Exeter Advocate, 1914-4-23, Page 1RENEW es OUR SUBSCRIPTION
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With the Public Buildings and the New Residences to be built in Exeter this summer, our town is rapidly improving.
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Local Items
A delightful ,time was spent by the
large number �xvha attended the "Bis
thday Supper and"Calendar Enter-
tainment" in the James Street church
on Monday evening, when the Worn -
en's 1VIissionary Society celebrated the
25th Anniversary, Supper was served
ash the basement which was beautifully
decorated the tables being arranged,
so that each person, could, have supper'
at a table named after 'the month in
which they were 'born. Needless to
say the supper was an excellent one.
The program which followed was
very ,interesting,and consisted of
addresses; music' and drills, Mr. Mc-
Alister opened the meeting and 'salted
Upon Mrs, Wilson of Greenway, dis-
ape. ,nMrs. Wilson of Greenway, dis-
trict organizer, . to occupy the chair.
After -taking the chair Mrs, Wilson
gave an interesting talk on Missionary
Societies in.. general; Mrs. (Rev.)Kes-
tle spoke on the James St, Society
,n particular, three charter members
of which were present, Mrs, Bucking-
ham Mxs. James Pickard, and Mrs. W
k G. Bissett: Mrs. McAlister also gave
►a short address; the Infant class a
drilland. instrumental and y+oeal
music was rendered by the orchestra,
the organist the male quartette, and
the Young 14en's Chorus.
Wonderful Values in
Men's Suitings and Over-
The Spring rush is
now on & it is necessary
,.that you order your suit
early to be ready for the
Opening of Spring.
The Spring furnish
ings are all here in Hats,
Caps,Shirts, Gloves, Ties
Collars Sox, etc.
.W. TA61.
dr. A Marchand,, who recently dis-
posed of his-jewellry business, to Mes-
srs Lawson & Tri,ck, bras made ar-
rangements to open nip a jewellry.
business in _ the town of Waterioo,
where he will move with his family
Ina few clays. During Mr. Marchand's
nine years business career in Exeter.
he enjoyed a larPe and successful
patronage and made himself -generally
popular with all classes of people.
As a practical jeweller in all its
branches Mr, Marchand has few
equals. and the good people of Water-
loo wilt fincl'in himt all that .constitutes
a good business man—honest and fair
Id his dealings -'and' a mast worthy
passed away at her home, Exeter N,
on Monday last. Mary Ann ICestle,
wife of Mr,. John, Ford, at the age of
57 years 8 months and 16 days. For
many years deceased' has been a vic-
tim of Saint Vitas Dancer and as a
result she had been,, girt' a. poor ;tate
of health. She had, : however; been no
worse than usual until a few weeks
prevjovs to her demise, where she took
a turn for the worse and about a
week ago she was "compelled to Beep
to her bed and gradually sinking she
passed away. Besides herhusband
she is survived by seven sons and avc
daughters --Albert, Wesley and Silas,
in the west,,Arthur in Detroit, Hilton
on the homestead, Bert and Norman
at home, Alice in Detroit and eeora
at home. The funeral took place to
the Exeter Cemetery yesterday.
HURON LICENSES,—As anno„unc-
ed recently the License commissioners
of North Huron refused to grant a
renewal orf hotel licenses in that rid-
ing sa that on May,.,f.st . the hotel
mere must have their stocks sold. Last
Friday ±1i Centre Huron commission-
ers met to consider the applications
or renewals and granted all of then,
'for a full year, at the close of which
time the Scott Act comes in force.
Temperance people are not pleased
withthis action and have wired Hon.
W. J Hain,ne, to veto the action. iVIr
Hanna: replied that hewould stand
by any statement of his on the mat-
ter. Ii is expected thelicense hold-
ers will be given part of the year at
least to sell out their stocks. The
comhissioners of South Huron ,meet
this Wednesday at Hensall, when itis
expected that they also will grant a
renewal for a• year or apart °.pf a year
DIEL SUDDENLY, -The sudden
and -unexpected death orf • Cathrine
Kydd widow of the late John Row -
cliff came as a surprise to her many
friends here, notwithstanding
that she had passed the allotted span
of life being aged 77 years, 3 mon-
ths. Mrs. Rowcliff .had left her home
in Exeter- some time ago to visit with
her daughter, Mrs. Samuel Pym, but
had made preparations just the day
previous to her itemise to return to
her home on Monday. On Sunday
however she was stricken. down with
what is supposed to have been, heart
failure and in a very short time; pass-
ed away • Mrs. Rowcliff was a native
of Scotland and came to Canada when
quite young. The greater- part of her
life was spent in Usbotrne township
where she was best known and most
highly esteemed for her, many good
qualities. Her aged partner in life
predeceased her about nine ` years.
Shc is survived by one daughter and
three sons -Mrs. Sam'. Pym and "John
Rawcliff of Usbomne,• Robert Rowcliff
of Hay anid David Rowcliff, merchant
of -Granton. The funeral took place
to the ,Exeter Cemetery on Saturday
and was largely attended.
DEATH—From the Saralee County
Overseer, a newspaper published at
Croswell• Mich., dated Aprir.6" we,
take the fallowing,—"Wednesday af-
ternoor at about 3 o'clock Mrs. Eliz-
abeth Francis, 'aged 84 years, died at
her home on, the west side. The Inn -
easel will be held Saturday at 2p.m.
fa-ont the M.E. church, ,Rev, lira eis
officiating. Deceased was born in
Devonshire, Eng., April 15, 1830, and
came to America 62 years ago, and
Was married to Henry Francis,whom
she had known from childhood. They
settled in Toronto, later moving to
Huron County, Ont., and then to Sa-
nilac' county, Mich, settling on a tarrn
west of Croswell. About 9 years ago
they took nip residence in this eity.
The deceased leaves a husband red
85years four sons and four daughters
—Henry and John of Ontario,. William -
and Edwin of Croswell, and .'vlrs El-
izabeth Coward and Mrs. John - Flat-"
cher of Ontario and Mrs. Pauli Strafe,
ouu and Mrs. Win, Straffon of .J3uel,
Also 'Z7 grandchildren and 12 great
grand -children." Messrs. Henry and
John Francis, John Fletcher ;and Ar-
thur Francis and Jahn Coward of Us -
borne attended 'the funeral, returning
home Monday evening.
Ab who are acquainted with the
the publicity scheme inaugurated by
Baron County Council a year, ego will
be interested iii the new county Pur-
vey which has been commenced.
Representatives of a -Toronto publish-
ing house are on the ground working
on plans for a survey and a map, the
features of which will be the'correct
locating of the roads in the ,county
the improved or.. maim; travelled roads
beim; marked so as to alistinguieh
them from the unimproved; locating
schools and churches and showing
concessions and lots with numbers.
The map es to be made part of a
new Athts of Canada now being pre-
pared Messrs, 2., H. Soule of Toren. -
to, ane R. A. McDonald of C,ranbrook
are itt charge of the local work.
Exeter's population has increased
68 since thelast census were taken
a year ago.
Mr .Win Drew whd hada severe
spell oe . sickness Burring the week, has
improved considerably.
A number : of Exeter people enjoyed
a pleasant time at Mr. S, G. Lam -
port's, Farquhar, Tuesday evenng.
Rev Ousterhout of Londesboao oc•=
cu.pies the Main, Street pulpit an Sun-,
day Dr Hussar of Atwood .iccupues
the. same pulpit next Sunday.
The olcl dwelling of the estate of
the late Thos, Willis, one of the fsrst,
brick buildings erected in Exeter, is
undergoing repairs and renovation,
The Executive Committee of the
Basebale Club of this year will meet
with the same committee of last year
on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock at
F Boyle's Barber Shop.
Mr W. ,J.; Beer has had the plate
glass windows placed in his new eusi-
n,ese home He isalso erecting a shed
at the Tear. Mr. Jos. Davis is 'laving
the old Blacksmith Shop tone Joan,
According to the census' returns
of the County of Huron, now in the
hands- of County Clerk Wm, Lane, it
appears that this county has depopu-
lated by 389 .persons in the last year,
Lase yeah- the population of Huron was
50,979 This year it. is 50,590, Some
municipalities, however, show mcreas-
es. among then being: Goderich 1.28;
Exeter and Winghram 68 ` each, and the
Township .of West Wawanosh 2,98,
Count 1 met in the Town Hall Fri-
day evening, April 17th, Minutesof
previous meeting" were read and ap-
Letter was received and -read from
the Bell Telephone Co., stating, as in-
timated in, a previous letter, that
they are unable to comply with she
request of installing- a free ,phone in
the. Commissioner's house. The mat-
ter was referred to the general
council .who will make the .,iecessary
application to the Dominion Board of
Railway Commissionexs.
A communication •was received from
the Clerk of Bayfield re. Hydro Elec-
tric Railway. The same was.. filed.
A communication was received front
Hydro -Electric Radial Commission
was read and ordered to be filed,
Report of the Water and Light Cont.
mitt'ee re Thos. Snell's application
for water :at hi.s proposed residence
on John ..street., We find the e"ipprox-
innate cost of installing a quarter inch
vase and valves would be $53. We
recommend that the application` be
granted with the understanding that
-he sign "a contract and to oay at
least 10 per cent. of cost of Installing
during 1914.
Beaver-Harton-That the report of
the Fire, Water and Light Com:, re,
Spell's application, be adopted.—Car-
Hind—Beavers—That - _report re.
Bawdea artd Snell'sdrain be accepted
as recommended by the Public ' Works
Ccm,—Carried. `
Hincl—Hartong—That Mr. Terry he el -
lowed the price of 50 four-in.ch.. tile
used in drain on Victoria .,street.-
The . Reeve brought up the ,-natter
of agreement, mortgage and insurance
in connection with the Exeter Manu-
facturing Co.,, now held by Messrs.
Gladman & Stanbury, asking if it were
the wish of the Council that they :hold
same or they be handed over to the
Treasurer No action was taken..
Hind-Beavers—That the Commis-
sioner inform Mr. Beer that any build-
ing addition erected 'within the fire
limit be in accordance with Village
By-law and ,Ask him to comply with
Hayton—Hind—That the Clerk write
Mr. Meaner member for South Huron,
praying him, to make Exeter a Port
of Entry. At present; between. Lon-
don and Clinton, a distance of fifty
miles. and east and west for a dis-
tanceof forty miles, there is no ac-
commodatio;i scarcely in this respect,
and it is- very inconvenient for any
person living in this locality to get
perishable goods through either the
custom offices at London or Clinton,
The inconvenience and delay :aused
bes getting goods is considerable, and
we beg your honor now that e. ,new.
Post office is to be erected here that
provision be made for a Customs .of-
fice in. connection therewith.—C'r"ie`_1
T. B. Ler,
Cen. tralia
The seeding is progressing very
nicely and the farmers report the
land working very easy.
Mr, and Mrs. J. Wilson are visiting
the past week with their daughter in
Mrs Robert Baker and son spent a
few days visiting in HXensaall.
Rev T. A. Steadman of Ela,niville
occupied the pulpit here an „Sunday
last .preaching two, very fine sermon's
for: the Educational cause.
Mess Estella Neil is -bore ',tete!
spe,nding a six months' term at Col-
lege in London.
Quite a large number of horses
have beenshipped from town during
the past week and good prices are
being paid.
Mr Chris Baskerville lost one of the
best cows in the village on Monday
last firom a severe attack of incliges-
Messrs. Ralph and Ike Handford of
:.Vlanitoba arrived home orj Tuesday
tor visit their father Richard Hand-
ford, who is confined to the House
vite sickness, and to attend the auc-
tiorr sale of his property and stock
and iinplernents to be held Thursday,
Mrs Evans has moved into apart of
the house of Mr: A. Maguire to make
her future home.'
It is reported that Mr. Jas, God -
save is goiag to overhaul and repair
his home s and' when it is completed
there will be .something, doing. Lucky
Mr. Clarence Duplan is progressing
nicely and able to. be out of bed
Mr Ewart Blatchford left on. Mon-
day for near Whitby where he is
teaching school,
Miss Della Marshall after spending
'three weeks visiting her sister, Mrs. G.
Flicks returned to her home in
Blyth on Friday- last. Mrs,. G, flicks
wens with her and spent a few .lays
under the parental roof.
Thr. 'home of Mr, and Mrs,, W; G.
Reiley was the scene of a very
pleasant event on Tuesday evening
Apri 14th when a number of irienels
and neighbors gathered to do _hese
two worthy citizens honor before their
departure Liam . Centralia, by present-
ing the termer with a purse of $13
and the latter a hand -satchel, eon -
Lavelle x+14 accompanied by in •id••
d1 ess wheels was road a. -:ale, l'v rn,
Flynn aehne the presentations • were
made by' Mr. Jas. Flynn. The lore
pari of the evening was spent in dant
ing and, other harmless amusements
all enjoying a good time, Following
is the addiess
To IVIa • and Mrs. W. G. Reilly,
Dear friends,—It is with feelings 01
great regret that
we learn, of your in-
departure from our midst.
While you have lived amongst us you
have wcs'. many friends by your kind i
nese as a neighbor and your frank-
ne.sc, or spirit which your have always
To, us.:,it seems your life has beea
one o;' interest in others. We know
your absence wll be our loss, out ere
are wining in the .sincere ass:uran. e
the- your presence elsewhere will l•e
a gain to others.
Will yet. kindly accept these gifts
as tokens of friendship and nsteem,
not for their' intrinsic value, but fox
the sentiment which they express.
In conclusion, may God's blessing
ever be :your portion and may Peace
and Prosperity crown your ,lath in
this life anti in the; life to come may
eterrtal`liappiness be yours:
Mr, Reilly in. behalf of -himself and
worthy wife made a suitable reply.
Ma Jaccob Kellerman who attended
the Evangelical Conference at Berlin
returned to his home Monday evening.
Mx. Wes. Snell on Tuesday 'deliver-
ed a 1914. Ford five passenger car
to Dr. E. B. Balfour of this village.
The little daughter of Mr. end Mrs
Jacob _Schroeder., who has been. very
sick. is somewhat improved, and witb.
good care will in a short time be
Me. Bert Grazier has been engaged
by Mh Henry Bossenberry to assist
in attending to his house's.
The stable on the sporting grounds
is now almost completed and Messrs.
Bossenberry. & Klumpp are seedy to
train horses for anyone. They are
experienced men in this line and any-
one having horses showing signs of
of speed will do well to entrust there
to theta care .for development.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
John Schlunt which died on Thurs-
day night was buried on Sunday af-
ternoon Rev. R, Graymer of the Lu-
theran church officiating. The bee
reeved family will have the sympathy
of the people of this community -in
this their: severe trial.
Mrs. Samuel Baker received the sad
new • on ,Friday last of the death of
her cousin in Belin. She left Satur-
day morning, accompanied by, her sis-
ter. Mrs George Becker, to attend
the, funeral;' returning Tuesday even-
'W orkme,a are . busy erecting the
polee for -the electric lights which
the Police. Trustees of the village care
Mr. Samuel Beaver last Saturday
disposed of his fine 100 aore ,farm
in the township of ,Stephen, being lot
23 Con 10. ,to Mr. Adolphus Disjar
dine of Grand Bend. The price paid
was $7,300.` Possession. to be given in
March next,
Our Police Trustees have appoint-
ed Ernes'' Guettinger constable for
the village. It is time some of those
out-of-town smart alecks axe stop-
ped and some order brought Into ef-
Rev Becker has returned Nonce from
Berlir. where he attended the Con-
ference of his church. Messrs. ,Sate
Brown and Jacob Holtzmann also at-
tended the special session for afcw
Don't forget the Chi-Namel Dem-
onstration whi oh will be given at .J.
G Young & Son's Hardware Store on
Saturday this week
Mrs Hugh Girvin Wt for Saskatoon
on Tuesday. Herb Eilber accompan-
ied her as far as London.
Mr. and etre. Wesley Finkbeiner re-
turned to Detroit after a short Visit
with relatives here.
School started on -Monday after the
Easter .Holidays. Quite a ,ember of
youngster~ made schoo1for :he first
time ,loaded down with. books. We
Wislt the little boys and girls :very
Hy. Stei Lecher's and Geo. Lawsou's
hooses. which were damaged by fire,
have been rt'epairect
Ez ea Faist is about to erect .:a:new
verandah in front of his dwelling.
Ezra Oestreicher made a business.
trip to Toronto and Berlin last week.
The . union service given in the
Methodist church last Sunday evening
was well attended: Rev. Jefferson
preached a very elogrient sermon:
Easter Promotion Examinations of
Ceeditot Public School, --Sr. IV., lion-
sm.—Nola Geiser, Edward Finkbeiner;
Pass Aileen Jefferson, Lizzie 13rown
Meownlvin. King, Edith Guenther, Eli
Jr IV,—Honors, Elden Becker, Eva
Oesteeicher•; Pass, Lily Lawson, Daisy
English Alma >Heist, Ruth Haat and
Gertie Winer, egssal•.
Sr III. ,Gladys Wolfe, Garnet Sims,
Laura Eilber, Aaron Sweitzer, Erma
Broth Earl Hoist, Lorne Finkbeiner,
Pearl Lawson,, Alma Benedict, :rwin
Finkbeiner, Willie Appleton,
Junior III., Lyla Kuhn, Pearl Motz
Serverne Winer, Royal Hoist, Melvin
Sims Olive Guenther.
Sr II.—Honors, Trellis Hodgins, '.lass
Melinda Edwards, Royal Geiser.
Jr. Il:—Honors, Eddie Hedden, aPss
Mary Haltea ramp, Beatrice Hoist, Har-
old Hill ,Vernon Beaver, Nola ltaist
Harold' Taylor.
Sr I.—Pass, Charlie Holtzmantt, Leta
Kate 'Maleeda Shenk, Herbie .weaver,
M1tan Finkbeiner, Lealand Heiden.°
Jr I.—Pass, Idella, Sweitzer.
Sr Pt L-Vernie Hedden, Irene
Lawson Phyllis Winer, Melvin Ed-
wards Thelma Taylor.
le Pt I.—Beatrice Shenk, Vera Ed-
wards wards
Gill—At Grand Bend, on April 19, to
i'Ir. and Mrs. Harmon Gill, a son.
Wilson—In London, April 15, to Mr.
and Mrs . T. J. Wilson, formerly of
Exeter a daughter—Iva Mae.
Middletown—On "'Pleasant View" lectern
Lang ;Sask., on Tuesday,. April 14,
to MT and Mrs. Norman E. Middle-
ton a daughter,
Jory—In Stephen, April 21st, to "sir,
and Mrs Samuel Jary, a son.
Frayne.--In Brantford, on April 15, to
Mr and Mrs. Russell Frayne, a
Brintnell—Srnitlr-At the Trivia +Vlern-
oral Church rectory, on April 16th
by Rev D, W. Collins, James Alvin
Brintnell of Exeter to ivSiss Irene
Smith daughter of Mr, John C.
Smith of Centralia.
Brower—Neilans-fn Clinton, on April
15, by ,Rev. S. J. Albeit, Kate M.,,
daughter of Mr. and` MTs. Alex, Nei-
/ans. to Ernest Edgar Brawn, all of
Sterli -1VIak'ns—At the Ontario St.
'ung.i n
Church parsonage on April 15,, by
Rev S. J; Allies, Florence M:., daugh-
tea' of Mr, apd Mrs. Wm. Maki,os,;
Stanley to Robert A, Sterling of
Goderich township,
Harland—ln Clinton, on April 15th
Harriet Melinda Simpson, aged 60
Ford -In Exeter North on April 20
1VIary,Ann Kestle, wife of John Ford
aged) 57 years, 8 months, 16 days,
Caich-1 i, Clinton, on April 16, Eliza-
iza-beth Freeman, relict of the :ate
James Crich, un her 80th 'ear.
McNaughton—In Clinton; on April 10
Mary Moffat, xxfe of Mr. D. H. Mc-
Naughton of Stanley, aged 45 years.
Moore—In Clinton, oir April 13, Mil-
ton. James son of Mr, and :fes.
Robert L. Moore, aged .1 year and
4 months.
Tweddle—In McGillivray, on April 13,
George . Tweddle, aged 66 years, 11.
Robinson.—In St. Marys, on April 11
Andrew O. Robinson, beloved son
of Mr and Mrs. J. G. Robinson, aged
41 years. 10 months,
Rowcliff—In Usbotrne, April 20, Cath.-
trine. Kydd, widow of Jahn Rowcliff-
aged 77 years, 3 months.
Bruce—In. Staffa, April 17, Alvin, W,
infant son of Mr. and Mrs, Daviel
Bruce, aged 7 months, -.1.3 days.
McDougall—In Winnipeg, April 18th,
Ernest McDougall, formerly of Le.i-
can, aged 24 years 4 months.
O'Neil—Ir Lucan, April 14, Gussie,
wife of Daniel S, O'Neil, in hee 54th
year, •
The Famous Brockville
Canada. Carriage Buggies
We have received a Carload. of these buggies.
New styles, seat and tops, that will please you.
This is a particularly fine lot of buggies and we are
sure that you will be delighted with ` them: Call
and look them over. -
Wes. Sn
E2teter, Ont..
Where Reasonable Prices Prevail.
Room Rugs and Kolorfast
Yon will be surprised to see the number- of Room .Rugs we
haveto show you. Our small Seamless Tapestry Rugs are
fast 'what will suit your bedroom. If you went something
f•o1- your Dining Room or Parlor we have somethirn,g better
to show in Velvets .arrtl Wiltonis.
Kolorfast Matting is guaranteed clot to fade. It is. 36in.
wide and. sells at per yard . 50e.
During the next few .veeks your will want some of this
sanitary floor: covering. The patterns we are showing are
very treat and the coloirs are those that do not show the
dust, We have them in 2, 3, and 4 yard widths, Our price
is the lowest for Nairn's quality,
New Cnrrtain,s are now needed The old ones axe too
far ,gone to be hung again, We can show a wide range
of Muslens, Scriins and Nets at 15c, ,20c. and25c, a yardThese made very pretty window hangings. We have many
new Lace Curtains in White Cream and Ecru. Same ext;el-
lent values at $1,00 to $5.00
Wheat" a woman returns andasks for the same line of shoe
that she bought from 'you a year or so ago, we know that
she is a satisfied customer. That is what the people clo
who wear our Cushion Soled Shoes. If you have trouble
in. getting shoes that suit you try a pair of them,