Exeter Advocate, 1914-5-21, Page 7Ui FERERS I RO11d,
Liniments of. No Avail --must
k be Cured Through -the Blood
Why are there So many failures
tie the treatment of rheurriiaetiarn4
tW>y are so many sufferers resigned
toa lift of pain, d,e,spaurine of a,
`permanent cure?
Because; rheumatism defies any
treatment that does not build up
and 'purify the blood, The poisons
•of rheumatismare in the ,b1ioc1•,
Fund it is only through the blood
?that the disease can be fonalet; sue-
cessfully. Unless the blood ie weals
and impure rheumatism menet get
a .foothold. When it does the thin
and impure biibood is not strong'
enough to overcome the poisons
alone. It mast be atrengbhened
and purified. Dr. Williaane': Pink
Pills for Pale -People •are the best
blood -building medicine you can
take: They make new blood with
every do.s,e and promptly check far-
ther progress of the disease. They
make, the blood so puleeand etron,g
that not the least trace of eheuma-
gsm retains, Mr. R. S. Sinclair,
Genie's,N.S., says: "About two
years ago I was laid pp with .rheu-
matism. For two months I '`could
not walk aed had to stay in an
invalid's chair. My feet were bad-
:ly swollen and my terms seemed 't -
be . parailyzed. I had been using
'doctor's medicine for : a long time,
• but it did not seem to, 'help me, and
fie 11 the doctor finally told me that the
only thing that would cure lire
would, be a ohange of climate. Ab
this time I decided to give Dr. Wile
limns' Pink Pills a .trial and got a
,supply. After I had taken them
for a while I found they rvere'help-
ing- ane,• and I got a further supply
and they ,completely cured me, and
have not been sick one day ,since.
strongly recommend Dr. ,Wil-
liams' Pink Pills for this trouble,"
You can get ,these Pills from any -
dealer an .medicines or by avail,
post paid, at; 50 cents a bot or six
boxes for ee.50 by writiaig The Dr.
Williams:' Medicine Co., Brockville,.
,What Became of the Bridegroom
and His -Party.
Twenty years ago, in one of the
Shetland Islands; a bridal party
was anxiously waiting the arrival
o•f, the bridegroom, and. his friends.
The hour • arrived and passed, but
no bridegroom carne. > Ile was com-
ing by boat from an island at some
'distance, but although bright -eyes
acanned the ocean no sign of the
boat could be. seem. After waiting
for some time the party broke up
." witch a good deal of anxiety. The
bride, with a sad heart, put off her
bridal dress, and her brabhers set
sail for the bridegroom's hone, to
and out the reason of his non-ap-
pearance. : When they got ' ,there
they were told that the wedding
party had left the island in good
time that the, sea, had been smooth
'as glass, `and that no. Jaeger could
,ae apprehended.
Weeks went by, and months and
years, and never a weed' or sign of
,•the lost bridegroom. The event was
forgotten byall' but a few intimately
'concerned; until a sntort. time. -ego.
{A party -of tourist's went to explore
a.rooky, barren islet, 'and as they
iwa]ked along they came upon a
,anliuber of bones in a hollow en the
island. Ia'rem oertain signs there
;could be no doubt., that this was all
that remained of that'lridal party.
Finding themselves too soon for the
ceremony (and it is bad trete to ar-
rive to soon) they had .gone ashore
on this rocky islet, and their boat
had drifted far from the usual
coarse. Thirst and hunger had
Ilene the rest.
Every Stiff Joint Limbered,
Rliciiniatismn Cured i.
That Old 'Family Remedy "Nervitine"
Is Guaranteed for the Worst
Rheumatism to -day is unnecessary,
It is so well underatood and so 'read
ily curable that every dee we have re-
ports of, old chronics being freed of
their toialnei1ter.
"I can speak confidently of the Ner-
vlline treatment; for the simple reason
that it cured me," writes Albert ,B.
Cornelius, from Kingston. "You can't
imagine how stiff and lame and sore' I'
,was. Nights at a time I couldn't sleep
,well. I followed the Nerviline direc-
tions carefully -had it robbed; into the
pore regions four or five tinges every
ay. lefvery rubbing helped to reduce.
the pain. The swelling went down. .I
et a fair measure of relief in a week,
also took two Fgrrozone Tablets
ith any meals. They increased my
'appetite and spirits, purified my blood
,;and toned up my system generally.
1101 1 axn as well to -day as a .man could
•he•--ln perfect good health, I give
elerviiine all the credit,
•'1' 'A large family site bottle or Nerve
eine :costa only 50c,, or the trial site
125c., and is useful in a, hundred ills in
idle family, Whether it's ,toothache,
iearache, headache, neuralgia,: lame
jback or a cold, Norvillne will cure
Sust'as •readily as It will cure rheuma-
neve nor family use nothing equals
INei•vilila0. •
, .13,elgian: eaugine,e,rs'have discovered
extensiee dcposiats, of t oalt in Congo.
TIM CZl7rARFArx0: flENt)
Foe of the cradle, School, Church
and Nation,.
Xb le le the high s,t;hool; it iso in
the, eoll,ege, its overwhelming us
with -bile'peslalenoe of its d'eetructiye
effects among Mere, ohildreai.
7 caohers .see 'tine havoc it is xnakiag
with the minds atnd bodies of boys,
and sound the note cif:alarm, The
testimony of the heads of refoi`an
schools vs to .be had freely no 'then
tell u' of the way in wkiich the eiga,
has brought raise after case to
their institutions, Yet men smoke
cigar ettee between 'the courses at
their banquets, and it is very <UM-
cult to arouse public sentiment
against the plague;
Boys eanoke cigarettes because
they are cheap, became they oasis
learn to smoke tthem generally with-
out the attendant sickness by w,hiohi.
benevoleait Nature seeks to shield.
her children,nram, poisons of every
kind, and because there is a preva-
lent idea of 'smartness connected
with the was of the cigarette, Once
formed? the habit grows, until the
result is c•oimmonly described in `the
faims1iar 'words, the "cigarette
The condition is so serious - that
words of the strongest warnin•gmust
tic ,Gtpoken by parvo nta, guardian's,,
and •ad•1 friends of boys. While the
question of the use of'tobaecio in ell
forms by adults and ad'ole'scents is
involved in the issuer, tlhe peril is so
great to the ,growing boy .that the
specific i,tenil may be m'a'de thens•rip-`'
ciplea of o pampa ign. Tho poison
from the 'cigarette simply carries
disaster to the body and the mind
of the growing boy. 'Phare is only
one verdict on that point. Teaeliers
know too well the dopy mind and
the enfeebled body of the boy iliac;
smokes cigar••eittes. It involves the
lnosal nature also•. The cigsieetite
is the comznnon foe of the Home,
school, church, and'nattion when it
i.s • wised by the growing boy. We
must have aline up, against it and
fight at wit:heat apology roti mercy,-
Zion's Herald',
Thousands of mothers use no other
medicine far their little ones but
Baby's Own Tablets. Once a mother
hasused 'the Tablets she will use no
other medicine: Concerning them
Mrs. _Geo.. M. Banns,. Clifford, Ont.,
writes: "Enclosed find' twenty-five
omits for another box of Baby's
Own Tablets, as I . would not be
without them. When baby is cross
and ailing I give him a tablet or
two and he is ..;soon well and happy
again. I know of no other medicine
to equal them and find them fair
superior to Castor oi•1, The Tab-
lets are sold by medieine dealers or
ley mail at 25 cents.a box from' The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,, Brock-
ville, Ont.
One Is Precipitated Every Three
Years -Partial List.
In spite Of -the progress of civili-
zation Mau remains as fightiing alta.
mal. Peace societies began to
think they are making progress to
ward ;taming his• inst&ncts•, and they.
are confronted: by. another war.
.Here is a partial lien sof the wain of
the Northern Hemisphere in the
last 60 years, exclusive of the minor:
revolts in Northern South America,
in Central America. and the West
Indies, and in Africa::
Crimean war, 1854-56.
Sepoy anutiny, 1857.
Italy and France against Austria,
1859. "
Civil war in America, 1860-5.
Mexico 'invaded by , Austria, and
Allies, 1861-67.
Prussia and Austria
against Den-
mark, 1.864.
Seven weeks' was, Austria -Prus-
sian, 1866. '
Franoo-Prussian, 1870.
Russo-Turkish, 1877-78.
Servo -Bulgarian, '1885.
S.acpaan.ese-Chinese, 1894-95.
Greco -Turkish, 1897,
Spanish-Aineirican, 1898.
Filipino -American, 1899.
China against the Allies, 1900.
'Boer -waur, 1899-1902.
Russo-Japanese, 1904.
Balkan States 'a ixianst Turkey,
Balkan' States against Bulgaria,
Mexican war, 1914.
This, as has been ,said, is only a
partial list. England has had ,sev
era! sinall wars, inelucding the int.-
portaaxi,t conquest of the Sudan,
which are. not inoludedt arid there
have been e uineroua miner distur
b flees of one sorb and another. But
the list; includes 20 •fadr.-,sized wars,
or ,one every three years,
rnb,erel has been no felling off in
recent. ,years, Take the last two
"theca ,des, tor y:nstance, and there
have- been 10 wars, or,eno every two
PPerhaps.tlaere is i;om.e ,enco a aging
lesson fox trio peace societies to be
drawn franc ibis fairly bloody ro°
cord. Perhaps it m,e"a.n,s.tlxat wars
are vanishing ' fromthe earth But
it would ,take a pretty incorrigible
optimist to retad thisprediction an
the history of the last half eeineury,
Every Town And
Village In Canada
Ilir, E. ' iiandke Tells How They'
Sent Ilint Back to Work and
Saved Ilh a cutch honey.
Vanbrugh, Ont., May 18-(Spe-'
tial): -One mere man has proved to
his entire satisfaction thet the of e
sure pure for eore back is Dodd's
Kidney Pine. That man is Mrs E.
Hasidim, a well-known resident of
this place, and he' is telling his
friends that . Dodd's Kidney .Pills
saved him much lost time, and suf-
fering as well.
• t `I was laid up with sore back,"
Mr. Handke nays. "At times I, was
not able to get up in"the nnorning.
Blit by the time I had: taken one
box of Dodd's Kidney Pills 1 found
that the pain was, getting less, and
by the, time I had taken six boxes,
I was all right and able to go to
week again.
"1 want to say to any man who
suffers from sore back that Dodd:'s
Kidney Pills are the only remedy
X would recommend. •"" They saved
me a large (tester's bill and puch
lost time."
Sore back is one of the sy tom's
of Kidney Disease. The n
way to cure it is to cure the sick
Kidney's•. Dodd's Kidney Pills cure
sick Kidneys. If youhaven't tried
them yourself, ask your neighbors.
Every neighborhood in Canada has
some man or woman who -haps been
cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills,
Then Eat Lobster -Novel Advice
Peptonized milk and paancreaatized
cereals for chi:Idmea and green vege-
tables,and fruit for •,people with
bier -active slaomaachs have just been
roundly denounced by a famous
British officer named Wee Soltau
Fenwick in_a lecture,on indigestion
rt the'"In,stittnte of Hygiene. He put
in a good word for the lobster, and
remarked that the oveleaotave sto-
mach, apt to ''produce an over-
secretion. of acid, was aseriious
cause Qf indigestion, and was pos.:
sessed by many J�andoners.
Dr. Fenwick gave the following
advice to busy and: energetic men
who, suffer from this' cause: Tire
subatanoeswhich almost invariably
disagree are green vegetables " and
fruits; though the starchy varieties,
such : as - potato, cauliflower, sea -
kale, and asparagus are not so ob-
feetionable. .All forms of animal
ood, with .the possible single camp-
tionsof salt -beef, veil and pork, are
easilf digested by the over-,aotave
stomach, and the same may be asasd
of bread, biscuits, porridge and the
various materials •such as rice, tapi-
oca, •sago. Fresh cheese is easily
dissolved by -the acid •gastrio juke,
and the much maligned lobster
terms an agreeable and wholesome
variation in the dietary." The use
of tonics and.stimulaants was sarong-
ly condemned for all over -powerful
stomach's such .Kae are to be found
among cman.
Glow`'ot'Health Speaks for Postuin.
it, requires no scientific" training
to discover wheather, tea and :coffee
Simply Stop both for a time, and
use •Psostum instead, then note the
beneficial, effects, The truth will
"Six years ago aI was in a, very
bad condition," 'writes a lady. . "I
suffered from indigestion, nervous-
ness and insomnia.
"I ws>rs then -an inveterate coffee
drinker, blur it was long before I
could be persuaded that it was cof-
fee that hurt me: Finally I decided
to leave ib off afew days and find
opt the truth." . (Tea is just as in-
jurious because it contains' the
same drug, caffeine.)
"The first moaning I .left off coffee
I had a raging headache, so I de-
cided I mast shave something to
take the place of coffee." (The head -
aerie w•as•''mussed by the reaction of
the coffee drug --caffeine•)
`Having s heard of Postum
through a friend who used it, I
bought a package and triiaed it. 1
did not like at cut first, but after I
learned how to make it right, ac-
cording to .directions on pkg., I
would not change 'back to coffee for
"When I began to use Postural' 1r
weighed only 117 lbs, Now I weigh
170, and as ? have not harken any
tonic in that time I own only a,ttri-
bate my present good health. to :bhp
use ot-Postum in place of coffee.
"My husband says I iktn: a living
advertisement for i'ostuan.."
Name given by the ;Canadian
Postnatal Co., Windasort Ont.
Pos,bmn now •coiner en two forme,
Regular Postutu mit:it be well
boiled. 15c and 25c packagee.
Icnsfttnl: Peeininb>-itt as •solubl:0 pew -
dee, 'A teaspoonful dissolves quick-
ly in a cup of hot water and, with
arcae and sugar, makes :adiliciaus
beverage instantly. e0e rind 50c
The f,
cost I p
• er min of both kinds c
about the same.
"There's a tiaefl.sore' for Peelleen,
--told by Graeeuo,
And Cuticura Ointment. They
afford a pure, sweet and economi-
cal'method of preserving, purify-
ing and beautifyingthe skin, scalp
and hair. For distressing: eczemas,
rashes, itchings, inflammations
and .chafngs of infants, children
and adults Cuticura Soap and Cuti-
curs Ointment are most effective."
Cutloura Soap and Ointment are sold throughout
the World. A liberal sample of each, with 38-page
bookleton the caro and treatment of the elan and
scalp, pent post-free. Address Potter Drug & Chem.,
Corp.. Dept. 71i, Boston, U, 8. A.
The l'elltlw Peril.
A_ 'schoolmaster, wishing to im-
press upon his class the great popu-
lation of China, said: "The popula-
tion of China is so great that two
Chinamen die every time you take
a breath""
T11is information made a deep.
impression upon his young pupils,
particularly one small boy ,at•. the
foot of the class. Hits face unshed
and he was puffing furiously.
"What is the matter?" enquired
the schoolmaster with alarm.
"What on earth • are you doing,
Tommy ?"
`=Killing Chinamen, sir," was the
answer. •
Taking Advantage.
"Have• o:.. an under-
you come t.
standing:with• my daughter?"
'Not exactly.''
"What do you, `Mean, Shen, by
as i g'me'to consent your mar-
riage 7"
"This happened to be such a good
chance that I thought I'd ask you
and get that much out of :the way.
I always hate to. have things on
my mind when they can be disposed
of as well'as no -t." ,
.Remeve Those UasIghtly Warts
By applying Putr:ani's Corn and Wart
Extractor. It cures corns, warts and
bunions permanently, painlessly and
surely. Every druggist in America re-
commends and sells Putnant's Extractor;
it's the best, 25c. per bottle.
He Was Curious.
"I " had -my fortune ,told last
ni 11tY8,.
Did "you 1 How much is it 1
Kinard% Liniment.Lumberman's Trion!
Not Long.
"Is yourwife going to be away
for some time7"
"I don't think she'll be gone for
more than a week or two. She
took only three trunks and a couple
of suitcases."
Minard's Liniment Co„ Limited, •
Yarmouth. N.S.
Gentlemen, -In January last, Francis
Leclare, one of the men employed by
me, working In the lumber woods, had
a tree fait on him, crushing him fear-
fully,. Il'e was, when found, placed on
a sled and taken. home, where grave
fears were entertained for his recovery,
his hips being badly bruised and his
body turned black from his ribs to his
on him freely to deaden the pain and
with the„use of three bottles he was
completely' cured and able to return to
his work.
Digin Raid, L'Islet Co., Que.
. The Plot That x'aiietl.
Dear Old. Lady -My good man,
what on earth are you doing on my
Crafty Old Fraud -Bless 'yet.•,
kind lady! I'm that hungry I got
to eat grass.
Dear Old Lady -If you go °roupd
to the back you'll find the grass
grows much longer Lind . thicker
GIVE CHILD 7l:JHmAIt'I' Disco I .
ttlleuniatio Microbe Causes -350:Out
of 500 COM
Rheumatism is a preventible di
apcoran grto• Dr, Paywho
leeearen recently at the Institute
ofygienc, London, By rhetima-
tison be not only meant the terribly
paiaizfirl disea.:as in the .joints, but
the beginnings Of it in JL%1e chip'
"Tho d cease rbeuxnaeitam," he
said, "I look upon as essentially
an infection with a micro organism.
-a minute atrcpt000ccus oz+ dieelb •
eoecus," He showed lantern 'slides
to prove his contention, Thea he
went on to point out ;that these lit-
tle seed'sof future trouble wee
sown everywherein our great citties,.
and that the first effects they pro-
duced were on quite young 'children,
mostly in the forma of heart disease.
Of course, rheumatism is not the
o icy-: cause of heart trouble in chil-
dren who are less than twelve years
of age, but Dr. Paynton's notebook
show's that of 500 eases in which a
heart was affected' 350 could be
traced to rheumatism,
The infection seemtstobe every-
where, but there are certain condi-
tions ,that make a child very recep-
tive, First of° ,a11, Dr. Poynton
puts poverty, for She . disease is.
much more frequent in early life
amongst the poorer classes. Next
conies heredity, and after than cli-
mate. He sloes not fa -1111k that diet
has any bearing upon the.causaataion
of disease in childhood, though pos-
sibly later in life it may produce
spine alteration in the behaviour of
the infection.
Will Quickly Cure
Arty Sour Stomach
Relieves Fullness After Meals..
"When I' was working around the
farm last winter, I had au attack of in-
flammation," writes Mr. E. P. Dawkins,
of Port Richmond. "I was weak for a
long time, but well enough to work
until spring. But something went.
wrong with my bowels for I had to use
salts • or physic all the time, My
stomach kept sour, and always after
eating there 'vas pain and fumes:;, and
all the symptoms "of intestinal indi-
gestion. •Nothing helped me until I+
used Dr. Hamilton's .Pills. Instead of
hurting, like other •pills,, they acted
very mildly, and seemed to heal the
bowels, I did not require large doses
to get results with. Dr. Hamilton's' Pills,
and feel so glad that I have found a
mild yet certain. remedy: To -day I am
well -no pain, no sour stomach, a
good appetite, able to digest anything.
This is a whole lot of good for one
-medicine to do, and .1 can say Dr.
Hamilton's Pills are the best pills, and
my letter, I am sure, proves it.
Refuse a substitute for Dr. Harter
ton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut,
sold in yellow boxes, 25c. Ail dealers,
or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston,
,Aok for StInaz'd'e and take no other.
"Well, we1l1' exclaimed the
nearesighthd men as he 'sank into
an easy 'o.Yaxs, "The fashions in
tvomens & keep on gelling
8 �
slimmer around the anklet:, don't
the;Y ?" `iJhat isn't a fashion Mae
ga'zlnc,to exclanneid his wife, sharp-
ly, "That's a.sccd' catalogue. What
You're "looking -at is • a pleture of .n.
Mi ord'e tlninttnt 'need by Ph:yslciltnal,
;1). 4. ISSUE 21
Prinee Led Blind.
Apropos of the recent anecdote
of one of the British Cabinet Min-
isters leading a blind man across a
crowded street, it may be recalled
that the late King, when P<riinee of
Wales, once performed the like
charitable action for a, blind fiddler
in Pall Mall. Perceiving that the
man was desirous of getting to the
other side, the Prince, who was
about to, crows from the Marlbor-
ough Club to his own residence;
quaetly took him by the arm and
convoyed him safely to the pave-
ment opposite, bestowing a. coin be-
fore parting with him.
Of 'Course Not.
"I can't find my wrench," bawl-
ed the plumber.
"You waste a good deal of time
looking for your toots, criticized
the bookkeeper of the establish -
anent. "Now, 1 'always know where
to find nay pen."
"Well, a fellow can't stick his
monkey wrench behind his ear,
Try Murine Eye Remedy
If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes
or Granulated Eyelids. Doeseit Smart
.-Soothes Eye Pain. Drugggists. Sell,
Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50e,
Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes,
?5c, 50c.' Eye Books Free by Mail.
An Eye Tonic hood for Ad Ryon that Need ciao
Murine Eye It.emody Co.. Chicago
Highest grade beans kept whole
and mealy by perfect baking,
retaining their full strength.'
Flavored with, delicious sauces.
They Mira no equal.
H. W. OAWSON, Ninety Cotpor❑a Streit,
Y oS alt.
�• Fruit; StooDk.awtlsonrafu,, errBnunpDaiton. ry oFrarm31.
tante 1Y. W,
Colborne Rt., "Toronto.
N. W. OAWSON, Colborne ®t.,-.7oront4.
()op BsineYor. kiCoucnotn.eSetiaotne n' erPranBon9
=4,000, Terme liberal. Wilson Publishe
ing Company. 73 West Adelaide Street,
!I ANCEB, 2va]OAS. 7.aUgln. r:ru.,
IIJJ internal and external, cured With.
oat .path by .our hoarse treatment. Writ*
no before too late. Dr. ,Hellanan Modica.
Ce., Limited. Celtinareood. Ont
Corporal -Major Grainger Showell
Hing a Few Tricks.
Among those nto displayed their
prowess before the King at the sec-
ond Life Guards' aesault-_atearinss
recently was Corporal Major
Grainger, says the Yorkshire Even-
ing Post. He 'lieswon the title of
the best man of arms (dismounted)
in the army. Perhaps the best of
his performannees is the one that
may be termed tthe razor trick.
He takes a, thin staff of wood .a:b.ut
the• •size of a brooinh;andle, and sus-
pends it resting on two alips.of thin
paper•.' The rails of paper are
themselves suspended on the cut-
ting edge of razors which.. are Heidi
by his assistant. The cw,poraal-
manor, with one clean ss -weeping cut;
slices the `: b'�roonihandle" in two.
and leaves the, paper uneut by the
Equally smart is another feat.
Taking three or four bars of leade•.
each about ten antes long and
three inches thick; he tosses the
in the air, ,and; as they fall, passes
his sword , through ahem with •the
facility of •a grocer cutting cheese.
has acquired a sense of balance
and weight that is, quite wonderful,
as is instanced when he takes a
heavy cavalry sword and neatly
slices into, -trips an apple held on
the extended hand of an uncon-
corned trooper. •
Naga Maker Praises
As an embrocation for stiffened
Muscles, sprains, .rheumatism, etc,, -
there is nothing like' Zam-Buk- Its ,
penetrating powers are so great that
it gives almost instant relief. • Mr D, .''
R. Gourley, of Messrs.:"Gourlay, Win-
ter & Leeming, the well-known piano
manufacturers of Toronto, used Zana.
Buk, and this is his experience:: "I
have much pleasure in stating that
two applications 'ef'Zam-auk entirely .
oured me of a very severe strain of
the back. While not given to the in-
discriminate use of, or belief in,
patent medicines, 1 can conscien-
tiously recommend Zam Buk."
Zam-Buk is used by the world's
foremost athletes. Why not give it a
trial. price 50c. per box, at all drug-
gists and stores. Zana-Buk is also
best for eczema, Bute, sores, bruises,
ulcers, piles, and all skin''injuries and
Safe to Ask.
"Do you think I can safely as1i
your daughter to marry me ?"
"I am sure of it. She ;told ms
she wouldn't marry you if you worn
the last roan on earth:"
Keep blinard's Liniment tet the, horse,
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