Exeter Advocate, 1914-4-16, Page 3IMPURE 'BLOOD • IN TICE SPRINO The Passing of Winter Leaves • People Weak and Depressed • As WiUter pasSee limey ib leaves many people feeling weak, dePness" est and easily tired, The body lacks • that vital force and eriergy which pure blood alone c411 grv' Dr. WiDiams' Pink -Pills •for Pale 1,)cople are an all -year-round blood builder and nerve tonic, lint they are especially useful in the spring, Every dose helps to inake new, rich, eel blood. Returning strength coal- • mencna with their nse and the vigor and eheerfulness of good health quickly follows. There is just one eure for .lackof bided and that is more blued. Food is the material from which blood is made, but Dr. Williams' Pink Pills donble the valuea. of. the food we eat. They give strength, •tone •up • the stomach arid weak digestion, clear the oomplescien of pimples, eruptions and boils, and driire out rheumatic poisons. , If sou are pale and sallow, if you ifeel continually tired out, breath- •iless*. after slight exertion, if you hane. -headaches or backaches, if yourjoints aphe, •if your appetite faile, and food doesnot " 3uresse T1^ eoeer sleep refresh you, D. Williams' Pink pills will make you well and sv, strong. To build up the blood is the special Purpose Of Dr's Williams' Pink Pills, and that is why they are the bet spring medicine. If you • feel the need of a tenic alt this,sea- son give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial and you will rejoiee in new health, new. strength and new energy. Dont let thestrying wea- ther of eummer find you weak and ailing Build yourself up TS'OW, with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills—the pills that strengthen. . Ask or Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People and do tot be per- suaded to take something else. If your dealer does not keep :these PflIs theiwillfie sent, by mail, post paid, at 50 Cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by INrriting The Dr. Wils liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Stalked by 'Fifteen Lions. A massage from Cape Town givee details of the terrible fa.te which • befell a• Greek trader named Sae 'tams while on a journey from Ba,- rotses—s Accompanied only by a7 few • natives 'Sata.ras was travelling in charge of ,scme cattle, and '‘oric • night ,when they were in camp, about forty miles from Sesheke, fif- teenlions and lionesses appeared -*tit of the yertib and: carried off one of the oxen. The natives urged St - tares to remain in camp, but he _14? was anxious to overtake another • herd of cattle which was travelling in charge •taf a Man named Laurie • ,Kerr. All day the lions stalked la -se .cattle, and, darkness overtaking the party ; Sataras fell a victim to them. The terrified natives ran on to Kerr's camp, but when he returned ' nothing but a few -bones remained to tell of the tragedy. . • • Lady Was Wise. I lsave just been tokl, writes a correspondent eikthe London Daily Chronicle, tha, story of a • lady of title who lately heard.that a suffra-: gette attack; was meditated against her country house, Instead of gose ing into hysterics summOning the • ,police, and setting a guardround ithe premises, she quietly'forWarcled a substantial contribntion to the, :headquarters of the militants: `And ,now she feele safe. Even the wild- est of the wild women would scorn to damage property of a supporter. Stop Sneezing • Quit -Sniffeling Cure Your Cold THE SOOTHING • VAPORS OF CA - 1 •TARRHOZONE BRING INSTAN- • TANEOUS RELIEF. Thousands of Testimonials Prove That- ' Catarrhozone Cures Permanently. When germs attack the lining of the nose, make you sneeze and gae—when later on they , infest the, bronchial 'tubes,—how can you follow them with a cough syrup? You ean't .do it --that's a11, • Cough. syrup go to the stoinach-that's why they faiL: Btit Catarrhozone geies everywhere —gets right after the germs---kins seene—heals the soreness—cures the inflammation--nutkes Catarrh diSan- "Nothing 1 have ever used, gives the ,warni, soothing/sensation of Catarrh. ozone," writes Isabel Fry, of Seguin l'•r.s.ips, Ont. "I was in a frightful way milli catarrh of the nose and throat— tad droppings,- hard breathing, bad breath and indigestion. Catarrhozone ;relieved, at once and cured me thor- 'oughly. It Is invaluable iti colds, sore ;throat and bronchial, trouble! Not ,difilcult for Catatrhozone to cure, be- icanse it contains the essendes of pine ;balsams and other antiseptics that 'simply mean death to catarrh. Large 'size costs $1.00, and contains • two months' treatment; smaller stzes 25c. 4and 50c,, all druggists and sterelteep. 'ors of The Catarrhoz,one Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Icingston, Cenada, ALCOILOT, V. " /SUM her of Ex1eriment:4 With Beer And llinmory Tried, • I)r, Smith, of Heidelberg, Oer- Dimly, has recently conducted smile experiments whieh show how thor- oughly alcohol disturbs the mem- ory. A number of • persons •were given, three Or four glasses of beer a day and required to memoriae. , . e certain •sentences, ano write trisna down ots "paper. Half a • dozen 'ex- •periments' werc,made with each per- son,: No sentence Was .longer than four lines. The person was given the sentence and told to go and write it- out ; ,in fifteen' or twenty minutes another sentence was given and the Process repeated. For twenty days these experi- ments were carried on; The same amount of beer was given daily. After the sieth clety, the errors and lossee in memory increased,yid on the twentieth day the losses amounted to 70,per cent.; that is, in one hundred experiments over seventy of them were errors' and mistakes. The faults of memory steadily increased. The first day's experiments showed a. small aniount of error. Then there was a steady increase. • , This experiment confirms Profes- sor Kraepe•lin's tests of remeinber- ing numbers- and words. He found that withoub. alcohol one hundred .figures could be rerhembered after terty repetitions, an airera,ge of two and a. half muribers to each repeti- tion. With alcohol the same person could only remember sixty' figure's after sixty repetitions, an average of one number"for each repetition. This showed a diminution of nor- mal memory to the extent of over 40 per cent. •, In every ,day li,fe where accuracy of memory is -called for, it is a come mon fact that 'aleishol drinkers' are the most urireliable.Events. which the person had' intense interest in seemed to make little or no im- pression on the brain swhen under the influence of,, spirits,:• and only with difficulty eould be recalled. Even when rem.enabered they were distorted' and inaccurate. • These experiments bring out the astonishing fact that the memory, of all the•brain, functions, suffers most pronouncedly from the .use of alcohol. A MOTHER'S PRAISE OF BABY'S 'OWN TABLETS Mrs. Fred Tinkham, South Ca- naan, N.S., writes :—"Please send me another box of Baby's '-.0wri Tablets as Ido net care to -be with- out them. I have used them re- peatedly and consider them the best medicine in the • wqrld for litt-le ortess", Thousands of other moth- ers say the same thing. The tab- lets cure all -the. minor ills of ehild- hood such as constipation, sour stomach, colic, colds, simple fevers, etc., and are giiaaanteedto be abso- lutely safe. •&Jed by medicine deal- ers 'or by mail at 25 cents a, box from The br.' Williams' Medicine _ Co., Brockville, Ont. „ GREETED EXILE IN SIBERIA. , Woman of 'Seventy 'Who Suffers in, • ,. • ' th,e Cause of Freedom.' "Babushka," the Ritesienword for "little • grandmother;'' is • the half-enclearing, half -respectful name applied by reVolutiOnariee, to -lime. Katherine 1.3r eshkeyelsk, ,,•whose .rez • cent attenaPt-to ,eape • from her jiving yfinis in Siberia created such a stir. , • A large ritunherof RuSelari aefu- „gees' in London assembled necentlYs bo eelebrate '"Babushka's” seven- tieth birthday; and a wonderful story was unfolded by numerous speakers, marshalled by M. Karpo- vitch'lihnself 'a eelebrated revolu, tionary, who eacaped from Siberia a few years ago. • " Though born in a well-tosdo fam- ily, and married to a Liberal land- owner, Mine. Breshkovsky did not hesitateto forsake her husband and her children to enter the ranks of the first ',."propagandists" among the 'peasasitry. • That Was in the early Seventies. • For doing this she was arrested, kept in prison for, three years, and •then arraigned -with 193 others be- fore a, special tribunal, which sent her to the' Siberia:xi mines for feur ea-rs. In 1881 she made her -escape,' but wascaught and sentenced once more to our ears' bard •labor, with euisseqeent settlement _in Sir .beeia for 'life. •, . But no `airmenht, of ..hardship aid `vile trea.Went could"-hreak her in- domitable spirit, and in 1897 she simply took the train back to &la- s/a, and, ignoring the authorities, helped to estahlith the' Revolution- ary Socialist party. Subseqrsently She undertook it lecture tour to the IThibed States • to obtain funds for the '`cause.'' ' Her arrest in 1967 followed on the deounettion of the notoriona sPY and ag ht-prvoeateur Azeff, Ar- raigned °nee inore,=-this time with M. Nicholas Tehaykovekie-ehe was condemtied in )910 to banishinent to •Siberita's Though an old woman, broken in health, she Made a daring attempt to eacape in December list•' „ i . „ , ini.60 Nearly every man s w ng do his duty as he tee s it, • You Get Results QUickly. Wow:Anis- beauty is largely the out- ward expression of 'health, • flvery woman, with pale cheeks and peer.• complexioa needs medicine— eeede a •potent tonic to iogulate her system. To• tone up the stomaelt—to insure good digestion --to give- new life and vitalityto-the whoa system—Where is tpliinerse? realedY 1ik":12r. liamilton's piii4• enable you to eat what you like --they •oorreet con- stipation—make rfouiishing blood— instil force and viol into a run-dewn system, • ' If nervous and can't sleep, your re- rnedy is Dr, Hamilton's Pills—they search out the cause of your condition and you rise in the morning refreshed, strong, 'vigorous, ready fbr the day's work. Dr. Hamilton asks every weak and sdebilitated persou to use his Mandrake and Butternut Pills, They make old folks -feel young, and weak folks feel strong. Their effects upon insomnia and langour is marvellous. Hundreds declare they soothe and quiet the nerves so that a good night's rest al- ways follow their use. To look well, to feelewell, to keep well, use Dr. Hamilton's Pills.. They are •mild, cleansing, strengthening— good torthe Youngest old, Sold by all dealers in 25c. boxeS: TOVS 'WHICH ARE EXPENSIVE. Illanehesten thaardian Bewails 'En- . fortunate Fashion." The London correspondent of The Manehester Guardian has -been giv- ing an aecount of the enormously costly presents which it is now the unfortunate fashion to give to chil- dren of the rich. , - The most outrageously expensive toys :are calmly , accepted - by fond Parents as well merited tributes to the;children's •chemise, as visitors to eountry houses'especially at Christmas know tss-their cost. A small boy, who would probably haves been equally content with a half-crown box of soldiers, was re- cently presented iSith a £40 man- of-war, the donor's regrets that he had not been ahle to get" it com- Plete with _ guns (costing a solid hun- dred.. . guineas) being received with quite mild-clisclaisners,by the small boy's parents. The tiniest children are presented with sueh things" ai grocer's shops gompletely fitted and costinge small fortune, and expen- sive mechanical toys. Added- to this, the appalling tens- ion of jewellery for children- • has come over horn America, and the daughters cif American peereses and others •possess- complete miniature jewel cases and expensive, .if tiny, rings. In contrast, the writer quotes a description of two! of the children of the Queen (when she was Prinicess of Wales) plaYing hap- pily in the *garden at Frogmore with cheap spades end buckets, alth.ough -presumably they had any toys they could wish for. Every possessor of a nursery will appreciate the truth of the moral.. The over -expansive toy killsimagination by leaving. nothing to it, and it is just in the exercise of imagination that a true child so Much delights. UPWARD START • After Changing to Postum- . Many a talented person is kept • back beeause of the interference Of tea Or coffee -with the nourishment of -the body. This is especially so with those . whose nerves are very sensitive, as is often the case with talented per- sons. There is a- simple, easy way to get rid of tea and coffee troubles, and a lady's experienee along these lines is 'worth considering. She says : "Almoit, from the beginning of the use CI coffee it -111Ert my sto- mach. By the time, I was fifteens I was almosta nervous wreck, nerves all unstrung, no strength to endure the most trivial thing, either, work or fun. • "There was scarcely anything I could eatthat would agree with me. The littles,I did eat seemed to give me mose trouble than it was worth. I was • literally starving; •was so weak 1 eould not sit up long , . at a time. "It ,was then a friend brought me a hot cup of "Postuin. I drank part of it and after an hour I felt as though I had had something to, eat —felt strengthened. That was about five years ago, and after continuing Postunr in place of -neffee and .gras dually getting stionger, tb-day I can eat and digest anythina I -want walk stanniehai•I drant fy nerves are steady. • "I believe the first thing that did Mo anY good and gave me an up- ward start was. Posturn, and I use it altogether now instead of coffee," Name given by Canadian Postern Co;, Windsor, Ont • Pestunt now comes in two foems : • Regular Posiesui -- must be well boiled. • 15c, and 260 packages. I fi stela Postiim—is a soluble pow- der. • A teaspoonful dissolves quick- ly in a cup of hot water and, wills cream and sugar, makes a delieious beverage instantly. e 30c and 50e tins. The cost per etip of both kinds is about the setae,. • "There's a Reason" fer Poetaini. —sold by GreCers. • Pained " ' •on •' whiter ,11.1ne , for • wrappea :dIdal ' roughtowel come pp olidn',t • engerS big • wiaterl „thought • and '• lump that when opening: piece.' and had There was and suds piece to on • it.,, (Signed) . sold •"Far book, °kepi. W1THSALT Ltittips., Finger , and:Ointment liegere my when, in piece burned. thre on swollen "I . . take a r Cuticura a , hand My 1144 know sonaptirnes. lied satisfy. and and ,that ` X the svas map took with of the piece was by liberal send Corp.. RHEUM and or salt ler.rs, part 40 wittt much blood 1 would my They like sore of a w411 Tile still for natural of and band washed and the June Ointment everyWhece. U. Sleep. Soap riuniffi .EyerY my It that to take had 'with find 6ff. hands. pained a and pus leave five the ulcer worse. nay flannel. made with spread ha,nd. N week."2 5; with Drug S. A. Sore • • of tho work, uta 1 a woold to alt that my a Tiais 1 little after and an -cent pain 1 finger size a a (used 11 with. 1913, are 32-p., • & Eind Burned. Hard Couldn'filest Swollen. Cuticura Cured. „ dorner, N. 13.—R1 had for a good many baud would crack and to wear a glove to 1 wa.shcd in hot water it used to irritate so what to do. • 1 bad and rub it until the Many a night and rub them and, sometimes 1 had to scratch the oext morning 1 of skin. which. 1 had taken had tors on ono of they Nvere ulcers. They started just would be hard and would be a big bunch would be out it would almost as big as half couldn't rest or.sletp burning sensation. my finger this winter was more inflammation almost twice its Just as red as it pioce the Cuticura Soap it and washed, the . cotton and af ter ft waS Cuticura Ointment of cotton and wrap 'cured in a little over Mrs. donde Surette, Soap and Cuticura druggists and dealers- free sample a each, post -card to Potter Dept. D. Boston. • •Workman—I've sir, and wages. • Employer—Very but I'm dents that 1101plesi Gin Pills •'' • Mr„ ,Samuel says :^ "Just PILLS. could not ing- seVerely GIN PILLS • months ivith • Neuralgia. PILLS again ,.quite ,well." • - 60e. It if "you ivrite Co. of Canada, •.14 Judging • Rave preachers ' ''No.' . "Yes; -guess he her money.', • "Did ing a rich "No; living room ccst. at Not Up To lIim. gotten I'd like you to raise sorry fors only responsible for occur in the -works. married, my you, acci- By Montreal, for GIN .ago ...• X suffer- X' took well. Two Rains to GIN became free Chemical - new I her for hav- on the have From liheartatism ---. Give Prompt Relief Curing The Kidneys. , Longmora. of a word ofq prai.se. About fifteen months walk across my room, with Rheumatics. and became ouite ago, I had Rheumatic X, resorted for one week ana • • BOti, 6 :tor $2,150. Sample National Drug & Llinited, Toronto. ' by Appearances. you coaled' OA the wife yet? -•• - Have you?" Iesvas there yesterday. must have married ehe say anything about father?" but they have a rug floor that must least 140." I consider MINARD'S LINIMENT the I3EST Liniment in use. I got my foot badly jammed lately. I bathed it well with MlNARD'S LINI- MENT, and it was as well as ever next dat. . , Yours wery truly,• . T. G. IVIcMULLEN, Aunt (reprovingly)—Williee it that . the time?:' Willie—I of the time Try Murine If you have Rr Granulated —Soothes'Eye Murine Bye Murine , 25c, 50e. An Eye Tail/C.000d Murine Winkle good member Hinkle—"Why?" always house.'! Minard's ".NOw said a `'Have yoir must wis.rn you ever • "Ali!" ,ekelaimed thought When did 1 had paid , GO till One-third. yon are such . , ain't. I'm ' -- how is a bad boy all asleep part Remedy Watery Eyes Doesn't Smart Druggists Sell Liquid, 25c'50c. Aseptic Tubes, Free by Mail. that Need Care Co.. Chicago would make a Parliament." Winkle—"She's bills into the Burn. Eta. • to be careful," the Witness. a bankrupt?" "Again r careful. Did V' "Yee." counsel. "1 et it at last. 1" " After Eye Red, Weak, Eyelids. , Pain. Remedy, Eye Salve in Eye Books tor All arta Eye Remedy --"My wife of • i ntrodneing Liniment Cures 11C Carefill., 'I want you barrister to ever been was the ansiver. you to be step payment , the 1 liatiicl get that happen all 1 owed!" - Constipation ---,--- is an ene11:1,Y Within the camp, I t .will • undermine the strongest constitution , and thin the most vigorous health. It leads to Indigestien, biliousness, Impure bleed, bad complexion, sick headaches, and is one of the most frequent causes of appendicitis. To neglect it is slow suicide. Dr. Morse's ' Indian tteet Pills positively cure Constipa,tion. They are entirely • vegetable in comsiosition and do not • Stekline ' Weaken ot gripe, Preserve • your, health by taking • 1),Ies bil ck r a et° s " 1141006:- Root VillA , . „ , ED. 4. ISSUE •"iviulNsT woo Domivr PitL lir°t"K4':07041;4.?4ttnt„ alu'lle"61lye ilitir ne • If a guest leaves a japanese hotel without paying 111f3 bill, a broom is dressed up,..bie 'same is attaehed to it, and itis inverted As a sign of disrespeet, says W, L. Iiildburgb. COMpliiint, he •added, .is then made to the figure, and it is order- ed to being- the money next slaY ul?'alitaltntl,36"sel-:t/ebrellieleitg to be, and sacrifice a black horse if they Want rain. Paper amulets ,are used dur- g th and ersto rms , and shopkeep ers ab the end of eaeh year conduct, demon -dispelling eeremoniee. To avoid litigation the person who fears it hathes in the twilight on the fourth day of the fourth month: In villages wells are eover- ecrover during eclipses of the moon, as the people believe that poison drops from the sky at Wet time Pl'ee TitiiieheS in England. The free -lunch has never been properly tried in England --chips of cheese and very dry biscuits being as far as it has golse. But one comes across occasionally hostel- ries where the price eharged for a good squase meal is reduced almost to vanishiiag point. . Thi5 writer pastes every day twoestablishments that are tarrying On .11,- friendly war as to which shall give the, cheapest dinner. • As it stands at presents one advertises', "eut off the joint, • two vegetables, and bread and eheese, for 5d, while the other is a short head behired with "a good old English dinner for ed." a to Corns Lead to Cancer? As yet this has not been proved, but interested parties will find nothing het - ter, for corns than Putnam's Corn Ex- tractor, 25c, at all dealers. The Ecasiest Way. Joe—What is the easiest way to drive a nail without smashing my fingers? - Josephine—Hold the hammer in both hands. • Minard's Liniment for sal. everywhers Disguise. "What a - lovely eomplexign Mrs. Flimgilt has l'5That isn't a com- plexion," replied Miss Cayenne. "That is a disguise." Minard's Liniment Relieves' Neuralgia.. The Touch, of Genius. Sandy Macpherson started to build a small outhouse of brick. Af- ter .the usual plan of bricklayers, he worked from the inside, and, as he had the material close -beside him, the Walls were rising fast when noon arrived, and with it his son, Jock, who brought his. father's din- ner. With honest pride in his eye, Sandy looked at Tuck over the wall on which he was engaged, and asks ed : 'Hoo d'ye think I'm gettixi' on?" "Famous, feyther; but hoo dae ye get oot? You've forgot the door!" One glance round him showed Sandy that his son was right; but lOoking kindly at him, he said: "Man' .Jock, you've get a gran' heist on ye! Yegll be an arehitect yet, as sure's yer feyther's builder." Piles Cared In 6 to 14 pars Druggists refund money If PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure Itching, Blind, or protruding Piles. First application 'gives relief. geo, His Ambition. The minister was making friends with Willie, hie host's son. "And how old are you7," he asked. "I'm five," said Willie. "Ah, quite a little man I And what are you go- ing to be ?" questioned the mini- ster, who has been in the ministry so many years that lie now believes that he selected his own career in the cradle, and that all infants do likewise. "I'm going to be six," Willie returned. Minardai Liniment Cures Dandruff,' Surveying North Australia, Ca.ritain 11. V. 136r -clay, who three years ago left Melbourne with nine aseisbants and a. string of 12 camels to explolo the Northern Territory of Australia en behalf of the Fed- eral Government, has returned to Melbourne. For the past 18 months he 11E1,8 been engaged on survey work on the north eoast, printipally iu the vicinity of the Pellew Islands, where there is a, likelihood of a her, box being made for trade develop- ment and possibly a naval baee. Since leaving • Melbourne Captain Barclay, now 70 years of age, •has travelled over 5,000 miles and ex- amined 3,000 miles of coast line. He thinks the teeritory is distinctly a White man's country, Coinpanies Not Worrying. . "Noting Bounder thinks he is O- leg te set, the world afire" "I don't se e the iestirante ratet going uP anY' „ Lt, lg ettster LOr' boys to be boys than it is for them to be quiet, Ail. ready baked Ilio a Ilielityl nsealy aud full flavored, • Reeting only is ileCe$S4rY. FARMS FOR SALL IL w, DAWSON, Ninety Colborn. Strait. Toronto. JitTOtl WANT TO fifii OR :14LL A Fruit, Stoelt, Grain," or Dairv Farm. write 11 W. DiVW60ramaton. or 9 Colborne at., Toronto. W. 0AwSON, Colborn, sf., Toronto'. WANTED. A GENTS FOR WEATHER INSUR- - ance, low rates, liberal oommission- Apply, The Canada Weather Insuranco Clomnanv. Toronto. " ' NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE, elCOI) WEEKT,Y IN tiVE TOWN IN • York County. Stationery and Book Business in connection. Price °MY, $4,00Q. • Puldisha , Company, ,73 „West Adelaide gtreet, Toronto.. •• •' INSCELLANSONS. CANCER, It/MOUS, LUNE'S, ETD, internal and external. cured with - est pain by our home treatment. Write as before top late. Dr. Bellmaa liedies3 Co., Limited, Collingwood, Dot. • Si WI* R s ,..ESTA1340 1 Used-bystiecessl fut planters . , for over half 'a century Qur large and beautifullyillustrated CATALOGUE FREE A. SIMMERS, Limited TORONTO, ONT. for a Horse , save a horse and you -,;won't have to bay one - ..Don't sell or destroy any :-horse on acdount of • ' Spavin, splint, ningbone. Curb,SpralasorLanitaess. • Spend one dollar for a _ bottle. DAIL'S SPAVIN CURE has saved a great finny horses—has put them back to work, even after they have been given up. Over 34 years of success have proved its value. Mr. J. N. 9roodin of St. 1.1n, Que.. .a•rl s : "I hiLVC 'been using your %polio. Cute far many 3.ra xs, alWays -with eXrellentiesulls." , Got Koodall's SpavIli Cure at any druggist's. Prise, *1.00 yer bottla,0 bottIosIor58,00. "A Treathle on the Iforse"floo at druggists or from Dr. B. J. Kendall Co:. Enosburgfalls,Vermost,U.S.A. Parks the Purist. Marks—I'm looking for a good place to est. Do you know any 7 Parks—I know some good places, but they are not edible. Only One "BRODIO QUININE" To get the genuine, call for full name, LAXATIVE PROMO QUININE, Look for signature of E. W. GROVE. Cures* a Cold in One Day. 25c. - Jim's Response. Because of her own good looks, Mrs. ,Hateli felt she married be- neath her when she "took up" with •one -eyed Jim. For six- months she was faithful to her vow- nes-er to twit her husband about his deform- ity; then, one dey, her sharp tongue got the better of her. Jim listened quietly to his wife's estimate of himself, physical and otherwise. "Ellen," he spoke at lasts in his calm vice, e"you're my had now, but if I'd ad two eyes, I'd 'a' looked. furder," REMMBERi The ointment yod put ort your child'skin gets into thesyStem just as surely as food the child eats. Don't let impure fats and Mineral coloring , matter (such as many- of the cheap ointments contain) get into your child's blood Zan'. tolc js portly herbal. No pais - °toils coloring'. Use it Always. 50e. Hot ett Alttruggisit esild Stores.