Exeter Advocate, 1914-6-11, Page 5DENTAL. Dr. Gi, It. RQtILSTON, L.D.S,, D,D,S, , , DENTIST Member of the R.C.D.S, of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. • Mace -Oyer Dickson & Carling's law caste. Closed Wednesday afternotenu, pt's. A, R. KINSMAN, L,D,S., Honor .Graduate of Toronto University DENTIST tietii extracted without pain, or any; bad effects, Office over Otadmian & Stanbury's office, Malin Street, Exeter. LEGAL DICKSON & CARLING, Bi RAISTERS, ---e. solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers,. Come Ereste,oners, Solicitors for the llolsone Bank, etc, • , , 5ioney to. Loan at lowest rates of interest Offices -Ninon -St., Exeter E. R,: Carlini , B.A. L. M. Dickson MONEY TO LOAN • We have a large amount. or private feuds to loan on, farm and, village prop- erties at low rases of -interest. GLA'DMAN & ' STANBURY I3arristers, Solicitors. Exeter. J. SENIOR Agent. Confederation Life Assurance Company. also F irre Insurance in lead= ung Canadian and British .Companies. eiain-St., Exeter. T. B CARLINQ Rife, Fire, ACaldbttt and Plate .Glass tngurance,..Coliecting ;accounts, and ctori- dticting auction sales., - Exeter, Ont. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE sole head of a family, or any mals over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter -section of available,, ilomin- ion land hs Manitoba., Saskatchewan or Alberta The applicant .must appear perso't at the, Dominion Lands Ag- ency for the District. Entry by proxy may be made at the office of anyLo- cal Agent of Donpnion Lands (not sub -agent) on certain conditions. Diiities-Six. Inon:tlis', residence upon and cultivation of the • land' in each of Wee years. A homesteader may live• within nine miles of -'hi +homestead cn. a farm of at least 8.Q, acres, on certain. conditions- : A "habitable _house is re- auired in every case,• except when e- sidenice is performed :in the vicinity. In certain districts. a homesteader in good standing "may. pre-empt a quarter sectipn. alongside 1>as homestead: Price d ce iner ore. eachDofl sixSix years.dnths se to deo from date of homestead eatay (including the -time required to earn homestead patent); A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead` right and cannot 'ob- tain .a: pre-emption may take a pur- chased homestead in certain districts. _ Price 3 per acre. Duties -Must re- side 6 ,months in each of 3 years, cu- ltivate 50 acres, and erect - a house worth $300. The area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case bf rough, scrub- by or stbny.land. W., W. CORY Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N..B,-Unauthao'rized Publication of this advertisetne'nt will Toot be ped. for,. CENTRAL /Odd STRA T I -ORD. ONT. Become a specialist in. Business. It offers" more opportunities than pny other calling. .To reapthe full, rheas use of success you must. have . the bes; possible training. This is Ont aric s Best Business School, We give individual attention. You may .enter OUT classes at any time. Three De- ' pun -nerds, Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Write at once for our free catalogue: • D: A. McLachlan, Principal LET US PREPARE YOU far a business career. Attend. ELLIOTT Toronto Ont., where'you will get correct instruction and assistance in obtaiiin',.em;ployment when competent• College open all summer. Enter any time Catalogue free. • EVERY WOMAN is interested and should know about the wonderful Marvel Whirling S lay Douche Ask your druggist for it. If he cannot supply. the MARVEL„ accept no other, but send stamp for Illus- trated book-- sealed. It gives full particulars and directions invaluable to ladies. WINDSORSUPPLY CO.,Windsor,..Ont. General Agents for Canada. d RANTT M1J. TRUHKSYWM Homeseeke'rs Excursion Round Tickets to points in Manitoba Alberta and Saskatchewan via Chic - a. o St, Paul, 'Duluth, oar. Sarnia and Trthern. N,avegation Cis; Cm sale each .besday until October 27, inclusive, low rates, Through Pullman Tour- ist Sleepers to Winnipeg on ,above dales leaving 'Toronto 11 p. m. No change of cars. . RETURN LIMIT TWO MONTHS ,,,,,a•' The Grand Trunk Pacific 12aia'ay 'is the shortest and • quickest a ovate between Winnipeg, Saskatoon , nd T d tuoaiton with excellent through scr- vice to Regina, Trains now running into Calgary. Full particulars at Grand ,Trullk Pic- ket Offices, or write C. E. Horning, D.i'.A,, Toronto, Ont. N. J. IDOKE, Exet,:r, CRAM ARTY An interesting event taOk place at the home of John and William Martin, when their slakes Minnie Roberts rind Hugh McLaughlin, of Caroanarty, were Made man and wife by Rev. F. H. Larkin in the presence of a large company The bride, ; who was given away by .heir brother John, was beaut- ifully goWvned on, cream cluchea's Latin and wore the baidUl: veil, After the ceremony they took a trip- east and onreturning will reside here LUMLIY M. as. Horton, acconkpaliied by Mr. and Mirs. Oliver has gone > to Forest where the latter couple have secured a good position for a year.- Gordon Bolton, has the masons building , the font -Wagon for his new barn. -John Glenn sr., has purchased a new buggy -Frec1 Simmons had added to. the aps earaece of )lois` nsew hog pen by giving it a coat of paint. -Wellington Kerslake lead the misfortune to lose a two year old colt by getting mixed up in. e. Wire fence,-Ifensall and the home ball team played a tie game 3 -3. -Jas Broaclfoot sr., who has been, ailing for the past;dnontb is somewhat bet- ter, we are pleiased 'to say, George Glenn has disposed. of his show mare to Mr, L, H. Mills of Woodham. Mr Mills as to be congratulated on his purchase df ,such it fine animal. -Mrs Thos. Jackson) of near Listowel is hese 'the. guest of her mother. "' Prot.ect tile Nears Frain Rheumatism RHEUMA_PURIFIES THE BLOOD AND THROWS' OFF COMPLI= CF TING DI.SEASES Weakening of the blood tissues by co.ltinued attacks of Rheumatism of -tit:, .the heart and produces compli- cation; which result fatally. RHEUMA puts the blood in .condition to ward o=f other diseases and eradicates the Rheumatic conditions from the . whole system, Recommended for all forms of Rheumatism. 50 cents at W. S. Cole's. This letter will convince von of its great. value, - "For. nine weeks I was unable to wort- owing to my feet being 'sadly swollen from Rheumatism. I also suf- fered.severe pains in the back. After using two . bottles bf RHEUM 4 the Rheumatism has entirely' left 'he.•'= F H. • Morris, Fort Erie, Ont. W S. Cole will return, your money if it fails50 .cents a bottle. FARM FOR SALE Bela - Lot 23, Con. 8, Stephen, =con- taining .100 acres, and part of Lot. 23 Coats 9. Stephen, containing 25 acres On Linc 23 is a good Brick House, containing 7'rooans, with cellar; two barns, one 36x58 with stabling under- neath. Water in stable pumped ay a windmill from never failing spring ;the other ham on frame foundation 30x 50 Farm well fenced and drained. ()n the 25 acres there are 5 acres of good hardwood bush. ,Farm is well situat- ed being. 3 miles from Dashwood, 3 from Crediton, 5 from Exeter town and station• gravel roads in all directions 1 acre orchard. Satisfactory reason for selling ,Terms reasonable. For Lull particulars enquire of . proprietor on the (premises, Josiah nestle, oz. B. S. Philips auctioneer, Exeter. Will be sold it block or separate to suit pur- chaser • CANADIAN toci ■ oc ANADIAN HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO MANITOBA,; ALBERTA. SASKATCHEWAN' Each Tuesday until October 27th, inclusive. Winnipeg and Retiurn - $35.00 Admonton and Return 43.00 From Toronto, and Stations West and North of Toronto. Proportionate fares from Stations East of Toronto. Return Limit two months. Particulars regarding RAIL or OCEAN tickets from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents or write M. G. MURPHY, D.P.A., C,P. Ry., Toronto. DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS ginatIng Pili for Women. $5 a• box or threefor gle, Sold at all Drug Stores, or mailed to any address on receipt of price Trim„5coaurr, DRUG Co,,St. Catharines, Ontnrie. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. Rijn &na "Vitality;for Nerve and Brain; increases "grey matter” ;a Tonic—will build you up. Ss a box, or two for $5, at drug stores, or by mail On reeeipt of price Tam Sconar,a Dave Co., St. Catharines. Onfarie., w1Nre► No Friends Like The Old Friends From girlhood through middle life and right along to old age Chamberlain's Tablets are woman's best friend --,feed'' the nerves, aid digestion, stop headaches, keep the blood rich and assure good health generally. Try them, zee. a bottle Druggists and Deatere or by mail, e a Chamberlain Medicine Co., Teener NEWS TOPICS 6F WEEK important Events Which Have Occurred During the. Week, The Busy World's Happenings Care- fully Conapuod nod Put Into Handy .and,' Attractive' Shape for the Readers" of Our Paper—A: Solid flour's Enjoyment. WEDNESDAY. Allan, the twelve -year-old, 5On Of Jobe' •Huskinsent' near `Qrap'geville, blew` his 'left hand eff With :an air gun firing ' umbrella Albs. Sir William Willcocks., builder of the Assuan Dam inFagypt, has been retained asconsulting engineer for the Unite( States reclamation ,ser- vice. ' Shiaeka Kaneko, 21, from Japan, a brilliant high school student for four. years, committed suicide ''last 'night by hart kart and bangle.; in his room at Pawtucket, R.I. Lord Brooke, who commanded a Canadian brigade twoyears ago at' Petawawa, sailed on the Oceanic to- day to<•c5ommand the Petawawa camp in the summer training: • Bobby Rbbidou of St. Louis, aged 28, well known in the south as a boxes, was drowned -yo,..erday while giving an exhibition of fancy diving at a natatorium in Memphis, Tenn. The•'seeret commissions' bill; that unique piece of legislation born in the Senate, decorate". the House or- der paper again yesterday, but noth- ing •could .be done -with it for lack of a seconder. The Hamilton police . announced yesterday• that p.ver $2,000 of the money stolen in the robbery Of" the Bank of Montreal at New Westmin- ster, B.C., several years ago, had bean .cireulated,in the city last week. TB U R$DAY. The o>fBoe • of ' the: Gillies' : planing mill, Preston, was broken into by burglars, who secured only a small amount of cash and stamps. - By a vote of 8 to 6 the. Senate for- eign relations 'committee yesterday adopted the Sutherland- resolution favoring : special arbitration of the T'.►nama tolls dispute. - George H. Luchsinger, president of the Humboldt Savings Bank, one of the largest financial institutions in San Francisco, committed suicide yes- terday by inhaling gas. The Russell Hotel Co., owners of the buildingg and holders of two mort- gages on the contents, yesterday seiz- e the goods and chattels of the New Russell House in:Ottawa:. , The:.refusal of ;Montreal employers of carpenters to raise their men's pay from 421-2 cents an hour and to reduce their hours' of work to eight has been responsible for a strike of 600 men.,' Premier Borden, in reply to A. B. MacCoig, yesterday, stated that the matter of Hydro -electric railway sub- sidies was still • •unser consideration, and thatthere would be -no -legislation this session. Major -Gen. Sir Savage Lloyd -Mos- tyn, K.G.B.., is dead at •Bath; Eng. Born in 1835, he served in the Cri- mean War and the Indian' Mutiny,. and also took part in the . Ashanti War of 1874. The French Colonial Office an- nounces the annexation by France of the Wallis Islands, in the southern Pacific, The group, consisting of about forty square miles of territory, has 4,500 inhabitants. FRIDAY. Rev. Principal Gordon of Queen's University and George- Ham of the C. P. R. were; officially` gazetted hon- .o-•ary colonels in the militia yester- :lay. ; Paul Deschanel, one of the "Im- mortals," was yesterday re-elected Speaker of tlie French Chamber of Deputies by 411 votes against 24 scattered among other candidates. Lieut: Governor Sir John Gibson and Lady Gibson; visited London, Ont., yesterday and took part in the formal 'opening of the .preventorium at the Alexandria Sanitarium at Byron. Word was received from Sir Ru dolphe•Routhier, judge of the Admir- alty Court of, ' Quebec, yesterday agreeing to sit 'on the board of en- quiry into the Empress Of Ireland disaster. Th a tripartite agreement between the U. S., Great Britain -an• e Netherlands as a means of protect ng their' citizens in the . Mexican oil ields. from .spoilation was officially announced yesterday at Washington.. A new . it gusher was struck yes- terday within the town limits of Ori Springs, Ont. The new gusher has a capacity of 40,000,000 per day. The sinker and dip, weighing a ton, were blown a distance of fifty feet in- to the air. Several foreigners declared inTo- ronto police court : asterday that Geo. Oconomoff had sold them buttons for $2.50 each, and had. declared that these were a secret'passport recogniz- ed by • immigration officials. The ac- cused was. remanded on a charge of fraud. SATURDAY. Two French army aviators, Lieut. Gironee and Sapper Rioux, were kill- -d yesterday whib flying near Dijon, If ranee. One of the oldest residents of Can- ada has just passed away in the per- 'tan a"f Remi Leblanc, aged 100 years and five months. Arms and ammunition for the Con- stitutionalists have been disembarked tt Tampico from the American ship ;ftnshine .without opposition, B; means of a wireless telephone tiaisaratus invented by tWo French tors.) officer's, conversations were car - :led on Thursday over a distance of r;,0'miles, near Paris.. The armory of the Ulster "valuta +sera" was strengthened.yesterday by ne addition of 3,000 Matiser rifles, is the result of a daring gun -running 't.at of an Irish, yachtsman. Dion. Robs, Rogers was the host itirsthtr night at a dinner In honor of Hon, Dr. 13eland, Liberal member 'or Beaune, on the occasion. of his tpisraaehing wedding to a Belgian :izr`1y.. i.. N. Bate, president of the Ottawa deform Association, h:as resigned be - ample he cannot support the Rowell "abolish the bar" policy in the On- tario ,elections. Mr, Bate is the pro- 1rietox oft three licuox's s The Earl of Lunaged 84, died yeatercl'ay. He was aide-de-eamp to: his father, the third earl, who was in command of the British cavalry Miring the Crimean war, and who was largely responsible for ,the charge of the Light Brigade at Baa- MONDAY. R. H. JuPP was killed by falling off 1 ridge' at Alliston, ot,whieh he was superintending the • construction in his Capacity as county engineer. 1%omas Cornier, 16 'Years old, em ployed as a rivet -slinger, tivas;. instant- ly killed at Amherst, N.S., when a piece from a traveling'crene fell, hit- ting on the head. Harry Bath, 293 Carruthers ave- nue,. Ottawa, a lineman of the Ottawa Electric' Co., was electrocuted Satur- day;- He was,, at the top of a pole when he touched a live wire, Arthur Sladen, secretary to . the Duke•;of Connaught, denies a rumor of an engagero.ent between Princess , Patrice. of Connaught and the Grand Duke ,of Meckienberg-Strelitz. ,Premier Wm. A. Holman of New South -Wales, whose comments on the lois • of the Empress of Ireland have ,given rise to lnuch iitieism, denies that he prejudized the official inquiry, Sir II, Rider Haggard, the novelist, who'is:Just returning to London from a visit to Rhodesia, Zululand, and East Africa, will visit Canada in July as a member of the Dominions Royal. Commission. Late Friday night an eastbound passenger train, overrunning ' Cote siding., near Kamsack, Sask., smashed head on into a westbound fast freight, killing= an 'express messenger named Arnold, and two mail clerks. The death occurred in Paris yes- terday of ,Gabriel Ferrier, one of the best known French painters, at •the age• of 67 'years. He was' a professor at the French. National School of Fine: Arts, and a member of the institute. fUF,SDAY. George Iulk, a Russian,' arrested 2a_ stabbing a fellow countryman in. a family brawl at Brockville, was sent to jail for one month. Sixty persons were injured, several of them probably mortally, by the explosion of a balloon at the annual fair .4 Cezanne, France, yesterday. George Fred Williams, the U. S. Minister to Greece, has offered his services as a disinterested mediator to the conflicting claims in Albania.. Application. was filed yesterday in. the IT,. S. Supreme Court by counsel for'Harry Thaw for his ,release on bail, pending consideration by the court of the extradition case. Lloyd Vinton, . aged. 14, who wan bathing in a pond near the G.T.R.. tracks at Cope';own stepped into •a hole and - was drowned. The body was recovered two hours later. Barry J. Matthews, charged with receiving money stolen from the New Westminster branch of the Bank. of Montreal, was e remanded,.: yesterday when•he appeared in the Toronto. po- lice court.. The first passage ,through the, Ga- tlin locks of the Panama Canal by an ocean liner was successfully car- ried out yesterday by the Panama Railway steamship Alliance, a vessel of 4,000 tons. King 'George yesterday received Gen. Bramwell Booth, who had been requested to go ,to Buckingham Pal- ace to give his Majesty the details of the forthcoming international con- gress of Salvationists. PUBLIC iS ROUSED. "Let Them Die" Is Attitude. Towards Hunger Strikers. LONDON, June 9. "Let them die!" is becoming a rather popular slogan in connection with the "bun - ger striking" suffragettes, since the public has become so profoundly re- sentful of the actions of the militant women. f • is reported to -day that the Gov- ern ent ov-ernent had decided to take a step in -t Is direction by introducing leg- islation- to indemnify the prison au- thorities against the consequences of allowing suffragettes to starve them- selves to death while in prison. The Evening Standard yesterday interviewed a number of prominent People including clergymen, on the 4111,ject, and all of the latter who are quoted by the newspaper, express themselves in favor of the proposal. Father Bernard Vaughan, brother of the late Cardinal Vaughan, re- plied "There would be nothing ethi- cally wrong in letting them die. Let them :start at once and make up for lost time." Rev. Arthur Waldron, vicar of St. Matthew's, Brixton, said "If the wo- men refuse food they should be al- lowed to dile.": Rev. Richard Free vicar of St: Cle- ment's. Fulham, replied: "I think the suggestion very good. I have advo- cated it for many months." Severalof those interviewed de- nounced impartially both _forcible feeding and the "hunger strike," while Willoughby Dickinson, a Lib- eral member of Parliament; Lady. Cowdray and Lady Mill -Mackenzie dismissed the suggestion as prepos- terous. • Several Barns Burned. BELLEVILLE, June 9.—This sec tion of the community was visited by a severe electrical storm, which did considerable damage. Barns; belong- ing to C. H. Bonisteel, in Sydney ToWnehip; Walter Meyers, in Thur-. lbw Township; Mr. Hamblin, in Sydney; William Collins, in Hunting- don, and William Preston, in Row - don were burned, with their contents. A number of horses and cows were killed' by the lightning. John He'iidrick Dead. B1;OCKVILLll, June 9. John. 1 endrlek, 80, .a lifelong resident. of Elizabethtown, died' Sunday at his residence in New Dublin, after a short illness. In his younger days he was a farmer, bot of later years he had devoted himself to the raising andcare of bees.. His wife and one, daughter survive: W wau!tbi iouwUmNus! MEatuithoitua!sualwsius0)101u mmsuals!au!auu uarao0 o ANI011 u x rrrrrarrrrrrrrrrrrr14rrrrlrrrr•rrrrrrr0rrrrrrrrrr0 mmusWWnuuimgitt lfngiami Musk mooloodNGotto,uew alis u!uuau ouzo s!miltquMaiut as otoomma tuuwusnwootat sand ru WX�es r Qt o M he,'s u ta ord IthYou! Daughters' A woman's organism is a very delicate thing—it very easily gets out of orderr-just like a delicate piece of machinery, it requires more than ordinary care and attention. Thererare many eignswhich pointtodisorder,each asheadaches,unaacount'. ablo pains in various parts of the body, listlessness, nerveusnese, irritableness, dizziness, faintneasy backache, lose of appetite, depression, and many others. Piexce''s Favorite Prescription' haseeg the meamsof-xstoris th ussnds of rufferingwomen to natural health iP and siren th. Far more than fort ears it has been successful) carrying on r YY Y Y g �rt ;this great work, Today itis known throughout the ' length and breadth of every land. Womeneverywhere look upon it a a helpful friend, Let it aid you. $old in liquid or tablet form by drujgists, or trial box mailed you for 50 cents from Dr Pierce's Dispensary, Baffafo, N.1', Dr.Piesce's Pleasant Pellets s esulateStornaeb, Liver anti Bowels ung;arm!istitnmammia^:.�s.:rum ilii wuumltw!eu! icsrmueiwa^ri=liZZulnarala2 unwtiull.wu UZZIT,a,u,a allimuwus'amtirGa.ie;i :f ■■rrrraur■urinalvirrrrrrrrrrrrr■rrtrrrrrrrrru ire S.9oft!U:Y�ll"agn ammai Ifo®umi! rztr9!uwoa17<:JLNP„=1rG:,C«"'�5 mmlw'tlCWnlIL7mIrcmniarruu'"nic,an. puri:ag!,lu!LL:.C:. �G.JCJo47.�aJaCSlt,L'N,' ✓ r ✓ The Ford-- the Lightest, Surest, Most Economical— the very essence of auto- mobiling-and all Canadian. Model .T $ Runabout f. o, b. Ford , 0-nari o Get particulars from Wes. Snell, agent. 1 SISTER • . READ MY FREE OFFER. I am +woman. I know' a woman's trials. r now her need of sympathy and help. If you, my sister, are unhappy because of ill. health, and feel unfit for household duties, sxial pieasures, or daily employment, write and tell the lust how you suffer, and ask for my free ten days' trial of a home treatment suited to your shells • with references to Canadian ladies who adIy tea how they have regained health, strength, and happiness byats use. I want to tell you all als )ut this successful method of home trea .-.,t for yourself, my reader, for your daughter, your i -ter, or your mother. I want to tell you hoar t , care yourselves at home at trifling cost, and u::iout aid from anyone. Men cannot understand women's sufferings ; what we women know from ewer. fence, we know better than any doctor; and thousands have proved there is hope even for the hopeless in my method of home treatment. If you suffer from pain in the head, back, or b cels, feeling of weight and dragging down sensori cis, falling or displacement of internal organs, Cladder irritation with frequent urination, obstinate constipation or piles, pain in the sides regularly or irregularly, "bloating or unnatural enlargements, catarrhal conditions, dyspepsia, extreme nervousness, depressed spirits, melancholy,,desire to cry, fear of something evil about to happen, creeping feeling up the spine, palpitation,hot flashes, weariness, sallow complexion. with dark circles under the eyes, pain in the left breast or a general feeling that life is not worth living, I invite you to send to -day for my complete ten days' treatment entirely free and postpaid,- to prove to yourself that these ailments can be easily and surely conquered at your own of an operation. Women home, without the expense of hospital treatmeneon's knife pt or the dangersP treateverment, nt and when here are you are curethe d my sister, I shall only ass: of to passle method of home the good word along to some other sufferer. My home treatment 1S for all, young or old. To Mothers of Daughters, I will explain a simple home treatment which speedily and effectually cures green -sickness (chlorosis, irregularities, headaches, and lassitude in young women, and restores them to plumpness and health. Tell rue if you are worried about your daughter. Remember it costs you nothing to give niy' method of home treatment a complete ten day's trial, and if you wish to continue, it costs only a few cents a week to do so, and it does not interfere with one's daily work. is health worth asking for? Then accept my generous offer, write for the free treatment suited to your needs, and I will send it in plain wrapper by return mail. To save time you can cut out this offer, stark the places that tell your feelings, and return to me. Write and ask for the free treatment to -day, as you may not see this offer again. Address: MRS. M. SUMMERS, Box 8409 - WINDSOR, ONTARIO. Nobody Here! Guess 111 help Myself!