Exeter Advocate, 1914-6-11, Page 8XETEB MARKETS.
Earley: , 50 52.
tokwl *eat 50 00
gate 40' 40
Pees. . , .. , .. , 00 ° . 00
lPottttl oee, per bag 85. 100
gay, eeton.,.,. 1400' 14 00•
Flour, per ewb., family 2 70
Sioux', law grade per ew 1 Off 1 60
Yeutter. ill.
20.; 21
7 10
2$ 00
24 00
Dive huge, per ewe
Shorts per t on.. . , .
Er en uerbon , ,,,,,
PAY ACCOUNTS.—Having sold my
Property and business ale accounts are
due and payable by July 1st, other -
will be placed in other hands far eol-.
leetio.a.—JOS. DAVIS.
\11LLETT FOR SALE --The un-
dersigned has a quantity of first-class
goiden xnillett, for sale at, 75e a bush.
.-••:MITCHELL, WILLIS, Stephen.
STRAWBERRIES. -Parties it -tuning
strawberries cart have their orders
filled promptly, by placing .sante with
J. W Taylor. Help wanted.
le?, head of cattle, mostly yearlings
are estray around Sharon Corners, Lot
21 Con 8, Steehesi, Two black, 1
grae others mostly red. Owner must
pay for advertising and expense in-
FOUND—A sum of monel;'Y twner
can have same by proving property.
Call at this office.
To the Shareholders of the Exeter
Salt Works—
Gentlemen,—Please take notice that
a meeting of the shareholders . will be
Meld in the Town Hall, Friday, .Tune
12th at 2 o'clock p.m'.
T. B. CARLING,: Sec'y-Treas
HOUSE TO RENT.—A comfortable
frame house an Huron Street, with
stable on. property, cheap. Apply at
Advocate Office.
pared to furnish flowers of all kinds.
for planting or for baskets at lea
satiable prices. JOHN FORD, ceme-
tery caretaker, Exeter.
A second-hand wood range with-
out crack or flaw, cheap. Apply at
this office • e
T H McCallum offers for sale his
house and three lots. A nice home
at a reasonable price. For 'nforma-
tior, apply to Mrs. G. Brooks, next
door or Thomas Cameron, Auctioneer
Have you paid for your Advocate
for 1914? If not, why not?
FOR SALE -In, Clandeboye, brick
house, orchard, stables and 15 • acres
land. Apply W. A. Jones, 206 Percy
Street Ottawa.
Known for Quality
For sale by
Photographer, Exeter.
Court of Revision
Notice is hereby given that` a Court
of Revision of the Assessment Roll of
the Village of Exeter will hold the
first meeting for the present. year in
the Town Hall, Exeter, on Friday,
June 19th 1914, at '7 o'clock pm.
T. B. Carling, Clerk.
Exeter May 22 1914,
Cedar Posts for
We have this year the finest stock
of POSTS we have ever had, having
nothing less than 6 inch at the small
etie, G. E. HICKS,
Whole or Separate Tenders will• be.
received by the undersigned till
Saturday June ZOth, for the several
trades in connection with the erection
of a Carnegie Free Library at Exeter
Plans and specefications may be seen
at the Library building, Exeter. The
lowest or any tender not necessarily'
H, E. HUSTON, Sec,
Exeter, June 3, 1914,
Quick Results
May be depended upon from
the use of out Want , Ads.
The births, deaths, marria-
ges arsd the other Classified'
Columns are usually hick*.
'ded in even a very perfunc-
'tory persuai of the peter.
They are as good for general.
buttsiness" its they are for
Help Wanted," etc.
ikAll* #1 Jotir 44, is
Mi. P,..Oke is working at Beker's
G J ;Dow is is -Toronto with o.. one
a' horses this' week,
Mr Rodeharumer, who has been en
the sick list, is improving.
Quite a large number attended: the.
Ringling Circus in London Monday,;.
A number of the farmers of Flay
have formed a f'armer's club foe nm -
We axe ,pleased to learn that ljrie
Hterdon has creditably passed his
Civi Service examination.
Mr, Elliott of Goderich occupied the
lfain street pulpit. Sunday morning,.
and A J. Heywood in the evening.
tual benefit,
Mr. Johnston of Kippen is presiding
aver the ,examinations in the school
here this week,n s
Mr. D Mclnis renovating
residence by platting hi tiebath room
and other conveniences.
The county rate of taxation Chis
year will be 2 1-20 mills, instead of
1 9-1t, mills as previously.
1Ir, and Mrs. F. Durdle will move to
St, Thomas rho,rt1ywhere ihey.have
Purchased a 10 -acre fruitarid gerden
farm •
Miss; Vera Rowe has taken a posi-
tine as etenogra,pher in Mr. H. Eil-
ber's office at Crediton.;: for a few
Tht Jos Bati=den; buiildings were
moved this week to his hold east on.,
the same street, opposite Mr. Michael,
Henry Ford automobile e
is taking over Detroit s-
pital and paying others backevery
dollar contelbuuted Vit. a $3,000
Without the A s-
papei would loseo
man readers. Indr-
cha:nte would lose s.
e millionaxr
General Hos-
pital eve
cost of
Advertising the news-
paper, half of their wo-
man local -lie
half of their bu
Mr, Harry Jones returned last week
from London Hosental where he was
recently operated on for a cataract on
his eye. He is rete verb g his sight
Mr Harry Horton of Tuckersmith
has purchased for his son. elle 100 -
acre farm of James Petrie, , . London
Road, near Brucefield. The price was
Mr. Peter Coleman is nursing a sore
finger these' days, the result of an
accident having had the top taken
off be being caught between the rack
and the .wagon.
Clinton Model School students of a
few years ago will regret to learn .of
the death in Vancouver of W. R.
Lough. who .was principal of that
school from 1884 to 1907.
les. H .N. Boon has purchased the
brick dwelling on, the corner, of Will -
:tam and Victoria Streets from Mr. W
H. Levett,' Mrs. Boon intends renov-
ating and improving the property.
Forty-five per cent, of Ontario (arm
ers are mortgaged, but the mortgages Mrs. B. V. Elliot is quite ill at
are sma11 and are growing smaller present ,
A prosperous farming community Mr. H. J. Creasy o'f Birr occupied
means good business all the way James Street pulpit onSunday.
around. Th rinks of o
`TB i•I.. 7" JTS.NE .11.10.14:
Mrs :tTyrta Hawksliat s,pen't`et Iltt or two to tow,
Mr, Robert N. Sweet of Clinton was
ei town T�nesday,
\'Ir. ,•J, D. Atkinson wee down from
Clinton this week,
Mr S. martin attended London Con-
fereece at Sarno.:
Elmore fienn,ess is home from •SVaI••
kerv111a on•
.7a visit,
MIr , nciy Th,onupson aT London was
a visitor Mere last week,
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Boyle ere vis-
itiit in Toronto this week,
Clarence Heywootd is home from
Chathaan. Business College.
Mrs (Rev,) Baker and child of
Woodham visited at Mee. Follick's.
Mr. Geo Monteith'and Miss Agnes
Hamilton left Tuesday for the West,
Mr. Garvey Atch,esou, git London has
been. +b'o�lidaying with his - pe.r!ents
here '
Mr, and Mrs.. A; Mar of the west
,,are guests at the home of litr, John
Lloyd Rivers of the Molsons Bank
staff at Highgate, is;holida}aimg at his
home 'bete,
?4fes. Morris of Pembroke is visiting
at the home of her brother Mr. L.
I:i Dickson.
Messrs, Caleb Heywood and
Baw den spent 'a couple days in
ilton;'last week,
Miss Hawkshaw ,of Detroit is: vis -
Meg at .the home el her father,,. Mr.
John Hawkshaw,
£Lr. and Mrs. Chas, Birney' attended
the funeral on Monday at Belgrave of
thee uncle," the late Cbas, McRae.
Mr.. 5, C. Hanna of the Exeter Man-
ufacturang.Co., is in- Detroit and Fred-.
e:ricktawi Ohio, on business this week
Mr: Walter Whyte returned to his
home in-Hamiota, Man,, on.Tuesday
after attending, the fine -al of his son
Mass Tiplady, after spending the
Millinery season with Miss hiorlock
here, returneel to her home in Clinton
Mrs. E. J. C+haistie Lst visiting her
parents in St. Catharies. Mrs. Ed.
Christie accompanied her toLondoxi
Monday and spient the day.
Mss, Samuel Sweet attended the
funeral /:n Wingham this week of Mr,
John Powell of Detroit, 'who suffered
a paralytic stroke. some time ago.
Mrs. Geo. Mantle leaves to -day to
spend a few weeks at Grand Bend
With Mrs. R. J. Esseey, who is occupy
in • their summer cottage "Goodenuf"
Mr Jones, who has been -teller in
the Bank of Commerce here for some
time has received notice; . toe report
at the Thedford branch on or about
the 13th mist, . The vacancy will be
filled here by Mr. Burdett, who has
been, on the staff. for sorne • time.
Wednesday morning word was receiv-
ed here that Mr W. R. Elliott, Reeve
of Stephen, twhen. crossing . the rail-
way track at Parkhill vsiforttxnately
stalled the engine and althaategh the
occupants had time to get out there
was_ not time to get the auto off the
track and 'it was struck by'the engine
damaging one side a, good deal and
team; off two wheels:
Ham -
Mrs. N. Canti:n of St, Joseph, nos rrs itor four r s Norwich
baivlers will be here on Friday for a
issues' a writ aeainst J T R Laur-' game
endeau for X453,000 for an account- , The Ladies of Coven Church tr-rll
n —
Farmers' bxcnrsion
The Grand TrunkRaiiway will run
an Excursion to Guelph under. the
auspices of th,e South liexoal Faereers'
k statute can
MMO'NDA '•, JUNE.. 22nd,
Free lunch on arrival, Guides eon:-
duct Excursionists, over, the farm.
Special program fdr Ladies,
Centralia 'leaves 7,00 a.. Ret. fare 2,65
Exeter leaves 7.10 a.m. Ret. fare 2„50
Henske), leaves 7,22 a,m: Ret fare 2.35
Kippen leaves 7,30 am. Ret. fare 1.30
Brueefieldleaves; 7,39, Ret. fare 2.15
Clinton, leaves 8,00 a.m, `Ret 'fere 2.05
Seaforth, leaves 8,15 a.m.' Retrace 1,80
Dublin, leaves 8,30 a,m. Ret fare 1,65.
Children ovex 5 and under 12 years
of age Half 'Fare.
Tickets, will be, good going one train
only valid returning the following da;,
Except from Dublin, from ,which sta-
tion tickets will be good returning on
date ee Excursion only..
Yarn' opportuauity to see. the Exper-
imental farm in full operation.
Many new buildings have been er-
ected since our :last excursion, One
especially we might mention is' the
Dairy Barn, which es fitted up with
all the latest appliances. Do; not'ail
to visit the Dairy Barr . The Cohmit-
tee is spaa:ing no ,pains or expense to.
make •this one of the best Excursions
of the season, Considering the dis-
tanto to. Guelph; the Railway Com-
pany are giving'. u's' a very'Cheap Rate
It is.-<eeveiral years • sante the last
Excursion and tires will likely be the
last for some tilme•..
A profitable and Enjoyable trip:
Alex. Mestar'd, John Elder • and.
B. S. Phillip's, • Committee.
-President . • Secretary
50 Cents
Will pay for the Advocate to new
subscribers in Canada from now un-
til the ,end of the year. If you are
already a subscriber, accept the
chance to send: The Advocate for the
balance of the year to your Distant
son daughter 'ar. friend, who.: will ap-'
predate reading the home news.'
D. -,L. & W.
craion ,COal
Burns to a white ash
All sizes. Prompt delivery
W. H. Le -vett
Exeter North
0. IN CONNECTION) I wish to say
that I carry a fine stock of FRESH
Groceries and
ing of all dealings between the part-
ies and for a discharge of all incum-
bzances upon all lands en Huron Co.
solei by the former to the latter,
The Masonic Lodge has "called
off'�i for July and g Mon-
day evening Rt. Woe. Bro. L. H.
Dickson was elected alternate rep-
resentative to Grand Lodge in case
the Wor Master, Bro, R. G. Seldon
unable a e tui attend.
If you took a house on May 1st, as
monthly tenant, your are not hound"to
accept a notice given May 8 to vac-
ate If the landlord has sold. he ' is
stilt bound to give you a month's not-
ice. a allow you something fcryour
loss :n moving out, and you can ::ue
hem for it.
Mr. T. F. Boyle was; elected to re-
present Exeter. Encampment of Odd --
fellows at the Grand Encampment, and
the following officers were elected
last week,—C. P., W. 3. Statham; H.
P,., E Howald; S,W., J. M. Southcoft
Scribe T. Boyle; Treas., : W. Johns;
J. W., W. J. Murray
Are the recent meeting of Huron Co.
Council a by-law was passed making
all bridge:. of 10 feet °or more in.
length between. Grand Bend and the
South Boundary of Stephen County
bridges,ta be built by county funds.
This will be a big saving, to the Town
ship and is only a just and proper
Nearly all those saved in the tlis-
aster last week in the St. Lawrence
were .saved owing to their being able
to swim a short distance at least. This
is one more instance indicating, the
necessity of everyone's learning to
swim. In. this land of rivers and lakes
the opportunities to learn are very
PASSED AWAY --Mrs James Willis
a late and
much respect d resident
of Exeter North, passed away at the
family residence on Sunday -last, aged
63 years, 1 month And 5 days. About
five weeks ago Mrs. Willis was taken
down with anattack of pneumonia,
a,nd from the inception of the trouble
she gradually 'declined until the end
came. Mrs, Willis was a native of
England, being a daughter of rhe late
j'oh:tt Snow who same years ago liv-
ed in Exeter North. Mrs, Willis eame
with her parents to Canada about for-
ty yearsago, and after laving in Sar-
nia foe a short time, removed to •Ex-
eter North, where she has : resided
ever since. Deceased was a• good
mother, ohlagfug neighbor and e kind
free:icl and her demise will be much
regretted by all who knew, her. ;#e -
sides her lrusba,n.cl she is survived by
the Exeter cemetery on Wednesday,
cla ughtees: The funeraltook place to
s:x of a ;family—two sons and four
hold a Raspberry Festival on Mr.,
Christie's Lawn July 8th. Tea. served;
front 5 to 8 o'clock, Watch for fur-
ther notice.
Sunday Monday, Tuesday and Wed
nesday were very hot days—from 93
to 93 in the shade. It will 'ikely be
ever en. a day or two, and we do •rot
mind hew soon.
Elan: Thomas .Coffey, LLD., mem-
ber c•;• the Canadian Senate, editor.
and publisher of the Catholic Record
an `one of the -best-known •Cathelic
laymen of Ontario, died at his resi-
dence London, on: Monday* night, af-
ter an illness of many weeks.
Mr and Mrs. T. J Lockhart, Un ion
Street KingstUon, One, announce the
engagement; of their daughter, Harriet
Grace Samwell, formerly of Exeter,
and only end -daughter of the late
George Sanswell, to Mn Albert Ed-
ward Elmer, call son of Mrs. Annie
Elsner of Kingston, The wedding will
take place tars latter part of June.
ISAAC WALTON.—A meeting of
the Isaae Walton, Fishing Club is- call-
ed foe Thursday evening, June .'Fath
6 o'clock' at the eiolso:ns Bank elem-
bers are requests to attend; N. ie.
H, ren..
MARRIAdra- LICENSES issued at
the Advocate Office. No witness re-
-mired and strictly confidental
Dr. Roulstoet is at present taking
vacatior foo a few weeks. During his
absence his dental office is in charge
of Dr, Campbell.
r y
Getting into the Hartle
Women buy more than
two-thirds the.merchan-
dise sold in retail stores
and every woman reads
the Classified Want •*ds.:
Our paper goes Into the
homes and the Want
Adts. will reach the
Dry Goods
And EVERYTHING- that can be
had in a GENERAL STORE; Also
3 kinds of FLOUR and Cured Meat,
Sausage, Etc„ Etc.
Give me .a call for your next order
H. Biering
Tea & Coffee
For the choicest
groceries, 'fruits, spices,
teas, coffee and every-
thing in the grocery line.
Call and see us, A trial
as to quality will convira
Produce taken in exchange
Jas. _
as Gould
Opposite Electric light Plant
SWEEPER, Something that thouild
be in every home for cleaning your
rugs and carpets. No taking up: car-
pets—no •dust
:ar-petsno:dust while sweeping. ; Call
and see it,
SUNNY POLISH -for cleaning and
polishing your furniture --the hest.t.et
—Sold by
• RO E
-Undertaker` anti License
Embai rner
.Phone 20ra.
i- In��.••"r
' The Famous Brockville
Carriage •
Ganada. ; Ca a e Bu� les
We have received a Carload of these buggies.
New styles, seat and tops, that will please you.
This is a particularly fine lot of buggies and we are.
sure that you will be delighted ; with them: Call
and look,them over.
Exeter, Ont
New mash Dresses
Ladies,: Misses and
Now is the time your will need your New Wash Dress. We have
a fine range to show you in 'different Cloths, Styles and Colors,
Children's Dresses in White or Colors 50c, to, $2.00
Misses Dresses in White 'or in Colors $1,50, to $5.00
Ladies Dresses in White and Colors, $1.00 to $7.00
. New Tub Goods
Wool Ratlines
Cotton Rennes
Bedfaxd Cord
All colors Patterns and
Voile -s
:qua lities to choose from,
Men's and Boys' • Furnishings
A big variety oaf W. G. &
R. Shirts in all colors—both
French or Stiff Cuff.
The new stuff is always
,found here. in 'a big variety,
of goods, e
Keoi urudlelrweae for Yfen,
Wereen, Boys, and Girls in
Separateor 'Combination Suits
'Lisle, Pores Knit, Balbriggan
or. Fine Wool,
Ctu taro s
We show yon the latest in
Stxdlace w'S'to anpid clf Shaptes .. No better
All. the pew novelties are
shawl.): here iia shapes and in
Men's and, Boys Suits in all
the New ..Cloths and right ° 1rp-
to -date in style, Summer Suits
• Ge lb e.
House . Furnishings
L•an oeeuans
HeadivIkrters for the celebrated•W,E, Sanfoud Clothing °