bus-
iness and attending to our ordinary
affairs the better it will be for all of
us across the Atlantic or between the
two oceans.
ies Patriotic League ,purpose giviinga
cover' in the Skating Rink, on Friday
night Sept. 11th. There will be a
Ia visit in Owen Sotuid,
elan John Snell lettves tomorrow.
tr. visit relatives in Windsor,
Miss Gladys Bissett a'eterned Tues-
day t'rein a visit et Peterboro.
Able: and Mrs, Theo. Sweet and son
returned to Hamilton Monday,.
Miss Jeagalan Selden has gto Ing -
anal' to attend the Collegiate,
Miss Ruth Hooper left Mcttedaay for
Poen Edward to tents school.
Iain Herman IZe11y of Stratford vis-
ited with friends her last week.
?tliss Lulu Hastioge returned Monday
flout a visit at Crosshill and Waterloo
Mr J. ,A, Gregory of Winnipeg
spent a few days with hismother here
Ale an Mrs, Clift, Spaclinan and
child returned to Guelph on Saturday,
Miss Tillie Yager returned to St,
Marys Thursday ror the millinery sea-
Miss Ethel Bissett ,went to .Toronto
esoeuctay to attend the millinery 7p -
en ngs
Mr W 11,' Penhale left Tuesday for
Regina and Saskatoon Sask., to spend
some weeks,
Miss Madeline Carling left on Tues-
day for Torento to attend the Coll-
egiate Institute,
Misses Ida and Lily Marchand, re-
turned last week from a visit in Wat
erloo and .Berlin •
Jace. Go disoru, accompanied by his
grandmother, Mrs. D. Johns, returned.
tri Sarnia Monday.
Miss Edna Bissett returned Monday
from a visit with her sister, Mrs. Ir-
win, a* Norwich.
Miss Addie Morlock returned Tues-
day from attending the millinery opt,
ening:, at Detroit,
Miss Maude Rollins returned Tues-
day frorr attending the millinery . pp-
eninge at Toronto,
Mr and Mrs, Frank Gill left Tues-
day morning to visit relatives at Bow-
manville and Toronto.
Mrs. George Easterbrooke roil Mr.
Westcott have returned from a vis-
it with Hamilton relatives.
Miss Pauline "Elliot returned to, her
home isi Norwich Thursday After a
visit with relatives, here.
Mrs H. N. Bron returned last week
fron a visit in, Hamilton, Toronto,
Kalamazoo and Chicago.
Miss Ruby Treble. left Friday even:
int fon Toronto, where she will at
tend the business college
Anse Annie. Sanders, after a month's
visit at her home here returned to
Waterloc Tuesday morning.
kir and Mrs. John Hunter returned
Wednesday from Grundy, Centre, Iowa
where they have been visiting.
Dr Lindsay who with Mrs. Lindsay
hes been visiting the latter's father,
;& A Dow returned to Yorkton,
this week
Miss Stella Gregory, after spending
the holidays with her mother, re-
turned to Chatham Monday to resume
her teaching duties.
Miss Lillian Boyle left Monday for
London to attend the business coll-
ege Hex father, Mr. Thos.. Boyle,
accompanies' her to the city.
Mrs Chesney, nee Miss Pickard
wht has been, visiting relatives and
friends here and in Seaforth left
Saturday for her home in Calgary,
Mrs Wm. Snell leaves Friday for
a visi` at London, St. Thomas and
program rendered and refreshments Hamilton. but will return to town for
will be served, Banff in . attendance.
a i'etr . days before returning. to• Win
Admission 15 cents, FR1pea+
Miss Carlin; 'Convener i Mr ano Mrs. Chas. Long, after a
Carling, 'visit of some weeks with the ''orm-
LABOR DAY BASEBALL,—The I,er's mother Mrs, John Welsh, te-
Exeter ball team has arranged for turstea to their home in Winnipeg,
morning and afternoon games of base-
ball on the Iocal diamond on Monday
next, Labor Day, with "McCormicks"
the leaders in the Landon League
The games are at 10.30 and 2 o'clock
They promise to be fast as both teams
are playing good ball. Admission 10
and 15 cents.
Free Luxton, received word 'Monday
of the death at Earlton, New Ontario
on August 25th, of a former well-
k•iiowv and highly respected resident
of the Township of Usboene, in the
person, of John Harmer, aged 76 years
Deceased had been; ailing for some.
months .and developing pneumonia a
few weeks ago he was unable to throw
of' the disease, and he gradually sank,
Mr Harmer and family went! to New
Ontario about eight years ago, prev-
ious to which he was, a resident of YOUNG LADIES.—The young lad-
Usbarne nearly allhis life, having :es of town are requested to meet
came at an early age ,from Fullerton in the Town Hall on Thursday even -
Township. He is survived by his wi- in r a•. 8 a'ciock to finish the work
daw who was a Miss Muxworthy, and ass the articles begun Monday evening
three sons of • New Ontario, and two
daughters living in the States. The
funeral took place at Earlton,"
The fallowing are the names of .hose
echo have enlisted from the 331sch
Hulce. ce. Regiment for active service and
whc are now in training, at Valcarticr
Camp Quebec: Lieutenants, C. W.
Hodgins Clinton and H, J. McKay
Adams Wingham; Seargeents, J. J.
Hutchinson Seaforth; R. E. N. Bar-
ron John. Budge, and A. Chapman,
Wingham; Corporals, A. Bowyer,
Wingham and H. Pollock, Bayfield
Privates D . L. ,Aitchison, W. Beard-
shaw G. A M. Blanshard, E. Bray, A,
Bt'ttery E, S. Copeland, A. Chapman
A E Davey, H. French, P. Groves,
II Howard W. Hayles, C. J. Marshall
J eilcPhersoa. E. J. Murch, A. O'Far-
rell E Pitt H. M. Philcox, G. E.
Robe„rsoo: and R. Stone, Wingham; W,
J ?Tritton. W. C. Brizzo, I, A. Hands-
ly W I' Littiewood and M .P, O'Bri-
en. J >'• Usher, Clinton; H. Clark,
hitechurch ,J. B, Brown, G. Crock-
ett 5 Drew, ,C. J. Felstead, J. Ken-
dall R Nesbitt, • W, Palmer,, Il E.
Rose .A Riley end B. C. Smith, God-
erich; Wm. Douglass, Gordon: VIc-
Nay and H. Dorrance, Seaforth.;, V,
R' Gledhill, E. Lang, Benmiller; W.
Sharp G.H. Thompson, J. W, Turn-
er S T . 'Ward, Joh.ru Jones -Bateman
12cberrt Jorics-.Bateman, W. Walpol 5,
Ward Philip Carey, Edward Burgess,
David Carruthers, Ernest Law, God-
erich F' Templeman,• P. W. Veneer,
s Wiley C. Wood, Alfred E. Thorn -
Mrs Wm Bawden, Miss Janet
Brown Mrs. S. Fitton, Miss Mae
Wood and Mrs. Frank Durdie were
among those who went to 'Tomato
an. Tuesday.
eirs R H. Rolston, nee Gertie Down'
whc hat. been visiting relatives and
friends ir. and around Exeter for the
pate few weeks, -left Friday evening
far London to spend a few days prior'
to- wenn-nine, to her home, in Virden,
Mr Thos (-Lockey of Port Huron
Mich. and Exeter Old Boy, was in
town. a few days last week shaking
hands with old friends. It is many
years ago that Mr. Hockey last vis-
itcct Exeter consequently he notices'.
many changes•
Friday evening last a number of the
ladie. of Exeter met ice the Town
Hal' and organized for the purpose of
preparing material for the use of the
soldiers at the front and for Red
Cross needs. Over fifty members en-
rolled and it is confidently expected
that nearly every young and elder lady
of town and surrounding country, will
join and pay the small membership .fee
of 25c. Any officer will accept fees
of any time besides which officers
w-il' he present at the Town Hall
from 3 to 5 o'clock on Weclnesday af-
ternoons to receive subscriptions, and
suggestions and information. The first'
consignment of goods is expected to
leave here on Sept, 7th, and consists
of sheets, feather pillows, 16x16 and
18x30, pillow slips and mending kits,
These things cost money and work.
The ladies are now making•, them and
they need every woman to help, aS
the work must be kept up a consider-
able .time at least, The officers, el-
ecte 1 were,—Pres, Mrs. H. Hooper;.
1st Vice Mrs. L,, H. Dickson; 2nd
Vice, Mrs. D. W. Conine; Treas., Mrs.
A Hastings; Sec., Mrs. S. Fitton.
Five Ca•mmittees were formed to look
alley the different branches of the
work The Advocate its conversation
with a gentleman of town ,received the
suggestion, from him, that the sten be
allowed to become honorary members
of the Ladies' Red. Cross Organisation
at a fee of .1,00. If permitted let
every mart enroll
a, an 1 Percy Sycler, Wingham; l3. T, The membership is now 115 and still
Hamilton Stratford, there is room for more ,
I hear again that fearful cry,
"Let loose the dogs of agar,"
I see earth red with blood of slaiia,
Both friends and foes they, are,
I hear the roll of ,the. battle's Arum,
And bugle's call from far,
I see me.' Marching rank by rank,
All nrarshalled out for war,
I see our owe brave soldiers,
Who join talent in the fight
For God for Ming and. Country,
Ana also for the right.
I hear' the roar from cannons mouth
And loss ,of the bullets' sped;
IIoc), to sky, it has lost its i?ise,
A•nd its color, the color of lead;;
For smoke of battle blots out the sun
And at night the moon and stars
Seine down on the battle's gory
Red as the planet Mars.
0 Lord of Hosts, look down from
And bid this carnage cease,
That soon o'er earth's most fruitful
May fly the Dave of Peace.
Won Lost
Exetet 6 4
Ailsa "Craig 6 4
Crediton 7 5
Centralia 2 8
Exeter won an important League
basebal: game on Monday evening last
from Crediton at the latter place, by
a score of 6 to 4. The boys went
bacl: to Crediton, without Harrington.
who has been .the regular pitcher, but
Reg 'Bissett avha took the box, pit-
ched a magnificent game, keeping the.
hit, well scattered. The boys put a
deal of ginger in the, game all the
tins( and supported Reg en good
style, while at bat they showed much
improvement. Chittick's home run,
making two tallies, and a. beautiful
slide by Gerald Hurdon, were features
The result was highly pleasing to the
Exeter fans
The result result of the victory of Exeter
over Crediton, baseball team ore Mon-
day night makes the final games of the
league play* a very important part in
deciding which team will win the
pennant Crediton has played all their
games winning 7 and losing 5;. Ailsa
Crai'- and Exeter have each won 6 and
lost 4. and a tie. Both Craig and
Exeter have each one game to play
with Centralia. Should both lose to
Centralia. then Crediton wins the pen-
nant Should teeter win from Cen=
tralia and Craig lose then Exeter wins
the pennant Should Craig win from
Centrali'. and Exeter lase then Craig
wine the pennant, but should 1i,'oth
Grain and Exeter win from Centralia
then Craig and Exeter must play off
foe the championship
A Berlin weather sharp says that
when. one's stocking sli s downit is
a. sign of rain. Wrong again. It is a
sign that the material in the article
that holds it leo is punk. '
Auction, Sale
Unless"sooner sold there wily be, of-
f Brea by s public auction, at the Central
Hotel Exeter, on Saturday, Septem-
ber 19th 1914, at 1.30 o'clock p.m.
the faint known as the Thomas H.
Case Homestead, being- Lot 31, Con.
1. Usbarne.
The farm is situated on the London
Road. equi-distant Exeter and Hen-
sel!, 90 acres cleared and under culti-
ultivation; about 10 acres thin bush; el
acre apple orchard; one story frame
dwelling, brick foundation, good barn,
goodstable and other out buildings.
It is admittedly one of the best
ainci most productive farms in the -
County, and is excellently situafed, as
to markets and is 4n the centre of
one of the most populous and pro
gressive districts of Ontario; conven
ern. to churches and schools; , good
roads is all directions; good neigh -
bore and all other conditions most
Terms, -The property will be offer-
ed subject to a reserved bid; 10 per.
cent purchase money on day of 'ale
balance in 30 days; immediate pos-
session to purchaser. Further con-
ditons made known on day .of sale,
For particulars apply to Canada
Trus; Co. London; Thos. Cameron,
Farquhar cr to Dickson & Carling,
Exeter Vendor's Solicitors.
D. L. & W.
Scilautoll, Coal
Burns to a white ash
All sizes. Prompt delivery
W. H. Levett
Undertaker &
Furniture Dealer
High Class C4,)ods Wei ye
on Hand,
Office 20A
Reeid rata 211P
Tea & Coffee
For the choicest
groceries, fruits, spices,
teas, coffee and every-
thing in the grocery line.
Call and see us. A trial
as to quality will convin-
Produce taken in exchange
Jas. Gould
Opposite Electric light Plant
ffluiek Sale
Groceries 'Ind
We have been sorting over our
ENTIRE STOCK, and we find ' zer-
tain articles off value that must be at<
once turned into cash' -iso we have
cur the price away down.
H. Bierling
Beautiful New Coats
We try and show our New Coats just as soon as
,the City Storey and can give you as nice a lot to choose
from in the very newest styles.
New Coats
In all the New and Fancy
cloths made up in the swell
fashions Every coat we show
is something New and Ex-
clusive. They .are the best
we have ever shown Re-
member we sell no two alike
$7.50 up to $30.00
New Fall Dress Goods
We are now showing our
New Fall Dress Goods. They
are right up to date in every
way. Every Kind and Color
that is News here:.
New Plaids & Checks
Are very new for this Season
We have a real nifty lot to
show you in the new shades.
Novelty Dress Goods
Here you will find all the
new cloths. Patterns and col-
ors. A big range to show you
at all prices.
All Summer Goods
To be cleared out at a price, We want nothing
left. you ran get a lot of good goods at very low
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing