Exeter Advocate, 1914-4-23, Page 3Grain, Cattle and Checsc
Prices of These products in the Leading
Markets are ,liere Recorded
'Toronto, April 21,---0'1o1r-Ontarlo
tours, -$3.85, seaboard, and at
;3,05 to $4, TPrOri Maultobas---First
patents, in jute bags, 36.60;
•-••F •onds, 35..10; strong bakers', in jute,ba0s,1
Manitoba •‘vheat-ilay ports -No. 1
Northern, 17c, ..arat No. 2, at 9,11c,
Ontario wheat -No. 2 at $1 to 31,01,
,outside, according to freight, and $1.03,
on track, Toronto.
Oats -No. 2 Ontario oats, 395 to 40c,
outside, and at 41e, on tracic, Toronto.
Western Canada, oats, 408e fdr No. 2,
and at 395c for No. 3, Day Ports.
Peas -About 00e, outside.
BarleY-Good malting barleY, 56 to
52c, outside, according to quality,
Rye -No. 2 at 63 to 640, outside.
Buckwheat -SO to 83c, oiltsitte.
0Orp-New o. 3 American, 121c, all
,rall, Toronto, Canadian quoted at 71c.
Bran -Manitoba. bran, $24 to 325 a
ton, in bags, Toronto freight. Shorts,
326 to $27.
Country Rrodnes•
Butter ---Choice dairy, 22 to 230; in-
terior, 18 to 19c; farmers' separator
prints, 23 to 260; creamerY prints, fresh,
30 to 310; do., storage prints, 26 to 270;
:solids, storage, 24 to 250.
Eggs -200 per dozen, in case lots.
Cheese -New cheese, 155 to 152c for
large, and to 1610 for twins. .
Beaus -Hand -Melted, 32.20 to $2.25.
per bushel; primes, 32.15 to $2.20.
Honey-Extranted, in tins,. 11 to 12c
per lb. for No: 1; combs.- $3 to $3.25
Per dbzen for No. 1, and 32.40 to $2.50
tor No. 2.
Ponitry--Fowl, 15 to 18c per lb; chick-
ens, 19 to 20e; ducks,„17 to 18e; geese,
16 to 16c; turkeys, 20 to 23c.
Potatoes-Ontarios, SO. to S5c a. bag,
en track, and De1awares,at-490 to 95c, on
track, car lots,
V3! 0 V1E1102111.
Bacon. --Long clear, 15 to. 160 per lb.,
In case lots. Hanisi---Mediurn, 18 to 1850;
do., heavy, 17 to 1Sc; roll's, 15 to Inc;
breakfast bacon, 18 to 19c; backs, 22 to
24e. '
Lard -Tierces; 135q: tabs, 133c; pails,
35.10; strcmg balcrs' 34.90; Winter
patent, ohoice•$i"..25 to 35.50; straight
rollers $4,73 to 04.50; do., bags, 32.20
to 33.35. Rolled., cats, barrels, 34.55;
bags, 90 lbS., 30.15." "Bran, 323. ShOrta
326, Middlings $20. Mouillie, 320 to
: 'K
332ay, NO. 2, per ton car lots, 313
to 314. Cheese, finest westerns. 141' to
150; finesteastern% 131 to 14c. Butter,
'choicest crean-kery, 21 to 275n; seconds,
22 to 24c, Eggs, fresh, 21 to 2•4c; select-
ed, 25c. Potatoes, per bag, car lots, 80
to 900.
1 . — -
Winnipeg' •Cfrain..
'Winnipeg'', April 21. -Wheat -N0. 1
Northern, 900; No. 2 Northern, 8Sti; No.
3 Northern, 865c, N '
o, 4, .10 O. ,
78c; No, 6, 73c; feed, 68c; No. 1 reject-
ed seeds, 865o; No. 2 rejected seedS,
831c; No. a relented Seeds, 815C; NO. 1
smutty, 355c; No. 2 smutty, 8350; No. 3
smutty, Site: No. 1 recl Winter, 00c;
No, 2 red 'Winter, 88c; No. 3 red Win-
ter, 8610. Oats -No, 2 C.'W., 3330; No.
3 C.W., 3230; No. 2 feed, 313c. 13arleY-
No. 3, 441c; No. 4, ,4230: relented, 41c;
feed, 405c. -Flax-No. 1 N.W.C., 31.355';
No. 2 C.W., 31.321; No. 3 CM., $1.241.
United Staten Markets.
\ Minneapolis, April 21.-Wheat---1Ylay,
895 to ,891c bid; July, 905 to 901c; No:
1. hard, 92i1 to 94e; No. 1 Northern, 911
to 9230; No, 2 Northern,' 86t to 9051c.Corn-No. 3 yellow, 645 to 65c. Oats -
No. 3 white, 255 to 360. Flour and bran
unchanged. .
Eultith, April 21. -Wheat --N0. 1, hard.
02c; No. 1 Northern, 91c; No. 2 North-
ern, 92c; ontana, No. 2 hard, 90c; May,
910; July, 925c; 'September, 88/c, Lin-
seed cash, 31.553; May, 31.563; J'uly,
31•585; September, 31.591; October,
- - Live Stock Markets.
Toronto, April' 21.-Cattle-ChoIce
butchers*, $7,50 to $8.10; ' good, 37.35
to 37.40;"medium, $605 to 37.25; corn -
MOIL 35,10 to 36.70; choice pows, 36.75
to 37.39; good, 35.76 to 36,26; common,
$4.50 to 35.60; cutters and canners.
$3.20 to 33.50;. choice bulls, 36.75 to
V8.25; good, 35.65 to 36,50; common, $4
to 35.40. • -
Stockers and feeders -Steers --Choice,
37.15 to 58.50; good. $5 to' 36.40; light,
33.60 to 34.75; springers, to 390; milk-
ers, to $95. •
Calves -Good veals, ease to 310.40;.
medium, 37 to 39.
sheep and lambs--.7-Light ewes, 35.,50
to 37; heavy, $3 to 33.50; Spring lambs,
39 to 39.50.
Hogs -39 to $9.10, fed and 'watered;
39.20 to 39.55,' off cars; • 38.65 to 38.75,
1V1ontrea1, April 21. -Prime beeves, Sc
to 85c; inedium, 55 to 7/c; common, 45c
to 550. • .
Cows, 340 to $80' each; springers, $25
to 370 -each.
Calves, 35c to 75c.
Sheep, 6c: lambs, Sc; spring lambs,
..35 to 36 each.
Hogs, pi to 10c.
Wholesale seed, merthants are selling
treelea,ned seeds to the trade, on the 100 -
Ib, basis: -Red clover, No. 1, $19 to 321;
do., No, 2, 317.50 to 318.50; alsike,.No.
1, 320,50 to 321; do. No. 2, 317 to 318;
'Timothy, No. 1, 38.50 to 39.50; clo., No.
2, 37.26. to $7.50; alfalfa, No. 1, 314 to
*16; do., No. 2, 313 to 31'3%50. '
Montreal Markets.
Montreal, April 21. -Corn, American
No. 2 yellow, 79 to 7950. Oats, Canadi-
an Western, No.. 2, 435 to 44c; No. 3, 43
to 431c. Barley, Man. feed. 50 to 510;
malting, 68 to 70c. Flour, Man. Staring
wheat patents, firsts, $5.60; seconds,
Several „Ilun.dred. Killed in Fight
With Chinese Federal Troops.
A .despatch fl'.0111 Pekin so,ys
Regular troops severely defeated
etr-"Wthite 'Wolf'' and his brigands,
aeveral, hundreds of whom were
killed. #
The regular troops encountered
the bandit army at Li Chuasi-Hsien,
'bo the north west a sia,n-Fu,
till of Shen-Si.Province. They were
thre,atening an, attack ongiatitFue
Sharp fightingeensued, an-cl Pesult-
ed in the rout of the brigands, who
fled to a position 20 miles from.
Kien -Chow, ,further to the north-
Healy reinforcements of regulars
have been despatched to the steno,
and the larigand.s, who have pillatge,d
many towns and villages and killed
the inhabitants, are being-gr,adual-
ly surrounded.
A number of rn.iseion doctors have
gone -fee -in Huh-Sien and Chow Ohih
to attend the wounded,
, —
Note Wee Found Giving Direetione
For the Funeral.
A despatch from North Bay says:
The body of an unknown man was
discovered lying in the bush near
N,orbh Bay. • A note found near the
body weitten in. Eaench, gave direc-
tions foie the disposal of the body,
The Writer intimated he was sick
and couldn't walk further and knew
he was going to die. The dead man
is believed. to have been pusta,va
Joseph Pilette, a, Belgian, who hast
been keeping time on the C.N.R.
construction, as a C.N.R. time book
was found among his papers. The
body- showed no signs of violence,
and he had evidently been dead sev-
eral days. No money was ,found on
the body,
Nine Casco and Two Deaths Re-
ported in HaVana.
A despatch from Havana, duba,
eays : Seventeen city DISMES in
vana have been vacated and turned'
over to the sanitary department
fmnigators to fight the optbrealt of
bubouita plague t Two more sus-
,peeted cases weee reported on Wed-
Makillg a total of nine
°wee and two dewthii since the out-
break ebarted. No traffic in the n-
feeted area i.s, permitted with the
exeepeion of street cars, which are
eteaeohed for bandies ot passing
through the diseriet. Two cordons
of troops form a barrier to prevent
ingress into the zone which has been
vacateel by 18,000 pereons. A bill
IV all introducd in Congress on
Wednesday to feimbutee the bier
chards in tho affeebeel distriel, fot
the toes they will suffer. No un-
ettaineea i felt,
Fon, T. o N. 0. RAILWAY.
Strip of Laud ,Five 1ules Wide -Hee
Been Tteserved.
A .despatch from Ottawa says;
When the boundaries of Ontario
were extended so as to 'provide for
access to Hudson Bay, a. five -mile
strip of territory was reserved to
tha,t Province through the. new ter-
rithry of Manitoba as right-of-way
for the extension of the ainliSkaM-
ing and Northern Ontario.Railway.
By way of implementing this under-
taking Hon. Dr. Roche' has given
notice of a resolution'bo hand over
to the Province of Ontario, subject
to such conditions as the Govern-
meatmay prescribe, "eerbain land8,
easements and privileges within the
Province of Manitoba," and belong-
ing to his Majesty in the right of
Canada, required to make provision
for the 'extension of the Timi4karca
ing and Northern Ontario Railway,
to a port at Hudson Bay, at or near'
the mouth of the'Neleon River, in
so far as suet' lamds are vested in
his Majesty in the right of the
DO -minion, including such of said
lands as are school lands."
Met Crushing Defeat After They
Rad Burned and Looted Town.
A despatch from Pekin says:
"Whith Wolf," the notorious brie
genet, lost 2,000 of his followers,
killed or wounded, in battle with
the regular troops at Li Chum'.
Hsien, aceording to the official re-
port, .
The crushing defeat of the bri-
gande ocourred after they had cap-
tured and looted tbe town of San
Drank by Civil Servants in Ottawa
Since Typhoid Epidemic.
A despatch . from Ottawa as
The Federal Government's bill for
drinking water trona January 1,
1912, to March 1, 1914, was $4,253.
This information Was furnished in a,
return tabled -, in the Comtnons.
Since the typhoid epidemic in Ot-
tawa, Some two years ago, all civil
servants in the Departments of
State at the capital have been
*drinking spring w• distilled water.
Result or'liiveetigation Into Epi.
. demic Among lIegs in Quebec.
A despaech from Quebec toys:
The epidemic which has been re-
sponsible kr the death of hundreds
of hogs in the.p,arish of Beauporte
near here, has been the subje,cb of
inveetigation among farmers in this
diettiete and the conchisicie is that
the clisea,se is duo to the tooding of
the hogs with shipments of Western
General Villa and His Gasoline Charger.
The little Napoleon of the Mexican Republic, lila acclaimed hero and
man of the hour, whose fearlessness has aicled hem in driving the Fed-
. .
orals from Torreon, their lase stronghold, v inotoriet in the true
sense of the Word. Acknowledging the supremacy of motor -driven
methatts et' eraneportation over the old-fashioned methods used on
the battlefield eirice the memory e.)f man, he has deserted the foulfooteel, ,snorting charger. ter the gasekne charger, whidh covers the
ground with the ra,pidit'y of the steeel of Pegaeuis. His partiality for
the Motoreycle le due to the Success he lea,c1 with it at the battle of
Ojcina*ae., wh,en .'the motorcycle was used by him for cleepatch duty.
Durixyg the hammering away at Torreon, his mot,orcycle couriers
eoverkalathcenselves wieh glory. This pheto was taken at Villa's head-
quartexis at Juarez just before his suocessful advance on Torreon.
'emorials to Cost $1,000.009 Ap.-
proved by SubsCoMmittee.
A despatch from New York says :
Meraorials marking the centennial
of peace between the United States
ana Great Britain in 1915 at an
aggregate cost of $1,000,000, were
tentatively approved ,on Vednes-
day by a 5U1 committee of the
American Centenary Organieation
meeting in thiecity. The organiza-
tion's Finance Committee must yet
ratify the appropriations and eondi-
tional contractsernade.
Sumstoft front $35,000 to $75,000
each were set apart for statues of
Lincoln in London; Francis. T'arle-
rnan th6 historian, in Ottawa, Oat.,
and Queen Victoria, inWashington,
Free educational trips abroad for
newspapermen of .1,1,1 peal/I:tries are
to be inalittited with fifte proeeeds
of one of the funds 'available for
the tcennnibtee's use, it was an -
Pounced. Ignoranee of foreign,
countries causes writing, which en-
genders friction, while foreign tra-
vel fir newspapermen would pro-
mote peace, in the opinion of the
corninitt,ee. To writers of poems,
hymne and esisays extolling peace
and the -Centenaly celebration $10,-
000 in prizes will be distributed. A
gift of $10,000 was votecletto the City
of Ghent, Belgium, where the
treaty of 1815 was signed.
The Washington homestead in
England, Sulgrave`MaziOr,-will have
its llaztne 'changed to Washington
Manor, and an inelitute is to be
established there to further pewee
through lectures of representatives
of foreign cauabries. At all ca,pi-
tals, beginning with Berlin, a, anon-
nment typifying Anrerioa's message
of peace to nations of the ,woeid
will be erected, at a cost not yet
specified. 'Money also will be dis-
bursed to churches, schools and
synagogues 'and schools taking part
in the peace celebratien. ,
Tanconver Authorities of Opinion
Death Wits Self Indicted.
A despatch received ae, Bexlin
team Vancouver says: "That the
'woman who oommetted smeade here wesb of Cochrane, .by being struck
on the head, ber a, lathing -timber.
Deceased was foreman of a bridge
crew engaged in tearriag down a
temporary trestle which had been
replaced by a permanent sbructure.
A large timber was ,,dieloclgecl, and
in falling struck a projection, aad
glanted in the direction of Mr.
Sunstrum, evbio saw his danger but
could not :get olear in time, the
heavy timbee herileing and crashing
bis skul1, d e a th res Wein g nnineth
aibely. He was ,ta: resident of Ma-
lta -eta, where he tvale well known and
highly reepeobedHo leaves a wife
and three children.
Railway Car Equipped, With Exhi-
titbits Showing 111 -Effects.
The educational oampaign'against
intemperance has started with a
vim in Russia.. At theinstance of
the Minister of Ways and Communi-
cations a large railway car has been
fitted out with exhibits showing the
reeults of excessive indulgence in
aleohel. It will he taken all over
the railways of northern Russia by
a, le,cturer and several attend.a,nts.
The ear will be side-tracked at the
principal stations, and lectures on
the evils of drink will be given to
the railway employes. The lectures
will be illusbeated by magic -lantern
13. ide,s ,
eiteincreaeingly a,ppatent that
the 'recent changes in the Cabinet
were due solely to the desire of the
Emperor Nicholas to *strengthen his
campaiga a,gainsibee ale oh olism. Be
is determined to do away with "the
national vice " and he has instruot-
ed his new Ministers to attack „the
drink evil vigorously,
It is understood that the new Ad-
ministration propooes to redu6e the
production of vodka., the national
drink; to increase the penalties on
illicit trading, and 'to refuee here-
after to consider drunkenness as a
mitigating eiecuanstance in. cases of
crimes. Excise officials are to be
held to.a stricter aceounea.bility for
what goie on in their districts.
How the Government proposes to
meet the loss of revenue, on vodka, is
not known.
The government intends also to'
take 'measures to render financial
aid to small fanners and rural in-
dustries. The form of this relief
has aot yet been ,clocided, but it is
probable that it wilt include a, sys-
tem Of co-operative country hanks,
based .on the system in operation in
Germany and other Continental
jose Sunstruna Yorennin ot Bridge
Gang, Instantly
A despatch from North Bay says:
Jose Smestrum was almost instantly
killed at English Riv,er, an the Na-
tional Transoonbinental Railway
seven months ago, Was Mies Annie
Noll, ,of was definitely
learned to -day, when positive iden-
tification was made through person-
al effects shown to a friend orthe
deceased, Cora, Mix.- Before
committing suicide MiSS,, Noll de-
stroyed everything that might pos-
sibly lead to a clue, Ito her identity,
and for this reason -her disappear-
ance teem 13ee:61'11es so teens been
a, mystery. Before her death Miss
Noll. was connected with the Van-
couver lioepital as a, trained' nurse.
She ended her life in th,C Weebmine
etee Hotel seven months ago:" e
Local relativeade not believe that
4the W0711a41 CuRrinliaa,,eit sillicktte andit
atO oompileee inftfraiia.-
!felon. They hold' to the belief that
elle was mortleaed for her money, as
they state she iseastehave had from
-five lunidred to one thousand' in the
bank, viva foot that she had sent
hex trunk tie the ,station and was to
Iettire, for San Francisco on visit
to her sister, they maintain, is also
evidenceagainet the report Of sui-
Mies Noll was a refined and aft-
complisthed young lady, and was
popularly known here, where she
was engaged as a, stenographer
seven yeete8 ago. Mes, T. H. Calla-
han and Mire. E. Lippeet, ,stre lete-
Items of ,N,civs by Wire
Notes of interest as to Wpat Is Going
on All Over the World
Wireleee will ,be used 'extensively
On Mae steamers. '
Albert College, at = Belleville,
must elose unle,es $100,000 is raised.
The Allan liners Calgarian and
Alsatian will use Quebec as their
Canadian port.
Immigration officers declare the
prescot type of immigrant of little
use as agriculturists.
Sarnia will be proclaimed a city
by the Duke of Connaught on his
visit to it, on May 7.
Four hundred Hindus are said to
be on theie way to Vancouver trona
Shanghai and Hong Kong,
A branch or the Hydro -radial Un-
ion of Collingwood was organized
on Saturday at Coiling -wood.
Allan Wesley Weese died without
a naoment',s warning while in his
motor boat on the By of Quinte.
"Artesian wells have been found in.
Steelton, which are supplying, it is
estimated, 350 gallons a minute.
The body of a man thought to be
G. J. Pilebte, a Belgian, evidently
a C.N.R. timekeeper, was found in
the bush near North Bay.
1Vjalcolra ;Johnston, a merchant of
St, Thdm,a,s, has mysteriously disa.p-
peared slime Tuesday last; it ie
feared he has lo,st his memory.
Premier Flernming ha,s been giferi
leave of absence from the New
Brunswick Legislature pending in-
vestigation of charges against him.
Thos. Riley was 'found guilty at
.London of manslaughter in the
death of Geo, Blackburn, bartender
at the Hotel Cecil. et
The Ontario -Niagara 'Connecting
Bridge Co. is applying for incorpor-
ation, to build , another bridge
across the Niagara. above Queens -
Manila is to bent, port of ,call. for
the Caaaeltitan Pacific Railway Em-
presses, the time from. North Amer-
ica being out clown to seventeen
A jury in the London Assize
Court awarded Mrs. Alice Eckardt
$200 damages against the Smallman
.& Ingram Company 10,r wrongful
-,seazeh of her person. ,. .
Woodstock •City Council has de-
eidiecl to send James Wallaoe, K.
C., at present acting judge,to Ot-
tawa, to urge, the dovernment to
grant free city mail delivery.
The Fecieral Government is pre-
pared to give Ontario a right-of-
way for the extension of the Timis -
keening & Northern Ontario Rail-
way to Port Nelson on Hudson Bay.
' Sir Franeois Lasigelier, Lienten-
ant-Governoe of Quebec, speaking
at Morrin College, warmly defended
the Boy Scouts organzatten, resent
ng statements made by La Verte.
George I. Hamm, formerly of
Napa,nee, manager of ea Mexican
bank which failed, after which he
was imprisoned in Mexico, • was
killed in ,an accident while"rootoring
Store Beeper Demanded Beer
fertt an Operation.
A despatch fem. Montreal says :
When brought to tho Neitre Dame
aospital ailth II bullet in his right
temple, Donat Fugeee, a store.
keeper in Viativille, osked the doe -
tors tor a glass of beer and same
cigarettes, 'When refused -them, ha
tan ottb of the institution, with the
doctors alter liito dashed lobo a
saloon, ordered his drink , and
smokes, and only returned to the
hospital when he had drunk the
beer and had eonsumed a eigarette.
wzi,11 ]ns son near San lanuF,e0.
After Junb 1 the C.P.It, will run
ita faSt passenger trair.s over the
M.C.R. beeween Waterford and De-
troit., <tutting tWO /10U,r8 off elle pre-
sent run via Lenden, much of the
saving being by means of the tun-
nel at Detroie.
An interesting question as to a
SC11001b004X1'S control of a tesetbei
er's time on Saturday has arisen at,
Windsor, -arising over I, S. Clubine,1
one of the staff, undertaking to
teach a manual training ease. at
Amberstburg on the 'oaf day.
The British Government has inetial,
tubed proceedings -against owners
of the Serighenydd colliery in
Wales, where hutdreds of minars
lost their lives in h, mine explosion
in Ootober last, alleging that there'
were s.eores of breaehee of the Coal!
Mines Law.
A memorial wind,ow and tablet to
she late Lord. Strathcona in West:
nainster Abbey is a ea•oposal being
mad,e by a strong influential cona-
rnittee. The appeal is now made by,
circular to the Canadians resident
in Britain'.together with others ma'
soeiatdwith the Dominion, to con.
„United States.
Eight lives were lost in the wreck
of a schooner off the New Jersey
coast. ,
Eleven persons were killed as ;the
result of an apartment house fire in
New York, on Friday.
,McKee Rankin, a celebrated ado;
and a native of Ontario, died in
New York on Friday.
The trial of six medical men
charged with cruelty to does after
vivisectien crowded a Philadel-phia
court room.
Wireless telephone messages to a
Laoka,wannta Raileoael train iritee-:
cepted wireless messages to the
United States Atlantic fleet.
G mice al.
Wolf", and his baridet
band were severely beaten by Chi-
nese regular troops.
Six alleged wieches are on trial in
Sardinia, 'and startling stories have
been told in court.
As the result of a mid-air coati-'
s'on tveo airmen were killed at the
Bac aerodrome in France.
Hermann Ahlwardt, a noted anti-
Semitic agitator, died as the, result
of an aocident in Leipzig, Germany.
President Huerts.. refused an un-
conditiooal salute to the Ame,rioa,n
flag,4and the Uaited States and,
Mexico are on the brink of wax,
The big departmene store, "El
Palacio di Hierro," at IVIeiico
the property of Troii Bros. of Paris
a,nd Mexioo City, was destroyedby
fire the other night.
Was Arrested Two Months A.go Fol.
lowing the Death of Ins Wife.
A despatch from. Sudbury says:
br. 'Kara Sanel, of Sudbury, who
has been held at Sudbury since the
mysterious death, of his wife, two
irtOnthS ago, is to be deported to
the United Staees, fronaevhich coun-
try he came,although'a native of
Finland. There is doubt expressed
as to t,he sanity of the doctor, Who
has gained considerable faotorieby
through the investigation inth the
mysterious cause of the death of his
Inhabitants of I—talian Village En-
gage in Deadly Conflict.
A despatch from London says :The
Milan cormspolident of the Daily
Chronicle says there was a desper-
ate beetle betweon people living in
the villages of Urnito and Vallee.
chia. The fight, which was the cul-
mination ef a tong fued, took place
in a peatura.ge lying between the
two villages, Several hundred peo-
ple were onga,ged in the battle, and
they osed ae weapons shovele,
rakes, scythes, axes and guns.
3I11rderer Rilled .4.1t:el' Es-
caping to ,letis Ciimp.
A deepatch from Monceau, Na,
s,ays: The two little ohildten of
Neil Mifflin were killed with an 0,xe
in their home tine miles ;from New -
,castle on Saturday. Park Sobey,
evlio is alleged to ha,ve earrianieted
the murders and tiei have mad,o an
unsucces,seful attack eipon ttlie father
of the ehildren, was found dead to-
day in his backwoods eanee. The
outho4ibies believe lee killed himself.
A cynic suggests the three cruick-
est ways to send ,t1, inessage te-Tele.
graph, Telephone, and Toll -a -Wo -
Hauled Through Surf More ,Dead
• Than. Mive.
A despatch from New York sayo.c
The identity of the schooner
went asheee in a northeast sale
,near Long Branch', N.J.,- was es,'
tablished by life savers as the
Chaeles K, BUokley, from. Jackson-
ville, Fla, for New YOrk. The
'schooner' is a total loi
os and Cap-
tain Hardy, his wife, and all mem
bees of the crew except one ;seaman
named Abchison, were lost while ate
tempting to launch a rifeboat.
Atchison, who rernained'on deck,.
was teteetie,c1. by being virtually la,s-
sooed by a. line shot across th,e bow,
of the schooner frOM ashore. Ate
chisen get twisted up in - the
breeches buoy line and was dragged
from the deck into t,he seething sea.'
Life savers on shore then ran with
the line, dragging Abehis,orr up on
the beach, more dead than alive.
Both Atchleon's sbouldere and one
leg wcwe broken
Ateempl, to 'Ruttier New York's
Chief Magistrate
A eleepafeli from New York says
In the midst of the noonday ereevel
on Park Row ati attempt ;was nia,de
on the life o.t 'Mayor Wolin Putroy
Mitchel just as he was starting; in
his automobile for lunch from tale
east ,end o1 elle City Hall, by a
ahabbi]y.oreosed u.Id . nean ef 71
1 f )1n' e" bad
years, iv; io , o a le ne
'periet af grievances agielase the
Nlayote'a mode of administering the
city governinent. 'The • bullet in-
tended for ate, Mayor iniseed
Oliom but lodged in the cheek of Cor.
poration eloupeel Freak L. Polk,
who was seated a,i. the Mayor's I,eft
end who had been <,ve of a party
of four atecompanyitig the Ate,yor.
The Home Rule debate will not bt
calmed for at lease Lao We.418.