Exeter Advocate, 1914-6-4, Page 8V PER, TLIURWlIAY ' JUNE 4 11114
, 08 98
50 52
$.0 00
9i .` 90
IIa7:erf gn... , , .:.... , , 14 00 14 00
B`loux, per cwt„ family
Flour, low grade per ew a 60 1 60
Bu . , tter...2Q' . 21
Eggs. , ,l;•s"T'
Live bo, Per cwt......
Shorts per ton . • 21i1r�
13ran per ton . , ...
Bayley ..
Oats, , • • .
Peas•.., ,,,R ,. ,...,
Pota.t oes, per bag •
Jones was brought tip on the farm,
an,l used to feed the pigs,
Milk the caws and drive them to
the stall;
Now he has fast trotters anti half a.
dozen. rigs,
Frequently he dines at Rideau •Hall;'
1len ber of exclusive Clubs; ',oft is
heard to sigh,
"Ain't the cost of living awful high,',
Mrs Brawn was Sally Smith in the
bygone years,
Usec, to help her father tisk .the
Now aiie spends .her winters in Cairo
or Algiers, :
Cuts e. dash among the noble -born.
Travels in Society but she often weeps
"Gee the cost of livin's, up for keeps"
So the murmers daily grow, till the
Tries to take the problem into hand
Carefullyinvestigates the source of
Which the other fellows' spreading
in the land,
Aad the only answer common sense
would give
L()GAL XD()J NC;,,,
Fish to the value of ,$4,000,000 were
caught iu Canadian waters last year.
Clinton oil Wednesday of last week
experienced a very severe wind arid
rain storm which was not even felt
Mise Manson has resigned her pos-
ition at the post office, and Miss
Minnie Jewell 3s now on duty at the
Dr. Raulstos is at present .faking
vacation for a few weeks. During his
absence his dental office is in charge
of Dr. Campbell.
The most successful men, are, said, to
be those who can.. ,sell what they clo
not possess to others who have iio
wish to purchase..
The Sunday Schhot Convention was
held in James Street church last week
but•a report of same has not yet been
handed to, its by the secretary.
The picnic in 'connection with:., St,
Patrick's R C. church,Biddulph,will
be held this year in, `Jos, Ryder's
grove Centre Road, on Tuesday, June
Aar. R. Elwartby bought a handsome
Galt automobile last week- He rias
sold his Studebaker to, Messrs.W. &
C.'Sweet. Mr. Wes. Snell also fur
chaseo a Galt.
There are half a million more men
in Canada than women, according to
statistics issued recently by the cen-
sus department at Ottawa. This is
largely due to immigration, more
male,; coining into the country. than.
females, - ,
A pretty house Wedding took place
on May 2.0th at the home of ivtr, and
Mrs,' William J. ,McBeth, Toronto,
Is, "The cost depends on flow you wvliea their daughter Catherine Fl,ar-
live ance was •- married to Mr,; Fredrick
Arthur Gaby chief engineer of the
Hydra Electrict,
To the Shareholders. of. the Exeter
Salt Works—
Gentlemen,—Please take notice that
a l be
nthef the shareholders
Town HaFr day,�June
12th at 2 o'clock p.m.
T. B. CARLING, .Sec'y-Treas
HOUSE TO RENT.—A comfortable
frame house on Huron Street, with
stable on property, cheap. Apply at
Advocate Office.
pared to furnish flowers of all kinds
for planting or for baskets at r ea-
sgnable prices.—JOHN FORD, ceme-
tery caretaker, Exeter.
t,.f ..
A secc">,ti.d-hand wood .'range with-
out crack' or flaw, cheap. Apply :at
this office
T H 'McCallum offers for sale his
house and three • lots. A nice home
at a reasonable price. For .informa-
tor apply to Pas, G, Brooks, next
-door or Thomas Cameron, Auctioneer
Have you paid for your Advocate
for 1914? If not, .why not?•
FOR SALE—In Clandeboye, brick
land.e' Apply W. SA.. Janes, 206 Percy
Street Ottawa.
Known for Quality
For sale by
Photographer, Exeter.
the Advocate Office. No witness re-
quired and strictly confidental
Court of Revision
4 —Notice is hereby given that a Court
of Revision pf the Assessment Roll of
the Village of Exeter will hold the
first meeting for the present year in
the Town Hall, Exeter, on Friday,
June 19th 1914, at 7 o'clock p.m.'
T. B, Carling, Clerk.
Exeter May 22 1914,
Cedar Posts for
We have this year the fittest stock
of POSTS we have ever had, having
nothing Iess than 6 inch at 'the small
en& G. E. HICKS, eaitralia
A few days ago a party, of two
hundred Ame.racains who had been ie-
lieved from Mexico "City landed in the
United States. One of the number
addressing his comrades said—"I am
an American, but I'm ashamed of my
Country,." Then he waved a Union
Jack above ,hes head and continued
"We we _our lives to this .a foreign
flag His companions evidently agreed
with hin: for they cheered to the echo
and then all of the two hundred sal-
uted the flag by raising their !cats.
It was something more than mere
Miss A. laloa•lock was in London 00
W, Kay wrs uni. 'Mitchell over
Mrs Geo, Hawkins is visiting in Pt.
Miss Kathleen, Stewart is visiting in
Miss Ethel Armstrong is home from
Mrs. Jane Smith $`.Pent the week end
in Landon
Muss S. 11fcDo,aell is visiting in Chn-
ton. this week,
Mers..Thos. Newell visited for a few
days in, London.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Heiman were
in London this Week.
Mr. 1ichard. Bissett of Landon e is
un town over -Sunday.
Halyard Quackenbush is home. from
Buffalo for the vacation,
Elmo :Howey of the.: Bank• of Com-
merce staff 'holidaying
Mrs, Johnston of Toronto is visit.
ing her dattgiites Mrs. Wauglr.
Mrs 'Rea -relied of Detroit is ,visiting
her parents ' 114r, anti' tre I : alt '
Miss t( t1e-left Friday far Frank-
lin, Ohio, to vieit for some. time,
Mr. Goetz of'`;the aMolsons Bank hag
been transferred .,tor Mie; Forest branch
M,r, R .G. Seldom ',:spent , the 'past
week'. ;a, New Ypeltebre,business' and.
Mine ,Eva Carling ,of New York is
visiting her parents, Air. and Mrs. T.
B. Caa-fang .
Miss Gertie Kemp of Toronto is
vvisiting friends in town, the guest
of the Misses Elliot.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Davis, who have
been living in Chatham, maven .sere
this week to reside,,
Mr Harold :.and Miss Neva Snell
at London visited their parents, . Mr.
and Mrs Thos. Snell Sunday, -
Mrs, John Wolper of Harrow is here
on an extended visit with her.,par-
e4nts Mr and Mrs. Nelson Kestle.
Mr, John Spackman left Monday
to visit : hi Blenheim, Talbotville, St.
Thomas and Shedden for two or three
112, ;and Mrs. Beebe and children,
who have been visiting with .Mrs. T3ee-
be's mother, kirs. Prior, returned i•c
Ridgetow„o on Thursday.
Bert Gillies, who has been on the
Bank of Commerce staff here has
been renoved for the Cayuga branch
and left for that place on Thursday
campiiment that salute from the ref last
ugees It told of the far reaching in-
fluence of that flag and the nation in Mrs Powell went to Woodstock on
represents whose drum beats follow Sunday ;to remain some weeks. air.
the sun the wide. Ivgrld round,Thornton and family autoed here"on
Sunday and Mrs. Fowell returned with.
BASEBALL —Bya scow of 4 to 0 them,
Exeter trimmed Fullarton. on Friday
Huron' County Council is in sess-
eve'nina in an exhibition game of 7 'an at Goderich this week. Reeve 3,
innings duration. A feature of the W, Taylor of Exeter, Reeve S.Routly
game was the magnificent pitching of of Usborne and Reeve W. R, Elliott
Harrington, who fanned so many that and Deputy Reeve W. Yearley oafate-
it was really hard to count 'em. Derry phen went tip on. Tuesday.
Boyle caught for the locals and did it Mr and Mrs. Frank Slumkausky of
well :
The first ,game of the league series Berlin were the guests of Mr. and
will be played on the local diamond Mrs. Esti; Heywood for a few days
between Centralia and Exeter ball
teams this Thursday evening at 6,30.
—The following is a list of the post
offices within the twenty mile parcel
post cone tvith Exeter as centre, —
Points on the
10 RAILROAD, Halley -
bury and North in'North-
ern Ontario.
From all paints in Criteria. -and
Quebec on the Grated Trunk and 0. P.
Hiy6. except west of Chalk River and
north of Parry Sonnd on the C. P. E.
'.Pickets at sgw- ttally reduced rates
good going ./One loth and valid for re-
turn until June 20th. Ser your near -
Ont Railway A{ient for full particulars
ofrrapply to,
A. r., PARR
G, F, A.. T, -8c N, a. Ely,
North Boy, Ont .,;.. covered by nnsurance.
last week • Mr. Sluankousky is l avor-
ably impressed with Exeter and beipg
a bandsman enjoyed an evening with
the band boys of town. Mr. Slurn-
konsky has returned to Berlin but
Airs Slumkousky will remain sometime
Ailsa Craig Anderson, Avonton, Bay- Rev Mr Reid of iThedford occup
field Belton. Berryland, Birr, 13ruce- ie 1 the James Street pulnit very ac-
field Bryanston, Carlingford, Central- ceptably on. Sunday.
is Clandebaye, Clinton, Crediton, Cre- AL Case Howard,who has been,
diton East., Cromarty, Dashwood, filen home an slick ,leahas been placid
field Egmos dville, Elimville, Falkirk,r
Fullarton Grand Bend, Granton, Play, i s is Btahe Exeter branch of the Mal-
Hensall Hillsgreen, Ildertan, i' ippen,
Kirkton. Lucan, Lumley, Mitchell, Mo
ray Motherwell, . Munro, Nairn, _ Park-
hill Rannock Russeldale, St. Columb-
ian St Joseph', St. Marys, Saintsbury the pastoral term . eight years :nstead
Science Hill, Seaforth, Staffa, Sylvan of four
Varna Winchelsea, Woodham, 'Zurich. miss Mary Brook of Usboraiz wish-
ANNUAL MEETING. -The annual to thank the Chosen Friends for
- It' is expected that the London
Methodist Conference will agree to
ask to General Conference to `hake
meeting of the Liberal Conservative
Association was held in the Town
Hall an Friday evening, May--- . :9th,
when delegates were appointed to at-
tend the Convention at Hensali and
the following officers elected for the
ensuing year President, T. B. Carling
,Vice -President, L. H. Dickson; 2nd
Vice -President, Dr. Rauiston; Treas.
Jos. Davis • Secretary,' C. H. Sanders..
Ward Ohairmen,—Na, 1, Dr. McGill -
cuddy ; No. 2, Well. Johns; No. 3,
John Moir', No, 4, Ed. Maguiire.
A resolution was passed to be tender-
ed to Sir James Whitney, congratul-
ating him on his miraculous re-
covery from his recent illness.
reactionary storm period is central on'
the 5th 6th and 7th, .The moon is in
perigee on the 5th, and at its full
on the 7th, The Venus disturbance
will be in full force, blending kvith.the
June solstice period from this time
to the end of the month. On and
next to the 5th, 6th, and 7th, the bar-
ometer will fall decidedly, the tem-
perature will rise, and storms of wind
raria and thunder will pass eastwardly.
The change to rising barometer and
cooler weather, which Will immediately
follow these storms will progress to-
ward .the Atlantic from the 7th to
HES.—The oldframe dwelling erected
•in ,the pioneer days by the late Sam-
uel Sanders. which so conspicuously
stood or. the corner of Lot 21, con,
3 ,Stephen three qurarters of a mile
west of town, known as "Providence
Corner' 'and which had withstood the
tempest and storms of nearly three-
quarters of a century, was reduced to
ashes or. Wednesday last, The :ire
wan first noticed about three o'clock
in the afternoon, but It had gained.
such headway that nothing could be
clone to save the old landmark, and
being all built of wood it furnished.
food for a hot blaze. How the fire
originated is a mystery as there was
no person living in -the house at the
time It .fs thought, however,' that it
was of .incendiary origin, as a 'rarnp
had been seen leaving the building ,a
shart time before the fire was/ ' ells-
eoverecl, The place *as ,oWned by
Mr Wm ,-Sanders al the adjoining
farm north, ,and the lass is partially
Simple Prescription has be-
come- World Famous
For headache, Neuralgia, Neuritis,.
Sciatica Rhecapatiem and ,similar com-
plaints, sametheag has to be taken to
give immediate relief from severe ;.fain:
Most headache powders and pain
killers are very hard on the :keart
but Kephaldol, although it takes away
the pain surely and quickly, is tbsol-
utely harmlease For this reason Kep-
halclol i,s heal Lily endorsed by :he
medical profession.. in all countries.
Since ,Dr. ,,Stahr, the great Austrian
ne*Ve. specialist, first used Kephaldol
it has steadill!tripereased°. in favor -to'
clay it as, conceded to be the one,
bast, cure for nerve, pains. A large
tube will be",sent , direct' by the man-
ufacturere upon ree,eipt of- 50e. `:hep
halclol •Limited 31 Latour Street .r2on,-
treat. 23 -
11 TOe 19,
he..managenient;,of the Western
"Fahr London, are sending -out this
tt el thatssands of their Prize Lists:
Maps, Dangers, etc,, Although they
Were un'fortu'nate /A the loss of 'heir
offices by : fire other qtiarters have
been promptly secured and the work
of preparing for the great exhibition
will ,ht. curried on with greater 'eal
than 'Ever. $1500,00" in cash has been
"added to the prize lists this year,
thus making.. it very attractive, espec-
ially for Live Stock Breeders and ex-
hibitors Several new sections have
been added, especially inthe horse
department, which should bring . a
large exhibit. Prize lists, entry forms
and. ah information regarding the ex-
hlbaioa twill be promptly ' given on ap-
plication to the Secretary, A. M, Hunt
London Ontario.
50 Cents -
Will pay for the •Advocate to new
subscribers in Canada -from now un-
til the end of the year. If you are
already a subscriber, accept the
chance to send The Advocate for the
balance of the year to your distant
son daughter or friend, who will ap-
preciate reading the home news.
D. L. &- - W.
Burns to a white ash
All sizes. Prompt delivery
W. H. Levett
Exeter North
O. IN CONNECTION) I wish to say
that I carry a fine stock of FRESH
the interest taken in the settlement •
of the insurance of her late brother,
'George Brook. The society has raid
Miss Brook $425.
The marriage took place in Graven-
hurst last week of Mr." Will 3, Hobbs
eldest son of Rev. Richard Hobbs, for
mealy of Exeter, to Miss Laura May
Stafford of Gravenhurst. The cere-
mony was pea -formed by Rev. Mr.
Hobbs and Mr. and Mrs. Hobbs pent
when• honeymdon at Ottawa andother
eastern points. They will reside in
Bala, Ont.
0., Monday Mr. Jos. Davis sold the
43yt ,fee of property south of the
Jachsa,, Factory to Dr. H. K. Hynd-
man a he o•u11 build an up -to --date
office and Masonic Lodge Room. The
building nou• occupied by Dr. McGilli-
cuddy and Da-. Hyndman will be nov-
ecl by Mr Davis and converted into
a, residence.. Mr. Davis also sold the,
buiilding in which he conductedhis`
flour and feed buaness to Mr. Wth.
Garnish, who then sold it to Messrs
Jones and May who, 'have moved it
back John Street.
PAY ACCOUNTS. -Having sold my
property and business all accounts are
due and payable by July lst, other-
wil1be placed in other hands for ':ol-',
lection.—JOS, DAVIS.
FAMOUS GAS 14IAKER. r-iaving
rentec the store premisee one door
north of Frayne's Harness Shop, 1 `vi11'
occupy same for the purpose of .len
anstrating the advantages of the Fam-
ous Gas Maker, which can be installed
in any ordinary stave; It possesses
great and invaluable advantages aver
any other system of heating, cooking
etc. and should be seen by ,;very
householder. To see it is to be ^on-
vinced. Call at once,—G. M, , ;tUST-
Whole or Separate Tenders "v411 be
received' by the undersigned till
Sattirday June 20th; far the several
trades ata. connection with the erection
of a Carnegie Free Library at Exeter
Plans and specifications may, be. seen
at the Library building, Exeter. The
lowest or arsy tender not neeessarily.
`H. E, HUSTON, Sec
eter, June 3, t91.4.
Groceries and
Dry Goods
Anc' EVERYTHING that can be
had in a GENERAL STORE; Also
3 kinds of FLOUR and Cured .Meat,
Sausage, Etc,, Etc.
Give me a call for your next order
H. Bierling ••
Tea & Coffee
For the choicest
groceries, Tfruits, . spices,
teas, coffee and every-
thing in the grocery line.
Call and see us. A trial
as to quality will convin-
Produce taken in exchange;
Jas. Gould
Opposite Electric light Plant,
SWEEPER. Something that should
be in every 'home for cleaning your
ruga; and carpets. Na taking up c:ar-'
nets—no dust while sweeping. mall
and see it.
SUNNY POLISH—far cleaning and
polishing your furniture—the hest yet
—Sold by
it. N. ROWE
Undertaker And License
Timbal trier
Phone 20a
.' \ - r9r e
w ¢,
�1'Ml e
The Watch
That Runs
On Time...: ,
Sold By
Lawson & ' Trick, Exeter
The Famous Brockville
Canada Carriage Buggiesg
We have received a Carload of these buggies..
New styles, seat and tops, that will please you..
This is a particularly fine lot of buggies and we are
sure that you will be delighted with thfm: Cali
and look them over.
Wes. Snell
Exeter, Ont
1 i
Some Snap This
Ladies' Suits and
Coats to Clear.
Only a few left to
Each Mian. tailored and 'exclu-
115 Suits for $8.50
$20 Suits for $12.50
$25 Suits for $15.50 -
Don't miss this opportunity. -
Just a few choice ones -all
different andvery stylish
$10 Coats for $7,00
$15 Coats. for $9.50
$.18 Coats for $13.00
Fine for daffy or ovening wear.
Men's and Boys' Suits cheap
200 brand new Men's Suits
right off the reel, Some en-
tirely new cloths and , t tyles.
They are First-class suits and
real cheap prices. All colors
andpatterns to choose from
150 New Boys Stuits just here
Thiey are bang up-to-date in
cloths and styles. Short IZnic=
kers or Bloomer styles: Every
bov can get a good stylish suit'
here for little money,
House Cleaning Time
We are most awfully busy in this nine. The reason is our big
stock of well assorted goods at right prices,—
Mat ting..
Lace Curtains
Tapestry Curtains
Bungalow Curtain
• Curtain Nets
ieadq> arters for the celebrated W:E. sanfoAd clothing'