Exeter Advocate, 1914-6-18, Page 5DENTAL Pr. GI, V. ItQUT.STON,. L.D,S„ 'D,D,S, DENTIST kiegnber: of the R,G,D.S. of Ontario and Honor graduate of Toronto' University.. Offlee-Aver Dickson do Carling's law office: Closed "Wednesday .afternoons, DIt. A• R. KINSMAN, L.D.S., Floor •Graduate of Toronto Universale DENTIST Teeth extracted without pain, or any, bad effects,, Otfee over Gladman gtan'bury's"Office, Maim Street, Exeter. LEGAL DICESON & CARL ING, RARRISTElR$, So}tcttora;_Notarie,s, Conveyancers, Com- missioners.: Solicitors for the Molsons Bank, etc. • money to Loan at lowest nates of interest Offices--Main-St., Exeter 1 R. Caning, H,A, L. H. Dickson MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount ot• private funds to loan on fawn and village prop- erties , at tow rates of interest. GLADMAN (SE STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter. J. SENIOR Aggiit Confederation Life . Assurance Company.' also Fire Insurance, in lead tng 'Canadian acid British Comphnies: 'a• ^ Mian -St., Ezeter. T. B CARLING Lite, Fire, Accidaut and Plate Glass insurance, Collecting accounts, and con- ducting auotion sales, - Exeter, Ont. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH' WEST LAND REGULATIONS ;THE. solehead of . a family, or 4.ay. nialaover18 years old, may homestead a quarter -section of available i3omi,w- ion. lad in Manitoba, Saskatchewan dr Albhsta• The applicant must appear lit te 11 at the Dominion Lands 'Ag-- encr for the District. Entry by .proxy lay be made at the office of anyLo- cgl Ageait of Dominion Lands inot sub agent) 6n certain conditions. Duties -Six months' residence upon aid ; cultivation. of the land in each of. three years. A homesteader lay live within. nine miles of his, Homestead cn a farm of at least 80 acres, on certain. conditions. A habitable ..house is re ouired in every case, eicce tt when. re s derice is performed in the vicinity. Ice certain districts a homesteader in good 5tandi,i g may pre-empt a quarter. section :alongside his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Duties—Six months resi- .: de.r ce iri each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) A homesteader who has exhausted. '`bis homestead eight and cannot .ob- tain a pre-emption may take a pur- chased homestead in certain districts. Price $3 per acre. Duties—Must re- side 6 months in each of 3 years,' cu,- Itivatc. 50 acres, and, erect a -'house worth $30Q. .. , • The area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rough,scrub- by ar stony land.+ W. CORY Deputy 'ofthe M•ifitster of the Interior N.B.-Unauthorized ;publication of this advertisement will root, .be paid for. CENTRAL STRATFor70. ONT.'--� Become a. specialist in Business. It offers more oppoitunities than nny other calling. To reap: the full meas gte' of . success you must have the bee. possible training. This is Ont aric s Best Business School. We give individual attention. You may enter our classes at aay time. Three De- partments, Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Write at once Tor • our free catalogue:' D. A. McLachlan, Principal LET US PREPARE YOU ' for a business career. Attend. ELLIOTT Toronto. Ont., where you will ;et correct instruction and assistance in obtainin',.employment when competent College open all .summer. Enter any, • time Catalogue free.. EVERY WOMAN is int etested and should kpow about the wonderful Marvelwhuungs ray Doacho Ask your druggist for it. If he cannot supply the MARVEL. accept no other; but send stamp for Illus- trated book -sealed. It gives full particulars and directionsinvaluabie td ladies. WINDSOR SUPPLY CO. ,Windsor, Ont. Gderal Agents gents Canada, ¢ for , AY RANDTRUNKRSYAISTLWIM Homsseekers Excursions Round Tickets to points. in Manitoba „Alberta and Saskatchewan via Chic- ,+tigo St. Patti, Duluth, or Sarnia and Northern Navigation Co, on sale each Tuesday until October 27, inclusive, at lots Tates. Through Pullman Tour- ist Sleepers: to Winnipeg on . above dales leaving '.Toronto 11. P. "m.change of cars. No. IRP•TISRN .LI1YIIT .TWO MONTHS ''Tile ,Grand Trunk. Pacific railway is the Shortest and quickest ro+ute between Winnipeg, .Saskatoon red, ,7 d montort with excellent through ser- vice to Regina.. Trains inow i tin.ning into Calgary. l fill particulars at "Grand Trunk fic- ket Offices, or write C. E. Horning, D.P:A,. Toronto, Oht, - N. f,Doh,uBxeter.. HENSALL in the Huron and Pextb. Baseball League Hensall won out over Stafffa out, th'e 1ocel diamond 6-5. Hensall al- ee trimmed the Boundary 1.0-6, Thus. lletsttll has won two, Stafffa one, and the BotnnderY nope.—Work on the new cement tank connected with the town well was commenced last week. It is to be bu.t with to very, strong found-; atloe sb that it carni be built nigher if the people want to go in for a complete system of fire protection. —William. Mitchell and his, sister Mrs Peart of the west attended the fun- eral of their mother, A WOMAN'S MESSAGE TO WOMEN. If you are troubled, with weak, tired Feelings, headache, backache, bearing down sensations, bladder weakness, cons- tipation, catarrhal conditions, pain in the sides regularly or irregularly, bloating or unnatural enlargements, sense of falling orntiaplace:tientof iiiternalorgans, nervousness, desire to cry, palpitation, hot hashes, dark rings ruder the eyes, or a loss of interest iu life, I invite you to write and ask for any sinipie method of home treatment, with ten days' trial entirely free and postpaid, also references to Canadian ladies who gladly tell how they have regained health, strength, and happiness by this method. Write to -day, Address Mrs. M. Summers, Box.. 840 Windsor, Ont, ZURICH Miss Pearl Wurtz is visiting rela- elves at Guelph for a few weeks.- Robt Douglas of Saskatchewan ar- rived here and intends visiting with his mother at Blake for a while.—Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rau of the Commer- cial returned from a short visit in Detroit The latter's sister returned with them for a short visit.—Mr. Jus- 'tice Melick has been. very poorly the past few weeks and is tunable to leave his bed without assistance. -Mr, and Mrs J D, Mesmer and Lily Merner, all of Hespler, formerly resideints here are visiting friends and relatives in town,—Mrs. Dave Studoa, who has been visiting her parent's, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koehler, returned to her home at Tavistock. Mr. Wm. G. Hess hes been. ap-, pointed manager and':operator of the Hay Township telephone central office at Zurich, a positions held by Mr. E, Zeller for several years. Mr. Hess- is to receive ,$1200 per year for Ills s erg ices. AS he is. a practical elec- Erre' ''° the c e will likely be. at- ' hang 11k y _. isfactory. Centralia Mr Wm Moffatt received a car of stare hogs from the West on Fri- day last and will fatten them for the market Lestyou forget paste it in you hat that the: Tiiest .of July celebratio¢l.will be as good ,as in the past arid per- haps a little better." " , Mr. W. T. Coawili shipped two car- load of very time cattle' to the Buff- alo market on Saturday. Mr. Wes, Hodgans and children vis- ited his mother in 'London a few days Miss White of Hem ail .is visiting Mrs, S Andrew. The baseball game on Thursday last with. the Crediton, team was a good. ex- hibition -and both teams did !tome, goad work. The boa's found the Crediton pitcher's curves and at the end of the eigth when the game was called the score was 136 in favor of Centralia. Mr, Jesse Deibrydge of Hamiota iia y. spent part of Monday with S.Andre:w. The contracts . far the Centralia deeia were let on ionday .10 Mr. Jos Law $9$5.so00n his being' the lowest tender Neuritis Follows r C i led Nerves pp Painful Effects of Chrinic Rheumat ism Quickly Routed by Rheuma. T1 your nerves are all crippled from attacks of Rheumatism, Neuritis can easily get a strong hold on the nerves This most painful disease is one of the hardest known : to expel, but RHEUMA can reach' it if : given a chance This testimony, is•positive proof,— ,.• Last, March' 1 was' so "crippled with Neuritis in left limb I could walk Scarcely at 'all. Tried all remedies I •leaid of and.. had two physicians.Noth mg did 'me any good until i .Ysed RHEUMA—$2.00 worth of your med- icines surely cured me.—Mrs. C. E. Hayes, Russell, Ky. W S, Cole, will return your money if it fails • 50 cents a bottle. • FARM FOR SALE ' Beni. -Lot 23, Con, 8, Stephen, con- taining 100 acres, and part of Lot 23 Con 9 'Stephen, containing 25 acres On Leo; 23 is a good Brick 'House,. containing 7 rooms, a. ca tad n r m , with cellar; two'. barns one 36x58 with stabling ander- teeth. Water in stable pumped by a windmill from never failing spring ;the, other burst on frame. foundation 30x, 50 Farm well fenced and drained, On. the 25 acres there are 5 acres el good hardwood bush. Farm is well situat- edd being 3 miles from Dashwood, 3 from Crediton, 5 from Exeter town and station• gravelroads in all directions 1 acre orchard. Satisfactory reason for selling Terms reasonable, Por Lull particulars enquire of proprietor on the premises, Josiah.,Kestie, or 13, S. Phillips„;auctioneer,..Exeter. 'Will be sold in block. ai separate ,to suit pur- chaser rl►r �+ �y�+* *i DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS tilt elle• piloting Pill for Women. $5 a box or threo for $10. Sold at all Drug Store. or hailed to any address on receipt cd price. Tara Scorisnt, Daus no. St. Catharines, Ontario,, PI OSPH Na , FOR MN,. Vim a d 11u and Vitnlitylfor is/erre and. Brain; literalists "grey matter ri Tonic -,till bnttct you rip. $5'a box, or two for $6 et dreg stores. or by midi on rocoint, of pries, . Tits scoot r r, porn co., St. Catharines. Ontario. URY The home of Mr. and Mrs Robert McDonald has hem blessed with a vouis r son,- Mrs. Wm, J. Smith while descending some steps last week had the ;misfixrtwnc to fall and break her collar bone, --,Mr. Frank- Washliur'n of Guelph visited a>couple ' days ' last week with friends here,—Miss 'Jessie Washburn of Guelph is visiting with ,friends here.—Mr. "and Mrs._Garfield Needetem .of Ballyfnote are Here Al present owing to the contiltuecl ill- ness of Mrs. Neeclham's father, • Mr. Rich: Hodgins: , Crediton stallions, four other horses, and all SAIN'TBJ3 the equipment and,machinery, The main streets of our town were given their first application of oil .on. Tuesday., Life is worth living now. Very few objections are heard now as to' 'expense, because we . realize ` it se the only melted to stop the dust. Mr Elmer Sheardow,r,, of Goderich was in the village on Wednesday. Mr. Shearcloawn was married to Miss Wat- son, of Bayfield a few weeks ago. We extend to them our hearty congratula- tions end wish them every joy and happi,rress. The, Crecliton, Brass Band has been engaged to furnish the music at the Strawberry Festival in, Shipka next Tltu`rsday evening, 25th inst.. Dr. and Mrs, Eckert, ” V. S., of ,Seb- ringville, motored here on Monday. and spent the day with their' son. Mr' and Mrs. Ghats Greb of" Berlin visited Mr. and Mrs. August Hill lest, week, Wheat Wright have been a serious ac- cident t 1 n occurred three miles front Lu - cart last Friday night, ellen , Harry Eckert's au,ta turned turtle. The other occupants of the car, B. Brown Herb Young and Herb Fahner of this place and Mr. Sproule of Norwich were .hurled into the ditch and escap- ed with a few bruises, Mr. Eckert, the driver, was pinned underneath the car but wa.s released at once not much the worse of his experiencie.. The. blow-out of the hind tire was the causef the he accident° The wind= shield and a hind wheel were destroy- ed and the mud guard and lamps. twisted. That none were killed is a• wonder .and all are . congratulating themselves upon their narrow escape. Mr. and Mrs, Joe Banes attended the funeral of Mr. Frayne in Alvin - stole on Wednesday,. The Continuation room of the school closed clas on Saturday. Entrance tr ay. En r n xam- aminations started yesterday with 30 trying Miss Pearl Holtznla,n, who has Been attending the Deaconess Hospital :in Chicago for some time, is home for her holidays. Mr. Wm. 'Lewis of Algonquin Park is visiting his father. Albert Moulock has had his garage moved back end intends starting work at hi new shop in a few days. When completed .he will have everything. un- to-date p-to date and plenty of room to do his Mr BlackburnofToronto visited his son of the Banlr of Commerce staff during th'e week end. Mrs. Wm. Kuntz of Exeter spent Last Sunday with her sister" Mrs. Link Mrs . Chas. Zwicker and little Ger- ald awe camping " at the `Bend with Mrs. Robeit' Essery. Rev ,Selby' Jefferson has returned home from Sarnia after attending the Methodist -Conference. We are pleas- ed to learn that he will continue the work here' for another year. Chas Zwicker has had the additions to his house torn clown' and will have it relit:lilt bei an enlarged scale with more conveniences. Our boys, went to Centralia last Tleuesday and played the- game of ball but were defeated. Theydispute the game 'and well probably. have to get it settled; by the executive. The return game will be played here Thursday night Everybody come. It becomes our sad daty to refer to the death of Miss Miranda, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Fink beiner wlio died in Crediton Satur- day the 13th inst., at the age of 28 years 7 months. The deceased was a victim of that dread disease, the white plague and was 'a patient suf- ferer for some time. Her demise wall be . greatly regretted. She was a faithful and valued men"fiber of the Doicas Bible ,C_lam of". the Evangelical church, representatives 'a which took part in. the funeral services Tuesday, To the . bereaved family is extended the heartfelt synape`tliY of the commun ity. They have hail, their share of sorrow and bereavement of late and are certainly deserving the warm word of encouragement and comfort from their friends. FARQUHAR Mr. Jos .Vance of Britain is visiting' in, the neighborhood.—Miss Gertie Stewart of Tdronto is visiting with relatives here.—Mr. Peter Gardiner has purchased a Ford auto.—The married meas of Farquhar plaYed a game of baseball with the Plugtow a team on Saturday night. Score 8-3 in favor of Farquhar,—The Garden, Party in con- nection with the Presbyteffian Sunday Schoolon, the Manse grounds Thule - evening was a success and was much enjoyd'1 by a large crowd. Music was famished by the Exeter James Street church orchestra.—Mrs. Canter - an, Sr, is seriously ill, and not ex- pectec to recover. Miss Ettie Allen her granddaughter, is waiting on her. • News Topics of Week SAT tiIwU- k, The first Niagara camp was brought to a close yesterday: The Mexican. delegates to the Nia- ga.ra Peace Conference have decided to ignore the Antills. incident, Gen,-Garranza •,yesterday annautic- ed the names' ofhis three representa- tines to the Peace Conference at Nia- gara Palls. Fired. Ducker, of Toronto faces a charge of manslaughter, the eoroner's jury deciding lastnight that he strttek the blow that caused Joseph Sean! ores death, Pfre destroyed the barns of It.. 13, Watson, 5eotea Line, early yesterday, and burned .two heavy Clydesdale Sir Thomas Lipton was fined $50 at Southampton yesterday for fur- ious automobile driving. He Bald 'he 'lied been so used to traveling on Shamrock 'IV, he didn't realize his. speed. Kenneth D, Douglas, ':::self-styled g , jot r. alist,. short story writer, doctor Qf 1} ilosophy and social service ad - 'eller, well-known in Canada, has been arrested in Poston charged with PerJury, MONDAY, While entering a deserted 'Chinese shack often frequented by tramps, Provincial' Constable J, 'N. Allan of Iamlo0ps' was shot dead there on Saturday. The Mexican troopship Guerrero destroyed. the Constitutionalist armed seater Guiiaean; after a battle near tGou raePpnoursts,Th rsday night, Wording g, The Pa>.ama Canal tolls exemption' repeal bill was signed Saturday by 'yice-;,'resident , Marshall and by Speaker Clark, for the U, S. Senate and House respectively. A fifth eruption of Mount Lassen, California, more violent than that of Thursday night, which in turn was far greater than any of those that preceded it, occurred Saturday. A quartette of fishermen of Jack 'son, Mich., report that they caught a turtle which weighed 103 pounds. The fresh water monster was taken to Jackson and put in the city zoo.. John Duffy, a roomer at 128 York street, Toronto, attempted to commit 'snieide early Sunday morning • by jumping front. the second storey . to thewasunhurt, ho - sidewalk. He how - Captain u u ever, , Captain John Berry, pilot of the missing balloon of the Million Popu- lation Club, and his aide, George Y. Morrison, walked into Oregon City on Saturday. Their balloon was wrecked in a tree. With 350 passengers onboard, 240 of whom were members of the Inter- national Circulation Managers' As- sociation, the Northern Navigation Co.'s new steamer Noronic C w , arrived at the Soo Sunday, on her maiden trip up the great lakes. TUESI)A 1.` • Rafael Gallo,: a -famous, toreador, received serious injuries during the bull fight at Algiers on Sunday. The Manitoba Methodist confer- ence yesterday passed " a resolution approving th t abolition of the bar. A luncheon in honor of Theodore Roosevelt was given yesterday by Sir Edward Grey, British Foreign Secre- tary. , Loren Jackson was elected new chief of the St. Regis Reservation Indians, near Cornwall, yesterday, against three other candidates. Kingston city lost an old resident yesterday in the death of Julia Sophia Gildersleeve, 73, wife of James P. Gildersleeve, a resident for over 45 years. ;A'dlai Stevenson, vice-president of the . United States during Grover Cleveland's second term as Presi- dent, died early Sunday morning, aged 78. Harry . K. Thaw yesterday was de- nied release on bail, pending consid- eration by the Supreme Court of his extradition from New Hampshire to New York. A aew model cheese factory, sit- uated near Athens, Ont., was totally destroyed by fire yesterday, together with the week's make of cheese, about 30 boxes. A bomb, said by the police to be highly destructive wan found yester- day in the building occupied by the Italian consulate and the Italian sav- ings bank in New York. Edward Ashworth, a fireman on the steamer Fairmount at Kingston, while climbing a ladder to board the boat, missed his footingand fell to the wharf, receiving serious injuries. BATTERY 'IS NO MORE. London Artillerymen Resent Treat- ment of Major Leonard. LONDON, Ont,, June 16. — The Field Battery of this city is practically no more, as the result of Major Wood Leonard, commanding officer, being relieved of his commis- sion following the discovery of li- quor in the tents of the battery at Petawawa. Practically all of the 100 men in. the battery demanded their discharge on being paid off here yes- terday, following their return to the city Suinday. The men express great indignation at the treatment of Major Leonard, who they claim was wholly unaware of the presence of the beer in the camp. All the officers of the battery, which -is a volunteer one, have also tendered their resignations, following the episode, but will take no further action until a consultation is held. The rank and file of the battery, which has been one of the best in Canada, claim that the London squad was by no means alone in having 11- quor in the camp. In connection with the affair it is rumored that • Major Leonard, who is Held in the highest esteem both in and out of the bat- tery, intends to enter a civil action for damages against Lieut. -Col. Mor- rison, on whose authority the search' of the battery's tents was conducted, claiming that the search was made without the knowledge or consent of Major Leonard and in ,his absence. The order book of 'the battery shows that before going to camp O- plicit instructions' 'were issued by Major Leonard that no liquor would be tolerated in the camp for a mfli- ute,, and the men of the batter*,' to a man, maintain that their command- ing officer knew absolutely nothing of its presence there. General Retired. For Cowardice. ROME, June 16, -.---King Victor Eu- mafuel yesterday signed a decree placing on the retired list Gen. Ag- liardl, who •was :captured by the strikers during the recent disturb- ances- avid surrendered his sword to them without offering any resistance. Troops yesterday repulsed a num- ber of striking railroadmeu who at- tempted, to outer the station at Bo- logna and to prevent the passing of trains. AreYou Suffering From Auto_ - rron • TaY ,post�91$, o e the State of beingpoisoned, item toxfc, substances produced Within the ; body'! This is a condition due tothe stomach, bowels, kidneys_, liver, or poresyMore than 50% of adults g€ the body failingto throw off.the poisons. are SUfferkg from thistrcrible. This is probably why you are suffering fro u nerounes, headaches, loss of appetite, lack of ambition, and anY other symptoms produced b'Y Auto -Intoxication. Your whote system needs stirnng up. oat PIERCE'pirReEPS GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY (In TabAat or UIgulef Form) Tao kited edition of Br. w wi remedy the trouble, It. first aids the system to expel accumulated poisons. It acts as a tonic and finally enables the body to eliminate its own poisons without any,outside aid. Obey Nature's warnings. Your dealer r in medicines will supply you, or you may send ape for a sample package of tablets by mals. Address Dr.R.RPierce, Buffalo,N.Y. MerneaI Ad er should bo in every Is. No reason . whyy^^ you should be without Lt when it will be sentfree to you if You win remit coat of wrap - Ping endusalling-S1 oae- cent stamp,. -to Dr R.V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y, SEAFORTH—Wotrd was received here of the death in Moosejaw of Mr. Harry VanEgmend, a former well- known and highly respected young° mail of this town, 'He is survived by his wife and one daughter. The re- mains were brought here for Interment. the fusteral taking place Sunday en-' der the auspices of Brittanic l.lasca- ie Lodge, Seaforth'. ALE --- STOUT --- LAGER PURE— PALATABLE — NUTRITIOUS — BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE LOCAL OPTION -Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this 'brewery whatever they requite for perscual or family use. Write to JOHN LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON, CANADA 4 AAAAnnAmm/AnnAAAnAAnnnnnAla nnnnnnrrnnnnnnnria sir''•`= " .a''. a" TOASTED ICORNr• FLAKE$A' `�.`_� — .l--.�"'---ice'- . - • mtga//li,t Lfllllll��tlt� �I�l Burning The Oi1lMidnight' APTIH R thinker knows that a light, easily digested ond assimilatedfoodfoo d is conducive to hard mental work„ His knowledge of what is good for him leads straight to is 10 Be stare of th right signature. 00 per pa • i1..1rd ,„' "r4E UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford. - the Lightest, • l Surest, Most Economical-- i the very essence of auto- mobi]ing-and all Canadian. Model T $ :,. Runabout f. o. b. Ford boo OnariTo Get particulars from Wes. Snell. agent. ice- -, ii-swi 5-t...1 ,l is 112111 .int ALE --- STOUT --- LAGER PURE— PALATABLE — NUTRITIOUS — BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE LOCAL OPTION -Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this 'brewery whatever they requite for perscual or family use. Write to JOHN LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON, CANADA 4 AAAAnnAmm/AnnAAAnAAnnnnnAla nnnnnnrrnnnnnnnria sir''•`= " .a''. a" TOASTED ICORNr• FLAKE$A' `�.`_� — .l--.�"'---ice'- . - • mtga//li,t Lfllllll��tlt� �I�l Burning The Oi1lMidnight' APTIH R thinker knows that a light, easily digested ond assimilatedfoodfoo d is conducive to hard mental work„ His knowledge of what is good for him leads straight to is 10 Be stare of th right signature. 00 per pa